Proverbs 05 - Proverbs 5 | How did I end up here?

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this is a message from the ministry of calvary chapel santa barbra for more information about our church please visit calvary and be calm we've been going along our prayer together as we study the book of Proverbs as we would be a people that desire to get wisdom we would learn where to find wisdom and we begin to live wisely that's our prayer we would desire to have it we learn where to get it we begin to live it we're going to see this evening as Solomon described sexual immorality and sin in it general we're going to notice the deception and damage of sin and then we will end with God's just God's design of what marital intimacy looks like and so as we begin we're going to look at verse 1 and kind of an interesting theme to kind of intro us in here it keeps popping up every chapter we've read so far has the same idea this idea of discretion discretion look at verse 1 again my son pay attention to my wisdom lend your ear to my understanding that you may preserve discretion and your lips may keep knowledge remember this is Solomon the King of K the king of night King of Kings but the King a great king so why so wealthy wrote so many Proverbs so many wise sayings when God asked him what can I grant you he said give me wisdom and so this man of such wealth and such wisdom writes this book of Proverbs and again the idea of him writing to his son and here we are the son and daughters of the king of kings again listening in and we see the same repeated theme in chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 this idea of obtaining wisdom discretion here in verse 2 he said that you may preserve discretion discretion is the ability to to behave in the proper way in different circumstances the ability to know how to behave and to know what to do in different situations perhaps knowing how to behave at a baseball game is differently than behaving at a tennis match right discretion you have the ability you know how to differentiate the two how to you know sit at maybe your grandma's kitchen table as opposed to the queen of England's kitchen table you know with all their little fancy things I'm sure she has discretion the ability to know how to decide what to do in different situations basically having wisdom you remember we talked about the idea of knowledge is information but it's wisdom where it's at the application of the information wisdom that works wisdom that has legs and so in Chapter five the again the same theme what we see is before he begins to talk about sexual morality or temptation or centering anything Solomon says again first he says pay attention see that in verse one my son pay attention to my wisdom lend your ear to my understanding meaning pay close attention to what I'm about to say in chapter one verse 8 we says here the instruction of your father in chapter 2 verse 2 he says incline your ear to wisdom in chapter 3 he says don't forget my law chapter 4 he says here the instruction of your father and here again in chapter 5 he says the same thing pay attention to my wisdom did discretion obtain discernment be a man be a woman of a wisdom now why is he so repetitive why does it keep saying these things listen pay attention speak up watch out trevor dick treasure in your heart is because I loved how Joseph mentioned last week just like our kids we have constantly be telling them to pay attention it's the same way you know we often forget we often lose track and so Solomon is describing to us listen pay attention be careful grab wisdom gain understanding and then he says even more pointedly again here look in chapter 6 verse 20 the same idea chapter 6 verse 20 my son keep your father's command don't forsake the law of your mother bind them continually upon your heart tie them around your neck so not only should we be paying attention to God's wisdom to getting discretion but we should be proudly adorning it bind it around your bind them around your heart tie them around your neck the idea of memorizing God's wisdom God's scripture we've challenged you before I loved how Joseph last week challenged us and reminded us that we could read a proverb a day you know there's about there's 31 chapters of Proverbs is about 30 or 31 days in a month and we should be a people that as a habit read a chapter of Proverbs the day that's beginning to memorize God stripped us that's what it means by binding it upon your heart we've studied this before this idea of memorizing but not only memorize but to vocalize tie them around your neck the idea that it be something that you adorn something that people recognize you're not just memorizing scripture not just having wisdom on the inside but you're displaying wisdom on the outside it's tied around your neck people see the way you behave the way that you speak it's differently just like a horse's bridle or a yoke on the Aqsa to control you chapter 6 verse 22 so when you roam they will lead you God's wisdom God's understanding God's commands they'll lead you when you sleep they will keep you and when you awake they'll speak with you this idea of proudly adorning paying attention and then in chapter 7 again the same idea again the idea of having it a prized possession Chapter seven says this my son keep my words treasure my commands within you keep my command and live in my law as the apple of your eye the phrase their apple of your eyes this idea of a prized possession something that you would never want to let go the idea of a treasure something that you want to hold tightly to you so this very beginning before we even begins about sexual immorality or sin or temptation again Solomon reminds us and the first seven chapters keep my commands pay attention adorn them prize them hide them bind them tie them man get wisdom I love that it's just something that he always is reminding us of and so now that he does that he begins back in Chapter five of proverbs verse three we'll begin first with the idea of the deception of sin or even more pointedly the deception of sexual morality look at verse 3 in chapter 5 of proverbs 4 the lips of an immoral woman grip honey and her mouth is smoother than oil why must we play clothes such close attention to God's Word what why should we proudly adorn it why should we allow it to control us and guide us and lead us it's because sin is out there ready to grab us and bring us down the temptation of the world is ready to pounce upon us in a dragged us under and Solomon again speaking to his son as it were is describing a situation of a diversity of three says of an immoral woman maybe your Bible says a strange woman the idea is a woman who is maybe she's married maybe she's not but her whole intention is to drag somebody down will and read later what what what is her ultimate destination we read it earlier its death rights to lay hold of hell so we as a people should be alert and should be ready should have gods words hidden in our heart so that we would not be deceived from the lips of an immoral woman they drip honey now what I want us to look at is this first this idea of the enticement the enticement you see if sin was not tempting to our flesh it would have we would have we wouldn't have to worry about it you know but it's because that sin becomes so enticing that's why we get deceived by it so verse three Solomon describes this immoral woman this this person who wants to to drag you down into sin describes first as a woman whose lips drip honey this idea of of enticement and Bass Lake we did some fishing never caught anything but we tried a lot and the whole point of fishing is you place the worm on the hook so that the fish would overlook the hook and be enticed by the worm right that's what Solomon is describing areas like sexual immorality sin in its entirety entices you it it desires you to not look at the hook but just observe the worm it describes this woman her lips are dripping with honey sin always seems so sweet at first sin always seems so right at first what other weapons does this temptation half verse three the rest of it says and her mouth is smoother than oil so the enticement to drip the lips are dripping honey her her words are smooth like oil Solomon speaking of someone who is flattering you flattery you know flattery has been said it's kind of like friendship kind of like how a wolf looks kind of like a dog you know it's not quite right flattery has been someone has been said flattery is kind of like cologne it's meant to be smell too but never swallowed flattery is always someone telling you what you want to hear in order for them to get what they want so Solomon is painting this picture speaking to his son listen son hide my commands tie them around your heart because there's temptation out there and there's even more specifically there's this immoral woman this this person who wants to drag you down and weight the way that she'll do it is with flattering she'll speak these words that are smooth like oil that drip with honey they seem so sweet they seem so grated it's going to it's going to kind of prick your heart when you hear them chapter 6 verse 24 speaks of this again to keep you from the evil woman from the flattering tongue of a seductress chapter 7 verse 21 with her enticing speech she caused him to yield and with her flattering lips she seduced him so flattering this telling what you want to hear is one way that we can be deceived and enticed but not only is it flattery it's it's flirtatiousness as well in chapter 6 verse 25 speaking of this same idea this immoral woman this person trying to drag you down Solomon says this don't do not lust after her beauty in your heart nor let her allure you with her eyelids this idea is that sometimes we'll be around a person that not only is trying to flatter you to bring you down but they're actually flirting with you I love how Solomon says they were you with her eyelids I course think of Potiphar's wife remember Potiphar's wife tempting Joseph she put on her Maybelline mascara hoping that maybe he would sleep with her you know Joseph and of course we know Joseph fleed Tim tation you ran away the Salomon writes this in a manner speaking to his son describing this immoral woman trying to to bring a young man down or even a husband of a wife trying to bring him down using flattery using flirtatiousness in the same way we can read it in the other way it's not just speaking about the immoral woman trying to drag down this poor little young man in the same way we know many immoral men trying to drag down young ladies using these same tactics of a flattering telling you what you want to hear and using flirtatiousness to get what they want I've heard many stories of an immoral man trying to get what he wants from a young girl and telling her what she wants to hear I I love you I love you and in return she opens up and says well I love you too and then in turn he says okay well then prove it wanting to get more out of her o friends I hope to know that that a true love real love always waits lust gets Love Waits love is patient love is kind reminded of Jacob you know the story well when he sees Rachel he's just he loves her so much he would do anything for her and her father says all right you can have her but you got to work for me for seven years seven years it's insane well we're Ian Genesis 29 verse 20 at those seven years do you remember what it says were just but a moment because of how much he loved Rachel lust gets Love Waits and when you maybe hear some young man saying I love you I love you I love you be careful most likely he's just saying I love me I love me I love me and so Solomon warns us of the enticement of sexual immorality of sin and general flattery and flirtatiousness now what is the end what's the end here at I lament how do we end up here how did I find myself at this did and how did I find myself so so lost look at verse 4 what's the end we looked at the enticement verse 4 but in the end she is the bitter as wormwood sharp as a two-edged sword if you highlight in your Bible there you have a real actual page Bible in front of you once you circle that that word in the end that phrase in the end in the end proverbs repeatedly emphasizes this idea for you and I the readers to be looking ahead to be looking forward to the end wisdom reveals sin conceals sin always conceals his consequences wisdom is trying to to find out what's the destination here if I head in this direction but in the end she's bitter in the end she's like wormwood proverbs is always encouraging us as the people look ahead look ahead what's out there if I travel down this path where am I going to end up and Solomon tells his son and we learn as well the lips of an immoral woman they drip honey the person her mouth is smoother than oil it seems sweet it seems delicious that ends up being disgusting in the end she's bitter as wormwood sharp as a two-edged sword the idea of bitter as wormwood just as that very thing that this this bitterness a wormwood could be even thought of as a poison it's something that destroys that kills that makes you ache inside in the end she's sharp as a two-edged sword no matter how you move you're going to get cut that's what that means if he actually also even means in the heat and the Hebrew here can also be a sword with two mouths you know just like flattery it says one thing but really means another thing Solomon says beware of this this is the enticement watch out for the end I love how the New Living Translation translates verse six shove it up here for you for she cares nothing about the path of life she staggers down a crooked trail and doesn't realize it the thing about this immoral woman the thing about sin is that it doesn't care about tomorrow she cares nothing about the path of life she staggers down this crooked trail and doesn't even realize that there's no thought of tomorrow only up tonight she's shaking she's shifting in proverbs chapter 7 you read about this immortal woman who says hey my husband has gone away and he won't be back for a while and right now right now my bedrooms all set the sheets are all laid right now come right now let's have our fill of love till the morning friends Envy in sin sexual immorality temptation only thinks about right now right now she cares nothing about the path of life just doesn't care anything about tomorrow only about today it is not just like society right now society doesn't care anything about like Oh what what what's what what consequences might happen if I go down this path it doesn't care they don't care anything about the path of life that's never going to happen to me I love Deuteronomy 32 verse 29 says this oh that they were wise that they understood this that they would consider their latter end describing to his people I oh I hope our people that they would consider the latter and they would consider what's going to happen in being so we see this deception we're so easy to be enticed we understand what is the end now let's look at the damage what's so bad what's so bad about listening and what's so bad about some coming to flattery and flirtatiousness and and and maybe this kind of dealing and dabbing a little bit with with this temptation with sin well because there's a grave damage that is done look at verse 9 proverbs chapter 5 least you give your honor to others and your years to the cruel one at least aliens be filled with your wealth and your Labor's go to the house of a foreigner friends I've said it before I'll say it again I will say it always sin cost you it always cost you look at verse nine I have it in the new English translation I thought it was really cool I should have it up on the board for you on the projector least you give your vigor to others and your years to a cruel person where therefore honor the word therefore vigor means the best of your life the best of your life the best that you have you see this says their least you give you give it away because you see sin cake sin always cost it always takes away it never adds sin is the most expensive thing in the world because it cost to shed blood of Jesus to atone for sin is costly verse 10 also in the new English translation says this least strangers devour your strength and your labor benefit another man's house idea for strength there in the New King James Version it was a the idea of wealth it's the idea of everything that you've worked for everything that you've strived for you're the best of your life the best of your strength all of your honor all of your vigor all of your strength all of your wealth is taken away cost you everything when you find yourself going down the path of sin and in particular of sexual immorality of following the seductress the the immoral woman the immoral wham you go a man you go down that path it's going to cost you now friends I can't tell you how many counseling situations that me myself a ver other pastors other elders have been in when this is the actual case a husband listening to the flattery and flirtatiousness of an immoral woman finds himself wooed and far away realizing it that laid too late it cost him everything his family disowned him his wife has left him sin always cost I think about my own brother I've shared a little bit some of you know the story of my brother he's five years younger than me and basically through after high school he was just homeless my parents lived in Texas he came back to Santa Barbara he kind of couch surfed for a while and until till the parents of the couch the owners of the couches told him to get out of there and he was just kind of homeless and just so you see young kids on stage street begging for money that was my brother I'd walk down shopping and there'd be my brother and it was just a whole it's a whole different sermon topic but basically he's he's sober now he's doing way better praise the Lord but he has basically lost about ten years of his life I mean that's why we're talking my parents of the day or a few months back and he's on tracks got a job he's a chef and he's if I'm 38 he's 35 right 34 and he's like finally like dating someone and like he's basically lost ten years of his life because of sin because of the path that he chose to go on it costs him everything the best years of his life the best of his strengths the best of everything that he had is gone is gone and he's rebuilding and of course God is gracious we know that but all friends don't be mistaken the damage that sin does not only the sin cost sin consumes look at verse 11 what is Solomon say and you mourn at last when your flesh and your body are consumed the eye therefore for mourning is the idea of groaning like what a lion is chopping down on its prey and it just groans and just roars that's the idea or mourning groaning isms when someone is an excruciating pain that's the idea there in the Hebrew and and you groan you just more and at last when your flesh in your body are consumed sin consumes you again chapter 6 verse 26 to enhance this idea for by means of a harlot a man is reduced to a crust of bread meaning absolutely nothing an adulteress will pray upon his precious life sin consumes I I think also this is describing not just spiritual being consumed but just even maybe physically that actual disease and different things actual physical ailments your flesh in your body you're actually physically aching and in pain over your sin and over sexual immorality it's brought you down so low sin costs in can sin consumes and send controls look at this verse this is verse 22 skip down to the end chapter 5 verse 22 this is this this verse rocked me it rocked me his own iniquities entrap the wicked man and he is caught in the cords of his sin sin controls you he is caught in the cords of his sin you see friends it's impossible to sin and not be bound it's impossible John chapter 8 verse 34 what does Jesus say jesus answered them motions surely I say to you whoever commits sin is a slave to sin doing anything once makes it a lot easier to do it again much like exercise you do it the first time it gets easier every time but also just like exercise as you begin to work out those muscles the muscles get stronger so to sin more you engage in it the stronger the chord becomes and every sin has the power to enslave haven't you noticed that in your own life isn't it interesting to find that a habit of a holiness is a lot easier to lose than a habit of sinfulness right it's a lot easier to to lose a habit of holiness than it is to get rid of a habit of sinfulness right but if you think about it of course that makes sense a habit of holiness goes against the grain goes against the flesh goes against the current you've got to purposely be striving up hill for a habit of holiness habit of sinfulness that's pretty easy it slips right in to our flesh we just end up falling downhill it's so easy to be wrapped in the cords of sin but unless we stay here too long may we not forget our Savior right yes it's true it's impossible to sin and not be bound yes is true that sin can control us we could be caught in the cords of our sin iniquities can entrap us but thanks be to God who because of his love for us that while we were still sinners we were still wrapped up in the cords of sin and Christ died for us I love that song what's that new song on everyone he's a chain breaker right that's Gina that he's a chain breaker there's no glory of sin yes we could be entrapped yes we can be ensnared but there's no core that the blood of Christ cannot penetrate through and cut off friends let me tell you right now there is no habit of sinfulness that cannot be broken by the power of Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit there's no habit of sinfulness that that that Jesus cannot break through he alone has the power to break the chords of sin and of shame Romans 6:14 I love this write this in the margin of your Bibles Romans 6:14 for sin shall not have dominion over you for you're not under law but you're on the grace Friends 6 Romans 6:14 sin shall not have dominion over you yeah we're going to keep falling yeah we're going to find ourselves sometimes wrapped in the court of sin all but we come to a Savior and we recognize our weakness and we say lord I need you would you forgive me bail on those cords are broken friends their severed through amen John 8:36 therefore if the son makes you free you shall be free indeed I love it I love it the deception of sin the damage of sin now let's spend a few moments on the design of what it's supposed to look like not sexual immorality not the immoral woman not the immoral man but but what is God's design for marital intimacy quickly we'll look look at verse 15 drink water from your own cistern and running water from your own well should your fountains be dispersed abroad streams of water in the streets let them be only let them be only your own and not for strangers with you let your fountain be blessed and rejoice with the wife of your youth friends not God is like keeping sex from us he's keeping sex for us and the confines of a marital relationship what do we see here first the God's design is that marriage would be enriching enriching we think about this idea of water verse fifteen water from your own cistern running water from your well your fountain streams of water when you want to enrich something it means you add value to it we think about water we think about fountain the streams of water they add life to you right I mean haven't you heard you can't go with three weeks without food but not three days without water we need water to survive when Adam was all alone what did God say it's not good man that is not good for that guy to be alone I got to do something I got to do something what can we do what can we do this guy's beating on trees climbing making tree houses you guys have to get something out of this guy right it's not good so I good friends marriage enhance his life it adds I love this water and fountain streams of water don't don't settle for immorality don't settle for flattery and flirtatious and says that end as bitter as wormwood the end of death and hell and loss and consuming and costly all but but the design it enhances it brings it brings life not only is enriching it's designed to be exclusive do you see that there in verse 15 16 17 drink water from your own cistern speaking of husband and wife a notice this image here cistern meaning wife is running water from your own well this idea of a marriage relationship streams of water in the streets vs. 17 let them be only your own not for strangers right this relationship is exclusive that's God's design one man one woman one lifetime monogamy that's God's design not to be spread abroad not to have streams of water in the streets not for strangers no no no the marriage covenant oh it's so beautiful it is exclusive and the one that every guy loves in raptured verse 19 look at this what's God's design as a loving deer as a graceful doe a let her breasts satisfy you at all times and would you always be in a raptured with her love Solomon speaking to his son saying this is what is supposed to the design here is that it should be enriching it should be exclusive and it should be in a rapturing it should be intoxicating in other words it it should just consume you the love that you have for your wife the love that your wife should have her husband should be all-encompassing I love that let you always be in a raptured it really has the idea of intoxicated to to do real over with love for each other and in comparison sexual morality is more like drinking from the sewer you see and marital bliss is drinking from this pure fountain this stream of water from your own cistern let's you be in a raptured always I think it's the reason why Jesus turned the water into wine at the wedding it was a picture for us that marriage gets sweeter over time it began as water and it ended up as wine as something that is so amazing and incredible I'll never forget when my wife she was the maid of honor for her sister's wedding and at the toast she said something that at the moment I took a second to think about but she said to a brand-new couple just married you know and she said to them may today be the day you love each other the least because over time you're going to grow in love together deeper and deeper and deeper that's the idea of being in a rapture that's the design God has it should enrich your life enhance your life it should be exclusive just one man one woman one lifetime and you should be enraptured with each other as marriage is a picture of our relationship with Christ as the idea of giving everything to each other this is weirdest render all the Christ weird to give all of each other all of ourselves to each other to be enraptured ah I love this now to conclude to conclude how how do we do this we can allow present enticement to impact future enjoyment we can't allow present enticement to impact or to affect future enjoyment what I mean by that is this right now yells really loud right now right now but but later is better don't allow present enticement right now this would be so good and and and and what she's saying is really speaking to me and what and how she she's flirted with me I really like it don't let the present enticement affect future enjoyment resist that's why in verse seven sullen would say therefore hear me now my children do not depart from the words of my mouth remove your way far from her don't go near the door of her house how do we not allow the present enticement to affect our future enjoyment sometimes we got to remove how it would get out of the way man remove ourselves in the situation just like Joseph had to flee Potiphar's wife just as we are committed to flee sexual morality sometimes we have to remove ourselves from the temptation sometimes we get to say I gotta get out of here man III I can't I can't I can no longer have my lunch in this area because that's where she always comes and I can't I can't handle that I gotta go away maybe maybe I I took this aerobics class at this amount of in the morning but but but that person there and I got to go at a different time remove yourself from her that's how we can not allow president Heisman to impact future in enjoyment we step down that path and we'll say how did I end up here how did I end up here how did it allow sin to control they sin to consume me how did I allow sin to cost so much we've got to endeavor to view everything in the light of eternity when we only think about today and right now the value of the present pleasure it is unduly magnified because we're only thinking about right now and so the pleasure seems like so grand but when we think about eternity it puts the temptation in the enticement in the right perspective you see and so don't allow president Heisman to at future in join Minh and also just to close let's be thankful for the gospel right let's be thankful that even if perhaps we have a habit of sin that is leading toward death and even maybe right now you are reaping consequences of sin maybe even right now you're asking yourself how did I end up here the gospel tells us that Jesus can save that Jesus because of what he accomplished on the cross can sever that cord can break that habit can provide for you forgiveness of sin we always be thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ Father we thank you for this evening for your word that speaks so directly to our hearts Lord I ask that we would look to you we would cast our sin upon your shoulders we would confess our weakness and recognize as the writer of Hebrews would say you are able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through him since he always lives to make intercession for us Lord we thank you you are able to save to the uttermost sometimes save us from the gutter most and so father would you come and feel this your word in our hearts would you reveal areas where we have allowed ourselves to go down the road too far when you break those habits would you sever the cord of sin that isn't wrapped around and maybe recognize that sin is the most expensive thing in the world because it cost your shed blood upon the cross well may we never trample underfoot the grace of God thank you for your word thank you for our time together this evening we ask this in your precious name Amen this is a message from the ministry of calvary chapel santa barbara for more information about our church please visit calvary SP com
Channel: Calvary Chapel of Santa Barbara
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Length: 42min 30sec (2550 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2017
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