Prophetic Conference Session 15 6/18/17 2:30 Jamie Galloway

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we get to celebrate wonderful things about our Heavenly Father today and fathers days one of my most special days not because of being a father more in that we get to celebrate our Heavenly Father and each and every one of us can understand and get that I'm away from my kids right now and so I get to celebrate them and being a dad to them tomorrow which I'm really excited about and we have some plans and so I'm going to do some pool time tomorrow with my kiddos which is one of my favorite things to do with them I have two kids one is eight one is four my daughter is eight she's just a wonderful little girl she's so full of love in life I've always just been infatuated with her she's just stolen my heart I love everything about her she's just a very special little girl and filled with really a sense of wonder and amazement she's just very similar to me it's amazing how that happens we have a son and he's very similar to his mommy while our daughter is very similar to me and we've been just over this last few weeks we've been together spending some time together we did some vacation together that was fun and my kids got to stay up late much later than they typically do go to bed so 10 o'clock is pretty much the latest time that I let them stay up and they got to spend every night going to bed at 10 o'clock but my son he he tends to get up at 5:00 a.m. it doesn't matter what time he goes to bed I don't understand that my daughter has learned the value of sleep again and that's a yes she's a good daughter yes but he likes to get up and and he loves to spend we'd spend a lot of time in the morning together because of that because uh I'm 10 I tend to be the morning person in the family and but my son has just not stopped and my daughter is just full of grace and my son he's more of he's more of a physical physically demanding child he likes to wrestle he's a constant wrestler and so it's a wonderful thing raising these two and you get to learn about the father over the / 2 years really her last I would say last year and a half I've really gotten to know the father and for many of us we may not recognize it but we are going through different seasons of our encounter with God and encountering different aspects of the Trinity we know he is Father Son Holy Spirit and so when we come to Jesus often we come not being saved by a Holy Spirit or not being saved by the father but being saved by Jesus course because he's our Savior and we we fall in love with Jesus Jesus is everything and we love Jesus and and he's on every single word that we speak and we love him because he is just the embodiment of love he's perfect love he's the brightness of God's glory he's everything he's filled us saved us redeemed us Jesus says whoever's forgiven much loves much and so you said you started loving him with all your heart because of what you've been forgiven and how deep your your pardon was it's changed everything and you start to fall in love with Jesus and and you just see him everywhere absolutely everywhere and then there's a point in your relationship with God where you get filled with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is a different aspect of that the nature of God his God on the earth and he's moving and he is fully God yet he's a part of the Trinity and so we fill with the Holy Spirit and something begins to happen to us we get filled with the power of God and we're empowered we feel power we we understand that God is powerful and he's our Savior first and then we're starting to be filled with powered now we're no longer powerless because we when we were powerless we needed a savior but when we recognize we need to save it then he can trust us with his power and he puts power in us by the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit comes and we start to recognize God is powerful and empowers something I feel like all of us desire some of us secretly desire others are open about it we have a longing for power some of us are a little intimidated by power we may think absolute power corrupts and and so we try to stay away from powerful people or powerful situations because we in some ways feel powerless but when the Holy Spirit comes upon you he says I will give you power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you'll be my witnesses and so we get power to be a witness to the resurrection glory of Jesus and there's a power that some of us we understand that other of us have a shaded pass to power maybe a gun was how you felt power a gun in your hand you you felt like wow I'm a powerful person and you know life can change when when you feel power and you can do something something terrible when you feel power you can hurt people when you feel power others of us we have been a victim of powerful people and yet God wants to fill us with his power and it's a different type of power it's the power of the Holy Spirit it's a holy power and it changes everything so you start to get brave and you get courageous and yet you at some point in your walk power is not the most powerful thing in your walk the most powerful thing changes and it's no longer just power it's love love becomes the most powerful thing in your life love becomes the motivation no factor it becomes the thing that motivates you and keeps you going it becomes the thing that that you long for the feeling of love some of us feel loved others of us we know we're loved but the feeling comes and goes and yet whether we feel it or not we can believe that the Father loves us and that's really who the father is the father is loved John tells us in first John that God is love and perfect love casts out fear and so we look at Jesus he's our Savior he's king we look at Holy Spirit he's the power of God we look at the father he's the love of God he's love he is fullness of love and the love of God was displayed for us by sending his son and he sent his son to demonstrate a father-son relationship he sent his son to die on a cross and through the cross of Jesus we get to see the love of God the love of God it says we shed abroad in all of our hearts through Jesus and so now we're filled with the love of God we get to experience God love the father's love and yet Jesus had to experience some of the things that we experience in our life the lack of love we may not realize it but Jesus experienced lack of love in his life not just lack of love from others but he experienced a separation with the father on the cross and he said my God my God why have you forsaken me he actually called God his father but when he came to the cross he changed his description of God his father to my God my God I believe and I would propose to you that Jesus came down experience the Father as God so that we could experience God as father he experienced him like you and I may have grown up to know him he's God some of our views of God need to change some of our views of God need to metamorphosize because we've been living out of this understanding of God that is more he's more like a taskmaster and he's he's trying to control the universe but when I've seen the father I've recognized that he's perfect love fact I've seen the father and he's he's like a big giant Jesus that's what he looks like and he's perfect but he is so full of love he's so full of love and so I want to talk to you about the father right now because I believe for some of us we may not know what the father is like and it's limiting in our it's literally impairing us from living out our full potential because we've not understood God his father we've understood him as God but Jesus came to reveal God his father he came to reveal God his father he came to bring us to the Father in fact when Jesus comes back and all things are put under his feet says in first Corinthians 15 that at that time all things will be brought unto the feet of Jesus everything will be submitted to him all the kingdoms of this world would become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he will present all the kingdoms to the Father he will present everything to the father and the father will rule and it's a it's something that we tend to miss in our understanding because for most of us Jesus is enough I believe Jesus is enough but Jesus actually being enough came to to describe to us and and proclaim who the father was and they said to him show us the father and he said if you've seen me you've seen the father why because he and the father are one he is the brightness of the father's glory he is the exact representation of his nature and so when we start to understand it God his father our life will change because we'll no longer think of God as a taskmaster we'll start to understand the ways of God and move as sons and daughters are you ready for this go to John chapter 5 I've got something out of the scripture and then I believe people are there's some people needing ministry in here tonight says this in John chapter 5 we're in verse 1 after this a Jewish festival took place and Jesus went up to Jerusalem says by the sheep gate there they are the sheep are gathered there's a bunch of people there the Sheep gave in Jerusalem there's a pool called Bethesda in Hebrew which has five colonies within these lay a large number of sick blind lame and paralyzed waiting for the moving of the water because an angel would go down into the pool from time to time and stir up the water then the first one who got in after the water was stirred up recovered from whatever ailment he had now could you imagine they're all sitting around waiting for some kind of whirlpool effect they're looking and watching waiting for the water to bubble up something was going to happen to this water and it was assigned to them that an angel of God had stepped down and stirred the water now they believe that at this time whoever got into the water and was the first one to step into the water would be healed in the you had to be there at the right time at the right place you ever been in a situation where there's only one of something it's a bunch of you but there's only one of something it will put a scarcity mentality and you like nothing else will I remember when I was a kid my brothers and I my mother would come home with one cereal box believe me we all knew where that thing was one cereal box I don't care what kind of cereal was we were cereal fanatics we knew where that's because three boys one cereal box the law of supply and demand we need that cereal and sure enough my brother who is the middle child my brother he would run down I was the oldest he would run down and pour himself a bowl he wasn't even hungry he would do it because he wanted to have something that everybody else wanted right and I would say you just hate why are you doing that save it I'm the responsible one I'm the oldest right I might save that cereal man and then my little brother who's the youngest he would come down and he was sneaky he would hide the cereal he'd hide the box I'm looking I did something to that cereal I'd look and sure enough remember when Tupperware was like the biggest thing right mom comes home with Tupperware containers for days right everybody's in the Tupperware well we had an entire comfort of Tupperware and he would put it way behind the Tupperware hiding there it was behind the toughie where that cereal I found it I found it but when I went to pour it it was empty I'm like what this is not fair cereal the law supplied the man when you know there's only one of something it becomes of greater value do you know what I'm saying I've been Nashville right now they have a pancake house there people line up for hours to get in this pancake house okay pantry pancake pantry yeah anybody love pancakes I'm a big pancake fanatic pancake now here's the thing that they that they do though because I remember lining up at the pancake pantry getting in there I'm like a pancake and you psych yourself up for these pancakes you may be on the Atkins but you are like I'm not going to I'm gonna eat pancakes till my brains are filled with pain I mean like my ears I want to eat pancakes you're excited right and you're thinking chocolate chip banana [Music] Nana pancakes they got syrup blueberry syrup maple syrup other kinds of pecan syrup you're like gonna get me a pancake and things beginning everybody's getting hangry you ever gotten hangry to mix between angry and hungry you start to get hangry you want to eat the pancake and you're you're looking at other something to give up wrinkly and then you get in there and the place is half empty it's like a one of those Disneyworld rods you just sit on for hours and it ends up being a 30-second ride you like there's places half empty they control the lines I'm giving away this is like probably going to be deleted from the podcast I hope because this is like Wizard of Oz type stuff you get to behind the curtain and see really who what's going on and you go ah wasn't so powerful you know because they control the line so it makes it look like this there's a lot of people that want one thing than that awful but you don't care about that time you so psyched yourself up that you want the pancake like give me ten pancakes you want to eat the pinky and so it's an amazing thing everybody is looking at one thing you want one thing and everybody's waiting for the stirring of the water the angel is going to come down and stir the water the chances of that have to be miraculous because I don't think that this was like you know at five o'clock every day before a clock every day it's not like a time thing it was like people would wait around for this one supernatural event and it was kind of like lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place when is it going to strike I don't know and the odds of this thing you know so people are waiting and you have to understand this scenario because what Jesus is about to walk into is a man that had been sitting there for 38 years waiting for the stirring of the water says one man who had been there had been sick for 38 years when Jesus saw him lying there and he knew he had already been there a long time he said to him do you want to get well do you want to get well I've been in situations where people are on the verge of a breakthrough and it's as if they don't want to get well they don't want to get well I've been on the verge of breakthrough with some folks and it's as if their identity has been infused with disappointment to the point where the Scriptures say Hope deferred makes the heart sick Hope deferred makes the heart sick giver winter wanted something for such a long time and it's and it's almost like it's a carrot dangling on a stick in front of you you can't reach it it's just right out of sight it's so close it's right there Hope deferred makes the heart sick when the heart is sick you start to get disappointed and you start to become sort of jaded about life and possibilities things you know and when you hear about things going on good things with other people your life happens Oh happens to them happens to them and you start to get jaded you know and you almost get to a point where you don't want to hear about a breakthrough have you ever been in that place I've been in that place where I've been so hungry yet I've let my hunger get the best of me and I get in to Hope deferred and somebody will come in and start telling me this wonderful story they'll tell me and I'm like I don't want to hear it I don't want to hear I mean you'd they're like oh my gosh it was amazing this conference was amazing I can't hear it because I'm so hungry I've got a Hope deferred I've got to I've got to tend to the garden of my heart because that Hope deferred can create a culture of disappointment but I want to prophesy over you today that God is removing the disappointments from your life he's removing disappointment and he's bringing you out of Hope deferred into divine appointment God wants to bring you out of Hope deferred into a divine appointment it says when the desire comes is a tree of life well Hope deferred makes the heart sick when the desire comes it's a tree of life it's a sustainable life giving source and God wants to cause your hope in your heart that you've lost to be restored back to you the desire would come back into your heart do you know what this word desire means desire is an interesting word the sire it means of the father of the father that God wants to put inside of you good things that are born of the Father's heart that God has plans for you good plans to give you a future and a hope he has good plans and he wants to set you up for success to the point where your everyday becomes a divine appointment your everyday is shifted out of a place of suffering into a place of abundance somebody say abundance so Jesus he comes up to this man and he says do you want to get well have you ever been in that situation do you want to get well do you want to get well you know you're in a situation where you're just feeding that little frenzy in your heart of Hope deferred you're over loading on chips sitting there on your on your on your bed you're like I'm gonna get up for days I'm not nobody's gonna see me you you kind of hide you cave out and you have that little voice that says do you get help do something you're like no I don't want him to see me do you want to get well no I don't want him to see me I'm gonna be in here all by myself I'm gonna be in here I'm gonna hide out I'm I'm not gonna let them see what I'm like right now you know forget them forget them you've already been there long enough you've already been there too long do you want to get well and you're in a situation where you like god I need a Savior I need a Savior I need someone to come to me and and do some divine intervention ever been in a moment where you need divine intervention I've been in a moment with some people that needed to divine intervention in their life at one young man he was in too but he was in a moment of crisis he needed divine intervention and I looked at him in the eyes and I said you're not a loser and he said I have a loser I said you were not a loser he said I have a loser I said no you're not because I can't do anything right I said yes you can yes you can and he said I can't do anything I can't I can't apply for a job I said why can't you he said because I don't have a car and I don't know what was compelling me in that moment but I was so motivated by the height of this moment and I said well I'm gonna give you my car he said I'm Allah what he does say to me and I'm telling you he started drying his eyes and he was like who there's this amazing the best favorite life one minute he goes from loser to the next minute he can overcome anything he said where are your keys I said they're right here they're all yours I had to explain it to my wife we're a one-car family baby one car family he got in that thing fired it up he was excited within that week he got a job he got a promotion that company made him a regional manager this guy couldn't I'm talking about he couldn't get a job you know he couldn't get a job pushing a broom at wah wah this guy he was and all the sudden things shifted in his life he became something to someone because somebody believed in him somebody believed in him he ran around with that car until the company that he was a part of bought that cart bottom a car he had a car he had my car he gave that car away he was doing so well the company came in a bottom a car he rolled up in this brand-new car I said what's this we said the company bought it for me I said where's where's the other car well I was blessed to be a blessing I'm sitting there going praise the Lord I'm praising God with you somebody believed in this man he says do you want to get well sir this sick man answered I don't have the man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up but while I'm coming someone goes down ahead of me you ever been in a situation where somebody always gets in right before you it's like you're waiting and waiting and you're waiting for something but it seems to me that you that you just if they get what you're going after and you're like I've been here longer about waiting longer you're in I mean I have friends around me super gifted and I'm like God did they fast for that big fast god I fasted for that god works someone gets in and gets ahead of me and gets what I'm going after you've been in this situation before where you're going after something and someone seems to get the promotion that you've been going after similar someone seems to get the job opportunity they someone gets the scholarship someone gets this or gets that and you're sitting there faced with a dilemma god got my back does God have my back but it's an interesting moment because this man though he he looks like he needs a Savior this man needs something else and Jesus is about to do something for this man then I believe you and I could tap into today it's part of the new covenant Jesus looks at him while he's complaining about his miracle he's missed the miracle and Jesus says to him get up get up turn to your neighbors say get up get up now somebody in here needs to get up somebody in here you're in a situation where you need to get up out of that situation and trust that God has put it in you to overcome the situation that you're in you might be Team B between a rock and a hard place but God is going to work a miracle as long as you get up some of us have been pushed down press down you're busted you don't know where to go but it's not time to let go it's time to get up God wants you to get up and stand up in that place where you've been struggling you don't know where Jesus is but he's saying over you get up now you may not be used to that I want to tell you get up because somebody in here you may not be used to you may be used to someone speaking over you bless you in Jesus name they may be speaking over healing in Jesus name you know that's all important Jesus you know this this that Jesus doesn't pray for the sick man Jesus doesn't pray for the sick man he doesn't say to the sick man be healed legs work back be straightened he just tells this man in this situation who's been there for 38 years his hope is deferred his heart is sick he doesn't know where to go he can't get into the water because somebody else is giving what he's asking God for and yet he tells this man in this dire situation get up Jesus told him pick up your mat and walk somebody in here needs to pick up your mat and walk now you have to understand something this man Jesus he's he's saying this pick up your mat and walk thinking that this man has walked into this environment with a mat did he get his mat here sit down sit down sit up you're going to get up but I want you to sit down where there is a will there is a way where there is a will there is a way somehow this man in his crippled state has found a way to get his mat to some pool and in some sheep gate area he's found a way to get what he needs to where he's going where there is a will there is a way sometimes you excuses are the biggest thing limiting us we've been limited by our excuses in our biggest enemy is not the devil the biggest enemy can be our own mind it says take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ take every thought captive when you have a mindset that is toxic anybody ever had a situation where you feel like the mindset that you're dealing with in this person is toxic it's like they can't they can't do it because they don't believe that they're there valuable enough or they're worth enough they they are in a toxic mindset that is keeping them D habilitated and keeping them from walking in the fullness of what God has called us to someone say what chiton Jesus just healed this man you know sometimes we've actually already been healed but the problem that we're dealing with is nothing more than a phantom problem never had a phantom problem phantom problem anybody ever had phantom phone calls phantom phone calls you know I there's a season in my life where I had my church made my phone number available people were calling me and texting me pastor pray for me pastor pray for pastor now I just I love those moments to being prayed for by being you know be able to pray with people but some situations you know we're just a little strange to me pastor please I mean I love you guys you guys have the real heart of pastors you know I know you're more than that but you know true pastors people living in your house people living with you me I'm like I want my own room I want my own house yeah I mean god bless you guys but it's a holy calling okay that's it's not for everybody but it's you know people can do it and and you guys have love you have unbelievable amount of love and and I'm probably growing in my love you know people pastor come pray for my house hey pray say what's going on the cat cat is messing up my carpet I'd say get rid of the cat I'm gonna give you a few simple steps to this pastoral coaching right here I'm a I'm a I have a cat my kid have a cat so don't worry I'm not a not a cat hater somebody be like hates can know my I you know I was in Scituate pastor please pray I said what my carpets ill Dewey I don't know if I should move or not like yes move do what you got to do I don't know I don't need a word from God about this do what you have to do you know and some people are looking for you know some kind of divine intervention but looking for a divine intervention and yet some of us were experiencing problems in pain that probably doesn't even actually exist in reality but I remember when I was in this moment I was getting phone calls and I was getting them all the time text messages you know people nowadays about five different ways of connecting with you if they can't reach you on phone call they call you on Instagram you people I just got the other day somebody actually called my facebook I don't even know how this happens but my facebook started ringing and and I was like no no it's about you know too many different ways of connecting and I I remember going to this resort my wife and I we went to this resort and they said sir we want you to really relax we want you to really enjoy yourself in this vacation we hadn't been on a vacation in number of years and she said the lady behind the counter she says we want you to really enjoy the vacation can you would you like to check your phone and we provide that as a service yeah get up David and Tracy hahaha come out phone Tracy I was like you I was like you because I said get behind me Satan they try to take my phone I'm like no no you kidding me I need this thing it needs me so a day into it I realized you know what I can relax I don't need it so I start putting it away in the safe inside of the hotel room I'm like I'm going to lock this not because I'm paranoid something steal I'm paranoid I'm gonna have easy access to it so I'm like you know and so I put it in there and you know and I go outside and I'm with my wife or by the pool on the beach we're chilling herself all of a sudden I'm like oh good phone call let's uh there's no phone I was getting phantom buzzing phantom text messages in here like a ringtone that's very similar or some kind of sound that's very similar in the you know so what it's like a baby crying you're like my baby my baby where are you my baby I have to answer you and you can't get this thing in time so you're like one and it you have to detox these phantom messages these phantom you know phone calls and some of us were in the situations that are actually not really happening we think we're in trouble or we think we're financial situations oh we think we're about to get fired or we we think our family's going to leave us we think we're you know all these different situations that are phantom they're not actually happening the battlefield is the mine and you have to war over those things and take every thought captive now here's what happens this man he's sitting there and Jesus says to him pick up your mat walk I've to say something about this this man had found a way to get his mat there now Jesus is on the Sabbath he's already irritated the Pharisees and one of the the things that you are not allowed to do on the Sabbath was actually pick up your mat and walk you were not allowed to carry your bed from one place to another they would consider that work in fact Jesus he did several things knowing that they considered this work though it was not in the law he just looked at this thing as you know the kind of traditions of the elders he would call them the traditions you make the word have gotten God of no effect through your traditions and so one of their traditions was you were not allowed to make clay out of spit in and dirt because that would be considered making clay or brick work and you were not allowed to do that on the Sabbath so what does Jesus do on the Sabbath he takes that blind man and he spits into mud and he makes clay forms clay forms an eyeball in his hand sticks it in that man's eye socket and the man can see these things on the Sabbath because they don't understand the father's nature they think that the Sabbath was something that they had to live for but Jesus came and said the Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath do you understand this the Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath he didn't make up things against you he made them for you some of us are being held hostage to things thinking he made this so that I got to serve this Sabbath day but I've got to do this but it's not made against you it's made for you man was made not for the Sabbath the Sabbath was made for man it's made for man to rest so Jesus is actually about to display the father now you have to understand something Jesus is about to heal a man on the Sabbath it's a day of rest and he's about to do something so prophetic in nature that we could actually miss it though it's hidden in plain sight it's so prophetic in nature Sabbath was a day that you are not allowed to do anything and the Pharisee achill leaders would would rather have you crippled and passive than you moving and active because that would satisfy their tradition or their way of thinking more than someone active and fully alive they would consider passive crippling immobility holy rather than someone alive healed well and walking as Holy so Jesus is about to heal this man and it's really a public display of a prophetic message to all those around that he's trying to convey something about the very nature of the Father and demonstrate who he is specifically on this day are you ready for this some of us we don't realize but we have permission to be awesome I want you to tell your neighbor you have permission to be awesome now tell them go ahead go ahead and be awesome now you have permission to be awesome some of us were like God speak over me tell me when will I be awesome you came today for a prophetic word you like please God have G me call me out tell me when will I be awesome I want to know God when when I want to prophesy over you declare over you right now you are called awesome and you have permission to be awesome some of us think the gospel is about permission we think that God is about permission that every prophetic word is finally permission to do what was in our heart to do we're waiting for permission but the gospel is actually about forgiveness forgiveness is something that you need when you do something that you shouldn't have done and the gospel is all about mercy and forgiveness and we started doing this at a church where we change our culture from a culture of permission to a culture of forgiveness people were asking us all the time hey can I this weekend do you think that I could I get permission from you pastor to go out and feed the homeless I'm like let me pray about that yes of course you have permission why would you even ask that question well I just wanted your blessing yes I get it you want my blessing but God already blessed you to be awesome you didn't need my permission to be awesome you didn't need two passwords permission to be off I'm not talking about you grabbing the microphone I'm talking about doing things in the world well I just didn't know if I was okay with you I said look this is a culture forgiveness around here if you do something that you shouldn't have we'll come to you we'll tell you and you'll ask for forgiveness but just keep being awesome until you need forgiveness yes come on I was like I don't want to micromanage your awesomeness That's not me I want you to be who you are and if you mess this up there's forgiveness if you make a mistake there's forgiveness you know what we had after oh I won't even say it because I could get in trouble here but it was it was so much fun haha people were starting health groups and people are starting all these different groups and and ministering to the city and doing things and I would go I don't even know what's going on and people around me were like will you as a pastor you need to know what everyone is doing I said no please I want to no less I just want to show up on Sunday to be honest you have permission to be awesome this man was sitting there 38 years in this same situation needing someone to give him a permission to be awesome he says get up he doesn't say be healed he says get up get up on your feet kick your mat and walk he doesn't need a healing he needs to know that he can do it he needs to know that he has the permission to be healed he needs to know that he has the permission to get better some of us were like I need to go through ten different levels of this and that and ten weeks of healing of this and blah blah no you have permission to be healed right now you have permission to believe God right now you have permission to believe you you don't need a prophetic word from me that you're going to be this that or the other you don't need a prophetic word that you're going to be you are awesome the prophetic comes to identify what's already there not to tell you something that you don't have it affirms what you already have so that there's a change because the father's nature is you are awesome you're made in His image and in his likeness you have permission to be awesome Jesus says stand up get up take up your mat and walk instantly the man got well picked up his mat and started the walk instantly the man got well now here's you ever been in a moment where you go to sleep we fall asleep it's like 9 o'clock at night maybe your bedtimes a little earlier maybe it's 10 o'clock I don't know let's just say you go to bed 11 o'clock 11 o'clock you it's close to midnight you're like going to set my alarm thank you Jesus set my alarm praise God set my alarm now I'm a I'm a five alarm guy I set five alarms five alarms because I need to prepare myself to wake up eleven o'clock you go to bed all of a sudden you wake up you wake up and you're like oh my gosh I slept through my alarm huh what happened you're running through the house oh my gosh get up everybody get up we got to go we got to go it's 11:30 I can't believe we slept oh my I did sleepy twelve and a half hours what is going on here I I'm oh I'm late I'm late I'm late and you're running around you're you're like wired you're like wow that was a good night's sleep praise God hallelujah but I'm late I'm going to get and and you realize it's not 11:30 the next day it's 11:30 thirty minutes later from when you went to bed you're already dressed you're running around you're making coffee thirty minutes late you ever have that happen I've had that happen a couple times and and all of a sudden you were like alive I mean you were like ready to take the day you're like whoo that was a good night's sleep and all of a sudden now you're like whoa whoa I'm so I'm about to faint I'm so tired I I don't know what I was thinking please everybody go back to bed everybody back to bed please please daddy sorry daddy's really sorry please the mind it's a powerful thing when you believe something to be true when you believe it to be true you it changes everything changes everything about your your genetic makeup how you present yourself says as a man thinks in his heart so is he it says about those that went in in spite out the land we were grasshoppers in our own sight and so we were in the site of the Giants grasshoppers how you believe about yourself how you perceive yourself if you understand in your heart that you powerful some of us don't realize how powerful we are because we fear still thinking that we're powerless and gods got all the power God I can't do it only you can yet he says you could do all things through Christ who strengthens you some of us need to begin to declare that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I can do all things I was in a situation where I was playing tennis with the good buddy of mine we were weeks into this match every night we were going to the same tennis court as a public tennis court and I'm not great at tennis but I'm competitive and so I had we bring this roll of quarters because the lights required quarters you'd stick quarters in the machine and all of a sudden lights would come on and we play tennis we'd start off at 7 o'clock at night end up going to about 10 11 o'clock at night sometimes midnight we just play and play and play three weeks into the match and this guy has beat me every night I am I am upset I'm gonna win and I'm sitting there going I need a win I need a win I could do this and he pitches me a soft serve right over and I'm like I got this I rushed the net and when I rushed the net and I stopped I rolled my ankle and I break my foot and I'm in such a screw shading pain I'm spider aah he runs over he's like what I broke it he goes let's pray Jesus name in Jesus they be healed in Jesus name I got up the thing is pain painful I can't I mean I can't move it but I had to play I had them I am NOT going to let this foot stop me from winning come on happy Father's Day and I'm sitting there broken foot I got this I got this thank you Jesus I'm going to get up I'm gonna get up I'm gonna pick up my mat and walk I'm gonna win this thing now I'm not going to tell you that I won but when I was running on that foot every time I felt pain I was like not today Satan not today and as I ran on that thing it got better until I was pain-free at the end of the night and it wasn't stolen I woke up the next day and my entire foot was black and blue on one side to demonstrate that it had actually broken it had actually broken and it was completely covered I mean but no pain I walked on that thing and it was absolutely amazing say why did you have black and black why did you just Jesus just healed that well remember Jesus at the resurrection he still had holes in his hands after Jesus had been raised from the dead to demonstrate that that he would actually this actually happened to him some of us we need to get up some of us need to get up you have permission to be healed your permission walk your permission to move forward keep moving forward Jesus look and this is the icing on the cake here and we're going to pray Jesus says this man after they the man was cured did not know was because Jesus had slipped away in the crowd they asked them who told you you could be awesome - was it who told you pick up your mat and walk who told you you could be awesome who told you you could do this who told you that you could get into that University who told you you could get that job who told you you could do that who told you you could have a family like this who told you who told you that you could do all this good stuff somebody got inside of your head somebody got inside of your head and so instead you could be awesome but Jesus he slips away into the crowd and it says after this Jesus found in the temple complex said see or well do not sin anymore so that something worse doesn't happen to you this man went and reported to the Jews that was Jesus who made him well who told him he could be awesome who told him that he could pick up his mat wahoo told him that he could be you it was Jesus and what was this man sin it's an interesting thing because the more I look at this it wasn't that this man was a liar cheater wasn't a thief he wasn't an adultery he wasn't in any of those things his sin was the sin of passivity Jesus life to this man and shakes him out of his passivity on the Sabbath day on the day of rest any I identified to the Pharisees that the day of rest is not a passive day there's nothing passive about the day of rest he says my father has been working he's still working and I am working also it's nothing passive about rest there's nothing passive about the father's nature because active in our life and so they actually began to pursue him trying to kill him all the more because he actually said this interesting thing he said my father and they they were so irritated by this statement it says not only was he breaking the Sabbath but he was even calling God his own father making himself equal with God so when you begin to understand the father's nature suddenly this thing begins to make sense what was once held over people's head the Sabbath now he he's resembling and displaying the father's nature that the Sabbath is not is not something that was there to hold people hostage it was to set people free you none of this thing will make sense until you understand the father - it'll all be performance it will all be it will all be striving until we see the father do we see the father Jesus is trying to show who the father is on the Sabbath he says my father is working and I am working also I don't believe Jesus would received like instant text message play-by-play type things as he went Jesus wasn't a robot he was fully human he wasn't a robot he wasn't receiving father instructions every moment going do this pray for this person take a left he didn't just hear some voice say now stretch out your hand now speak this I don't believe that that's how Jesus operated I believe he knew the father's nature and because he knew the father's nature he knew the comfort zone he was operating in he knew that oh there's a sick person he didn't need to go I see you well father no because the name of the father's Jehovah Rapha the Lord who heals you he didn't need to go it is it will I cast out this devil know is the Lord who delivers you the father's nature is deliverance freedom abundance people are being robbed oppressed broken as Jesus operate out of out of the father's nature he doesn't need to worry some of us we get hung up on do I have permission to do this grab permission because we're so worried about the will of God there's a difference between the will of God and the nature of the Father the will of God has become something that we don't realize is actually for us not against us right we have this mind set on the will of God where like we say God I'll never go to Africa be a missionary and all sudden gods like all right make them do that or um you know we we kind of have this mindset of the will of God God makes me do things I don't want to do but when we start seeing the nature of the father suddenly the equation has changed I'm no longer worried about okay God tell me the blueprints I'm not worried about that anymore I'm focused on people I'm focused on ministering to people I focus on touching people with the father's nature oh my gosh you're broken doesn't matter whether I'm in Africa or Maryland or wherever I'm at you're broken you're hurting I'm gonna touch you because the father's on me he wants the minister you've been beat up don't worry I don't need to pray whether it's the will of God or not it's the father's nature to touch you some of us need to get this mindset we're like God is it your will is it your will and he says yes is it door number one or door number two the father says yes but what about noir number three he's like that one too yes yes yes yes all the promises of God are yesterday men all the promises of God okay I'm just going to pick one and I'm going to trust that you're with me father I'm going to trust that you're with me come on how many need to hear this right now because this is the father's nature this is the father's nature father wants sons and daughters he's not looking for robots he's not looking for robots he's not looking for for you know people yes father I will do thy will he's looking for people who will say yes because that's the father's nature so that's persons hurting yeah I'm gonna go minister to them I know it's the will of the Father it's his nature he wants to minister to people right now hurting people in here father would you just touch people right now would you just reach out let your love come let your love come Kingdom Come Letcher will be done Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit come woo there's a wave of heat in here it's like God's hot breath is breathing on us or something he's like just breathing says that when he went fever followed him that's what it's like when God moves some of us he's going to turn up the temperature come on he's going to turn up the temperature on some in here right now Holy Spirit come right now let your kingdom come let your will be done there it is more Lord more father more father more father more father you you you there's just a baptism of the Father's love right now just happening in this room right now you you there is more father more father lecher Kingdom Come more father you more father you you I don't see you're going to get you're going to have an encounter with the love of God Paul is proud of you fathers just proud of you and even this struggle you've stood your ground and you've held yourself with honor and God is proud of you he calls you son and he's inviting you into this place to know that he's proud of you full of joy over you and he's happy about who you are he loves who you are he's been he's been walking with you for a number of years he's been ministering to you in the secret place you're going to know the father's left father I bless him in Jesus name in the name of Jesus let your kingdom come come father more more father more father yeah just happy Father's Day to you you more father more father more father you fathers just I can he's singing over us right now he's singing over us Bert I just see the father's love on you man in the season of your life you're about to come into a season of it's a Thanksgiving season for you and for your family well you're going to give thanks because the Lord is good and I'd got to see the Lord restoring to you the joy of your salvation he's going to restore to you it's like joy is going to fall on you and fall on all those that you touch and he's called you to be a messenger of joy he's called you to be a host of joy a carrier of joy he's gonna cause his spirit to flow through you is a mantle of joy joy mantle going to be released on you and I see you touching people in your life bringing them into an encounter with the joy of the Father the father's joy I see even in your house that you're going to be bringing people many people through your house and it's there's going to be people of notoriety people of nobility that will actually come through your house and God is going to prepare your house to be a house that can host Kings a house that can host some of the world's who's who and you're going to recognize the hand of God flowing through you Adele see in this season is going to cause you to prophesy over the broken prophesy over the weary prophesy over those who are brokenhearted you're going to have a strong discernment in this season a wisdom that's going to reach beyond anything you've ever known or seen before and I see you ministering out of this wisdom and out of this place of encounter God's about the end lineup encounters for you you're going to you're going to encounter God I see you encountering God in the secret place and he wants to put his father love on you he's touching your health as well and he's going to minister to your health and he's going to minister healing to your body he's going to minister strength to you and you're going to begin to see God as he's adding to you many years and he's going to strengthen you for the days ahead I see God surrounding you even with this legacy it's a legacy move surrounding you with legacy a legacy of family spiritual sons and daughters and you're going to begin to see God as he's going to set you in a place as a grandfather anointing and he wants to begin to release the father's love through you in this grandfather anointing there's also going to be the travel is going to continue and God is going to begin increase you in some some places where you're going to be going to conferences and events I see you go into places and I see you soaking and getting saturated and getting trained up in your gifts and God is going to increase the grace gifts on you in a dynamic way the provision is going to happen and God is also going to add to you other entrepreneurial activities there's entrepreneurial activities that are coming and you're going to begin to see God even with your kids around you that they're going to actually help you accomplish these entrepreneurial activities and it's going to be family business it's a legacy it's for your family and I bless you with that in Jesus name come on somebody celebrate God [Applause] Oh father you're so good you're so good is it any good I just feel the father's in the house any blessing then they need blessing this guy right here how to see blessing on you man you carried yourself well God is he wants to encourage you and I Wow I saw the Lord he put a new song in your heart and dance in you as well but I see rollerskates I don't know why but I see the there's also something there's a local community spot that the Lord is forming and I see local community gatherings and God is going to actually bring you into a place where you can host the neighborhood in local community gatherings you're going to begin to see people come around and it's going to be moments of barbecuing it's going to be moments of of hanging out anytime you're a best cook ever is what you just said so you're going you're you're going to begin to see the Lord add to you just years of joy even in community there's but the host you're you're a host and you have the gift gift of hospitality on you and God is going to set you up with the hospitable anointing an anointing of favor and he's going to cause your face to shine yeah so I blessed that in Jesus name and I just prophesy a new grill over you God's going to give me grill in the name of Jesus let it be so amen that good that's awesome that's awesome come on Wow praise God praise God any dad's back here yeah this guy right here come on man I'm excited for you I feel like the joy of the Lord the excitement and the passion of God is on to you and I just feel this is a season where that God wants you to know that he's your protector he's your shield he's your exceedingly great reward and like Abraham he believed God and there was a there was a legacy from his life a prophesy legacy will come forth from you and that you will begin to see it a relationship back with your kids that the Holy Spirit is going to give you a relationship with your kids and it's going to be a the move of God to actually begin to bring back even some years of brokenness and he wants you to know that he's going to fill it with joy he's going to smooth everything out he's going to heal you up - and I see him touching your shoulder he's healing you and your shoulders but it I see that you're going to be caring even not only your kids but you re carrying your your brother and I'm reminded of this song he ain't heavy he's my brother that you're going to be carrying your brothers and they're going to rely on you for the strength that you have inside of you that you have an incredible strength in you to carry people and so watch as God begins to give you the ability to carry others you're going to also I see miracle-worker anointing on you see evangelism and others are going to God's get a pair of the prophetic gifts with this and so watch as God begins to give you those amen and then awesome yeah buddy bless you man Wow Wow any other dad's back here yeah come on bunch of dads here Wow hey man what's your name Brian I see Brian I see on you god has a there's this you're multifaceted you have a lot of different talents and you're trying to figure out which one you should do God's going to bring you into an environment where all your talents are going to come together in one place and I see I see skill I see knowledge and you're going to increase in knowledge book knowledge music knowledge you're going to increase the knowledge of people and he's going to fill you with wisdom beyond your years you're going to have a gift of the word of wisdom that kind of is going to flow through you and so watch as God begins to give you the gift of word of wisdom there's a lot of this I see you speaking life into dead people and you're going to bring them back to life you're going to bring them out of the chains that they've been in and bring them into a place where they can feel God's love you're you're also I see God has made you a forerunner where you can you're not worried about whether or not people are going to be alongside of you in order to do something you're a forerunner you're you're going to break out ahead of others and you're going to have others that will follow along side of you and actually want what it is that you're going after to pursue love he says first Corinthians 14:1 pursue love and it's earnestly desire spiritual gifts especially prophecy and so you're going to pursue love and and find yourself walking in a prophetic mantle and it's going to be the hand of the Lord and that awesome yeah so I've blessed that Amen come on I bless you father's yeah father I asked asked for the father anointing to come for these father's Lord that you would begin to fill them up with the love of God that they would represent the father well the generations would experience the love of the Father through them I'll let your love come come on can we just lift up our voices for these fathers right now come on just celebrate them right now celebrate them someone I do want to celebrate you I feel like God wants to celebrate you in this this season of your life this is a season of inheritance this is a season of Thanksgiving God is going to increase your land God is going to increase you to the right into the left and you're going to begin to know in this time what to do with the inheritance that you're being given and he's going to create something sustainable a sustainable renewable source of income and you're going to recognize that God is giving you the wisdom to do this and he's going to put a new strength in you it's a new dream coming and so I bless that in Jesus name Amen yeah [Music] are there any couples in here your your father but you want to see you want to have babies in this season and I actually I'm not giving you just permission to have babies but you're you want to actually have babies in you yeah in the covenant of marriage by the way and you're struggling to have babies but we believe there's a breakthrough right now for you I'm getting this by word of knowledge struggling to have babies but you can't have babies for some reason or another God is about to break open the door right now for you I'm telling you it's the windows of heaven Wow yeah father do it in Jesus name we bless them in the name of Jesus come on somebody celebrate God for them right now there's a breakthrough in the name of Jesus oh we won't be having service tonight we just kidding would you all stand up thank you Father for this this incredible group Lord what you're doing here I love this building by the way I think it's God's going to fill this building with glory he's gonna fill this building with good father let your kingdom come let your will be done in this place on earth as it is in heaven we celebrate you father and every father in here God put on them an anointing grace love wisdom and bless them in Jesus name Amen amen hallelujah I had a interesting I didn't know what I was going to go Jamie but thank you for keeping it conservative ah so web service tonight at 7:00 please invite people for our last night and bring your best praise amen we want to thank God for all that he's done and we just want to really celebrate so if you need to take a nap get your energy up if you need to visit a coffee bar if you need to go get a triple expresso whatever you got to do just get your praise on tonight be ready to give God thanks and I just really appreciate your hunger for God I appreciate already what God has done he's definitely not done yet he saves the best for last so we say yes Lord we're going to step into all that we have and I wanted to put out actually Tracy want to put out a challenge if everybody in here can think of one two three names just a text and say hey come out here tonight we want to kind of finish with with a real blessing for people that haven't been here just to step into the river and let it launch them and in fact somebody gave a word that there was a they kept hearing these rocket sounds and so there was a launching that's been taking place so tonight is about being sent out in the power of the gospel and power of the prophetic so we're going to be really laying hands and and and anointing you to go forth into all the world so that's what tonight's about being sent out in the power same same as Jesus breathed on 270 they went out and then it came back like I can't believe it works that's what we want to hear from you I can't believe it worked we have power over demons we have power over sickness we have power over blindness and that's going to be awesome to hear those reports also if you have a testimony please grab something write it down and get it in the testimony box right there and Tuesday we're going to be celebrating all the powerful testimonies and we want to be able to share those testimonies with all the guests that came and let them know some of the great things that happen yes the last items in the bookstore for Jaime Galilei are right back here to the on the left hand side first door on the left we want you guys to be able to take materials with you so that you can continuously stir up your faith and your hunger for God all right dennee in the coffee bar Jenny to the coffee bar the carpet ball coffee bar is calling you god bless you a cs7
Channel: Redemption House Life Center
Views: 312
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 1R1uKrWlpwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 15sec (5355 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2017
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