Joseph Prince: TBN in Caesarea, Israel | 2013

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from coast to coast and around the world it's time to praise the Lord praise the Lord covers the major Christian events in America and across the world from the heart of Europe to the tip of Africa from the Centers of Asia and South America you're a part of the world's largest prayer and praise gathering joining us from Caesarea Israel with a special message is pastor of new creation Church in Singapore Joseph friends ministering and music the new creation church worship team southern gospel music trio the merchants and ready to dicker calls prayer partners America now your hosts founding president of TV n doctor and of course you right here at Caesarea to the praise the Lord program we want to just start doing this just do this for me now for real because we have cameras that are looking at the faces of people that have traveled all the way from around the world anybody from Singapore in the house here how about anybody from Africa in the about South Africa Wow any anyone from Netherlands Holland video look at all the people in hall and look they're all up there getting a suntan up there cuz you know any from the island nations of the earth the islands the Caribbean islands you got to go yell real loud lady come on now because you've come up to me like six times saying I never mentioned so you better stand back up and yell like you've never yelled but there you go alright how about any any Russians make it here today any Russians in the house brewski brewski Australia Australia oh you're down front let's see what do you do down there that Aussie Aussie Aussie Aussie Aussie Aussie yeah I have no idea what that means okay that's enough okay lah United States of America anybody here from United States how many are here because of Jesus come on now we welcome you all over the world to this beautiful place this is Caesarea by the sea and we are on this praise alert program going to get to watch the beautiful sunset over the Mediterranean whatever you want do me a big favor 40 years ago there was a small little TV station in Los Angeles California that winked on the air and it was pioneered and founded and loved on and believed over by my sweet little mom and daddy and here in Caesarea I have my 78 year old gray-haired he still has all his hair all of his hair 78 years old make welcome to the stage my father Paul Crouch senior all right if you're gonna clap get him up hi it's okay to clap as long as you know who were clapping for amen praise the Lord it is good to sing praises unto the Lord please be seated I want to tell you a story or two of how God has brought us through almost 40 years of miracles how many in this great arena here today are waiting for an answer to some prayer let me see your hand you're waiting you prayed you've waited the answer has not come hmm well let me share with you a lesson that God taught me almost 40 years ago Galatians Galatians chapter 4 but when the fullness of time was come God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law to redeem them that were under the law that we might receive the adoption of sons the Jewish people had waited 400 years there was no profit there was no light there was no sacrifice they waited and they waited and they waited but the Bible tells us that at just the right time God sent forth his son now let me tell you how God taught me a lesson and it'll be something that'll help you I think as you wait for your miracle my son you were only hot about twelve or fourteen years old and we were working so hard to get our very first TV station just in Los Angeles area Southern California Jan and I thought it would be wonderful if we could just get one little station on the air and we had worked we had prayed we had given we had mortgaged our house we had done everything to get this station and finally we made a deal with the owner and he wanted one million dollars for the station well we didn't have anything like that kind of money but that whole summer of 1974 son we worked we prayed we were on the air just two hours a night talking to the Christians of Southern California we said wouldn't it be wonderful if someday we could just have a 24 hour a day 100% Christian television station on the air well we worked we worked we worked the owner's name was angel Laramie he was he was from South America somewhere I forget an angel demanded a down payment of $100,000 if we were going to have this TV station and this dream of a full 24-hour day Christian station for Southern California we worked we prayed we agonized we did everything we knew called every rich uncle we could think of all we got was the biggest telephone bill you see God is never early he's never late he's always right on time let me tell you how I know that now much better 40 years later it got to be the day of the deadline we had to have $100,000 or the whole deal was off we're gonna lose everything even the down payment we had we had $65,000 and that was it and the deadline day came I'm in my office pacing the floor crying out to God my sweet little angel Jan is in our little prayer chapel she's cried all the eyelashes off all the mascara is running oh my god yes he was a mess the paint hair was gone everything and I have I made my point yeah all right all of a sudden it's now 2:30 and the banks closed at 3 o'clock in those days I had half an hour and suddenly my little secretary my little volunteer secretary nobody was getting paid she said Paul there's a strange little man out here asking to see you I said my god Cindy men I'll see anyone right now now here is how and why I know Paul and Jan crunch did not did not create Trinity Broadcasting Network we know better than anyone we didn't do it and I'll tell you how I know and this is one of many many miracles with this is a big one in walks a strange little man he's not much taller than that yeah about glory size and he's a Scotchman and he's he's a Lutheran and he said you know Paul I was on my way to buy a big boat a yacht I was going to live on it and God spoke to me to bring a gift to you today Wow you don't want the first thought that went through my mind does God really speak to Lutheran's God had to let this old German know that his body was a whole lot bigger than I thought it was and here we have a cross-section of it tonight here in Caesarea Israel he said you know I've been watching your program he said I think the idea of a hundred percent Christian TV station is a wonderful idea and he talked on and I hurry up but where is it where's the gift finally he got to the point and he reached in his vest pocket remember we had $65,000 we had to have a hundred his check was a cashier's check as God is my witness for $35,000 I snatched it out of his hand I didn't even say thank you I did later oh I kissed his feet later I raced out the door United California bank was just a few blocks up the street I made it through the door and I looked at the clock it was 5 minutes until 3 o'clock in the fullness of time God is never early he's never late he's always right time for your miracle you wait you'll see had dinner with Pastor Prince the other night and he came up with a very wonderful suggestion I knew that this had to happen sooner or later I don't know how long my little season is gonna last but the old man says still able to set up and take nourishment hmm kick high knees once in a while but the torch will pass and God has raised up a precious son and his beautiful little wife my little sweet children and the torch will pass to them pastor Prince would you come sir and Samuel swaha I have come to love this dear man very much I I've been watching you but I had never had the privilege of meeting you personally and I have learned a little more about grace you might imagine then I knew before and I thank you for that sir and Samuel swaha he's he's the real Prime Minister of Israel how many on this tour son almost nineteen hundred on the TV and tour this year 2012 hearing about brace come on now let me just read one little scripture several weeks ago I had written on the margin of my little Bible run Matt run and then the other night I had forgotten and I put Lori's name down later Hebrews chapter 12 you could probably quote it with me wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us looking unto Jesus my son he's the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is now set down at the right hand of the throne of God on high that admonition is not just for Matt and Lori but it's for the body of Christ let us run with patience the race that is set before us and remember if you don't remember anything else I said God is never early he is never late he's always right on time come here my children I want pastor Prince and Samuel Raja to come I want the pastor's the elders past it rich Wilkerson Tom Newman pastor Michael Freeman thank you one that they were so thankful these pastors are here and pastor Prince from Singapore Samuel smoggy is going to give you the ironic blessing in Hebrew in a moment but I want pastor Prince to lead us as we in a very real sense confer the mantle of leadership upon younger shoulders and my sweet son and his darling wife will be here I believe I believe I may not make it that I you will live to see Jesus come I think I really believe that anyhow pastor Prince lead us please and then I will pray to celebrate I just want to say that prophetically I believe we are like where the turn of Israel were at the end of 40 years wandering in the wilderness at the brink of the Promised Land and in Deuteronomy 34 the very last chapter it says Joshua was full of the spirit of wisdom because Moses laid his hands on him and Joshua would bring the people in because Moses stands for the law the law cannot bring the people in but Joshua is the Hebrew name yahushua that's the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and your ministry will be TB fight with Jesus being in the center and I believe that as we pray for Matt I do not know you whether you realize the gravity of this moment the Kairos moment is a prophetic moment you are watching history in the making as this man of God dr. Paul lays his hand upon his son we are witnessing an impartation from God himself for all that he needs from one generation to another Father in heaven ABBA with thank you for this ministry of TBN we thank you Father God that you raised dr. Paul and Jan this past generation Lord 40 years Lord of amazing ministry father we thank you for their sacrifices we thank you for your love Lord we thank you for all their labor in the Lord and it's definitely not in vain father we thank you for all the platform and all the infrastructure Lord that you have used them to create Lord all over the earth Lord so that the gospel of Jesus Christ will be preached Lord in this last days Lord and the king of all kings will return father we thank you Lord as the mantle goes to this man Matt Crouch Heavenly Father in Jesus name we ask Lord that everything that you've deposited Lord in dr. Paul will be imparted to his son Matt Crouch even right now in the name of Jesus the spirit of wisdom and revelation the gifts of the Spirit every charisma matter necessary to bring this ministry to the next level the level they would see Jesus return and all Israel will cry out baruch haba b'shem adonai blessed be the name of the lord father we thank you Lord in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach let this importation and ordination be completed I'm gonna pronounce the ironic blessing evil Kassadin I wish medicine yeah Ella Dnieper novella javi who Nika sodanope a novel ha the Assembly ha Shalom and now my son and sweet Laurie the mantle that God placed upon my angel Jan and me almost 40 years ago he spoke to us out loud as we were driving and called us to this ministry we both heard his voice together that mantle now with love and joy I place upon your shoulders that you now may continue to run with patience the race that is set before us looking always unto Jesus the author the finisher of our faith he has never failed me and he'll never fail you my son his word is true he will always be there right on time in Jesus name and everybody said Ron met run let's all shout Ron met Ron run man run man this is all his fault right there we were sitting at dinner the other night and we were just talking and what happened at that dinner what did you see this is for me now my church knows that I am NOT someone given to saying readily I see visions I see these I see that God said this God said then you know if God did not say it's just an impression I'll just say I feel a witness all right there's too much of this loose sharing of God saying I see visions all the time I tell you what I see television though so I believe in the visions of God but I'm not prone to always saying I see this vision had to see that vision but there we will be having our dinner meeting dr. Paul and just have minding my own business enjoying my stick that he recommended it was actually v nurse schnitzel yeah and I was just minding my own business and instead of the steak I saw floating from within a vision of his father dr. Paul laying hands on him and just innocently I just asked whether that has happened before I reckon because I don't watch every program so I reckoned that somewhere along the way one of the PTL shows he might have done that knowing that being the man of God that of the Paul is but he says he has not done it in public and he wants to do it so it's not something that came from met/met was enjoying his food as well when this vision came floating and I just shared it all I did was just under the liver boy just shed vision and here we are today praise a lot we are witnessing history in the making Wow before we have the Martins come out and you get going and we get into real praise and worship you were sharing about Caesarea being kind of the place where the gospel kind of left from here just so that everyone knows what an amazing beautiful look at every one up just look how beautiful it is now you know now that the Sun is getting a little cooler what an amazing place to be but this is a very significant place also I think when Matt first mooted the idea for this tour things about two years ago it was Wendy my wife that said you know where's a good place and how door plays who have a gathering like this that's this area and she's been here a number of times and she says why don't we do this area yep and back then when she suggested it I I forgot at that moment when she suggested that this was the place that Paul would launch his missionary journeys into Asia Minor into Greece right this is the place that he would launch forth to preach the gospel of grace come on it was here that he stood in defense of the gospel of grace that he preached even the Jews that were coming against the gospel of grace at the time and they were accusing Paul Paul made his defense right here in this place and he you know some way and where the sound system is that's where King Agrippa will be sitting with his wife Bernice when Paul made his defense you can see the King right there the sunglass yeah that's King Agrippa and Paul preach the gospel here that even King Agrippa said Paul you almost persuade me to be a Christian yeah amen and from here Paul Paul but rather appeal to Caesar then to go back to Jerusalem because he knew over there the gospel of grace has been rejected but you know something if you look at the globe the earth the gospel went out of Jerusalem where the Son of God gave His life it went westward amen now it's come one full circle back in Jerusalem and I believe Israel is once again ready to hear the gospel of grace bridge and where else then right now the final part of a Torah here in Caesarea Israel hallelujah don't you worry he'll be back but Thank You Joseph for being out here and being a part of this give him a great God bless you for everything and also welcome to Martins to the stage for the doxology people that on earth dude will sing to the Lord with Shiva who's him served with mirth history's full tell come he be for him and read yours whoa enter then his gates with joy within his courts this praise broke leg for songs your tongue the Lord our God praise God from whom all blessings flow praise him all creatures and praise God from whom all blessings reasonable creatures praise father sighs sighs fine Oh new creation church all the way from Singapore make them welcome to the praise the Lord program hallelujah come on everyone let's put the hands together let's make these roughs cry out tonight but God so loved the world that He gave His only Son for you for me let's sing it so loved the world he gave His only Son don't know how deep how wide the oceans of his heart raise here we go the sago we are children call me he gave him some Lisa the oceans are children the ocean really now we are loved by the Savior when we are children of God his name children children pray really forgiving hallelujah bless your name even brain let your boys yes you are yes you will hover she we worship You Lord just remain standing we're gonna sing the next song which I believe God's gonna touch you and set you free especially those suffering from fears David wrote this song when he was fleeing from Saul he hid in a cave Abdullah and 400 people came to him we call them the 3d army in debt in distress discontented something happened in the cave David wrote this song in the cave and I believe this song has a secret because those 3d army they became the mighty men of David we're gonna sing the words of David and I know God's gonna set you free a man at all times I will blessed him here's Crais will be in my mouth my soul makes its boast in the law the humble man well here rather the afflicted will be glad and join with me to magnify the Lord let us say so his name together forever I sought the Lord he hurt me he delivered me from my fears ever forever those sing his praises magnify below the angel of the lord encamps around those who fear his name to save them and deliver them the Lions no wonder there we pray I saw the love me hurt me to limit me Oh sing his Oh sing its praises magnify you let your voices to the Lord bless the Lord holy is his name the King of Kings the Lord of lords eternal God supreme we bless your name holy the bright and Morning Star the Lion of the tribe of Judah I've said it I my soul bhasu Chikara CSU of every name we've mash your name hola holy is your name you're the King of Kings the Lord of lords eternal God supreme we bless receive your healing receive your miracle Jesus name you feel that wind cereal ama super Ibaka for a while that's the proof of God breathing life and wholeness into your bodies in Jesus name don't struggle don't struggle just let Jesus love you into wholeness just receive receive receive thank you Lord Jesus we welcome you Lord that you're placed in homage as king over all King over disease king of a lack king over our weaknesses king of a depression king over death take your place and reign Jesus praise the Lord before you are seated let's have an edification report once again if you know pain has left your body you know you're well if you know bodily something has happened to you the condition is no longer there if that is you - a big wave let the world know what Jesus has done look at all these precious people only if something has happened to your body do a big wave at this moment if only something has happened to your body Jesus has healed you hey man what's his name again who made you well do you love him then shout his name again hallelujah praise the Lord you may be seated and the best is yet to come I don't know about you but I sense his wonderful presence it's a sweet presence amen I'm so happy so glad so blessed to see so many of you heal in that wonderful flow you see no one laid hands on you Jesus made you well when Jesus is lifted all his enemies dispersed Amen this is a final session of Easter and I want to I feel the same way I've fallen in love with you your response is it's just amazing amen it transcends churches we are not here to lift any name any Church there's only one name wanna lift his name is now say it in Hebrew say it in Hebrew it was just such a shout 2000 years ago somebody shouted like this and Yeshua was walking and he stopped it was a blind beggar the King of Kings stood still the same King that stopped the Sun in his tracks and the Sun Stood Still in the sky that same God is now a human flesh and what caused him to stand still the cry of a blind beggar Jesus stop isn't he precious amen once again shout out the Hebrew name of Jesus you know that name means deliverance you know that name means healing when you say Yeshua you are saying a mouthful Amen I share this at the hospital mana I want to share this again this spot here about the grace of God tonight we have friends from messianic congregations I understand about 70 of them are here tonight and they're from the local assemblies the messianic congregations our like for you if you can please stand to your feet if you are from a local assembly any when Israel look at all these pressures be less honor them amen hey they'll be part of 144,000 Jewish evangelists in the book of Revelation what you are seeing is the firstfruits and we thank God we have captured them this there are the beginnings of the hundred forty-four thousand amen a few years ago when I was in Israel about two years ago when I was in Israel this happen my guide says hey pastor Prince would you like to see the pool of Siloam they have just discovered the pool of Siloam and we can obtain special permission to go see it and I said yeah of course she'll walk in Hebrew and you know the pool means scent the scent one you know who is the same one so I said okay I would love to see the pool of siloam and when I was there sitting down here just looking at the the dried up pool partly you know partially uncovered the Lord spoke to me and the Lord said to me remember the story son of when I heal the blind man with mud now how many know that when you are blind and you put mud on your eyes you are more blind so I said why do you make spittle and clay Lord and the Lord says because Israel is like that blind man when I came there is no hope in clay creation has fallen so Jesus was illustrating when he put the clay on the men's eyes that he is the creator but then creation fell because of Adam's sin then Jesus says go wash your eyes in the pool of Siloam so when I was there at the pool listening to the guy talking about the natural history of the pool the Lord spoke to me and said the pool has been uncovered for such a time as this first the natural then the spiritual all right Israel is about to see and the blindness is come on yeah blindness is about to end they are about to see me as the send one the one the father sent and Israel will be saved and I believe that many of these leaders of messianic congregations they will see that revival it's like a veil being lifted as a pastor let me just say a word to all the pastors that are watching you know you've got a laugh Israel I don't know how else I say it and to teach replacement theology let me tell it is you will dry up your soul because when you come to Israel you look around every day look up you look down even you feel the winds everything is teaching you something however it is important that when you are in Israel whatever the guy tells you right you have to convert whatever the water what they say into wine you have to see Jesus in every ritual in every custom in every place see Jesus and that's when you are blessing grace mercy and peace will be multiplied in your life when you see Jesus amen I believe Israel needs the gospel it she will need the gospel of grace we cannot be sentimental and say we don't have to preach the gospel to them because we are afraid of the offense of the cross Jesus died for them if Israel will be saved automatically all right we know that one day when Jesus comes all Israel be saved alright but meanwhile before he comes there'll be salvation in Israel to the preaching of the gospel amen if you know preaching of the gospel is not necessary for the Jews Paul suffered needlessly are you listening so the best thing we can do for our Jewish friends is to share the gospel don't just put your money into charitable works that is fine we do that as well we we give money all right into charitable organizations that's helping the their people making Aliyah hora clothing them feeding them that's fine but make sure that the gospel goes to them the greatest love you can show them is to share with them the gospel amen not just then anybody else your relative whoever it is amen is it pastor Prince I don't know how to share the gospel tell them to turn onto TBN because the gospel is going real strong out of TBN amen God raised dr. Paul and Jan and they create that infrastructure they create that base for such a time as this the God is restoring the gospel well pastor Prince I am pushing the gospel now I don't deny that we are preaching the gospel but I'm talking about the gospel that Paul preached that people will misunderstand Paul as saying or you are saying let us sing more the grace may abound they are huge Paul when Pope wish the gospel he received accusations such as this today when we preach the gospel nobody accuses us we're not being misunderstood so I submit to you that we are not preaching the gospel that Paul is preaching Amen we are preaching do good get good do bad get bad now we call that the gospel and I'm telling you that's the gospel truth no it ain't the gospel truth is that you can receive good you don't deserve because another receive all the bad he deserved amen it takes the Holy Spirit to understand the gospel it takes the Rue ha kodesh to understand the gospel because if we say law is deep then every religion has law are they deep it takes the Holy Spirit to understand how I can receive good I don't deserve because another receive all the bad that takes the Holy Spirit but to understand do good get good do bad get bad you don't need the Holy Spirit religion teaches you there look up here John 1:17 once again this is my favorite verse in the entire New Testament he's okay to have a favorite purse you can have yours okay this line for the law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ in Hebrew grace by the way just let you know that many of the Messianic believers here they use a New Testament that's in Hebrew now I know the scholars of pastor friends don't you know the New Testament in Greek yeah I know that but in Israel they have a Hebrew New Testament all right and in the Hebrew New Testament way says Grace is this have said you gotta pronounce the quadrille sound say has said to somebody now that is interesting when I discovered years ago when I was in Israel and asked my friend shmulik sitting over there the high priest tonight because he pronounced the Aaronic blessing shmulik said 'well pastor prince it says everywhere says grace it has said now that blew my mind because I knew that the translators NIV NASB New King James they had a problem translating has set in the Old Testament because in the Old Testament where hesitate appears there was a loving-kindness and then a translation will say mercies another translation NIV was say his love and yours forever why because I believe in the Old Testament the full-up revelation of grace was not yet manifest until Jesus came and has said is best described as Yeshua Christ now are we exaggerating grace when we say all right the message of grace is actually not a message it is the gospel we're just coming back to the gospel it's not a message a man crazy it's not a teaching it's a person grace and truth came by Jesus Christ well somebody will say well pastor Prince is good we have grace but we gotta have truth now you are separating what God did not separate God separated law on one side grace and truth on the other side truth is on the side of grace truth is not on the other side when Jesus spoke to the Jewish people of his day they were steeped in the law they knew the commandments frontwards and backwards they knew the law and yet Jesus said to them you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free what is that truth so we separate grace and truth we say grace is good hey but we're gonna tell people the truth but grace and truth I want you know what God has joined together let no man separate and what God has separated let no one join together so the Bible is very clear John 1:17 that law is on one side law was given by a servant Moses grace and truth came by the Sun and the book of Hebrews say that seven abides not forever the son abides in the house forever craziest forever was david exaggerate when Davey says your head is better than life was the psalmist exaggerating when he says your safed and yours forever when Solomon dedicate a temple he says these are the words the lyrics you must sing he is good ki Tov he is good he said and yours forever they were fired up on grace they were fired up on his head and by the way for those of you who are great scholars grace and truth are two things right two items but interestingly look up here in the Greek it says grace and truth came the word came that is in the great singular verb now why is that important for example let's suppose I say Matt and Laurie Here I am teaching Americans to speak English grace and truth came by Matt and Laurie okay Matt and Laurie when they play they play to win did I use the right word do I say metal Laurie plays to win or play to win I'm using the plural verb but here grace and truth are two items yet God uses the singular grace and truth are one it's a truth of grace and grace is the truth that sets you free the first miracle of the law was to turn water into blood resulting in death the first miracle of grace was to turn water into wine resulting in life and celebration when God gave the law all the Jewish people would tell you it was the celebration of your first chef what Pentecost when God gave the law 3,000 people died on Mount Sinai when God gave what on another Pentecost and notice the way says when the day of Pentecost was fully come God waited until he was fully come God gave what the law another law that what spirit and 3,000 souls were saved hallelujah which goes to show the law kills but the Spirit gives life we got to move our pulpits from Mount Sinai by the way when the Spirit came was on Mount Zion wasn't Mount Sinai and they that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Zion established forever in Hebrews 12 it tells us to follow after holiness without which no man shall see the Lord and watch that you don't fall short of God's grace we learned the other day at the southern steps how do you come short of God's grace not by sinning by trying to keep the law you fall from grace are you listening and it says lest there be in any of your root of bitterness when you fall from grace I'm telling you people people go back to the law very bitter people have you met them people who are full of grace they just love you brother and it talks a bit of nonsense Ian they're just you know a case in point Matt crouch it's just full of grace amen if you are depressed he's irritating to be around people under law so we notice when you fall when you fall short of God's grace a rule of bitterness appears that is the opposite of follow peace with all men the next thing when you are when you fall back and the law guess what lest there be any fornicator like Esau is off notice that's the opposite of follow holiness without which no man shall see the Lord the thing that causes people not to walk in holiness not what in peace before men is falling short of God's grace because the next few verses if you read the next few verses it says you will not come to the mountain that burned with fire with blackness and darkness and Tempest which even Moses the best of them exceedingly fear and quake and Moses pray that God will not speak any more he was so afraid of the commandment even if a piece touches the mountain it shall be trust true with a javelin you're not confident mountain of law now you are come to the Mount Zion the city of the Living God do an innumerable company of angels the spirits of righteous men make perfect God has moved mountains you'll find God here anymore God has gone to Mount Zion and the whole chapter talks about make sure your life your ministry is built on things that are unshakeable Mount Zion things of grace not things that are man-made which can be shaken if our ministries our lives our families are built on Mount Zion our parenting style is sorry Mount Sinai our parenting style is built on the law on Mount Sinai is always shaking shake rattle and roll you know I'm saying Elvis came from Mount Sinai no I'm just teasing it's a mountain that shakes trembles all the time Gustus if you want your ministry your life your families to be unshakable make sure you build it on Mount Zion it song that chapter Hebrews 12 are you listening people what is God doing in these last days what's God doing God is restoring the gospel actually I don't like to call it the message of grace it's not a message you know sometimes you look at the curriculum of a Bible School they have pneumatology communiques how me like this you don't care right but all these big words and then they have you know grace as a topic grace is not a topic grace is the gospel it's the person of Jesus Christ grace must come into everything we took grace based parenting grace peace money business everything grace based tithing grace base offering grace praise relationships you listening people well pastor Prince if you take away the law how do I correct my children you use identity you know what my daughter will turn 13 in two months time Wow how time flies and she's a beautiful girl beautiful like a mom her younger brother is handsome handsome like the mom also and I love my daughter but when she was growing up I never used the 10 commandments on her whenever she's angry with a classmate I'll just say Jessica you're a jesus girl and Jesus girls don't hold grudges Jesus girl a Jesus girl does not steal identity she grows up thinking I'm a jesus girl I Know Who I am amen well pastor priests without the law how can anyone be holy tell me how was Abraham holy Abraham was called a friend of God but he lived more than 400 over years before God gave the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai how did Joseph say no to Potiphar's wife and it was a real temptation mind you because potty would have a harem full of beautiful women I mean here's the choice of the lane right come on it was a real temptation and he's far away from home a man rejected by his brothers he's feeling down amen and yet he's able to say no and he ran do you know why he ran he was tempted he was not he ran he stood on day bah-bah-bah-bah-bah Karuma give me your best shot woman come on he ran to the best way to avoid sexual temptations is Ron Ron met Ron they live before the law yet they were tight with God they walk we've got a man posture what will be our holiness Christ is made unto us wisdom from God Christ is made unto us righteousness before God Christ is made unto us holiness Christ is our Redemption amen grace is higher than the law because grace is the mercy seat that covers the Ten Commandments whenever you try to keep the law you fall from your high ground you fall from grace it is when you fall from grace temptation becomes attractive the more you try the worse it is you're supposed to rest the New Covenant ministry is no sweat turn to your neighbor and say no sweat bro no sweat sis and that's why in the Old Testament all right come back here it's only one statement y'all love to talk huh that's the spirit of grace amen because when John the Baptist father Zechariah did not believe the word of the angel his mouth was shut but when the time came for John to be born in John's name Johan and means the grace of God and he wrote give me a table you cannot speak so all right and he wrote his name will be Jochen and the moment he wrote grace his mouth opened Church when baby Jesus was brought to the temple in Jerusalem Simeon an agent saint of God came Simeon is the Hebrew where you get the word gema gema Israel the Lord our God is one Lord and thou shalt ah so this old man represents the entirety of the law the Shema his name she Semien Shaima he came for a temple you know what he's dead to the parents he says this Lord he blessed the parents is a lord let now your servant depart in peace for my eyes have seen your salvation literally my eyes have seen your yes schewe let me go even law was happy to go I say I said the law was happy when the Lord saw Yeshua the law says let me not depart wait a minute right after that you know who came in a lady called Hannah come on our Jewish friends Hannah means what Hannah means what when the loss is let me depart Hannah came in Crais came in and Grace open her mouth and proclaimed to everyone who's looking for redemption this baby he is the one hallelujah the Bible tells us in Romans 6:14 for those are your real concern about people you know going crazy when you're under grace and all that these fears from the devil look at Romans 6:14 on the screen it says for sin shall not have dominion over you for means because say because why was sin have no dominion over you because you are not under law but under grace but you know what we believe sin will have dominion when you are under grace we got to believe god's word sin there is a noun in the greek which means you can put down there and only sin Satan shall not have the meaning over you when you are under grace sickness will have no dominion over you when you under grace poverty will have not the meaning over you when you under grace because law is demand demand grace is supply if the money's plays on me you see even for those of you who are serving God always remember all right God is not a God demanding but pastor Prince there you are preaching aren't you working no I'm resting and he is working in me when I rest he preaches through me and sometimes I get so good I want to take notes on myself but it's not me it's not me the teacher has taken over for the Moya rest the more he works when you work here s so you can be active like in the tabernacle all right the priests were active in the outer court but inwardly in the Holy of Holies Shalom rest in labor rest is not inactivity rest is directed activity the very first area that Jesus redeem us from do you remember in the Garden of Eden after Adam fell what did God say to Adam from now on by the sweat of your face you will eat bread now work is not the curse God gave men work before he fell right but the curse is stress in work by the sweat of your face you provide for your family by the sweat of your face you'll make a career that's sweat there's stress now watch this when Jesus came the first area of his suffering the first area of his passion where was it in the Garden of Gethsemane a man what began in a garden Jesus finished another garden he was praying and what happened he sweat but this time he sweat blood and because his blood is sinless blood his blood is divine blood when his blood mingled with sweat he redeemed all of us from the curse of sweat so God tells the Old Testament Kohanim the priests don't wear anything that causes sweat like me see sweating all over and yet I still shine hallelujah it's Jesus amen now watch this jeez God says to all the Kohanim God commands them God says wear linen don't wear anything that causes sweat what is God saying the Old Testament is a type of visual aid if you would all right to help us understand the substance that came to Jesus Christ God wants every ministry to him to be sweat less smile your neighbor and say thou shalt not sweat you know we're not referring to natural sweat right this labouring it's driving a man you cannot be under grace and not be holy any more than you can be under water and not be wet the law demands God demands righteousness from sinfully bankrupt men and God knew all the world men cannot but man needs to know he cannot and it's amazing for 1,500 years God put men under the law and they are still trying today the whole idea of the law is to bring you to the end of yourself the Shema is the credit of all the law the commandments thou shalt love God with all your heart all your soul all your mind all your strength has anyone in this empty theater done dead has anyone watching TBN right now done there I've not done has anyone nobody has done there even the best of them david fail and God knew all the world no one could keep it thank God is enough after 1,500 years then God says watch me I will love you with all my heart all my soul all my strength and now we love because He first loved us the pulpit is not a place to unveil two men their sinfulness it's a place listen the gospel that Paul preached he says I'm not ashamed of the gospel obviously there were forces trying to make Paul a shame but I'm not ashamed of the gospel for daring you want to know the true gospel listen there in the gospel the Popish darren is the righteousness of God revealed not the sinfulness of men amen the puppet is a place to unveil the loveliness of Jesus the perfection of his work the gift of righteousness and whoever's there will hear the gospel believe and be saved amen and those who are saved they will see Jesus and if they have sinned or weaknesses the more they are self occupied they cannot come out from their weakness from your bondage from your habit but if it behold Jesus the Holy Spirit goes to work as there when you behold Jesus the Holy Spirit goes to work we are transformed from glory to glory by beholding the glory but instead of unveiling the glory sometimes we preachers unveiled the aghori they are ugly well pastor Prince Jesus says if your I offend you pluck it up yeah why did he say that i'ma why did Jesus say if your I offend you pluck it out throw it away from you if your hand off then you cut it off why did Jesus say that because Jesus knew that the Pharisees brought the law to a place where manageable and Jesus brought the law back to its pristine standard and Jesus says you think adultery is about bodily being in a bed with a woman I am Telling You if you undress her in your mind you have committed adultery Wow he raised it to a level waist not outward and it was inward why so that he'll bring everyone listening to him to the end of themselves so they were crying out for a savior they'll cry for him amen has anyone plucked out your eye before anyone you know that cut off your hand even those who preach that they don't do it or else the church would look like a huge amputation ward no he said that he brought the Lord with the pristine standard so that everyone would despair everyone will give up and say that the grace of God only by Jesus how many know Jesus is an expert at bring you to the end of yourself through the law he uses the law sometimes to bring you to the end of yourself remember the story of the rich young ruler in Luke 18 say 18 and Luke 19 say 19 they are back to back you all know they're 18 and 19 all right but I'm telling you this because why did the Holy Spirit put these two events side-by-side because in Luke 18 we have Jesus and the rich young ruler and it came to Jesus and he says what must I do MphasiS do to inherit eternal life though we live this life of God what must I do and Jesus should have said what the Evangelic will answer believe on me but he think he him the evangelical answer what did Jesus say you know the commandments thou shalt not bear false witness thou shalt not steal thou shalt not kill you know what the young man said he felt kind of like schmuck about himself and he says all this I've kept all this I've kept from a youth up now whenever you both in the law Jesus will always say one thing eunuch go sell all that you have and give to the poor the Bible says he sees the young men rendered about-face and walk down the road that's the biggest command the greatest commandment is thou shall have no other gods even money he walked away you see whenever you boast about your doing you both about your works Jesus will give you the law and then it will show you what let's look 18 the rich young ruler could hardly keep up one shekel he could hardly keep up $1 but in the next chapter Luke 19 Jesus came out of Jericho and he was walking in and there was a short man for all have short or have fallen short of God's glory and the answer is always the tree so the heels climb a tree to look at Jesus and Jesus sought Zacchaeus and said Zacchaeus come down I must eat at your house tonight no loss given no Commandments given just praise I must eat in your house tonight and Jesus win and all the people with that goes the grace preacher scandalous scandalous it's called the scandal of grace and Jesus went to Zacchaeus house he had dinner at the end of the dinner Zacchaeus stood up and says you know what ha everyone that I've cheated our payback for for half my goods I give to the poor and Jesus smiling says salvation has come to this house come on no loss given just grace when Jesus gave the law to the rich young ruler he could hardly keep up one shekel when Jesus gave no law but grace the Zacchaeus his wallet open up his house open up he's hot open up come on church some pastors are afraid to put your church under grace they afraid the offerings were dropped he may drop for a while because people maybe may have been given for the wrong reasons but let me tell you this once the grace takes over you cannot stop them from giving I know I'm a pastor I am a pastor and I love pastors are you with me now when we come to Israel you know we look at the menorah with this you know stop thinking of Jesus how all the lights point to the center lamp the seven lamb and that's our Lord Jesus our ministry is to bring glory to him it's not just to buy menorah and think that by having a menorah at home good luck what happened to you it is Jesus folks these things are alright I have a number of menorahs in my house big and small alright but they just remind me of Israel you know the talat the prayer cloth Jesus would have worn one of this remember that the Bible tells us every observant Jew in the Book of Numbers must have a blue tassel chocolate chocolate in Hebrew blue tassel remember the woman the issue of blood right the Bible says for 12 years she's been suffering she did not get any better but rather grew was and she spent all that she had not only she's sick very sick but poor when she heard of Jesus it's always when you hear of Jesus not the Lord I wonder what she heard it must be a gracious Jesus because for her to appear in public in that condition you know your Book of Leviticus chapter 15 says if a woman has discharged by the way she was suffering from hemorrhaging she was hemorrhaging for 12 years and the Bible says when a woman goes beyond her customary wig of hemorrhaging she is now unclean whoever she touches is unclean wherever she sits is unclean anyone who touches her becomes unclean so if she went by the law should been stoned in public are you with me but watch this whatever she heard about Jesus it must have been grace because she came in behind the press all right and she touch the hem of His garment Arashi touch the hem is that Michaela and the word to kill it but blue comes from the root word calla calla is complete or finished you can ask your Jewish friends here and is the word that Jesus cried at the cross our English says it is finished in Hebrew cool ah that's what it means she came and passed the finished work now watch this instantly she was healed now where was Jesus going at that time he was going to Jairus house member jiriz Yair the enlightened one he was going to years house gyruss house because gyruss twelve-year-old daughter was dying now we have 12 here and 12 the years that she's suffering this hemorrhage there are no insignificant details in the Bible when the Bible mentioned numbers there is a meaning everything in the Bible has meanings even names so there's 12 here this is the year 20 now watch this 12 year who is that woman who is hemorrhaging she's the church Jesus was on his way to raise Israel from the dead but Church came from behind now watch this the truth of this can be seen where we understand Isaiah 64 verse 6 look up here on the screen for look at verse 6 all our righteousnesses not our sins friends all our righteousnesses I like filthy rags no you didn't hear me he didn't say our sins all our righteousness are like filthy rags now I don't be crude alright but let me say this you can ask your Jewish friends you can check it out the Hebrew word for filthy Rex is a soil tampon because she was hemorrhaging so as long as she was hemorrhaging she needed their filthy ring the Church of Jesus Christ now watch this as long as she's bleeding she cannot conceive see the church cannot be fruitful as long as she's bleeding are you listening but watch this and as long and in the bleeding that is caused by her righteousness her self-righteousness her trying her best instead of resting on what Christ has done that's where the church is today but she heard about Jesus hallelujah and she touched his tell his tally or as she touched his tally the code is Italian in Hebrew she touched the finished work and this is a picture of the Rope of righteousness when she stopped trusting her own righteousness and touch his righteousness her bleeding stopped that's a message for the church today you're gonna become fruitful and conceive seed for God's glory amen the Bible says seek ye first jesus said seek ye first the kingdom of God and he's whose righteousness and what's gonna happen to you all these things what you wear what you eat better than Solomon's will be added to you when you seek his righteousness it will all be added to you today there was a time I used my faith to believe God for finances I used my faith to believe God for breakthroughs I used my faith to believe now today every day I wake up I use my faith to believe I am the righteousness of God in Christ and as long as I believe I'm the righteousness of God in Christ all the blessings come after me you see when you were a sinner you didn't have to believe for sickness is that deep when you were a sinner you didn't have to confess for failure they all came naturally now that you are the righteousness of God seek first his righteousness and all these things will come after you they'll be added add up to you hallelujah now she was healed Jesus stopped he turn around don't forget there was a crowd and he says who touched me and of course who else Peter you know a pizza in your group and Peter says master you see the crowds wronging you what what do you mean when you say who touched me I perceive power has gone out of me and she wept and she fell before Jesus fearing and trembling knowing what was done in her the Apostle Peter says work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who works in you and some people so miss they they twist at first to say work for your salvation Paul is not saying what for your salvation he says salvation is in you work it out in the way you love your wife work it out in the way you handle finances work it out in your relationships for it is God who works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure so this phrase feeling trembling in the New Testament we must allow the Bible to interpret the Bible this fear and trembling is not oh I'm so afraid of God this fear and trembling is what the woman experienced when Jesus said who touch me she was fearing and trembling knowing what good thing has happened to her and there is a verse in Jeremiah God says our so prosper the city of Jerusalem in the last days that all the nations will fear and tremble for all my goodness that I procured with and I prophesied to you in the years to come people will fear and tremble when they see what God is doing through TPN you ain't seen nothing yet met the best is yet to come we are stepping into the Promised Land lujah she feared and trembled not because she was afraid she was awed by what happened to her now the reason what did Jesus turn because friends in the Old Testament even Moses cannot see God's face he was always gonna show him his back but no can we see my back parts because in the Old Testament God was always going God was always leading but Jesus has come and Jesus stopped and he turn around because he wanted her to behold the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ hallelujah today and under grace we have a face-to-face intimacy with Jesus he cannot let her steal away a blessing because if she takes away the blessing quietly whatever cost her that sickness is still there Jesus wanted her to know he wants her to have the healing you know what the Bible tells us if you study carefully she's the only woman in the Gospels Jesus addressed as my daughter my daughter your faith make you well go in peace now Greek scholars going PCA is not the usual word for go in peace shallow ongoing peace it's not that it is go into ice go into peace Jesus told her your favorite you will make you well now go into Shalom and remain well she's still already going to peace about my love for you about how I want you to have this feeling remain in peace and you will stay well now don't forget this prophetic picture the woman is the church amen the church God wants you to see his glory in the face of Jesus Christ but don't forget Jairus daughter Israel someone came and said don't bother the master anymore your daughter is dead and Jairus was so sad and Jesus's don't be afraid I got a message of all these fears that's looming over Israel the promise of madmen to destroy Israel nothing is new nothing is new Under the Sun let me tell you what she is saying don't be afraid I want to say a word to our Jewish friends while staying here dwelling in Israel be not afraid only believe and then Jesus continued into gyruss house you remember who he brought with him into the house they were professional models he put them all outside and he brought Peter James and John and the parents the girl has died twelve-year-old girl now 12 the number of dispensation order government all right we saw the 12 for the woman typifies the church now this 12 typifies young Israel because you know what Israel is very young now in the day and age that we live in have you seen them in Jerusalem running around the streets laughing that's Jairus daughter I tend to my past and say Jairus daughter amen you know what Jesus did Jesus brought Peter James and John Peter his name means stone James Yakov in Hebrew means to plant or replace John yochanan means God's grace the stone has been replaced by God's grace that's the message israel needs to hear and you know what he said to the girl he threw his tallied over the girl he threw a pallet and he says this literally talita which is tallied talita coming young damsel I send to you under the pallet arise in other words listen carefully this pallet is a symbol of his righteousness now don't go and buy the Tali and think that when you wear the talat something magical will happen some of you when I put it down here blasphemy so I better put it down here before you stone me you know some people I mean the Pharisees make broad the bothers of your tally they have an extra big tassel size who pretends oh we had to walk around like there they make broad their phylacteries they had to walk like that these things are not magical I'm not making fun I'm just telling you these things are magical they point to something so we've come to Israel do not get superstitious regardless of what the you know locals tell you you turn the water into wine amen so the talent is a picture of his righteousness watch this to raise Israel from the dead and not only Israel this young generation in America in Russia in the islands in Holland in Singapore all over the world there is a new generation I said there's a new sound a new generation thank off of dr. Paul and Jen because they see in met a new generation in Medan Lori a new generation how will we race the new generation from the date people say they are hopeless they are too steep into social media they have no heart for God they're leaving churches is because they are hearing the law do good get you do bad get better they are hearing the law but you know what if we'll just take the rope of his righteousness throw it over them take Peter James and John with you the stone has been replaced by grace preach that message and see this young generation see Israel come alive kewlabah Baba she can borrow Mahanta what do you just say I don't know where it's good let me finish let me bring this to a close on the Mount of Transfiguration Jesus brought the same Peter James John up the mountain because Moses went up a mountain to receive the Ten Commandments and there at the mount Elijah appeared he represents the prophets Moses appeared he represents the law and Peter spoke and Peter said Lord is huge for us to be here let us build three sue Court you know booth one for you one for Moses one for Elijah one for the law one for the prophets one for grace God the Father spoke this is my beloved son hear him not den you cannot put grace on the same platform on the same level as the law and the prophets the law points to him the prophets point to him and the moment Peter presumed to put them on the same level you don't find Moses anymore you don't find Elijah they backed away this is my beloved son listen to him now you would have taught your trembling Ottery of the trembling thanks to Peter did your trembling now wash the father just said the father in his glory from the excellent Majesty just spoke and said listen to him I wonder what he would say what Jesus would say they are trembling and Jesus touched him and said don't be afraid arise no commands Grace when it came down the mountain the Bible tells that when Jesus came down the mountain the people ran towards Jesus and they were amazed because I believe there's still that glow but do you remember when Moses came down the mountain the people ran away from him with the two stones no Chavan when he came down with the two stones the Bible says the people ran away from him he had to call them back why because the glory on Moses face was a glory of the law he was fading away but the glory on Jesus face is ever increasing Moses glory was the glory the law that says you have failed you have failed the curse is coming you have failed you have failed condemnation is coming expect bad things to happen to the people ran when Jesus came down gray says your sins are put away your sins are put away your sins are put away expect good things come in church second Corinthians three verse nine tells us you know we've talked about revivals of times past but look at this we say this revival that revival many revivals were characterized by preaching against sin would you agree with me in the past strong preaching against sin now God did not say those revivals had no glory look at what God says boy the ministry of condemnation had glory there was glory in the old that kind of preaching against sin there was glory never say there's no glory there's glory the glory of noses but watch this in the Ministry of condemnation at glory the ministry of righteousness exceeds exceeds much more in glory you ain't seen nothing yet the endtime preaching of the gospel of grace will have a glory that goes from strength to strength from glory to glory hallelujah many of the Ministry of condemnation the rebels never lasted it's based on human effort there was some glory but we ain't seen nothing yet and I'm soaking like we are in this last days amen let me just tell you this to empower your people just remember the story the woman with II was caught in adultery and they true her in front of Jesus and the Pharisees said master or rabbi excuse rabbi we caught her in the act of adultery Moses says such should be stoned what do you say now from what I know in Singapore adultery takes to where was the man I think it was one of them now if jesus said don't stone her they will say aha you are breaking Moses law if Jesus says stone her all the people be confused because he preaches and God's love Jesus you know answer and he stooped down and with his finger he wrote on the ground now you've been to the southern steps all right you've been the vicinity of of Jerusalem the mountain they have uncovered some things everything in the temple precincts when this story happened Jesus was teaching in the temple and the ground was not earth ground it was stony ground so Jesus did not answer but with his finger come on with his finger he wrote on stone look at this with his finger he wrote on stone and he's in essence by his action he's saying you presume to tell me the law I am the one who gave the law and Jesus stood up and he says he that is without sin among you cast the first stone now the Hebraic Moses law no he upheld it cast the first stone but the first one must be the one without sin and one by one they left beginning with the oldest I don't know why the oldest looks like it doesn't get better when you grow older one by one they left now the Pharisees would have stoned her if they could but they could not Jesus on the other hand could stone her because he was without sin but he would not and living Jesus and the woman he look at her and say it's woman where are those who accuse you and she look around and says no man Lord now listen Jesus says neither do i condemn you go and sin no more no way the church has it in reverse the church says go and sit NORML then we'll give you the gift of no condemnation no wonder there is no power no wonder there is no love for Jesus Jesus first gave that woman the gift of no condemnation which empowered her to go and sin no more we are in the last days folks the gospel is being restored another Bible tells us that our race pastors and shepherds in the last days to preach this message in Jeremiah 23 tells us that God is Warby the Shepherds that divide and scatter my sheep God says in verse 4 I'll set up Shepherds over them who will feed them not beat them feed them and they will fear no more three things what happened doesn't raise Shepherds in these last days they will fit you amen many of them are here today and they will fit you and three things will happen the people will fear normal not be discouraged not be lacking when will this happen and what is the message keep on reading the next verse it tells us the days are coming raise up to David a branch of righteousness the Messiah in his days Judah will be safe and Israel dwell safely this is his name by which he'll be called what is the message there will cause people to feel normal not be discouraged not be lacking the Lord our righteousness Jehovah Yahweh still can know the Lord our this is the message they will feed the people when will this happen pastor the next verse therefore behold the days are coming says the Lord that vision no longer say as the Lord lives who brought the tune of this rule from the land of Egypt but they will say as the Lord lives who brought up and let the descendants of the house of Israel from the north country that is our generation is our generation man the north country is Russia the moment you see the Jewish people come back from the north country this is the time the Lord our righteousness the message of grace will be restored to the church and chorus of shepherds were feet the people and the people fear no more nor be discouraged no be lacking hallelujah hallelujah and all because two thousand years ago on that cross Jesus bought all our sins he who knew no sin became sin how can he become sin without doing sin he received our sin how can you and I today become righteous doing no righteousness we receive his righteousness at the cross Jesus got everything our sins deserve today you and I get everything his righteousness deserves France God is not looking at you to judge you even in ancient Israel they brought the lamb when they sinned and is the final clause okay this is the final final clause ancient Israel brought the lamb the priests representing the eyes of God he does not look at the offeror he looks at the offering it's not a question of how good the offeror is it's a question of how good his lamb is he examines not the Opera it's obvious why he's there today we are examining ourselves God says examine your land see how good he is and how is our lamb folks how is our lamb folks all those watching at home how is that cause your lamb he examines the lamb and it gives the okay alright the off-road kills the lamb alright and the lamb burns on the Auburn offering now watch this the lamb is innocent but when you lay hands on the lamb all your sins transfer into the lamb all the spotlessness and righteousness of the lamb goes into you can you see this all right now the lamb gets what you deserve fires of judgment and you walk away with the blessing of God that Jesus deserves the righteousness of God in Christ watch this short video up here watch this all your sins is transferred into the lamb the spotless lamb and all the righteousness and spotlessness of the lamb is transferred into the operon it is the offeror that kills the lamb will know is our sins as the lamp burns the judgment is on the land you and I we walk away with a favor of God the light of God with a smile of God and the blessings of God Almighty hallelujah who is now our Father come on church give Him praise stand to your feet in him praise hallelujah hallelujah so because our lamb on the cross 2000 years ago cried it is finished he exhausted every curse of the broken law for our sins in his own body until there was no more judgment left normal rough left he cried finished oh we love you Jesus we love you Lord we bless your name come and praise Him come and worship holy nation worship Jesus our Redeemer he's so precious King of glory to keep your lovely face ever before my eyes this is my friend make it my strong in my secret huh no I love the beans no rival drone survives and I I serve all the you lift your hands and sing it to you to keep y'all Everly for my this is my friend no no rival trolls survived so do you feel like worshiping him see his glory come down his Shekinah that's just worship in the world is Laurie see his glory see his glory now me see his glory see his glory see his glory now appear got a light you are holiness and true and might see his blue see here's gotta fly gotta fight see see appear see see and see his glory 100 points see if that's your calling see see your glory law the glory in the face of Jesus Christ all your sins put away Oh see one boy we and we and now for a raise the Lord praise the Lord if you're watching at this time wherever you're watching this perhaps you're watching this in the privacy of your own home maybe you are incarcerated whatever the case is going to know that God loves you you're not watching this by chance and my friend TPN is bringing you this special news because God loves you that's the gospel that's the good news God is not holding your sins against you come home son of God come home daughter you've gone away too long come home out there it's so cold in the father's house there's brett enough and despair take one step towards god and god will run towards you the father will run to you and he will lavish his kisses on you wherever you are right now you say pastor that's what I want pray this prayer right now I'm not asking you to embrace a religion I'm asking you to embrace Jesus Christ the way the truth and the reality Freddy's prayer with me say Father in Heaven I believe Jesus is the Son of God the true lamb that has taken away all my sins at the cross I receive now your gift of righteousness and I thank you from this day forth you hear my prayers you treat me as a righteous man because of Jesus gift of righteousness in my life jesus is my Lord amen amen friend if you pray that prayer you're now a child of God all things are passed away all faith in your life come new and all things are of God hallelujah and friend is coming back for us very soon he's coming back for us lift up your head the king is coming the king is coming this program has been brought to you through the prayers and contributions of our faithful partners throughout North America and the world
Channel: TBN
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Keywords: Trinity Broadcasting Network, TBN, Israel Tour 2013, Paul Crouch, joseph prince, israel, joseph prince full sermons, joseph prince healing, joseph prince communion, joseph prince 2021, joseph prince holy communion, joseph prince live streaming, joseph prince live, joseph prince sermons, joseph prince communion prayer, joseph prince grace, church, pray, tbn, trinity broadcasting network, trinity broadcasting network live, tbn live, matt crouch, t8b2n6, 8t2b6n, tbn826, 826tbn, gospel, hope
Id: _OXbrsuhl8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 40sec (7180 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2015
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