PS5 Update: 10 New & Hidden Features You Should Know

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the playstation 5 just updated and there are some things you may not know about hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks ps5 update new and hidden features you should know starting off at number 10 you can now store ps5 games in usb extended storage this is a major one too it's on the top of sony's list of changes with the update and we're just gonna start off with it as well one of the biggest issues people have had with the ps5 is storage the system only has a fairly paltry 660 gigabytes of free storage for games which really doesn't cut it these days games like black ops cold war 133 gigabytes alone and that's a huge chunk of your storage just gone so having this kind of option to increase your storage space is a huge lifesaver for some people there are a lot of caveats though you cannot play the games from external storage you can only store them there which might sound pointless to some of you but for people dealing with data caps being able to locally store a game rather than have to redownload it as a pretty nice option even if not completely ideal and at least they made it easier to move games to extended storage it used to be with ps4 games at least you have to dig through the system menu to transfer them now you can just do it from the home screen by pressing options when highlighting again one annoying thing about the process is you still can't do it in the background you need to set aside a little bit of time to transfer stuff because while the game is transferring there is nothing else you can do and even though they now let you store your ps5 games externally you can't store your saved games externally i guess they really want you to use ps cloud to the point where they're not going to give you that additional option we've still got a few complaints about how this works but it's a much needed feature that's a lifesaver to anyone like us that is on a meter connection at number 9 the ps5 is now quieter this one is anecdotal but it seems like both the cooling fan noise and the disc spinning noise on the system have been made a lot quieter this might just be fan excitement and speculation but it seems like enough people are reporting a change that there might actually be something to the claims the ps5 used to have two pretty annoying habits in rest mode the cooling fans would go nuts if the usb port was active and if you were trying to play a disc game the ps5 would spin up the disc every so often and for whatever reason it would have to do it at a really high rpm so it'd be really noisy we're talking like game install speeds here so it was unnecessarily fast for what amounted to the system checking that the disc was still inserted remember we're not in the xbox 360 era anymore all ps5 games are installed to the hard drive so outside of the initial check when you insert a disc it really shouldn't need to spin it anymore yet it did and really loudly and really often as well for many players at least these two annoyances are either gone or greatly diminished the cooling fan isn't so noisy in sleep mode and the disc drive doesn't make as much noise still seems to be doing a disc check every so often but it's not nearly as loud as it was before like we said it's mostly anecdotal and sony didn't mention anything about this stuff in their update log but enough people are saying it that there might be something there and number eight 120 hertz output is now supported this is another big one certain 120 hertz monitors are now supported it maxes out at 1080p at 120hz so you can't run the ps5 at 4k or anything but it still supports 4k monitors that display at 120hz of course just displays 1080p at max while in 120. considering how much the ps5 sometimes struggles to run games at 4k at 60hz probably wasn't realistic to expect it to run it at 4k with 120hz but still a little disappointing to hear if you want to try this out the setting is in settings screen and video video output it's a great addition although i think there are still some issues with the implementation one annoying thing is that while 1080p and 4k is supported on the ps5 1440p monitors are not this hasn't been the case since the ps5 came out and this update does not change that i'm not sure exactly why but 2k seems to really be a big issue for sony and number seven hdr can be toggled now this is a really nice option that's been added in the update now for games that don't support hdr which if you don't know is high dynamic range you can just turn it off in the settings under settings screen and video video output and why is this a big deal because hdr used to be forced on any game if you were using an hdr compatible screen even for games that were pre-hdr because of this those games ended up looking worse definitely not better in most cases as they just aren't designed for that kind of color range and it would make them look kind of weird sometimes so being able to turn it off by default is very nice though it was odd that they made it universal from the beginning this is the case where you think hdr implementation would be set on a game by game basis but apparently not anyways this is a good option for people with hdr monitors who are playing older backwards compatible games and number six they've added more hdmi device link features like does your monitor tv support hdmi device linking but you have found the implemented features on the ps5 annoying well this update they've added a few options so you can tailor the whole device linking stuff to your preferences if you don't know or care about device linking then this doesn't matter to you at all but if you like us we're getting really annoyed that anytime you turned on your tv by default the ps5 would also turn on this is good news we just turned off device looking entirely but now you can customize how it works so you can for example set it so the tv turns on when you start the ps5 and not the other way around all these options can be found under settings system hdmi and though as minor and gimmicky as device linking can appear to some people it's nice that they made it so you can adjust these to our liking rather than just a big on off switch i like being able to turn on the ps5 and have it turn my tv on but not the other way around which we were basically stuck with before at number five and this is not actually a positive change if it is indeed true it is anecdotal so this might not actually be a problem but we have found a decent amount of people complaining about their download speeds dropping sometimes significantly after the update specifically when it came to wi-fi connections so the update might be screwing wifi up a lot of people have reported that using an ethernet cable perfectly fine but attempting to download anything online gave them very bad download speeds as usual with these kind of things others report are connections improving rather than getting worse it feels like sony did something to the system's wi-fi software but at the moment it's really hard to tell exactly what it's possible that with the update the ps5 is having trouble connecting to certain wi-fi hurtspans but at the moment it's almost entirely speculation hopefully if there is some kind of issue with the update they will fix it soon but again that also depends to some extent on people making noise about it thankfully people are honestly as somebody who uses wifi you always kind of hope that the update isn't the problem because mine's working fine and that sort of gives this impending doom sense that i don't like but we'll see and number four there's now a disabled game chat audio option for anyone who started up a game of destruction all-stars and then got bombarded with babies crying screaming and general weird muttering for people who do not realize their ps5 controller mics are on we're trying to figure out some way to shut that stuff off this option is for you before there was no universal disabled game chat option there were multiple options you have to dig through both in the ps5 menu system and any in-game menus and it was all kind of a mess especially for a system that has mics on by default now if you don't want to be heard and you don't want other people to hear you just go to the control center sound and hit disable game chat audio it's great for muting randos online who in our experience usually don't have a lot to contribute anyways at least with the kinds of games we play what's nice about this is it doesn't apply to party chat so you won't have to fiddle with the setting every time you actually play with your friends so if you form a party this option will not mute you it's a simple option it's a very useful one and for a lot of people out there i think it's going to be one you want to enable and number three you can now unfollow games which is a nice new option sony made it so you can hide games with a few new options it might sound totally pointless to some but it's actually a great option for people who don't like certain games appearing on the home screen or just don't want to see certain things in their library anymore think stuff like demos free to play games you tried but didn't like or just games you don't see yourself playing anymore you can now remove them there's actually two options there's unfollow and hide when you unfollow a game it makes it so you will no longer see it on the home screen if and when it updates things stuff like free to play online games that will show up again when a new season starts if you don't want to see that choose unfollow actually finding this option is a little irritating it's buried in the save data and game app setting of the settings menu which gives you a list of all your games and lets you select the ones you want to unfollow hiding happens in the game library works pretty much the same way it does on the ps4 if you hide a game it won't show up anywhere in your collections tab anymore this can be done by hitting options while highlighting game from the game library so it is a little easier now if you ever do want to see those hidden games again you have to change the filter options to see hidden items so basically these options are all over the place but if you're sick of seeing something on the screen it is great to have and number two the ps5 controller got an update it's kind of interesting because it wasn't just the ps5 they got an update the controller did as well they don't specifically mention what the update did but most people speculate that sony improved some backwards compatibility on some vibration i've seen people mention games like warzone and f1 2020 have stronger vibration now after the controller firmware update to go along with that you can now see your wireless controller's battery percentage in the control center which is nice it used to be kind of difficult to tell what the current charge level of the controller was but this new graphic makes it way easier to tell at a glance how charge your controller is small change but it used to be really annoying finally at number one people are reporting different problems or solutions regarding rest mode crashing for some seems to have improved it for some it seems we've made it worse a long-standing and very annoying issue people have been dealing with on the ps5 is the system crashing when entering into being in or exiting out of rest mode it's a huge issue that for a ton of people remains unresolved and possibly even ruins the system for that reason we're gonna tread carefully and say that this is not advice we're giving here we're just trying to report what some ps5 players have said for some the rest mode issue seems to be resolved with this new update possibly because of some background change made by sony but also possibly because of the rebuilding database that's done when the system updates this one's a lot more sketchy in general because for every post i see where people say the rest mode is fixed i see another that says the issue's still happening it's really hard to say one way or the other what's actually going on it's possible the update made some improvements to how rest mode works but it's also entirely possible it didn't do anything when some cases actually made it worse again we're talking anecdotal stuff and sony hasn't said anything one way or the other at this point it's probably safer to just stay out of rest mode on your ps5 for the time being there's just not enough out there to know one way or the other and there are enough people still dealing with the crashes that it's still clearly an issue but what do you think leave us a comment let us know if you like this video click like you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click subscribe don't forget to enable all notifications and as always thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter fall with the hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 500,515
Rating: 4.9187112 out of 5
Keywords: ps5 update, playstation 5 update, ps5 hidden new features, ps5 hidden new settings, ps5 secret new settings, ps5 rest mode crash update, ps5 fan noise, ps5 120hz support monitor, ps5 how to store games in usb, ps5 disable game chat audio, gameranx, falcon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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