PS5: 3 Months Later Review

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hello everyone it's spawnpoint and welcome back to another video so i've been using the playstation 5 for just over three months now and after hundreds of hours of gaming i think it's time i gave you my updated thoughts is it any good what issues have i had and is it really worth upgrading from the ps4 i'm going to show you some gameplay what i like dislike what i actually think needs improvement as well as the controller and what i miss about the playstation 4. today's video is sponsored by stereo which is an app where i've been hosting some of my live q a shows recently so if you want to join me for my next live show next week make sure you click the link in the description and download and sign up today now i've said this before probably four times in other videos but the dual sense controller is a game changer it really is the best controller i've ever used so it still feels like a dual shock 4 controller from the ps4 but just bigger and heavier but still familiar in fact after using it for just the first day i instantly preferred it over the old controllers the haptic feedback or the vibration of the controller is awesome it's not just like a rumble like we've had before it reacts to what you're doing in every game and it can feel totally different so depending on what the developers have chosen to do with it the controller provides vibration as you're walking or driving over different services even as you shoot a gun in cold war the controller kind of reacts and you can really feel it now in dirt 5 or wrc 9 for example as you're driving along the road whether you're on gravel or on tarmac you can actually feel this through the controller and then there's the adaptive triggers which for a lot of games i've played works really really well now i love the fact that they actually change depending on what you're doing so as you say pull a trigger in cold war to shoot a gun you could feel the resistance like it's got an elastic band inside the trigger but as soon as you fire the resistance goes or when you're driving you can actually feel the wheel spinning through the trigger as a resistance changes depending on the road service that you're on now this definitely is a next-gen feature and it's not something i actually anticipated being just as good as it is so the motion controls built into the controller are great and the touchpad works really well although other than astros playroom i don't think i've used it much it's also got a built-in speaker and microphone a feature that i've never used apart from by accident now it's great if you don't have a headset but the number of times i've jumped into cold war for a quick game in not in a party and i've realized that the mic is still on so i can see a lot of people getting caught out if you're not careful i like the fact that it's usbc so although it comes with a cable and i'm using the dock anyway at least you can use any usbc cable that you've got lying around the house now the playstation icon button on the controller if you tap it it will bring up the quick menu across the bottom that's pretty cool and now i'm sure this didn't work at launch but if you press and hold the button it will then take you straight home into the dashboard so that's pretty easy to use now i would actually like to see this changed so something that i would like to see would be a single tap would bring up the menu as we already see a double tap would take you home and maybe a long press would turn off the controller or turn off the console like what we see on the xbox so over the last few months i've actually played a lot of different games and everything that i've played has looked sounded and performed so so well now the first game that i played which was free and i recommend everyone playing was astros playroom it was a proper fun game to play and it shows off the controller's capabilities also is an easy plat if you're a trophy hunter too next was spider-man miles morales it's up there with one of my most favorite games it's got a great story it runs incredibly smoothly now i was playing this in 60 frames per second which you obviously can't see from this video but it's absolutely awesome now there are actually three different gaming modes for this you've got fidelity which runs at 30 frames per second and it has ray tracing enabled you've got performance mode which runs at 60 frames per second but ray tracing is disabled and then you've got the new mode which wasn't available at launch but this is performance rt and this runs at 60 frames per second with ray tracing enabled but if you've played the original spider-man i definitely recommend picking this one up i've played loads of cold war which in 120 frames at 4k looks incredible now i've never properly gamed on a pc before which means i've not experienced 120 hertz and on the ps5 it does not disappoint now you'll obviously need a tv or a monitor that supports hdmi 2.1 120hz and vrr to really make the most of what the ps5 has to offer which fortunately for me the 77 cx i'm using well that does but yeah cold war plays really really well on the ps5 and the adapter triggers and the captive feedback works awesome as well so i get loads of questions and comments on my videos which i always read and reply to but recently i've been hosting live shows over on stereo to answer even more of your questions last week i actually hosted two shows and i talked about the playstation 5 and next-gen gaming and another one was about how i grew my instagram account to 50 000 followers and i gave loads of tips and tricks for that but if you've not heard of it stereo is an audio only social media app and it lets you live broadcast your show while listening and responding to voice messages as they come in now i will be running even more of these shows over on the stereo app as it's just so easy to use my next show which i've already scheduled will be about youtube and it'll be about my youtube channel growth so far it's going to be a live show and it'll be covering how i grew to 70 000 subs in a year the equipment that i use the revenue the tips the tricks and hopefully all of your questions answered but here's a snippet from last week's show do you think there is going to be a ps5 pro version of this console well finally we we're actually talking about that right the beginning of the show yeah yeah so ultimately we don't think that well there will be probably eventually but i don't think there will be for at least another two or three years i really don't and if they do if they do bring out a ps4 pro um it will be for cash it won't be because they actually let's be honest they're gonna do it because they just want more money they don't need a ps4 pro sorry ps5 pro should i say so yeah if you'd like to join me on my next show talking about my youtube journey where you can ask me almost anything at all about my channel click the link download the app and follow me today it would be awesome to see you there so other games i've been playing include sack boy destruction all-stars which was a free ps plus game dirt 5 watchdogs wrc 9 neo demon souls and loads more now they all look feel and sound great on the ps5 the graphics even for the remastered neo 1 and 2 are great and a noticeable step up in quality now i imagine over the next couple of years or so as more games are released that is when we'll really see what the ps5 is capable of and as for playstation 4 games whether that's disk or digital well actually 99 of those games do play and they run great on the ps5 in fact they run quicker and better than they did on the ps4 so if like me you've got a library of games you want to take with you across to the ps5 well now you can and the fact that 99 of the ps4 games are playable on the ps5 you can either download them from the store if it's a digital purchase or you just insert the disk into the console and play it some of the playstation 4 games i've played so far on the ps5 well that includes cyberpunk mafia concrete genie tomb raider need for speed heat and tony hawk now they all look great still i've had no issues at all and i've also had no problems with transferring game saves and continuing where i left off also if you are still using a playstation 4 and the playstation 5 at the same time where you can actually have both consoles on and play in and it won't kick you out of one remember that with the playstation 5 you do get loads of free games too when you buy the console and that's part of the playstation plus collection now these include games like days gone and glorious 60 frames per second god of war the last of us and ratchet and clank now i've played most of these already and i've played them previously on the playstation 4 but i will definitely be playing these again on the playstation 5 especially those have been upgraded in terms of frames per second then on top of that if you're paying for playstation plus which for me is an absolute no-brainer where you also get free games every month to download and keep so take february for example we've got destruction all-stars control and concrete genie now the speed of this console at loading almost anything is just so quick the boot up time the load time the multitasking all of it's just so fast now i take it for granted now as i always use it daily and i've kind of gotten used to it but only the other day i turned on the playstation 4 just to record some footage and i realized just how slow and sluggish that console used to be and this is a playstation 4 pro so with the playstation 5 whether you're booting it from rest mode or completely off it's quick but that's not really where you notice or need the speed it's where you're actually using on a day to day basis so switching between games or loading up menus especially when you're in a game already is great so on the playstation 4 if you were playing a game and you needed to return to the dashboard or go into the settings and change something really quickly it would take you 30 to 40 seconds to actually do the task because it takes so long to do whereas with the playstation 5 it's just so smooth and it's effortless and jumping into games is really quick as well so here i'm loading up miles morales now i'm not going to speed this up i'm not going to cut it at all i'm not also not going to do it as fast as possible so once a menu loads up i choose the game save that i want to play and then obviously press continue and within a few seconds the game is loaded now this took less than 17 seconds from the dashboard and i'm already playing the game that's absolutely rapid and this is the same for most games i've played now there is a switcher tab and that would lead you to believe that it's the same as the xbox quick resume but it isn't so the quick resume lets you switch between games and it resumes from the exact part of the game that you were last at which is absolutely incredible on the xbox however on the playstation 5 it does not work in the same way it's more of a recent game button so if you press it it closes the game that you're currently on and then it opens the other one nothing more than that it doesn't save the current state and it won't return you from the exact moment where you left it but as i say i've definitely taken the speed of this console for granted but also means i'm never sat here waiting for menus or options to load it reacts super fast and it's done within seconds at no point do i ever feel frustrated that it's not performing as i expect now don't quote me on this but i am sure games are downloading quicker as well now i assume this is down to the ssd rather than the hard drives that were previously had but it's definitely noticeable now the memory or the available storage on the playstation 5 is pretty poor i'm actually quite disappointed in it so when i had the playstation 4 pro well that had a two terabyte internal storage now i never needed an external drive for that whereas with the playstation 5 well that comes with just 825 gigabytes that's internal memory of that only 667 is actually usable i'm already deleting games which isn't great after only a few months i mean maybe call of duty needs to ship with its own ssd but the playstation 5 well that should have come with a two terabyte ssd drive or at least support external drives from launch now i am using an ssd drive for my playstation 4 games but as of now you cannot store playstation 5 games on an external drive they have to stay on the internal memory so i know there is a divide when it comes to the look and the design of the console but i actually really like it so whether it's laid down like mine or stood up i think it looks absolutely fine so when it's off there are no lights at all on the front and when it's in standby or rest mode there's like a kind of like an orange glow at the top you've got the leds at the top and then when it's on it goes from blue to white and i think that looks pretty clean overall now the face plates are removable which means that you can take them off and you can wrap them you can spray them or you can change them now i've recently ordered myself the matte black plates from dbrand so maybe in a couple of months or so when that turns up i'll be able to show those off now maybe we will also see some themed or custom ones from playstation themselves in the future it might be interesting to see but this must be the easiest console that we've ever had to be able to customize overall i think the ui or the user interface or the playstation 5 is really clean i think it's a nice step up from the playstation 4 and what we're used to seeing now the fact is it's also in 4k now and that really shows as it's super super sharp and the menus look really nice as well games and media are now split into two sub headings at the top you can see here across the top now i never go into media so i don't really use that area at all now each game has its own theme so while you're navigating around the dashboard if you land or you stop on a game as you're kind of swiping through it will now show a different background and it will sometimes play music or a theme tune as well if the developer has chosen to do so so if you go into the full game library you can actually see here all of the games you've previously purchased so here are my digital games for example you can scroll through and you can re-download those again then if you tab across you can actually see the installed games all the ones you currently have installed on the console so as i have both playstation 4 and playstation 5 games installed if you scroll down the list they're actually split out into two categories again so at the top you've got your playstation 5 game so i've got a few here and as you scroll down you've got the playstation 4 games now actually it was only when filming this did i realize that i've got dirt 5 installed on both the playstation 4 and the playstation 5. but yeah i think this is really nice i think it looks nice it's really clean and it's really easy to navigate so the settings area the playstation 5 is pretty boring it's exactly the same as the playstation 4 but that's fine i mean it needs to feel familiar so you get straight to the setting when you need to change it now go back to the playstation icon that's on the controller now if you actually tap this it will bring up a kind of like a quick launcher menu across the bottom now i like this because it lets you jump between the different options or the different settings that you need instead of returning to the home screen so for example you've got friends you've got parties you've got your sound settings and your mic settings now you can actually add and remove from this area as well so if you press the option button on the controller it will then bring up an option you can actually delete or you can add to the different settings you wish to see however there are two things that i really missed from the playstation 4 and they've not actually brought it across to the playstation 5. the first one being is the ability to change or install your own theme or wallpaper so on the playstation 4 i always had this theme and this was my kind of my background on my wallpaper but i understand with the playstation 5 as you navigate through the different games the background obviously changes to a different theme but it would be great if you had maybe like a home dashboard and you could install your own theme maybe it's something we'll see in the future the second thing that i miss is being able to store your games in folders now this is something i always did on the playstation 4 and this was mainly to split the games up between myself and my children now whereas now that is not the option you've just got a long list of games across the top as you would have seen if you didn't use the folder option in the playstation 4. now obviously it shows you the most recent games first but it doesn't actually show you all of the games so if you've got maybe you know 30 games for example it will only show you the most recent ones across the top then you need to go to the full library to see the rest something else i really don't like is the way that the trophies are shown now i mean visually they look great and they're really nice but navigating and seeing what trophies you need or still have to get it feels a lot more effort than before now i'd rather see a vertical list or at least give us the option to change it between horizontal and vertical now as i buy most of my games digitally i actually spend a bit of time in the app store and it's so much faster to navigate especially over the playstation 4 again now the search feature works really well and ability to filter between playstation 4 and playstation 5 games is awesome so you can see here the playstation 5 games are currently available at glance i also use the mobile app to add games to my wish list and as you can see you can also see that on the store on the playstation as well so you've got a little wishlist icon here along with everything that you expect to see underneath so although the console has been awesome i've really really enjoyed it over the last three months i have had a couple of issues now most of these were within the first couple of weeks and since then i've not had any problems at all so i just want to start by saying that now the first issue was games crashing so i experienced this a lot within the first couple of weeks it was almost like every day it felt like especially when i was playing cold war now this could have been an issue with the game or it could have been the console obviously it's hard to know now what would actually happen is the game itself would just error out i'd have an error on the screen and the game would just close it would go back to the dashboard and have to boot it up again now the second option i had i've only had this twice and it's happened on two separate days and the console completely shut down now this was only shortly after turning it on so maybe within the first 20 minutes or so and the console will turn on and then it would just go to a black screen completely shut down and it wouldn't turn back on so the button on the front of the console the button on the controller nothing would allow the console to switch back on and after about 30 or 40 seconds or so eventually it would come back on to be honest the first time it happened i really thought the console was broke i thought this was it it's gone two weeks in i have to get a replacement already but it's not happening again so within the first couple of weeks it did it and i've not had the issue since so although the console is quiet like whisper quiet the disk drive on this is actually quite noisy now it only spins for about 10 seconds at boot up if you've got a disc installed and maybe once an hour during gameplay but it's pretty loud now luckily i don't play many physical games because most of my digital but if i did this would definitely annoy me and i've also had no problems with heat as well i've never heard the fans kicking in either so comparing that to the playstation 4 if you played for a few hours on cold war for example the fans would have kicked in and you could overhear it on your microphone whereas the playstation 5 it runs whisper quiet and it's so so cool as well in comparison so over the last few months i have picked up a few accessories for it nothing crazy because there isn't much available i've got an extra controller i've got the charging dock i've got the astro a20s and i've got that ssd drive that i use for my ps4 games but if you want to see more about the accessories i have i actually created a dedicated video on that a couple of weeks ago so feel free to check that out after this one so summarizing all of the things i would like to change about the playstation 5. i would like to see wallpapers and folders added i think the ability to be able to add your own themes like we did on the playstation 4 that needs to be brought across i think the trophy list needs to be sorted out the horizontal view just does not work for me visually it's fine but navigating it is a real pain i'd also increase the internal storage ssd for the playstation 5. obviously that can't be retrospectively changed on the console i've already got but future playstation 5s they need a one or two terabyte drive at least and they need to be able to support more external ssds that will allow you to put playstation 5 games on them not just the playstation 4. so if you've not got a playstation 5 this question is probably for you would i recommend getting a playstation 5 yes 100 you have to get a playstation 5. it's got an awesome controller incredible exclusives and it's stupidly fast at loading games plus the option to remove the plates if you don't like the look of the console is really easy so you can pop the plates off you can change the color you can wrap it you can spray it whatever you want to do on top of that if you've got a playstation 4 already and you've got a library of games that you want to bring with you well you can you can literally bring your playstation 4 library whether it's digital or physical and you can play it on the playstation 5. in fact it will probably run smoother and better on the playstation 5 than it already does on your playstation 4 so it's overall a far better experience now i did actually do a comparison a while back on the playstation 5 versus the xbox series x and i picked a winner spoiler it was a playstation 5. if you want to check that out then you can after this video and actually go through and i compare the different features of both consoles well you've just made it to the end of this video so thank you hopefully if you're on the lookout for a playstation 5 this has helped you and you're already out there scouting the websites looking for a playstation 5 even though it's practically out of stock everywhere if you've already got a playstation 5 what do you think do you think i've kind of summarized it up would you agree with all of my comments what i like and i dislike and if you drop a nice ps5 in the comments i will give you a thumbs up as i know you're still here at the end of this ridiculously long video well i hope you enjoyed it please hit that like button as it helps me out and don't forget to subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and also don't forget that i am doing some live shows over on stereo click the link in the video description download the app and i will definitely see you there and you can also follow me on instagram and twitter until next time
Channel: SpawnPoiint
Views: 1,199,107
Rating: 4.8596663 out of 5
Keywords: ps5, playstation 5, ps5 review, ps5 games, playstation 5 review, ps5 controller, ps5 gameplay, sony playstation 5, ps5 reviews, ps5 3 months later, sony ps5, ps5 games gameplay, playstation 5 game play, dualsense controller, ps5 graphics, ps5 ui, ps5 game reviews, ps5 three months later, ps5 user interface, next gen, spiderman miles morales, ps5 2021, playstation 5 controller, ps5 game reviews uk, ps5 review ign, ps5 review gameplay, Spawnpoiint
Id: PuMD97b7iQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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