PS5 or Build a PC? 👑 BEST $500 Gaming PC Build Guide 2024

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hello and welcome to the scel channel and today I'm going to show you guys how to build the best $500 gaming PC that anybody can build and the best part and the best part is that this is going to be an allwhite PC parts PC build and no I'm not click baiting you guys if we actually add the prices of each of these components 80 bucks $150 50 bucks 40 bucks 80 bucks 80 bucks 40 bucks that comes out to about $500 and yes every single one of these PC parts can be purchased right now in stock through using my links in the description below so yeah you can either build this or buy a PlayStation 5 but you know a PC has a lot more advantages over a console so with all that said let's get straight into the build guide let me introduce you guys to cooler Master's new aiio that being the master liquid Atmos which is easily one of the best presented water coolers I have ever used in one of my gaming PCs everything from the packaging to the materials used is really well laid out and easy to follow especially if you're a firsttime PC Builder with instructions being on the boxes themselves and not only is this easy to follow but it also reduces the amount of packaging needed and reduces carbon emissions and of course this is one of cooler Master's latest all-in-one water coolers meaning it does have increased cooling performance while keeping noise output low and you can further personalize this cooler through cooler Master's new software that being master control and you can even 3D print your own custom pump badge to further personalize the master liquid Atmos so if you want to learn more about this water cooler and maybe even check it out yourself then I'll a link to it in the description below all righty let's start off with the CPU and motherboard which I've chosen the I almost said Intel the AMD ryzen 5 4500 this is a 6 core 12 threaded CPU overclockable includes a stock cooler 80 bucks probably one of the best budget CPUs on the market and yes I get it the PlayStation 5 has an acor CPU but as you'll soon see in The Benchmark section of this video cores don't mean everything when it comes to gaming performance and we're reparing that with an ASRock b550m Pro Se now this is a special edition motherboard I don't know how long it's going to be made but here's the coolest thing right here's the coolest thing it's an allh motherboard you can get for 80 bucks right now that is exactly why I'm choosing it and why this PC build is going to be so cool for 500 bucks and as what just spilled out here's our motherboard manual you will need this it'll show you where to plug in what on the motherboard side of cable don't need that these are some spare m.2 screws we will need one of these for our m.2 SSD so the first thing I want you to do is to go ahead and take your banana and unscrew these four screws here for these two black brackets all right and with that exposed let's go a ahead and now install our processor so take it out of this clear plastic right here locate the triangle on the bottom left of the CPU and we're going to want to line that up with this triangle here found on the socket top left so go ahead and open up this lever right here on the socket drop this in give it a little jiggle make sure it's all the way in there bring back down this lever and this is what your CPU should look like and then in the same box for the CPU we're going to find our stock CPU cooler so go ahead and take this out note that there's thermal paste already pre-applied then we're going to put the cooler like this with the logo on this side of the motherboard so that way it isn't in the way of our Ram so line up the four screws with the four holes on the socket then take your banana screw this in I like to screw in each screw just a little bit so it makes contact with the thread and once I think all four screws have made contact with the back plate now I can go ahead and fully screw in each of these all the way I like to do this rather than you know just taking one side screwing it in all the way and then going to the other side because I want to make sure there's equal pressure on all sides of the CPU Cooler that way we don't put any Flex on the motherboard then the last thing I want you to do is to plug in your CPU Cooler cable into where it says CPU fan here on the motherboard it's always going to be on the top right of any motherboard you go with and there you have it so for our Ram I have gone with 16 GB of ddr4 memory from xpg this runs at 3200 MHz but the castc of 16 and if I do recall the PS5 also has 16 GB of system memory so we're going to be on par with that and going with the allwhite theme this is a white sticker Ram that's going to work with the motherboard then for m.2 SSD we have gone with a 1 tbte sapr rocket Q nvme PCI m.2 SSD and I got this for 50 bucks and you guessed it it's also in white there you have it and just like the PS5 I think that also comes with 1 TB of m.2 storage so same as this computer so to insert your RAM go ahead and open up slots A2 and B2 which you can find with this little marking here on the motherboard next to the ram open up these two latches then as you can see here on the ram stick these two inserts are different sizes meaning this will only go in one way so make sure you line it up correctly bring this down give it a firm press you should hear a click and do that for the other stick then for m.2 SSD this is going to go where it says hyper m.2 and remember you do need this little baggie that came with the motherboard this has the screw we're going to need to screw in the m.2 SSD into the motherboard so let's take this out let's go ahead and take your SSD this will only go in one way cuz there's a little Notch here on the connector give it a FR press click that in and then using a Phillips head one screwdriver so screw bit that's smaller than a traditional Phillips head take that small little screw line it up up with this hole right here put the two together you should be able to figure this out there you go then for our case of choice we are going with The Cooler Master q300l White Version now I get it I rank this case pretty lowly in my tier list video however this case is $40 and it comes in white and I got to go with it for the Aesthetics and overall theme of this build I got to do it so as you can see there's some stuff on the inside of the the PC case so let's go ahead and take some of this stuff out and then in here we have a case manual this has everything you need to know on how to install what inside this PC case including what screws to use for the motherboard for ssds for your graphics card it'll tell you everything you need to know and then in here as well is our baggie full of all the screws we'll need to install anything we want into the q300l and a cool thing about this motherboard is that the io Shield is already attached to the motherb board so we don't need to put that into the case already in advance now before we put the motherboard into the PC case we are going to need some motherboard standoffs because I don't know if you can tell right now but there's only two standoffs pre-installed into the q300l and if we look at the motherboard we have eight holes we need to plug up with the motherboard standoffs and there's only two inside the PC case so go ahead and open up your baggie of screws right here and you're going to want to use these screws that you see here on screen these are standoff screws and one cool thing cool master is doing for you is that they have a pre-inclusion with the q300l and tighten each of these one by one all right I've got everything in there now let's go ahead and drop in our motherboard press this up against the PC case like this now all the standoffs are lined up with the holes and these are the screws we're going to want to use as you can see here on screen they came with the PC case and let's go ahead and screw these in one by one but don't screw them in all the way just like with the CPU Cooler we just want to make sure these make initial contact with the threads but once we have all of them in then we'll tighten each of them individually that way we place equal pressure on all sides of the motherboard and with this last screw in as I just said now I'm going to go ahead and fully tighten this one in all the way go to a corner of the motherboard tighten that in go to the adjacent Corner tighten this one up rinse and repeat we are almost done we have this case fan right here which let's go ahead and take care of right now and we can plug this in right here where it says system fan one or Channel fan one and this will only go in one way there you have it okay for the power supply now I'm going with an MSI mag ab550 BN now if you want more wattage you can get the same power supply in 650 watts and maybe even more which I'll have also linked in the description below if you want to say just be a little more future proof If you out want to upgrade the graphics card or the processor later down the road you can have a higher wattage power supply right off the bat that'll support those upgrades but for the moment 550 watts is perfectly fine for this system here's your power supply cable we're going to need that here in this little baggie of screws are the screws we'll need for the power supply they're the exact same screws though that we use for the motherboard just now so you should be able to have them voila okay now installing this power supply in the PC case is a little bit different and don't worry the manual for the q300l shows you how to do this if you're confused at all but to install this power supply we need to unscrew this power supply bracket found here on the back of the PC case so go ahead and take out these four screws right here as you can see there we go and here is our power supply bracket now exposed and with this we're going to want to put the power supply into this PSU bracket and screw it in with the fan side facing down so here's our baggie of screws from the power supply box let's go ahead and use these line this up put in one screw let's go ahead and get another screw in right here then another one over here and one more here on the top right and now with this bracket pre-installed let's go ahead and bring in the power supply fan side facing down bring this in push this up to the back side of the PC case and just like how you unscrewed it now we're going to want to screw in that power supply bracket got the holes lined up right here let's go ahead and take this out one at a time or I mean screw this in and voila and what I'm going to go ahead and do right now just to show you guys is I'm going to go ahead and take off the backside panel and I'm I'm going to thread All these power supply cables right through this hole right here preemptively just so we can have these all out of the way there we go now we have a clean system and with that done now we can go ahead and start plugging in all the power cables all the io and anything else we need in this gaming PC so the first thing I'm going to do before we plug in all the io cables is we're going to move this and put it here on the bottom cuz as you'll soon see once we take this out and all these cables with it I want access here to the front of the PC case in case we wanted to put some case fans right here or maybe even a radiator so I'm going to go ahead and move the position of all of our front IO cables down here that way they won't interfere with anything so to do that I'm going to go ahead and tip this over bring this around here there's going to be these two little inserts right here on the bottom of the PC case where we can put this and fun fact we can even put this here or on the top if you want to do that as well and and oh look at that we have the screws already kind of pre-designated cuz they have these little cutouts right here on the bottom dust bracket and and finish this off I'll go ahead and screw in this last one right here there we go and now we can put these through the bottom and now this in the right spot for our front a headers now we can finally go ahead and start plugging everything into the motherboard okay let's go ahead and plug in our USB 3.0 header it's going to go right here where it says USB 3.0 on the motherboard once again the location for this is designated by the motherboard manual there's this little insert here on the connection and there's a little tiny Notch here on the actual connector line the two up should be fairly straightforward and there you go then right here below it is all of our front IO cables for our power button reset button and other things now to install these correctly into this front IO slot here on the bottom right of the motherboard I'm going to need you to refer to the motherboard manual as you see here on screen once again bust out that ASRock motherboard to see where to plug in what otherwise just follow my lead right here the bottom left two pins is going to be for the HDD LED right next to it is going to go the reset switch like that and there'll be an extra pin to the right of that then above the HD LED is your power LED plus and minus and then on those final top two right pins is going to be your power switch and should look something like that then finally here's our HD audio connector this is always going to go on the bottom left of any motherboard that you go with and this is only going to go in one way like that so here we have our CPU power connector as you can see there's a latch here on the actual connector there's a tiny little Notch here on the top of the actual connection line the two up this will only go in one way make sure to give it a firm press and you should hear a little click and there you have it then here is our big motherboard power connector once again again there's a latch here on one side of the connector and here on the actual connection there's a little Notch right here line the two up you're going to want to bring this around put it in and give it a firm press sure a little click and make sure this makes full contact then finally here's our pcie power connector this is what we're going to plug into the graphics card which let's take care of now all right and for the graphics card we are choosing the radon rx5700 XT now a few words on this this first you can either get this brand new or used and I'm actually going with the used route for this one I bought it off of Facebook Marketplace for $150 in cash but if you wanted to buy something new with a warranty then I actually recommend checking out AliExpress and in fact I'm actually ordering an RX 5700 GPU from AliExpress that'll be coming into the studio soon for like what 130 so you can either get this graphics card new or used because you really can go wrong either way way if you want to go down the use route like I said you have tons of options to work from which is why I'm going with this Sapphire Nitro Edition graphics card this is the best model of the 5700 XT that you can get it's got some of the highest core and boost clocks and the build quality is really nice and I think it's going to look pretty nice in this gaming PC and I think it'll fit too just barely okay so let's go ahead and install this graphics card and the first thing we got to do is we got to go ahead and unscrew this little protection bracket here for the PCI covers then if we look where our 5700 XT is going to go I think you're going to take off this topmost PCI slot so let's go ahead and break this off and let's break off the slot below it cuz this is a two slot GPU and if you're working with a PCI Wi-Fi adapter then this is where you want to go ahead and plug that in first which you can plug here on the bottom of the motherboard into this bottommost slot and then you're going to want to take out this bottom most slot PCI cover for this build guide I forgot to get a PCI Wi-Fi adapter so if you need Wi-Fi that's my recommendation otherwise you can plug this into your router for the fastest internet connection right so now with that cleared out of the way will this fit let's see it's not fitting but through geometry we can make it fit all right we tilted the card it's getting in there line it up with the topmost PCI slot and once you think it's going to go in give it a firm press and you should hear a click like that and now let's go ahead and return to our baggie full of screws right here let's pour this all out and with the same screws that we used for the power supply and even the motherboard are the ones we're going to use to screw in the 5700 XT into the PC case but first we got to go ahead and put back on the PCI cover so put that on there take this screw put it in then go ahead and get another screw you may need to liftt up the graphics card but I think this is pretty good screw this in and here's the last screw we'll need for the graphics card okay and yes it is indeed fitting inside the PC case and all we got to do left is just go ahead and plug in our two pcie power connectors so let's connect the two ends of one of these so it's an eight pin connector once again there's a latch here on the connector this will only go in one way here on the top that's in and then here is the other one bring the two connect conectors together so we make this an 8 pin connector here's our latch lining up with the notch here on the top of the GPU power connector and it should look something like that okay now let's go ahead and boot up the computer for the first time and once again do your pre-boot checklist have your keyboard plugged into the computer have your mouse plugged into the computer have a monitor on hand of course make sure there's power being supplied to this monitor or else nothing will show up most importantly make sure there's a display cable coming from the monitor to your graphics card not where the motherboard is where your graphic card is and if you remember go ahead and take out that power supply cable from your power supply box and plug in one end into the back of the computer right here and then the other end into a wall socket and then the last thing I want you to do is to go ahead and flip the switch on the power supply from the zero to the one and that way you're going to prime it for its to turn on for the first time and then finally with all that out of the way make sure to have your 8 gab or bigger flash drive with your windows bootable mini device ready and once again I have a tutorial Linked In the description showing you how to create one of these for free on any flash drive make sure to watch that and do that first and once you complete it we'll go ahead and plug this into one of the USB ports on the back of the computer doesn't matter and once we think we're all ready to go let's go ahead and press the power button right right here there we go and now let's go ahead and install Windows okay go ahead and hit next install now here's where you can enter in your Windows product key if you have one you're welcome to do that but if you don't have one it's fine just click on I don't have a product key and you can proceed as usual I'm going to go ahead and install Windows 11 home doesn't matter what version you get I accept next custom there's our drive next done all right so now let's go ahead and actually set up Windows and just to remind you guys if you haven't already make sure to have your form of Wi-Fi ready to go in this computer or if you're going to have this plugged directly into a router then that also works as well me I'm going to go ahead and use this Wi-Fi connector that's USB but preferably I recommend a pcie Wi-Fi adapter like what I've used in previous build guides or again pluging in Ethernet cable from the back of the computer to a router so go ahead and choose your country go ahead and choose your keyboard layout language if you want a second one you're welcome to do that that now here let's go ahead and connect to your internet so I'm going to go ahead and enter the password for mine once you're connected hit next here you're welcome to name your device now let's go ahead and sign into your preferred Microsoft account this can be an old Xbox liveb account or whatever you use with your current Windows desktop computer or if you don't have one then it's time to create one so if you're given this just go ahead and hit view more options set up as a new device hit next then let's go ahead and create a pin this is what you'll use to sign in every time you turn on your computer computer now for all these privacy things I just turned them off because there are additional background processes that could potentially slow down on my computer and then for all these additional customizations to my Windows Experience I either just decline them or I skip them because they're unnecessary I just want a clean windows experience all right now we're at the windows home screen let's go ahead and install graphics card drivers chipset drivers any additional utilities we need and then top it off we'll go ahead and perform a bios update so go ahead and open up your preferred web browser of choice type in AMD drivers because we are using a 5700 XT click on the link then we'll go ahead and select our graphics card which we're going to go ahead and and check on the 5700 5700 series 5700 XT hit submit choose Windows 11 that's pretty easy we'll download the adrenaline Edition that was released this month and then we'll let that open eventually but for the chipset drivers we're going to go ahead and enter in the name of our motherboard which is the Pro from azrock right there is the motherboard website let's go ahead and click on that then go down to support go on to download and then here we have a list of different things that we can install and honestly all we need to install is this Auto driver there we go click on that and then if we want to control the RGB at all in our system we can also download that and then the last thing I'm going to do like I said is we'll go ahead and perform a bio update so use any 88 GB or bigger flash drive not the same one as your windows bootable media device click on here where it says bios and we're going to want to go ahead and plug this into our computer all right here's our USB flash drive we'll go ahead and download the latest version of the BIOS from this month we hit on global I recommend doing this just because that way you'll be on the latest form of BIOS so your system can have the most performance and least amount of stability issues let's go ahead and extract this into that USB drive I was just showing you guys so extract and there we go there is our bios file we'll go ahead and touch that later but while we're here let's go ahead and also extract and run our RGB software and our autod driver software if we're giving this little eror right here that says you know this file isn't commonly installed just go ahead and hit keep show more keep anyway because it's just graphics card drivers at the end of the day and it's from amd's website sometimes that happens so let's go ahead and run our graphics card drivers last because let's go ahead and run the RGB software let that install hit yes I accept next next next install pretty straightforward then let's go ahead and run the auto driver installer this will take care of chipset and other utilities that we need for ASRock motherboard hit yes I accept next next install go ahead and run this software there you go there's our Auto driver install let's go ahead and click on update let's hit yes and note our computer is probably going to have to restart so make sure you let it do that before we get to installing our graphics card drivers so our computer rebooted now let go ahead and finish up with installing the graphics card drivers which doesn't want to run so we'll run as administrator that should get us working okay so it looks like it doesn't want to install which is kind of poopy but that's fine there's a workaround we'll go ahead and download the autod detect tool that should automatically choose the right drivers and this shouldn't be flagged by Windows there there we go yep hit install all right and with everything done now let's go ahead and restart the computer and we're going to do a few more things in the Bios including that bios update so ENT the BIOS go ahead and hit the delete key as soon as you see the brand of the motherboard pop up on screen all right and while we're in here the first thing we're going to want to do is to go ahead and update the bios so we are on version 2.9 if you click on here that says tool and I know the BIOS may look different on different motherboards but you should see something that says is instant flash or easy flash or whatever that's just flash flash this is what will let you go ahead and update the bio so there it went ahead and scanned everything on our computer and it found that USB flash drive with that updated bios file so let's go ahead and hit update and while this runs do not touch anything do not power off the motherboard don't do anything just let it do its thing Let It reboot and we'll finish out with doing one more thing in the Bios okay so it finished updating the BIOS and and now when we see the brand of the motherboard pop up again we're going to spam the delete key and enter the BIOS One Last Time keyboard is on here we go all right delete key and there we go and last thing we're going to do is we're going to go to OC tweaker load XMP setting set that to profile one that way our random is running at its full advertised speed let's hit exit save changes and let's get to gaming so before we get to gaming I want to show you that you can easily overclock and unal pretty much any AMD graphics card through using the AMD adrenaline software and it's pretty easy just click on performance click on tuning and here on tuning you have a few different options you can either undervolt your graphics card which a lot of people actually like doing nowadays if they want to say reduce the temperatures and the amount of power draw on their graphics card but maintain somewhat similar performance as to what it would be like stock and then we have overclock GPU which is what we're going to be doing today which is going to Auto overclock our 5700 XT for a bit more performance but at the expense of some more power draw and slightly higher temperatures but since we have a sapphire Nitro Edition card cooling is going to be no issue so for all of these benchmarks you're about to see we are going to run them overclocked but this is something anybody can do with their radi on graphics card through using AMD adrenaline software okay and let's start things off with Starfield yes you even though this is gaming PC not a PS5 we can at least play Starfield cuz you know that's one cool thing Microsoft is letting us do with their exclusives is play the one PC on day one just like Xbox but let me show you the graphic settings real quick we've got 1080p mostly High settings FSR 2.0 is turned on and we've got some extra metrics so we have the CPU utilization and the GPU utilization and ideally we want GPU utilization to be as high as it can be and CPU utilization to be wherever it wants to be but if CPU utilization at all goes past say 95% then that would show that we are CPU limited and not GPU limited hence meaning a bottleneck but so far looking at it we're getting pretty much full GPU utilization and CPU utilization even with that six core processor it's not going past like 80% at all so no this CPU and GPU combo won't bottleneck you and this is in neon this is with a lot of Pops yeah this is pretty much the most graphically intense you're going to get when it comes to running Starfield H you know what though just to show you a little bit more gameplay let's go to a less crowded area and uh one other thing to note is that we've got vsync actually turned on right here because I found some pretty horrendous screen tearing when I didn't have it on so just note that that frame rate is going to be higher than 60 actually you know what we'll go ahead and go up this escalator and I'll turn it off for you guys anyways like I promised let's go ahead and turn off vsync let's see how high the frame rate can really get on this 5700 XT and ryzen 5 4500 almost about 80 indoors okay all right so we're here on Forza Motorsport and real quick before we get into the race let me show you guys the graphic settings that I'm running the game at 1920 x 1080 High settings anop filtering set to 16x um Shadow and Cube map I've set to old ult ra and just about the only things I've set to low and off for motion blur lens flare particle effects we don't need those um one thing to note though we don't have FSR 2.0 turned on cuz for some reason the game just crashes I don't know I mean the game's only been out for 3 days so pretty sure that'll be patched soon but still here's the performance and uh by the way starting from last on the grid AI set to eight maximum difficulty yeah let's run this spy see how far we get on Suzuka and it's lights out and away we go in the Lotus evora around Suzuka I got to do my best navigating through turn one cuz these AI are absolutely going to try to wreck me uh make room okay slowly but surely oh my goodness the scenes the scenes right now we are on the curb we are on the grass yes oh man look at that FPS [Music] oo oo we're just navigating we're we're holding we're holding we're holding we're making it we're making it we're making it okay that no that doesn't count that's right no penalty that's right the AI they didn't see me coming oh can I send one wo that's a low speed overtake right so last first challenge maybe possible we're in third place uh we got to make up two positions within the next three laps all right I got to go ahead and put in some work right and about two laps later we are now following the lead two drivers sorry I got to focus going through these curves got to make sure the car doesn't slide off the road got a little bit of over steer right now on the Lotus to give it extra turn in but that means the rear is really loose all right clinical clinical oh we are really catching up to the dnas yep I got a feeling oh that's well that was given to me no fight was put up there come on I want a battle for first I don't want it to be handed to me on a silver platter the Beamer gains on me accelerating out of a corner but going into a corner ah that wasn't going to happen not without contact at least we have so much more turn in can we get can we make a pass into 130r in a stock not a stock but like in an A Class Car this is the stuff only Formula 1 cars could do oh wo wo wo wo wo wo he just turned in on me yo yo I need you to replay that oh my goodness so that Beamer not only tried to run me off the road going into 130r but it also just punted me in the chicane what a dingus anyways we're down in the lead I think that's about it let's MO move on to the next game okay and because I know you guys are going to ask about it we are going to go ahead and play fortnite just to show you guys real quick we are running the game at 1080p with the performance API this is the graphics API that all PC Gamers choose for maximum frame rate got medium view distance High textures High meshes and frame rate is on the top left oh who no no no no no hey I was doing inventory management oh oh my God and Harley quinnn of all people had to show up all right pinata man let's do this woo yo that's my first 1 V One exchange I've won in like two years yo check this out all right what does that do heyo oh nice one uh we can't no tree Strat we got one woo and then we're dead okay I'm doing okay I'm actually doing okay this round I'm I think it's the computer oh he woo got one can we get another one yes we can all right cool uh we're up on five kills and that's almost six oh boy tree Strat tree Strat tree Strat can't do anything I refused to build man I just can't with that is that enough I had some good kills right there I think let's move on to the final game of the build video right I think it' only be fair if we went ahead and did a game that is a PlayStation exclusive that got brought over to PC which is God of War now right now I've got the game running at let's go ahead and check this out 1440p ultra settings but but I do have AMD FSR 2.0 enabled that's something we can just do on the PC version so I'm going to go ahead and take advantage of it it's going to give us more frames per seconds while maintaining graphical Fidelity and let's get out of there I forgot the button that uh let you shoot arrows unless your uh your guy do it is that y oh there we go it's X so far I'm liking the game this is also remember this is being run at 1440p not 1080p like the other few games games and I think that's important because you know fora Motorsport and Starfield just came out they very much unoptimized right now but God of War has been out for over a year so its performance is more representative of what triaa games should be like on this computer cuz after all it has a 5700 XT all right I need you to shoot some arrows get his attention all right here we go he's going down he's going down there we go and will YouTube monetization allow this kill maybe okay maybe not maybe not no so far so good we're good we're good no I think that I think that's good anyways that's God of War let's finish out the video all right let's go ahead and finish out this build video with the one thing that I don't like about this budget gaming PC and that is kind of the trade-off with going with a white PC case with a white motherboard means there's no onboard USBC and there's not even any USBC on the rear IO of the motherboard that b550m Pro Se the special White Edition motherboard unfortunately doesn't come with any USBC headers or any on the rear IO so that can be a bit of a deal breaker although to get around that just get a b550 motherboard that's Micro ATX that has an onboard USBC header on the rear IO and on the motherboard and then for the PC case look at the q300l version 2 which is what I used in my $600 gaming PC build guide that comes with an onboard USBC header on the PC case itself and that is maybe going to cost you an extra 20 bucks or so but if you want a USBC then yeah that is one thing I would keep in mind additionally when it comes to its performance I think if this can actually measure up to a PlayStation 5 is still kind of Up For Debate because technically the graphics card that we have in here is equivalent to what a PS5 offers which is about an RTX 2070 just the thing is I decided to Showcase Forza Motorsport and Starfield which just came out they're very much unoptimized and they Xbox titles so about the only one toone comparison I can really make with this computer versus a PS5 would have to be God of War which this ran at 1440p ultra settings 60 frames per seconds although we did have AMD FSR turned on but that's something you can take advantage of on PC that you can on console and I don't recall how well God of War runs on the PlayStation 5 but I really think with those two other games that being Starfield and fors of Motorsport since again those games just came out and they're on PC I think more game updates will make them a lot more playable on all sorts of Hardware because right now looks like people are kind of struggling to run of those games but at least being able to run those in the first place on a computer that costs the same at as a PS5 right off the bat I think is still pretty impressive nonetheless so I expect those two games to eventually run at 14 40p on this PC with more game updates because after all we have a 5700 XT in this PC and that is the right graphics card you want in a budget PC like this other than the Radeon RX 6600m which you can buy on AliExpress for about $160 and that is actually going to be faster and consume less power it's basically a 6600 but from a laptop and for some reason it's faster and that's really really about it you could probably save a few dollars if you didn't go all white you know you could choose a black PC case with a black motherboard with black components and that'll save you a little bit of cash but overall this for $500 I'm actually decently pleased I wish the CPU Choice could be the i31 12100 because that will be on the LGA A700 socket which will make it more future proof because you can upgrade up to 14th gen whereas with this ryzen system you're going to upgrade to a 5800 X 3D and that'll be it and then you'll have to buy a whole new motherboard DD 5 kit of RAM and CPU but that's just about my only complaint other than there being no USBC so there you have it that is it for this PC build guide and if you want to check out the parts that I use for this build and if you want to build it yourself please look in the description below support me with those links if you feel inclined and once again I just want to give another thank you to all of you who make it till this point in the video you help out those viewer retention ratings and that is what allow ows me to make more of these PC build guides not just for you but also for PC newbies who are wanting to get into PC gaming with hopefully the right knowledge set of what's the right Hardware to use for Budget PC builds so with all that said thank you so much for watching and this is the skyville channel signing out
Channel: ScatterVolt
Views: 380,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: $500 gaming pc, $500 gaming pc build, 500 gaming pc, $500 gaming pc build guide4, $500 pc build, gaming pc, gaming pc build, pc build, pc build guide, build a pc, budget pc build, budget gaming pc, best budget gaming pc, budget pc, building a gaming pc, how to build a gaming pc, best gaming pc, 1080p gaming pc build, 1080p pc build, console killer, ps5, best budget gaming pc 2024, gaming pc 2024, 500 gaming pc 2024, budget gaming pc 2024, pc build 2024
Id: iap1ktD9uAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 15sec (2355 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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