Proxmox VE Full Course: Class 9 - User Management

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[Music] thank you so much for checking out learnlinuxtv your source for linux related fun and learning i just love making this content for you guys but making such content isn't cheap if you enjoy my content please consider supporting me by becoming a patron as a patron you'll enjoy ad-free versions of every video that i upload and also at specific tiers you'll also enjoy early access to select videos before the rest of the world but even if you're not able to support me by becoming a patron no problem there's other ways to help you can simply click the like button on the videos that you enjoy that would help out in addition to that word of mouth helps as well so if you are enjoying my content please help spread the learning by telling your friends and co-workers about the channel if you're looking for something to read well you're in luck i write books and you can check out my latest books at books are you looking for help for your linux server related projects or are you a business 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here we have one user currently named root and this is actually the root user that's on the underlying host system for pve one now before we get into what that actually means one thing to understand is that there's actually two realms when it comes to users and you can see the realm listed right here for the user root it's listed under pam and what pam actually refers to is the user management on the underlying host system itself pam is just linux authentication essentially now the difference between pam users and proxmox users is going to become more apparent as we go along with the video so don't worry about it so much right now i'm going to walk you through the process of creating a pam user and i'll also walk you through the process of creating a proxmox user now both pam and proxmox users are able to use proxmox the difference is mainly where the user is actually created and where the information for that user is stored but anyway let's walk through the process so we have the user root right here and let's just assume that we have another person i'll use myself as an example that wants to manage this particular data center so what i'm going to do is add a user and right here i'm going to add my username i'll just use my first name to keep it simple now we could select a group but i don't have any groups just yet we'll get to that anyway i could create an expiration date for the user i could enable or disable the user and i could also add the first name last name and email address if i wanted to and i could also add a comment if i found that helpful to let me know why that user exists on the system and what they're there to do i'll leave that up to you when it comes to how to fill this out i'm just keeping it simple by using my first name and for the realm i'm selecting linux pam standard authentication for this particular user so what i'll do is add the user and now the user is added now there's actually going to be some confusion when it comes to this particular user that i created right here so for example what i'm going to do is click on pve 1 and then i'll click on shell to access the shell console here and i'm automatically logged in as root as we see here now if you aren't all familiar with linux authentication then you know that the etsy password file is where linux systems store their user accounts now as you can see my user is not listed here since i created a normal user account it should have had the id of 1000 and by id i'm talking about the user id this is nothing to do with proxmox linux systems have user ids or uids for all the users that exist on the system if i create a user on the linux system itself it's assigned a uid the next available uid and as you can see here i don't have my name anywhere it would have been added to the end of the file if it did add it so what we can glean from this is that even though i added the user to the gui here in proxmox it didn't actually create the user on the underlying system now that might seem like a very annoying thing and i'll admit that it's not the most convenient thing but it does make sense and it will make sense more here in a moment but basically what i'm going to do is set a password for that user it didn't even ask me to set a password for that user so i'll use passwd and then my name this is just a standard linux command i have an entire linux essentials series that goes over this command as well as others definitely check out that series if you want to learn more about linux anyway i'll press enter and it tells me that the user j does not exist so if i was to log out what i could do is type my username and my password here but i can't type my password because my user doesn't have a password so i'm not going to be able to do this just type in my name and then click login because you need to have a password and also the user does need to exist so essentially when i added the user to the gui all it really did was just add it to the gui but you have to go through another step and add it to the system now what i'll do is just log in as root and now i'm logged back into the server so what i'm going to do is fix this right now and create the user here on the proxmox server i'm on pve one and i'm going to create the user right now so what i'm going to do is type add user and then the username that i want to create in this case j i'll press enter and i'll type in a password for that user and i'll type it in again and i'm just going to skip these prompts you can fill these out if you want to but it doesn't really matter to me so i'm just going to press enter through all of these and then is this information correct y is capital which means it's the default option i'll press enter and now that user is created and to prove that you can see it there at the end it's the second to last line it shows my user right there with a uid of 1000 and a group id of 1000 again i have dedicated videos that explain that in more detail i have a video about adding users to a linux system and also a video for adding groups to a linux system anyway now that i did add that user let's go ahead and log out and i'll log in as the user that i just created let's see what happens and now i'm in now notice though that i do have the server pve-1 i'm not able to see what's underneath it and in addition to that i really don't have access to all that much at all so what we can see here is that my user well it doesn't have permission to anything so that's why i don't see anything underneath this so what i'm going to do is just log back into the server again as root and let's explore this a little bit deeper to fully understand what's going on with users so i have this user highlighted right here this is the user that i tried to log in as well i did log in as this user but i didn't have access to anything i couldn't see vms or even the stats of the server it was completely useless now notice that it's in the pam realm so what i'm going to do is add the user again and i'll create it with the same name but what i'm going to do instead is actually add it to the proxmox authentication server instead of pam so i'll type in the password here for this user notice that it's actually asking me for the password this time and then here we can select a group but i haven't created any groups so that's okay we can do that later but i'm adding the user to the proxmox authentication server like i mentioned i'm going to leave most of this blank i'll just click add and now we have the same user twice but one of them is in the pam realm and the other is in the pve realm now what i'm going to do is log out i don't suspect that there's going to be any difference as far as permissions are concerned but what i want to show you is that when you go to log into the server you can of course choose the realm that you want to log into so i was using pam before i want to make sure that i'm choosing this option here the proxmox ve authentication server then i'll click log in now for this user the access here is virtually the same meaning that this user in particular is completely useless it can't do anything but we have the user created in both realms and the reason why i did that is because i wanted to show you that you can have the same user twice so i'll log back in as root i'll type in the password i'll make sure that it says pam right here which it does and now i'm logged into the server so we have these two users right here that i created and they're both equally useless and the concept of user management seems to be at least a little confusing when it comes to new users of proxmox but let's break down why we have two different user accounts right here so let's start with this one this is actually the second user that i created and i created it in the pve realm what that means is that this user exists in proxmox but it does not exist on a system so for example if i add yet another user and i'll add spock to the system he's pretty cool and i'm going to create him in the proxmox ve authentication server i'll type a password for him and then i'll add him and here he is now if i go here to my proxmox server and then click on shell if you recall earlier i mentioned that the etsy password file is where the user accounts are actually stored let's check that out and here's my user that's the pam user that i created earlier for myself but notice that spock is not listed here at all so what you can glean from that is when you add a proxmox user that user is not actually a system user it's not a linux system user it doesn't exist in the linux system normally and proxmox users are generally used to manage the proxmox system itself so if you wanted to invite a co-worker for example to log into the server and help create some vms for you maybe manage the vms things like that then you'll generally want to create users like that in the proxmox authentication server and for the majority of your needs that's more than sufficient so if that's really all you need then why would you even want to create a pam user the thing is pam users they can use ssh to log into the server so by me creating j in the pam realm that means that that particular user is able to log into the server via ssh and manage it via the command line a proxmox user is not able to do that now sure a proxmox user can click on shell like i've done numerous times so far and manage it via the command line that way but they wouldn't be able to log into the actual system via ssh unless they had a pam account in fact you don't even have to add a pam user here to proxmox at all you just add it to the underlying linux server the underlying proxmox server and that's fine so the main takeaway so far is that if you want to create a user to access the server via ssh then you want to do so with pam and it's a good idea to add that pam user here to the proxmox gui now if you want to allow someone to manage vms via the gui the web console here then you want to create that user in the pve realm like this one so this user here exists on the proxmox server but it doesn't exist on the underlying linux server itself but now you know the difference but the thing is though regardless of which of these two users i logged into the server with neither of them are able to do anything so what we want to do right now is actually try to fix that now what i want to do first and foremost is add a new group and what i'm going to do is create that group right here and just keep it simple what i'm going to do is call the group admins now notice that there's no configuration here whatsoever other than the fact that i could type a comment but what i'm doing is creating a group and that's really all i can do here i could create a group and that's it there's no permissions options here at all but i do need to make sure that this group does exist before we continue so i'll create it so we have this admins group and just like both of my user accounts it's completely useless because it serves no purpose whatsoever at least not yet we need to give it a purpose and to do that we'll click on permissions and what i'll do is click add i'll add a group permission so what i'm going to do is just add slash right here at the top you can restrict the permissions down as you can see here we have different paths even vm vmids if you want to restrict a permission to a specific virtual machine that's pretty cool you can restrict the permissions to storage so for example if you want that group to only be able to manage storage you can limit it to just that just to keep it simple i'm going to give it everything in the real world you wouldn't want to do this you want to create a group for storage or virtual machines basically just give people the least amount of permissions that they need to do their job but i'm just using slash right here because i just want to show you what that looks like so i'll drop group down and we have the admins group right here and right now the role is no access so what i'm going to do is assign the role administrator to this group and i'll click add let me show you what that actually means so if i click on roles we have administrator right here privileges tells us what this particular role is allowed to do so administrator is allowed to do everything no access is the default which gives you well nothing gives you no access we also have other permissions here that are fairly self-explanatory so for example we can even create a group that is able to manage users but not manage virtual machines so maybe you have a person at your company if you do use proxmox in a company and their job is to create users when a new employee joins a company you could give them access to do exactly that but the user if they were a member of a group that had this role they would not be able to delete virtual machines or anything like that and that's important so this is what we're going with right now so under groups i created this group and as you recall there's no permissions here there's nothing i can do but i went up here to permissions i added a permission this one right here it's applied to the admins group and the admins group in this case is being given the role of administrator now the thing is there's no user that's a member of this particular group so what i'm going to do is click on users i'll click on the pve version of my user we'll edit it and we'll assign my user to the admins group so now when i go to log out i'm going to log in as that user and i'll make sure i choose right here but i want to log into the proxmox authentication server i'll click login and take a look at that my user now has access to do pretty much everything it didn't before but it definitely does now now i'm going to log back in as root just wanted to make sure i showed you guys that so let's go ahead and take another look at my pam user here because i mentioned that you should only use this for ssh and that's true generally speaking you want to use the pve realm for anything that's pve related but what i'm going to do is delete the pve user and now we only have the pam user here i'm going to edit that pam user and i'm going to assign it to the group of admins so what i'm going to do is log out and let's log in as my user but in this case i want to log in as the pam version of my user and as you can see my user is now able to do virtually everything that's pretty cool so let's go through a quick summary of how users works and just make sure that we have a well-rounded understanding so i went over the two different realms we have pam and the proxmox realm as you see here as i discussed earlier pam users are linux users proxmox is a linux distribution so of course it has linux users as an option if i create a user here that's a pam user it is not created on the underlying linux server that means if you create a pam user you will not be able to log into the web console for proxmox as that user at least until you create that user on the underlying linux system manually yourself so once you create a pam user on the linux system you can use the shell to do that but basically you create a pam user on the linux system the same way you create a linux user on any other system then after you do that you add it to the proxmox server as a pam user so creating a pam user is done in two steps you create it on the linux system itself and then you go into the web console for proxmox and you create it there as well a pve user is created in a single step you create it here in proxmox itself and you're done pam users like i mentioned earlier are mainly for people that are going to be using ssh if that user won't be using ssh then it's probably a better idea to create it as a pve user so as an administrator it's pretty much up to you how you create your users you could create everybody as a pam user which means you're going to have to execute basically two steps for every one user account that you want to create or you could create everybody as a pve user now even though i have this pam user i'm still able to add it to a group i added it to admins and i can add that same group here to spock as well so even though pam users and pve users are two completely different types of users they could both be used to manage the system you just add them to the group but by default you don't actually have any groups so what i did was i created admins right here there's no options this is just a place to create a group and that's it after you create a group you can go here to permissions and then you can add a permission for that group so you can add a group permission or a user permission so you can give a permission directly to a user if you want to and it's pretty much the same thing but i created a group permission which resulted in this one right here the path is slash which means this particular group applies to everything and the role defines what members of that group are allowed to do so the role applies to the path that helps you define what each and every group is allowed to do so what i'm going to do is create another group i'll create user admin so now we have that group and then under permissions i'm going to add a group permission for that group i'll give it access to the entire server i'll apply it to the new group that i created and even though i'm giving it access to the entire server i only want members of that group to be able to manage users so i'll scroll down here i'll select user admin and then i'll click add so now i can add a user to this particular group user admin and we created it here and that'll give that particular user access to add and remove users to and from the system so as you can see you can define the permissions that users are able to do assign those permissions to a group and then assign that group to a user hopefully that makes better sense now now i recommend playing around with this just create some additional users experiment with pve and pam users and also experiment with permissions definitely add some permissions for your user maybe create another one and add another group for that user as well just have some fun with this and explore it and if you don't already understand it i'm sure you will shortly alright so now you guys know how to manage users within proxmox and that's a very important skill for any administrator because managing users that's something that we find ourselves doing quite a bit but what's more important is the subject of backups and snapshots which is going to be the subject of the next class in this series and i should have that uploaded very soon if i don't already have it uploaded and i'll see you there thanks for watching [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: LearnLinuxTV
Views: 6,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Linux, Tutorial, Review, Howto, Guide, Distribution, Distro, Learn Linux, operating system, os, open-source, open source, gnu/linux, LearnLinuxTV,, homelab setup, proxmox ve, proxmox tutorial, proxmox ve 7.0, virtual machine, proxmox getting started, proxmox virtual environment, home server, how to, proxmox virtual environment tutorial, proxmox 7 tutorial, virtual environment, proxmox step by step, virtual machines, proxmox ve tutorial, proxmox, virtual machine tutorial
Id: frnILOGmATs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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