3 Ways to Discern A Calling to the Office of the Prophet

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the one Jennifer LeClaire here senior leader at The Awakening House of Prayer founder of the Ignite prophetic Network I'm coming to you today to answer probably the number one most frequently asked question that I'm asked I travel all over the world write books articles do television shows and anytime I mention anything on the prophetic it never never never fails that someone wants to know the answer to this question the question is how do I know if I'm a prophet how do you know how do you know like for real how would you know now this is an important question and I'm glad that people ask it even though I think many times when people ask it they're hoping they might be a prophet you know and we have to start right there because the Bible says to covet prophecy that to desire that we might prophesy in other words to to covet this gift of prophecy to be zealous about prophecy not to covet the office of a prophet we must distinguish between these two things because this is why and where we're seeing a lot of confusion in the prophetic ministry there are I am convinced by my my by witness by witness to the Spirit of God in the grief that he carries that there are many many many people who number one are not called to be prophets but who are walking in that office or attempting to walk in that office and they're receiving so much warfare so much backlash they're making their lives miserable and they're prophesying wrongly they're prophesying and error they're prophesying not just in part but with without an unction without an anointing without a grace without a word because someone somewhere along the line told them or they told themselves that they're a prophet and so they're trying to walk in an office it doesn't belong to them and so it's an illegal entry now the second group are those who are really prophets but don't know it if you're not a prophet if you're a prophet and you don't know you're a prophet that can also be a dangerous situation because the enemy many times sees the markers on our lives the spiritual markers of our destiny why because he's watched prophets for thousands and thousands and thousands of years he understands that the scent or the flavor of a prophetic person he recognizes and distinguishes these earmarks so it's a very very important question because if you're not a prophet you don't want to try to walk into this office because you're stuffing into a mantle that doesn't belong to you that can never belong to you if God has not called you there it's not for you to walk in and it's dangerous to you and other people but again if you are a prophet and you don't know it then the kingdom of God is suffering because your joint is not supplying the kingdom of God is suffering because you are not on your post you're hidden away in a cave you're still being attacked by Jezebel you're still being buffeted by the enemy and yet you're not even walking in what God calls you to do and so you will not fulfill your destiny so this is a very very important question I don't want to give you some semblance of Revelation understanding and insight on this answer I can't tell you personally because there will be hundreds of thousands who watch this I can't call you out my name tell you if you are if you aren't but I can give you some wisdom some scriptural insights that help you and that is what I want to do today amen and stick around because I want to pray for you at the end as well I really really want you to understand what's your call to do if you're not called to be a prophet I guarantee you you're called to be something else you're called to do something else you might not even be a five-fold minister there's this misconception going around the body of Christ that everybody's a five-fold minister and that's not true the Bible says in Ephesians 4 and this is fusions 4 11 and 12 and you can greet on down the line and this is where I want to start the Bible says that Jesus when he ascended before he ascended he when he said that he gave gifts to men okay and women he gave gifts to mankind he gave gifts to the church okay so the fivefold their gifts to the church he puts a gift in us but he makes us a gift first apostles secondarily prophets okay God gave some apostles some prophets some teachers some pastors some evangelists for the for the equipping of the Saints for the work of the ministry to the edifying of the body of Christ until we all come to the unity the faith this is so that we would not be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine so when you have find a believing it's not fully equipped they're not fully equipped and there can they're easily led astray by false ones ok so Jesus gave apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers for the equipping of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ ok so Jesus gives these gifts we cannot be self-made self ordained self proclaimed prophets that's what Jezebel was revelation 2 and 20 as Jesus said I have this against you that you tolerate that woman Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess now I'm not saying that everyone who calls themself a prophet or prophetess without an unction or without a leading of the Lord is a Jezebel I'm not saying that what I am saying is that it could be a dangerous thing because if you say you're a prophet you're not I believe you are a bigger target for Jezebel than if you are a prophet and you walk in your office why because Jezebel works with those who are hurt wounded insecure ambitious power a hungry and so you it's just a mess when we begin to tap into an office of not ours Jesus gave these gifts to men first apostles second prophets third teachers next administration's and working in miracles we see there's an order in the kingdom so how do you know if you're a prophet first of all I believe you will have a knowing in your heart I believe that you will have an understanding that you are somehow different when I first got saved I began hearing the Lord immediately the Lord told me and I got saved in to jail I was vindicated I was not guilty but though they told me I was gonna go away for five years to prison now the Lord himself showed me I would be out in 40 days now the Lord prophesied that to me I began to read prophesy it and from there the Lord would give me volumes of words as a young believer as a matter of fact I got so many prophetic words when I first got saved that my some people in my church the elders the leaders wondered is this real could this be real this is this is so much she's getting such a flood of words but they judged them and they be accurate and and still they didn't tell me or they didn't confirm to me that I had a call to the office of the Prophet I didn't know it they were guarding me from what we call spiritual pride and so I just kept walking along doing what God told me to do prophesying but one day I realized that not everybody else heard in the same way everybody now hear me everybody hears from God all right everybody hears from God the Bible says jesus said my sheep know my voice and the voice of another they will not follow and so we understand that everybody can hear from God but everybody was hearing like I was hearing I was getting very directive words I was getting very strong warning words I was getting predictive words so I was moving at a higher level than just the personal intimacy intimate relationship with God sort of hearing hearing for myself they be hearing a simple gift of property kind of word edification expectation cover I was moving beyond that and yet I still didn't realize that until one day I had enough experience in Christendom that I realized other people weren't moving this way and the Lord began me took me on a journey or I began to look for books look for information because I I was almost fearful to tell anybody you know what I thought or the confusion that I was walking in because I didn't understand what was happening or or that there was an actual office of the Prophet I didn't know that I didn't understand that I thought it was for a few very elite people a few older people I had a misconception about what prophetic ministry was then I stumbled upon bill Hammonds books he has a trilogy the prophetic trilogy and I began to read those books and the books by bishop bill Hammond who's my spiritual father began to in many ways my spirit he was my spiritual father remotely before he was my spiritual father relationally i began to read those books and receive and understand he gave me language for what it was I was walking and he gave me understanding he gave me stories and I began to devour other books and I knew that God had called me to be a prophet but I didn't say anything so one way that I knew was I discerned my own gift I discerned that I was flowing in something that other people around me weren't flowing in or that some were flowing in but they were prophets and so that became confirmation to me but what did I do I didn't go out and get a business card prophet to the nation's called from my mother's womb you know dial me up hit me up invite me to you know where I didn't do that I had enough common sense not to do that unfortunately some in the prophetic ministry they think they're a prophet they've never been confirmed they've never been laid hands on they have no accountability and they run around telling everybody they're a prophet and they may or may not be that is why you wait for the announcement now callings in the Bible we see they came with an announcement you see that jeremiah announced god announced Jeremiah's prophethood God called Ezekiel God called Isaiah God called these ones they had an encounter they had a some sort of encounter with the Lord either a dramatic one or just him speaking to them and so you know the Lord I had that the Lord spoke to me he began to tell me you know that I was called to to prop so that I was called to warn that I was called to the nation's I said nothing I waited for the announcement what if there's no one to announce it to listen just keep waiting your gift will make room for you function you can listen you can listen you can function in your gift without having a title do you understand me you don't have to wear a title to function as a prophet and if you'll just begin to function all those who are frustrated because people don't call you prophet or prophet is so-and-so lay that frustration down because God will never allow you to carry a title if you're if you'll make an idol out of your title God will never allow you to carry a title I mean it seemed and and affirmed by your peers and by the elders God will not allow you to carry a title if a title is your ambition if a title it fills in you some insecurity about your calling God won't allow it for many years God did not allow me to carry a title I was walking among the prophets I was in a company of promise at my church but I they never called me they called me minister and I was very frustrated by that as a young prophet listen the Lord told me as long as you want that title I'll never let anybody call you by that I won't allow it and it was for my own good for my humbling and to avoid excess and pry because the Bible says knowledge puffs up so how do you know your prophet one way is you begin to discern that you've got something a higher level level of hearing of accuracy then then everyday believers who operate you know through the my sheep know my voice anointing the second way is the the announcement comes now your ear pastor your apostle your elder the people around you will begin to announce they'll begin to tell you this they'll begin to to come to you whether in a prayer line or whether just personally I went to church one night I did not want to go to church I had such warfare this was 20 years ago this was such a warfare over I did not want to go to church I got there and the announcement came the apostle the house prophet saw that it was a voice of governing authority and God wanted to use my voice and at that point they begin to recognize that the extreme a rapid pace at which God was rising me up and I began to study that out and the Lord took me to three accounts in three Gospels of John the Baptist as the boys crying in the wilderness and so God affirmed me and showed me you know double confirmation actually triple confirmation that I was walking in this John the Baptist style a prophetic anointing and that is when the church began to embrace me began to receive the words I would hear from the Lord at a higher level the announcement came so there will be an announcement or an affirmation or confirmation whatever you want to call it whatever you want to call it now if you don't have that yet it doesn't mean you're not a prophet but what I'm saying is you should wait for that announcement before you begin to embrace a title or before you begin to do certain things and prophetic you want a proper cover you want your covering your accountability to agree with you that that is your gift now you're insecure in a church where they're never gonna agree with you you're in a church that doesn't believe in prophets and you know you're a prophet then you need to move to another church you need to join like the Ignite Network you know let me cover you let me help you let me pour into your life through the Ignite prophetic Network if you're in a church that just doesn't believe in prophets you'll never have the announcement but the announcement is imported listen the birth of Christ was announced amen long before he was born but was also announced - - to marry the N and to Joseph the birth of John the Baptist was announced so the announcement is really important it does something in the spirit what an announcement comes now if you if again if you've not been announced if you've not been affirmed if you've not been confirmed you need to get around the kind of leaders that will want to embrace that you have this gift that they won't be jealous won't be competitive there are some apostles and prophets that want to keep you down because they want to be the greater gift understand that Jesus said that a student is not greater than his master and the one who is sent is not greater than the one who sent him in the book of John and so you must always honor you know but if if you are under an apostolic abusive structure that wants to keep profits down below the surface or you're in a denominational Church who believes that there are no more prophets you're going to have to get out so you can get around people who can bring the announcement now also here's the third thing if you're a prophet you are going to prophesy with some consistency or you're gonna discern you're gonna move in the gifts that say something and the gifts that know something discerning of spirits no seers is a different kind of prophet I've got to see your school I've got the company of the seers it's a different kind of prophet seers often times move really heavily in the gift of discernment and so your trick I know prophets that have very little discernment I know prophets is a great discernment but the seer gift many times it's not just about seeing but the the entryway to that gift many times is the discerning and the discerning can open up the Gateway to the seeing so you know there's no true prophets are alike no two seers are alike so I hesitate to put lay down sort of laws here but I'm giving you guidelines and from my experience a suggestions as to clues you might look for that the prophets the fingerprint of the prophet or the stamp of the Prophet is on your life again you don't want to embrace this call if it's not because you'll bring such warfare on yourself that you'll wish that you'd never mentioned the word prophet the prophets bring warfare now if you're a prophet my third point is you will prophesy with some manner of consistency you won't prophesy now and again but you will know things you will feel things you will discern things you will sense things you will move in the word of knowledge of the word of wisdom you will move in the to prophecy and beyond you will have not just edification exhortation and comfort words but words of warning that was my first entry into the prophetic words of warning words of warning words of warning words of warning words of warning words oh my apostles just ran the other way because I always had the warning but didn't have the training or the sense to know that with the warning you need the strategy for prayer and so you know I had to learn all these things a lot of times by the Holy Spirit because although I had some prophetic training in my first formative stages I didn't have a lot the training the the bulk of the training came later after I had already read a lot of books learned a lot of things on my own so you know there is no such thing as a part-time prophet a prophet is a vocation it's a full-time job even if you're in the marketplace and you're a prophet you're a prophet all the time you're not a prophet sometimes you're not a prophet just in the church you're not a prophetess in your house you're a prophet all the time okay and so just like like if you're out to eat I to use example you're out to eat and you're a doctor in the middle of your nice juicy filet mignon somebody has the audacity to have a heart attack but you've taken a hypocritical oath you've taken an oath you've made a vow that you will save lives that you will do your vocation so you've got to put down your knife and your fork and run over there and and do CPR on the one that had the heart attack if you're a prophet you you've accepted this calling and doing so you've made a vow you've got a covenant with God to walk in your spiritual vocation that means if God gives you a word you're gonna prophesy it when he tells you to prophesy no matter who no matter where no matter how you gotta lay on your side for three years and lay on your side for 42 days if you've got to march around the city whatever it is that you're called to do you you do it there's no part-time prophet you must answer the call and when I say there's no part-time prophet the other side of it is I'm saying that you do not just have a word every once in a while you're gonna have prophetic insight regularly and you know that you do have to be trained you have to be unlocked you have to be activated many times sometimes there are things in your prophetic pipeline that clog you up and so you may be a prophet who's all clogged up because of unbelief because of fear of man you know because of any number of reasons why you a rejection whoa boy that's a big one so you met your prophetic pipes maybe clogs and you made in deliverance oh you just may need activation you may need training to understand the flow and the ebb you understand so I want to say a lot more about these things but I want to stop there because I want to pray for you they gave you three major points we've been on here 20 minutes so I want to pray for you but I want to make a plea to you if you believe you're a prophet or even if you're their levels of prophetic minister that there's the realm where every believer can hear and then there's the realm where there's the simple gift of prophecy and then there's a realm where there's the office of the Prophet if you need prophetic training I want to train you the Lord has called me to raise up prophetic people in the last days that's one of the major callings on my life it's one of the most enjoyable thing I do is to teach on the prophetic I love to teach on the prophetic you could poke me and I'll teach you something about the prophetic so go to school of the Spirit dot TV and register for the school it starts on just like two weeks you want to get it on it now before the prices go up there is a cost and while there's a payment plan in place once the school starts payment plan goes bye-bye there's several levels of education you can receive you know I've aligned with Bill Hammond and Chuck Pierce and in others I walk with Cindy Jacobs and others so I'm a safe environment there's a lot of I call them wackadoo prophetic schools schizophrenic prophetic out there you don't want to get trained wrongly because then you'll operate wrongly if you believe a lie if you believe in error you will prophesy from the position and the standpoint of the error that you believe and you'll hurt a lot of people guess what you're not just accountable for every idle word you speak you're accountable for every wrong words you prophesy if you're getting it wrong you need to repent you need to learn how you got it wrong you need to understand that the statesmanship of the Prophet the office the mantel that you carry and how to walk in it rightly so it's not just about learning how to prophesy anybody could do that it's about understanding how to walk in prophetic ministry at the right dimension the right level the right spheres that God has called you to please please please go to school of the Spirit dot TV and get registered now while you still can't school of the Spirit dot TV amen you can also get a 15% discount if you sign up for my ignite network this is the company of prophetic people I provide covering for churches alignments for ministries but there's also a horizontal level we can join and be among a group of prophetic people you might be the only prophetic person in your city of nobody to talk about regarding the things you're experiencing you can join ignite or the company the Sears the company of scribes it's all there when you register for ignite you can email the office and ask for the discount code when you get the discount code then you go register for the school the spirit the school the prophetic and you're all set make sense amen I want to pray for you father I thank you for the anointing of the Spirit of God I thank you that you are good your Mercy's they endure forever god help us to rightly divide your word of truth and rightly discern your spirit about our gifts and talents and callings and missions and mandates and mantels in the name of jesus god bring clarity to those watching are they prophet are they not do they need training do they need alignment lord help them Lord to walk into the relationships and the the equipping and the the spiritual truths that they need to walk in whether you train them by your spirit and you bring others but Lord we know that you caught you've called prophets the trainer their prophets Ephesians for equipping the Saints for the work of the ministry so father I thank you that will not there's somebody watching me and you're like well I don't need training i Holy Ghost will train me he may train you for a season but God put prophets in place to train other prophets so don't neglect that Samuel had the school the prophets he trained prophets you need training from other people as well as a Holy Spirit amen I went only so far with training from the Holy Spirit because I had no one to no company no no teacher who could teach me until I had a teacher who could teach me and then I went skyrocketing to the next level and then the alignments that I entered into took me to a whole nother level so there's a progression of Revelation it's a progressive unfolding of your calling so don't be arrogant in that so you don't need anybody with the Holy Ghost and that is the work of Jezebel trying to isolate you to keep you from your high call and I break that assignment off you in Jesus name and I just release encouragement to all those prophetic people who have been in a cave unidentified miss identified missing misunderstood and misjudge and I say it's time for you to rise back up healed and whole and props out of the word of Lord in Jesus name Amen amen and I remember school of the Spirit TV ignite now.org I'll be back with you soon god bless you
Channel: Jennifer LeClaire Ministries
Views: 265,389
Rating: 4.8229442 out of 5
Keywords: prophetic ministry, prophetic training, prophetic equipping, school of the prophets, prophetic voice, jennifer leclaire, school of the prophetic, seer anointing, prophetic anointing, prophetic words, prophetic education
Id: uzefilLEles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 15 2018
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