I forced a Colorblind Vtuber to Color..

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in this video me and my friends are going to be giv a color swatch of a popular character it is then going to be up to them to figure out which character these colors belong to the only catch is once again these colors are coming from my friend AEL who is very colorblind right AEL oh yeah Rock I mean I'm also pretty funny and caring there's there that funny caring and yeah yeah there's a lot of other things there's a lot of other things to him um yeah shall we get started let's do it okay this particular one I did try to get pretty much every color uh for the most part should be used uh here you go it's an easy one it's a tossup so good luck that's every color ever that's oh that's a lot okay I'm I'm screwed wait a popular character with these colors Jesus okay and we've got red and we've got brown and green so this is this is already entering dangerous territory oh green huh okay um all right oh no not a good sign it's like Mr Krabs Patrick and SpongeBob getting get CRA getting crazy dude getting crazy getting crazy a thank you very much for coming here and letting us uh take take advantage of your disability once again hey man any anything for you guys man thank you man I appreciate that I appreciate that um you guys got any disabilities I can take advantage of question nipple well I will be what beautiful oh my God this is absolutely stunning chat what do we think of my my my uh guy so far so it's a guy so it's a man well I mean arguably it could be uh it could be I I don't I don't know to be I don't know the the I I don't know yeah I just have to add stripes spoilers o stripesy not oh no uhoh no no no don't he's just he's trying to he's trying to he's trying to misdirect you he's trying to throw you off throw you off the trail oh no I'm probably wrong but I'm having a really good time being wrong yeah yeah the first one is from Ross we have a beautifully uh I believe he's under the influence or maybe he had too many eggs but a beautiful rendition of Yoshi right here okay uh Ross I'm going to I'm going to have to say this is wrong and it's not even the same Medium as my Chara oh okay that is a bad start all right it's not a video game character [ __ ] okay it's over next JY we have a a very artistic rition of Micky the mouse it's beautiful Mick the mouse beautiful absolutely beautiful what's going on with his what's behind him it's a pencil oh that's supposed to be a pencil oh uh beautiful but uh again no this is not the right choice unfortunately okay this from Toy Story I actually her name is escaped me so that's what I was going to call her too uh Wendy or something like that I don't it's not her not her love Toy Story I do like Toy Story I do I you don't remember from Toy Story too n it is not windy man sorry Jessie Jesse is her name we have we have Moi Ross mhm we've got a winner really we've got a winner tongue color yeah so wait wait wait so the last two we've got we've got these two but like it's it's SpongeBob it is SpongeBob yeah so buff pup uh that's the guy from kadari din damashi damashi yeah and then that's uh amazing digital circus oh it is SpongeBob it is SpongeBob can we see what you drew this is the rendition of SpongeBob that I had in my mind guys it's actually pretty good dude actually it's on the money like the colors are actually kind of right yeah wait the color Okay a your colors here are actually really close to corre just for the yeah just for the record this we're going to be doing it throughout the video athel actually when we were kind of wrapping up he decided to draw it for the reveal but next time they'll be the exact same colors um but that is actually pretty damn correct cuz you had a green in there you actually didn't put the Green in that time that's why we have green is the whole or I think what you thought was the green was the holes right but you got it right the second time oh okay okay that's that's interesting right those are his holes wow so we actually got it right sorry yeah go on I took more time when I was picking the color so I think it made me second guess my color right right right then I next time when you're when after you give the colors you could use those colors to color pick for the drawing yeah yeah yeah okay now this one uh it's less colors but it might be a little bit more difficult to think of the character okay but I'm pretty sure all of you should definitely know this I I bet what we do if you need a hint I'm I'm definitely down to give it to you I definitely know this one that's uh really oh yeah dude that's yeah yeah 100% what why are you so confident I don't know okay yes dude oh my god I've totally got this one yeah I'm a genius me too yeah I'm genius to it's crazy car then I love being a genius it's great I will say this is one of my favorite characters ever so I really hope you guys get it oh [ __ ] oh yeah no yeah it would be really really make me really sad if you guys didn't get it someone's going to get it don't worry I I I I feel it I'll be really really sad okay I'm I'm a dummy I'm a genius I was so confident but in my confidence I uh I think you were just excited I was excited cuz I thought about it I was like Yay I get the draw this character but it's not now that I've drawn him I'm like it's not on on three 1 2 3 drop him that's a great one okay these are great these are great Okay C candy c i was possessed my boy ael's not right his colors ain't right uh okay I'm going to do candies first I'm going to do candies first yep it's genius I I was considering actually doing one today it's not him but this is my favorite drawing of the day probably of the year what the [ __ ] um okay and next uh juny I actually don't know who this is this like robotic Shadow or something I don't know who this is everyone always picks Sonic characters and you never know what they are I was think it was Sonic but I want robot Sonic honestly Metal Sonic it's badass though dude it looks sock say I wish that's who I picked um okay uh so let's get the Sonic stuff out of the way it is not Sonic so uh moyashi I I love this rendition of Sonic thank you buff PB it looks like a toothpaste maget mask I don't know what blue this is this is blue well you said raw so blue is an Australian cartoon where it's like this is Bluey it's pretty good buff it's really cute it's so cute I love it I love it toothpaste masot brush your teeth kids you don't want to end up like brush your teeth kids I'm Bluey the dog oh God your teeth will fall out yeah react with the tooth the spiders will at you the spiders are steal your SE kids okay uh now rth and guwi I will say this about you guys you guys are very very close I would argue that guwi is closer than Ross Ross it is not blasto actually you know what you're both close it's too hard to say who's closer I'm thinking of like type but Ross it is not it is not blastoids oh guwi it is not Spiel but it is actually my favorite Pokemon ever oh no is it [ __ ] Lapras you know what I was going to draw Lapras but then I was like I don't want to draw the shell so I just they love this I didn't want to draw a leop shell you were like oh I don't draw a shell draw a full-blown man yeah really man yeah do you know do you know do you know about the the Lapras fact the Nintendo Lapras fact lay it on me so apparently in one of the earlier gens it said that they were nearly extinct so some kid got so upset he kept catching them and catching them and catching them and breeding them and breeding them and releasing them in his game and that story made made it back to Nintendo so in the next game they said that due to conservation efforts they are no longer near Extinction wow amazing you know who that little boy was it was you y Lord aan and now a word from today's sponsor this is my friend juny how do you look taller than me oh it's theair oh the chair like you're not he's a 19-year-old animator who has worked on many of your favorite anime like one piece Black Clover and even Jiu-Jitsu Kaizen now what is surprising to learn that he's achieved all of that on his piece of crap High School laptop so juny what are you animating on you told me a laptop right yeah from high school yeah piece of [ __ ] yeah so when rogg approached me to represent their R Advent calendar 2023 that includes 24 days of giveaways I knew that I had to share the Rog flow z13 with juny and one of you lucky winners I got an Asus sponsor and they're giving you a laptop what the Yeah I'm serious what the serious are you serious I'm serious what the Yeah they said that actually yeah for real real this it's a two in1 two inone gaming laptop and tablet I wanted to give it to you cuz I know you're doing all this stuff with jiu-jitsu Kaizen and and you've been doing some one piece like I wanted to get you a better laptop cuz GIC phone was lagging for you so yo you got to give me a I love you Ross I love you I'm going to be giving juny a brand new Rog flow z13 laptop it has an amazing processing power with a 13th gen Intel Core I9 13900 H processor and great graphics with the Nvidia G Force RTX 4060 GPU it's great for running clip Studio paint Adobe animate or even ton Boon Harmony it also has touch and stylus support meaning it doubles as a drawing tablet it's nebula display features 100% DCI P3 and it's panone validated to give you accurate onscreen color perfect for your animator or artist on the go I'm giving one away to a lucky viewer so leave a comment below saying season of giving and Rog will pick pick a winner learn more about the Advent calendar and the giveaway in the link below uh AEL do you have a do you have another one for us yes I wanted to challenge myself with this one Ross uh as you know I'm severely red green color blind so I try to pick something that was really going to test me on that it's not too much of a hint but uh take that as you will uh here is the next palettes okay oh God I'm so I'm so sorry in advance it's okay I'm ready oh God is that that can't be right man oh yeah that's yeah that's uh what is that I think two of them are nearly the same color oh well they're slightly different they're slightly different okay I think I've got it I've got it I've got it I've got it I've got it yep I'm locking in okay well let's let's go ahead and cover Luigi first uh I mean I'm a big fan of Luigi I I like a more than Mario honestly uh but it is not lugie it is not my boy lugie okay what about Luigi now here is where things get interesting it is not Luigi and it's also not baby Luigi oh damn it I'm so sorry I'm so sorry oh God okay uh I mean next up juny the wait what is this a gift a play button yo oh oh my God what the okay juny juny yeah dude it's just the garc in me dude it has yeah you know what it is actually Oddish simultaneously or uh uh uh spontaneously combusting it is it it actually is let's go dude um God the Pepe is so good too the Pepe would be such a great idea oh that one makes so much sense too it it actually does fit like in my mind those are all the colors I would have used for sure I was I forgot that I was supposed to draw with his mouth open and then cuz I I could have put used and then I put the color on the chair instead no he looks happy he looks happy I like he's just smiling he's happy what about our last one shines in his eyes and buff pop is beautiful rendition of of of me after I spent a little bit too much time in the sun yeah uh but no it is not me guys it is not me it is in fact I chose this one specifically because I knew it would be hard and I wanted to see if I could get like the base color down uh but it is is actually my favorite Ninja Turtle oh Leonardo oh I didn't think of that I didn't even consider wait the oh the Silver's the sword I didn't consider that it's holding something yeah oh oh I I knew this one was going to be hard that is a hard one yeah I was like man I let me who's just straight up green that's not Shrek so I'm going to do this one I I I'm pretty sure most of you guys would know this some of you might not but I doubt it but they're just cool color combination so I just want to see what you guys would come up with oh yeah sorry this one took a really really long time to get ready and it's just their design is so complex and there's so much to it that oh okay is that a bit okay okay okay okay okay okay I I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea okay I'm ready to lock in I'm ready to lock in I'm just take I don't know if athel likes this but I have a pretty good feeling that like if he ever saw it it would probably Vibe with athal cuz you said this this guy is not as well known you know I mean I would say people that are into this medium 100% know him for sure okay him ah a little slip of the tongue there I see we got it we we got it we freaking got it we tricked tricked him what is what is this a fake out ID baded right now okay let's take a look oh God oh God this one actually hurts I really fued up you guys first of all I I like that guwi stuck to the uh the same framing that I put for my color swatches that's really goodwi very good yeah I thought it might be a hint yeah yeah also I really love the detailed Feats no particular reason but I just really love the way that you did those I do I do I feel like the last few times I've tuned your stream you've been on uh the the was it the foot Wiki oh yeah Ross man yeah yeah Ross has one I do pretty good score actually I used to have a six out of five I didn't know how it was possible after I I talked about it someone review bombed it so a little jealous should try shaving the top of your toes and reposting yeah I will I will yeah um so uh what's who's who next AAL okay okay so it's not Kirby uh it's it's it's oh the guy uh who's this from Regular Show what's his name again I I haven't seen the show so morai morai yeah that's right you know I actually dressed up as him for Halloween year but no it's not it is not morai a oh no I drew a biblically accurate morai for nothing no oh my God cany Drew morai 2 holy [ __ ] yeah yeah we got two of them so accurate they're both on model they're so on model good job you guys thank you like actually amazing um okay Moi it's another Kirby another Kirby it's like a derp be or Kirby no it's it's not Kirby unfortunately uh inff this is a beautiful drawing absolutely beautiful but guys no one got it right what about juny oh it's oh it's gr Among Us create guys great Among Us create Among Us that's pretty speci audio juny yeah oh my god dude beautiful guys unfortunately none of these are right and this is probably my bad cuz this is I mean it's kind of a more obscure character I guess okay um God I I'm not going to say who it is I'm going to let my art just speak speak for itself uh please please know who this is oh from Full Metal Alchemist oh yeah what's Eric sorry I don't know I I've watched it once from Full Metal oh sorry it's it's yeah never finished it I said I said it buff said it yeah buff yeah I fig buff would have me man yeah it's more of a wee drawing but I fig there's only like two colors so I just kind of want to see what you guys would come up with someone in chat said POG Megatron okay so we have one more to redeem ourselves today okay um I really really hope that we can do this you want to give us a new color palette I got you guys okay there is no way you guys don't get this actually no way oh wait never mind I don't know what color this is you guys are there you go um um uh oh no there's a bunch of colors here that he has he's consistently gotten wrong so we probably have some red herrings in here I'm going to go on like a really crazy adventure for this one I think dude I'm actually so stumped on this one I'm thinking like you want a hint yeah I you know what let's let's get a hint for this one I'm actually completely having I'm struggling to lock in it is from television it is from television that just proves my case more okay [Music] oh what do you have over there you're going to you're going to [ __ ] yourself I'm seeing a lot of guesses in chat that just kind of show me they don't know they don't know quite what you watch and I whilst I would agree with some of these guesses I think that they're wrong just based on A vibe check on what AEL watches so oh yes this you're playing the right game now yeah yeah you gotta think like me man yeah yeah so I'm just going to take a wild guess here and I'm going to lock in on a character that I think would be the the colors would be incorrect but if you got one of the colors here confused it might be correct I'm just going to I'm just got to lock it in there's no there's no hope for me that's the spirit yeah all right uh I I'll just I'll just go down the down the line Ross Barney uh you know that's actually the origin story of my color blindness that's how I figured out how was color blinds oh actually really yeah yeah yeah I've told the story a million times but uh I wore God it was probably like third grade or something I wore what I thought was a blue polo and some nice khaki shorts rocking up looking my best for the day uh it was a it was a purple shirt and green shorts and everybody called me Barney like I was they call me they were calling me Barney I was just like dude this [ __ ] ain't purple until one of my friends was like bro you got to get your eyes checked man out of the existential crisis in third grade uh it it that would be a good way to wrap up this uh this color blind series but no it is not Barney um J with the peach I love this but no it is not Peach domain expansion it's so good uh Mo this is probably the best Shaggy drawing I've ever seen uh it goes up pretty high um this is who I would have drawn if I smoked a little bit more weed today M mhm 100% okay but I know you said I was I was going to be cool if I knew who this was but I I don't you don't know the zebra striped gum guy from like the okay I do know who it is but I don't know about them by name but I come on it's totally him right like that's oh yeah everybody's favorite man the C zebra zebra straight gum God I was so close to picking this guy yeah I I I figured cuz you're cool like that yeah yeah yeah of course of [Music] course uh okay guwi uh I mean this is one of my favorite shows ever I I love the early seasons of Fairly all parents um unfortunately uh for whatever reason my memory hole did not take me to Fairly Odd Parents when I was decid in the character today gotcha with that said candy yeah you have probably drawn some of my favorite characters of all time I love eded Ed Ed and Edy this is my favorite Ed out of the group I think he's the he's the the peak of the show he keeps everything moving but it is not I I chose I chose another ring leader with questionable morals um I had TJ deweer TJ deweer he fits the description he fits the description God I know it I've been on my wow Arc lately um and this I rewatched the episode recently and I had to go with an old classic man oh [ __ ] god of course yeah that's makes sense Eric course that's so accurate of [Music] course
Channel: RubberRoss
Views: 377,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RubberRoss, vtuber clips, vtuber, vtuber reacts, vtuber reacts to memes, vtuber news, color blind test, buffpup, lord aethelstan, lord aethelstan music, lord aethelstan vods, vtuber drawing, rubberross, aethel, aethel nyanners, vtuber clip, vtuber drama, vtuber memes, how to be a vtuber, vtuber reaction, male vtuber, vtuber meme, vtuber react, vtuber debut, 2d vtuber, how to vtube, react vtuber, vtuber video, vtuber avatar, male en vtuber, vtuber drawing stream
Id: 06XE4MiIt7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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