PS5 SLIM vs PS5: What's the Difference???

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hey guys Thunder e here and welcome to another battle vid today we're taking a look at the brand new PlayStation 5 Slim and how it compares to the OG PlayStation 5 so you don't have to now if you're joining us for the very first time on the channel don't forget to smash that subscribe button notification icon so you can watch more videos like this so there's a brand new PlayStation 5 Slim you can either get it with a disc drive or you can get it without as a digital version I did get this as a bundle pack package with Spider-Man 2 uh with the disc drive for $499 so 500 bucks with a game which is actually not bad in terms of bundle package pricing what comes in it you do have of course your controller the game Spider-Man 2 you do have a USB type-c cable power cable and HDMI those are everything that come with this device all together which is nice in the packaging so what's the differences in terms of specs and look compared to the OG PlayStation 5 so both of them are disc drive versions and I'll start off with just the external look you can see the OG PlayStation 5 is a one panel plastic matte finish on both sides while the PlayStation 5 Slim has this two panel setup on the top it is glossy at the bottom it is matte and you have that on either side of the PlayStation 5 now when I flip it over to the disc drive section there's a little bit uh some some details you're seeing here you do have these feet which are removable these also come in your packaging here and this allows you to basically plug it in and safely place your PlayStation 5 Slim flat on a table and it's sturdy and it doesn't move so that's actually a nice addition there with that benefit of that split housing uh you also have uh you know the PlayStation buttons here at the very bottom but this brings a little dilemma for me do I like it as a single units come out or the split unit one of the benefits of having it split is the fact for more customization I could have a different color for each panel if I wanted to if I wanted to have it the most multicolor looking PlayStation I like that idea here and it's pretty cool more customization options I could have say a Spider-Man panel on the top here I could have a god of war and I could have these two panels having two different colors of say you know white and blue PlayStation color so whatever I choose to I can do that with it while with the OG PlayStation 5 all I will be able to do is just have two sets of colors on either side and that's it so that's the difference there but in terms of removing it I think it's just easier with that version there as well now another difference here of course is the ports the original PlayStation 5 has in the front a USB type A and USB type-c while the PlayStation slim has two USB type C's in the front there also is a power button and eject button on the OG PlayStation 5 while the PlayStation 5 Slim just has a power button the eject button on the drive because the disc drive on the PlayStation 5 Slim is removable now how to get to that is very simple and I'm going to just show you by opening the panels here so I have the PlayStation logo side I can basically separate the panel here boom and you can see this is the vent side your drive and also the disc dri is on the other side so just take this off and this rals our mvme storage uh additional storage here as well as also your disc drive here on the bottom half so it's a very simple process to open that now let's start off with the disc here replacing the disc is similar to how you do it on your original PlayStation same thing with PlayStation slim you unscrew this you open it up you put in your mvme whatever storage amount you want to right now I'm swapping it into a 1 tbte version and I took that 1 Tab out of the OG PlayStation into this device one thing I'll not is that once you do that um it will treat it as an extra drive but I couldn't find a way to play games directly if you guys know let me know but it just read it as yes they gam s that drive I can transfer it to the internal storage which is another difference here the PlayStation 5 Slim has 1 tab of storage while the OG PlayStation has 825 GB so there is at least close to 200 GB of extra storage on the PlayStation 5 Slim So if you're looking for more storage without buying any more the PlayStation 5 Slim will have that the other aspect too is the removable Drive section which you can remove just by taking these three screws out once you remove the paneling and it's a very simple process once you do that you can cover it up and have it as just a digital version or if you buy the D digital version of the PlayStation 5 Slim you can add this additional drive for roughly around $59 uh the one thing I will mention is the the replacement cover uh for this that doesn't have a bulge uh showcasing uh the Blu-ray Drive does not come with this package and has to be bought separately so that's another additional cost to it plus there is no built-in stand similar to what you have with the OG PlayStation like this you also have to buy this separately as well so there are a couple things you have to buy but the idea of basically removing this drive especially when it becomes obsolete is a nice addition from PlayStation okay that's one of my biggest complaints is trying to fit these panels properly because there are more panels on each side four in total compared to two it takes a longer time to actually fit them and sometimes don't necessarily fit properly I've just found this to be an annoying frustrating thing uh that happens with the PlayStation 5 Slim that being said when it comes to ports on this device you do have the same amount of ports at the rear of the device but the layout is a bit different the HDMI uh Port is on top of the PlayStation 5 Slim while it's at the bottom on the OG PlayStation 5 you still have the same ethernet port as well as also two usba a ports and the power plug at the bottom so those are similar just the layout is a bit different here now what about just sizing in general now in terms of Weights the PlayStation 5 OG PlayStation 5 weighed about 8.25 lb while the slim with the Blu-ray Drive weighs about 7.25 lb uh and then without the Blu-ray Drive it drops down to roughly around 5 uh 75 lbs if I'm not mistaken so again there's a reduction in weight and size but when you look at it side by side to the OG PlayStation 5 it's still a l rather large console it is definitely smaller in Dimensions but it's not as small as you think because when you put it next to something like the Xbox series X the PlayStation 5 Slim is still larger than the Xbox series X in terms of size so not much in terms of size reduction here for me when using this but I do like the fact that it does have some more custom customizability in terms of the way you can customize it and when you place it on your uh your TV stand uh it looks really nice smaller footprint as well and game playwise it's still place to say now the big question here is should you buy it if you already have a PlayStation well with all the extra benefits here including I I did mention earlier Wi-Fi 60 on the PlayStation um uh five slim I say no if you already have a PlayStation 5 uh there is no improvement to the processing there's no improvements to uh the graphics here it's still the same as the OG PlayStation 5 yes it is smaller and yes um it does have a better wi-fi connectivity uh and you do have some other customizable features but it doesn't add anything to the gaming experience whatever games you're going to be playing will perform exactly the same way and this is not a huge reduction in size this is not half the size and it's definitely not smaller than say the Xbox series X as I mentioned so for that point I would say definitely no now if you haven't bought a PlayStation 5 and you're looking to pick one up then I think this is a good entry point especially with the bundle packages they have like the one I picked up with Spider-Man 2 or Call of Duty Modern Warfare where it's going for 500 bucks which is the same cost as just buying a PlayStation without of course a game so that is where I will put the line for and I think it's only beneficial if you've never picked up a PlayStation 5 and you're looking to pick up one now then it definitely makes sense but for everyone else who wants to kind of up you know upgrade your PlayStation 5 this is not the device for you it's cool it looks nice it has some really cool features but definitely only for brand new PlayStation 5 owners so if you have any questions any comments about the PlayStation 5 Slim um and you want to see more about this device and maybe say even the play portal which I'll be covering soon let me know don't forget to like share subscribe and always enjoy your entertainment
Views: 390,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Booredatwork, Tech, Boredatwork, Bored at Work, gadget review, review, ps5 slim, ps5 slim review, ps5 slim vs ps5, playstation 5, ps5 slim release date, playstation slim 5, playstation 5 setup, ps5 slim update, ps5 slim comparison, ps5 slim disc version, ps5 slim unboxing and setup
Id: 8WhTGPwJ4vI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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