ProxMox 7.0 Post Install Configuration

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[Music] hey guys welcome to how to do computers i'm mike and today we'll be going over some initial configuration steps i usually perform after a clean install of proxmox this is a follow-up to my previous video where i go over how to install proxmox if you haven't seen that one i'll make sure to link it down below i'll also make sure to add any commands we end up using in this video in the description as well so first we'll talk about setting up storage on a computer that only has one drive available often if i'm spinning up a test lab i'll do it on a machine that just has the one hard drive it's normally recommended that you have proxmox installed on a separate drive from your other storage but in some cases you might not we also covered this in our initial proxmox install video so if you follow that guide or if you have a dedicated proxmox drive you can skip this portion later on i'll be doing some different videos on configuring different types of storage like adding nfs shares and creating zfs pools going a lot more in depth on that sort of thing but for now we'll stick with just the single hard drive so we're logged into our proxmox web interface what we need to do is go to our data center and then storage find local-lvm and just remove it we'll go back to our node here and then go to shell to get to our system shell and then we'll enter these commands lv remove space slash dev slash pve slash data hit y for yes and then we'll enter lv resize space dash l space plus one hundred percent three all caps slash dev slash pve slash root and then one more resize two fs face slash dev slash mapper pve dash root all right so the entire hard drive should be available to you we'll do one more step here go back up to data center then go to storage find the local storage then go to edit and under content we'll make sure that everything here is selected next we'll go ahead and make sure that proxmox is fully updated first we'll need to switch away from the enterprise repository which we can't use since we don't have a license go ahead and go to your node then go to updates and then repositories click add hit ok here and then for the repository we'll use the no subscription repository hit add now go to updates hit refresh and then ok here let that complete and then we'll hit upgrade and y enter all right once that's complete i like to reboot so we will reboot and i'll get back to you after that's finished so we've finished rebooting the server and if you've noticed when we log in we get this no valid subscription banner i like to disable that so in order to disable that we'll need to ssh into the server and i'll explain why in a moment let's go ahead and open up a command prompt and then we're going to ssh root at yes and then the password here we are logged in as root now we'll change our working directory to cd slash usr slash share slash javascript slash proxmox dash widget dash toolkit then we'll make sure that our proxmoxlib.js is backed up so we'll cp roxmoxlib.js lib dot js dot bak now we'll edit nano proxmox lib and here's why we're accessing via ssh we need to hit control w to search for no valid subscription and since this is a long file we do need the search but the control w shortcut with the browser if you're accessing this through the web shell will actually attempt to close the window rather than open the search function of nano so here in front of ext dot message dot show we'll add void parentheses curly bracket base slash slash and then we will control o to save it enter and then ctrl x to exit now we'll restart the web service systemctl space restart pve proxy dot service all right that's done so now if you close your browser and then open it back up go to our proxmox server when you log in you shouldn't get that banner anymore moving forward in some cases you may want to give your proxmox machine a dhcp address rather than a static ip this is helpful if you bring the machine with you to other networks to sort of test on the go and maybe you're virtualizing your network with something like a pf sense vm much like i plan to do with this machine you can use the web shell for this but since we're already connected to the server via ssh we'll go ahead and pull our command prompt back up and then we'll change our working directory so cd slash etc network and then we'll make a backup of our interfaces so cp interfaces interfaces dot bak now we'll edit our interfaces with nano interfaces here under vmbr0 we'll change static to dhcp and then we'll get rid of address and gateway ctrl o to write enter and then control x to exit and then to restart your networking system ctl restart networking do keep in mind that this will boot you out of all existing connections to the computer and it will most likely reassign the machine a new dhcp address which you'll have to get from either your router or from the physical machine itself so once we've gone back and found out what our new ip is we can close out of all of this and then connect to the machine again go ahead and log in next we'll go ahead and upload some iso images so that we're ready to deploy them on virtual machines go to your node and expand down to the storage go to your local storage and then over to iso images hit upload and then go to select file and find any isos that you want to upload you'll have to do them one at a time so i'll upload a few and then i'll get back to you once that's finished as i'm uploading these i'll also add here that if you're going to be working with windows machines i recommend getting the vert i o drivers for windows from proxmox i'll put a link to the iso for this below alright we finished our initial configuration in proxmox we have some isos uploaded to mess around with and we're ready to start spinning up some virtual machines so that'll be all for now as always thanks for watching let me know if you have any questions or if you run into any issues and i will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: H2DC - How to do Computers
Views: 1,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: proxmox, post-install, configuration, proxmox 7, 7.0, provmox install, install, PVE, proxmox VE, h2dc, how to do computers, tutorial, guide, homelab, setup, home lab, PVE 7.0, config, virtualization, virtualize
Id: R0Zn0bdPwcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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