Prophetic Ministry Training Hearing God's Voice With Charles Karuku

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uh hey everybody Thomas karela with karela ministries this is our wonderful dear friend pastor Charles karoku he and his wife Lindsey have a wonderful church here in Minnesota and a phenomenal ministry today we want to just talk to you for a few minutes about hearing God's voice and about prophetic ministry and to how to how to open your ears to hear God's voice even better and so I know pastor Charles you hear from God kinda kind of what what's your story about how did you start to hear the voice of God you see I began with the dreaming a lot mmm and I began to see the dreams I have come to pass my mother is like that she had a very clear dream three days before my father died and she saw the whole thing and so she taught us to take dreams seriously because she saw how a dream can manifest so quickly and so clearly she even had the name of the nurse who was attending my father before he died he she saw even the bed she saw even the last moments of his death three days prior to his death and so I can tell you and my father had no signs of death three days prior but that dream exposed but she didn't know what to do in the dream so I developed out of curiosity on how can we prevent this from happening and preempt the plans of the enemy yeah when God reveals them through dreams I love that you know dreams are a great way by which that I know God speaks to us a lot especially me I'm a dreamer I dream a lot you know something I found that was really interesting was that many of you may not realize this that I've heard that many of the Jewish people believed that the closer to the break of dawn that you have the dream the sooner the dream happens really yeah so like in other words so it hypothetically many of you watching this right now on YouTube you you have a dream so say for example you have a dream and and the Jews call that the first watch the second watch in the third watch in in in blocks of three yeah Wow and and so they believed that if you had it in the third watch your dream that meant it's gonna happen in the next few months not to some is it isn't that something and so you know think about your dreams think about your prophetic dreams now some of you you don't you know Journal your dreams I tell everybody man you start journaling your dreams the moment you put a bit next to your bed a piece of paper and a pen you will dream more and you'll remember more because you've become a good steward of yes a blessing that God has given in the Bible tells us if you are faithful with the lilo yes you make you response before more yeah and so that's why not I think that's a very good thing I learned from you exercising ste one ship of Dreams yeah yes yeah it's a great way because you can reflect back now I I was gonna bring to the studio today I was gonna bring my journal in my journal was pretty rough-looking because I haul it all over the country in the world right with this but let me just say this is that I write like so if I'm in a hotel room I may write on a scratch piece of paper a dream but then I transfer to my journal and then I go back sometimes years later reading these dreams and and then it's like from that it's like if you remember the story of Samson mm-hmm when the Bible says he killed the lion and then the Bible says he left and he went and did something and then the Bible says he came back to the lion and then there was honey in the inside of the lion so the past victory he was able didn't bring nourishment to himself so your past dreams you could draw nourishment back to yourselves Wow by just reading through those old dreams oh and we both have a minister friend that my wife had a prophetic dream about him and and they had a church split it was a really a sad situation but this very sad situation was remedied by my wife stream my wife shares his dream and he got real nervous when he shared with him the dream and then when I shared with him the interpretation of the dream he just had a wee baby crying but it was like rape from there the church exploded with brand new growth so a man you many of you you've had some phenomenal dreams God is speaking to you and God is speaking to even when you're sleeping and so if you begin to cultivate that I love that when you know dreams and is a great way to hear the voice of God they want to sharpen the voice I tell you what man start not only writing your dreams start thinking about the dreams you know it says a what was it dumb Peter it says an x10 it says he had a dream it's gave me had a vision and it says any fell over and he had this vision of the sheet to them and the animals and then the Bible says while he thought on the vision the spirits in mmm-hmm so the spirits peaceful when we think correct on the dream of the vision and you know Tom I'm thinking about some something so cool as I study more the voice of God and I've written a Jana Emmanuel on it I know you have and I wrote a lot about how to hear the voice of God but I began to study more after it finished with that man about how to hear the silence of God Wow like what do you mean like explain that God speaks inside yeah and you need to know when you cannot hear anything God is there and he wants you to hear his heart and Trust what to hear is love and trusting even when you don't hear any direction you have no dream you have no voice you cannot even get a hold of anything you need to know how to process the silence of God as also one over the way he speaks sometimes we speak with the silence like a GPS you are taking you home I love it it won't tell you yeah all the time to exit and all the time you have five minutes left or whatever it to or violates to you yeah but you need to trust it yeah you need to trust it's too on it's too with you it's too tracking it's still guiding it's you guiding and you just need to stay in the flow and keep following healing the silence of God it's exploded in my spirit another one he taught me is of that what's his name Lester Sumrall taught that too Lester Sumrall taught that I just go until God says stop and he says I never asked God he said this for years he said I've never asked God what to do he said Jesus told us to go so he said I go until he says stop that is really being able to process that silence you know that the moments of silence of God because there are people who stop when they hear this when there is no silence right imagine doing that with your GPS oh man yeah I mean you don't stop you don't stop going like even to find my way to the studio keep going until it said turn right there in left yeah that's good I love that that's great but also healing the voice of God colors you see we think a lot about the voice of God as ears but God speaks in all senses including sight into this built also to see the boys'll on this one yet like to see like what you mean like giving give a great example we're talking color here sometimes the Lord may speak to you through comments like you're praying your eyes are closed I know what you're seeing is green yes that means prosperity yes I was just all what you're seeing is purple that means royalty yeah of what you're seeing is white or clear blue clear blue means it means a holy spirit to the presence of God yeah white a white remain pure purity it's like other times you are driving and you asking God like this friend of mine he was in the middle of a decision-making and he was driving buses and he was thinking between quitting the job and going into full-time ministry cutting out income and stuff like that and the Lord uses color to speak to him so as he was driving on this road which normally he drives every day he knows I have to stop five times on all these stop lights but on that day or the lights when me oh and he understood God is saying I've given your green light Oh see that is awesome seeing the voice you know I believe that somebody is watching this you're watching this right now and you had a dream of something green it's funny because before we started filming it I had a feeling of my spirit we were gonna prophesy to somebody that was in in in the midst of a business situation that God was gonna open away and it would bring tremendous prosperity so this is confirmation we we did not rehearse any of this so this is a word from the Lord for somebody who's watching this do us a favor today go below us right where you're watching this right what God said we would love to hear it check out pastor charles karoku it's under dr. Charles karoku look him up he's got a phenomenal YouTube channel that will bring blessing to you and do us one more favor if you would right below us click like and subscribe light and click Subscribe yes like and subscribe I mean I love you guys be pretty for blessing on you be the voice of God open to you amen thank you Tom amen bless you [Music] you
Channel: Tom SCARRELLAministries
Views: 19,713
Rating: 4.9510703 out of 5
Keywords: tom scarrella, scarella, miracles, bill johnson, bethel, jesus culture, revival, rodney howard-browne, prophetic ministry, prophet, prophet undi, prophet angel, shawn boltz, word of knowledge, words of knowledge training, hearing God's voice, hearing from God, how to pray, God's voice, prophetic dreams, interpret dreams, john paul jackson, prophecy, prophesy, prophets, prophetic training, jennifer leclaire, elijahlist, bernard jordan
Id: wRzuLaTgCYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2018
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