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all right here's my networking rack and down below we have the H lab SL server rack which I'll talk about in a little bit uh but as far as the networking equipment goes in this house um a little backstory the house was built in 2001 so tipal of that time uh period it had coax and phone lines ran to you know all the rooms so within the first couple months living here I ran all of the um all that cat 6 up there uh basically all the way to every bedroom on the Second Story basically every room on the first floor um out to the garage um so it's all wired up there's still a few runs I need to do down here in the basement before we eventually finish it so I'm going to get that done but um anyways let's get into here so as you can see it's mostly ubiquity and um I think like how most people start out with ubiquity you know I had the udm SE here and one AIS point and now it's kind of snowballed into what you see here um but anyways we got the pdu up top um and then brush plate uh and then usw 16 Poe which I bought off Facebook Marketplace for 60 bucks uh and this just basically uh controls or not controls but runs some of the equipment that you see here uh and then some of the runs go down into uh the rack down below and it Powers a Poe camera that's in the basement uh there's also this fiber run that goes out into where I will be building a shed this year so it basically runs um the length of the house behind me and then 100 ft uh to into the backyard where the shed will be so I'll have a an access point out there um and then down below the switch uh the patch panel uh beneath that we have the Enterprise 24 Poe which is total overkill for what I need but um I really hate how uh ubiquity puts the all the jacks on one side of the switch on the pro line so I went with the Enterprise and um it was actually in stock at Micro Center by me so that was pretty cool um this line here actually runs up to my desktop in the Second Story office so it's connected at uh 10 gig speeds and it seems to work out pretty well over uh standard C 6 beneath that we have the usw aggregation switch another eBay purchase um and then beneath that a uh udmc so internet comes in here goes to the aggregation switch and from here it goes up to this one um it goes to the two servers down below um and then also to a point in the basement here where we'll be putting another office so besides the ubiquity stuff here we have a uh HD home run uh connect Duo which I've had for a pretty long time um that is hooked up to a a antenna that's up in my attic that I put up there so it has a RG6 line ran all the way up up in there along with the the cat 6 and um worked pretty well this is the amrest um NVR which was my primary NVR for a long time um I've recently migrated everything over to Blue Iris uh but I still keep this in here so my wife can remote into the cameras and see them remotely beneath that we have two um Apple AirPlay expresses uh the second generation and uh I just use these as AirPlay two Targets so this one here is for my uh rear patio this this one's for the front porch and these are the amps for it these uh FY audio amps they're inexpensive and uh they work well for small you know outdoor speakers uh kind of hard to see it but that's the modem just chilling back there it's um wow 1.2 gig service and um it's not bad it could be much better but at least I have no data caps like I did with xinity so that's why I left them um so and the modem's free so free rental um and then obviously two uh APC UPS is here that kind of divvy up the the load between everything that you see in here so that's the networking side of things and then now we get to the server slh homeab side of things so this is a u Adele APC net shelter case that I found on CR list for 50 bucks and it's really in great condition and it came with the key too so now uh what's in it um well I guess I should say why there's two separate racks so initially I only had one PC down here and it wasn't this one initially either um as my uh trass server and uh I didn't really ever anticipate on you know racking some stuff or anything else so I just bought this wall mounted one for all the networking equipment um but then as as I started to acquire more I was like okay we probably should rack it so it's in two separate ones and honestly I don't mind it and it works out so uh so anyways here we have two HP z840 is uh and they're both pretty similarly speced out so they have the same processor besides you know one being a V3 one being a V4 uh but they're dual dual CPUs and in each one one and they have a 8 core 16 thread CPUs so whatever uh E4 E5 2667 or something like that uh so between them they have six or each one has 16 cores 32 threads each uh which is way overkill for uh This trass Server but um I'm just going to run with it cuz they were both free I just had to uh buy RAM and the stuff that I put in it in it so as far as storage go and true ass here we have um we have this icy dock Bay up front here so we have the um SSD for the OS there's two 6 tbte Western Digital red drives in here and um they're unfortunately the esmr drives which I didn't know about when I bought them back in 2020 um and I mean they haven't really given me too much issues besides slow speeds and I think the the built-in LSI HB HBA that's in these things I don't think they like them it kept giving me errors so I moved them to the SATA controller that's in here uh so these were my main storage pools these two drives here in a in a mirror they're my main storage pools for a long time and then started to get filled up so then I bought the uh the Dell md400 down there which I'll get into in a minute uh but yeah so we have this there's a nvme pool in here here that has um on one of those Asus hyper cards uh there's four one tbte uh nvme storage drives in it and they're in just the stripe and uh I use them for my steam uh Library so my PC upstairs uh has access to it over the you know the 10 gig service um and then I also use that just for fast storage if I need to copy stuff over to here and then I can eventually move it to the spinning hard drives um yeah it's hooked up well they're both hooked up 10 gig like I said up to the aggregation switch um they both have a 1 G copper uh line up to the usw 16 that I use for won Lan if I need to and um and then they're also both looked up to the aps UPS is up there so when the power goes out the they will shut down um talking about this one first here so this is a Dell md400 disc um array storage I think Das or jbod too it's just a bunch of disc really um and uh so there's eight drives in there out of the 12 total that it can fit uh there's four 4 tbte uh dell SAS 12 um or SAS 3 12 12 gig drives that I have have in a raid Z1 for my blue uh blue iris NVR storage which is um I don't know about 12 well formatted probably about 10 gigs of or sorry 10 terabytes of storage for the security cameras here which is way Overkill but you know the drives were only 25 bucks each off off uh eBay um and then for my main storage pool which is in the middle row uh we have four 14 tbte uh Western Digital uh HC 530s uh they're SAS you know 12 gig drives as well I bought those off eBay brand new for oh man I only paid like 145 bucks each for them and um so those are in the r Z1 as well so there's like 32 terabytes or so of storage so you know that stores them all my Plex libraries um and then all my other stuff uh which isn't much at the moment but at least I have the space and I don't have to worry about out um running out of that anytime soon um so that's what that is running and that is connected up into the internal uh LSI HBA that's built into these things um you just have to buy the adapter that converts the uh Internal Sata ports into an sff 8088 connector that's on the back of the uh uh case so it's pretty cool how HP um did all that and then in the middle is my prox Mox hypervisor and um so that runs a few VMS and some containers so uh pie hole home assistant um Ubuntu server for Plex uh what else it has a Windows 11 VM and then there's a Windows 10 VM which is for uh blue iris uh engine X proxy manager so I can uh remote into or so I can access my uh some of my services over the Internet uh that was pretty cool to set up so I can just go to a uh go to my website and um it will access whatever service I need and then um there's the Windows XP VM but you know I didn't activate that one in time so now I have to recreate it um as far as what else is in there so the um Ubuntu server VM has a Quadro p4000 pass to it for Trans coating um which is overkill again but it's a one U card and uh fits right in in there nicely with all the other stuff that's in the back of it and then uh the blue iris VM which is the Windows 10 has a uh 1080 TI like a Dell Alienware 1080 TI that I bought off eBay and um that was initially set up as like like a remote storage or sorry remote gaming PC I was trying to mess around with um you know shout out to Jeff at craft Computing for all of his uh videos so that kind of got me into Pro Mox and all that stuff here um I had I had the true nass server here I've ran one of these since I don't know 2015 when it was free Nas so I've gone through many iterations I think this is like the fourth uh PC that I've had um with with you know freas true Mass installed um but uh yeah that's it so I mean this thing's pretty maxed out as far as like IO um the pcie slots there's also a uh PF sense VM that has a dual 1 gig uh network card um passed through to it and uh that's kind of just set up as like a backup so I guess if my udm ever grows down and I need to order a new one or replacement um I can fire up that VM and uh just you know move some cables around and I'll have a um a router still uh and then before I forget just another Facebook Marketplace find so another uh UPS which these two are actually connected to power-wise and then datawise they're connected to those two um but that's about it for now so I don't really anticipate buying anything else but you know that's that's what I think we all say and then we end up buying more um I think for the home assistant I don't really run much with home assistant besides um two automations uh one is turning on my TV that's up um above us and the receivers in the back of the room and it's connected with a uh Optical HDMI cable so the 4K signal still works um and that doesn't pass the CEC commands so uh basically when the receiver turns on or off home assistant down here will turn my Vio TV onor off which is cool and then uh the other thing which might interest some people is um this ESP 32 here that I have running and basically tells me the level of the sump pump or sorry the sump Basin how much water is in there using this uh this is the boat uh fuel level sender and it's just a straight cylinder with a a thing that floats up and down on it and um I might make another video on uh how I did this uh but basically in home assistant I can just look at my um how much uh water is in here so there's a backup pump in here in in case you know something happens but it's always cool to track how often the pump is being used and especially I'm in Michigan and we we have snow melting right now and tons of rain uh and that pump is just going on and off constantly so uh but yeah that is the setup and um yeah I hope you like it um I guess before we go so yeah the cat 6 I can just show you how I ran that since we're down here so here's all the ethernet runs uh for the house and there'll be more added to it but uh orange all orange ones go up to the Second Story all the white ones uh go to first floor and they come over here and uh like I said still need to clean this all up but um there is where they all run up past the first floor past the second floor up into the attic and um luckily there's a a pretty large hole there um unfortunately between the first floor and the second floor uh I think it's only maybe like an inch or inch and a half so the six uh cat six cables and the one coax is all I can fit between there so I'm pretty much maxed out as to running um Running Co or sorry ethernet upstairs and then um I guess before I forget to so access points there's three uh access points in the house um and I'll just put photos up up of them um and uh they're all ubiquity branded and um I think that's it I always try to remember if there's more or not but oh yeah sorry one more there is a attic switch which is a usw flex um up in the attic I'll show a photo of it and uh that basically was the main Run for the access point on the second story now uh the access point is powered off of that switch and then I have three more runs that I have to run to various rooms upstairs uh just to get some more coverage uh of ethernet on the other walls so but yeah I hope you liked it and um that's it
Channel: RandomTech
Views: 12,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home, network, lab, ubiquiti, proxmox, truenas
Id: ILDAqn47usA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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