Overheating my PS5 Slim on Day 1... 🤡

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I bought the brand new PS5 Slim from eBay and in this video we're going to unbox it test it out tear it down and see if it's any good so I did buy this console from eBay because I found an authorized seller that was selling the console a couple days ahead of when it came out so decided to take a chance on it kind of sketch I don't know let's open it up and see what's inside and no yeah that's the that's the Slim So a couple things about the box right off the bat uh the slim box here on the left is obviously a good bit smaller than the fat box here on the right the one downside is the fat box did have a handle on top for carrying it around slim box does not not a big deal just something to knowe but other than that the box is pretty similar to the original PS5 box you just have you know your giant line through the through the console here and supposedly the conso is a good bit smaller also comes with Spider-Man 2 which is nice cuz that's like a $70 game um and then fliping to the side it'll tell us exactly what we come with here so we have the console uh the disc drive which is can be detached so we're going to play around with that as well um we also got you know the horizontal stand feet all the other standard stuff but guys let's go ahead and open the box up and see what's inside so as per usual Sony uses a cheap slip cover over the actual box now let's go ahead and open this up and see what's inside here all right first up we have our power cord and or these are horizontal stands dude oh my gosh those are so cheap wow okay well we'll figure that out later here on the left side we should have our controller cool and then of course we have our manual quick start guide whatever stuff here and then we got our PS5 slim which right off the bat yeah that is a good bit smaller but it does not feel lighter at all interesting all right guys so here's the console pulled out of the plastic R and man right off the bat that dang glossy from Sony this thing's going to get scratched up immediately I already see a few small micr scratches uh I don't know why they couldn't just make the whole thing mat so basically let me just explain we have a matte plate right here we have a glossy plate right there and flipping it over to the bottom we have another glossy plate and then a matte plate and of course this is your uh disc drive right here so this actually detaches somehow and you can basically make this a slim console you can also buy the slim console by a separate disc drive put it together and make yourself a disc console but that cost like 50 bucks more than just buying the disc console it's a very confusing um some's made it very confusing but uh yeah just taking a look at this right off the bat it looks very similar to a PS5 uh and we got you know your power button down here we've got our USB two USBC ports actually instead of usba a and USBC and then flipping to the back guess the other thing I noticed here is they have this blue tape I'm not sure what that's there for to hold the plates in place I don't know we also have an HDMI cable of course land port two USB ports and a power port I do like these little they have a nice touch here of the uh symbols kind of just engraved into the console um also here on the bottom which is just you know a nice touch now flipping to the Top This is dude this is that's bad so if you guys remember on the the fat PS5 which I'll pull out for comparison here in a second but it had like little grates all around the edges here this one does not have that it's just like an open Gap like just for comparison here on the right hand side we have our slim here on the left hand side we have our fat you see right off the bat from a top hand view uh it actually is a good bit smaller but hopefully you can see what I'm saying like the the PS5 fat has the these nice little grates all around the edges there this one has basically nothing just some like supports inside so it's very ugly if you look at it look at it that way not a huge fan of that now let's go ahead and compare them side by side and take a look uh dimensionally what the differences are so again here on the left is a fat here on the right is a slim it's really not that much smaller in terms of size difference so you put them on top of each other you can see that yeah just not that much smaller so it is slimmer but it's like it it takes up the same amount of space guys I mean it's like the same shape you're not like taking up space in your in your cabinet or your shelf or whatever which is the frustrating part like I thought they would have made it like an actually slim device that can just sit better in your entertainment system like a series X Series S type of deal but no they had to go with the same same design just make it slightly smaller now to be fair it definitely is lighter and easier to carry around which is nice now let me go ahead and take off this blue tape and just see what else we got going on here on the outside all right so let's try to put on this horizontal stand if you guys just in case you don't know uh like on the the fat PS5 it came with a stand that could be horizontal or vertical this one actually only comes with horizontal a horizontal stand so you have to buy a separate vertical stand for $30 which is just like come on man that's so janky but I think the horizontal stand just clicks into place here uh let's try this out it sits down like so which is honestly that's nicer than the other horizontal stand that originally came with the fat PS5 but still super janky feels very cheap just to have these little plastic pieces in the bottom oh man what in the world now putting that PS5 to the side for a second I did actually buy another one the other model it's I don't know if it's actually a different model but it comes with a different game so I'm going to open this one up as well and see if there's any differences so yeah the MW3 one is here on the left side it came with the exact same stuff just a Modern Warfare 3 code instead of Spider-Man anyways let's go ahead and plug one of these in see if it works and just see how it's different all right we're all plugged up let's goe and see what it does so 3 2 1 and we do have we still have some lights we got a light here on the bottom and that's about all I see there's no lights over on this side and that appears to be about it now we do have an update I'm going to go ahe and do this later so we can see what update it started out on and then we'll update later oh so as soon as I boot up it says can't use your disc drive please restart to use it man so even so I remember hearing about this reading about this a few weeks ago you can't use a dis Drive unless you connect to the internet which is like seems fine now everybody connects to the Internet it's whatever but you know definitely going to be an issue 20 years down the line when you're trying to sell your your PS5 and the PlayStation network is not up anymore and you don't have a way to like swap out a dis drive and and activate it okay here it is so I restarted and it says your disc drive is connected to your PS5 to use your disc drive register it to your PS5 all right let's see what that means okay so yeah it says you can't use your dish Drive unless you up update to the latest system software so here it is it is now updating the dis Drive I actually wonder I don't want to try it I I mean I do want to try it but I don't want to try it but I wonder what would happen if you're while you're updating you just remove the disc drive like would it would it Breck your disc drive I don't know I might try it should I I don't know your disc drive is connected to your PS5 use your disc drive register to dude how many things do I have to do to use my dang disc drive come on now one other thing I forgot to mention is we actually do have more more storage space in this device we have 1 tby instead of like 825 gigs or whatever was on the PS5 fat so that's nice now next up we of course got to test out dis Drive make sure that works here I have my Spider-Man PS5 game that Best Buy sent me back that was uh I'll put the video on the screen if you want to check that out but that was interesting situation let's just make sure this uh disc drive actually works though so Spider-Man finished installing and I have a couple notes about the disc drive so first of all uh the disc drive is still very loud when it's installing a game but other than that I think it's actually an improvement because when you eject a disc or put a disc in it feels very smooth very quiet you can see it coming out right now and by the way there is a new disc drive eject button right here instead of being up here which is nice and yeah we put it back in and just feels a lot smoother than the fat PS5 now let's go ahead and boot this game up and just see uh how loud this console gets while it's running a running a game so I'm just swinging around in Spider-Man I also did a uh did a fight and the the PS5 is very quiet like my PS5 at home when I'm playing Spider-Man gets pretty loud uh sometimes but this one is very quiet pushing out a lot of heat which is is good uh so yeah so far so good but let's go ahead and turn this console off now tear it down and see what's happening on the inside all right so I have no idea how to take these plates off I have not watched any videos but I would assume we do something similar to the fat PS5 oh gosh okay so there's just some clips on here that come out very very violently and uh yeah so there's the first plate it just looks like a plate chopped in half which is interesting all right and there's our fan okay so the fan is definitely a lot smaller we have this little webbed grill that almost looks like it's supposed to be from Spider-Man that's kind of funny and let's go ahead and take this one off as well I guess all right got that one off and the other thing I noticed that actually saw this in the manual is each one has a different uh symbol there so we got our X we have our Square on this one that cover comes off as well and we got the triangle and you can also see the fan on this side so we got four screws we don't have to pull off that weird trim piece that's on the fat PS uh PS5 and there's our m.2 SSD slot so let's go and open that up all right so m.2 is basically the same deal as the other one you take this screw and this panel off and you can put of course your m.2 SSD in there now next up let's go and try to take the disc drive off and see how that comes apart that's the part I'm most curious about and it looks like oh that's just the cover okay so we just have a cover there and then the actual disc drive right here I see like five or six screws I think that you remove uh let's go ahead and do that and see what happens so yeah never mind there's no screws here that you need to take out you basically just uh pull it up in the back it'll come up loose from this piece right here and there's two clips that come out of come out of place and uh yeah that's actually pretty neat so this is this is nice for repairability because if you want a new disc drive and your old one breaks you just buy a new one swap it in of course that becomes an issue later down the line like we talked about with the whole have to connect to online to to register and that sort of thing one other thing I want to try out here so let me go ahead and take off this little piece here and as you guys can tell with this fan it's uh very easy to swap out the fan which is nice you know if you have a bad fan or you want to I don't know swap out fans for whatever reason all I got to do is unplug this bit right here take the four screws off you can pull it out now what I want to try with a PS5 slim is to actually run it without the fan and see how long it plays until it overheats now I never even thought about this until last week when I made a video about a PS5 I bought from Ebay that came with a broken I'll just say a broken component I'll throw that video on the screen if you guys want to go watch it but that gave me this this idea to do it for the actually gave Danny the idea to do this for the PS5 Slims where we check the fan out and see how long it takes to overheat and compare it to the fat PS5 and we can get a vague Overlook at the cooling without a PS without a fan there so let's go ahead and just uh let's try it out so dis Drive is back in place fan is unplugged here we'll flip it around and by the way guys if you're interested in PC content go ahead and check out my other Channel that I just started a few weeks ago we've already posted a handful of videos and we're posting every Saturday and Sunday so go ahead and check that out on the screen it's called smok and silicon but anyways let's go ahead and plug this thing back in and actually let me put my horizonal stand back in we'll plug this thing back in and see what happens all right so let's go ahe and turn on this PS5 and just see what it does so got power and of course it's pretty much dead silent because there's no fan running and what we'll start with here is just running the PS5 on the home screen we have luckily we have two PS5 Slims so we'll we'll run this normal PS5 slim with the fan plugged in and then the one where I unplugged the fan just on the home screen for a little bit and just see what kind of temps to get to I actually have a little thermal camera so you can see the temps out the back and just that'll give us an idea of kind of how much hotter this thing is running so I've only had these things on for like 5 minutes each and you can see right off the bat this is the one with the fan still plugged in it looks nice and cool right like we're our heat sink is right there and we're about 84° coming over to here like boom this is the one with the fan not plugged in and right at top of our heat sink we're at like 112 and mind you this is on the home screen it's just sitting here doing nothing so let's go ahead and boot up a game we got Spider-Man in here let's go ahead and just see what happens I'm assuming it'll give me that overheating screen pretty dang quickly once it learns that it's not extracting any heat out of the system um let's just keep keep an eye on these temperatures and see what happens okay there it is not going to lie I'm pretty impressed the look at these temperatures right here real quick we hit like 125 here in the center so we went up like 10° after the home screen um but I'm pretty impressed because the the fat PS5 it was like as soon as you hit the home menu of a game it was off this one I was playing for you know a good 15 seconds and Spider-Man swinging around I mean it's kind of what you expect from from a slim it of course runs cooler it's more efficient that sort of thing let's go ahead and turn this thing I guess back off and then back on and see what it does by the way guys if you like seeing weird interesting tests like this make sure to check out the video tomorrow I have on the PS5 Sim it'll be kind of a throwback to my OG days if you're an OG on this channel you know what I'm talking about um but check that out tomorrow but to me the most interesting part about doing something like this is plugging the fan back in and just seeing how quickly this cool thing cools down so let's go ahead and plug it in and see what happens 3 2 1 okay so surprisingly the fan is not even spinning that fast I guess it like doesn't even recognize it as being that terribly hot but let's go and see what kind of temps we're at now so I booted up Spider-Man it played for a minute or two and we're already down like 15 degrees from what we were on the home menu we were at 130 on the home menu and now we're in a game at 110 115 uh so yeah guys don't unplug your fan don't try this at home but let's go ahead and turn this console off and actually finish the tear down now all right so back at it I got the dish drive off I got the fan pulled out now and definitely a smaller fan than the PS5 fat not that much smaller but a little bit smaller which makes sense so I'm taking screws out now to get down obviously to the motherboard and I noticed we have a warranty sticker here but it's like crooked which is strange coming from Factory I I've never seen a warranty sticker that crooked from Factory but I guess not a big deal but I don't know strange but man I'll give it to Sony it's they make it super easy to take the PS5 apart there's like tin screws and those plates and then we're already down to the motherboard here we've course got our part of the heat sink which is still very hot from our test there got a heat pipe going down here I think we have a heat sink yeah we got definitely got some heat sink on the other side of this thing um but this thing is very small now all right I got this back piece off and this thing is kind of straddling the the front plate because there's still a wire attached so yeah flipping it to the back you can see you have our HDMI got your other ports you got your power port and flipping over to this side you have your big uh blocky power supply in here and guys imagine if you took the power supply out and made it made it external like they can make this PS5 super skinny just an idea I I don't want it to be external but I'm just throwing that out there also two more heat sinks over here still very hot from our testing we have a uh you know a battery a corn battery over there and yeah nothing much to write home about still relatively the same size just slim down I will show some screenshots from uh a couple of the tear Downs that I just watched when I was tear tearing this thing apart um you can see that the the boards are like shaped slightly differently from the fat PS3 fat P fat PS5 to the fat slim but other than that they use the same chip same liquid metal all that good stuff so nothing changed drastically just a a bit more efficient bit smaller and uh yeah thanks for watching guys hope you enjoyed this video let me know down below what you think about the PS5 slim and I'll see you next time
Channel: Jacob R
Views: 552,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacob r, jrob gaming, jrob0021, ps5 slim, ps5, playstation 5
Id: VujJpzxK3E4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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