Proxmox Sandbox and Dark Mode | Proxmox home server

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hello everyone and thank you very much for watching this is me Mr P let's carry on setting up proxbox virtual environment in this video I'll show you how you can turn a proxbox white theme into a dark theme I'll basically turn dark mode on inside the proxbox web GUI and the actual process to get this done and is will take you for less than 45 seconds you just need to run a script inside the main proximox terminal under your node you click on a shell you paste the script in here and boom 45 seconds or quicker later and that's it you have yourself a dark theme but I will show a slightly longer way because I want to just give you a bit of advice on running stuff inside the proxbox virtual environment if you will look online for help or tutorials Etc you will end up finding a certain scripts that the people suggesting for you to run inside the proxbox virtual environment that might give you a the end result that you're looking for but not all the scripts are legitimate not all these scripts are meant to do what they saying they are supposed to do that makes sense some of them might end up having a malicious code inside which might bring your proxbox visual environment offline and you will end up basically having to reinstall everything from scratch you don't really want to do that when you spend a lot of days and hours and weeks setting everything up just being taken down by one script that you just decided to run without actually checking the source code so how to get all this running so this is how I decided to shoot this video today to show you how to get yourself a white theme into a dark theme of the proxbox web GUI and how you can test these kind of things before you actually running those on your main proxbox instant in this video we're gonna use the script from the T-Tech and this is a script that is a bunch of stuff actually he is hosting on inside this page that is a proximox tools you can actually go and let's say have a Docker Alexi container having in there or you can run a Debbie analyxi container you can have a media Plex Media Server Galaxy container just by running a one line command it will automatically will create you for you Alexa container for the Plex Media Server with 2 gigabytes of RAM 8 gigabytes of storage and two virtual CPUs one of the what we're going to do in this video on the product ProBox proxmox tools we're going to run this which is proximals Dark theme and yes this page contains a lot of stuff that you can just One Stop Shop you just copy paste and you have everything running and I use them time to time these scripts just to try certain things but most of the time I'd like to set everything up from scratch just everything basically gets the hands dirty and set up everything from scratch having your my own Docker installation done my own Docker composer done everything's done because I know that if something goes wrong I know how everything was set up in the first place so I can troubleshoot faster but if something that you want to quickly go and try out let's for example say oh Plex container this is a page you will do I will leave a link in description below by the way to this page but this is a place where you can just one line command you copy paste inside the proxbox main install and here you go in uh less a minute or so you will have yourself a Plex Media Server running so like I mentioned we're going to use a proxmox dark mode and yeah I use this script a lot I've I lost count probably 20 30 times already by now and every time I run it it does exactly what it's supposed to and I trust the t-tac for creating the script and exact if the script will do exactly what it says under 10 it will convert proxbox from my theme to a dark theme but let's say when you found these kind of scripts you want to try them first before you go and run them on your main proxbox install so how to do that is quite actually simple you need to have yours you need to create yourself a proximal sandbox as I like to call it proxbox sandbox environment and how we're going to do that well we can virtualize proxbox inside the proxbox and that's what we're going to quickly do if I'll click on a create VM I read it by the way have a ISO file downloaded ISO file download for proxbox the same as any I so you will download on a proxbox you just pick the location where you want your ISO to be downloaded the load form URL paste the URL to the ISO file you want to download press query query URL file will show up you press done load and done or you can download from proxbox ISO from website click upload and then upload file here as you can see I already had that one downloaded I think I downloaded yesterday before and right now let's click on our create VM I'll give ID number of 998 I will call this PVE sandbox so it's going to be my proxbox virtual environment sandbox under iOS I will choose ISO and then I'll pick proxbox 7.3 and the systems everything is by default and the day at disks I'll choose from s Kazi to SATA and I will text SSD emulation on I know that the local Drive is my SSD in the laptop and I will put SSD emulation just to make a bit everything a bit more faster under CPUs I'll pick two and one thing that important for you to change here is change default KVM 64 to host If You're Gonna Leave default KVM or anything else a part of the host you will virtualize the CPU that means that your virtualized proxbox will won't have all the features that your main proxbox has because it's going to be a virtualized CPU and that means the virtualization features inside the virtualized CPU will be missing if that makes sense but because we're passing the host CPU to the virtualized Box virtualized proximos will have exactly the same CPU performance exactly the same CPU features as the main proximoxaz so that's this is why I'm choosing host and the number two gigabytes of RAM is plenty so I'm just going to use this for testing stuff Network I'm going to leave by default and confirm everything by default and I click finish so right now my proxmox main install creating virtual machine of the proxmox so give a second or so for that to finish let's see if it's actually done yeah that is completed so right now what I can do I can basically click Start now and what you will see in a matter of seconds is pretty much the proxbox installation screen as we saw in episode one so I'm just gonna follow the prompts on the screen just to get the proxbox installed and I'll be back when everything is set up so proxbox installation is finished I can see that I B address is being given ending with 38 so I'm just gonna go to this AP address to 38 followed by port number 8006. and I'll be presented with a login page to actual proxbox but this is not the proxbox the main proxbox this is my proxmox sandbox as you can see there is a name sandbox PVE and this is the virtualize proxbox inside my main proximus instant so before go and start messing around with my sandbox I'm going to click on a backup click backup now and just before the guest name I'm just gonna put word fresh and click backup and right now I'm just going to have a backup created of the fresh proxbox install just in case if I will mess up big time with my proximal sandbox I have a fresh install save point to go back so that while that's this is happening we can go and test out right now this dark theme script IP address is 38 so I'm going to use the term Max tool again to a terminal of the proxbox 38 I have successfully logged into my sandbox PVE and now I can go to this page or where I will find the command to go and turn dark theme on copy the command go back in the toolbox left click and hold choose paste and press enter and right now the script will go then load the files and install as you can see right now is the loading over 15 files already downloaded and in a matter of seconds it's done this is how quick this actual script will run install and get the dark mode set up but I would like I said I decided to show you a longer way just to show you that there is a way for you to test these things before you run on your main proxbox install so right now as you can see this is all you know white color and if I go and click refresh it will go and switch to a dark theme so right now I can go and click around and see what what was what if everything is fine am I happy with this kind of dark mode theme uh click on options have a quick look yeah it will create less log out and log back in just to see if I log in log out feature is still working just just play around for a couple of minutes or so just to feel if everything is exactly as you wanted and once you're happy that yeah this is that mode is really suitable for me yes I like this word this thing now I can go into my main proxbox and run the same script inside my main proxmox install so I'm gonna log out from a Sandbox of the proxbox and I will log into my main proxbox instant and right now as you can see I'm inside the proxbox decks left click and hold choose paste and run the same script right now inside my main proxbox installation it's the loading again the same files applying all the template files here we go it's all done and inside my main proxbox instant if I'm gonna refresh this one now as you can see this is done that's it I have the dark mode inside my main proxbox one thing to note as you can see right now it says 7.3-4 of version of my main proxbox and this is 7.3-3 if I will update my proximal sandbox the Dark theme script will have to be run again it will reset back to a white theme every time the proxbox receives any kind of update basically if a version goes by one number the dark mode will be turned off once the files will basically will get deleted and you need to run the dark mode script again and that's it this is how you test these things inside the proximos you just virtualize the proxbox inside the proxbox and you have yourself a proximal sandbox where you can go and mess around with the firewall settings with the networking settings without any worry that you'll basically break your main proximals install thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video hope you found this video useful and I'll see you in the next one goodbye
Channel: MRP
Views: 4,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: proxmox, proxmox sandbox, proxmox dark mode, home server, proxmox on old laptop, old laptop as home server, proxmox how to, proxmox tutorial
Id: 7vVD-6xsvGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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