PRUSA MK4 Special Delivery by Josef Prusa!

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portion of this episode is sponsored by World of Warships and I get to tell you about that and this a little bit later now on with the show hey it's Joel nothing on the desk because apparently I have a delivery showing up there it is wait the delivery's here delivery look at that it's a mark IV hi Joe hello everyone so I brought you the brand new original person mark IV to play with I appreciate that I didn't know I was going to get it personally delivered this is fantastic can you stay and help me get it out of the box uh for a tiny bit because I have to catch my flight that's fair thank you oh look at this right out of the box right out of the box this is Happy printing happy printing those are fantastic it's got a cheat sheet on the back look at that yes I don't even know about that the most important thing the horrible Bears here are notes for you oh notes for me but you're here so I don't need these right yes here we have the sheets oh how many sheets does it come with uh it comes with one but this is uh to play with all of them oh sweet I get to show you the steel satin sheet I get to show you the steel sheet txt what does that mean uh textured one textured steel sheet right there and then just a steel sheet oh I love these stickers 3D printing handbook yeah and it's updated it's a four on it and remember to read the manuals people and here is our signature oh here we go testing report from all the parts this is still a part of the packaging and assembly of the mark IV yeah exactly oh this is exciting it's always exciting getting one of these out of the box I'm not gonna lie to you oh look at that boom this is the original prusa I3 mark IV 3D printer right here you have the books with the tools that's right now it's assembled so I don't have to assemble anything but this comes with looks like the spool holder yeah the filament guide the USB stick this has probably one of my favorite tools of all time this red-handled screwdriver I love this thing the assembled one comes with a spool of person and Galaxy black it's black the best filament ever so this is new uh this is like a filament guide yeah it is uh as we increase uh Z height a tiny base when when you are printing all the way up it just helps if you have really full spools ah oh I see it doesn't jump over it sometimes it would jump over yeah okay I know protopostale spools are some of the ones that are filled really close to the top so this should mitigate the filament jumping from the top of the spool oh okay so uh it comes with a test print from the factory okay so you just get it off the best way is like to bend in and try not to touch the bed because then you don't need to clean it this is a nice Pei sheet just waiting for us three two one and it's alive look at that screen I love a nice colorful screen up front so we're just gonna skip the first run steps because there's a beautiful first run experience video on the prusa YouTube channel prusa does have to head to the airport and if he misses his flight it's on me so we're gonna go about things in a in a slightly different way so look at that UI so we just unload the filament it asks asks us which which one we have there so it's pla and okay it will preheat and unload the bit which we have here oh okay and we will load a new one in but yeah we suggest everyone who gets the new machine to run through it because it checks if it doesn't if it didn't get mangled in shipping it shares the access line all the heaters everything so it is very important step okay so this we've just unloaded the filament and it pooped it right out sweet yeah it's out so now we can go up here to load yes and then and then start of the spool loading filament in three two one there it goes and it's going in look at that it's taking it purging loading doing all sorts of fun stuff it should start pooping something out here maybe there it is look at that just a tiny little bit of materials pooped out sweet is the color correct yes I would say yes it is asking us this because when you are changing from one color to another uh you know for example from red to White uh you might still get like Ping for quite some time so you have a chance to purge more I understand if you're going from like red or blue to a white I mean that takes a while okay but I think yeah we are we are good yes so we're good to go now you can basically I mean wait find the ah do not touch it oh my goodness you leave it hanging you have to be safe but we can use the we can use the test print to get it out Safety First with Joseph prusia this is the first iteration that goes from SD card to USB stick I've seen you know over over the years after a couple of years some of the people were in the very little rough uh with the SD card uh slots I think it's better to use USB and no I'm game for that let's uh print the robo alpaca yeah the robo alpaca I've sell I saw um Uncle Jesse just show that off yes and so now I get to show it off this is Captain bad advice a free 3D printable model from an official model for World of Warships now he's riding my robot dog because you can only get warships in the game are you ready for this all right Captain you go have fun I'm going to tell them about World of Warships World of Warships is a free to play PC game new content is released every month including new ships new in-game nations and new ship classes there are over 40 unique Maps each with their own Dynamic weather in the game you can choose from multiple ship classes including battleships destroyers submarines and even aircraft carriers Plus World of Warships is even available on Console systems Go download World of Warships right now using the link in the description during registration use the code Popeye to get 500 to balloons 1.5 million credits 10 days of premium account and the choice of the ship's Langley Phoenix Wyoming or Clemson after 15 battles again Go download World of Warships using the link in the description and when registration happens use code Popeye to get a ton of free stuff oh hey Captain glad to have you back a big thanks to World of Warships for sponsoring this part of the episode and now I'll have you right back to it so the robot alpaca is going to take more than seven hours obviously we don't have that much time because Joe's got to get a flight to somewhere in the world but we can at least start this and while this is going I think we have time to kind of go over three really cool new features right okay here we go starting the robot alpaca in three two one look at that there's a little LED on the bottom yeah is that a status LED it is a status LED and you can uh you can program and bond I mean it is free everything has to have RGB RGB LED everything yeah how is this programmed is it is it m codes or g-codes it's 3G codes okay but you know by by default it is uh showing you when it's printing if it has an error it blinks red let's get to the new features uh I I love the most about the machine first is the load cell this has to do with probing yeah you can uh you you can imagine this is the how digital scales work it is right somewhere here below the motor and uh basically we are probing with the tip of the nozzle against the surface this is the only way how to get it so precise because with the induction sensors you are probing for the metal underneath right and then also you have the the the trigger distance and the nozzle are two different things so that's why you had to do the live edges Z and all of that you always had to continually adjust the offset because the the distance between the metal plate and the nozzle couldn't stay the same depending on your build surface yes and even even with high grade 3M glue and you know uh proper Pei sheets there there still might be like 10 Micron variation when the tolerance is stuck I understand so probing the surface is the is the way to go okay and you know I had first prototype 12 years ago even before a person research was a thing but I finally I finally built up a team that I use I know we can uh we can we can do it properly so it is not just an on off there is a high speed analog readout from the load cell and we basically trained a little model so we even know if the probe is not successful just how the data are well the data follows a curve a known like a known curve yes and you know if the probe is not successful it like tries to go a little bit to the side wipe the nozzle and do another one and so it is doing it at the safe temperature for all the surfaces we finished we finished the probing and soon we'll be heat up to the running temperature and we will start the print oh so the probing still happens when the bed as at the print temperature but the nozzle itself can be at a lower temperature for the yes okay and one one little neat feature is that we are probing just where the model is yeah I saw that it's not the whole bed it's very specifically just in the surface area that the model is covering and I think we have a perfect first layer can I see yes oh that's so good oh that is so so good but we uh still have life adjusts Z in in case you really want to print on some funky surfaces uh which are a little bit squishy so you can you can adjust for that because we have a lot of crazy users printing on crazy stuff well as an example if you were to for like take cardboard down cardboard does have a little bit of a squish to it yeah when being probed compared to something like a metal sheet so I would understand you know it's understandable that you might have to adjust that a little bit because the probe is expecting a very rigid surface yes yes yes that's uh that's the thing and I'm thinking you know we will Embrace a little bit when when I see the users printing on super weird stuff uh I'm I'm thinking about embracing it a little bit more and you know maybe having a special amount of age lets you do like more uh more high-res uh more probes so you can follow a more curved surface and some stuff like that maybe oh so you could from the get-go possibly do non-planar printing in a way like with a surface theoretically yes but you know we we haven't started but we're we're working on that I get it I get it I get it but it's interesting to think about what the future could hold just because of that way of doing things yes but you know I'm thinking maybe you can you know print in some wooden handle some some nice markings or something like that oh so that's a really interesting way to think about it yes that's cool okay well then what's the second thing you got for me uh the the second thing which uh it would be very difficult to demonstrate right now but we have easy to change uh nozzle this is the V6 adapter so then your your nozzle your heat break all of it all in one yes I hope I will not break the print but so you can just put this up and here you have thumb screws you just uh use your fingers and then you can slide it out and the connectors for the uh for the heat cartridge and for the thermistor are here so oh so it's a very it's not a it's the wires aren't home run back to the board it is there's a connector board up here yeah okay that is also one of the the great little uh improvements for you know repairability and user friendliness probably if people want to mod theirs right uh for uh for serviceability uh and repairability okay service and repairability and so this is a new standard yes okay so but you do make an adapter so this is a V6 adapter so that means we could still use an e3d V6 standard nozzle yes I um when we started to develop it I felt like we should not like make people buy all the new nozzles again if they have some special dinner so they they already own so we design our system in a way that you can use all in ones from us which uh I I love the fact that you know from from my experience a lot of users experience the big plastic blobs because they didn't tighten tighten the heat break yeah it leaks out and it leaks out and cases it okay so I've done that a number of times and as it as it is integrated on the standard nozzles it does not have a place to to leak okay but at the same time we can make adapters which then act like you know standard uh what I used to from previous generations that's cool you can still you still have to do the tightening up well when it's hot and so okay so you still have to do all the same things you would before this is just an adapter to let you use the old stuff but the new stuff is pretty decent in itself yes but I mean you can use CHD with this none nothing is uh oh yeah okay that sounds fun okay third thing what's the third thing Joseph um I'm pretty proud about the the gearbox and the uh and especially the drive gear because we have uh one large diameter drive gear a big one right yeah which is flat because when you have uh we you need a little surface area and what was done in the community before was you know two Drive gears driving it from the both sides right so it was this and it would do this but then you you had a groove in it so on the outside of the diameter and on the inside of the groove the you know the length per uh Revolution was a little bit different so it was a mangling the filament a little bit didn't um um Mirage C I think wasn't that that person on YouTube did a really good breakdown of oh yeah of the extruder it was fantastic we'll put a link down in the description it is an amazing video Yeah and we just have you know giant rack gear and two bearings uh uh pushing against it so you have so there's a lot more surface area of the drive gear connecting with the material yeah I don't think it's uh I don't think it's uh in normal circumstances normal circumstances possible like to grind through filament oh oh well that's good to hear and does this give any advantage when printing softer materials like tpus uh I would say yes because uh well this way when you were doing tpus this way you always had to kind of loosen that because it also would squish it and and it wouldn't extrude at a at a consistent Pace yeah but you know always with with the flexible materials it is you know even what is the base material if it's uh TPU or something else you always want to you know check it when you when when you are doing the first print with it okay and make sure maybe you know go a little bit slower okay so the typical things you would do with a with a softer material follow that workflow yeah for this machine still but as you know from our slicer we have presets for for most of the stuff which is generally available so that's a good place to start then if someone can start and kind of go from there wow cool yes well there's a lot of stuff on here that I'm gonna get to play with and I know you have to head to the airport well how about this anything else anything else you want to let people know about before you take off I would just say Enjoy 3D printing there we go you heard it from jail himself dude good to see you have a safe travel I do I mean you have to leave right now right yes okay get out of here okay go go go I can't I can't I don't want to keep you man love you Joe safe travels bye uh all right well this is the robo alpaca it's gonna take a little more than seven hours to print I'm gonna go home say hi to my wife and kids have a little bit of dinner we'll be back to check this and then get a lot more prints done I'll see you in a bit so this is what was printing when we left this and when Joe and Mickey were in town I treated them to tacos for dinner the prusa Meetup was a lot of fun here in Seattle but really I had the Llama printing this Robo llama the Llama printed great I mean it looks fantastic as it should it's an example print from this machine and then I set that print to go the one that's on the build plate right there it is a print in place crane recently I attended the red carpet for the Transformers rise of the beasts movie premiere in Brooklyn New York and before I left I hit print I didn't even verify the first layer I just hit print and it's a fabulous model absolutely fabulous you can print it all at once it is it is a crane there is a little a little dial here that comes out and it's got like a an indentation of where a little clip Clips around to hold it in place and then on the bottom it's got these kicks out so the wheels don't Spin and let's see if I can do this come on come on there we go there we go so this is a print in place crane a print in place crane it's a mouthful I know but it was printed on this Mark IV in the same galaxy pla filament the proof cement right there I'll put a link to this down in the description I bought it off Colts because someone emailed me about it it's fascinating I'm going to dive deeper on this model in a future episode so be sure to stay tuned but until then I invite you to download this and print this on your mark IV or on your whatever that you have with this machine right here I know initially Joe said I didn't need to have that when this print was done though and when this print was done it went to top of Z and it did unspool a little bit and so this I do think is necessary it didn't seem like it was that loud quality is there there is a defect on the build plate where the nozzle touches and I do have to try to find some more information about that it doesn't seem to affect anything it's incredibly tiny and it's in an area where stuff I I haven't printed yet would fall I don't think it's going to cause an issue but still I'll talk to prusa about that and see what they have to say all in all my Impressions on this machine just with these first two prints are positive now this doesn't mean that this machine this Mark IV from prusa is the one to beat and good to go because Joel said it's awesome I've only had two prints on the machine and lots of people out there have had Mark 4 machines and have had varied experiences mine so far personally has been positive and I want to stress that so far it's been positive obviously my goal here is to do lots of prints with this machine in various filaments and I hope to continue to do that and showcase them across social media and possibly in future episodes here on the channel if there are models you'd love to see printed on the mark IV tag me online you never know I might be able to get it done this is really fun I'm not traveling for a bit so I actually get a chance to utilize this machine and kind of poke some buttons and figure out how it works and install the alpha firmware and input shaping and and have some fun with it so if you made it this far you're awesome don't forget to hug each other more fight for cause you believe in and Print in place all the things and as always I5 [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: 3D Printing Nerd
Views: 55,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printing nerd, joel telling, joeltelling, 3d printing, 3dpn, prusa mk4, jo prusa
Id: 1c-mV9IE67o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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