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Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how's it Africa everything cool it is it ain't it shall be well in Jesus name by the end of the conference a man turn and greet at least three persons before you are seated you may be seated how many ministers do we have in the house just wait pastors and ministers welcome you praise the Lord it's a privilege always given a great honor to minister to men of God men and women of God pastors and leaders you know Jesus said if any man thirsts let him come unto me and drink now sometimes we want to come to Jesus in a conference to draw a message to give to others in other words you want to draw water for our church in our ministries and you know you can do that and diopters Jesus says come unto me and do something selfish drink for yourself drink and drink and drink enjoy Jesus enjoy the work for yourself and then out of your belly shall flow rivers community to touch your nation amen so today let me invite you to drink drink deeply beloved are you ready for the world [Music] John 117th for the law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ the law was given you can give something from a distance you can send it you can post it you can mail it but grace and truth came truth is on the side of grace not on the side of the law and sometimes you hear people saying well that's the gospel truth well he ain't if you're being hard you're being condemned name you're being legalistic it ain't the truth truth is on the side of grace when Jesus says you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free he was talking to a bunch of Pharisees that understood the people of Israel understood the law if the law is the truth it was redundant for Jesus to say you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free so the truth of the gospel is grace greatest unearned undeserved favor the law was given by Moses grace and truth came by Jesus Christ the first miracle of Moses the law who represents the law was to turn water into blood resulting in death the first miracle of grace was to turn water into wine resulting in life and celebration under law you have to take off your shoes for the place where you're standing is holy and the grace when the youngest son came home the father says put shoes on his feet he has the right to stand in my presence and the law it is always do and do and do when you are under law it is always a constant performance but under grace it is finished there is a rest there is such a rest rest is our promised land God swore they shall not enter my rest the believers Promised Land today's rest I'll bring you to a land where you will live in houses you did not build Tuscany houses beautiful houses you would drink from wells you did not dig it from arches you do not plant what is the promised land is based on the work of another our part as believers is to rest the more you rests the more Jesus can do in and through you the reason why you don't see more of God in our lives and our ministry is because we do too much when we do dot rest when your s God goes into action God said to Moses stand still and see the salvation of the Lord in Hebrew the Yeshua Jesus stand still and see Jesus but we say if we stand still nothing will happen we believe don't just stand there do something God says don't just do something stand and if God does not move you can squeeze and squeeze the one thing results for your life and ministry is like squeezing the rock you want water to flow out of the rock if God is not speaking God is not moving something will flow out your blood and God speaks water love Noah now man and the law God says how by no means forget your sins but I'll visit your sins for the third and fourth generation but under grace because of what Jesus has done God says I'll by no means remember your sins any longer that's been a change and yet so many of us we are still camping on the law we are still preaching God willed is--it your sins to the third and fourth generation when the Bible is so clear that under the New Covenant God remembers our sins no more why no more that means there was a time God remembered our sins but no more no more to visit your sins no more to punish you no your rooster in coming home to roost it got roasted at the cross of Jesus amen the cross changed everything and sometimes in our preaching you know we preach as if the cross never happened we negate the cross we are still preaching the law do good get good do bad get bad there was the difference why did Jesus come Jesus came so that we can receive good that we don't deserved you can receive good you don't deserve you can receive prosperity you don't deserve you can receive healing you don't deserve you can receive wholeness you don't deserve because Jesus took your curse at the cross he took your judgment your punishment at the cross you see it's the Holy Spirit to explain grace therefore I submit to you grace it's not just the beginning its grace that save us it's grace they're bringing us home having begun in the spirit we continue in the spirit can I have a good amen now how many of you want the blessings of Abraham on your life let me see your hands I know when you preached in South Africa you see already the blessings of God in your land the potential is there amen and I know that many of you have heard about the blessings of Abraham I know that I'm addressing ministers that are well taught on the blessings of Abraham ever since I cut my spiritual tea fund on pastor Hagen's writings and materials I grew up in the word of faith I've been hearing about Abraham's blessings Abraham's blessings is health wealth estate health well don't apologize for it health wealthy men the blessings of Abraham includes more than their the major blessing of Abraham is righteousness Christ redeem us from the curse of the law that the blessing of Abraham might come on us now Christ redeem us from the curse of the law what does that mean what does that mean well pastor Prince it means that if you obey God there is no curse now that is a bit redundant to say them why should that be a curse when you obey God duh it only means something if today when you fail when you fall when you sin there is no curse because Christ has ransom you from the curse he took the curse at the cross now believing like this will it produce licence in the church will it produce immorality Lexus in the church no because right believing always produces right limiting the law is all about right doing for many years now we've been preaching right doing right doing right doing and people are doing wrong people are messed up perhaps we have missed the New Covenant altogether for the righteous shall live by right believing Amen when that's right believing they'll be right living amen your sins have been forgiven at the cross your sins of yesterday today and tomorrow have been forgiven so breathe and be at rest well pastor brains you know even dish that our entire life of sins have been forgiven people were will think that as a license to say no that's not true because one time there was a woman that came to Jesus when Jesus was invited to a Pharisees house his name was Simon the Pharisee and he invited Jesus for dinner and he gave Jesus no welcome water for his feet anointing for his head and at the end of the dinner a woman the Bible calls a great sinner most likely a harlot came to Jesus and she wept at his feet wiped his feet with her hair and anointed his feet then Jesus say Simon look at this woman you gave me no water for my feet you did not anoint me with oil and she has not ceased kissing my feet let me tell you a story Jesus said there were two creditors who owed money one owed I'm gonna use US dollars again hundred thousand us another owed just hundred dollars and when both could not pay their loan the moneylender forgave them both now which of them will love him more well you know because the Pharisees understand dollar signs I suppose the one that's forgiven more Jesus says in essence you know why she loved me much she knows she's forgiven much if we push the total forgiveness of sins to our people that obvious sins are forgiven until the day they die hey listen if the temporal blood of bulls and goats can provide forgiveness at least for one year for Israel don't tell me the blood of Jesus the royal blood of Jesus the eternal blood of Jesus provides a forgiveness until your next in till to your Bruce something is wrong the eternal blood of Jesus provides eternal forgiveness so that we can rest and the more you read the more Christ's will manifest and the result is holiness by accident you know have you seen holiness by effort Here I am I'm trying to be holy I gotta have it little slower walk it up open well my brothers and sisters to Jesus be all the glory I need to be humble it stinks is that have you seen someone trying to be humble and it's not real but when you look at someone and your face is shining and and they are effortlessly being humble you see Jesus is the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 1 Galatians 2 Galatians 3 and 4 and 5 you find that before you come to the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5 as well as the works of the flesh it's very interesting it doesn't say fruits of the flesh works fruit of the Spirit now chapters 1 to 4 talks about law and grace law and grace law and grace if you are under law the result is the works of the flesh if you are under grace the fruit of right believing the fruit of being under grace is love joy peace even self-control is not an effort is a fruit so if I want my people to be self-control i dont preach self-control to them i preach the grace of god because the grace of god is a teacher it will teach them to deny ungodliness we don't teach people the grace of God teachers a teacher is a marvelous teacher we preach grace and grace we'll teach them from the inside out to be under law is to produce the works of the flesh when Israel king of Israel when they came out of Egypt they came out the Bible says in Psalms 105 he brought them for the silver and gold and there was none feeble among them 2.5 million people not 160 everyone came out loaded with silver and gold grandpas were chasing grandmas around hallelujah no one was lame everyone was healed because the night before that they fed on the lamb the roasted lamb of God hallelujah notice they came up with gold and silver but there was no golden calf because the law was not yet given the only time you see the golden calf the misuse of gold is when after the law was given and East will bolster and presume upon her own righteousness and says all that God says we are able to do it then right after that the next thing you see is a golden chance it began with good intentions to be under law it began with a desire to be holy but the moment you come under law the result the works of the flesh idolatry the very first commandment you should have no other gods you see a golden calf down there under grace they came up by the blood of the lamb they do not know the ten commandments because it was not yet given they came out by the Abrahamic covenant of grace amen go serve them all the way to Sinai but under law the moment they accepted the law they served goal one day I was reading the scriptures and you know the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians 3 the Ministry of death written and engraved on stones I think we have a reference here now it blows it really blow some people's minds you know that God calls the law the Ministry of death say it what ministry is it death written and engraved on stones it was glorious so the chair of Israel cannot look steadily at the face of Moses verse 8 the next verse how are the Ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious for it the Ministry of condemnation had glory the Ministry of righteousness exceeds much more in glory let me tell you something about verse 9 do you know that we have seen revivals in times past based on pointing out your sin point and not pointing out your your fault your weaknesses and we bring people to the altar and they're crying and they're bawling and we have a revival God did not say the Ministry of condemnation has no glory but that glory is nothing compared to the ministry of righteousness which I believe we are entering into in these last days he may use their revival a revolution of the gospel you'll find young people turning to Jesus because they are tired of being under the law their pair of hypocrisy well you know someone say the law that we are not with them we are no longer under pastor Prince is not the Ten Commandments it is actually the killing of animals where the killing of animals the rituals of the law were never engraved on stones the only part of the law that was engraved written and engraved on stones with the Ten Commandments and in America they are fighting to put the Ten Commandments in public schools we should be fighting to put John 3:16 in public schools but God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son well well if we don't have the tanker members how can people be holy well how us Abraham holy Abram was taught my my friend God calls him my friend shall I hide from Abraham the thing which I'm about to do God calls him my friend you know God loves all of us but he just doesn't like some of us you know pastors you love your church don't you but they're just some people you don't like you love that but you don't like them I'd want it to be someone God just loves I wanted to be someone got lights and got light Abraham but Abraham lived more than 400 years before the Ten Commandments was given so how did he leave with how did he walk with God Joseph lived hundreds of years before the tenth commandment was given Joseph could resist forty first wife and there was no Ten Commandments Christ is our wisdom Christ is our righteousness Christ is our holiness and Christ is our Redemption can I have a good amen it's Christ the law cannot make you holy the law was given to bring out your sin it was designed for that purpose it was designed to bring out your sin it is not designed to bring out righteousness for by the law is the knowledge of sin the Bible calls the law the Ministry of death imagine doing a series on the Ten Commandments we are killing our people slowly every week I submit to you that people are sick today in our churches people are bound today not because of sin Jesus took care of sin they are bound they are sick because of condemnation the Ministry of condemnation you know in Luke 18 and Luke 19 we have two chapters put side by side by the Holy Spirit Luke 18 is about the rich young ruler Luke 19 secures the Holy Spirit put these two chapters side-by-side to show us the effects of law and grace Luke 18 the rich young ruler came to Jesus boasting what must I do to inherit eternal life now Church what is the correct answer believe on me Jesus should have said believe on me but because he came boasting in his performance what must I do Jesus says you know that Commandments thou shalt not bear false witness thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not thou follow Jesus gave him the law why because jesus knew that the law would bring him to the end of himself but this guy got real self-righteous as if all these are careless then Jesus look at him says one thing you liked the law is always designed to bring out your legs one thing you like sell all you have give to the poor it was a test whether mammal or money was his number one God the Bible says he went away sorrowful he could hardly give up one dollar next chapter Zacchaeus he was a short man but all have come short of the glory of God so he climb a tree the answer is always the tree man he climb a tree and he saw Jesus now he was a tax collector in that day to be a tax collector is like betraying your own country he was a texting like collector on the tree looking down on Jesus and Jesus looked up no laws given no commandments given Jesus the cover says Zacchaeus come down today I must eat at your house just grace as they ran off the people were whispering it's a scandal of grace people always whisper things when grace is shown they don't whisper when law is preached you'll say a man law produces mean people have you noticed that especially mean on ladies Jesus went to Zacchaeus house no Commandments issued no laws given at the end of the dinner Zacchaeus got up and said half of my goods I give to the poor all those have cheated how repay for faux Jesus Mullen says salvation has come to this house hallelujah and the Lord the rich young ruler could Holly give up one dollar and the grace Zacchaeus gave up almost everything grace makes our people generous there is something about about grace that needs to be taught again and again and again Martin Luther says Annie I need to preach the gospel of grace to somebody so usually he ends up preaching to his colleagues every day I need to preach the gospel of grace to somebody because every day I forget if you hear ten good sermons ten weeks of good sermons on Grace and the 11 week you hear mixture you can forget all the ten there is something about us that has a propensity towards the law are you listening now Abraham's blessings little Abraham's blessings for a while in Romans 4 it says for the promise that Abraham would be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law but through the righteousness of faith now what is the promise that God gave Abraham that he would be the heir of the world now if you ought to be if God's going to fulfill that promise in your life to be the heir of the world at least you'll be the heir of South Africa if God's gonna fill the promise to make you the heir of the world he's got to make you healthy it's kind of hard to be an heir of the world flat on your back if God will make you the heir of the world he's gonna make you wealthy because it's kind of hard to be the heir of the world poor and bankrupt so within this all-encompassing promise of being the heir of the world is health wealth protection but why is it believers are not even taking the territory they are in taking more land possessing at least a part of the world why we've been hearing about the blessings of Abraham all these years yet we're not seeing it why I think we missed what we are reading over here it says the promise that Abraham will be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed now you all know your Christ therefore you're Abraham's seed this promise is also for you because you are Abraham's seed 10 to somebody and say I'm Abraham's seed I sell the promise is also to you right you're Abraham's seed so the promise was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law but through the righteousness of faith it is not true the law and we've been trying to get it through the law in other words it's not true your obedience it's not true your law keeping it's not true you're earning it amen hey Abraham himself did not receive the blessings because he got his act all together the men lied about his wife man just outrightly plumb light and he has a very spiritual motive to protect his own life and he did it twice so he is not exactly a perfect example of someone being blessed because he kept the law or he obeyed God but he was a man of faith so the promise is not via the law it's via the righteousness of faith if we had preached righteousness of faith to our people they were just effortlessly inherent you know Abraham like as some of you know me it kind of strange you never heard Abraham light you know he was about to enter Egypt and his wife was lovely and Abram says you're a good-looking woman so if somebody asks whether you're my wife just say no he's my proof so Pharaoh saw the woman wanted her for his harem and you know what happened the Bible says the Lord played Pharaoh in his house wait a minute Lord you got the wrong man you should play the lyre God play I mean you cannot blame Pharaoh use is your sister okay whoa what am i good-looking sister I'm gonna pay you for it all right I mean Pharaoh God play the wrong man I'll tell you something when you are righteous by faith God does not see your faults and weaknesses and that's the reason why listen that's the reason why in the Hall of faith by faith Moses by faith Abraham by faith you don't find any record of sin you know why because heaven does not record sins of the believer ever since the cross there's no more record there was no more videos to play this was your life don't worry I use the thing when you go to heaven one day all right dog play a video this was your life frighten the living daylights out of me as a teenager you mean every table shown on the screen uh-huh that's not right hard you know just two weeks ago I was in I was preaching in Hillsong Europe and I was lying in my bed and the Lord spoke to me and the lost his son in the Hall of faith even Moses all his exploits of faith was before the law well I got up I turned to the Bible just the proof got wrong you ever done there and I look at the Hall of faces by faith Moses refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter before the law by faith Moses kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood before the law by faith Moses and the chill of Israel crossed the Red Sea and there it stopped forty years after the law was given no record of Moses face you know why because the next verse here says look at verse 14 if those who are of the law are heirs faith is made void and the promise made of no effect if you are trying to earn something by the law your faith is made void and the promise of God in your life it's made of no effect if you interview the average believer today you ask them what voice faith in the believers life you're trying to believe for healing you are trying to believe for a breakthrough in your church you want this to happen and it seems like something is voiding your faith you ask an average believer what do you think voids faith I tell you the standard answer the son Iman sinned void save man wrong answer he says those who are of the law if you are under law your faith is voided law and faith are opposites if you look carefully the Bible is very consistent Romans and Galatians the opposite of grace is works the opposite of spirit is flesh the opposite of faith is not fear is law law produces fear well I'll pass the Prancer that the whole revival came to an end because of sin in the camp well if sin in the camp can stop revival he will never have begun because revivals happen where there is sin are you with me we're seen increases grace super abounds there is hope for South Africa there is hope for the entire continent of Africa there is hope for Europe there is hope for Asia there is hope for the world when you see sin increasing you see how young people into sin you see internet abounding in pornography you see all kinds of film in the world you see Hollywood churning up immoralities we're singing Christmas put your eyes on God's grace is super about it gives us hope for this generation well pastor Prince would you know the Bible says Chavez sin that grace may abound well don't just quote that keep on 14 it says how shall we who died to sin live any longer therein if you are formerly an American but now you are a citizen of South Africa you die to being an American and you are now a South African sometimes you behave like an American but yourself everything you have died to it this great man of God he's in heaven now dr. Martin lloyd-jones he preached at Westminster in London I remember one time I was kind of sad falling down because I read some things you know you should never read you know blocks and emails today they don't throw stones they write poison emails so I made a mistake I read something like that I was so discouraged you see my heart is gentle I can be heard so I was browsing through a bookshop Christian bookshop just absent mindedly feeling a bit discouraged there was years ago and I saw a series of books by a series on the book of Romans by Martyn lloyd-jones now I was preaching grace already so absent mindedly I just took one at random and I opened the page and my eyes fell on this passage written by dr. Martin lloyd-jones the geology he says why is it that today no one is accusing us of preaching sin more that grace may abound they level that accusation against Paul but why is it that no one is accusing us today are the same things they accuse the Apostle Paul then dr. Martin says because we're not preaching the same gospel Paul preached this is unless you push the gospel to the point that people misunderstand you and you get persecution you're not preaching the true gospel I remember years ago when this call to push radical grace came to me I was in Switzerland and I just having a holiday with my wife we are on vacation at the beautiful Swiss Alps and my wife was sleeping and I was driving and I heard God's voice on the inside of me saying son I want you to preach the radical grace I say Lord I'm a preacher of grace and that's a low blow to suggest I'm not a preacher of grace I'm a grace gracious man and the last days know every time you preach grace you try to balance it with the law and God says what man calls balance I call mixture you cannot put grace new wine into old wineskin you will lose both you see no church preach pure law only in the synagogues every church preach grace to us an extent but it's not pure grace radical grace grace only and the law say to me unless you push radical grace lives will not be radically transformed that changed my life that changed my heart back and I preached my first message on grace the complete pure grace with no balancing and I saw results like never before and the rest has been a wonderful journey ever since God opened doors here and there even TV ministry has been opening up and I'm telling you Church I'm I don't like to be you know traveling here traveling there I'm a very homely person even right now I miss my home I miss my wife I miss my daughter I miss my church but because God is opening the doors and even the finances are coming in effortlessly I tell my people the finances don't come in let's close this down tomorrow and God is opening up God wants this gospel preached and I'm just his delivery boy amen and God keeps me well maintained for the gospel hallelujah one of the blessings of Abraham is that you become rich no no that's not accurate the Bible says Abraham was very rich in cattle in silver and gold you know why God says cattle silver and gold because God foresaw really just folks who was safe rich spiritually no cattle silver and gold one of the first things God did for Abraham and there's gonna happen to you as well say very rich look at his health he lived 225 years old there's a long life that means you're still a teenager brother pastor ray is just a teenager hundred thirty-five is blessing of Abraham after his wife died the man married again at the age of a hundred God renewed his youth so that he could before that's the blessing of Abraham North Pfizer in those days the blessing of Abraham are you sure you want the blessing of Abraham wives pray if we don't see it manifest in our lives is because we are trying to get it through the law it voids our faith not only that his wife got renewed Sarah's used in an age that Pharaoh wanted Sarah for his harem and later on Abimelech wanted Sarah for his harem two hidden Kings wanted this woman she is at this age sixty-five at one time another time she was 90 years old and two hidden Kings wanted her for his harem his harem is full of beautiful women God did something physical for Sarah is under the blessing of Abraham it's not it's not a spiritual renewal okay this to a hidden King they don't go by I see Sarah spiritual beauty these are eyeball thing man it's under the blessing of Abraham amen and you'd be surprised that when you are under grace you'll take years off your face and God knows we need help when you're under law it stresses you this condemnation there's Gil you're conscious of sin all the time and the law prophets Old Testament prophets bring your sin to your consciousness and the grace New Testament prophets called your righteousness in Christ to your attention I mean you know it's amazing that the Bible calls the law the Ministry of death isn't it amazing that the tune of a show and they came up from Egypt all the way to Mount Sinai not a single one died they murmur they complain at the Red Sea God open up the sea on the other side they were good for three days they complain at the bitter waters of Marah God sweetened the waters with a cross the tree then they were good for a few days they complain again how many not complaining is sin come on complaining is sin you know we categorized him God doesn't write so if complaining is sin how come no one died they complain all the way from Egypt all the way to say night they complain there was no food god gave them manna from heaven they complain there was no water God brought water out of the rock it seems like every fresh failure of man brought for fresh manifestations of God's grace because during this time period I remember years ago when God said that to me in my private time with the Lord I was in my private study and he said to me no one died from Egypt to son I study this period son for is a picture of you grace I've never had anyone preach there so I went to my Bible and I and I turned to my Bible to find at least one person who died trying to prove God wrong because I've never heard anyone preach this you know what I found out they complained they were not perfect they had since all the way from Passover they complain to Moses have you brought us out here to die Moses cried to God God opened the sea they complain and complain and complain no one died not a single one died but after they received the law and the sad tale okay if you yeah it's not possible for me to elaborate everything about the law what happen and all that but get my book destined to rain there is a part where I explain the whole thing in detail actually at the foot of Mount Sinai Israel presume on his own righteousness on her own words telling God all that you can command us or they can tell us we are well able to do that's in the Hebrew they boasted India ability to obey and immediately God change his tone in Exodus 19 causes Moses tell them don't come near if you presume on your works you presume on your righteousness this is the deal I am holy stay away the next chapter God gave the Ten Commandments all right if you want me to treat you based on your obedience based on your goodness here is the big tenth keep them all and I'll bless you but you break one you'll be guilty of all and I have to curse you men exchange covenants at the foot of Mount Sinai you know something after they receive the law when they complain this side of Sinai they died when they complain they died you can't have your cake and eat it over here no one died same thing why because during this time they came up by the Abrahamic covenant of grace not the sinaitic covenant the law they came up by grace and it was not dependent on ya goodness but on his goodness not on their performance on his work not on the attainers on his loving-kindness he brought them out by his grace it's got nothing to do with them their part is to be grateful for the goodness of your God and this worship him but man wants apart you see in heaven one day you'll be worthy is the lamb not worthy is the lamb and me you and I are not in the picture even we receive crowns will cast the crowns before the feet of Jesus you know even the things that we are doing as a pastor as a minister as an usher whatever you're doing whatever you're serving as a businessman God gives you the grace to do that work and then when you use that grace God rewards you for using the grace he first gave you what a good God what an amazing God yes it's possible for the grace to be given and the grace is in vain you don't make use of it but when you make use of it he rewards you for the grace he first gave you I love preaching about God's grace oh man another time when Sarah was 90 years old Abby Malik wanted her for his heroin again he's an eyeball thing which means her renewal listen her renewal is literally like the Eagles the Bible says gamma-ray knew your youth like the Eagles and that means what is a literal renewal and it'll literally renews its youth so poor Abby again he taught Abram was the brother so he brought Sarah into his harem and that night God came to him in a dream and this is what God said indeed you're a dead man you're a dead man now wait a minute he didn't lie ever and why God came to the wrong man or you don't help me preach yotz came to the men who took the righteous man's wife and righteous by faith obviously he's not righteous by his conduct he lied twice about his wife you know I always said this if I lie about my wife I don't have to worry about the King killing me she will kill me she'll finish me off man to God says she's a man's wife next verse tells us that God says restore the woman now every man like you know he was afraid man if God comes to you in a dream and God says you're a dead man man I'm telling you be trembling in your boots and probably his voice became high-pitched but he not say to me she's my sister even she herself said he's my bro in the integrity of my heart and innocence of my hands I've done this next verse but God said to me dream yes I know you did it in the integrity of your heart but I also would help you from singing against me therefore I do not let you touch her next verse now therefore restore the man's wife for he is a prophet he is a prophet he will pray for you I'll be man I should pray for Abraham if not you're gonna die Church many times we are confused because of the teaching and preaching we receive when we we feel like we feel like we have failed God perhaps we are drinking somewhere you know in secret we are just feeling condemned we feel like God has left us because of the kind of teaching and preaching we've heard it confuses us sometimes when God comes to us in those moments and speaks love because our Theory tells us you cannot hear God anymore he has life - but because of Jesus Moses saw the backpacks of God he can only see the backpacks of God because under law God was always leading but under grace God says I will never leave you nor forsake you you know why because 2,000 years ago a lone man hung on the cross and he shouted my God my God why have you forsaken me and for the first time in the life of Jesus he addressed his father as my god at the cross he never dressed his father's my God is always my father's father for the first time he cried my God my God why have you forsaken me cried out loud so that we all know what happened at the cross that you and I - listen cry father father why have you so blessed me hallelujah yeah shouting praises to Jesus he's the one here's the one you know if you want to know what doctrine is from God always ask yourself this does it glorify men or does it glorify Jesus they will always answer your question let me just close with this the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years she was hemorrhaging for 12 years with a disease the Bible says you all know the story well I'm gonna go in detail all right Bible says she consulted many doctors but rather became worse and she has spent all she had now she's not only sick she's broke and then she heard of Jesus what do you think she heard do you think she heard of Jesus that is that is saying don't come near until you have to cleanse yourself because whatever it was it gave her boldness whatever she heard gave her bonus to come and touch he's coming do you know how many Levitical laws she broke just to be out there when she's a bleeding woman on the law she's not supposed to be in a public place let alone touch a rabbi obviously what she heard has got nothing to do with the law now listen there are always types in the Bible a woman in the Gospels is a picture of the church or Israel depending on the context the church has been bleeding as long as the church is bleeding she cannot be pregnant with God's seat there can be no results so the church has been bleeding now can I say this in a way that will not offend anybody the the Hebrews in the Hebrew language the word for all our righteousness not our sins our righteousness are as filthy rags the word filthy rags in Hebrew is soil sanitary napkin not our sins our righteousness our filthy wrecks in the eyes of God all right so that woman represents the church that trusts in her own righteousness as long as she has that condition she will need to have that napkin but a turnaround came where instead of trusting her own righteousness she touched the robe of righteousness faith righteousness she touch the gamin of righteousness the righteousness of Christ himself and immediately her bleeding stopped I feel prophetically that's where we are at the church is at a place where the church will renounce her faith in soiled napkins in filthy rags and put her faith in the robe of righteousness that Jesus gives as a gift as a gift like Abraham receive it as a gift and Jesus turn around it's so cool do you know why he turn around he D wanted to go if feeling like she stole a blessing he wanted her to see the love in his eyes and his daughter to be of good comfort your faith has he you listen listen don't clap just listen when you see Jesus the law said this to me one time when you see Jesus in His grace he turns around and see you in your face you don't see your face you don't look at your own face faith is not something for you to be introspective about faith is seeing Jesus in His grace it is for Jesus to see you in your face when you see Jesus in His grace he sees you in your faith so just know how your faith has healed you another reason why you turn around is because in the Old Testament God is always showing his back he's always leaving his men is always sinning but grace he turn around we behold the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ face to face and we are transformed by our efforts by our self-discipline we are transformed by beholding the glory of the Lord from glory to glory the very same image by the Spirit of the Lord didn't praise to know comment just for a while the sinner and the Savior just for a while they were alone in a crowd I love it he made everybody love stranger except her listen he was on his way to race a 12 year old girl from a deathbed right that's the reason why he was making that journey notice in that same chapter number 12 is mentioned twice there is no insignificant detail in the Bible even numbers have a meaning that woman suffered for 12 years that girl who was dying Jairus daughter was 12 years of age so they both represent types to have tribes of Israel 12 disciples so this woman represents a church and until the church gets here Jesus will not be able to touch the next generation the young generation until the church renounces all self-righteousness come on kid embrace the nation ouch hallelujah see our young people they are not living church because they are bad is because they never heard the gospel well best God I preached the gospel I don't mean to insinuate you don't I'm just saying let's study the gospel more what is the gospel is it really good news alright I give you this car this Lamborghini it's a free gift from me you just pay me a hundred dollars a month now that's confusing free gift yet that's payment and therefore being preaching and we wonder why people confuse many clothes with this in the Old Testament the judgment that fell on the sacrifice was greater than the sacrifice you know when Elijah talked for the forgot to answer my fire God's fire came down consumed the altar the altar was made of stones mind you consumed the sacrifice on the altar the stones disappeared everything was gone because under under law the judgment of God is greater than the sacrifice there was no perfect sacrifice but when Jesus came at the cross and stroke after stroke of God's judgment against all our lawlessness against all your sins and my sins every broken law every lie of Abraham every sin of that woman caught in adultery everything that he paid and gave forgiveness for he had to pay for it at the cross and every judgments fell on Jesus and Jesus halves of it all his person every stroke every curse every disease every poverty every judgment was absorbed in his person in Christ it is furnished now the judgment is gone and the sacrifice remains the clouds clear father into your hands I commit my spirit notice the sacrifice remain when the judgment is gone this time under grace the sacrifice is greater than the judgment polynomial kid impressed NT of you standing up to give embrace hallelujah thank you Jesus [Applause] hallelujah praise the name of Jesus just washing the wok mom trained us to pour out of your heart before him praise his wonderful name thank you Jesus
Channel: Redemption Church
Views: 303,522
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Keywords: Redemption Church, grace, Joseph prince in south africa, joseph prince, joseph prince full sermons, joseph prince 2020, pastor joseph prince, joseph prince live, joseph prince sermons, joseph prince famine, joseph prince financial, joseph prince prosper, joseph prince provision, joseph prince the blessing, the blessing, bible financial, bible provision, financial recession, financial crisis, economic crisis, THE BLESSINGS OF ABRAHAM ARE YOURS TODAY, the blessing of Abraham
Id: 11zPLSAQ7Xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 18sec (3558 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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