Proverbs 4-6 • Guard your heart

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chapter four of proverbs this continues the exhortation of a father to his sons follow along with me here as we look at the first couple of verses it says here o sons and that is in the plural a father's instruction to be attentive that you may gain insight for I give you good precepts do not forsake my teaching now I want you to pause there if you would just for a moment we'll go through the chapter I promise you but what we're seeing here is we just begin again this section of Proverbs is something we've seen before and that the most important instruction for a child begins at home and that is so important to remember personally I got to be honest with you I think one of the biggest mistakes that we've made as a society is essentially backing away from our role of instructors in the home and giving that role to professionals you know we live in a very professional centric society and we've gotten to the point where you know we've all been abdicated our responsibility of instructing our children because and I'm not saying that that professionals may not be helpful and that and that people like teachers you know that we you know teachers come into our children's lives and they play a very significant role and a very wonderful role and I'm not demeaning that or belittling that at all but I think even teachers who are teaching our children would say that if there's not the support of the parents at home their job is an uphill battle and and when teachers are truly successful in what they do it's when the parents are behind them supporting helping guiding and and being there for their own role their own responsibility to teach their their children but unfortunately I think parents today I've kind of been conditioned to believe that there's really not a lot they can do in their parents lives or their children's lives rather you know your your kids go through a traumatic situation and we immediately turn to professionals to help them you know as if parents can't do anything about it so anyway so the the whole idea that you know the Bible says here that kids need to be taught by their parents they need to be trained by their parents I I gotta tell you something when I read through the Proverbs I wish I could go back and do it again I really do I wish I could get a do-over my kids are all grown and I've even got teenage grandkids I know I look so young that just look possible but anyway um but I really do I wish I could do it over again because if I could I would spend more time instructing and training and not expecting my kids to automatically get it I think I put a lot of pressure on my children as a as a younger dad thinking that they were supposed to know things right out of the chute and and I got frustrated with him if they didn't respond the way I thought they should and and I regret that I I wish I would have been more of the proverbial father from the standpoint of instructing my children sitting him down giving instruction saying this is how you do that and not just instructing them in things about like you know how to paint a fence or change the oil in your car but but instructing them in areas of right and wrong and why do you know how many times we as parents will say something to our kids and they kind of look at us they give us that kind of blank expression which if it could be voiced it would say why why are you telling me that and you know we come back with this ridiculous thing we heard from our parents that we learned because I said so right which is the dumbest thing in the world to say to your children rather than explaining moral values the value of you know doing this or not doing that because we care about people because we care about we respect to other people we respect other people's property we respect their concerns we respect and care about their needs and so forth and so on I wish I would have spent more time doing that Solomon is doing that and and and he even goes on to say that it was that way when he was a young boy look what he says in verse three he says when I was a son with my father tender the only one in the sight of my mother he taught me and said to me let your heart hold fast my words keep my Commandments and live get wisdom get insight do not forget and do not turn away from the words of my mouth so and and you know when when a parents and Solomon's remembering what his father says and that would be David but when when a parent says to a child don't turn away do you know what they're inferring that there's a strong temptation to turn away and I think we all know that we see that in our kids don't we when we're raising children we recognize that that rebellious nature that can very easily rise up in the heart of a child and some more than others some kids I understand they're more compliant and and they really want to please their parents and boy if we get one of those you know god bless you but a lot of kids you know are looking for ways to kind of get around you know mom and dad's insights and and and warnings and and wisdom and so forth and so the the command is given here you know don't turn away don't forget you know the things that I'm sharing with you here so he says in verse 6 and again wisdom is personified here in the female gender he says do not forsake her and she will keep you love her and she will guard you I want you to notice their wisdom is said to do two things keep and guard and actually those are essentially the same thing so how exactly does that happen have you ever thought I mean it says wisdom he promises wisdom will guard you how house wisdom gonna guard you exactly having wisdom which as we've told you before is the application of knowledge really is more than just having insight into problems and so forth wisdom is like kind of having you know a trusted friend who is really smart and who's an advisor to you and when you're going through challenging times and difficult you know situations where you don't really know how to turn you've got that person that you can go to and they're always at the ready you know to give you sound advice that's what wisdom is life but it guards us in two ways it guards us against situations that are worldly and unstable and just dumb foolish to be involved in and it guards us against people that are worldly and and foolish and unstable you know and and wisdom guards us by saying don't do that or don't connect with that person that person is gonna lead you astray that person is gonna lead you down the wrong path be careful there that's what wisdom does it's that it's that voice in our heart that says this isn't smart this thing that you're entering into this this agreement this plan this decision that you're faced with this is not a good one this is not a good decision this is not gonna bode well for you in the in the days and months to come and so forth so that's how wisdom guards a person all right it sounds that alarm if you will verse seven now this kind of comes out a little bit weird in the English it says the beginning of wisdom is this get wisdom which kind of sounds fairly circular doesn't it but it's being translated remember from the Hebrew and essentially what it means is the first step to gaining wisdom is to make up your mind to pursue it that's what it's saying that's the very first step to having wisdom make up your mind I want to be wise I want the wisdom of the Lord I need God's wisdom for life and that is a humble decision on our part we like to think that we're perfectly capable of making all of our own decisions you know and if I have things that are I'm confronted with it's like I can handle it right yeah well that's pride that's human pride so the first step to being wise is recognizing that you're not very wise in and of yourself and then pursuing wisdom going after it okay he says and whatever you get get insight prise her highly and she will exalt you and that word exalt means to bring advancement wisdom will bring advancement into your life all right he says she will honor you if you embrace her and that means wisdom will bring you respect from other people she will place on your head a graceful garland she will bestow on you a beautiful crown and those are poetic ways of just talking about unnamed blessings he's mentioned a few by name but now he's just being more general she'll just bless you wisdom will bless you it'll bring blessings into your life and so forth if you embrace wisdom verse 10 here my son and accept my words that the years of your life may be many and of course this has been said before speaks of avoiding bad decisions that could potentially cut short the life of an individual verse 11 I have taught you the way of wisdom I've led you in the paths of uprightness when you walk your step will not be hampered and if you run you will not stumble keep hold of instruction do not let go guard her for she is your life do not enter the path of the wicked and do not walk in the way of the evil avoid it do not go on it turn away from it and pass on for they cannot sleep unless they've done wrong they're robbed of sleep unless they have made someone stumble for they eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence you know when I read these verses I think to myself that some of the best advice that we as parents can give to our kids is just to forewarn them about the things that we've them we've dealt with in life and the temptations that we've dealt with to just kind of say you know I've been down that road and I've I've seen the allurement the enticing way that those things in the world can just lay hold of you but I want to warn you about that because this thing is gonna come back and it's gonna bite you that's good instruction for a child they you know and and and it's important that we tell our kids you know I think I think it's even important to admit to our kids that we've made bad decisions you know I've been down that road I'm messed up I I you know I don't stand here before you as a paragon of virtue you know we ought to say to our kids I stand before you as a fallible human being whom God has forgiven thankfully but man I wish I had some of those years back I wish I could get back some of the heartache some of the pain some of the things I lost because of my foolish decisions because I found some things in the world in my younger years to be very alluring and I found those temptations to be more than I could handle at the time and I was drawn into decisions that have been very hurtful to not only myself but people who are close to me I've heard a lot of people with my bad decisions you know and I want you to be able to be able to see those things you know coming so this is a father advising his kids that when they see this stuff he says just keep walking notice he said just pass it by when you come to this these kinds of temptations just keep walking just pass by he says in verse 18 the path of righteousness is like the light of dawn which shines brighter and brighter until full day the way of the wicked is like deep darkness he says they don't even know over what they stumble so he he turns to the to the metaphors of light and darkness to kind of help us to understand you know you and I don't hear these things like the people in Solomon's day heard them or even as much as a couple of hundred years ago the darkness isn't as dark as it used to be from the standpoint of the artificial light that we are able to produce today when you think about in Solomon's day that at night time the only light that they had to go by was like the light of a candle or the flame of some fire that maybe someone had made the darkness meant more to them from the standpoint of understanding that it's dangerous to venture out in the dark you know I mean you and I we hop in our cars we flip on our headlights you know our halogen headlights or our LED headlight and they shine the way in front of us and we just go barreling out into the night and think nothing of it they didn't do that in their in their culture to go out at night was to really open yourself up to great vulnerability and and serious danger potentially because you couldn't see where you were going and there were things you know they didn't have sidewalks and places to you know to traverse that you and I that are a bit safer and so forth so the picture of darkness that Salomon paints here as he speaks to his sons is a picture of of danger it's a picture of vulnerability it's a picture of risk and so he's basically saying don't risk it walk in the light wisdom is walking in the light where you can see it illuminates your path in front of you you can see where you're going because you've allowed wisdom to illuminate the path for you and you might say well what what does somebody do if they just aren't very wise or they just maybe they're just starting to seek wisdom well that's why God put people around us people who have experienced people who are older in years people who've walked with Jesus for longer in their lives and you can go to those people and say I'm dealing with a situation and I'm not sure how to deal with it I'm not sure how to walk this this is a risky thing in my mind well that's great time for somebody to speak into your life words of wisdom that will bring the illumination of being able to see how you're where you're going so that you won't stumble verse 20 my son be attentive to my words incline your ear to my sayings let them not escape from your sight keep them within your heart for they are life to those who find them and healing to all their flesh look at this next verse this is a I think a critically important when verse 23 if this isn't underlined in your Bible it should be keep your heart with all vigilance for from it flow the Springs of life I'll tell you why this is such an important verse it because it begins with this this this exhortation to be to do something with all village village uns vigilance excuse me I said there you and I would say above all else or whatever you do focus on this one thing that's what he's saying when he says with all vigilance do this do what on what are we to focus he says keep your heart and again the word keep means guard or protect so he's saying guard your heart protect your heart and do it above all else why here's his answer from it flow the Springs of life in other words it affects everything you do it affects all of life all of life issues forth from the heart you know we we I got it we got to be careful sometimes we hear the word heart and we naturally kind of think of it in our modern American sort of a way of understanding it and for us it's it has a lot to do with emotions and feelings you know but biblically speaking the heart is so much more than that the heart encompasses really the the the the desires and affections that that that move a person forward and really shape their personality and and so when we're being told here to guard our heart we're being told to put up boundaries on the desires of our heart that may run contrary to the Word of God the will of God and in fact put us into some kind of danger put up boundaries around your heart don't allow things to happen right don't allow your heart to go places where it's gonna get hurt where it's where it's wrong where it's just not the stuff you ought to be doing you know I mean now that's oh man IIIi don't mean to say this to you like this is easy because matters of the heart are not easy are they you know we can we can sit and we can we can say all day long we can quote verses to people like do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers right you guys know that passage from the New Testament right don't be unequally yoked with unbelievers and you can you can say that to people all day long but once the heart is engaged in a relationship with an unbeliever now try to give them that verse and see what happens because once the heart is involved in the process of affection and and an appreciation and respect and perhaps even love you know just just just try to turn them around so that's why we're told here with all vigilance guard your heart because everything in your life is going to flow from it it's going to affect everything it's going to affect all your relationships it's going to affect your entire family it's going to affect your friends it's going to affect your job and your job performance it's gonna and here the biggie it will affect your relationship with God bottom line and and you cannot you cannot into a situation that is unbiblical without it affecting your relationship with God is going to happen right so he says here don't run after everything you see don't get sidetracked by sinful desires that put you into danger and lead you into sin guard your heart listen that's one of the reasons why we in the body of Christ are supposed to be encouraging one another to walk according to God's Word and we're supposed to be helping to look out for danger zones you know when somebody's getting close to a danger zone hopefully there's somebody in your life who is willing to speak into your life and say whoa holder there Newt what are you doing where you going where you heading here because this looks dangerous to me I got a Red Alert going on in my heart about this direction you're on you know that's not a mean thing to say to somebody in fact it's a very kind thing it's a very caring thing to say to someone I'm concerned is this the direction that the Lord would have you take like I said once somebody's heart is engaged it's almost impossible and they really have to kind of in most cases they have to walk it out and they got to get to the end of it and they have to they have to see just how miserable they can be at the end of whatever journey that area was in fact I've I'll have a short story here for you in just a moment about that very thing verse 24 put away from your crooked speech and put devious talk far from you we're gonna have a whole lot more in the Proverbs to come to say about words and how our words affect things verse 25 let your eyes look directly forward and your gaze be straight before you ponder the path of your feet then all your ways will be sure and that when it says ponder the path of your feet again that's poetic you and I would say hey watch where you're going it is simple but what it means it means think about where you're going and not just think about it but think about the consequences do you guys know that if we really truly did that if we really thought through the consequences of our actions we probably wouldn't make a lot of the foolish decisions that we have made in life if we had the ability to sit down reasonably rationally say I wonder whether this is going to end up I wonder whether this is going to end me up right a month down the road two months six months a year two years five years ten years where am I going to be for having made this foolish decision if we could see ahead as God sees ahead and we could see all of the devastation that a particular decision brings into our lives there's no question about the fact that we would change it we'd say well I'm not going to do that we don't have that ability of absolute foresight but we can ponder our path that's what we're being told to do here ponder the path of your feet where is it heading where is this going to go and and rather than that eternal optimism that we love to project into our own sinful behavior to say it'll all work out we need to look realistically and rationally and see where it is truly heading verse 27 do not swerve to the right or to the left turn your foot away from evil keep going straight all right proverbs chapter five this returns to the subject of avoiding sexual immorality and a lot of these verses are very actually poetically graphic describing the intimacy of a relationship between a man and a woman a husband and a wife and so forth my son be attentive to my wisdom incline your ear to my understand that you may keep discretion and your lips may guard knowledge for the lips of a forbidden woman drip honey and her speech is smoother than oil but in the end she has bitter as wormwood sharp as a two-edged sword her feet go down to death her steps follow the path to Sheol she does not ponder the path of life that's the opposite of what we just talked about instead of pondering her path she does not ponder it and her ways wander and she doesn't even know it and now our sons listen to me and do not depart from the words of my mouth keep your way far from her and do not go near the door of her house lest you give your honor to others and your years to the merciless less strangers take their fill of your strength and your Labor's go to the house of a foreigner and at the end of your life you groan when your flesh and body are consumed and you say oh how I hate a discipline and my heart despised reproof which is a rebuke I did not listen to the voice of my teachers or incline my ear to their instructors I am at the brink of utter ruin in the assembled congregation drink water from your own cistern flowing water from your own well should your Springs be scattered abroad streams of water in the street let them be for yourself alone and for not for strangers with you let your fountain be blessed and rejoice in the wife of your youth a lovely dear a graceful dough let her breasts fill you at all times with delight be intoxicated always in her love why should you be intoxicated my son with a forbidden woman and embrace the bosom of an adulteress for a man's waser before the eyes of the Lord and he ponders all his paths the iniquities of the wicked and snare him and he's held fast in the coils of his sin he dies for lack of discipline and because of his great folly he is led astray wow what a powerful chapter but a great warning against marital infidelity and the word it to his sons is you know don't give this away this is yours this is yours to enjoy in the intimacy with your wife and not to share with others because the word intimacy means something I share with someone and share with no one else that's the idea behind intimacy and there should be abundance of intimacy in marriage lots of intimacy not just physical intimacy there should be emotional intimacy things I share with my wife that I share emotionally with no one else spiritual intimacy praying in front of my wife in ways that I would pray in front of no one else right so all these different kinds of intimacy should be in the marriage and and and vastly enriching our relationship with one another unfortunately we share too many other things with other people I've even seen couples where you know there's there's faithfulness in the marriage but there's infidelity in areas of like emotions you know sharing emotionally spiritually with someone else in ways that you wouldn't with your spouse you know you shouldn't be we should maintain and retain that intimacy within the confines of marriage marriage is intended by God to be a blessing and it becomes a blessing when we make the determination in our hearts that we're going to love and appreciate the person to whom we were married I want to pass along a story that was shared by Jay Vernon McGee many years ago of course he's with the Lord now but he shared this and I'll just read it for you because this is out of his writings he said when I was the pastor of a certain church a man of arc congregation came to me and announced that he was leaving his wife and son and gonna be running off with another woman who was also a member of the church whether or not they were Christians only God knows I was a young pastor at the time and I really laid it on the line to him heroes in indignation and said are you trying to rob me of my salvation I answered brother if you have salvation I'm not trying to rob you of anything but I do want to say this to you and I want you to remember it if you are not God's child then you are acting according to the way the devil's children act if you happen to be a child of God one of these days God's gonna take you to his woodshed and he's gonna whip you within an inch of your life I'm not sure but that he might even take your life the fellow just sneered and he went ahead and married the other woman the years have gone by and those two are the loneliest saddest most frustrated most unloving people I know I'm confident they would both say if only we could go back and do it over what a powerful testimony you know of pondering our paths and not being prideful but obeying God's Word regardless of how it made us feel at the time but just pressing forward in obedience proverbs chapter 6 deals with several different topics one of which is wise financial Council in the first five verses check this out he says my son if you have put up security for your neighbor have given your pledge for a stranger if your are snared in the words of your mouth caught in the words of your mouth then do this my son and save yourself or you have come into the hand of your neighbor go hasten and plead urgently with your neighbor give your eyes no sleep and your eyelids no slumber save yourself like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter like a bird from the hand of the Fowler what is he talking about he's talking about the lack of wisdom that in those days was connected with co-signing on a loan that's what it's all about wisdom would counsel against helping out a neighbor or a stranger and the idea here is obviously that if your neighbor or if a stranger for whom you have co-signed defaults on the loan then you're the one who's gonna get stuck with the debt and you got to understand that back in those days being in debt was no small issue today I mean they couldn't file bankruptcy there was no such thing and and being exonerated you know basically from the debt when you got into debt back in those days you went to debtors prison and you know that was frankly the case up until the last couple of hundred years so yeah two three hundred years so you know this this was a very serious matter to encumber yourself unnecessarily by signing on to a loan for somebody else because they lacked the capital or or whatever to be able to sign for the loan themselves now what this passage isn't saying is that co-signing is always a bad idea it's not saying that don't read this passage and come up with thou shalt not co-sign a loan that's not what it's saying remember proverbs is a book of wisdom it's generalized it's not necessarily specific frankly if you have the financial means to help somebody out with their loan that even if they did default on it it wasn't going to cause you a problem you had the financial means to either pay it off or make the payments then it's really not a danger to you right secondarily I have often seen parents co-signing on loans for their kids their kids may not have the means to be able to buy a house or buy a car and so the parents will cosign sometimes on a loan frankly I don't see anything wrong with that and this verse is not forbidding that practice it is simply saying the wisdom would advise against securing the loan of someone who could easily send you into financial ruin so if the defaulting on that loan would be would create a financial ruination for you wisdom would say don't do it I know it feels good to help people but don't do it it's just not smart not next he goes on to talk about hard work interesting here he says go to the ant o sluggard and by the way a sluggard is a biblical term for a lazy person who is unwilling to work okay he says go to the ant o sluggard consider her ways and be wise verse 7 he's still talking about the and without having any chief officer or ruler she prepares her bread and summer and gathers her food and harvest and by the way this isn't your ant as in married to your uncle this is your aunt as in the little crawly things on the ground have you ever said just watch them they are amazing I remember as a young boy just sitting when I had all the time in the world to sit and just watching ants and they are just incredible the way they work and work together and work hard so there there's so much a picture of of a hard work diligent ethic in the ants that God created that His Word says consider them think about them ponder them write verse nice is how long will you lie there o sluggard when will you arise from your sleep a little sleep a little slumber a little folding of the hands to rest and poverty will come upon you like a robber and want like an armed man well you know this is not a difficult passage to understand the message is very simple and that is that laziness leads to poverty the problem we have in our culture is that there are people that don't even care they don't care that it leads to poverty they're actually comfortable in their poverty and that's very challenging when you're dealing with that sort of a person verse 12 goes on to speak of the scoundrel he starts off by saying a worthless person a wicked man goes about with crooked speech you think wow how can you have crooked speech winks with his eyes signals with his feet points with his finger with perverted heart devises evil continually sowing discord therefore calamity will come upon him suddenly in a moment he will be broken beyond healing so Solomon refers here talks to about the worthless man the wicked man the bottom line in this particular proverb is that when tragedy comes he's got nothing to fall back on because his life has been one of wickedness and in the blink of an eye he says he's simply broken beyond healing verse 16 there are six things the Lord hates seven there that are an abomination to him haughty eyes a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood a heart that devises wicked plans feet that make haste to run to evil a false witness who breathes out lies and one who sews discord among brothers you might call these the seven deadly sins of the Old Testament and by the way starting with a list of six and then adding a seventh was a very common literary device in Hebrew poetry sounds strange for you and I to say there are six thing God hates oh wait they're seven but that was a common way that they would express themselves and if we take these seven things and kind of convert them into modern language or situations or attitudes they probably go something like this haughty eyes that refers to a an attitude of prideful superiority it's people who look at others and they think everybody's an idiot except them you know a lying tongue obviously you know what that is that's somebody who never tells the truth hands that shed innocent blood we'd call them simply a murderer a heart that devises wicked plans obviously somebody who is planning and thinking about how they can break the law and hurt others feet that make haste to run to evil that's people who seem to just have a gravitational pull toward doing wrong a false witness that breathes out lies that somebody who's willing to lie in any situation even in a court of law in order to wrongly accuse another and one who sews discord among friends or brothers is that person who sews the seeds of suspicion between people so that they end up hating each other and then we move on to another warning and verse 20 and following against the painful consequences of sexual immorality you're kind of wondering why does that repeat it so often here remember solemn is writing this to his sons it's a big deal particularly with boys particularly with boys sexual immorality and boys just seem to kind of go together to be honest with you I mean the Bible even says how can a young man keep his waist pure it doesn't say how can a young woman not that women struggle less with sin but in the area of particularly sexual you know immorality and impurity boys are just have a natural gravitational pull toward those areas and so you know it's a it's it's given repetitiously in the Proverbs my son and he starts off keep your father's commandment and forsake not your mother's teaching bind them on your heart always tie them around your neck when you walk they will lead you when you lie down they will watch over you and when you awake they will talk with you for the commandment is a lamp and the teaching a light and the reproves of discipline are the way of life to preserve you from the evil woman from the smooth tongue of the adulteress do not desire her beauty in your heart do not let her capture with her eyelashes for the price of a prostitute is only a loaf of bread but a married woman hunts down a precious life can a man carry fire next to his chest and his clothes not be burned or can one walk on hot coals and his feet not be scorched so is he who goes to his neighbor's wife none who touches her will go unpunished people do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his appetite when he's hungry but if he is caught he will pay Sevenfold he will give all the goods of his house but he who commits adultery lacks sense he who does it destroys himself he will get wounds and dishonor and his disgrace will not be wiped away for jealousy makes a man furious and he will not spare when he takes revenge he will accept no compensation he will refuse though you multiply gifts so he's talking there about the the jilted husband if you will who comes back with an attitude of jealousy and revenge against the individual who has walked so foolishly as to take his neighbor's wife and I particularly like verses 27 and 28 because the the rhetorical questions that are asked there are so important for us to just remember you know can you can you carry fire next to your body can you grab some logs out of the fire pit and hold them close to you without burning yourself well obviously no one would think to do it we'd say well that would be dumb but that's what Solomon is saying it's no less dumb to take another man's wife or to have that kind of a relationship with another man's wife it is literally burning yourself that's why he says at the end of this chapter he ends up just hurting himself he says you know can you walk on hot coals and your feet not get scorched yeah I don't think so I don't care how much you meditate you know it's it's there's there's physics going on here and there's going to be burns it's the same thing with sin when we give ourselves into sin there's gonna be a result there's gonna be a result you know what I'm thankful for and thankful for the grace and mercy of God aren't you because you know what there's not one person in this room who hasn't sinned there's not one person in this room who hasn't been a fool myself included I've been the chief of fools and I am so thankful that when we come to God and we confess our sin he is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness now what I've just shared in no way gives us a license to go out and sin because believe me there are still burns the consequences don't necessarily go away there can still be forgiveness there can even be restoration but listen you wrestled with God you'll limp the rest of your life just as Jacob you thumb your nose at God's word and some aspect of your life will be hindered the wages of sin is death something is gonna die may not be you you come to the Lord you confess your sin yes there's life in Jesus Christ but that doesn't mean that something doesn't I've seen relationships die I've seen families fly apart at the seams I've seen careers come to a screeching halt and an end because of sin something always dies the wages of sin is always death even for a believer it won't it won't kill you eternally Jesus already suffered eternal death for you and I on the cross he experienced he tasted then he turned that separation from the father for you and I and thankfully you and I never will praise the Lord right but that doesn't mean the sin has lost its consequence or its power to hurt or to maim or to even in the life of born-again Christian it continues to to kill and to maim and I am so thankful for our God who is who loves us despite our weaknesses despite our foolish decisions are ridiculously dopey plans and who embraces us with a love that only a father could give and sees us in Christ as complete and whole even though we know we are so far off the mark but he embraces us nonetheless just as he would see his son and what a what a glorious thing that that is
Channel: Calvary Chapel Ontario
Views: 28,358
Rating: 4.9108062 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, Bible teaching, Thru-the-Bible, verse by verse, Calvary Chapel, Bible study, Christianity, New Testament, Old Testament, The book of Proverbs, Wisdom literature, King Solomon, Wisdom of Solomon
Id: 1NmPLx_3ddg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 19sec (2719 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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