Matthew Chapter 10 Part 1

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Shalom and welcome to via hafte yes Ryan a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Sarah Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel aarrg that's one word love Israel dot o RG now here's Baruch with today's lesson you if you are believer have great potential but that potential will only be realized when you commit to the program of God you submit to his will and then God will use you and you will fulfill that great potential but the question is this do you have a desire for the things of God I say so frequently that the greatest problem with believers today is this we have been taught a lot the gods in my life he stands in my corner and he's there to help me achieve my dreams my so-called destiny what I believe is right that's not biblical that will not cause you to fulfill the purposes of God the scripture that we're going to begin to study today is a dynamic passage it has great implications it did 2,000 years ago and it has all the way up until the end of this age and the establishment of the kingdom of God well with that said to get your Bible and look with me to chapter 10 for the most part what we're going to be studying is in chapter 10 but before getting there I want to review the last two verses of chapter 9 and this is why I speak of this great potential in chapter 9 we read beginning in verse 37 then he speaks to his disciples obviously Yeshua Jesus of Nazareth he speaks to his disciples and notice what he says the harvest is much now of course there's many translations which translate this word as plentiful and that's fine but literally it's a word for much or great in number but there's a problem but the laborers are few and I believe he's speaking to you in me in this passage as well because again even though there was a historical fulfillment of this it has an endtime ramification and end time implication to it so the laborers are a few therefore what should we do boy he writes therefore pray to the Lord of the harvest thus he shall cast forth laborers into his harvest now notice it's not sent forth but cast forth I wanted to translate it literally and this casting forth means him empowering him causing him bringing about so prayed that he would do just that and that you and I would play a role in this now look at chapter 10 in chapter 10 we find these words and calling before him his twelve disciples so once more Yeshua is speaking and there's an emphasis on that just disciples but his 12 disciples and we know that the number 12 is very important it relates to Israel and we learn from this we have to derive this from the text that in a preferable manner Yeshua's 12 disciples were sent to the lost sheep of Israel will see this because Israel needs to get right spiritually for God's purposes his plans to be fulfilled don't believe the false teaching that God is finished with Israel that he's replaced Israel you know who knows all too well that God's plans revolve around Israel for his kingdom establishment the enemy Satan and that's why he is anti-semitic that's why he has so offering and frequently throughout history moved to destroy the Jewish people that's why the world is against the establishment of the nation of Israel and Jewish people dwelling in their homeland in Judea and Samaria now I live in Israel I live in Ashdod which is along the Mediterranean coast one of the five cities that God said that he was going to give to the Jewish people from the Philistines in my city no more Philistines but a quarter of a million Jewish people that's a fulfillment of prophecy but when we speak about the heartland of Israel we're talking about Judea and Samaria and that's where the world wants to create a Palestinian state this is in conflict with the purposes the plans the prophetic truth of God so don't make an heir realize those 12 disciples they are related and we'll see this in a very clear way to the people the Land of Israel so he speaks to his 12 disciples and the what takes place calling them to him he gave to them notice this next word authority now this word exuse dia I've mentioned it before and we really need to English words to grasp the meaning and these two English words are the word power and the word Authority and here's the implication it is only when you submit to this authority that you will be given power to accomplish the purpose thority comes with a purpose you submit to the purpose you receive power to accomplish that purpose that's what he's doing here so calling the twelve before him he gave to them authority and power over what over unclean spirits so that they cast them out and notice what else and to heal every disease and every sickness now that description is very significant have we ever seen a time in history where there's no in this word any demonic activity and no sickness nor disease we have not but we have been called to battle that but this term realize it is a kingdom description we're supposed to do Kingdom work and the way it's written for shadows a kingdom experience and what I mean by that is this in the kingdom of God there's not going to be any demonic activity there will not be any sickness or disease of any type and that is what we're supposed to bring into this world we have a great potential but the question is are we going to fulfill that potential and here God's going to tell us how we do just that look now to verse verse 2 the emphasis on these twelve disciples and therefore we read the names which were to the 12th and here is apostles there's a switch these twelve that that he sent forth and the sending forth is where we get the word apostles they the first one was called shamone or Simon also called Peter so Simon Peter and his brother Andrew and Yaakov of Zebulun and also John his brother Philip Bartholomew Thomas and Matthew the tax collector Yakov of Alphaeus and libelous the one called Thaddeus and simon the canaanite and this probably means that that shamone or simon was from that land of canaan in a unique way not from jerusalem specifically but but at area where the Canaanites inhabited and then finally we see Judas for Yehuda in Hebrew Iscariot the one who would betray him these twelve Yeshua sent and not only did he send but see this next phrase and commanded them I realize when there is a sending forth when there is given an mission a call the first thing that we can expect and this is consistent throughout the scripture is that there's going to be Commandments given you cannot fulfill the call unless you understand and faithfully carry out the commandments that are related to that call and the commandments here are most informing look now to the next scripture the second part of verse five you're sure to Manning them saying into the way of the nations this is the word for roads so don't travel the way of the nations don't enter in don't go that way and also into the city of the Samaritans do not enter so two things don't travel the way the Gentiles go and don't go into the cities of the Samaritans now some would say don't leave Israel and don't minister to at this time the Samaritans the Samaritans were individuals that had turned away from scriptural Authority turned away from the full counsel of God and embraced a pagan tradition mixing with some of the things of Judaism but but not all they were a confused people that had rejected the authority of Jerusalem and because of that we see here don't go the roads of the nations don't go into the cities of the Samaritans but rather he says in the first word here is word day in contrast to that he's got something different in contrast to that he says rather go to and here it is the lost sheep of the house of Israel now it's very important that we hear this and as we'll see especially next week and the weeks to come as we move forward in chapter chapter 10 we're going to see hence clues within the texts what the theologians would call hermeneutical eighths and these hints includes point to the last days the end times and what should the reader take away from the text that God is going to work mightily in Israel with the Jewish people in the last days and this is foundational for the King to be established don't believe the lie of many that God has replaced Israel that he has substituted Israel then there's no longer a relevance to that land the land of Israel or the Jewish people in a unique way that is false teaching the prophets don't agree with such a theology no God is going to keep covenant now there's not a way different for a Jewish people to enter into the kingdom than a Gentile it's the gospel their gospel for Humanity there's only one any other teaching about the kingdom is a false gospel that's really not good news and that's what the word gospel means but Israel's going to play a foundational role in the establishment of the kingdom and this is going to be seen as we move forward in chapter 10 but look here now at artex he says go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and as you go you proclaimed saying that the kingdom of heaven is near now what is this telling us it's telling the reader that there's a kingdom it exists in the heaven and that kingdom that's resides in the heavens is coming to earth that's why Messiah is returning and we're going to see in the weeks to come in this 10th chapter there's going to be an emphasis on the return of Messiah what he's going to do when he comes the second time for the purpose of establishing the kingdom of God and we're going to learn as well other clues from the text that helps us get ready for those last days so he says as you go proclaim saying the kingdom of heaven is near and then in verse 8 we see four things uniquely 4y4 well he's speaking this message is to the lost sheep of Israel but it has locations for all the world realize Israel is a vessel of God created supernaturally for a purpose and that purpose is to bless the nation to bring in God's truth his power his authority into this world so that all potentially all the families of the earth can be blessed now will all the families no but God's provided atonement redemption for all of them but to access that to receive that one has to act in faith and what faith are we talking about receiving the gospel acknowledging one sinfulness and believing in what Messiah did upon that cross the shedding of blood that he died on that cross but rose from the dead on the third day showing victory that's the message for Humanity Jew and Gentile alike for salvation and if you reject that well you'll go in to see what the outcome of that is at the end of our study look at verse eight for things he says to do he says sick ones he'll lepers clean dead rise and those who are demonically possessed demons Casta for things hear them again sick ones heal lepers claims dead ones rise up and demons Casta why four four is a global number it reflects to the world and these things God wants to bring into the world and Israel is a tool to do just that now look at verse verse nine he says freely you have received freely give it's not about what we receive we've received salvation that's everything we received our names written in the Lamb's Book of Life that ushers our presence forever in the kingdom of God so freely we have received he's paid the price he's enabled that to be my eternal reality freely I've received give this same message free do the work of the kingdom freely this is what he instructs this disciples and he says do not another commandment do not acquire gold nor silver nor copper into your your belts this would be once melting melting felt their purse that contains money he says as you serve don't don't do this as profiteering this is not about an earthly prosperity this is a false teaching read what he says very clearly do not a command acquire gold and silver and copper into your belts nor for the way a bag don't take a bag full of things to either bring them with you because he says keep reading nor bring two tunics two garments nor sandals in the plural nor steps why why don't we have to bring these things well remember when Israel was in the wilderness God was leading them and when God leads what did did they have he says only one garment did they have but it didn't wear out their shoes did not wear out their feet did not swell things supernaturally were preserved there was an enduring there was not the effects of wear and tear why they were under the Lord's leadership the whole purpose that God brought Israel into the wilderness is to teach them to trust him and this is what he's telling that is cycles you want to have the outcome of my presence with you follow these commands trust me it is not about an earthly prosperity but a kingdom faithfulness here in this age and you'll reap in the age to come so these things don't take why look at the second half of verse verse 10 for worthy is a labor of his trophies trophies is a daily ration its food some would say meat that's fine but it's not a gourmet meal it is not food in abundance it means the food necessary to sustain someone for a day and God is faithful to provide that he says for worthy is the labor of his daily portion verse verse 11 into a city or village you shall enter and seek inquire who in it is worthy and there remain until you go out now this is a simple practice what's the purpose stay in that same home until you leave if it's worthy it is going to be taught you're going to have an influence your testimony your ways so that when you go forth that house the leadership the father he is going to be able to take over this work to be that influence for the kingdom of God there after they depart and go into another city so he gives instruction remain in that house and something else he says concerning that we read in in verse verse 12 and upon entering into the house greeted meaning inquire say Shalom this has the word here for greet it has to do with not just a greeting but we say in Hebrew to shot Shalom meaning seeking the will of God that's what the greeting in a biblical sense was are you interested in the will of God and if they receive you notice what it says let your green be upon it and if that house is worthy let your peace be on it but if it is not worthy your peace will return unto you this peace it's a blessing so bless this house but if this house is it worthy meaning this if it's not interested in the things of God what then well notice what the scripture says as we continue on verse verse 13 14 and if they do not receive you nor your words what is this about receiving us means they have to receive the words you can't receive the person without receiving his Proclamation these disciples sent by Messiah so they have to believe these words if not what does he say keep reading as you go forth from that house and from that city shake the dust from your feet it's a testimony if they don't receive the words if they're not interested in the truth of God what are we called to do he says go forth from that house go forth from that city and shake the dust from it it's a testimony it's a testimony that that their future is is upon their own shoulders because they've rejected the faithfulness of God sending Labour's to them with truth and with a kingdom offering remember he'll the sick cleanse the lepers raised the dead and also cast out demons but here's how we're going to end today notice the conclusion of our passage look - now verse 15 we read truly I say to you that it will be more tolerable the work here has to do with ease it will be a lighter meaning the punishment will be lighter that burden it will be more tolerable for the land of cinoman Amara that's Sodom and Gomorrah more tolerable for these wicked places then it says for that City when in the day of judgment I would underscore that see there's a problem today and it's this too many Bible teachers are setting aside the reality the fact that there's a day of judgment coming and that day of judgment happens before the establishment of the kingdom and we need our responsibility is to get people ready for that and that's why it's so important that we teach them that this is a reality judgment is coming you know there's popular Bible teachers and they'll say things such as well I just feel that that this message of judgment is not for me to share God has entrusted it to everyone who says I am teaching the Word of God you can't just say their things I'm going to share and things I'm not going to share no we need to give people all the truth and a portion of the truth distorts the truth all the Word of God Messiah says to them it will be more tolerable for those people who lived in Sodom and Gomorrah those who committed an abomination those who were violent selfish people that did what was right in their own eyes he says will be more tolerable for them why because these people they had an opportunity to hear the gospel - to receive forgiveness of their sins and because the people in Sodom and Gomorrah they had not that opportunity therefore what happens their eternal judgment will be less now it's so going to be eternal condemnation but it's going to be less than those of these places in Judea and Samaria in the land those lost sheep of Israel that were given the gospel but rejected it serious words we need to know that the message of this book is serious and those who reject it will eternally regret this worse air that they've ever made so we tell the truth there is a kingdom but there's also judgment and it's only through the grace of God that brings you through that day of judgment that causes you to be removed from it and taken into the kingdom of God this is the good news now I'll close with that until next week may God richly bless you well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel not bow RG there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Beru these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel
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Id: CFb1gNMA3gM
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Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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