Infinite Craft, but I have to draw it.

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in this video me and my friends are going to be playing infinite craft they're all going to be on call trying to find new discoveries which I am going to be forced to draw I'm fully expecting this to be disaster all right hold on let's bring up infinite craft guys H so I actually um have not played before so I'm I'm going to be slowly but steadily uh finding uh stuff okay yeah so I saw some of Vinnie and Buff's um first discoveries and uh if I was to draw any of them I would be fing instab banned for like no not instand per band what was one of them it was uh let's see um listen Titanic moon cake pirate I don't think is that bad I think Vinnie's the mature sauce is probably not going to go over too well and Vine sauce Miley tumed pickle twerk Vinnie is a good one I don't know where that one came from Ross I'm sorry wait hold on let's see how easy this game is star and fish what the f Pig star star Pig okay I liked pigar pigar C no wait what it's like Piggy pack I don't know how they got piggy I found a new discovery [ __ ] what did you find Ro you're slacking oh wow that's nice okay one that's not really that bad I thought I was going to get something way okay so uh I guess I will uh draw a agent SN enjoying a coffee chocolate coffee pancake that doesn't actually actually sounds very one of those too yeah this is yeah I mean this is kind of what I pictured in my head so this is like kind of like a big moment for me yeah it's not this is Agent snut hands is what you pictured kind of like just like like gooey hands dripping on like the pancake are we learning that this is like your OC from like a long time ago and you're like finally someone's drawing him birth of a child I love it I love it okay I got a I got a first Discovery Well I got gugu no picoro hell is that I mean I I guess this is like sort of like a like a like Pikachu Zoro here is gomu gumu no picazuro I I I think I don't think that there's much else I can really draw other than Pikachu with a sword in his mouth oh my God damn it all right we can do this this is did you just get this I did just get that yeah at the bottom of my list what could it be ra is not too uh scary or anything but I think I have gotten the best for oh it's stripper cake with sugar tits okay give me one sec I need to finish this twerking here's alien twerk cyberpunk 2077 guys what do you think I did it as fast as I could that looks great pretty good I there's a cybernetic component that I'm very yeah he's got like robot limbs right it's got a the Cy punk I thought he was showing hole for a second but it's just no no no that's a shine on the bottom wait am I drawing stripper cake with sugar tits yeah it's my new discovery you like put all right I did get a new discovery just now okay I don't know I don't know if you can draw this [Laughter] one okay you know what I I I'm going to make it work I'm going to make it work uh I will make and I quote I love Mario sex all one word how did you I draw okay here you go I don't know sugar it's it's sugar cubes I I don't know I don't know okay Ross I love I love Mario [Music] sex here here's here's I love Mario sex let me see the SE it's not really that that you know he's just he's just he's just pulling you over oh my God [Music] perfect oh yeah get over no oh Mario we're in trouble now no what what's the new one give it to me what what the I am on I don't I'm on some weird anime timeline where Gogeta I got oh my God four four goeta four Ross I I got one that's that's like highly cursed I know you said you'd be open to maybe a little bit of like filth what do you got for me Vinnie you you make the Judgment call on this one let's see open the filth Gates oh God close the filth Gates oh right no oh we'll just go ahead and delete that no no no it's good it's good it's good it's good it's good we'll we'll put it here for later please sponge come Superman I thought I would have like more than like a few minutes to draw anything dude I literally have 30 seconds for drawing it's this is awful here are my 30C drawings those are amazing I love those I okay I got I got something for you I think okay give it to me see man that's the best one yet dude like The Sopranos like how you doing yeah SM Tony that's terrible it's me poisoned Hawaiian salad you had to draw that one man you got to draw that one okay I got this i got this it's like one of my biggest fears that's the best I got she's awesome I love it I sent another one oh God what you got I love that the food has become accessories that's great uh oh mying god dude okay that's an interesting one the what is dude how the F am I supposed to do that I don't know conceptually this idea IDE I was like you know what I think this is a great idea and now that I'm here I'm like it's a great idea but holy why did I say I was going to be the only one to draw well I just thought that they were going to be coming too slow [ __ ] I don't know about this one okay well give me a sec give me a sec I got no oh no oh my wait wait don't say it don't say it don't say it don't say it don't know I oh my God Jesus Christ here chocolate zombie suicide bomber stripper come on dude all right I am curious but maybe not the best idea I'll do it I'll do it hey wait hold on so it's got big boobs and then it's got I don't know how what a bomb vest looks like so I'm just going to have to go with what I kind of think it looks like this is so bad dude these are like the worst drugs ever done she's she's beautiful what the how do I draw that I don't this is nonsense this is what a cobra a chocolate Cobra grilled cheese looks like it's Oh see it's like wow chocolate's in there it's Nutella guys and it's cheese in there well you're getting this one anyway so Ross I'm close man I am so close dude oh my God I got Spider-Man oh it's over the best reaction it's [ __ ] over man oh my God Spiderman huh holy [ __ ] bacterian in a jar what is a bacterian good luck I don't know it's a camel these are easily the worst drawings I've ever done on stream what do you mean they're amazing I think they're good alphax what the how do you guys know I was sick today okay guys here's Alpha pox I I I I guess this is just what it would look like you just damn you just look like you've been mewing I learned about that recently CH though yeah he does wow yeah what PewDiePie Evel that's so the robot pewes how did you get there that's amazing uh I got a new one but I don't think you should do it well I won't know until I see it kiwi let's see it let's see how bad could it be it's not bad it's a pretty good idea okay you've got cyber Mario sex 64 you know what sex cart Ross don't want to alarm you but I honestly think that mine's on par with gwis oh wow you got into the filth chocolate Freedom origy choc freed what am I supposed to do with that okay oh my god dude he's going to he's going to the car can you please make this for for me Jesus Christ dude okay hold on let me see it so what does it mean what does that mean I don't know I don't that mean what the hell what the [ __ ] is this buff it sounds like a like a badly translated like menu item somewhere okay here's hang loop poop I'll have the Hang Lo poop please yeah can I get to order the is it a hango poop Fat hook Doom vampirate so there's a lot of things here we've got bat we've got hook we've got Doom we've got vampire and pirate so Oh my Jesus all [Music] right it's it's pain in your voice it's a pirate it's a pirate it's it's it's a pirate it's got frilly neck of stuff and it's it's got It's got a hook it's got a hook it's got Doom so it's got the it's got the BFG BFG and then it's got two peg legs um chat what's K it's a snake from The Jungle Book dude I'm so in this pipeline yeah I've been I've been struggling too I I mean listen a lot of my stuff that I'm getting is just not drawable yeah like I mean bandw worthy so I'm trying to avoid that I'm down to try wait what do you what do you have Vinnie any good ones um Dragon Tong tornado tornado you guys see this is the longest pause I've ever had does this mean I actually might get to play the game oh my God watch him like pull it up and then find okay guys here we go Ross is finally going to get to play Infinite craft okay send it man Pig star sea star piggy bank piggy back Pisces steampunk okay so I got Optimus Prime man Optimist Prime would be a good one yeah I'm actually thinking I might just start today is going to be a great day start adding things bacon is prime I'm sorry what huh you do not have to feel oblig I'm doing it I'm drawing arti the bat pornado 2077 up Samurai right it's time for your fat poor NATO my arm's tired here we go this is all I got Vinnie I don't know it's okay I'm going to go wait are you going to like go in yeah it's like you know Scottish you know when you you need to get in a doorway during an earthquake or something this is what you do when a bat pornado is coming in the year 2077 okay I need to get out of the pig pipeline i' I'm Stone wed into the pig pip de the piggy pipes wait Batman Cookie steampunk bacon is prime is that new no it's not but it's pretty crazy I'm just got see what your first one's going to be you should draw your first one whatever it is oh I will I will Absol oh God I got I got I got something you got something oh no oh what is it what sick Vinnie how did you get there Vinnie okay Vinnie just got uh sailor cyber yahoi artist that's awesome do you have yahi I I do I happen to have yahi as a word in infinite CRA oh you lucky duck you're so lucky that would really that would really help get me out of this uh Batman well actually maybe even take it further here you go guwi here is the Sailor cyber yahoi artist you like his Dorito the Dorito chin and the really big hands you like that amazing yeah okay good good good okay guys here's here's uh here is Super Smash feet oh brilliant that is quite nice you like that you like that quite nice in Q right now we have uh um Rich richy wet burrito Sasquatch Magicka pickled Hawaiian how do you pickle a Hawaiian put him in pickle juice big jar like a like a Hawaiian guy yeah yep who's a Hawaiian guy chat name a Hawaiian uh Tito from oh I don't remember oh the rock is that's true he is Hawaiian oh I got him now I was just looking at the word The Rock what what the the world aligns no you can you can try this one out for size no oh my God what is happening right now okay okay those two are so good pickled Corona virus and aqua hent Aqua hintai soprano bro I don't even okay let me just try and do these ones first okay oh yo apparently the rock is Samoan according to your chat Chad why did you lie to me racist now I'm not racist I my chat lied to me yikes I've got to go I can't believe I'm racist now okay you are now racist how does it feel okay Obama Obama is Hawaiian really y you you always got Tito from Rocket Power we know I don't remember what Tito looks like okay yeah okay got him yeah I'll just draw his head in a jar that's that sounds wrong he's just a jar he's just he's just the face of the jar it does look like him just from his no I can see him [Laughter] already there is done Rich burrito oh how do you make a burrito Rich you give him a tie and you give him like uh he's he's holding a he's holding I don't know he's holding Bitcoin or something I don't know okay okay dude these are ass these are like the worst drawings okay I knock knocked three out as fast as I can so I can get the Pickled Corona virus dude I've drawn way too many jars today this is deranged I found poopy sauce all little all poopy sauce I don't I don't think I'm going to post that one I just wanted you to know I found it sace it was it is a first discovery yeah poopy sauce uh-huh send it okay here's pickled here's pickled Corona virus did you send me Poopy sauce poopy sauce you know where they keep poopy sauce guys where poopy jar in a jar sorry that made me laugh so stupid but I love it poy sauce I'm on some crazy [ __ ] right now guys I am in the soup Alchemist world right now what else what else you got I got I got soupman soup Wizard and soup Alchemist and I'm about to go wild I feel like a soup Alchemist is Like A Mixology Bar kind of dude he my dude welcome to soup Alchemy would you like in your soup today oh my God huh I just combined o it's not a new discovery but I just combined otaku and foot fetish and I got me oh my God wait a minute what do you mean me like it says me with a little guy waving is the like wait as in like smile you yeah like or the person that like made this if you combine fo foot fetish and otaku you get me the guy who made the game me I don't know I don't know what they're trying to say I know he's supposed to be a doctor but I just I'm faster at drawing a foot so here you go devil man [Music] pediatr that's amazing I don't know man that and the foot Smash Brothers I think the foot Smash Brothers is probably my favorite one chocolate chocolate Mew mummy okay chocolate Mew mummy I don't know what that means but we'll we'll work with it it's got a good meter to it okay sound it rolls off the tongue that's what I will say like feet here is the chocolate Mew mummy he's me he can't talk cuz he's me oh that makes sense his jawline jawline that makes sense captain pooperman and catgirl that a good comic God this would be a great time if I could just knock a fart out I might be able to if you o blush wait what the did I just hear that you like that Ross was that was that you they don't call me Captain pooper man for nothing proud of you man wow I'll be right back oh my God sh here you go Vinnie oh that's very very good Captain I read that com yeah I I'm a little like the little swirl that Clark Kent has or Superman has but it's just like another poo swirl that kind of went a different direction I could see one of his teeth being corn oh his teeth made of corn yeah like the Great Mighty Poo from from from that game conquer okay well looks like I've got a second to to to fiddle Transformer submarine subron okay Star Wars somehow okay h Star Wars and robots definitely see 3PO oh I got one Darth bacon bacon nous Spader wow that's huge that's huge the soup zone is awful all my first discoveries are are just soup horse Spider-Man soup Dragon seahorse Spider-Man soup spider seahorse man why you're in the super you got to get out how do you get out I just got I just got soup Poseidon first time Discovery yoid simp a good that's clean that is clean clean yeah that's the yeah okay I'm done with my pig I got I I I I I put a little bit more time than I normally do maybe you know like a minute instead of 30 seconds this is not a first discovery but it's news to me I got self Snow Job what self Snow Job yeah that laugh made me spit what is a self I'm dying dude you killed us oh my God okay that's superide and I couldn't I couldn't sorry a I got your suit beside and he's up don't die athel don't die don't die you almost killed me that's what it would sound like if you were to give yourself no job bro I am like just recreating I am like actually running out of room as of now I have 78 layers oh yo the sup posidon looks awesome what the that's so cool he's in soup oh I love superp besided look so sick the Rocks dank case idea it's so it's so like not flashy it just straight to the point we'll call it the rock what do you think about that it's like a new restaurant opens it's just wrestling meals like Planet Hollywood for wrestlers it's just the worst idea for it's like a Hogan hero Hogan's Hero Hulk Hogan's powerful hero sandwich oh dear lord Okay Ross do you want something with aqua hentai cuz I can go explore that territory it's fertile I like yahoi guys how do we feel about all you all get one more each my hand start cring one okay you're the best one you can find well you guys are deciding on your best one I'm going to try one more shot at infinite craft here get it man all right I'm jealous you got Star Wars in there Star Wars would help a lot oh man I got a bad one yo bad or like bad I don't I don't want this to be no I don't want this to be come on come on wait what is it though it's um steampunk fart waiu me kind like that don't hold out on us Ste Punk fart waifu ah if that's you want to submit for your last answer I'll take it all right elevated pet I mean it's just it's honest you know it's this is what I got this is my final it's the choco bro demic choco bro demic that's like the essence of your discoveries it's perfect yeah it's I love it I mean Ross some of these things have literally never been drawn before ever in the history of humanity you're the first one and that's that's a big deal that's a big deal who can say that it who can say that they've drawn poopy sauce you know poopy sauce no one has ever thought of that I don't know how I did it but it just looks like Elon Musk for some reason maybe because I gave him a really sad pathetic face yeah I'll do it buff here we go this is this is a ring ring uh it's me phoning it in wow wow this is wow this is incredible wow yeah I don't wow it's a very Progressive like disease I mean you know eventually dick eventually your dick does turn into chocolate I was waiting for you to get back babe cuz here I got something for you oh I want to see it's it's like probably one of the best drawings I've I've ever done oh my God isn't she beautiful she's such a oh good design wow is that I love her little her little Top Hat she has a toggle for angel wings but also devil wings oh yo she's also a vampire by the way I forgot to mention that wow holy [ __ ] I'm debating I have two potentials that I'm happy with at the moment okay and maybe I Ross would you like to choose between two sure hit me okay cuz they're both pretty good wow silence is defin you know what you know what it was it was I had to like process the I had to process the word soup because what he presented me with was a happy yoi Art sorry happy super yoi artist cheich and cyber yahi artist I think I'm going to go with the top one this is the super this is the super yoi artist uh if you can see him on stream right now I I love I love the phrase super yoi artist yeah happy superti that next level they they have big hands and Dorito chin pointy faces and you know like that's that's that's this he's got full of money he's he's a happy boy he made a lot of money okay I'll just I'll just do a simple one for my last one okay okay I'm I don't know how to get out of here all of my first discoveries okay give me a second I I can work with this so let's just let's just think about this as a group he's a spider Centaur tree man but he's also a tree spider Centaur so with these two we can we can hypothesize okay that he so let's say this is the horse part yes right well so he's a spider Centaur so the horse part is a spider well we're getting okay so right right okay so it would be a horse but with eight legs well that's a d That's a dder I think that's a yeah I think that's something completely different right so it would be a spider well well here's the the other problem with what you're saying right okay so he's also a spider Centaur tree man tree spider Centaur so that means so not only not only do we have a spider Spider-Man on this side but he's also a tree man we also have a Spider-Man on this side no he's not a Spider-Man he is a tree man but he no he's a but he's he's a spider Centaur tree man tree spider Centaur so he is a man tree so's not Spider Man wouldn't his legs all be tree [Music] trunks yes that thing looks like a rejected Pokemon my God this someone in chat said John Woodman John Woodman like honestly that's yeah I think I think I pretty good all right there we go so there is your spider Centaur tree man tree spider Centaur and if you're not God I'm glad I got that one that is that is absolutely deranged uh I I I guess we're going to call it there that is a uh fever dream of a creature um I'm I'm sending it to you guys now so it's a centaur tree spider so we got eight legs two heads all tree are we happy dream I'm I would vote for it I'm very happy cool now Ross I do have Bowie snotter hands you good you don't you don't need them all right cool bye YouTube see you in the next [Music] video
Channel: RubberRoss
Views: 325,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RubberRoss, Ross O'Donovan, Infinite Craft, Infinite Craft Speedrun, Infinite Craft recipes, Infinite Craft human, Infinite Craft, Infinite Craft tutorial, Infinite Craft First Discovery, infinite craft all combinations, InfiniteCraft, infinite craft, infinite craft gameplay, infinite, infinity craft, infinite craft speedrun, infinite craft, infinite craft neal, infinite craft human, ludwig infinite craft, infinite craft neal fun, Vinesauce, Vinny Vinesauce
Id: iUdf8ZE63tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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