The First Things to do with your Brand New PS5

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I was in a lobby singing for like five minutes before realizing my mic was on the whole time, FML

👍︎︎ 131 👤︎︎ u/AndresTheGiant- 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

That and turn off save videos and screenshots for trophies. Such a massive waste of limited storage.

Edit quick just to add this video kinda sucks. It's a how to setup if you're capturing video and don't want 4k and HDR, with a bunch of useless talking.

👍︎︎ 74 👤︎︎ u/SirRealist 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

saves video for the me in 3 years who can finally afford a PS5

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/donald_dafuq 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

You should have worked in a 7 minuet montage about how your grandma gave you a holiday recipe.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/GravyBurn 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

this guy is an idiot. And wants to just waste peoples time I presume

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ChonWayne 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Pro-tip: Do not feed it nachos.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Synra_Nightwalker 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

thinking about just taking apart my controller and disconnecting the mics

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheRealGarbanzo 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

What's the remind me bot called again?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/fazedanks 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
(gentle electronic music) - Congratulations, you're watching this video because you just got yourself a brand new PlayStation 5, or you wish you did. Anyway, you got some setting up to do and I'm not here to tell you how to do that because any old idiot could do that. And you're not an idiot, you're smart. So once you got that all set up, I've got some quick things for you to do to make your experience a little better, and so you can get started playing with your new toy right away, even if you don't have any games for it, yet. (soft electronic music) The video is sponsored by Me. Go subscribe to our other channels like Wulff DEN Podcast and Wulff DEN Clips, where we post highlights from livestreams like this. (video game music) Ah, piss. Go do that now and then come back, please. So you should have no problem at all setting this whole thing up by yourself. But one thing that I will help you out with is the stand. If you wanna stand the unit straight upright, you don't actually need this. But you should probably use it as it gives the whole unit a little bit more side-to-side stability. Did I break it? We're good, we're good. Upright is how it's depicted in most of the pictures you've probably seen of the PlayStation 5. But my first tip is to lay that bitch down flat. If you want to put it in your TV stand or in a shelf it fits a lot better horizontally. Just make sure it has plenty of ventilation. The stand is required if you want it to lay down flat or else it'll wobble right off of your shelf. It's a bit tricky to get it on there, especially if you're doing it by yourself, but the standard rotates and clips onto the back of the PlayStation 5. So this is the position if you want to lay it vertically. If you want it horizontally, you gotta make sure the screw's in there. You rotate it and now you can just clip it onto this, right here. Make sure it's in the middle and then there you go. Ooh, ahhh. So the stand doesn't exactly stay put. It can slide around if you lift the PlayStation 5. It's not the most well-designed thing but once it's down on a flat surface, your PlayStation 5 should be more secure. Sony has made some pretty interesting choices when it comes to the default settings on the PlayStation 5, among those is having the DualSense mic set to on. It's not gonna be a problem when you're playing single-player games, but if you ever play a multiplayer game, like let's say Call of Duty, you might not realize it, but your teammates are always gonna be listening to you. In between matches, everybody in the lobby can listen to you. Anybody can hear you when they kill you in the game. So yes, when you've been gunned down and you're at your most vulnerable, and you're really mad at the game and the world, and we can hear all of the obscenities that you say. I've heard them all. A lot of them are very funny. Some of them, you should be ashamed of yourself. - Right there. (muted machine fun firing) I'm right behind you. (game effects) Oh my god. - This is the most clitch that I've ever seen. - Okay, dropped the heart. (game effects) - You could just click the mute button every time you want to play a multiplayer game, but you have to remember to do that and there might be some times where you just straight up don't realize that a game is broadcasting your voice for all the world to hear. So instead, just go into your Settings which is all the way up here, scroll down to Sound and under Microphone you'll see a setting called Microphone Status When Logged In. Click there and select Mute to make it muted by default on your profile, so every time you log in, it will automatically be sent to mute. No need to remember to press the button. Everybody who has a PlayStation Plus account and a PlayStation 5 is entitled to the PlayStation Plus collection. This is a collection of currently 20 PlayStation 4 games that are available to download for free onto your PlayStation 5. Or it's not really free. I should say it's included in the price of your PlayStation Plus account. So go ahead and download God of War, Crash Bandicoot, Resident Evil 7, Bloodborne, or a whole bunch of other great titles. I already have God of War and Arkham Knight physically, but I claimed them just to have the digital versions. If all of these PlayStation 4 games are already taking up a lot of space on your PlayStation 5, like they are for me, just go ahead and delete Call of Duty War Zone. I'm kidding. You can toss them onto an external drive. I touched on this in my last video about PlayStation 5 accessories, but you can just use any old USB 3.0 external hard drive to store and play your PlayStation 4 games. PlayStation 5 games have to stay on your internal storage, for now. So this is a great way to save some room if you have any PlayStation 4 games, at all. if you had PlayStation Plus on your PlayStation 4 then some or all of your saved data should have been uploaded to the cloud. However, it does not automatically download to your PlayStation 5, so you have to do that manually. You can do this by going into your Settings, Games/Apps and Saved Data, go to Saved Data for PlayStation 4, select Cloud Storage, and download the games that you want. My cloud save for God of War was never uploaded for some reason and I'm not about to turn my PS4 on just to get that, but it was for Arkham Knight, for some weird reason. If you care at all about capturing gameplay footage or your footage online via social media then you're going to want to go back into your Settings, again. Under Captures and Broadcasts, you can mess around with shortcuts for how the Share button reacts. By default, one press shows the share controls, a Hold will take a screenshot, and pressing twice will record a clip of your gameplay. I usually want screenshots to be instant so I set it to Easy Screenshots. I also don't think 30 seconds is enough time for a gameplay clip, so I slapped that over to five minutes. If you ever want to record footage to be edited later, make sure you go into Video Clip Format and change the file type to MP4. You'll have a much easier time editing an MP4 than a WebM. You can also choose to include your mic's audio or party chat. And if you set your mic to default to off like we did earlier, you might as well slap it on here, in case you're playing a multiplayer game when you want that recorded and you forget. my last little settings tip is to change the resolution of your PlayStation 5 to match your setup. Your TV or monitor might be locked at 1080P which is totally fine, and the auto settings of the PlayStation 5 should be able to handle that just fine. But if you're anything like me, you've got your PlayStation 5 going through an HTMI switcher, which is going into a capture card, which is then going into your monitor. And all of those devices have different bandwidth caps. So go to Screen and Video and change the resolution to 1080P. I can set it back to 4K when I'm not capturing footage but when am I not capturing footage? I also have HDR off because that also messes with my setup. I have the internal Elgato 4K 60 which should be able to record this just fine, and it can, unless I go through my HTMI switcher. Then it has to be locked at 1080P for whatever reason, which is fine. I only ever record 1080P, anyway. Oh wow, it's Bob from the future editing from his parents' house. This is a little misleading. I don't have to actually change the settings on my PS5 in order for my setup to work. It's actually the capture card, that, I have to lock at 1080P. But there's really no reason for the PS5 to be on automatic if I know if it's gotta be on 1080P. But HDR, HDR did mess with my stuff. Okay, I'm sorry, I just had to get that out of the way. This is part of why the current state of HDMI 2.1 is so frustrating to me, but we're not gonna get into that. I talk about that a lot already, and it's, it should be no concern to you. Just lock it at 1080P, if that's all you need. Every PlayStation 5 comes with Astro's Playroom. You should play that to get yourself familiar with everything that the DualSense controller can do but also because it's a fantastic game. You should also download Bugsnax. It's free with PlayStation Plus until January 4th, so make sure you nab that before it's gone. There's also plenty of free games that are just always on the PlayStation Store. Call of Duty War Zone, if you have the space for it, Fortnite, Genshin Impact, Warframe, Hatsune Miku Fortune Tone. Just make sure you download Bugsnax before you can't get anymore. So after all that, now you're ready to melt into your couch and start mindlessly trudging through Demon Souls, or Bugsnax, or any of the PlayStation 4 games you would have already they've been playing, but now you can just play at a slightly higher graphical fidelity. Hopefully, I was able to give you some ideas to make your experience a little better, but if you still don't have a PlayStation 5 yet, put this video in your Watch Later or save it for when you do eventually get one. I say this all the time but I think it's really important. If you want to get a PlayStation 5 for yourself go on websites like zooLert, or Those are tools that scalpers use to try to buy up all of the PlayStation 5s. You leave one of those sites on your computer and have the alert set up to ping. whenever the PlayStation 5 gets in stock on any of those stores. Then you wake your ass up, get your credit card out, and immediately buy it, that way you can get it and you don't have to get it for $1,000 from some second party. But I suspect after the holidays, these things will probably be a little bit the more readily available. So, what do you guys think about all these little tips and tricks you can do to get started with your PlayStation 5? Did I leave anything out? Is there anything important that you should do? Is anything that I said stupid? Leave it in the comments, below. @ me on Twitter and you know all this other social media garbage. And a special thanks to our sponsor, Me. Again, go over to those other channels and subscribes and watch those videos 'cause there's more Me content. What are you doing? We got so many videos of me playing video games. Don't you want to see me play Demon Souls and suck at it? We also got streams over on Then that's where some of those clips come from, so I might be live, right now. But of course, the most important thing that you could do is just subscribe to this channel, the main one. And if you turn on those notifications, make sure you actually click those notifications 'cause that helps us out a lot. A lot of you just rely on YouTube to show you my videos and they are not going to show you all of them, especially PlayStation videos. YouTube just thinks I'm the Nintendo guy, so if you like videos like this, slap a like and click on those notifications when you get them. And share this video with a friend, a friend who maybe just got one of these bad boys or is it going to get one very soon. Thank you very much. Have a happy holidays. Me and Pikachu, we'll see you later. Goodbye.
Channel: WULFF DEN
Views: 762,589
Rating: 4.898973 out of 5
Keywords: Wulff Den, WulffDen, Wolf Den, Bob Wulff, PS5, PlayStation 5, PS5 Dualsense, dualsense, ps5 controller, playstation 5 controller, next gen console, play station, new console, playstation 5 early, new playstation, ps5 buy, new ps5, ps5 setup, playstation 5 setup, ps5 tips and tricks, playstation 5 tips and tricks, ps5 tips, playstation 5 settings, ps5 settings, ps5 hacks, playstation 5 hacks, ps5 guide, ps5 free games, playstation 5 guide, how to use ps5, first ps5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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