Pros Fuse Waifus in Gartic Phone Animation (no time limit)

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wuss you can't live with them you can't live you can't they're not real but what if we could make our own waifus just take one hoochie mama and another foxy lady then oh good Heavens well in this video I gathered a group of pro animators together to do just that everyone picked their own combo of girls and then as a group we'll be blindly animating them combining into a new character with the time limit turned off also check to see if you're subscribed I pay all the animators out of pocket to take part and I really want to do more of these videos when number get bigger sponsors come knocking guys are you ready to strap in for the next uh however many hours I'm made for this all right yeah oh God we're all Built For This okay my chair is molded for me let's start the award winning stream oh God I'm so scared all right we're in it I've never drawn freerun before but I'm kind of excited to so down bed for free run she's sleave she's oh she's got a big ass bro you got a big ass what no no no I sleev sleeves sleeves sleeves sleeves Yo No what the oh my God no no no no okay so I got mayay and power oh this is ponytail girl Jesus Christ why you shading like this bro oh my God okay I got I got a this is why we don't let you guys spend 20 minutes on a single frame cuz you guys shade all it and then we slow down everything from everyone else in the wouldn't have done it if all you hit done me bro bro I wish I could flip my canvas I it's like bothers me yo I just had the best idea I could make a separate OBS where I invert GIC phone uh transform love the vids and congrats on the Pepe let's go flipped it I can see clearly now the rain is gone the rain is gone if if I got copyright we could do we could do karaoke between I think my favorite one to get to to get singing with the lads on um on VC is uh is Backstreet Boys one everybody like that that that's a good one if you try to do karaoke in uh VR chat which I tried to do once holy [ __ ] the the the uh it is soing laggy not a single person is is insn and it's very funny it hurts my poor musician ears are you a musician I've never heard you do musician oh really really hold on I can actually play spoken to me about what are you serious what you play what's your instrument my instrument is piano what piano tell why haven't you told me you're a musician uh because it's not that important all right I'm done with my frame are yall ready for a silly little piano song oh wait you're actually going to play piano for us yeah uh here is T perte on the piano uh performing midgard phone for [Applause] you wow [Music] what oh god that I'm nervous I'm so nervous what wait what you can draw an animated and [ __ ] play piano what the [ __ ] are you on how [Music] you're not playing a YouTube video this is you playing yeah okay uh play the Jaws theme do it right now uh oh he's playing oh he's not lying oh my God what the you can you play like Mozart [ __ ] oh meiku I get to draw meiku yeah oh my god oh oh oh I got yes okay this is so cute what the I'm done with this one it's pretty simple and then guys uh it's time to go buck wild and like go impact frame mode is there anyone here who's not never done impact frames and they might need like some help or me raises my hand me oh can I can I have a crack explaining it you you are great at explaining I've heard you explained [ __ ] before you're excellent you do it okay so what you want to think of in terms of uh impc frames is that it's a very high contrast picture right and there's usually a light source coming from a point of contact like a punch or in this case touching of the fingertips uh that generates light that is so intense that it makes the contrast just black and [Music] white does that make sense oh I see okay yeah okay I seen J I saw J just last time they called yeah yeah and I mean like also like one thing that I learned when I was doing them a lot was that like sometimes if you have like a point where like the energy is stemming from you can have a lot of like light or a lot of um like Dark Shadows or black like ex stemming and like basically like our buoy lines kind of stemming from the point of contact like for me it was um when I was doing the Frankie one right I decided that like when the hands came together there was like a burst of energy from the center of his star and all the whooshy lines if you were to follow them back they all met at that like point of it like the energy right oh like a focal point yeah like a focal point right so like it's it's just kind of a mix of that this is actually kind of interesting cuz this is one of those sessions where we're actually mostly in the dark like we don't all know what each other have done like we're actually kind of we did it we did this like very Loosely so if if if stuff works out really well it's like oh [ __ ] like we just fluked that I feel like I'm doing Doga right now for the viewers at home do you want to tell them what do Doga is yeah just the basically inbetweening process that different animators besides the key animators do usually they're a bit less experience but they have mastered the art of inbetweening there we go boom yay awesome bro Freedom no more BBY oh my Lord this is Felicia wow that's rad I I genuinely like I I will I'm going to remember this one this is like this is a this is a session for the ages cuz like bro T coming out of no with like the most beautiful Angelic voice and music uh like sure bro we got we got we got people learning how to do their first impact frames and stuff I'm just like you know this is what we do it for this is what we do it for that is I'm so happy with that holy [ __ ] that's going to be a great frame sorry I went so hard ultimate power oh my we're doing it God we are here we did it it's been 10 flipping hours of nonstop animating non-stop drawing we are exhausted T literally was able to take naps in between frames because we were taking so long in some drawings that is tell how many naps did you take like four that's insane here is our 10 hours of uh own fusions of [Music] wuss yay okay first God I was not I was not warmed up oh thank God you guys carry holy that is good dude wow the coat oops the coat oops nice I love the right oh I forgot I kind of trolled in this one s from uh delicious d Fen this is an awesome combo oh yeah she would she would she would oh oh man the good days the hands that's so good magic circle oh yipp yippe oh that no that's going to I remembered the frame I drew for this that's going to look real nice combined that one because it's going to it's going to FL oh dude yep y That's oh yeah oh yeah this Frame that's real nice is that Kirby bro no oh yeah like Kirby bro best frame obliterated perfect oh wow oh that's pretty beautiful oh that's so cute what the heck oh that looks so good and JY said he couldn't a woman I think I messed up oops bro I just Tred the previous drawing bro I think I messed up on the coat the looks rotation beautiful cute dude wow that's sick awesome that's so cute oh that's awesome dude that came out so cute yo wait why isn't it oh my God it's so freaking thank god oh what's her what's her name free cell chat decide on a name I don't know I don't know I don't know what I would call it bro I guess free cell free free cell fre free real I don't [Music] know I really like that one buddy that is good I forgot the wings follow so this one got a little weird oh yeah this one going be interesting so there was probably the funniest miscommunication I've ever heard I have not seen any of this dude good wow bro that is tight back when I was shading ho [ __ ] good I love it I love it damn the full colors you guys are crazy that's crazy I'm so sad that combo they nearly missed is that where turn into a house okay incredible the hearts are nice that's crazy is yeah that's really [Music] good it was I wonder yeah but it was supposed to be an impact frame but you guys kept a house and then it just be this sequence became a house like we went on Zillow let it cook let it hold on let it cook let it cook that's a pretty cool reveal I got to say like when I got the frame I was like holy crap that's actually sick I was so confused dude I was like how did we get here I'm curious wow all right let's see it the house works so well actually the house actually kind of cool Fishin towards the zoom sh yeah that is actually surprisingly kind of worked I I I was kind of thinking like uhoh did we get up the house man okay I the house works the house Works fully detailed [Music] house all right princess oh my God this is don't look my friends everyone close your eyes when it comes it's all good it's all good this one wound up being so cute oh wow that's that's yeah so cute and this actually really like the reveal for this one I'm excited like level of yeah this is trippy damn you were not do that color oh God you guys are the culprits every time oh the faces you the faces are really cute there what an interesting combo oh I remember honestly so unexpected but it worked pretty well together the red I like the red shine on the eyes that's nice it's nice bro the Cyber Punk wolf that's brilliant that's aw that is so sick dude oh and that's why oh my God this is days okay wow okay I hope this worked I hope this worked you guys are you guys are crazy you guys are insane that is nice dude that's so cute dude wait that's such a good drawing holy crap she smells so nice I love her I really like I really like this design too this one was really fun to draw I love this style same pose hold it oh my God that came out so good dude that's amazing wow that's so cute I'm so glad it worked out I'm so glad yeah for real the the the like the pop out of the darkness is really cool I like that a lot colors like just degrade over time yeah and so like with with these ones like we we mostly free well completely freestyled the like actual fusion part so like minimal planning here so this is this is really impressive guys this is coming out [Music] great yeah hell yeah Miro oh that is so cute that's great really cute a little face thank you this one was dangerous BR dude dangerous combo that's nice no wonder this took 10 hours guys no wonder so cool cool my God you guys are [Music] insane oh beautiful the colors are gorgeous so beautiful this work yes dude gold impacts hell yes that's insane like colored impact right yeah yeah that's really nice huh what oh hope we didn't hold it too long oh [ __ ] A is this a boob oh my that is boob that is TI we are we we have a boob reveal oh my god dude that's such a good idea yeah that you're so smart for that one dude oh oh my God this one going to be so nice that one that is sick the moon symbol transition will work really well oh yeah so wow oh my god dude that one's sick that's awesome that's like a boom that's so nice dude yeah Jesus C wow am this is smoo so F peek [Music] oh she look great that is so cute so cute ooh those hands oh the boobs oh nice y oh that's a great frame that looks amazing I JY the expression that's really good the way you were able to match the sty so closely B me I was like that's insane yeah I love how this you guys are awesome too actually done kisses you oh wow the little paw nail what is the detail with like left head oh I just it's fun wow you guys chill chill my this one this one looks away look at me okay wow so good what are you what are you talking d yeah oh my God the hair the I my best frame came after this one the best one I did this entire session I think it looks so nice I love that one I was so happy with that one dude hair the hair coming down chef's kiss beautiful really I really like your drawing r that was thank you you did so you did so good on the perspective ooh I can see the spillage thing you were talking about wow just P gone no particles [Music] enough oh my God what the that hair holy [ __ ] bro looks amazing W is so amazing awesome maybe she's Bor with it maybe it's Maybelline what the that is [Music] crazy awesome oh man that the like the like hold like she's like yeah oh man I love that one so this is unpl this is kind of crazy I'm Ain going to lie that is unplanned we did not plan this at all this was a freestyle session that is crazy dude this is this is an interesting combo yeah that's a d looks so good oh it was fun what an interesting decision for a combination wow that's a shockingly on model one oh thank you nice love an easy frame oh the black and white so goodink yeah ooh the green energy he yeah that is a sick impact frame bro wow that one no that's insane I don't know I had no idea all the stuff was happening oh that's why the fist happened oh my God wait she's going to grab the screen holy [ __ ] okay now I feel really bad about messing up the hair because I couldn't see fine bro you're fine I could I literally couldn't see well actually no I did it right I did it right matter I did do it right yeah it just became an afro AF that's on me I didn't see it trust me it happens I got frizzy it's all that green energy wow that is sick that's cool oh my God those chains wow bro that is so good that is amazing the the chains are so threatening bro I love that serly so cool really well God what a perfect Fusion of the characters they just it seems it seems perfect [Music] yeah I'm so oh yeah I I like I'm so I didn't touch this one but I was like wait a minute I remember a cute one another one that's cute I can't at this your style is just too good oh you did the colors really nicely yeah yes you would insane I had like a smile on my face this entire time it's so good seeing these the energy disappeared though oh no no trust the process trust the process fellas right yeah think right this is where the the kill the kill Sparkles came in yeah these were kind of hard I I wonder how we were able to juggle them cuz there's a lot of shapes to juggle that's cool L this is how you juggle them Mr director who even your Sparkles are like cute shaped I know I was going to say that Mur oh my God oh oh oh my [Music] God he wait I see a button there that's so good you guys are insane holy crap what the fu That's crazy dude oh yeah that's cool that's really cool awesome you know what this looks like this looks like this looks like like a commercial end like a commercial like why the frame I did like the really round sparkles on it looks like they were going to explode so it worked out perfectly it does yeah yeah yeah that works it works it's cool some awesome frames dude that's so good so good I love the crystallized [Music] hair y ah yeah yeah Adventure Time Adventure Time the hands are simple who the thick lines who made sorry who did it oh that's so cute I'll we had the easiest characters to draw oh you and they just they got complicated course they did that's so cute oh that's really on model it's so cute oh she looks great wind I like doing the wind it was juny Judy what is wrong with you wow the lesbian Fusion I guess so mm they're going to become the ultimate lesbians had aiku in there Miku the hands went back they love they have to go for a second one W light oh my goodness the portal yeah oh my God I'm getting where is this going yeah I'm not I don't really know much about this sequence okay that's I fumbled the crown I fumbled the crown oh no I didn't know about the crown oh that looks so cool oh oops we we did not see the crown like that but it's okay minor oversight minor minor oversight that's why we we you know we didn't this design is oh my God oh I got the color wrong it's fine it's fine it's fine don't worry don't worry part of the wo that's cute that's cute dude that's really cute my God these are so Prett I love this [Music] one that transition works so well oh my God it does it does yeah it has an arc to [Music] it a oh that's what I'm excited yeah oh that looks so good I don't remember I don't remember on this one wow that's beautiful oh my God I really like your your little eye drawing was so cute everybody had made it color wow my God this is just I tried to get rid of the color I was like stop color killing us dude oh the little buddy ears like about to go wow over pink so cute guys I like how like different each frame is it's it's got a lot of lot of a character wow sorry everyone no this one's be yeah that's why that's why that I think I understood what you were trying to do here it's the eye the shape of the eye oh oh my god oh oh you're going into that like that's what I that's what I meant dude bro I I I I kind of understood what you were saying wow [Music] a be so good oh yay yeah a little spark oh oh no she's crying we need a on that dude I'm famous bro the tell that's good thanks you made better had enough after all you're went from being the single girliest thing I've ever drawn to being the most like little bu yeah that wow that works really [Music] well yes oh I forgot about that I'm going to grab you and I'm going to freaking shake you throughout the window oh I'm really proud of the ones I did in this be great oh that's such a good frame that's such a good one oh she looks great saying we cook you're saying we cook so hard these are great man these are great these are great yo I love your that's good that looks sickk you this is wow pink I'm glad I'm glad I never had to deal with that Chey Bird yeah I kind of Ked God I got I got the easiest frame out of you guys like blood bro the blood impact frame that blood was really fun to draw FR that's wow that's so good that is awesome the hand bro you always we always come back to the hand the hand yo oh you're wait I think my wife oh [ __ ] yo oh my God this is going to be that is so cool wow dude that's going to be so good man like her hand oops hello wow that's amazing that's so good dude [ __ ] oh you're back you're back hi wow that's crazy oh my that came out so good dude my God expecting it's really good wow the the the like blood impact transition is like it's crazy it looks so good I wow I that that is that is so good that is so godamn good there's no way we any of this these are incredible well guys um uh that that's it uh and to YouTube hi YouTube thank you for watching please check out all my artist friends in the authors comments below they do amazing stuff they're super talented and uh show their support by show by checking out all their stuff and uh if you want to see more videos check out uh our playlist of the annotations all right thanks for watching YouTube have a good one bye the people goes to robber Ross woo [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah come and shake my hand congratulations mate thank you wow that's so heavy it really is quite heavy yeah um uh this is actually my 20th year making content online from Newgrounds to now um so this means a lot thank you very much um I mean really I think the only thing I can say right now as an artist is support human artists I think that's the only thing yeah thank you guys rob a Ross [Applause] [Music] everybody
Channel: RubberRoss
Views: 336,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RubberRoss, Ross O'Donovan, gartic phone with artists, garlic phone, gartic phone animation, gartic phone, gartic phone movie, gartic phone with aritsts, gatic phone, game grumps, dragon ball legends, Fusions, Fusion Dance, Memes, animation meme, Animation Meme Compilation, darkstalkers, darkstalkers morrigan, darkstalkers cartoon, Rouge the bat, Mononoke, Lucy Edgerunners, Mirko, chun li theme, felicia darkstalker, elphelt guilty gear strive, makima, frieren reaction
Id: rfGC8mdn7io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 20sec (2000 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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