1 Samuel 22 - Adullam - the Turning Point

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okay let's all gather together here we'll start in the word of god you okay are having way too much fun here man okay we're going to begin today in the book of first samuel chapter 22. if you want to open your bibles there first samuel chapter 22 we're going through and learning about the life of david how god dealt with him and used him taught him things if you remember in our last chapter david had run away from saul saul was trying to kill him and he ran he was running in fear and the fear was causing him to make decisions that he wouldn't normally make and eventually he ended up at a cave called the cave of adolem and this this chapter 22 picks up where david is in the cave and i want to talk about what god did with him while he was in the cave so let's open up in a word of prayer and we'll begin heavenly father we thank you so much for your word we thank you for your holy spirit who is our teacher and i pray lord this morning that our hearts will be open to understand something from your word father you know the conditions of our hearts and our lives you know the things we need to hear and so we ask you to teach each one of us today show us more of the heart of jesus through your word it's in jesus name we pray amen okay so just a quick review on this first slide the next slide down there so far we've covered the life of david and the life of david has looked like a perfect life everything was going his way he was anointed the king by samuel in chapter 16. he was immediately taken over into pharaoh or into uh saul's court close to the close to the king he was there every day he killed giant goliath and became like this a national hero everybody sang about how great david was because he killed goliath so he was becoming known throughout the kingdom he made a covenant with jonathan who was saul's son and they became friends so he was becoming very close kind of like the inner circle of the king everything was being set up for david to really be the king of israel he became a high-ranking officer in the army in chapter 18. and again all the soldiers respected him his captains and his leaders respected him all the people the land loved david it says this in chapter 18 all the people of israel and all of judah loved him you know god was just raising him up and everything was going his way then all of a sudden you know saul begins to turn against him all of a sudden saul becomes jealous he wants to kill david and so he runs he becomes a fugitive and we talked a little bit last week about what it's like to be a fugitive and you're running not knowing where your next meal is coming from and having to somehow find a resource but fear was driving his decisions at the time and he finally ends up at the cave of adolem which i'm going to call today adolum the turning point the turning point in david's life how many you've ever been in a time of your life where you've let fear or maybe discouragement kind of rule in some ways it just becomes part of your life once you get into a place of fear or discouragement it's very difficult to recover it's almost like a black hole you start sinking down into i'm not saying you can't recover but it's a bad spot to be in and if you find yourself being dragged down by fear or discouragement maybe the best place for you to be is in the cave how many have ever felt like you were in a cave i mean figuratively speaking you're in a cave it's dark you're away from people you're kind of alone alone with your thoughts and sometimes i think god god allows us to come down god allows us to get into those places so that he can have a deeper ministry in our life see there was something missing in david's life that god's wanting to build in him god is preparing david to become the king of israel he wasn't ready the day that samuel poured the oil on his head there were some things that god wanted to do in this man's life and just like in our lives there's things that god wants to do in each one of us to prepare us we may think all of a sudden hey i'm ready to do anything for jesus and maybe we're not maybe there's some maturing that has to take place maybe there's some breaking of pride that has to take place maybe there's some dealing with areas of sin in our life that has to take place who knows but god knows exactly what we need in our lives you know david from the time that he was actually anointed the king to when he became king does anybody know about how many years it was it was like 15 years how many know that's a long time to wait you're the actual king of israel and yet saul is on the throne and you have to wait and saul tries to kill you and you become a fugitive and all the things that happened in david's life over those years the bible writes about but i believe deep inside of his heart god was dealing with this man so that when the day came 15 years later and he became the actual king of israel something had taken place in the core of his being that enabled him to lead properly with the right heart the right authority the right attitudes so i want to share with you from this chapter four things that were important to david's turnaround it helped him turn around from this place of discouragement to getting back on his feet again and stepping out to be the leader of israel as god desired how many of you know if you go through a time of discouragement or fear god doesn't want you to stay there he may allow you to experience it go to to go to the cave but he's trying to do a deeper work to get you out of it again none of us are meant to spend the rest of our life in discouragement or fear so what are the things that happened with david so let's read in first samuel 22 verse 1 david left gath remember this is where he was acting like a madman he was down before the king ashish he was letting the spit run down his beard acting like a crazy man because he was afraid for his life and so he ran into the cave so david left gath he escaped unto the cave of adolum i love the story of the cave of the dolum it's one of the greatest stories in the bible to me because it is a huge turning point in this man's life and i think i've been in uk before i feel like i've been in a cave and god had to do works in my life to help me see things differently or to bring about changes in my life and i thank god for the cave and if you've ever been in a cave thank god for the cave but he doesn't want you to stay there the bible says when his brothers and his father's household heard about it they went down to him there all those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him and he became their leader wasn't that a great church what kind of people do you have in your church well there's people in distress people in debt people discontented how many feel that way today you know these are the kind of people god gets glory out of leading the bible talks about how look at your own calling brother there's not many mighty not many noble not many wise are called but god chose the weak and the foolish to confound the wise so okay all those who were in distress or debt or discontented gathered around him and he became their leader there was about 400 men with him wasn't there at least one goodwin lord with all four on haram this way 400 people distressed deaded or discontented call them the church of the three d's what do you do with these people what do you do when god brings into your path the discouraged the people in debt especially if you're a person who's right now discouraged or you're a person who's now lived your life walking in fear what do you do well you know what david did it says here in the bible he became their leader i think one of the first things that has to happen for you to make a turnaround in your life is you have to say i'm not going to be a victim anymore i'm going to stand up and be a leader because some of you who are discouraged have families you know what you need to do is you have to become a leader of your families some of us who are discouraged and we're living in a cave we have people around us that god's given us influence in their life why don't we say lord i'm willing to be a leader now i'm in this cave i feel discouraged but i need to step up and be a leader it was a to me a first step of david's turnaround when he was willing to take responsibility not just for his own life but for the lives of other people now we all know that ultimately jesus cares for everybody but he's created the body of christ and human beings in such a way that he wants us to have a caring heart toward one another and if you're a person who's discouraged one of the best ways you can begin to recoup yourself is start reaching out to another person because discouragement will be like a black hole that will continually drag you deeper and deeper and deeper and somehow you've got to say i'm no longer concerned so much about me lord look at these discontented in debt and distressed people that you placed right here in my cave with me we're all in the same boat but they need a leader and so lord let me step out of my misery let me step out of my fear and say i will be the leader and i want to encourage you all of you take that role take that role in your family take that role at work take that role at school with other students take that role in the body of christ take that role in your neighborhood because all of us have reasons to be discouraged all of us do and all of us go through times where discouragement will come our way but we have to not let that rule and i thank god that by his grace he brings into our cave when we're there he brings into our cave people who need us we just got to make that decision to say yep i'm going to go ahead and and lead verse 3 from there david went to mizpah in moab and he said to the king of moab will you let my father and mother come and stay with you until i learn what god will do for me and so he left them with the king of moab and they stayed with him as long as david was in the stronghold or in the in the cave essentially the second the second thing i think is important and david did here is he learned to wait on god again see when you're running in fear and you're running out of discouragement a lot of times you're making decisions kind of by the seat of your pants and it's really more about for yourself i need food remember that story i need the food i need the sword i need some way to protect me i need resources god because i'm a fugitive and i'm concerned about my life we talked about that last week but now because david is now recovering from this place he starts concerning himself with other people his father his mother and he said you know what i want to do i want to i want to make sure my parents are taken care of over here until i wait on the lord i want to see what god has in store for me i'm tired of directing my own life i need you lord to speak to me what i should be doing and you're going to find as we go through and study more about the life of david that he was a man who would constantly inquire of the lord he would seek the lord constantly wanting to know what is it god that you have for my life i think if we are a person given to fear or discouragement we tend to just look within ourself what was me oh look at me look at my condition look at all the bad things that happened to me rather than saying lord what will you do for me lord what is it that you have for me and turning the focus outward from ourselves to him and so it was a turning point for david i think it's the third thing i want you to see here is that he cared for people here we saw that he cared for his parents it was like jesus on the cross remember when jesus was on the cross what was he concerned about mother behold your son son behold your mother you're up there i mean you've been pierced through with thorns and whips and you're beaten you're bleeding to death your life is falling out but as the blood drips from your body and instead of sitting there saying look how concerned i am about myself he looks down at his mother and says i want to make sure my mother is cared for son behold your mother mother behold your son it's the heart of jesus it's the heart of jesus to care for people and so we see david is not just concerned about his own welfare his food his protection his safety his sword he's concerned about take care of my parents and we find in verse 22 if you want to just flip down there real quick i don't know if you remember that david when he was at a himalaya getting the sword and the food that there was a man there by the name of doe egg the edomite and he was a man who murdered 85 priests and all the women the children and the infants in the city of nob and david took responsibility for that here but a himalayan son escaped on that day he escaped and david said this david said to abby athar this is a himalayan son that day when douweg the edomite was there i knew he would be sure to tell saul i am responsible for the death of your whole family i mean to me that's an amazing statement a person who is coming out of depression out of fear out of discouragement takes ownership of their own sin you know david said i'm responsible i can't blame this on anybody else i'm responsible for the death of your whole family stay with me don't be afraid the man who wants to kill you is trying to kill me also you will be safe with me what a what a great statement that is see you can see that david is no longer just concerned about his own safety is he he's caring about his parents he reaches out to this boy who was a priest the son of a himelec all his family was killed because of david and david acknowledged his sin but he said listen the same guy who's trying to kill you is trying to kill me come and stay with me you will be safe here he's he's saying i'm going to protect you but can you see how david's focus now is beginning to open up and he's beginning to see clearly he's not motivated so much by fear anymore he's starting to see god wants to lift me out of this place and he's doing it by helping him see the needs of others if he's willing to step out and take a part of it to care for people to take him under their wing to make sure his family is taking care of his mom and dad while i wait upon the lord he said and then finally the fourth thing is he had a responsive heart so the four things we talked about he was willing to lead he waited on god he didn't just fly by the seat of his pants he waited on god he cared for other people and now he had a responsive heart there was a man who was a prophet named gad who was with david at the cave of adolum and the prophet god said to david do not stay in the stronghold go into the land of judah and so david left and went to the forest of herath now how many of you know that when you're in this when you're in this cave even though you're depressed you feel somewhat safe i mean you're surrounded by walls it's dark no one knows you're there they probably had all these little caverns in there it's a very safe place but the lord is telling david i don't want you to stay here your safety really isn't in this cave i want you to get out of here and so the prophet comes to david see david's saying i want to wait upon the lord i want to hear from god and so god comes and speaks to him and says i don't want you to stay in the stronghold go into the land of judah so what did david do he left see he was responsive to god he didn't say i got a better idea you know i know you're saying you heard from god but i think this is the best place for us he responded to what god was saying he responded to the message of the prophet and david left and just as an interesting side note anybody know what the word judah means in the hebrew language it means praise and the lord is saying to david come out of the cave and come into praise and you're going to see in just a few moments as we look further into what's happening in david's life that praise was a huge part of his recovery god is always calling us to praise come out of the cave don't stay in the stronghold anymore come out into judah come into praise come out here and worship me because i am your refuge i am your protector i am the one who will watch over you your safety is not with goliath sword your safety is not within this cave i'm using this cave to help restore you to help get your vision back on course to help you see a place of ministry but step out of it come out of the cave and come into praise and that was the the message of the prophet that david and david responded they left the apparent safety of that cave and moved out into the land of judah now the rest of this chapter i just want to read through somewhat quickly and finish up understanding how the fruit of saul's jealousy carried out here saul heard that david i'm in verse 6 now saw her that david and his men had been discovered and saul was seated fear in hand under a tamarisk tree at the hill at gabea with all his officials standing at his table they're at his side he said to them listen men of benjamin will the son of jesse give all of you fields and vineyards i mean he's kind of wondering why is everybody siding with david why does everybody love him will he give you fields and vineyards will he make all of you commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds is that why you have all conspired against me see saul's in this place where he thinks everybody's against me how many have ever been there before everybody's against me nobody loves me everybody hates me listen that's the heart of a king saul type person that's not the way it is the psalms think everybody's against me no one tells me when my son makes a covenant with the son of jesse none of you is concerned about me or tells me that my son has incited my servant to lie and wait for me as he does today can you see the whole difference between david and saul david's heart is beginning to be concerned about others saul's just concerned about himself woe is me nobody love nobody care nobody does and dave is like oh i got to take care of this come and stay with me i'll keep you in safety it's a totally different kind of a heart and this is the heart the heart of david is what he wants us to carry not the heart of saul not the heart of saul and so this man does the edomite if you remember he was the man who was there on the day that david received the bread and the sword the goliath sword does the edomite who was standing with saul's official said i saw the son of jesse come to a himalayak some of ahitab at nob ahimalak inquired of the lord for him he also gave him provisions and the sword of goliath the philistine what do you call this if you're a child a tattletail all right so no like the edomite is a tattletale the king sent for the priest the himelec son of a heather and all the men of his family who were priests at nob and they all came to the king saul said listen now son of a haitim yes my lord he answered and saul said to him why have you conspired against me you and the son of jesse giving him bread and a sword and inquiring of god for him so that he has rebelled against me and lies and wait for me as he does today now how many of you know that himalaya had no idea of any of this he's a completely innocent man here ahelek answered the king who of all your servants is as loyal as david i mean david has had a reputation through his life of being faithful and loyal to the king and ahimalek voices that to saul who who among all of your people has been more loyal than david the king's son-in-law captain of your bodyguard highly respected in your household was that was that day the first time i inquired of god for him he said david would frequently come to me and ask to inquire of the lord of course not let not the king accuse your servant or any of his family's family or his father's family for your servant knows nothing about all this whole affair but the king said you will surely die of him elect you and your whole family and then the king ordered guards at his side turn and kill the priest of the lord because they too have sided with david do you see where jealousy ultimately leads there's nothing good that ever comes out of this heart of saul he's out to take vengeance on anything to try to preserve his own seat at the king as a king turn and kill the priest of the lord but they too have sided with david they knew he was fleeing yet they did not tell me but the king's officials were unwilling to raise a hand to strike the priest of the lord and then the king ordered doag you turn and strike down the priest you see what happens to tattletails tattletails have to carry out the deed you turn a strike down the priest so doe eden might turn and struck them down that day he killed 85 men who wore the linen ephod this is the priest he also put to death in the town the priest with his men as women as children as infants it's cattle it's donkeys and sheep the guy just took out he he just went like a wild man killing people everything in his sight but one son of a himalex son of a high tube named abiafar escaped and fled to join david and he told david and saul had he told david that saul had killed the priest of the lord i mean isn't that a terrible thing that happened on that day and that's when i referenced earlier that david cared for this boy who escaped he said come and i'll keep you safe because the same one who's trying to kill you is trying to kill me so that's the story in uh first samuel i want to read a couple excerpts from a couple of psalms and will close things that david learned in the cave how do we know we he learned these things because he wrote about them in the psalms i want you to turn to psalm 57. so there's three things that i believe are critical to every christian every person in your walk with the lord especially people who have a tendency to walk in fear or discouragement there are certain things you have to get down in your heart as foundational to your walk with christ they're foundational you really can't stand without these and i think the three things or the four things i'll share with you today are foundational to helping ourselves recover from fear or discouragement david wrote this in psalm 57 it says for the director of music to the tune of do not destroy it's a psalm of david a victim when he fled from saul into the cave so that's that sentence right there tells you the timing on this doesn't it so dave is writing this story this psalm when he fled from saul into the cave so these are the things that were on the heart of david these are the things that he wrote about and worshiped about and ultimately it was god speaking to him because it became scripture for us today but look at the things that god was saying as he was in this cave he said have mercy on me my god have mercy on me maybe because he was a liar maybe because he walked in fear maybe because he was responsible for the death of all those priests but he was crying out have mercy on me oh god and then he said for you in you i take refuge see somehow there was a there was a switch in david's heart that my refuge is not in this cave my refuge is not with the sword of goliath he's saying now in you i take refuge i take my safety my refuge is in the lord almighty i will take refuge under the shadow of your wings this is talking about the the ark of the covenant when they had the the cherubim over top of the ark of the covenant and their wings were spread out like this and what he's basically saying is i take refuge in your presence god was there that was where god's presence was in the old covenant at the tabernacle inside the ark of the covenant and under these wings i take refuge and david's basically saying there lord i know i'm in this cave but it's really you it's really under your wings it's in your presence that's my refuge that's my safety and can you see there's a change in his thinking here i will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed that's a little bit of a change from i'm going to take matters into my own hands i'm going to make sure i sharpen this sword of goliath because i'm going to take refuge with you lord and in verse 2 i cry out to god most high to god who vindicates me and then in verse three is to me the the important part i want to what i wanted to share with you today he sends from heaven and saves me god is the one who saved me he sends from heaven he saves me rebuking those who hotly pursue me see david's realizing that god is the one who fights his enemies god is the one who rebukes his enemies and here's what he says god sends forth his love and his faithfulness write these things down in your bible somewhere love and faithfulness the love of god and the faithfulness of god if you're using the king james version it says mercy and truth the fact of the matter is is when you're in discouragement those are the times that we begin to question the love of god isn't it does god really love me if god really loved me why would this be happening how did god let this happen to me or how did god let this happen to my family or god hasn't been faithful to me and we'll hear another testimony about how god blessed someone's life and we'll sit there and say why didn't god do that to me and to me all that does is continue to feed discouragement and fear and it's that downward spiral you have to have at a foundation of your life and you never move off of this foundation that god is love and god is faithful no matter what happens in your life god was still love when david was being having having spears thrown in him god was still love when david was running out as a fugitive trying to find food to eat god was still loved when david was in that cave huddled in there trying to find safety from the wrath of saul his love never changed and his faithfulness never changed how many of you know that god is unchanging and so sometimes in our own lives when we go through those difficult times all of a sudden our perception of god changes and it shouldn't because foundationally he never changes i think that was really the key to job being able to go through all that he went through the bible says on the day that everything he had of value was lost to him that he fell down and he worshipped see there was something in the heart of job that said god is love and god is faithful no matter what's happened to me no matter what's happened to me it doesn't change who god is and so david in this psalm said lord you're sending from heaven and it's your love and your faithfulness i remember he says this in verse 10 great is your love reaching to the heavens your faithfulness reaches to disguise verse 4 i'm i'm in the midst of lions i'm forced to dwell among ravenous beasts men whose teeth are spears and arrows whose tongues are sharp swords i mean david was in a dangerous spot wasn't he be exalted oh god above the heavens let your glory be over all the earth they spread a net for my feet i was bowed down in distress they dug a pit in my path but they have fallen into it themselves and here's what he says in verse 7. my heart oh god is steadfast you know something stopped david from that downward spiral and i think it was again recalling his love and his faithfulness that god is my refuge god has mercy on me he says my heart is steadfast my heart is dead but i will sing and make music remember i talked to you earlier about coming out of the cave and going into praise one of the greatest things that you can do if you're a person given to discouragement and fear is to become a praiser of god one who worships him david said my heart is steadfast even though all these things around me are happening i'm going to come out here and i will sing and i'm going to make music and he says awake my soul why do you think he says that because it's our soul that needs to be shaken sometimes you know the bible talks about how the spirit is willing the flesh is weak your spirit is probably always willing to praise god it's your stink and soul that needs to be awoken come on soul wake up god is alive god is real he is love he is faithful come out and praise him that's what dave is saying here sometimes we have to talk to our soul dave is talking to his soul there isn't he awake my soul my soul maybe feels depressed maybe he feels fearful maybe he feels discouraged but awake my soul awake harp and liar i will awaken the dawn what's that mean means he's getting up before the sun to praise god i will awaken the dawn i will praise you lord among the nations i will sing of you among the people so i can encourage you number one don't forget the love and the faithfulness of god and number two be a person committed to praise amen i appreciated your your exhortation today bill it's true we have to be people of praise people of worship and and when we recognize that god is there in the midst of it see god didn't say wait until all your problems go around then you can praise me did he he wants us to praise him in the midst of those things it was in the cave that david is saying this it's at the at this low spot in his life when he's running for his life and all these bad things just happen it's in that place that he says my heart is steadfast and i'm going to praise you lord a waco soul we're going to praise god he has sent forth his love and his faithfulness he is my refuge we have so much to be worth to be to be praising him about and so look at one last psalm we'll close here psalm 142 and we're going to close with this one this says a masculine david a maskel is apparently some type of a song and it says there again when he was in the cave doesn't it you see that so you can read these psalms and kind of sometimes by their statements like this fit them into the history of when david was saying these things this is when he was in the cave a prayer this is david's prayer i cry aloud to the lord i lift up my voice to the lord for mercy very similar to the one above wasn't it he's crying out for mercy i pour out before him my complaint how many of you know that god is big enough big enough to hear your complaints amen we don't have to go to the lord and say lord i just want you know everything's okay you can pour out your complaints he's got big shoulders it doesn't matter what kind of problems what kind of trouble you are in come david said i have poured out my complaint before him i tell my trouble i wonder how much of that is our as our prayer life when we're down in that discouraged place in the cave are we bemoaning our situation or are we saying lord i'm bringing all this to you because you're the one that can help me you're the one who can help me walk through this you're the one who will encourage me you are my refuge it's just a change of focus it doesn't change the fact that you still have the problems and so i pour out my complaint i tell my trouble verse 3 when my spirit grows faint within me that happens to us sometimes doesn't it it's not always joy joy joy i mean we can still have joy in the midst of all that but there's times our spirit becomes faint we just endure hardship in this life it is you who watch over my way in the path where i walk people have hidden the snare for me and he says this verse 4 look and see look lord there is no one at my right hand have i ever felt that way no one is there there is no one at my right hand no one is concerned for me i have no refuge no one cares for my life what a bummer that is but how many of you know that's the reality that we walk in sometimes i think there's times that god wants us to feel this way believe it or not god wants you at times to feel like there's nobody who really cares for me i look to my right there's no one there i look to my left there's no one there nobody cares for me lord but here's what david said i cry to you lord i say you are my refuge my portion in the land of the living i think what god wants to do in every one of our lives and whatever it takes to get us there is to help us realize that he alone is our portion what is that talking about what is the portion well in the old testament when they went into the promised land god gave sections of land to different tribes he said for the tribe of judah this is your section for the tribe of benjamin this is your section for the priest he said you get no land because i god i am your portion he's saying this is your inheritance me the relationship with him and that's what david's referring to here you are my portion there's nothing on earth my desire besides you lord and let me say this the next time in your life you're going through a difficult time and you look around you say there's no one on my right hand there's no one on my left hand that's not the time to say woe is me that's the time to say lord you are my portion you see this is foundational i think all of us are going to go through times like this look at the times the the apostles and men were thrown into prison and there are times you may feel like nobody cares about your life but jesus does and there may be truly times that people of god are insensitive to the needs in your life and lord help us when we are that way but at the end of the day every christian believer has to be rooted in christ and if all men forsake you paul the apostle said all have forsaken me demas has forsaken me having loved this present life but the lord stood by me there may be times when people forsake you but the lord never will i will never leave you i will never forsake you this is the promise of the lord jesus christ and so i pray that while we enjoy fellowship and we enjoy the care and the love and all that that we have in the body of christ you will all probably experience times in your life when you feel totally alone and i think it's by the grace of god he takes us there so that we can find and become content verse six listen to my cry for i am in desperate need rescue me from those who pursue me they are too strong and back to the praise in verse 7 i'm closing with this set me free from my prison that i may praise your name see that was come out of the cave go into judah set me free from my prison it's a prison it is a prison to sit there in the cave and to feel like nobody loves me nobody cares for me and to somehow continue to spiral down set me free from this lord set me back into a place of praise take me out of this prison let me praise you change my perspective you are love you are faithful you are my portion i'm committed to praise you lord i don't want to sink any deeper i want to encourage all of us to be men and women of praise that's what david said here set me free from my prison that i may praise your name then the righteous will gather about me and the lord brought him 400 people 400 desperate in debt and distressed but the lord did bring him and those men who came all those distressed people that came you know who they became david's mighty men david's warriors they were the men who walked with him as david set up his kingdom and they did great battles in the name of the lord it was those distressed people god always takes something good out of these cave experiences so david was in the cave of a dollar it was a turning point in his life would you stand with me please i think that all of us enter into caves at times i can see it as a blessing to me the cave of adolem is a blessing and whenever the lord takes you there praise him praise him for what he's about to do because something good will change in your life i'm sure that many of us here have testimonies we can sit down and share about look what came out of my cave look what came out of the cave experience but something happened foundationally concerning your your understanding of god father i pray for all of us here that we would not fear the cave but look forward to that time lord if you take us there what is it that you're going to do in my life what perspective needs to change in me i need to see you more clearly father i need to see you for who you really are and lord i pray that you would just purge away all the things in my heart and in my life that caused me to have a wrong understanding of jesus lord i thank you so much for these things that are in your word that you've given us these stories they're principles of life that we can all grow from help us to learn from you and help us to walk in the truth that we learn in the name of jesus i pray and everybody said
Channel: Alliance Christian Center
Views: 3,605
Rating: 4.5348835 out of 5
Keywords: Kirk Martin, Commitment, Faithfulness, Praise, Return to the Lord, 1 Samuel 22, Cave of Adullam, Turning Point
Id: iaZaDur7f4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 29sec (2669 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2016
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