Proxmox VE 5.3 Install on Lenovo x3650 M5 Rack Server - 792

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[Music] hi and welcome to my Playhouse and to the last video of 2018 so as the last thing this year we're gonna be going in a different direction next year or at least we're gonna we're gonna try it out and I'm gonna be installing proxmox today you might have read the description of the video down there somewhere and yeah there's a little bit of a reasoning to that I have been using VMware ESXi on all of my servers for as long well I've never used any other hypervisor now I think I've always used ESXi and I did use the workstation Edition and there was also a server Edition at some point way back where you install VMware on top of a Windows server but never mind ESX I has been losing grounds in my mind and what I think about it it's like every time there's a new addition that comes up they take something out of it and they put it into their very expensive packaging for the high level enterprise customers EXI is a great product it's very stable it's very versatile it can do everything but it's bloody expensive and they keep making it more and more expensive by taking essential things out of it and putting it in different packages that you then also need to buy it's not a new strategy multiple companies do this and it's bloody irritating because you think you have some product you can use for everything and suddenly well yeah we we upgraded that and now you need the Diagnostics package over here um the diagnostic oh yeah it's a little bit extra but you buy three years and you'll know and it's just irritating so proxmox is kind of the new player it's one of the new players and I know a lot of you will now be typing why didn't you try this why didn't you go why don't you work well I have heard good thing about proxmox and I'm gonna be trying that one there is also yeah on rate hyper-v but hyper-v has kind of the same problem but more or less everybody and his cousin stock is making a hypervisor these days so yeah I just have some friends that are using proxmox and heard good things plus Uncle Joe at Auntie juice Playhouse has also been messing around with the trucks box and then yeah it looks promising that's not gonna work no no that's bad joke proximately good ok so today we're gonna be installing proxmox on my new server then lenovo x 3650 model 5 it has a couple of boot drives over here to 300 gigabytes 12 gigabit SAS drives spinning disks no but we're gonna be installing fluxbox on that and then we're gonna we're gonna mess with that in 2090 that's so that's the plan we're gonna try and see if we can hmm pass through some graphics card to it to the virtual machines at some point there is also a brake controller down there which is right now connected to this xiulet packet storage box I want to pass that through to another virtual machine that would be nice to try that but we need to install the bloody thing first so we're gonna go to the computer in the living room where it's nice and hot ok magic ok so here we are at that computer and remember that I have to speak up loud I have a tendency to be mumbling when I'm sitting at the computer so please remind me when I start mumbling because klutzy irritating when I have to edit this video but I have connected to my Lenovo server out in the data center here the Lenovo x36 1505 I don't have to log in there I never changed password so it's still the user ID user ID with capital letter and the password is password but button 0 and trophy Oh capsule and we should be able to lock in and see our server while it does that and this is the homepage for proxmox Clarks marks is kind of free but if you're gonna be using it for anything seriously and there is kind of a subscription thing for some service stuff that will probably be a good idea to to get don't believe it's very expensive we should have but I'm on the home page here we can see that proxmox ve 5.3 has been released okay that's their hypervisor they do also have a trucks box email gateway we are not gonna be installing that but it seems that it's kind of those two products that they are really trying to sell us so yeah we can I get that that picture I think thinking and they have a nice webpage unit we can read stuff we are into that kind of stuff Oh some Petrini thing off of that enterprise support maybe that's where we should look for that okay there are some stuff you can do if we get the enterprise support it's you can do everything but they make something easier for you when you get back so let's go directly to download and there is a lot of different stuff here there is the proxmox the mail gateway l gates script it's not as if there is a lot of different stuff here you can download the virtualization software directly or we can go from bits orange so they can just have these three boxes of the software that we can pick up which two of them are alike it's the same thing two different ways to do that and then there's manuals so I'm gonna download that one and if you look very closely down here I have already got back because I wanted to make sure that it downloaded I didn't want to waste your time that's 12 so we have done all of that but it's very simple you just press the button and it downloads it couldn't be simpler than that I really like this and know we're signing up for anything or doing anything weird so that was cool so download it so we can go back to our server here which has in the meanwhile locked in nice so we need to him enterprise level servers has remote control so I can sit here in my living mood maybe watch the fire in background and I can manage my server even install the operating system or set up rate controllers drives and stuff like that let's finally give a try and see how far we get single user we have to mount this ISO file to the server sometimes it's a little tricky yeah we get some security issues yeah there is pain and butter go catch it think we unlock yes km switch continue we get a screen on our server and in the last video I was doing in this I was messing with hot rice and we can see that this is the hewlett-packard storage controller that are installed in there and it has East six half pipe that stuff what we're doing here we're gonna shut that down and we're leaving it but we need to mount our ISO file on our server out there we do that up here under hood media and actually when I was using that hewlett-packard smart storage thinking trainer manager something and I also mounted an ISO file and probably why it's yeah it just crashed because it doesn't have the files that but it needs so we're gonna mount another ISO file to it and it can learn to be happy about that select ISO farm here oh we can amount it to the server out there so add image and we're gonna go to the download character marks - trees - one pick that one found it so now that is mounted to do server out there so if we build it it should see that and I have to web tell it to look for it but that's just truth and power and boost our server ok that took forever and ever that big disk array of drives out there with no two things on them and keep it not like that so let's do some legacy booting here and it should be on the DVD drive let's see if we get some trucks box we are not gonna be doing much more in this video than just installing it the bare minimum of it when I save obtaining it and doing a lot of hopefully awesome stuff with it to an upcoming video well we can't go further into that but here we can see the virtual drive that we gotta be installing it on it found one virtual drive on the host that should be the tooth 300 oh look at that that's splash screen so we are gonna be picking the first one installing trucks Moxley neat so that's what the B is there for virtual environment ok installing loading Charcot's installer okay it's good it's making a rag drive hey there is not that much RAM in that server we need to operate that yeah when you definitely need to do that there's 16 gigabytes of RAM in it to do with some more ok loading stuff I am very excited to see if well if it has all the drivers or a server like this or if we run into any kind of trouble I did try and install this on a noble x36 50 model tree and there were no problems whatsoever or what are the model to think it was the Model T okay Mouse okay we have a license agreement proxmox server solution gmbh that's usually for Germany that's very interesting if this is a German product which is not bad but we agree otherwise this video is going to be really fast to edit we just didn't do that then we have some different to tell us what up here what it's doing some of the awesome things that it thinks it it's it's capable of and then we have an option for what to install it on and I have that one option I have only put in those two hard drives it's two hard drives in a red one awesome 300 gigabytes s drives well twelve key bits options okay we can do different stuff without quicker with the recommend list yeah fine next country I'm gonna assume that it's okay with Denmark don't know if that keyboard is gonna be mine let's try it otherwise I get that much smarter with that's gonna be a proper password okay I need to put in the password and confirm that and give it my email address I do not believe that they span you with anything I did also do this when I install it on the bottle - I have gotten nothing I'm gonna put those in it ran into a bit of a problem here the dot a oh yeah doesn't work so I have to do it out here okay moving on we have a lot of network interfaces in this server and it shows us one of them here and it has small let's just pick the first one so we need to pick the right network interface for it to use it has four so okay it doesn't have that many we are gonna be picking number one actually that's the one that I asked you for the connection in so pick that one then we have to give it a fully qualified domain name let's trap IP address get it something good okay I came up with some number let's see if this works DNS server external DNS server I'm not sure I'm sure I can fix that afterwards that it's local okay it turn cut that so now it's installing and it's breaking what can you do the ISO file was about 650 megabytes it's not as if it's about twice as big as the VMware ESX I file so it is bigger I don't know how big distillation is but it's still way smaller than some of the other choices platforms so while it's installing in the background I kind of went proxmox page two to figure out if this is a German company and it is a dream company or at least the guys that started the company looks very German it's an Oscar okay my mistake it's just this GmbH is usually German so it's the way that they write their company I can limit it or it's a European country are we done we're not it's still working 99% make system bootable when it has installed we need to reboot the system and with that the hewlett-packard storage box that my took over five minutes to heat that server this is system ba-ba-ba-ba reboot just moving and we need to go up here and remove yeah awesome rebooting him be back when it's done okay in boots that storage thing that I have on there takes takes seven minutes just search for bootable devices holy okay so now it says that we can not in through the web interface to it so we will get ourselves new chrome here and we will borrow that address ok advanced continue yes we get a login prompt I think that's what yeah and this is um we get this thing key here that we don't have a valid subscription that's the enterprise level stuff that's how proxmox makes their money by selling you this subscription yeah I better go check what that costs just so how about in this video okay found it here so this is proxmox subscription plan and they tell us here what we eat the prices are actually not as cheap as I thought they were and they they kind of make it like you pay a price per server and suck it and I don't even know probably the first socket is included so if you have a server with two sockets that becomes expensive as well but I have been looking at this and for from a enterprise level perspective you don't get much by taking the the top level Enterprise prim they call it premium over here solution which cost seven hundred and eighty six euros per year per CPU socket holy so that means that if you have a server with two CPUs that's 1600 euros and if you want to translate that to dollars just add 10 percent yeah but what do you get for that money you get access to the enterprise repository that is actually updates you can update this without this but you get access to all the approved updates all the updates that they know will work in your trouble so there is that then there is the complete feature set which is not described right here I'm not entirely sure what that is but I am guessing that I'm missing something until I get that and then there is the community support and this is the very cheapest one this is the community starting out price so that is seventy four point nine euros a year per socket I don't like that per socket things since that is just a money machine but if you go up from that what do you get if you pay three to four times as much well you get same access to the Enterprise repository complete feature search hot the autobuyer customer portal so you get something that is not the community support and then you get three support tickets and response time one business day so but that response time one business day is the same thing on all of them so if you want this in a really enterprise environment I think the basic is where the the most value is if you need more than three support tickets a year then you might need a new hypervisor because I don't know about you but I don't make support tickets to to Microsoft or I don't make support tickets to be and where o my company has done that but don't make three a year three is not enough well it's the wrong product and then you get if you go further up you get this remote support near SSH I believe that means that they can remotely help to do something and the very expensive one up here the other thing you get is unlimited some obstacles and yeah you are already at in support tickets that means that you have almost one problem every month that you cannot solve yourself Mac Mac then and I know wait we are gonna definitely start without this they do tilt up here that that this is a free product we can do some stuff free software license blah blah blah blah blah so and and all of these subscriptions plans are extra but this is how proxmox makes the and if you are a business you should probably get one of these I would I would take the two smallest ones if it was my business wouldn't go up into the to the bigger ones it doesn't seem like they have any value it seems like that's just a money machine but compared to being where this is very cheap I must say back to proxmox and that's what this thing is about that we get that it will complain when we go in here and it will complain if we try to update but I do know there's a way to do that thingy so we don't have to see it so we're gonna be doing that in not too long remove that so this is the interface and you have a really nice number up here that's awesome and funny thing the the thing that I downloaded it was 5.3 - 1 and here it's just fine that's a bit weird we can do different stuff different places there is a data center up here there is a hypervisor with the machine if we have more hypervisors they will turn up and use it as I actually have one more that could go we need to that one but as I'm not really very knowledgeable about this but we have to ask someone else way smarter than me how that works so but yeah this is the hypervisor we have storage on that so that one has 181 gigabytes of storage and it's totally empty that one which is terrible have sixty six or sixty sixty eight ish I'm not sure what they were throwing father one of these are for the ISO library it could be that one because it says ISO life I saw images right there so this is kind of a meeting and storage thing but where we can also prove our ISO file it looks about right as it's the smallest one and this one is for our disk image and containers so that's for our little machines nice let's go back up and see if we can see summary have to be mindful of my picture down here in the bottom so here we get some other information we get that have sixteen CPUs cause it's an eight core CPU but it apparently comes to hyper burning then there's some load up doing much we have sixteen gigabytes of RAM that comes out to a fourteen point three to five that's alternate and we have used two point two five percent of the high five space but it only shows that one driver perhaps we're it's also down here the kernel of Linux that we are working on awesome gives us a CPU readout here what we love doing then we have some server load it was doing a little bit here drop some sOooo when probably when I was looking at those subscription thankies and then when we went back in here it up memory usage it's using is it using all the RAM or oh that's the total and that's RAM use so as I don't have any virtual machines on it right now it's not using much RAM very nice very nice cool what else do we have you have all these buttons over here disks it sees our physical disk it does not see the other rate controller it did not do anything with that so all of these hypervisors looks pretty similar so there is not that much of a difference we all almost always have all the virtual machines out here and on proxmox we also have the half rides that could get very cluttered up physical hard drives here and hide them you have a lot of hosts or they call it notes which is really stupid just don't change the words or something like that hostess fine but with this hypervisor we have something special we kind of have where did it go the shell we actually get access to do some Linux stuff because it is running on on the next kernel that is also available in VMware ESXi it's a little bit more difficult to get into they didn't leave button for it for them okay there is some commands can be done but I remem I think we have to do more stuff in the command prompt and we usually do in other hypervisors proxmox is good for both making virtual machines or also for containers and virtual machines is a whole virtual machine you kind of make a whole virtual machine with operating system files and all of that a container is like it takes use of the already installed Linux kernel that is present and then you can build on top of that so instead of installing the operating system once again it just builds on that but it does it in a kind of a contained environment so that you don't you don't mess around with the original thing so it kind of make a sandbox for you and I don't know if I have anything that would be great to put in there but if that's the case we have it around that's nice so let's see let's wrap this up proxmox is installed compared to being where the the screen here is pretty boring so yeah proxmox you might want to have this look cool it happened we have the first proxmox installed on my brand new server over here and um yeah for those of you who follow my channel I have figured out the the warranty stuff with the noble I was kind of in a special situation where I never got an invoice for this server because I kind of got it under the table ish and therefore upgrading the warranty was a problem but in the end you know will help me out and made an exception so I now have three years next business day on-site warranty on this server it also has procs box and and I expect that we're gonna be playing a lot with that this coming year and I'm gonna try and see if I can move all my stuff over to it I'm not sure if it's possible to convert it or if I just have to be install it in the way it's probably gonna t I don't have that many servers if I have a thousand servers I would definitely go for converting I think I have ten or something so it might be more like reinstalling so thank you very much for watching my videos to subscribe to my channel so that you can see me again and have a really nice day bye
Channel: My PlayHouse
Views: 22,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Proxmox, Lenovo System x3650 M5, Lenovo, Data Center, Home Server, Home Data Center, Rack Server, Unboxing, enterprise server, storage, x3650, IBM, system x, awesome server, 2U Rack Server, 5462, lenovo server, Lenovo System x, Playhouse, 8871, 8871-EJG, new server, X3650 M5, System X3650 M5, Intel, Xeon, e5-2620v4, ddr4, DIY, Guidelines for Lenovo x3650 M5, rack rail system, rack installation, FOD, IMM, IMM2, First Power on, Proxmox VE 5.3
Id: -bX0zMCWEIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 42sec (1842 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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