The Holy Communion - Part 1 | Ps Joshua McCauley | Redemption Church

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[Applause] hey I'm Pastor Josh and I'm pastor terara we want to welcome you to our YouTube page and we pray that today you blessed by everything you experience and if you are blessed by this sermon please don't forget to share it with someone in your world let's go live to the message I'm excited to be in church today um and I cannot wait to tell you the good news about Jesus Christ um we are beginning a very important series as a church um and I really pray that you don't miss the next couple of weeks wherever there is great power the devil brings great perversion and so it's so important for you to realize that everything Christ has given us in the New Covenant is to bless you to change your circumstance to change your situation not for the worse it's already worse without Jesus right God didn't send Jesus into the world to condemn it but to save it that is John 3: 17 we often quote 16 which is for God so Lov the world that he gave his only son that whoever would believe in him would not perish but have everlasting life but 17 says for God did not send Christ into the Earth to condemn it why it's already condemned all right and so whenever we look at the New Covenant in Christ whenever we learn from scripture everything in Christ given to the church is for your good and wherever someone has told you something like but Jesus isn't only good or this will hurt you or if you're not careful this will curse you it is a twisted truth Paul writes to us and he literally says in Galatians that there's do you know there's only one curse after Jesus died rose again and went into heaven that you can walk in on the earth and that is the Bible says cursed is he who preaches any other gospel than this one revealed in Christ so I you know I I want to tell you something I'm not interested in what you think about me I'm interested in what God thinks about me and I'm very happy to have people get angry with what we preach and they can try curse me but I'm very happy to be under the blessing of God I don't want to preach to you something that makes men happy but God says when you preach that you put people under a curse all right so we have to recognize Jesus came to bring us out from condemnation into salvation out from cursing into blessing now why did he have to do that because a long time ago a guy named Adam made a very poor decision and he decided to disobey God and I don't have time to get into that teaching today but through Adam's decision to sin you were then under his mistake being from Adam's genealogy being from his blood he received a curse by disobeying God and as a cursed bloodline when you are born into this world you are born a sinner you didn't even decide to choose to be a sinner you were born a sinner how do I know this because the moment you develop your free will like some children are displaying in today you decide to do what you want to do but isn't it interesting that you decide to lie no one taught you to lie no one taught you to deceive no one taught you to be jealous we're often trying to tell our kids tell the truth share your toys but there is a gene there is a bloodline that when we are born into this Earth the moment our personality develops we develop a selfish destructive Outlook you'll see the kids playing two kids are crying two kids are happy the crying kids were happy until the unhappy kids came bashed him over the head and took their toy now the unhappy kids stole the toy they're happy other kids are crying right it it's fascinating when children are left alone and you see them you know and it's interesting with parents because when you see the bad traits you know we can often go that's you right that's you just teasing not in our house okay the point being you were born that way you didn't choose it so what's fascinating is once you choose Jesus's work Jesus's decisions Jesus's life Jesus's sacrifice the Bible says you are born again the same way you were born into sin under Adam right without hey you're a sinner and you just accept it the world's just like hey you know I'm a good person I'm doing my best I'm not perfect right Jesus didn't come down to the Earth to come against Adam no he fulfilled it he saw what was lacking and God sends Jesus to fulfill the law so that in Christ God can give you what he's always wanted to give you but God has never desired to curse people in fact when we look at scripture and it speaks of God it tells us God is good God is kind the Bible even says to us if you want to see God if you have seen Jesus you have seen the father if you were on the earth at the time of Christ and you saw him coming into a situation and people that were sick and dying were getting healed and set free people that were struggling that that is seeing God at work but Pastor in job it says though you give and take away still I will say though you slay me I will bless you well do you know not every word in the Bible was spoken by God a lot of words in the Bible were spoken by man to God but they weren't God speaking so at the end of The Book of Job God says to job job you spoke ill of me what is he referring to when job said you give and take away my Bible says what that the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy not God God doesn't slay his children God doesn't curse them with disease no God seeks to bless whenever someone is under God's hand meaning they are in favor with God they walk in blessing they don't walk in cursing right it is when we take God I don't need you I don't want you when you remove yourself from walking with the Lord you leave yourself open to the attack of the enemy Whose desire is to kill steal and destroy so whenever anything is powerful in scripture what I often find is the devil tries to get to the pulpit to pervert it so that people would not engage in the power of what's in the word now we must always weigh things up that we hear from any Pulpit to does this glorify Jesus right or does this glorify me does this give me a work that I need to work in or does this let me rest in his work all right and whenever it is for you to work you've got to be very careful because that is old Covenant thinking right Jesus came to fulfill the law right and in fulfilling it he brings us into a new covenant but he doesn't abolish it he fulfills it the law is Holy and perfect but the law points you to the fact that you cannot earn God's righteousness it can only be given to you as a gift by faith even before the Ten Commandments Abraham is called a man of Faith righteous by faith not because he is perfect Because he believes in the work of our savior all right so I want to preach a series to you on the Holy Communion because this is one of the most powerful truths in scripture but often Holy Communion is perverted or taught not here but some people think this is very dangerous right so the first part of this series I want to speak to you about don't be deceived and receive a curse because often people say to you if you do not drink this worthily you drink Death unto your body so what often happens is sometimes when people gather and communion is offered in different Christian settings people pass on communion because it is said if I drink this in an unworthy manner I drink Death unto myself right now that is written but the the truth has been Twisted because it's interesting that in the Bible it says the just shall live by faith now when Jesus is Alive how many of you know we must pay attention to what God calls faith God does not call Faith being religious when Jesus is walking the Earth there are people praying long prayers fasting many days in Temple worshiping as often as is possible reading scripture as much as it's possible and Jesus doesn't call that Faith In fact when Gentiles meaning non-jews even though Jesus is a Jew born under the law into that time he worshiped in the temple under those priests Jesus read the book of the law Jesus does not call the Jewish religion and saying to them you guys have great faith a gentile Roman comes to him and says I have a sick servant but I know if you speak it he will be healed does that Roman soldier have any life of faith not at all he's a Roman he's an unbeliever uncircumcised Gentile and Jesus calls it Faith the woman with the issue of blood is not allowed to come to him she is unclean she presses through the crowd and says I see myself healed on the other side of touching his robe Jesus turns she breaks the ceremonial law of not being able to as an unclean person touching a clean priest but she says I know this Jesus can heal me and she breaks the ceremonial rules and she comes to the crowd and she says you are my healing she grabs that robe and Jesus says power leaves me and Jesus turns around and says you have great faith right God calls it great faith when you approach Christ as the answer to your need Jesus called that Faith what does Jesus call little faith when he turns to his disciples and he corrects them and he rebukes them he rebukes them for having little faith he doesn't refer to you didn't pray enough you didn't fast enough no they wake him up in the boat and the Bible tells us Jesus is asleep and we often see these illustrations and animations where Jesus is in this little warm room in the bottom of the boat with a hay and a candle and it's swaying and the disciples are on the top deck and they're fighting for their lives trying to hold on to the boat that is not true the fishing boat that he would have crossed on didn't have two levels it has one level and the specific Greek there is not Jesus is sleeping in the hole he's sleeping at the helm the place he is sleeping is the place most exposed to the weather fast asleep they wake him up are we going to die do you not see the storm how can you sleep and he says oh ye of little faith then he speaks to the storm and he says peace right what was he rebuking why do you see the storm greater than my power why do you think I am not the answer to the obstacle whenever Jesus rebukes the disciples for having little faith he says do you not see the supply in me or do you emphasize the size of the storm the size of the crowd you are making big of your problem and little of me that's little faith he doesn't say him why why why aren't you praying why aren't you doing this he says no why don't you just kill and trust me right so be very careful of religious leaders that make Faith you and make little of him and what is so amazing is with communion we make so little of this when scripture you're going to see today make so much of this right and when we say we make little of this we make this something you can't approach in faith don't come with faith no no no make sure you don't drink this if you have sin if you have problems if you're not a confirmed member if you're not no no no where's the faith in that I mean if we've got to start with me we're going to be here for a long time right and Jesus doesn't deny your issues in fact he highlights your issues the woman at the well he doesn't leave her and go Grace would not be to speak about your real life and okay yes you're not married he goes and says yes you're not married you're living with someone but the five others before he's like I know it all but just drink of me you'll never thirst again receive what I have to give you right so it's easy to have great faith it's easy it's just I know I have a problem I know I have an issue but Jesus is my answer and I approach him that he is willing and able right so let's go to the Old Testament Psalm chapter 10 3: 1-6 this Psalm is written of God it says bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name bless the Lord on my soul forget not all his curses no forget his benefits not why he forgives all your iniquities and he heals all your disease who redeems your life from destruction crowns you with loving kindness and Tender Mercies satisfies your mouth with good things so so that your youth is renewed like the eagles the Lord executes righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed the Bible speaks of God's benefits healing your disease right redeeming you crowning you with loving kindness Mercy satisfying you with good things and even renewing your youth like the eagles do you know an eagle gets to an age in its life and it comes to a decision where it either will die or it will renew its youth it's an interesting thing you should research it and it goes away to a place in isolation it goes through a painful process of itself but it plucks out its feathers it knocks its beak until the beak falls out every part of it dies but then every part of it regenerates it's the same age but it has a completely new body cellular molecular new feathers new beaks it's as if it's born again and the Bible says here on this Earth God is able to renew your youth like that Eagle right oh Pastor you know what say I'm I'm more interested in cold plunge okay all those things are good but the bible promises you these things how do we know that in scripture do you know that Caleb was like over 80 and he says surely we can go and take these people send me in let's go to war it's like an attitude that says God's with me right so no matter what your age is you can have renewed youth right now we might even say well that's a type look at this in Psalms 105 CH 3 uh CH 105: 36 through 37 it's writing about the Jewish people and how when they were in slavery and captivity the angel of death passed through the land and destroyed the firstborn in the land the first of all their strength he brought them out with silver and gold and there was none feeble among his tribes can I tell you this is one little verse seems like nothing let me tell you how significant this is for 400 plus years an entire people Nation are slaves in Egypt okay slavery then did not have the benefits like life today today there are people arguing for human rights arguing for people to have access to healthcare arguing for people to have access back then there was no such thing slaves exist to do a job until they die when they die you replace the slave right the whole nation is in slavery to Pharaoh in Egypt and when the angel of death passed through Egypt right that angel of death killed every firstborn of every Egyptian household but it didn't kill any of the Jews why it's called the Passover the Jews took a lamb into their house and Moses gave them instructions saying take the Lamb's blood paint it on the outer part of your door your front door and where he told them to paint on the lentil was the shape of a cross and on the inside kill the lamb roast its flesh eat of its body the Bible tells us that as that took place right the next day Pharaoh is like I can't deal with this anymore and he releases them but do you know he didn't just released them free he released them with 400 years back pay salary plus interest so the Bible tells us they left with silver and gold in certain parts it's easy to believe it was all the wealth of Egypt now they didn't leave with Pharaoh's carts and buses and trucks and a railway system the Bible tells us They carried out the silver and gold and then it highlights there was none feeble among his tribes what it's telling us is they were not just set free they were supernaturally healed that men and women who had been slaves their whole life under that sun think of the disease think of the infections if you if you out working in a physical job you cut now they would whip you to make you work harder so they're open to infection all day long Gang Green there's no badine detto doctors Sick Bay you work till you die when you die we replace you they were supernaturally healed who all who did what eat of the Lamb so when you look at certain um middle easn and Eastern medicine you'll notice that there's all these and and even in other I don't even want to call it worship but other other spiritual practices cuz it's it's demonic if it's not Christ but other look at how interesting this is because of what happened which is it's estimated between 3 and 5 million Jews eat of this animal put its Blood on the doorpost and a curse passes through or an angel of death passes through all the Egyptian firstborn die no matter whether they're in the palace wherever they are so they are set free but they are set free in such a manner that they are healthy and strong that they could carry all the wealth out not 100 m a long way right so they are carrying all the wealth of Egypt do you know that there are still people today that believe that if you want to get healed you eat the part of an animal that you are struggling with if you want to get smart you eat its brain if you want eyesight you eat its eyes I promise you in fact the Rhino horn trade is solely dependent on this that there are people on the other side of the world that believe if they eat sniff snort eat Rhino horn it will do something to the male genitalia right because of all these types now even if you think about people who are into all strange things where a child must die Bloodshed must happen they must get a body part of someone it all has to do with possessing power if there is death and there is blood and there is a body part and whether some tribes believe you eat of a human flesh you possess its power you gain its Soul you gain its strength in in India in all different places there's all these evil occultish worships even on Africa but it's all tied to a truth that's been perverted because they heard of a great power that took place when a body was sacrificed when a body was consumed and bloodshed took place right trying to emulate what actually happened in the real thing so what happened there was just not a type and a shadow it was a supernatural event I'll never forget being in Egypt I went to the museum and uh they have all these things there in the K museums and sarcophaguses and all this and I'll never forget walking past this big marble tablet written in Egyptian hieroglyphics and it's just lying there and I'm reading this thing and I'm looking through it and I was asking people are there any stuff from from is there any Biblical reference stuff and there there this was a hieroglyphic account of the Pharaoh that was alive at the time of Moses and his historian in hieroglyphics recorded all the plagues and the release of the slaves not our Bible the historian of that Pharaoh recorded what happened in scripture word for word I was like this is this is testifying script scriptures this is insane and often people say that's that's not really what really happened it's exaggerated it legitimately happened why did it happen because there was a type in a shadow of what is to come now when Jesus came and walked the Earth as the Passover Lamb as the fulfiller of the law does he walk into situations and go I can't I'm really helpless here no the Bible tells us I mean even in Matthew 8: 16-17 when evening have come they bring to Jesus many who a demon possessed he cast out the spirits with a word and healed every single person who was sick why that it might be fulfilled what the prophetic word spoken by Isaiah saying he himself took our infirmities and bore our sickness that the Messiah would be the one to be able to do Supernatural healing would be the one to take our suffering that's what it says in Isaiah 53:4 now our English translations Rob us because people want to contextualize things let's not push this too far so it says surely he's borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we esteen him stricken Smitten by God and Afflicted actually the English there is trying to not overemphasize things because we want to contextualize that maybe God isn't really interested in healing you know he's he's interested in your grief and your sorrow no the Hebrew there right for gek is disease and sorrow is pain physical pain so in Matthew it's telling us he confirmed Isaiah's Prophet when he walked around healing do you know Jesus's Miracles the majority of physical healings the majority of physical healings right yes someone had died for a moment and he raised the girl from the dead someone had died for a day and he raised him but Lazarus was dead 4 days there are some instances where Jesus prayed literally and the the Greek they recording it is there was that there was no limb and the limb became it wasn't a flu feel better he performed these signs and wonders why because he speaks of himself when he talks in communion and he says I am that lamb I am he the Passover Lamb right and when he starts to describe himself as the bread and the body and the blood and the wine in that passage of scripture it says don't take this in an unworthy manner L you drink a curse but we've Twisted it for it to be about you which has got nothing to do with your faith and when you see it today it's going to set you free that you will be able to look at this moment and not see it for tradition oh we do communion oh I do communion you'll be able to see the true power and transformation that comes by having faith in this someone once said to me but Pastor how can we receive healing just by eating why not have to pray along now I'm not coming against prayer but why is it so easy as eating how did you get condemned a sinner we are called Sinners by eating of the wrong tree of the wrong fruit of the wrong flesh sin entered through the eating of the wrong flesh the knowledge of the tree of Good and Evil the you could even say a type of the law and the moment they ate of the knowledge of of the tree of Good and Evil they were exposed that they are naked because when you look at are you good enough you're not good enough but when you eat of the tree of life right it tells you he is good enough so Jesus is saying eat of My Flesh it sounds kind of crazy why would you say eat of My Flesh because he is likening himself to the Passover Lamb I I've got somewhere to go I but I want you to hear it is not it is not the Christian faith that anything Jesus gives you to do robs you takes from you we often say well God's teaching me a lesson now doing things your own way and it doesn't work out will teach you a lesson right but doing things God's way and him hurting you is not teaching you a lesson we've got to be so so careful that we see God with two hands blessing and cursing and he says choose and I don't know what to choose I don't know what's in which hand right hand ah cursing sorry no no no it's this blessing and cursing choose blessing take blessing it's not a quiz like I'm not quite too sure what to do right here what's the perfect will of God not sure cuz I think he's trying to teach me something here he wants me more dependent on him that's why he's no no no no no no God always wants you more dependent on him but he doesn't do that by you suffering now when you go your own way you'll realize you need more of him the prodical son ended up in the pigar realizing I'm starving I'm hungry and even my father's servants can eat but he didn't sit there going God's teaching me a lesson no he was being taught a lesson by leaving his father's house but if you ask the father the father would say remain in the house and the moment you want to come home I restore you to the house right that's why it was so hard for people with a lot of religion to receive from Jesus because they're saying can it be that easy but I've done all this work and she she slept with the whole village and she's the first person to get the Revelation your Messiah yes cuz she she loved me a lot cuz I forgave her a lot right those who think I forgive little love little oh oh yes we must we must make a big deal about Jesus past but we've got to talk about Sin and we' got to talk about hell okay sin is bad and Hell Is The Place God doesn't want you to go but let's emphasize the Savior right because when Jesus showed up the conversation wasn't about Sin and Hell the conversation was about do you want to receive what I've come to give you faith is simply this taking from Jesus right so Pastor but hang on a second if taking is Faith what about my tith what about sewing that's a response where's the first place the ti takes place it's long before the law Abraham sees melchisedek now in Abraham's body is the levitical priesthood all the levitical priests to follow came from Abraham's seed his DNA malisic has no record of birth nor death in Hebrews it tells us Christ is of the priesthood mesc You could argue it was Jesus himself or a type of Jesus but it wasn't a natural man and mchis representing Christ appears to Abraham and what does he come with he gives a blessing but it's on the other side of receiving something first Abraham must receive what mesc brings then mzc pronounces the blessing blessed is Abraham of God most high bless bless bless bless bless bless bless ridiculous blessing ridiculous so much blessing that Abraham goes into other countries and the Kings see his wife and they say is that your wife and he knows the king could kill him cuz the King has an army and he's just a a traveling family and the King says is that your wife he says no it's my sister he lies this the king takes the Sarah Abraham's wife for his own bed abrah doesn't stop him uh if it's me dying or you sleeping with him you're off Sarah saves himself listen to this blessing that King goes to sleep doesn't get to touch Sarah in his dream God Appears him says how dare you touch my prophet's wife not my lying useless disrespectful Sons how dare you touch my Prophets The King wakes up goes to Abraham I'm so sorry here is your wife back plus wealth plus cattle plus land it doesn't happen once it happens twice the second time you could argue he was like one it worked last time or you go Sarah you know how this works God will intervene and bless me that's the blessing Abraham walks in before he tithes so what happens before the blessing the Bible says marisc came bearing Bread and Wine Bread and Wine the ministry of Jesus to you today is his body and his blood and when you receive that promise over your life it changes your life and you are blessed blessed without effort blessed without stress and from that blessing you respond in faith saying you're my provider right but it's not a sacrifice it's a response it's not something squeezed out of you it's the joyful Act of going but he's providing for me right super supernaturally why out of the bread and the wine can you respond with finances Abraham actually says to Sodom you never made me Rich buddy he did he made me Rich that's what he says he mzc made me Rich it wasn't your money it's his right you know what's interesting what's the first curse pronounced on Adam the first one is by the sweat of your brow will you toil the ground to eat and the first place Jesus bleeds for you is his blood in the sweat of his brow removing that curse so under Abraham's favor is financial favor without the hustle without the stress without the sweat right I'm not saying you don't go to work you just don't go to work with the burden how are we going to how how how how you're like no no but that's on the other side of receiving Jesus's Ministry his body broken for you his Bloodshed for you so we're going to go to this passage of scripture now I just want to show you this quickly before we close why you can receive communion with radical Faith every single time from now on so Jesus is speaking right and he it says yeah this is Paul Paul's writing about Jesus speaking he says for I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you that the Lord Jesus on the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and said take eat this is my body broken for you do this in remembrance of me in the same manner he takes the cup after supper saying this cup is the New Covenant my blood this do as often as you drink in remembrance of me for as often as you eat of this bread and drink of this cup you proclaim the Lord's death till he comes okay so Jesus is doing this when is he doing this on Passover the night the Jews remember the Passover when the angel of death passed through Egypt and they they experienced Supernatural life abundance and prosperity the Egyptians experienced the death of every firstborn in fact the Bible calls it the strength of their Nation they experienced sorrow but every Jewish household that had eaten of the lamb and put its Blood on the doorpost they experienced freedom and blessing and health and right so Jesus is saying this body is my body this lamb was the shadow of my body that is about to be broken for you this blood is my new covenant bringing you out from under the law into it's being fulfilled into God's super abounding blessing I am fulfilling the Ten Commandments and every law so that now All That Remains is blessing for you I will take every sin every every sin past present and future of yours on me and pay for it in full so that now you have the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus he says as often as you do this you proclaim the Lord's death till he the Lord returns right so what's interesting is as we keep reading this is where it goes and people start to get confused it says here therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks of this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat and drink of the cup for he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself not Discerning the Lord's body for this reason many are weak and sick among you and sleep because Believers can't die they just sleep for if we would judge ourselves we would not be judged but when we are judged we are chastened by the Lord that we may not be condemned with the world now what some people here is if I come to this moment and I'm not careful and I don't study myself and look at myself and say what have I got wrong with me what have I done who have I sinned who have I wronged who do I have bitterness against then I will drink it in an unworthy manner if I'm not worthy I will drink it in an unworthy manner so I need to make right first seek repentance say God I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I then get myself to a more worthy manner but if I do this without knowing I'm worthy and I drink and I'm unworthy I drink judgment unto myself for if I judge myself not judged when I am judged I'm chasen by the Lord if I don't judge myself accurately L going am I good enough am I good enough am I good enough then I will get judged and when I'm judged by the Lord I will be beaten by the Lord that is absolutely not what it says first let me ask you this question if Jesus died for you his body was broken right and at that moment he says I'm giving myself for these people my children sons and daughters but if they ever come to me and they're not in right standing with me I will destroy them for seeking healing of my body in Jesus's character on Earth where does he ask one sinner to repent before he heals them do you want to be healed yes healed she came and took healing without asking him there was no repentance of sin involved why because the one who was to die for sin was present let me ask you this question the angel of death was not a hypocrite it didn't pass through the land of Egypt saying wherever there is an Egyptian firstborn I must kill it he said wherever every household must have a death but some houses had an a death for them when he passed by every house have you had a death no someone must die as a consequence have you had a death yes little lamb went 8 hours ago to heaven we just ate its food we ate its flesh and its blood I pass by for death has already visited this house so let's go go to this passage with the lens God show us what it actually says in verse 29 it says you are not Discerning the body and that's why you drink judgment yourself that word therefore Discerning is dios it does not mean study yourself it means set apart if you do not set apart the Lord's body as the one who paid for your sickness you you drink judgment to yourself why because you do not see yourself healthy we're going to get there now so when you do not set the Lord's body as being judged for you you do not embrace the reason for which it is given for He Who drinks in an unworthy manner what's an unworthy manner he's writing to the Corinthians they were busy getting drunk on wine and eating of all the food for their flesh like I'm starving I'm going to eat all the communion bread and he says you're doing this in an unworthy manner you don't recognize that when you discern the Lord's body meaning set it apart and understand it for this reason many of you are weak sick and sleep before their time for if we would judge ourselves we would not be judged the first word there for judge is the word dios if we would not separate ourselves then you will be krenos judge guilty but when we are judged we are chasen by the Lord meaning when we were judged in Christ you know what that word for Chason is or you going to love this Padia it is the root word for the medical practice pediatrician H when we are judged in Jesus as the Sons and Daughters of the most high God God our healer our pedi you do not take a healthy child to a pediatrician and stand there saying we're about to see the pediatrician break a leg so that he can fix something to show you he loves you you go there when there is a problem to the source saying please use your ability to heal my child so when we see we are judged in Christ the lord heals his children so that keep reading we are not condemned with the world everybody is sick until they get to the doctor so it says when we judge ourselves in Christ God says now I can heal you you have legal right to receive healing legal right to have healing not because you are sinless because your sickness was paid for by your Lamb by your savior right so when you eat with faith in Jesus you are judging yourself correctly you are judging yourself righteous you are judging yourself worthy of healing Pastor what do I need to do to be worthy of healing have need of it and look to Jesus as the one who has the supply of it if the pediatrician says here is medicine let's take an if your child has a case that needs daily medicine right what is treating the medicine in an unworthy manner it is not taking it [Applause] if you go back to the doctor and he says what's wrong my child is sick okay what's the problem he's not getting any better what have you done with the supplement I gave you to take we haven't taken it you are deeming the medicine Unworthy of the diseases relief the most worthy thing you can do to Jesus is see him as your lord and savior the most amazing thing you can do is just show up with need and saying I take I receive you are my Supply you are my healer you are my grace you are my righteousness you are my wisdom you are my protection the very last thing God wants you doing is studying yourself for sins he's already washed away examine yourself okay what about yesterday what yesterday I did this no no when you received me I washed you clean all sin past present and future oh now you preaching heresy are my future sins forgiven yes how do I know that because if you are Unforgiven of sins right you are not saved if you are not saved the work of Jesus wasn't enough how do I know that's contextual pastor because this sounds like heresy the nation of Israel would celebrate on the other side of Passover because Passover meant the high priest declared to the nation your sins are covered we say for the year that passed no ask any Jewish person it is for the sin of the year to come that's why they parted we're covered we're covered we're covered every single sinner Thief criminal in the nation if they were covered they were blessed the nation was blessed and Paul says if the blood of bulls and goats can do this for them how much more the blood of our lamb the blood of our savior the blood of your high [Applause] priest that's why wherever Jesus went people flocked him what kind of people everybody with need everybody with lack everybody everybody with sickness everybody with disease everybody with demons came cuz they heard the answer has come to my town right so now whenever you face sickness the Bible says do this as often as is necessary why because every time every time you're challenged with what about this hereditary disease what about this what about that what about this what about this there's diabetes in my family there's this there's Co there's this you come and you say your body was broken for me by your stripes I am healed your blood was shed for me every sin past present and future I'm now a child of God and the pediatrician the Lord says hey you are you are you are I've provided for you I heal you I it is always how good is Jesus how amazing is Jesus how wonderful is Jesus that's the worthy manner you believe it today God is good isn't he thanks so much for joining us today and we trust that you are blessed if you enjoyed it please subscribe to our page and maybe share this word with someone else or even better join us in person at one of our churches one day until then be blessed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Redemption Church South Africa
Views: 985
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Keywords: Redemption Church, joshua mccauley, redemption church sermon, grace, preach, calling, chosen, destiny, dont compromise your calling, elevation church, failure, how to find your calling, joseph prince, preachers, preaching, purpose, sermon series, online church service, online church service live, Jesus online, new creation, best online church, This is redemption​, Redemption sunday service​​, I Dont Live Here, Latest Sermon, Latest Redemption Sermon, Gracious, Redemption Family
Id: LTBei69wOus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 22sec (2962 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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