Psalm Chapter 10

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[Music] shalom and welcome to via after israel a hebrew phrase which means you shall love israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr baruch shares his expository teaching from the bible dr baruch is the senior lecturer at the zehra avraham institute based in israel although all courses are taught in hebrew at the institute dr baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in english to find out more about our work in israel please visit us on the web at that's one word love now here's baruch with today's lesson doesn't matter who you are at times we feel very much alone in this world and what i mean by that is we feel as though god is distant from us now we know his word if we are in his will if we are part of his covenant people if we are serving him god is with us in fact the scripture says for a believer that he will never leave you nor forsake you we can clang that promise that god that he is a very present help in times of trouble but nevertheless there are times of trouble and we don't experience god we don't seem to be receiving answers from our prayers and we find ourselves at least in our inner feelings to be let aside alone abandoned none of that's true but we feel this way so in those times in our life what should we do well one thing we should do is turn to the word of god and not base our feelings upon what's going on around us in fact don't give much attention to feelings no cling to the truth of god and in doing so the truth of god will change your perspective and will impact how you feel take out your bible and look with me to the book of psalms and psalm 10 the book of psalms and psalm 10. one of the things that that we see in this psalm is that there is no inscription no message to the chief choir director no instruments given for the accompaniment of this psalm being sung or chanted in the congregation no in many ways this psalm psalm 10 is a very personal and private psalm one that one reads alone and those difficult maybe even dark times when someone feels abandoned and god's help his promises his presence simply is not being experienced psalm 10 when we read all of it we will find comfort and we will find insight that will give us a right perspective in those times of difficulty look with me to to verse one here again we know nothing about the author of this psalm but notice how he begins he begins with the word why and that is such a common expression why in difficult times we say why oh lord am i in this situation why is this happening to me what have i done to deserve this and we have all of these questions that usually we'll never get an answer to we need to hold on to the truth of god and not say why is this happening to me but how should i behave what should be my mindset how should i worship and approach the living god and this is going to be one of the outcomes that we learn from psalm 10 verse 1 why oh lord do you stand at a distant now this is how this author feels that god is at a great distance from him he feels as i shared alone abandoned so he says why oh lord do you stand at a distance and the implication is that that he's alone that he's by himself and that god has left him but we need to remember truth don't be governed by how you feel be governed be under the authority of the truth of god god has said i will not leave you i will not abandon you we are in a covenantal relationship with god a new covenant and an eternal covenant god is the keeper of that covenant it's not up to us we can have assurance so even though we may feel the lord is is standing at a great distance from us that is not true secondly this one feels as though god has become invisible that he was there with him and that he has disappeared he says and we take that first word why and we continue with it in the second part of verse one and why have you disappeared when at these times of trouble now normally when things are going well we just assume that god's with us i mean if we're experiencing blessing and deliverance things are are going very well in our life we say certainly god is with us and he is but when things are going difficult we say where's god well god has not departed god has not become invisible god has not ignored us that's what this word is always referring to a god who is ignoring a god who is disappearing a god who is banished that's not our god this individual because of his affliction and troubles because of the enemy all these things have brought about poor theology in his mind that god has departed that god has disappeared that he is not there false god is with us if you have experienced redemption through the blood of messiah yeshua then you can be assured the outcome of redemption is intimacy with god i shared with you many times that the the redemptive name of messiah according to the jewish scholars is emmanuel god with us so god is with us just because we may not experience that in our our our senses how we see what we hear what we feel those things don't don't determine truth how i feel does not dictate reality we know an individual went in for his uh annual checkup doctor says how are you feeling he says i am feeling great doctor was pleased by that they did some tests and they found out that he was very sick and soon thereafter he began to deteriorate with cancer and die so even though at that time he was not feeling the effects of cancer his body was reddit with cancer so feelings do not always reveal fact truth is related to fact let's press on to to verse 2. he says in the pride of wickedness and realize that these two things go together god pride and wicked activity learn this principle when i operate in pride that is when i put myself first let me say it another way when you have an anti-torah mentality why do i say anti-torah mentality well paul teaches in the book of galatians all the torah in one statement what is that you could probably say it with me via the reach love your neighbor as yourself that is the message the primary message of the torah love your neighbor as yourself pride is the exact opposite of that so when i'm acting pridefully when i'm acting against the torah what can i expect i can expect to behave wickedly and that wickedness is going to be directed at other individuals look carefully at verse 2 he says in the pride of wickedness he will persecute he will pursue for the purpose of of of afflicting suffering upon who well the next word is the hebrew word ani with an i that means one who is poor one who has been impoverished one who is afflicted and here's the the message someone who is prideful he is going to behave wickedly and who is that wickedness going to be aimed at those who are vulnerable this word ani speaks about those who lack lack resources lack ability lack things and therefore because of what they lack they are easily exploited and it's pride that that discerns there's that one he's in need he he doesn't have much and therefore he's easy prey for me that's what pride does so realize what i'm thinking of myself first when i'm anti-torah what's gonna happen i'm going to act in wickedness and that wickedness is going to be oppressive towards other individuals second part of verse 2 it says here ye this is a word it's the nephil what is the nephal about well the nephil speaks of the passive so they will be seized when you are prideful when you are behaving wickedly what's going to happen in the end what's your future it says here such people they are going to be seized by the plans that they have devised their thoughts i'm reminded of another scripture where it speaks about those who who lie awake in their beds and they're waiting for the next day they can hardly wait for tomorrow because they have these plans of of of achieving achieving at the expenses of others how does a true man of god a true woman of god think in the night they may lay upon their beds thinking who can i bless tomorrow who am i going to encounter that i could help that i could assist that i could act in a way that is going to be a testimony that i belong to the living god this god who loves this god who is compassionate this god who is indeed a help that's what we should be staying up at night thinking about but not these these have plans and these plans are going to seize them in the end and be the catalyst for their own demise that's what the promise of verse 2 is telling us look now to verse 3 it talks about the wicked one who praises who's excited who's happy who praises thee now tava is a word for want desire it's a word of passion it's a word of of lust so this one notice what it says here this one who has the the lust of his his very being this one is praising what wickedness he's wicked and he's praising the wickedness which is all about achieving the lust of his flesh rather than praising god who commands us to do that which is good that which is holy that which is righteous make no mistake about it and and we get a lot of negative emails with false accusations that we are legalistic we're not legalistic we know it's by grace that one has been saved but we believe in all the counsel of god's word and his commandments although we are not under the punishment of the law now hear what is being said many people don't understand what it says were not under the law what does that mean that all the wisdom of the law we just want to get rid of all the message what god said just ignore that that's no longer relevant today that is exactly how satan wants a person to think and that's why when there's individual to say that we need to unhitch the new testament from the law from the the old testament such a person is deceived such a person is pursuing pride he wants to exalt himself and be popular rather than simply being a mouthpiece for the word of god what the scripture tells us very clearly is this in the book of galatians that the commandment is like a tutor for an adolescent individual a young person and when that person grows up he becomes responsible that tutor is not going to punish him that tudor's no longer over him guiding him and such but let me ask you a question what the tutor taught what the tutor instilled within that young individual is it no longer relevant is it you get a certain age and just cast these things aside they're no longer good obviously that's not the case it's now this one has graduated he has matured where he knows and he's responsible to live according to what the tutor taught him as a child and as an adolescent so don't take the wisdom of the commandments of god and say there's no longer relevance there is always relevance those who walk in the spirit is going to be demonstrating the relevance relevance and the righteousness of the law so in a very very real way it is the one who is being instructed by the commandments that they're going to understand the expectations of god the will of god the behavior of god because messiah kept the commandments and therefore we to to have a proper testimony we are going to be demonstrating the wisdom the righteousness the truth of the law not doing like these individuals who do what they pursue the lusts of their flesh and they hate the things of god look at the end of verse 3. they do something else what's that well the word barack here is the word for for blessing and what are they blessing well the word here is the word for getting profit and that's what some are all about if you get a profit that is if you achieve what you want then then you're blessed not necessarily there's a lot of people that achieve exactly what they want and they're the most miserable of individuals think about how many people who are in hollywood who have great wealth and what do they do they end their life you say well it wasn't intentional well maybe it wasn't but they were taking drugs and they took more drugs and more drugs and more drugs until it killed them why they were trying to escape they weren't finding satisfaction see when you're putting things into you it's because you feel a lacking you're trying to get something but when you are one in spirit meaning that you're living in the spirit of god following him listening to him you're not going to be wanting to to receive you're going to find the joy in giving and that's why it says here this one who's misguided he is blessing prophet and what does it say he reviles god he doesn't want anything to do with the things of god what he sees as blessings is god's uh uh what god says is not appropriate verse verse 4. the wicked one in the heights of his anger now that's exactly what it says rashad this has to do with wickedness the wicked individual and it says ke gova what is gova gova's height and apollo the word af is is in this case is anger so wickedness in the heights of anger what does that teach us a very important principle and that is this when i live in wickedness what's wickedness the the violations of the commandments of god that's how we know what wicked is it's not based upon my standards your standards some standards of society it's based upon the truth of scripture the laws of god so when someone behaves wickedly when someone is wicked what are they they are angry and they are going to get more angry and more angry and more angry that's why it says here the word of god is simple it says the the wickedness or the wicked one as the heights of his anger what is he going to do it says what is that rosh means to to seek something he he's not going to seek anger causes him not to seek that which is good not to have an expectation of that which is right anger causes him to just destroy to break through every standard every barrier every boundary that society has he's going to do what is right in his own eyes and this is why he says keep going on it's an elohim which means in his plans there is no god so he's not going to seek god he's not going to expect anything from god because his plans have taken into account there is no god and this is becoming very very attractive now we're in psalm 10 and in a month we're going to be in psalm 14. i just want to give you a little preview we'll come back to this in four weeks but when it says in psalm 14 the fool has said there is no god and that's why there's instruction here when someone says i reject god there is no god i'm an atheist i'm committed to that that ends the conversation don't answer a fool in his folly and what we see here going back to our text this individual well what it's saying here is and this is godly counsel to us god is telling this individual that seems to be abandoned to scenes that he's alone that god has left him he's saying what's the the alternative the alternative is not to fear god but to be selfish prideful to live in wickedness to rebel against the standards of god and in doing so what does one do he says there is no god in all of his plans he doesn't consider god verse verse 5. now when we get into verse 5 we have to be careful because there's two ways that you can understand it you can understand parts of it referring to god or parts of it referring to this wicked one prideful one this angry one who who bursts forth through all barriers all boundaries all standards because in his objectives his purpose is he doesn't take god into consideration at all but let's look at it it says in verse 5 whether it's singular plural we'll come back to that but many of the commentators see this as that he succeeds in all of his ways who's that well some say that's god but others see it as a warning it is very very dangerous to succeed when you are in opposition to the things of god because this success this achievement is going to cause you to be more prideful more secure and it's a false sense of security in your own ability your ways and that's why it says look carefully at the texts it says they that succeed in their ways all the time what do we know about them well they say this marom they are thinking that your judgment meaning god's judgment is is beyond them and is not before that it's out of the way that it's been removed and they won't experience it and that's why it says here cult which means this and here again some take this to be god will do it both ways i personally believe that speaking about this evil one this one who says there is no god and concerning all of his enemies all those who are opponents of his what does he do it's a kind of and a discounting and he blows hot air at them saints that's nothing they're not able to to withstand me why because this one succeeds in all of his ways he thinks that because he has been full of achievements achievements now others will say god is the one who who succeeds always and therefore it's it's your standards oh god that that is going to be before them now he thinks it's not and it's god who kind of blows air at all of his enemies saying they're not going to achieve something so you need to do a very thorough study of verse 5 but for the sake of time move to verse 6 verse 6 is undeniably speaking about this this one who is rebellious this one who's rooted in pride and angry for he says in his heart i will not be moved from generation to generation he says basically there won't be any evil eve i won't experience that that i'm not set after that i'm not trying to achieve and then look at verse 7 allah is an oath in this case and it says his mouth is full of deceit and violence and it begins with the oath that's what he's committed to he's committed to notice what it says here his mouth is committed to deceit and violence why to get what he wants he's got to have it at all costs meaning that if anyone stands in his way he is going to destroy them under his tongue is trouble and a different word for wickedness or iniquity this is this one and what the scripture is trying to share with us is this we have two options and only two options that's usually how it is with god we can say there is no god and pursue and be driven by the desires of our evil inclination to be prideful angry people that are willing to destroy anyone that stands in our way and keep us from getting what we we we want and we will grow prideful believing that that we will achieve that that no one is a match for us that's satanic that's what satan we're studying the book of isaiah also each week when we were in verse 14 that's the satanic mindset that he is going to have victory over god that god's ways are not going to win out that is false that one has been deceived by the father of lies because of father lies has been deceived so this one has taken an oath his mouth is full of deceit and violence and under his tongue is trouble and iniquity or wickedness verse eight this one in order to get what he wants he sits in ambush in the courtyards now this word some translated as villages but it's it's not it's the word khatsarim it's a word for courtyards and what it's saying is that he is in public he sits in ambush but in a very visible way that's what he's trying to tell us his his deceit is so clever that it doesn't have to be concealed from from sight we read on in the sacred places he kills the innocent this is where niki the one who is clean or pure he goes after he wants the one who is is right with god he wants to destroy that what he doesn't want anyone standing in opposition look now to the last part of verse 8 his eyes are are looking towards the one who is is poor the one who has been beat up the one who is downcast that's where his eyes are he's seen once again how he can take advantage of those who are weak verse verse nine he sits an ambush in the secret places as a lion in the den and he waits an ambush in order to to snatch a way to capture once more the afflicted one the impoverished one the poor one he will snatch the poor and he with his drawing into his net so he is cognitive in his wickedness he's got a plan remember his plan does not consider god whatsoever and the one who is weak the one who is impoverished the one who is inflicted the one who's the most vulnerable this is who he's going to go after he conceals his real intent but he does so in plain sight verse 10 we read here and he will crouch and he will bend and he will fall among his power and who's this well it's the one who is weak and impoverished and in a poor state so this one who is prideful this one who is full of anger this one who is committed to his ways what is he going to do he is going to try to bow down crouch hide himself in order that with his power that he can cause to fall who those who are the misfortunate ones those who are the weak ones and it simply goes to show that he is purposely with intent going after the ones who are the most vulnerable and that is indeed the character of satan not the one that we put our faith in the one who sees someone who is downcast hurting and what does he do the man of god the woman of god wants to lift them up we want to be a blessing so we see these two ways of behavior now let's go on to the next verse verse 11. he has said in his heart god has forgotten so this one he's going to utilize his power to make those who are weak to be bowed down and crouched before him those who are misfortunate because he has said verse 11 in his heart that god has forgotten that he has hidden his face and that he will never be seen that's what this one is thinking god is is not going to be visible god is not going to act god is no more that he's forgotten his standards now one of the things that this scripture is showing is that this one is defiant and rebellious whenever god and he thinks this is the case all the time is not immediately seen whenever there is injustice that is is prospering these wicked ones these prideful ones these angry ones they at mass to that location and they do so because they think god's forgotten and they don't know who god is god does not forget anything verse verse 12. now we go back to this one who is crying out the author of this psalm and we are once more reminded of his thoughts he says verse 12 rise up o lord god lift up your hand do not forget the the humble ones or the afflicted ones it says on account of why should the wicked revile god and this is this word for revile to a poor or to think that that god is no more and notice the term elohim is used that he reviles the judgment of god and he's counting on that type of god is no more and that's why today many people and we see in this generation more and more individuals they identify themselves as atheists or simply i i don't believe in god not not the god of the bible why because they want to live unrighteously they want to believe there's no god so they can pursue their objectives because uh if there's no god there is no godly objectives therefore i'm in control that's what this this one is thinking he says in his heart lo ted rosh god will not sink an accounting and it's simply a defiance here of a judgment day and that's why this whole concept of judgment and and i think about these uh uh prosperity gospel people also these individuals that are only good news only encouragement and such and i i have a warting because there's one in particular and he wants to elevate the gospels and i'm speaking about the books of the gospels matthew mark luke and john he he elevates them and that's fine but he does so above that of rest of scripture that's not good but but here's the problem he really doesn't elevate the gospels he distorts the account of messiah he he distorts the teachings of christ why well if you read any of the gospels you will find that messiah spoke quite quite often about judgment about punishment and about hell in fact there's more about punishment in hell and condemnation in the gospels than in the old testament when you look proportionately at the amount of verses by far the gospel speak more about judgment and and condemnation and hell but these individuals they never they want to say oh we're gospel minded but they do not speak what the gospels say and that is because they want to distort the god of scripture why because the god of scripture is not popular today so be it that's okay because the teacher of the new testament yeshua hamashiach jesus christ does he not say in the gospels that the way is narrow and difficult and few find it therefore why should we have a distorted gospel a wrong biblical presentation that fills stadiums when it's not the truth of god god's not going to be pleased with bringing people to a distorted gospel no these individuals they they choose only half or a quarter of what the gospel account really states about messiah and is teaching and that's what we see here that they say oh god has forgotten god will not require judgment and accounting there is an accounting day now look at verse 14. you will see this is what it literally god has seen for you have speaking about god you have seen trouble and and anger and he says you have looked and in your hand you will give recompense there will be an accounting and there will be a punishment the word here and it's a unique word in in hebrew but it speaks about giving and it's a word for giving a recompense in this this context look again at our our text ready for the second part of verse 14. and unto you the the the afflicted one now it's a different word we've come in contact with it earlier in this this passage but it's one who's been impoverished they will what they will leave the one who has been afflicted they are going to depart from such thinking and turn to god that's what saying unto you the one who is the the orphan this orphan it says you have helped now understand the the correlation the orphan departs from the world way of thinking and unto you god they have gone and unto you they will find help that's what it's saying verse 15. break the arm of the wicked now that is an idiom arm is synonymous with power arm is is synonymous with deed so break destroy the power and the deeds of the wicked one and also the the evil it says the evil one let be sought his wickedness let be the outcome upon that wicked one his wicked deeds let it visit him is what it's saying unto the extent that that he will not be found that there will not be any future for him he will not have an eternity of being known but he will have an eternity of condemnation verse 16 lord the lord he is the king forever and ever and the nations and this speaks about those who have no covenant relationship those who are of a no covenant connection with god they will perish from his land and here it means his creation they won't benefit from the things that god has made verse 17 the desires of the humble ones you have heard oh lord prepare their hearts and your ear will hear now this goes on to tell us something very important when we began this this one who was praying he felt abandoned he felt alone he felt that god was so distant from him he felt that that god had disappeared but notice there's a change he's speaking out in confidence and in faithfulness he says the the desires of the humble ones you have heard and the lord you will prepare their hearts and your ear will listen in order to judge the orphan and also the one who is basically treaded down beat up those who have been oppressed and then finally he says last part of verse 18 there will no longer be again in the the earth the one who brings terror upon man now it means upon humanity when god does this he is heard he knows and he is going to move and when god does he is going to remove from the earth from his creation the one who who brings fear and this really gives us an indication of the problem of the psalmist he was fearful and when we are fearful what it's saying here is this when we are fearful it distorts our perspective the right perspective that we should have it's only with god god's truth that will see things properly and god makes a promise we'll close with this that god he is going to judge he is going to vindicate the orphan and the oppressed and there will no longer be that one that one who oppresses that one who brings fear upon humanity in the earth that one is going to be no more so it begins with a state of doubt but it ends with assurance as we remember god's nature his character his promises we need to realize something if we're having a bad experience it's only a matter of time until god brings a change and what is the implication of that persevere endure hold on to truth learn the truth of scripture because that truth will give you a new perspective and that new perspective will cast out fear and when you pursue the things of god you are going to be like it says here the humble ones not prideful pride leads to wickedness pride leads to anger but humility leads to obedience and humility will cause you to experience the joy that joy of the lord that passes all understanding that peace and contentment that only god can give you don't find it in the pursuit of the desires of your flesh you find it when you pursue the things of god and truly desire his blessings rather than the counterfeit blessings that are scattered out and abound in this world well until next week may the real god bless you the god who is through his son messiah yeshua jesus christ it's in his name and for his glory that we speak amen well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love again to find out more about us please visit our website love there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by baruch these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the lord bless you in our messiah yeshua that is jesus as you walk with him shalom from israel [Music]
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Keywords: Book of Psalms,, Baruch Korman
Id: hWxbSNOCgjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 59sec (2819 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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