Prophetic Intercession with LaTrice Ryan

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good morning Happy New Year Happy New Year Happy New Year guys people good morning good morning good morning good morning good morning welcome to The Awakening prayer call y'all I'm so excited to pray with you lord have mercy on the last Tuesday of 2019 and in this decades I'm so excited to pray with you all about to get started in just one moment good morning everybody good morning everybody good morning guys people good morning happy new year God is so faithful God is so faithful so good morning everybody good morning good morning good morning good morning good morning hallelujah I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord thank you Father thank you father he is so awesome come on as you I love you all just been here longer all y'all this is how we do it log on worship and we sent the atmosphere from worship worship sex to toes for miracle miracles worship center sets the atmosphere and it creates an environment that is right that is ready that is primed that is position for miracles so we start off we start off the awakening prayer calm with worship so that's exactly what we're doing even as your comments and let your comments reflect worship let your comments when you come in come in God I bless you whatever your worship is your worship language let your comments reflect worship it's up good morning everybody let's go straight in this is not a war this is not a workout this is so we don't have to warm up when we got up this morning we got up ready intentional and imposition so go straight in glory to God he has given us another chance and father we want to say thank you thank you for another chance thank you for another chance to give you glory thank you for another chance God just to worship you for you are worthy you are worthy of all the glory you are you are worthy of all the praise you are worthy that's it just began to worship began to worship we thank you Father thank you God thank you for being so faithful thank you for being all that you are thank you guys for being a redeemer thank you for being my my provider my Messiah mighty Messiah that's who you are and we praise you father we lift up our hands we lift up our voice we lift up our hearts we lift up our spirits God we command everything around you everything in our space to give you glory we command everything to bow down and worship you we command everything to take its rightful position in your in your space and that is a posture of worship we command the walls to worship you we command the floor to worship you we command I get our space the ions the atoms in the atmosphere we command everything to worship you we command God Lord our loans worship you our voice worship you I hands with our hands lifted up we give you glory with our hands lifted up we give you praise we worship you and we adore you we reference you God we reverence you you have a full attention you have our full space you have us all my god you have I fool you there is nothing in competition with you you don't compete with anything you don't compete with anything you don't compete for our attention you don't compete for our praise you don't compete for our words father you have our full attention and with our whole hearts we bless you with our whole minds we bless you with our full voice God we give you glory we don't complain father we don't waste our breath on complaining but we praise you Father and we worship you we worship you with everything that we have we pull out of us God even from that deep place father from the depths of our soul we pull out a worship from the depths of our essence God we pull out I worship and we give you glory we worship you forbid also you are also father when there was nobody that we could count on you God what are three it's forsaken us when with what things turned their backs on us when everything failed you were right there there is no failure if you got you don't know what failure looks like you don't know what failure sounds like you don't know what there feels like and father you are amazing you are an amazing God you are an amazing God you are a wonderful God you are a mighty God you are a healer you are our Redeemer you are our strength you are our joy you are my peace God every time I think about you god I get a smile on my face ha anybody got their testimony every time I think about you God there's a smile I get a smile on my face every time I think about you Father you're just I'm just because of who you are and just because of how great you are God my soul cries wonderful my soul cries mighty God my soul cries everlasting father my soul cries you are amazing my soul cries marvelous my soul cries God given your splendor amazes me your majesty amazes me your miracles father I am a miracle and you amaze me and father I praise you I thank you I give you glory I give you honor I give you what I owe you I owe you this praise I owe you this worship I owe you this space I owe you this time god I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation we are not ashamed Father we stand on the mountaintop and we declare your greatness we stand in the valley God and we declare your goodness we stand o God O God wherever we go father we declare that you are great and greatly to be praised you are good God you are awesome you are mighty you didn't father you did again God we thank you for doing it again we thank you for doing it again we thank you for doing it over and over again we thank your God for bringing us out over and over again we thank you God for making the way over and over again come on Zion we think of God for healing my body over and over again we thank you for renewing our minds over and over again we think your God for coming through diet for time to never fail you never left us abandoned you never abandoned us you never saw sake enough God but you came through over and over again and we give you glory father when we did know what to pray for the Spirit of the Lord was our intercessor you made intercession for us over and over again father and we got to say thank you or old father yeah god we gotta say thank you all and over again because God you did it you protected us you provided for us you were their God over and over again we lost count it's too many times gods are trying to to try to add it up it's too many times stop because you kept on doing a god even when we didn't deserve it come on somebody you kept on doing it even when we fail God you don't let that failure disqualify us but you can't bottle doing it and I got to say thank you your rain on the just as well as the unjust and we got to say thank you God your grace and your mercy endures forever and we get to say thank you Holy Spirit oh all that we want to say thank you God that the enemy didn't come here he came up without blood you lifted up a standard when the internet came man God like a flood you lifted up a standard and you did it over and over again and father we got to say thank you for victories so many victories that we lost count so many victories that we can't even keep up so many victories got that we can't even put a number on it so many victories God so many victories father then we can't even count father we can't even keep up because she kept on doing it over and over again God we are excited about our future we are excited about our word we are excited about this move we are excited God because you are doing it over and over again and we got to say thank you hanging up for a backfire thank you Father for doing it over and over again even when we look foolish god I'd rather look foolish for you then I looked in to look out all together without you God you do it over and over again father we got to say thank you God we praise you we adore you we reference you we magnify you approachability y'all share we magnify you God we praise your God Oh a lot of times we sweep up the hits but God got there on the last Tuesday morning of 2019 on the last day of 2019 God before we focus on the hips we got to thank God for what did what you didn't allow that hit us we want to thank God for the misses because God in the name of Jesus we praise You God in the name of Jesus there was more misses than it was hit and we've got to say thank you God sake your gospel every time def missed us thank you God every time to the breakdown missed us thank you every time got the sickness missed us thank you every time father the accident missed us thank you God we should've fell in the trap but it missed us God we want to say thank you Father thank you for every meditation the rock all right thank you for every miss God thank you for every miss okay either a lot families god we want to say thank you Father not for the Higgs for God the devil miss way more times he threw the punches but so many punches miss Scott and we got to say thank your father thank you God for bringing us got the long way thank you God Oh God for down through the years you've been good to us thank you God and we get to say thank you father we praise you we glorify you we magnify you uro some God we thank you for the blue we thank you for the blood of Jesus we thank you for the blood of Jesus we thank you that it's blood is on the mercy seat we thank you God that this blood is still saving we thank you God that it's blue but never loses power we thank you Father that the blood of Jesus still reaches from the highest mountain it flows to the lowest battle we praise your holy name that the blood will never lose its power and we got to say thank you God we bless your holy name we thank you for the blood we thank you for the blood of Jesus the blood tell us God kept us God when everything was dark when everything was gloomy when everything looking God would look like it was impossible we thank your father for your light that's shining and darkness we thank you God that you snatched us out oh god we want to say thank you Father we want to say thank you God for snatching us back y'all god we got to say thank you we thank you for snatching us back any of Nordic people of God you've got yourself into a spiral you felt yourself falling into a spiral oh my god this year pitchers have fallen into a spiral look like the enemy who wanted you to go into a downward spiral a downward slope but all in the nick of time the Holy Spirit step right in and snatched you back don't you tell me that God ain't a snatcher he will snatch you back hey glory to God right when depression wants the trigger and wants to creep back up in your way wants to creep back up God when the enemy wants to pull you back into something that you know God delivered you from and God will snatch you back he says you're too valuable and so I snatched her back let's just take about 15 seconds out of the isolation and Kenny Messiah thank you for snatching up thank you for snatching God thank you for snatching my man back thank you for snatching my shrink back thank you for snatching my focus back thank you for snatching God my vision back Thank You God but we're moving you snatched out every distraction and you blasted with tunnel vision just for you gotta praise our God and we glorify you so the Holy Ghost of the divine snatch and I decree and I declare in the name of Jesus that some of you in the last glory be to God in the last 18 hours of this year that God said you are back to snacks back some things that you thought that slipped out of your grip it didn't slip Gaza is about to snatch back and then they blow the whole shine up so things that soon it out of your grip you lost your footing you lost your edge you lost your hold you have been holding on for so long but guess what you get tired you have been holding on for so long but guess what your muscles became became fatigued but God says in the last 18 hours he is releasing that supernatural strength to snatch you back up glory be to God a supernatural divine strength in the name of Jesus now let the weak say I'm strong now let the poor say I'm rich now glory be to God caused those things that be not as though they robbed you glory be to God you're gonna have a some kind of order you'll be like shake up and you'll say God for these next 18 hours I won't let you go until you bless me I won't let you go until you manifested won't let you go until you do it God that was a snack in the name of Jesus your whole key is strengthening your grip your position he is strengthening your place up you ain't don't lose it that's a snacks back coming back in the name of Jesus be to God thank you Father I hear God God says watch this this work lord have mercy I gotta look it up this word this word God is I hear a word obliterate Oh litter right I hear a word in the spirit realm glitter right Oh glitter right everybody's happy we're obliterate obliterated - word in the comics right now obliterate obliterate obliterate Obie iterate obliterate this if that's attack the word obliterate take that word in the comments I feel God I feel God type that word in the comments illiterate obliterate obliterate obliterate obliterated Oh ba ba ba Sharia shop God says when something has been obliterated it's watch this when something has been obliterated when something has been obliterated that means that it is totally wiped out watch this let me give you the let me give you the definition of obliterate let me give you the definition glory be to God I feel God I feel God I feel God I feel God what something has blender obliterated hallelujah I with something as little iterated here it is I that means to destroy so utterly wipe out when something is obliterated that means it is destroyed it is utterly wiped out glory to God y'all better hear this God says what is when something has been obliterated watch this he causes it to become invisible or something that's been a very obliterated he caused it to become invisible he caused it to become wiped out because it is no longer standing it is no longer visible it is no longer presence it no longer has power position in no longer has placement it is a Total Wipeout you better hear me in the spirit realm for the next 18 hours a that obstacle that was in your way God says it's about to be obliterated I am obliterating the obstacle that was in your way I am wiping out he says not just removing it but it is utterly destroyed y'all don't know when the shell it is utterly destroyed utterly destroyed the obstacle that was standing in your way that obstacle that was keeping you in stuff that that was keeping you in neutral that obstacle that was keeping like a hamster in a wheel just rolling it roll it making a whole lot of effort but ain't going nowhere come on you're somebody you making a hole but you're not making progress you're using energy you're exerting energy but you ain't going away that's what I am removing every energy waster every space waster every time waster I am obliterating it in the name of Jesus the obstacles I be obliterated if God says not only is it being removed but it is being utterly wiped out he says being blockhouse now say y'all don't know when the shout up in here it is means because he's causing it to become invisible what was standing in your way cannot stand any longer what was standing in your way will be removed don't you know how powerful God says your word says oh my god if you have the faith to believe and do not doubt you can speak to the mountain and tell the mountain be thou removed they cast into the sea and you shall have whatsoever you say my god your words it's a wrecking ball for the next 18 hours your words a wrecking ball your words my bulldozer my god heaven backs your words coming back to what you say Lisa so if you release I'm tired and my garden angle make it you angle make it if you release I'm defeated and I'll never be defeated come up but glory be to God if you be like David when that Philistine giant was standing in his way and everybody else was running scared I hear it as this David is about five foot seven the Philistine giant glory be to God is double his height probably four times his weight and David looking at everybody who was formerly trained who had been through the best of the best training and he said why are y'all scared of this uncircumcised Philistine why are you scared of somebody who may be bigger than you but that'll never be a no never why are you scared of somebody never be the cop that may have more than you but they ain't got the God that you got why are you afraid he said why are you afraid of this uncircumcised uncircumcised glory to God Philistine shiny Johnny it's too small they may be big but Giants do know it y'all know what he's took five smooth stones up glory be to God glory be to God glory be to God it's a five smooth stones and a slingshot y'all gonna know when I shout and four more for anybody else that want to come up and get it yeah I don't know when the shell in this but any other David they want to run up and get it baby they want the smoke they can get the slope so she a munition you lay out a weapon you ain't out of power it was not the stone that killed vagina it was when David said you come with the javelin in a spear but I come in the name of the Lord and he said and this day yeah I don't know when the shout y'all don't know when they get happy up in here David said and this day glory be to God David said and this day this giant will fold up and when David made the declaration and he said this day I wish somebody up in here will be like David it declared that china that's in your way that obstacle that's in your way this day glory to God I wish I had somebody in here then will declare to that obstacle the class of that giant that's been watching Donna that's been in your feel for the last 18 months God says from this next 18 hours this day you better declare that that giant will die and watch these people of God Yamaha's or ago when David declare this day that the giant was fall do you not know that that demon died there that giant daddy huh but it was the rock that took him down the giant was dead you said this day you're gonna die at that moment that giant was dead the only thing that the right did I was just knock them down yeah we don't know when the shut up in here God says this day this day you are deliver this day your vision is back this day you are strengthen this day you watch me look this day you have the power this day you are mental this day you are grace this day you are Ava this day you are walking in it this day it's yours this day you got ownership this day you have the answer this day you have the oh my god this day you have whatsoever you shall say this day God says that Shia and that demon will be the 14th chapter and the demon my god the image that you see the day you will see no more forever after this day the devil will be able to touch you the devil will try but he go Mischa every time he will declare in the name of Jesus you won't be heat you won't be attacked that punch milena you know try it but it won't land in the name of Jesus cuz God says this day I am I am obliterating every obstacle in the name of Jesus this day oh my god I got my answer this day I have my approval this day I have my solution this day I have my word this day I have the overflow this data ain't crying the Lord this day the tears stop this day the vision strengthen this state my focus is renewed this day my mind is renewed this day I'm walking out this cried over yesterday what a weeping may endure for a night but joy is here right now this data Oh somebody said I'm doing crying this thing ain't will be frustrating no more after the day this day I'm done I've made up my mind I cried yesterday ain't crying no more somebody said this day glory be to God my treasures are unlock this day what I couldn't see before I see now this day the Bible says watch this the Bible says Thank You Holy Spirit I praise You God and I love you the Bible says oh god I love your word the Bible says somebody shout this day somebody shout this day somebody shot this day somebody shot this day somebody shot this day somebody shout this thing the Bible says hallelujah in the Book of Isaiah Isaiah 6 and 1 the Bible says in the year that King Uzziah died just as I said I saw the Lord in the year that King Uzziah died I also saw the Lord in the year that King Uzziah died Isaiah said I also saw the Lord what has been the Isaiah that has been keeping you from seeing God what has been the aasaiya glory be to God that has been keeping you from experiencing the glory of the Lord what has been the aasaiya that has been keeping you from experiencing God's fullness what has been the of Saia that has been keeping a vision in darkness what has been the aasaiya that has been keeping my god your perspective and limited what has been beyond Saye that has been keeping you in the dark the Bible says that King when the King outside of died sometimes outsider is yourself oh my god or when I have no church of it I'm talking with you believe us now time's the Esaias it's you your own self sometimes the asylum it's your previous failures sometimes the outsiders are you sure my god that preapare sometimes the other side is the lack of nah dude I'm not gonna try sometimes there are Silas it's fear sometimes our silence is intimidation and you intimidated my god by a mirage by something that actually exists by something that the enemy has placed in your mind by a mirage what is your aasaiya God says on this day when King Uzziah died I say I said I also saw the Lord glory be to God I went oh my god but I said I also saw the lord of this glory filled the temple when they assign us that you can see the glory one because ayahs died the glory will be manifested one do Silas died during a god what was blocking the glory of God from being manifested in your life will be revealed God my prayer today kill every on Sonya don't let us I you're coming to my new year don't let us on your knee in my next decade don't let us I live for the next 18 hours I decree and declare in the name of Jesus everything SIA that was blocking the move of God that was blocking the flow of God God killed every other side let it die and let it die this day let it die let it die let it die 19 I don't want a living glory be to God we command that it does display are we not the wind we not the fire we not delight of fear in the name of Jesus it will die this day that says every obstacle my god take your father every obstacle will be obliterated watch this watch this watch the shop watch this he said I'm literally because the Bible says here it is up the Bible says and in second Kings the by obliterating Cedric obliterated obliterated the US is died it won't live up it's not going into your 2019 it's not going oh my god it's not going to you're 2019 it's not going into your new decade it's not going into your new space it's not going into your new place it's not going into my god you ain't gotta make no announcement you ain't got to oh my god you ain't got to make no announced meet up and say who could not glory God because God says my God when it's dad you know it's day when his dad my god you know it's dead you ain't got to try to resuscitate it you don't have to give him mouth-to-mouth you don't have to give it extra browser it won't need any epinephrine it will need any extra pain it won't need any of that it will need life saving drugs you won't have to put a kolkata glory be to god because when the bank dies our God says you [Music] you put together and stop get a shovel and stop burying it because you won't take it those bones the next year they know like God does not motor to live God does not want it in your new spacer glory be to God because I know I have mercy oh my god God don't want it in your new spacer Jesus is saying in the name of Jesus it's cannot go it cannot follow you it cannot go into your next place when Moses died he says okay you've been crying long enough now that Moses my servant Moses is Dana he said now therefore arise my servant Moses is dead now therefore arise my servant y'all don't believe me I got to show it to you in the Bible I was getting ready to go to my other scripture with the Holy Ghost my god put a detour y'all don't believe me I got to show you the Bible says glory be to God and Joshua Joshua the first chapter and Joshua the first chapter Joshua 1 verse 1 now after the death of Moses my servant of the Lord it came to pass that the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of nun Moses his minister said in verse 2 he said this glory be to God all these demons coming on girl periscope Oh guess what I got some blocking fingers in the name of Jesus I can stay in my word and block you at the same time y'all don't know when they have church up in here glory be to God I would let him get the gospel but I don't feel like it right now I'm gonna use one another stones yah yah yah yah glory God the Bible says in Joshua 1 verse 2 the Bible says Moses my servant is dead now therefore arise glory God it's dead baby now it's time for you to arise it's dead it's buried ain't no more life coming back in it now it's time for you to rise you spent all of 2019 you spin out of you're trying to resurrect it trying to rebuild it but God say you're not wasting any more energy you're not putting any more wasted energy into something that's dead it's dead now therefore arise you and this people and go over the Jordan I blew me i which i give you from this day y'all don't know witness shout out that thing is dead and God says you will not take it you will not take it into your next year you will bury it it's being buried right now I'm preaching better than y'all sheriff it's being buried right now and God says this day it will not come into the new place it's dead says now death or what you you ain't dead it's dead but you ain't dead it's dead it's dead but your visions not dead it's dead but your purpose is not dead it's dead but Joe John Norton is not dead it's dead glory to God but your fire is not dead it's dead but your mental is not dead it's dead but your success is not dead it's dead but your picture is not dead death bang is there and if you had a stay in it long enough it would have killed you y'all gonna win the show which you're gonna thank God for everything that God really needs to battle you better thank God for everything that got cut out for you you better thank God for everything that got killed this day you better praise God for everything they got you open up come up come up come up in your spirit [Music] Oh God Oh take a rise in subdue a risin risin risin fly time to arise I declare in the name of Jesus that there are some Eagles are arising out of caves there are some Eagles that are rising out of a dark place there are some you wake up every day wait watch this hold up hold up hold up hello hello every day right thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father I'll iterated obliterated obliterating God said I'm clearing your calendar what stop talking to us where one of my good prophetic friends on yesterday and the Prophet told me the Prophet said God says I'm clearing your calendar you're gonna look like it it's gonna appear as though you got a lot of time but God says what he's doing I'm clearing your calendar of space wasters I'm clearing your calendar of time wasters I'm clearing your calendar watched as he said so that you will not be busy but you'll be productive glory be to God he said I'm clearing your calendar and clearing your calendar of space wasters and time wasters space wasters and time wasters he said I'm clearing your calendar it's gonna appear that you ain't doing nothing but he says he says he said because I said you've been busy but now you got to be productive that they bless me so much I said God clear my calendar remove every waster out of my life make me productive and not busy because what busyness will do business will run you into a rut busyness tell somebody business will have you in your flesh and God says in this next year glory be to God you're gonna learn how manage your energy right you're gonna learn how to manage your time more effective you won't give so much attention to space wasters and time wasters you will not give so much energy and attention some things that don't not be things that are not productive he said this year you ain't gonna be busy but you will be productive you're gonna do you're gonna have a little bit but it's gonna do a whole lot y'all don't know when the show it's gonna look like you're not doing anything it's gonna look like at your idle it's gonna look like two people who are used to you being busy they're not gonna be able to handle it but glory to God but you're gonna be making waste in the spirit realm to people that are used to you seeing you busy it's you confident move on they don't think something is wrong nothing I am preserving your space I'm preserving your time I am preserving your energy he said you've been expending too much and it don't take all of that it don't take all that effort it don't take all of it push it and pull it for you to rest rest in your reward it's time for you to rest in your reward there's a time to work and there's a time to rest glory be to God there's a time to push and there's a time to pull back that's a time play and there's a time to show there's a time to reap and there's a time to show there's a time to cry there's a time to laugh and God says in the name of Jesus every Oh everything that is a space waster a time waster that is a distraction he is removing it out of your he is removing it out of your space my god he is clearing your calendar you're gonna have what time for him more dedicated time for God he is clearing your calendar hear me well God is clearing the prophecy God is clearing your calendar you're gonna have dedicated time dedicated time dedicated time just for him remember when God told the Prophet Elisha he said you know you gotta get up and you gotta eat because the journey is great you can't oh my gosh you cannot eat something you got to put something in your spirit because the journey is too great the myth the future ahead of you is too great the mandate is too great and so you have to put the right things in your spirit you can't survive of junk food you can't survive of empty calories you got to put something in your spirit something in your body that's sort of seal you for your future you got to feel your spirit and feel your body for your future and so God told the prophet Elijah he said arise and eat he said you better get up and you got to eat but the journey is too great oh my god People of God we got to eat your calendar so that you can eat a calendar so that you can be we can go another day we cannot go another day the residue from the last glory encounter we cannot survive off of the residue the residue is good the residue is ok but they got to be a fresh winner there has to be a freshman Bible that has to be a fresh story has to be released and God said I'm clearing your calendar Holy Spirit bread of heaven feed me tonight no he says calendar your data with the fresh wind watch this y'all look at what happened with Moses in Joshua when Moses he was a different type of leader he was in a difference at regeneration he was a different type of leader Moses was the type of leader that he got in the trenches with the folks he was with them he was among them he was behind them he was walking with them I you see the glory of the Lord the glory of the Lord [Music] obliterated every time space waster everything taking up space I haven't taken up space that's not functional I'm removing all the dead weight of Zionists got to die I'm removing it up so you can see the glory so you can see my full splendor I am removing it so you can show me the glory Oh is there anybody in here why not enough enough enough [Music] XO de Silva every daughter right now every pagan Donna got this damn every China God killing this day every golden Kappa Kenneth this day and that's so glory let's do it [Music] the glory the glory [Music] thank you God let's go glory let your glory feel every woman with such an agree whatever person is praying with us watching a replay we listened to the prayer car with such little regard let your glory feel in a more amaya feel let your glory feel those temples for we are that symbol of the Most High God let your glory speeder these temples God in the name of G my gosh I the glory the glory the glory the glory the glory the glory the glory to glory your answer is in the glory hah your si doing my faith without works is dead but your answer is not in doing empty words your answer is in the glory hole my shot yeah yeah I got faith and I got words but I do know empty work your answer is not in the empty words your answer is in the glory God show us show us your home show us your glory to show us your glory show us your glory show us your glory God you said this year 5780 this decade 5780 is a year of the open mouth as we open up our mouth filler which I will read this year 5780 this year the new decade the year of the pay is a year the open mouth God you said in your word it sums anyone it's an then when we open up our mouth wide you will feel it God as we open up our mouth with your glory as we open up my mouth fill it with your glory I'm not a shaking I'm not afraid to ask for the things that I'd know that belong to me in the glory I'm not afraid to act hit it oh come on my shot to see the glory I'm not a shame God give us a bonus to know the glory the glory I decree I release in the name of Jesus the glory of God on your job the glory of God in your career the glory of God in your home the glory of God in your space the glory of God in your house the glory of God over your family the glory of God over your business every business every meeting that you are going into that the glory of God goes before you in that meeting every meeting you don't have to know you have decree and declare that every meeting that you walk into will be the easiest meeting because the glory is doing out of them knocking down the glory is doing out of the negotiation by the time you get there all you got to do a sign because the glory of the Lord is doing all of the heavy work the glory the Lord is doing out of the negotiation the glory of the Lord is doing out of the outsourcing the glory of the Lord is doing all of that that all you got to do is walk in because the glory of God has done all the work out well many of us shine in the name of Jesus thank you Father I decree and declare glory transaction glory transaction i decree it their glory closings glory transactions glory closings glory deals our glory contracts in the name of Jesus that the fingerprint of the Lord is all loaded kiss glorious our learning I decree and declare in the name of Jesus glory transactions glory settlements glorious God cases in your favour glory yes cannot offer that the offers that you receive I loaded with the glory of the Lord I decree in the name of Jesus that every opera that you receive it's wrapped up in the glory I decree and declare in the name of Jesus that every offer it's opportu you infidel or you will not accept it if you're all my god but just thank God I'm not accepted another asylum if it's not a glory I'm not accepted it I will only accept the glory offerings we only accept glory transactions we only accept glory be to God we only accept in the name of Jesus what God has in the glory God when you have us in the last 18 hours father there's a lot that you can do over the next few hours our God released it bankrupt and the neck in the name of Jesus we're not leaving anything in this decade in this year we're not leaving anything God you let your glory cut through like a knife God cut out every neck guy break the neck father break the neck break the neck our behalf God in the name of Jesus everything that was held up break the and at the bottom oh my god man overflow everything that's for us my god that hellish wanna keep from us and the last this next 15 my god 17 hours God in the name of Jesus oh my god cut through break the neck every squatter we destroy every squatter we destroy everything that's holding back everything in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus was held back for you everything that was delayed for you everything that was slowing down for you I decree in the name of Jesus that the glory is causing it to speed up by the glorious table to speed up I decree supernatural speed and momentum in the name of Jesus God no calendar my god truth be told the new year is already here yeah below in the shout the new year is already here y'all only give God glory so God in the name of Jesus surprise amazed these your people in the next few hours surprised and amazed ax in the next few hours miracles manifest that we know strictly came from you let miracles cancer manifest that we know strictly came from you let it be no question let it be no doubt that it came just for you my god for my life every hour there will be a miracle manifested every hour glory be to God that would be a miracle manifested every hour manifested every hour there be a miracle manifested in the name of Jesus ever Allah and answer every hour a solution every hour a reward every hour in the name of the glory of God you [Music] afraid we are scared my god and you blow our minds in the next few hours in the name of Jesus heal initial portion pieces your portion answers on your portion solutions are your portion the glory is your portion strength is your portion baby is your portion financing this abortion blood grace is your portion mercy is your question in the name of Jesus divine surprises blow your mind supernatural rest he's clearing your calendar he's obliterating it the outsiders are dead the Giants are dead in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus glory to God my god you're gonna be singing this song all day every time I turn around the Lord is doing great things for me every time I turn around God is blessing me every time I turn around God is doing something great for me that's gonna be your song that's gonna be your song for the next 15 hours for the next few hours you gotta sing it you better decree it every time I turn around God is doing something great for me every time I turn around I experience another miracle every time I turn around a personalized miracle not a general miracle a personalized miracle I know it's for me every time I turn around I will see the head the fire of God the glory of God being manifested just with me every time every time oh my god you've got a turnaround right where you want every time my god that's pathetic you better turn around right where you are every time every time I see the hand of God every time I turn around a new miracle he blowing your mind in the name glory to God in the name of Jesus every time I turn around welcome to your new year happy new year we love you we thank God for you so is some sort of glory to see how the ways together on the screen with the Lord lays upon your heart the ways are given on the screen this is my glory see I'm so I sow into this ministry I saw I believe I believe on your behalf I believe for us every time we turn around hallelujah my God that my testimony is changing my story is changing my narrative is changing the script concerning me is changing every time I turn around Latrice Royale calm cash chef is a dollar sign Latrice right every time I turn around I see God every time I turn around I see God every time I turn around I see another miracle distant table if returning I turn around I see another mirror that's a foundation that every time I turn around I see God every time I turn around I see the hands of God every time I turn around I see the glory every time I turn around whatever the Lord lays upon your heart I see the glory that's it Angela whatever the Lord lays upon your heart the glory receipt I see the glory I see the unexplainable I see the unheard of I see something I cannot describe I see stuff that I cannot I can't I can't even put rationale or reason to it every time I turn around the glory is will my mind the glory is shocking me the glory of God has surprises me every time I turn around my god I see victory every time I see around I see victory every time I turn around I see victory every time I turn around I see victory I see another solution I see another strategy I see another way I see another treasure every time I turn around I see God every time I turn around my god what I didn't see before I see now every time I turn Jesus operation every time I turn around I'm writing another chapter every time I turn around I've got another idea every time I turn around I see God I'm moving every time I turn around I feel shrinkage sober in my body every time I turn around I see another level of strength every time I turn around I see another get another contract I get another notice I get another email I get another phone call every time I turn around they getting better my children getting better every time I turn around not that relationship getting better every time I turn around you'd like my shrink coming back every time I turn around look like God doing something else I can't figure out his favor but every time I turn around Elena I see it laFonda I see it look boys I see it every time I turn around I experience a supernatural power of God every time I turn around somebody else calling me and say you know what God laid me on your heart every time I turn around I see a little divine contract every time I turn around I see another divine alignment every time I turn around I see a little piece of the puzzle coming in life every time I turn around my god I see God doing something great just for me every time I turn around God reminds me that I am here that I am here that I belong to him every time I turn around God reminds me angle makes you feel every time I turn around God reminds me that I catch you every time I turn around God reminds me that my enemies I'm not my enemies every time I turn around I see multiplication I see overflow I see abundance I see ways I see straight every time I turn around more years I add to my life every time I turn around I see the blood the hand of God and the glory of God every time I turn around I to your new place of miracle every time I turn around I'm getting invited to another meeting I'm trying to figure out how I got there every time I turn around to listen to somebody else every time I turn around glory be to God God is allowing me to make somebody's dreams come true I decree and declare that in 2020 my god in the name of Jesus I decree and declare that you are gonna be a Dream Maker God is gonna use you to make somebody else's dreams come true God is gonna use you to make somebody else's dreams come to pass God is gonna use you my god in heaven to make somebody else's dream you are an anointed Dream Maker like God you are in am NOT a Dream Maker God is using you to make somebody's dreams come to pass God is using you yes aligning you with your audience he is alive in you with your tribe he is aligning you with more special platform your place he is aligning you in the name of Jesus he is aligning you in the place that God has for you you oh my god I am anointed to make dreams come to pass I am anointed to make dreams happen I am annoyed glory to God for healing I am glorified hold my shot I am anointed my god you make somebody's destiny come the best I am unknown it to make destinies happen to make distance release I got minoriko I gotta get off here oh my god in the name of Jesus his glory we stand in the glory we stayed in a glory we're staying in a glory we stand in the glory we are standing in the glory we are remaining in the glory we are remain in the glory listen to me awakening break out no family we are staying in the glory ain't gonna let you get out for nothing else we stand in the glory I my gosh am NOT shocked yeah hang on crazy will do nothing else we stand in the glory I'm not gonna leave show it to nothing else we stand in the glory my ever Shia I'll be like just one hallelujah I'll be like Joshua don't look at me look at the glory hey check ha ha no no more soccer I'll be like Joshua it's not me the side of the door trees everybody sunlight passes prophets apostles bishops from my warriors and successors don't look at each other look at the glory keep your eyes on the glory don't look at each other keep your eyes on the glory don't look among the race your answer is not among the ranks your answer is not among man look at the glory I'm pointing you to the glory shake money Abbas up at the glory and the glory at the glory in the glory and the glory is where we will remain your ass solutions in the glory that's it came it's an award Tyrell it's in the glory Theresa it's in the glory Cochran family it's in the glory recording with Emily it's in the glory and the name of Jesus Oh God Almighty may the Lord got toy a baby toy a toy you're Kennedy is in the glory oh my god if toy your Kennedy if you could only see what I see for you it's in the glory if you could only see what God has showing me for you it's in the glory it's in the glory it's sending the glory so your family for the people you praying for so those will need 25 several other people right now you've got 20 seconds to call out your name right now you got 20 seconds to call out yo name call out your name you tripping thread for everybody else oh you'll know so right now for the next 20 seconds before we get out call out your name the glory full of trees come on calling out your name calling out your name you want to be fool to pray you want to be more to be a tree maker call out your name let the glory feel you call out your name the glory feel you let we're in rap you let the glory rap you guys check out my animal side wrap-up for you the glory wraps you up the glory bangles blankets you the glory mantle shoot the glory my God anoints you ordained you call your name in the name of Jesus I love you out we're praying for you the glory for chanita the glory for Geneva the glory for Elizabeth the glory for cow Kerry Melton family the right family the glory for the Malvo family the glory in the name of Jesus for Bobby the glory hallelujah the glory suena the glory for the Jenkins family the board for the jet journagan family lisa the glorious of the gore for Trina Luana Raven Raya Jaime pastor Corey Baker the glory for Tonya Norman the glory for Constance the glory for Tiffany the glory for Sierra the glory for full arrest the glory for shared the Lord for dr. Abernathy I love you doctor evidence the glory for you the glory for you you thought my prayer warriors award for you the glory for you the glory for you and the name of Jesus God said he don't have you stressed out you will not be stretched out remain in the glory you will not be stretched out remaining the glory King desire has died don't try to grow don't try to bury resurrect him King Gonzaga has died kinga zygous bury now you see the glory I to the Lord I also saw the Lord in the name of Jesus the glory of God hah I know you even for Kobe the glory of God favorite role in the name of Jesus y'all get Jesus in the name of Jesus may the Lord God bless you may his face favor shine upon you and be gracious to you may he lift up his countenance may I may call you blessed we seal this prayer with Shalom may there be nothing missing broken or lacking in your life if you do not know the Lord Jesus and you want to know Jesus if you do not know the Lord Jesus and you want to know him if you do not know the Lord Jesus and you want to know him I want to pray for you lift up your hands Lord God and just repeat after me Lord Jesus I'm sorry for my sins coming to my heart save me Lord deliver me Lord renew me Lord I believe that you died for my sins I believe that you rose for my sins I confess with my mouth believe in my heart and accept you over my life as lord over all save me Lord deliver me Lord and with your help I know I can make it I live for you all the days of my life in Jesus name and may the glory cover your room your spirit your relationships your connections your finances your future your destiny your dreams may the glory of the Lord lead us and guide us it all this year we're going after the glory we're remaining in the glory in Jesus name I love you god bless you Happy New Year happy new you in the name of Jesus listen i'ma tell you something if your mind don't change ain't nothing will change we've transforming our minds so even think according to God to even think on a glory level God you can trust me in Jesus name and it is so god bless you amen you
Channel: LaTrice Ryan Ministries
Views: 1,182
Rating: 4.8644066 out of 5
Id: om07sJqXAdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 4sec (4264 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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