10+ YEARS OLD laptop is my PROXMOX server

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hello everyone and thank you much for watching this is me Mr P this is this refresh series of approximals that I was planning to do for quite a while to be honest I just never had a time to actually sit down and start recording it my first plan was to use one of the dog whether the Raspberry Pi Nas kits from 52 Pi this was kind of provided by one of my subscribers by the name of Peter so thanks very much for sending me this I was using this as my Raspberry Pi Docker server and I decided to start doing a Docker refresh series but then that's what basically he sent me a second one just to do this series but then basically Raspberry Pi is really hard to to find online to purchase for a decent price or if you will find one like even the websites that you they usually sell Raspberry Pi's they're all out of stock and if you will find the Raspberry Pi to buy you're gonna have to pay a really stupid amount of money for it so I was thinking how I want to record something about the Home Server thing that I can set up using Samsung Dex and I realized a lot of you inside the on my channel in the comments section and in Samsung Dex subreddit group you're mentioning that you switching some syntax you're switching your PC with Samsung Dex or you basically stopping using your laptop and starting to use something decks instead so I thought okay great I'm gonna just use old old old old laptop and I'll show you how to set a proxmox server an old laptop and instead of throwing the laptop away you can use that as your home server and this is the reason basically that's I'm recording this here is just to show you that you don't need a super and computer to have a server running at home that's all you can have it's just the older laptop in front of me is the Acer uh i7 laptop with 12 gigs of RAM one thing to straight away to let you know proxmox loves Rams the more RAM you have the better will run proxmox itself will use one gig of RAM so whatever is left after you deduct one gigabyte that's how much RAM you will be able to use for your VMS as this laptop is has 12 gigs of RAM minus one I have 11 Ram gigabytes of RAM spare so it's plenty for me to play around and obviously record these videos for you so one thing I upgraded to this laptop is I swapped the mechanical laptop drive with SSD just to make it a bit more faster a ram that's how it came with 12 gigs of RAM and I took the battery out because I don't want this laptop to run 24 7 while the battery is in so it's always going to be plugged in into the mains and right now I'm going to turn it on and start recording start setting up the proxbox one thing to let you know the fan the laptops fan is about to die so it's going to make a way weird noises here in the air you can might hear in the background and making weird noises with installation while I'm installing this so as you can see right now it's booting into the proximal setup I have already USB plugged in and I set up in the Bios to start a boot from USB drive to get yourself a proxmox ISO you just go to proxmobs.com website and download the proxbox PVE a seven point I think 7.2.1 at the moment the version is so I just went in there downloaded the iso I plugged my USB key to my phone using OTG adapter and then using Edge Droid app just flashed an ISO to this USB key so you don't even need a PC to get the USB key prepared so I'm being greeted with the user license I'm just going to click agree and here we go at the bottom I'm not sure if you can see there is my value Tech SSD that I'm using for this video I'm going to click next on here because I'm already plugged into my ethernet by ethernet port to my home network is the text that I'm in United Kingdom and time zone and everything else is guest pre-filled correctly password I'm gonna enter something really simple and then email address you can use the if you're planning to pay for proxmox support you need to use the legit email address I'm just going to speak to MRP gmail.com just why not but in let's say if I'm never planning to actually pay for them support I can put a at a.com it doesn't matter the name of the proxmox node by default is going to try to give you a name PVE I will change that to say Dex I'm just going to call it dexbox yeah let's know let's call it Dex and I can see IP address is 75 that's the IP address I will have to use I will need to use to connect to the GUI so I'm just gonna select a restart after install is finished and right now it's installing it so once that is done I'll be back and I'll show you what else you need to do inside the web GUI to set up to for proximox to work properly on the laptop because it is there is one setting you need to do inside the proxmox that you don't need to do on the PC Towers but what if you're using the proximas on the laptop that setting you need to change it to allow your laptop lit to be closed and Os still functioning but basically laptop will not go into sleep so while all once once all the installation is done I'll be back and I'll carry on showing you what else you need to do so installation has been done and laptop it will started so I moved the laptop behind me so it's there running proxmox and it's on the logging screen so there is a couple of things right now we need to do first of all um if you paid attention during installation process they gave you a proximal installation gave your AP address in my case it's ending 75 so to access proximos GUI you need to type https colon slash slash and then a local IP address ending with whatever number the approximate installation told you minus 75 and then call on 8006 is port number so this gives you uh in warning that you're trying to access something via SSL or with the SSL certificate but but there is no SSL certificate that's what gives you um this error that says oh it's not secure that's fine click Advanced and I click proceed and it's going to give me a logging logging page so username is going to be root and a password is going to be a password I set up during installation process and log in so here we are I'm logged into this proxbox instant that is running on that laptop one quick thing to let you know I'm installing I'm installing I'm using Samsung Dex on PC it's just much easier for me to use record and everything like for the record this series for you guys so a couple of things we need to do first of all is we need to make sure that our system is up to date if you click on a data center sorry if you click on a deck so whatever name you gave to your node or by default was PVE you were able to change to whatever you want I changed mine to say Dex and now under here I click on updates and click refresh and this right now we'll go and pull all the updates for the free tier of proxbox it might give you error one or two errors just because is there is no valid authentication to there to your business tier repository that's why it says like unauthorized access because your iPad has not been linked to your account you're not paying anything for this to use the proxbox so for now will provide me with a list of stuff that I need to update there's a bunch of them here so right now I'm just going to click update or upgrade this opens a new window and it says do you accept to install extra 850 kilobytes I'm going to type why if the capital Y is means this default will be yes if it's capital N is going to be no I'm just like to type Y and press enter even if the yes is option by default you just say pressed yes press enter without any any any entering wire and o n and I hope you know what I mean so I will leave this running and I'll be back when this is done so inside the terminal message shows up saying your system is up up to date I can close this tab and right now if I will press refresh it will show me well it should show a blank list that means that all the stuff has been updated let's close that and let's have a look if it's all been done there's an error showing here in the log file this is basically the error shows up that there is no um valid certificate to the paid version so next thing what we need to do after we've done our update on the system we need to sort this local and local lvm Thing by default proximas will take your main driveway installed the OS and split that into the two chunks one is going to be used for OS and one is going to be used for all like stuff like uh ISO files and backups virtual machines containers Etc we don't want that we don't want to have our 240 gigs hard drive split in two so if I'll go for example to local it says it's only 62.3 gigabytes in size and local lvm is 162. I want basically all that to be one single Drive so to do that I need to go into Data Center under storage I will select the local dash lvm and I will remove that has been removed now we'll go back to Dex and on the shell I need to run a command but actually it's free commands but I combined that three three commands combined into one command so inside my Google keep I had this all written here so I'm gonna just copy that uh that's Ctrl C that right click and paste and what this command will do it will delete that storage that we just removed from data center will resize the current uh working partition to 100 and do all the mapping so now if I'm gonna go at the end of that and press enter it will do all these three commands in one go so as you can see it's actually already did if I go to local decks right now I have 242.79 gigabyte storage so my local my SSD that I added into this drive right now all of it belongs to proxmox well it was two parts was belonging to proxy but right now all of it is one single drive next thing I want to make sure that this drive is used for everything what I need so I need to click on a data center on the storage I will select local and click edit and I will make sure that I have disk images containers and Snippets set up so it means this drive can be used to store disk images that means like a virtual drives ISO files containers by the way disk image means it's going to store VMS as well so VMS ISO files container templates VZ dump is your backups containers that's where the containers will run and Snippets I think that is like a snapshot kind of thing anyway all of them is selected and I'll click ok and this gives me a list here if I expand that a bit it tells me exactly what content can be uploaded to this so we have a backups done we have the drive sorted another thing what you would will there will be no needs for you to do if you're setting this up on a computer but on a laptop what if I'm gonna shut the lid the laptop will go sleeping so we need to make sure that the proxbox will stale function even if it lid is down so to do that I'll click on a Dax under shell I will write a command which is nano actually you know what let's do different way let's go into the turmox SSH and we will login into a into the Via terminal 192.168 178 if I type correctly 75 okay apparently I would try to connect to that so I'm just going to remove the known sources and I will log in this way so here we are we are basically inside the same thing what's here we are inside terminals but it's much better bigger font it's much easier for you to see what's going on so what we need to change when we we want proxmox and Os still function even if it is down basically we need to tell the system to ignore that the lid is down or up just always function to do that you need to type Nano slash Etc slash system D and then look for file called logind.com inside here we scroll down a bit which will say handle lid switch we will delete the hashtag at the start instead of suspend we're gonna type ignore and we're going to Ctrl o to save it enter to confirm Ctrl X to close and now when that is done we will just reboot the system just by writing the command reboot press enter and wait for system to to boot up and while that is doing what I like to do is Ping that I see my p address and see when this goes down and when this goes up so proc box is back as you can see it started to show that it's connecting is fine then went unreachable that was the restart process and then it's back up and it's all functioning again so right now let's say if I ping ping um no no not being connected to the server by the using command SSH root with my AP address and entering the password I am inside inside the proxbox inside the proximal system so I can connect Y6 which is great and if I go to the to the web GUI it shows that everything is working if I click on that and you click on that node which in my case is Dex and under summary I can see that everything is working CPU is being used Ram is oh sorry CPU has been used here Ram is been used so I turned the function to ignore the lid being closed so right now if I'll close that technically I should still be able to use uh proximox with no problems at all because I just told the system to ignore when the lid is down as you can see I can successfully refresh the GUI so laptop lid is down screen is off but I'm still using the the proximal so this is the first video installing proxmox on the laptop and doing update sorting the hard drive and sorting the lid closure problem otherwise if you not do this lit closure command every time you shut the lid the computer will obviously go to sleep but now it doesn't it doesn't because I just told the system to ignore that so in the next video we're going to start setting up a first template of the virtual machine I will start creating creating virtual machines for our files for our DNS records for our cloudflare tunneling and etc etc etc a lot of things coming up anyway thank you very much for watching and I'll see you in the next one goodbye
Channel: MRP
Views: 19,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: proxmox, home server, selfhosting, home lab, server lab, proxmox on the laptop, samsung dex, working with samsung dex, proxmox setup guide, hypervisor, virtualisation
Id: 5ybXCED83ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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