Prot Paladin TBC Fresh 70 Gear and Dungeon Map

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to another one of my guides today's guide is going to be about uh what to do when you hit level 70 and uh the path i take from fresh 70s in uh in all greens and advancing into doing a lot of quests and then off into dungeons and reps and things like that uh at the end of the video i'll be giving a map on which dungeons i run in an order but these are all susceptible to change um and you can do whatever you want this is for players that are going to be in full greens uh when they hit 70 if they don't have any uh wow classic gear but of course if you have wow classic gear from max 40 or any of the raids there are some things in this you can skip and just look over this isn't necessarily a best in slot pre-raid uh list this is more of what's the bare minimum can you do in order to get to it you know whether it's prop valley farming or if it is you know tanking normals getting ready to go into heroics depending on the difficulty of them this is just a really good guide that'll make it very easy honestly lazy uh how to get ready for dungeons and eventually karazhan as you probably could imagine this is going to be a longer video but you can skip to the end if you want to look at the [Music] the the map that i choose the dungeon map i choose to run in order with doing attunements and just getting those big pieces that i think are more crucial out of the way first first thing would be to hit level 70 of course i try to push level 70 uh before i go to another storm that way i can maximize the amount of gold i make in netherstorm uh one thing to keep in mind is people are bringing a lot of gold into tbc classics so this might not be a as big a thing but i'm a fresh uh server brain player so i always try to min max the amount of gold i make and honestly more gold's never going to hurt you all right the first thing we're going to go over is gear and starting from head to toe we're going to start with the helm and the first two things we're going to be looking at today are the reinforced hom and the myrmidon's headdress uh these the green on the screen on the bottom left is something that you are going to obtain in netherstorm all right so one thing i've gone over is you're gonna want to do every quest in netherstorm which uh if i didn't recently say uh just do it you're gonna make a lot of gold you're gonna wanna a lot of the things in here are just going to be the assumption you run netherstorm grab a few groups of guys and go ahead and knock it out in a few hours uh the helm is the first one you'll be wearing and the myrmidon's headdress would be one of the dungeon upgrades you're going to get from a quest uh and again just kind of recap on these i'll be i'll try to be as quickly as i can it's the first one is a a very simple quest you're going to get a green helm wisdom defense rating statistically on a lot of the greens you're looking for from netherstormer of green quality just have some defense rating maybe some spell power and then you'll eventually work up into dungeon quest upgrades and then dungeon uh dungeon drops off specific bosses all right so these next two items are the two items i'm usually going to be wearing usually going into karazhan one is the fel steel helm if you have access to farming it the other one is uh the helm of the righteous uh pathology on the calculator which is the final boss in meccanar the assumption here is i would probably go with helm of the righteous because i'm probably gonna want spell power as i begin to farm normals and uh just big aoe pulls you're gonna want the threat the intellect on it is actually really nice as well going um sucks and if you're not taking enough damage then you're going to want a little bigger of a mana pool i don't ever really prioritize intellect in general but it is nice to have it and you will feel it as you get comfortable with a prop paladin all right and the next thing we're going to be talking about is the necklace uh of course uh there's you got a few options here the first thing you're going to want to do is you'd probably get the green with down with dallas and then your next two are one is uh also another storm quest um shutting down manafort era and the other one is a dungeon quest brother against brother in sethik halls across the board here i don't really care between the top two options uh they're both really good i usually go raven guard just for a little extra stamina but depending on what we're running into block value is also very strong i'm going to be running seth that calls regardless to get my librarian so i usually just knock that one out uh i go i have them both just depending on the situation usually i'm trying to get defense rating at this point so i usually go with whatever has more defense rating than i would anything else at this point in time all right moving down to shoulders we don't have a lot of options here but the first one you're gonna come across another storm is just this green pair of shoulders uh kalin's spaulders uh this is only if you're outdoor uh prior to these shoulders you might have the hellfire peninsula blue ones uh which are totally fine but these are usually the first ones i'm going to pick up if i am outdoor all right and these next two pieces are uh the one in the top right is usually the first one i get which is the black morass quest and then the shoulder pads of the righteous are the ones i'm going to be looking to finish off which are in botanica athleage which is the plant boss or second to last boss in botanica um both are fine but again i really want to fence rating on top of also wanting that spell power uh they both have two gem sockets which uh pure stamina gems in those uh but again those are where i want to be after my shoulder slot has been fit all right now we're getting into cloaks and there's really three options here that we're going to be looking to pick up uh the one in the bottom left is the arkhilos the guardian quest if you're going red at any point this is the only tricky one is this cloak also shares the same quest reward as the on use attack power trinket but if you're strictly tanking go ahead and pick up the cloak of the valiant defender uh another option is the tailoring boe one uh good defense rating uh good amount of stamina so which that that cloaks really good uh best in slot though you're looking to pick up the devil shark cloak off warlord califresh uh just pound for pound the best cloak you can get prior to uh the epic one out of tempest keep off a lar that cloak will be your bread and butter for tanking uh the only change i would ever make here is maybe pick up a spell power cloak uh there's some in karazhan uh there's a craftable one as well or a boe excuse me um but that would be the only difference here that i would make to cloaks but for tanking devil shark cloak is the way to go here all right now we're hopping into the chest slot piece and the first piece we're gonna be looking at is uh the scavengers breastplate just good defense rating high stam uh it's a fel river but with a heart quest in netherstorm uh good first option and now we're looking at our two other best in slot options here uh the breastplate of the righteous with has three sockets so i usually lean this and again it's because i'm gonna want that that spell power defense rating a bunch of stam the jade skull breastplate is also really good has high block rating which would be really nice for early heroics so i may or may not swap that piece on for early heroics as my gear continues to get better i would go back to the breastplate of the righteous now we're going to be taking a look at bracers and the three options we have for the bracers first one will also be a quest another storm when the cows come home you escort the cow these are really really really good green bracers and these will i use these for threat in normals or i wait until i get the sold devices shatari rot bracers they're really good they have the higher defense rating they've got a socket as well if you have the gold or the means to farm the uh green fortress bracers those are very very strong as well and best for running heroics all right now i'll be taking a look at gloves and our few options that we have here are as follows uh the first one is the spiritualist gauntlets a fate worse than death is the quest another storm uh the one i lean towards out of the top two here are the craftable fel steel gloves uh just all around better uh the righteous gloves are really not that good uh but again if i'm going for a threat or a spell power set or if i'm farming then i do go gloves of the righteous all right now we will take a look at belts as there's really only two options here they're both quests the first one is arconas the insatiable which drops star collars plated belt very solid green i use a screen right up until when i use the next one how to break into the architraz which is the architraz key quest uh you're going to be doing both these quests regardless the uh the blue belt here at the top right is is just an insane belt up until either heroic slave pens or uh merose's belt out of karazhan all right we'll hop into legs as we wind down to our last few we have to go over here but the sigil of crassus gives us the karen var legs which are very solid green again these are leaning towards spell power whereas destroy nibirus has the blue just defense rating perry uh pure avoidance that legs and then we'll hop into again another crafting blacksmithing boe fel steel legs a very good option but the one legs like we are going to want here are the ones out of caverns of time which we'll be farming until we're revered the time warns legs insane amount of stamina three sockets defense dodge i don't even link the legs of the righteous because they're just terrible i wouldn't like i don't even want them for the spell power but push come shove if that's the only thing you have because you haven't farmed revered which you would still want to do for a weapon upgrade anyways uh go ahead and i guess pick up the legs of the righteous and moving on to boots with the fur which is an inside joke if you've ever watched me gear up a prop paladin you know what i'm going to be talking about here shortly uh information gathering is going to get you the blood guards grieves uh very high stamina defense rating boots good start and then mana tombs has a quest for the flesh beast uh boots which are honestly pre-raid best in slot i'm pretty sure it's out of the heroic manitou ones but these uh blue boots are really good uh push come shove though if you have uh no luck with other boots you just haven't ran it or if you have some gold go ahead and just go ahead and pick up the heavy cleft tie boots uh they're craftable they have defense rating stamina is really good armors lower than plate of course but they still have two sockets and they will work in the meantime for what you got all right moving on to rings and we have a few options here uh dealing with the overmaster gets you the infamous win traders band uh the highest damn defense rating it's got some hit rating which whatever isn't crazy good opening the dark portal gets you your other tank ring uh you might have some other just crappy rings from like nagrand or something and that's totally fine but as you gear up for prot you're going to want to complete those two quests you're going to be in steam vaults a lot so if you can go ahead and pick up the silver hand ring they are not unique you can even wear two of them yet they have intellect on them the mp5 is nice if you have enough of it it's kind of just like a little quality of life but it's nothing you should ever be stacking it's just nice to have some like a lot of your righteous set has intellect some mp5 it's just again it's it's nice to have when you're farming normals all right moving on into trinkets we have two trinkets that are from quest and two trinkets that are from bosses uh first trinket you're gonna come across as in hellfire peninsula you'll see a million people spamming for accruals and tensions uh not a lot of the quests on here from hellfire peninsula but i'm to go over the few that are pick up this defense rating trinket even if your leveling is rhett stop and grab the defense rating trinket you're going to need it the other one is from demensius the all devouring again you'll see a lot of people doing this uh de beers is a very very strong trinket and it is really good in early harder dungeons and heroics as well all right the next two trinkets are the adamantite figurine which is off the second boss in shadow labs you'll end up doing a lot of two boss farm while assuming is what we normally do but if we're dealing with an instance cap you'll be farming shadow labs blackheart the insider drops this uh defense rating on use armor trinket a very very good trinket i don't think i ever get rid of this i always keep it in my bank and then the other one is the infamous figurine of the colossus which drops off work or cheat cargath and shattered hulls which is the last boss this unlocks uh unlimited farming potential for the paladin and just as an all-around it's the goat it's the best trinket in the game to be honest it's overpowered as now we're moving into main hands here uh weapons for spell power uh keepers of the time revered is you're gonna be your go-to it's the continuum blade it's why you'd farm revered because you're gonna get those best and slot legs with paired up with this as well as you get your helm enchant your defense rating dodge helm enchant um at a later patch you can pick up the crystal forge sword uh which technically is the best blue i think you could probably get it is a strictly prop paladin it's got block rating uh high spell power so if you are picking this up at a later patch try to pick up this sword it's it's really strong but for most you guys playing at launch in earlier in the patches tier four uh we're gonna be getting the continuum blade either of these weapons by the way are very well worth putting 40 spell power on them even as a starter weapon all right now here are your two dungeon drop options uh pathology on the calculator who were farming for our righteous helm also drops a mana wrath which is a another one-handed sword good spell damage stamina is pretty decent uh it's it's a great option if you haven't ran caverns of time yet the other one is murmur which is the last boss in shadow labs drops your highest spell power uh weapon you're gonna get that is a blue um which is the great sword of the horde dreams this is usually a caster weapon because of the spell hit and it is not a rep reward so i usually tend to pass this sword to my warlocks or mages that need this again though if none of them need it go ahead and pick it up it's uh probably the most threat you're gonna get out of a weapon prior to the season one gladiators mace or lower city or thrallmar spell power weapon this would be technically your best in slot i guess for a threat again i try to leave this to the casters i don't i don't think i'd ever take it even over a pug you know i'd only take it if it was going to get deed it's it's a minor upgrade from the continuum blade but it is still technically an upgrade next we're moving on to librums which there really is only two options so this will be pretty quick the first one is in septic halls off the first bath dark weaver sith this is a very big librium especially if you're going to be doing farming you need to get this libra and the other is when you get into heroics your first 15 badges you should spend should be spent on the librarian of repentance for block rating while shield or holy shield is active all right and our final thing we're talking about is shields uh the first one you'll probably pick up in hellfire peninsula for some reason i usually always have the landslide buckler up until netherstorm uh if you come across the shield of the wayward protector uh it's a world or wayward footman excuse me um it is a really good boe shield that you could pick up prior to going into dungeons but as you get into dungeons the second ba or the first boss in shadow labs is ambassador helma who drops uh the platinum shield this is the shield i usually run with if you happen to if nether wings out and you happen to have the 5k gold you have access to the other shield in the top right alley of the nether wing uh can get you a really good spell power tanking shield as well all right i know we're getting this video is already very long as most of these videos always should be long uh again i'm gonna just recap the gear i've i've went over here is the easiest to obtain if you just do all the netherstorm quests and then do the easy dungeon quest and then just farm dungeon normals you're you're going to be in greens nobody's going to want to take you to a dungeon because you're in greens but you want to at least have as much defense rating as possible when you do form your own groups so i totally understand it is it takes time it takes work you have to understand how to pull trash you need to understand how to kite once you get comfortable you're going to be doing huge aoe pulls you're going to be popping bubble gathering them all up letting a mage drop has improved blizzard and then eventually you're gonna start getting things down quicker uh if you hit the instance cap at level 70 from running normals you are doing it right you are flying through dungeons um so by all means this is just like generically what my gear path is when i'm playing a paladin uh this was never meant to be this is pre-raid best in slot i wouldn't you know this is just how can i get to farming gold earlier in the game versus later when everybody else is already dude already doing it and hopefully with enough time here i'll be able to upload videos of each dungeon on how to fast pull them or the ways i'd like to pull them uh it all just depends on how much time i have here uh prior to tbc classic launch but i'd like to release videos and show the type of aoe pulls i've been talking about for a while but if you go back and watch some of my old vods you'd be able to see them all right now we're going to get into the dungeon map part of this i know this video is getting long here but we're this is our final clip is uh this is just the route i take uh in order of how i choose to gear up uh most of the time keep in mind if you're playing with a group you're gonna be having to compromise uh in this order but again do whatever you need to but this is usually the route i take when i hit 70. all right so complete all netherstorm quest is kind of how this whole video would kick off anyways immediately start your karazhan attunement right after uh go to deadwind pass do all the little nitty gritty stuff and then it'll have you get the three fragments uh i actually first head into sethik halls i do one full run for the quest and then i do the first boss farm until i get my libra to drop and then i head into manitoba's uh one full clear here um this gets me my quest boots and then i head off into shadow labs and now i should have the shadow labs key from doing set that calls full clear you know run the full shadow labs run which will get you the quest uh bracers and then i'm usually doing a two boss farm which is usually how i farm rep regardless again if there's an instance cap then you're only going to see me doing full shadow labs clears which really isn't much worse but of course you want to burn more time rather than eat up all your dungeons after shadow labs i'm heading into steam vaults i'm going to be in steamvaults for quite a while usually i'm helping hunters get beast lord set but i have a lot of items in here that i'm going to need to farm uh and i'm full run spamming this dungeon until i get all those items uh and then i head off into caverns of time i do old old hills bread farm and then i spam bm normals until revered also usually cycling dps in to get their trinket out of this dungeon as well then i head off to meckanar at this point you need to have your flying mount um i'm doing full clears until i get i whether it's weapon i definitely want helm out of here chess piece off the third third boss or second to last boss heading over to botanica after i obtain these full clears finishing my art key at this point you need to do full clears of botanica if you have your priests or druid friends they're going to be looking to get the trinket off the last boss keep them in mind as well as hunters need their chest piece off this last boss um and then i'm going to head on over into architraz i usually only do one run of architraz and then i take off to black morass finish my care attunement and then at that point i can begin farming my last few items i head off into shadow moon valley to pick up the short quest to get my shattered halls key you're going to need a group to finish this as in you need to kill foul reaver in hellfire peninsula and you'll need some materials as well i also at this point start my trials in shadow moon valley this is your t5 attunements uh for tempest keep uh which will require heroics in order to get you attuned i then start my shattered hall's normal run so i actually go for my trinket last just because i want as much gear as possible to make the shattered halls and normal farms as fast as possible all right this should wrap up the 25 minute video which i know is longer but again i hopefully explained things the thought process i get a lot of questions just strictly regarding what do i do when i hit 70 and i figure just making more of an in-depth video just making it very simple again some of these items are not technically pre-raid best in slot but they're just usually enough to get it done uh i i always recommend people doing their own theory crafting and figuring out what their true best in slot is for what they want to do or certain situations um paladins need a lot of different things for a lot of different scenarios so this is one that'll get me into heroics that would allow allow me to farm um and just kind of pretty much round out my whole character and pretty much i'd at this point i could tear down karazhan pretty easily with this gear so uh feel free to leave me comments questions anything like that i'd be happy to answer uh other than that guys i appreciate you guys watching and uh i look forward to making a few more videos before tbc classic comes out
Channel: Get Carried
Views: 24,114
Rating: 4.9447002 out of 5
Id: eHz-rWaY-us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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