RHLC - September Leadership Meeting 9/8/21 7:00pm

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class we get to pray over them um and in the new year so what exciting time uh actually looked up i knew uh what bet means and if you were if you had and she'd have your pictograms but bet means the house right and pay means the mouth so uh kind of interesting decade we have here with the mouth so it's always interesting last year it was i in bet or ein pay and then uh i'm sorry olive olive pay and now it's bedpay so it means open mouth in the house or bethlehem bethsaida those kind of words like that and uh if the the word is an invitation and not a condemnation right so god wants to invite us into his plans so uh literally when you put this year together with the decade and the individual year you get open mouth in the house or the ruach hakadesh is about to speak and breathe significantly through his church because the ecclesia or the people of god is about to get her roar back in other words god's about to breathe breathe on the words that we speak because he's specifically identifying uh the house of god or what his house and then obviously what happens in his house affects your house as long as you're taking what's happening in his house home with you and i think most of you guys are all about that right so it it's a very significant time when you see something god's doing in his house that you that you try to emulate that in your home right so it's a really critical time to just allow god to do it allow god to open up our hearts allow god to really rise up our faith so thank you so much for that chris can you blow this shofar and we're gonna pray so let's all stand our feet let's pray together and then we'll have chris below the shofar welcome us into our new year i know it started and we're in 10 days of all if you're not familiar with hebrew times modems but we're going to be focusing on some times and seasons over the next couple uh days because we want to be able to honor god and what he does in these time periods because the opportunity of a lifetime must be seized during the lifetime of that opportunity we have 10 days to really be aware of what god wants to do in these 10 days and be able to align ourselves so that this year can be catapulting us into all that god has for us so we just declare god all that you want all that you have in mind all that you have in store lord let our eyes be on you lord because you're really the only thing that matters not what you're doing not what you have in mind but lord what you're who you are god always lead us to the right heart that leads us to the right outcomes god so we want to focus on you no matter what so we ask that our eyes would be lifted to heaven lord our eyes would be focused on the things above in this new year we thank you for the great privilege lord of crossing over into a new year and we don't take it lightly god help us help us to prepare ourselves for the fullness of what you have we thank you lord for everything that you want to do we plead the blood of jesus over your house over every member over our extended family over our job places god everywhere we go we thank you lord that there's a reason we're there and i just pray lord for your favor to increase in this season lord i pray that your mercies would increase because you give us your heart lord mercies will flow through us into the world around us mercies will flow into our family lord we thank you that we're going to call people higher we're going to call them into the things that you have in store for them we're not going to call them according to their past but we're going to call them according to their destiny we thank you lord for a reality check in the house of god that we use words that you use god that words that come from heaven kingdom language be released in the name of jesus right now i just speak to our language upgrade this year that our house language would be one of edification lord ministering grace to hearers god you've decreed it you've declared it god let it be so in our lives that we will walk according to your word that our that our words would be full of edification god and we just thank you in advance lord pour out your spirit tonight pour out the reality of heaven tonight we thank you in advance for doing this great work in each one of us we thank you lord for your love and we just sound the alarm god that this is a year that your words will be in the house of the lord in jesus name we blow the shofar come over lift your voice hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus we bless you lord we bless you lord ho torres [Music] thank you lord we sound the alarm god we thank you lord [Music] we welcome you holy spirit holy spirit have your way have your way god in jesus name in jesus name amen you guys can be seated chad megan is there anything you'd like to add as the uh as the ones that really love and have such a backbone background and uh hebraic tradition they're debating so the uh the 10 days of awe are really an important time it's the 10 days from rosh hashanah which started last night at sundown as we've been talking about and adjusting to uh california times two nights ago thank you and so the ten days are a time of introspection traditionally they're a time that you are searching your heart for things that you need to shed that you need to repent of that leads up to the day of yom kippur the 10th of the month of the the hebrew month and so that's the day where the lord that will essentially in in hebrew tradition in jewish tradition the book of life is closed and your your name is either in it or it's not obviously our name is written in the book of life because we are in the faith of jesus amen we are not under the law but these times are times that are important to they're they're god's times they're the moadim that god appointed um for for things to to happen at in similar ways not always exactly the same way but they're similar ways that god interacts with us and so this season is a season where we look at ourselves we inspect ourselves what lord do you want me to to shed what do you want me to change this year is there something you want me to work on lord how how can i become more like your son and that's really the goal so that jesus is formed in us that christ is formed in us amen so you said a lot of what i was going to say but one of the you know questions that we often get when we talk about um the jewish tradition and and looking at all this is why is this important to us and one of the things just to reiterate is this is god's timeline and jesus was jewish and he does things according to that timeline that he set in place and if you look at it over history you'll see time and time again where the different holidays the different festivals that the lord does things on that timeline so you know monday night being rosh hashanah the things that are happening in the world that you know even the the um taking back and and establishing israel again happened at that time and so we need to pay attention to that and know that um not in any kind of legalistic or or you know that type of a thing but just to pay attention and know that god is speaking and take that time with the lord take that time to ask him like we do at our traditional new year's you take this time to sit before the lord and ask him what are you saying to me for this year lord what is your assignment for me this year lord what are the things that i'm doing that i'm involved in is this something that you want me to be involved in or or what are you calling me to what are the things that are on your heart for me lord and take that time with the lord to make sure that you're listening to him it's important to him and when we come in alignment with him in his timing there is blessing amen amen hey sirona if you'd like to talk with these guys afterwards anything you would like to add or ideas you have about it um also it's really important to understand that there are there are scriptures that actually say that there that the lord blesses you and his times his mother deems his special appointed times those seasonal times it's kind of like god wants to make sure you're aware there's uh reasons for these kinds of timelines and seasons these appointed times and so we have to actually uh i like how you you were really specific we have to now we we don't look at our past and go and feel condemnation we look at our past and compare not to our neighbors not to our spouses we compare our past like even last week we compare everything where we're at to christ jesus he's our plumb line we don't get a different one you don't get to look around and find the lowest lowest totem pole and say well i'm better than that at least lord you know surely you're happy with me because uh that just shows how off track we get when we start comparing ourselves amongst ourselves right so thank you for that and i believe that this is a significant time for us we have a really special opportunity coming up this friday and saturday it's it's not really on sunday the school divine intelligence we actually posted a video last night and they had given some some prophetic words and ministered a little bit told about the school and some of the things that they do so how many people got to see the video from last night just raise your hands high so i can see you all right not many that's not good the reason why it's not good it means you don't really know what what um it is going to entail so take take a note um for yourself you can text yourself whatever you need to do just take yourself a note and see what's going to be happening this friday see if it really ministers to you um because i really feel like uh that this is going to be a significant time just to be able to to uh we're in the 10 days of all so it's already significant by itself but then um you know god brought this particular opportunity to us through a friend who's who's really moving in the things of the lord and uh so um i was kind of hesitant and then i i prayed about it and then the lord showed me more and more how how much it was of his plans so it's you know we have a lot of relationships now and uh so we're we don't need to add a lot more into the mix but we're really grateful um so i have a testimony anybody else have a testimony all right one two three all right i got my three so i'll give a quick testimony i was uh i was watching uh i saw tudor bismarck was in the states and i was like hey tudor what's up you want to come to maryland he said man my schedule's already packed and i was like oh it's too bad so i looked at his itinerary and i was like that's too bad so i found this one place and my dad lives in atlanta so i was like maybe i could go to atlanta and and see tudor there so i pulled it up so dr francis miles will be there and katie souza and a couple others and i started going hey what's going on here and uh i started realizing that it was an apostolic uh conference where uh where so i started listening to um idols riot uh a book that her and dr francis miles he's from zambia uh africa and he was talking about altars and particularly altars that are made for idols and and katie souza was talking about idols and so i was listening to idols riot and he said you know how you could tell that you got idol issues he says when you're in the house of the lord you think of everything but the lord all the distractions you call distractions those are idols rioting against the presence of the lord i was like hmm interesting thought so like watch what you think think about in the house of the lord what keeps you walking outside what keeps you distracted from paying attention right in the midst of when you're going to get your greatest breakthrough sometimes it's like the the more anointed something is if you get more distracted and more annoying that's a problem so you want to pay attention to that but what this is where the testimony comes in so i'm like man this is so good i mean they were talking about an altar is a space where the supernatural realm interfaces with the natural realm and so an alters the space the interface of these two worlds and so whatever you're worshiping at that space allows that other world to come in so that's why it's important that it's the right thing so i'm listening i'm like man this is so good and i was like i'll call katie and tell her uh this is so good and that'll be awesome and maybe i'll even feel like i should go to atlanta so i call and she says oh that's so cool you were watching that and she says i'm with uh dr francis just picked me up from the airport so she just landed with him to go be with him in a thing and i'm like oh this isn't coincidence here so um anyway i'm giving testimony because uh i say you know god makes things so obvious to me even a caveman can do it you know say like okay god thanks for setting things up for us and uh i just want you guys to know that this is a significant time let's let's be humble about you know where we're at i think that the worst thing we could ever do is try to put on a facade about where we're at because everybody knows where you're at except for you that would be horrible you know what i'm saying it's like you could tell everybody how good you're doing but they know kind of if they know you they know really so it's good that we're just like man you know i'm gonna i'm overcoming this is my year to overcome this is my year for breakthrough this is about you for transformation amen amen so that was my testimony chris you had your hand up then darlene and sheila come on up i just wanted to share a quick testimony of salvation that chuck in april i don't think they're here tonight other than their good friend amen uh was in the hospital and he was dying and they said that he was not coherent at all meaning he was practically dead and chuck april and darnisse and i started to pray on her way to the hospital and we got there to the hospital and he was sitting upright and talking and all coherent and everything so i just felt a real urgency that we needed to go in and pray for him so we prayed for healing for him and i said well you want to know the guy that healed you and we got to pray with him for salvation but the interesting thing is he says i don't know how to pray and i said well can i help you you can repeat what i say if you'd like only if you like he goes yeah i'll do that and he got to pray to receive the lord and you could see his countenance change it was just so awesome you know when you get that chill up and down your spine it's like we just saw a miracle one and two and it was that quick it was just bam you know it was the right place right time amen [Applause] good evening so i had surgery back in july back in the early part of july and you know god has been doing amazing work in my knee and the rehab everything's been just going excellent before i went out i had these competencies i had to do when i returned back to work and when i prayed about it because i was like it was just really overwhelming and there was a lot of stuff that they just kept piling on top of us on top of us so it's very hard to master some of the stuff that we needed to do the foundational level but when i came back to work they basically cut three-fourths of that away and they gave it to another team to handle and gave us like a fourth of it to master so that's my testimony that you know that overwhelming the overcoming that you were talking about and everything it's possible and just keep praying into those situations share with someone stand in belief that you're going to overcome and god will see you through amen okay yes keep praying over situations uh my testimony is i've asked everybody been praying for my family for a long time now two weeks ago i took my son to a rehab place so this is the second time he's been there but this rehab place was really awesome um he's he's going to be getting out on either friday or monday it's a 14 day to 21 day program and this program that they do for everybody they get you off all drugs i mean he was on heroin he was on opiates i mean he was on alcohol everything and they've had him off everything now for seven days so prayer works and he told me he said mom we've been praying um i said oh you guys are praying there huh he goes yeah so i talked to his counselor she was really really nice and we were talking about she said that she does art therapy and i go oh you're an artist she goes not really during the pandemic i had to do something for all these people here i said oh really i said well guess what i'm an artist and i'm a prophetic artist and i said would you like me to come here and teach she said i would love i will even supply everything for you if you come in so i'm going to go meet her and everything and go in and start doing prophetic art with all of these people says the ministry all these people that need help you know and need healing in god wow that's amazing one last testimony okay how y'all doing okay um i was looking for darlene maybe she didn't even know this but she knows part of it um so today um i would i had a really bad toothache and um darlene about three months ago when we went out for evangelism she laid hands on me and um i had had a toothache thin she laid hands on me the toothache left and never came back and i had been grinding my teeth because i had been under a lot of stress so today the tooth day came back well it wasn't today it was like three days ago and i was popping tylenol like every four hours straight and so today when i left my job i um put my backpack that had my tylenol in the trunk and i'm driving i'm like ah my tooth was like dropping and throbbing throbbing and so i was like oh god what am i gonna do and then i'm thinking well i'm gonna trust god for healing so i'm just testifying about the power of words so i just continued to declare i'm healed and was reminded of darlene laying hands on me and how i got healed supernaturally and so i was like okay by the time i get to the church this toothache is going to be gone i was driving through buoy the toothache was gone and it was really hurting y'all so amen come on if that was your tooth you know you'd be really praising god nothing that's so horrible when you got stuff like that going on now we're just released through uh through the power of the testimony we're just gonna reiterate okay some things that we just released right we heard salvations are coming to our neighborhoods come on salvations are coming to our friends come on healings are coming to those that we lay hands on that we pray for healings are coming we heard two testimonies on healings we heard that our families are going to get right with god get delivered hallelujah we thank you god for that we thank you for divine uh connections lord that are gonna happen in this season and and just alignment that's gonna happen we thank you lord we release it to each of our members god we thank you what you do for the body you do for every one of us we thank you lord let us steward the measure we have and let's walk in greater measure in jesus name you receive it amen all right well i usually do that but i just feel like it's a new year let's do new things all right so jumping in here uh one of the things that we're gonna be doing this year is uh is we want to supply for our ministries all the ministries that are represented in here or maybe you're watching online this is a really critical thing that we're doing this year um because what we're doing is we're trying to actually supply a place that people can grow in the things that ministries are doing in other words we want ministries that are doing ministry related things or teaching people how to minister and um we're going to start with our rhss our supernatural school for ministry hours but it's also going to shift ministries to be oriented to discipleship because ministries will be oriented to discipleship that means because now they're actually doing things that are going to raise people up and not just have people come to their event it's going to shift the mindsets in every ministry so i want you to think about your ministry right now and i want you to think how is it that i can empower people directors included right how can i bring people into a place where they can actually begin to uh do real ministry and not just come to an event and be the pizza pastor you know not not be the bishop over pizza or you know we had a guy and i was really really sad but he he he yes i am on live stream so i'll just say he had a very high level title but he had a very low level assignment and uh it was really sad when you when you can't talk and teach people and they're not humble enough to grow so that you got to basically put them in a place that really doesn't even allow them to minister because it's safe for them and safe for others but you call it something like the pizza pastor you know the bishop over pizza whatever it is and like you you got this extraordinary title but then you have no authority because when you give an authority you make a mess so this is going to be critical for us because what we're doing is personally i've taken quite a bit of responsibility for actually discipling real leadership this year and it's happened for about three weeks i've been in multiple meetings with people that are new leaders or people that are that are our leaders because i want us to grow as a body and we need to be trustworthy to people that aren't going to do all the right things that are going to come out come in dysfunctional that are going to come in with baggage that are going to come in with religious spirits it doesn't matter what they come in with what matters is how we react has to be from the heart of god right and that's not always easy i don't always do it perfectly so don't worry about that i'm not saying that we're going to get it overnight what i'm saying is we are going to get it amen so with that we're going to start with ministry hours for the school students i'm going to have my cohort and clark come up and share about how we're doing ministry hours and as ministry leaders i want you to start thinking and some assistant ministry leaders start thinking how can i empower people that are from the church or people that are from the school to be able to grow in my ministry or my department oh quick question sorry quick question oh was it okay it's kind of like megan he used up everything i was going to say so basically yes what pastor david was saying we are creating this path this path doesn't actually exist at the moment we are creating it we are creating guidelines and we need um all of the leadership of various ministries to create a safe landing place something with a little bit of structure what are they actually going to do if they volunteer with your ministry you know what what is it you're expecting them to learn um and and how can they grow through a process so our first year folks we don't want them just cleaning toilets only you know but yes they can vacuum and do stuff like that and they can volunteer for that at a conference but that's not anybody's goal um so we we want to draw out giftings we you know if they're an evangelist we want to put them in opportunities where they can learn um if they're prophetic if they're apostolic what if they want to teach we need to draw those people out so there's been just because of this happened today there's been a request for the roster to be given to all of the leadership people and so i actually responded to pastor tracy that i'm not so sure that that's really appropriate because people don't always want all their personal information and their phone numbers given out so before we so we're in a process so before we do something like that we actually need to talk to the students and the conference has kind of interrupted our ability to handle anything right now so until monday we can't really talk to anybody much and everything we got we all get worn out with emails and text messages so i kind of like to stand up in front of my group and say how do you feel about that is it okay for us to turn your phone numbers and stuff over and i don't think it is i don't think that's something yeah yeah i know i know i know but from from a school setting that's just a no-no from a hospital setting that's a no-no megan's kind of going no you know it's it's really not appropriate so this is a volunteer setting um and so what we need to do is we need to give them um information so and i do happen to know they are volunteering they're volunteering up a storm maybe they haven't gotten to your particular ministry yet but they are they're tearing it up my group they're like they're like a pack of hounds on a pork chop i mean they they just jumped in and um so i was like okay y'all just go and so it's not because they're not volunteering they absolutely are volunteering they're they're very hungry and very excited and uh so anyway we'll we'll get control of things as as we move forward in the next week or so so just hang on um i don't think we need the roster i think what we need is is um just more communication and building a path forward to getting them into some spots so yeah good job that was brief all right well here's here's one thing i want to say um and then i'll come to you uh tracy and then mj uh that when we're talking about volunteering technically the the the biblical uh persona is we throw out the opportunities are there um if your ministry is not on this roster which is actually the roster we need is your ministry has ideas that you could use some assistance doing and then we say those make sense they will really grow people if they do that so that's actually what roster we need and then the students responsible the proteges are responsible to pursue if you if we do it backwards then basically you're gonna have to chase them the whole time and that's never fun for any mentor so we want them to actually pursue what they see as a as a gift and um maybe exercise what they see so tracy you want to share and then mj is it something else outside of this okay i'll come right back to you then mj okay yes yeah so that we have a list already and how can the ministry leaders make sure their names on that list maybe we can put it up here you can reach out to admin at rhlc dot us and make sure ministry's on there come on up i was half tempted halfway through and then uh then she just he just kept overloading me so there is a little bit of guidelines yeah um we just want to give you guys some a little bit of direction again it's side by side ministry right ministry practicum it means being practically um able to apply ministry skills or learn them so first year is really learning it's getting exposed to different things that you do it's it's watching what you do it might be you know cleaning it might be helping you prepare a lesson it might be um you know training alongside of you you know in the registration ministry it might just be being there and watching and being part of and helping um it it might be assisting in planning or putting together an email you know things like that administrative tests things like that um and then for second year those things they count but we're really trying to help second and third year focus on leadership oriented tasks so more of the um preparing and then also under your directive giving a teaching or being part of leading an um evangelism team you know so it's it's still side by side but they're really wanting to grow in like leadership and you know come up higher in those areas so it's not does that make sense so there's different tiers from first second and then the internship level so that's all i wanted to say and then just make sure that you have that we have your contact information for your ministry so that you do get students reaching out to you knowing that your ministry is available and um has some things for them to serve with you all right and this is on the website right for the students the ministry hours web or is that on the website yeah and this will be updated you know as we get we the students have a contact sheet for the different ministries we just want to make sure that everybody who wants to be on here is so again admin rhlc.us and anna will make sure and just forward it to tina who will get you on this little list thank you everyone yes ma'am question so just because we're talking about volunteering um and i uh became aware that a for any students that are in the house we and we all know that there's a conference coming this weekend i know that this list went around for school for those that were interested in volunteering we didn't have anything set up yet to get you plugged in and so for those of you who signed up if you would please see jackie or mary mandela we still need help with cleaning for this conference and for a few other spots parking lot and other things so we need your names like tonight if you're here so or if you're online would you please text to jackie and let us know thank you so much perfect thanks so much and uh last thing about ministry hours guys this is actually a prototype for the whole church i i don't want you to think like well if i'm not in the school i don't get to get the same privilege we're hoping that um our when we trailblaze right when we when we organically grow and we press into new territory what happens is the whole church gets to benefit because they're gonna actually we're gonna create these new patterns new ways of thinking uh new being intentional about discipleship as opposed to i hope somebody gets something someday we actually want to make sure that we're giving those privileged places uh for people as they're coming in they're hungry they want more we're gonna make sure that those are those are open and real to you that you you're you're seeing uh that development because first of all there's two people that get developed the leader and the and the the person getting trained right it's just as much for me i have actually in every school class i do i have an introduction and i have one that does um the activations so that means in one of my classes i'm already using two people for each class i do um and i'm planning on being more and more intentional because what i want to do is see more and more people being able to step into what god's calling them to do calling them to be calling them to uh become and so ultimately we pray that you get to see that uh really grow right in front of your eyes that would be beautiful that you can actually appreciate it and and i i thank you ann for really iterating it's a process but one of the most beautiful things is that we're focused on it and so it's going to happen uh just like uh this is uh just been an incredible year we had i don't even know 53 or 54 i should ask mary is it 53 people 53 new school students this year one of them is amen one of them is a senior pastor so that's pretty exciting and um you know think about the the privilege to be able to um touch other people's life and uh you know that we're reaching outside of our walls into other church communities and empowering with what god's given us and hopefully we'll even glean back from them because one thing i know is that they have something to offer too that's the beauty of the body of christ and we need to always keep that heart that's open to know that everybody that's in my life has a lesson to teach me too and so that's a really really important thing that all of us need to carry in our hearts everybody that's brought into my life has something to teach me too and i really do think that way i don't always like what they have to teach me but it's important it's a it's it's got ordained rather i like it or not my wife my i used to get rid of people that were really prideful in my life and my wife says honey you know what's gonna happen if you just get rid of them guys just send a better one miss whittington can you give it up for give it up for a beach hair i had to say it i just wanna piggyback on something you were saying earlier about the pastor over pizza this is not to undermine anything in any way and it's not going to but one thing i want to say first about the students with the the ministry leaders is that uh the ministry leaders as you're helping to disciple always stay open-minded with your heart open just because we've always done things certain ways doesn't mean that people having new ideas is a bad thing right so our heart needs to be in the right place with that also whenever i have discipled anybody they have always pushed me to grow so get ready ministry leaders and not because they're the rhss students that's not why i'm saying that it could be in your small group it doesn't matter people are there to sharpen each other and humility is the key if you want to grow i learn every day from people i don't go around and say sean i'm the pastor don't tell me that you you know what i'm saying that's what you get for sitting on the shop front row [Music] i'm always asking papa what he's saying about things i've told people you know you may be suggesting this but i know we've tried it already it hasn't worked in the past but if you're feeling it right now i'm willing to try it again and that's what i tell people because it could be a new season for something we've tried in a wrong season um but but what i want to share is about okay i'll be really fast because it's important oh i am okay thank you okay now you take my time um the pastor over pizza this is something about ministry that i'm going to share so the pastor over pizza is very important no no i'm being really serious i i know my heart is absolutely serious the pastor over trash so you don't have to be certified pastor to have the care for the kingdom as a pastor does right you can be a pastor fully at heart and what do you think god looks at the most amen so the pastor over pizza was given that position because it was a position that he needed and sometimes when you're following the heart of god you'll do things for what the people need now the negatives in that was that he didn't really build that department of pizza i know it sounds funny but we don't really want to say what it was in case there i mean that they live in hawaii uh in case they're watching but it was um you know it was really awesome to see that he did want to follow the lord's heart in what needed to be done but he never really built that department because there was this thing that was still trying to linger that said this is still about me and that's the thing in ministry that happens that you want to be the one being recognized and and and sometimes it's really hard to to pull people in and have them being recognized alongside of you it was a challenge for megan to take over the conference not because i want to be recognized but because i felt like that was my baby right so letting go was not easy at first but now it's amazing but anyway um but seriously though like like so the pastor actually did that because he carried the heart of the father so he created this this ministry for him that he needed and the reason he did that out of the heart of the father was he could not move past anything until he was being recognized because of rejection because of rejection he didn't build his department because he wanted to stay being recognized was he still in the father's heart and doing things he absolutely was he absolutely was and he started to grow even though that little thing was still a hindrance he started to grow in so many different ways i mean like it was beautiful to watch him grow but unless that was done he was going to stay filled and rejected from god so we don't want to take little things and think they're silly or they're not important because god's working this whole thing together we're not and everything is important that everybody puts their heart into puts their head into puts their faith into puts their hands to whether they want to or not our rewards are from him so i just wanted to say that and just to piggyback i'm not trying to come and undermine anything he said because he had about a point in what he was saying but i want you to hear the other end of the the spectrum of it you know why sometimes ministry leaders do things that they do and that's very good i do not want to hear anybody in this leadership group ever say they're afraid to ask questions no no that stops tonight okay if you want to know why something is going on then you ask the question if you're not brave enough to ask face to face you can email and text but let's work on something that's happening right now that needs to be brought up there's a thing going on in this family here and it's called communication and communication is coming across in ways that could be rubbing people the wrong way now if communication is rubbing people the wrong way the first thing what do you do okay all right you you guys are the front row be quiet for a second what do you do everybody else what's the second answer go to the person i'm gonna scratch all them the first thing you do is say father what are you doing inside of me then you pray yeah but but it is prayer but but to me i asked the question first father what are you doing inside of me why do i feel this way and then i go into prayer and then i once my heart settle down then i go to tyler chad or megan and i i have the conversation you see what i'm saying so there's there's there's a language that defeats the enemy that god wants us to get a hold of because sometimes our words can cause offense in other to other people and we never mean it that way at all the fact is that sherry may not know beth back there and glenda may not know peter up here so with that because we don't really have that full knowing we know each other in the spirit and we all should be living from the spirit by all means and we should always realize that people have the best at heart and ask them what did you mean by that when you said that because when you said that i felt this way and because i felt this way i don't want to feel like i can't look at you or i can't look at you because of something you said that caused me to feel away because a lot of times it's just the enemy trying to get in and twist and divide and this is the same thing with communication in families it go and we're a family here but i'm talking about in your own households as well right so anyways i just wanted to bring that up because i feel like it's something that god's really taken us to a new level in in this church and we need to get a hold of it we need to pay attention to it and should we sugarcoat everything because maybe it's not our personality to do that i'm not saying that but i'm saying what would jesus heart do if you're talking to somebody and the way you're communicating with them i mean generally if you care enough you can see their face you can realize if you're sensitive enough something didn't sit right there so maybe i need to go back and ask them hey did something i say just upset you so these things are important because you know our character with daddy is number one that's our main concern i want you guys to understand that my husband said in the last meeting we were in he would shut departments down we don't need to have the ministry departments in the church if ministries leaders if their characters are not representing the father's heart right that's most important to us in other words if if the min first jesus then the ministry if the ministry is burning you out and you can't have jesus as the light anymore then maybe we just need to take a break yeah the goal the goal is the heart of the minister not the ministry itself when when when you know when people go to heaven jesus isn't saying what about your ministry you know what i'm saying he might ask you what all you did with what he gave you but i mean he's not really talking to you directly about your ministry so um so i just wanted to say that so just think about that the the language that defeats the enemy just put that in your spirit and i promise most likely when you go to speak the lord is going to start speaking to you about that certain words like why did you do that do you think you could have did it this way you see the difference so you know i just want to share that because i felt like that was important and the thing about the minister thing okay so i'm done with all that all right carpet okay so on the 17th september 17th um the carpets are going to be cleaned here i think that's a tuesday stop it mary [Laughter] is that a tuesday anna oh it's a what is it september 7th it's a friday is it friday okay hold on that's the day you guys are having overnight prayer when is september when is the carpet being cleaned september 17th right okay hold on guys you're right i gotta i gotta correct that hold on and i'm just i came straight back from straight to here i didn't go home so it's september 17th the carpets are supposed to be cleaned we will change that date and then we will shoot an email out but what i'm going to need to ask is obviously if the whole building's being cleaned whatever activity is scheduled that day we'll need to be at a house somewhere or um yes anna and josh oh the 15th thank you jesus okay so that's a wednesday so so wednesday so the prayer house that day uh could still operate i will have them do all that side first and then come into the sanctuary last okay september 15th and all supernatural life money needs to be in and if anybody is going to the gala with us it's 200 a person i'll let my husband explain more about that we need that money in on this sunday too after this sunday i'm not gonna um do add-ons with extra tickets i'm gonna tell you to go straight to the event yourself and order stuff all right so guy kerry has been running this group called alabaster box and there uh they were they prayed over one of the congressmen and the same week they prayed for him he actually got appointed to the office as a lead uh i don't remember all these titles i'm sorry my congress skills are need some upgrades but maybe they'll get there now um so he he said that week that that this person got appointed like chief of staff or some it wasn't chief of staff it was a basically he was the point of contact for all congressional communications to the president that same week uh so it was a big deal for uh for that that congressman obviously and so we believe that uh prayer changes things and shifts things so we're going to support this particular ministry that guy kerry's been mentoring for about 20 years so he had some special privileges with that group i think he's going to be sharing or i don't know exactly how it plays in but we're going to go just to support a table we're going to try to get a whole table for our church and uh it's going to be at the bible museum so that's pretty much enough said uh there will be some congress guys there or women congress women it's the 21st yes we we we don't have uh we already have like six people that have said they're going so um but but it has a lot to do with the funds coming in we don't want to just hang out hang 200 tickets out there because you said so so um keep that in mind uh supernatural life is georgie and banov's event if you haven't looked at it i know andrew womack's going gonna be there the lineup's great it's gonna be a powerful time um there's a lot of great things coming up uh you'll see that uh run as much as you have grace to run otherwise just enjoy just enjoy what you can do so it's a it's going to be a great season we're stepping back into uh into our function i feel like a lot of grace at least on my life i see tracy was back in the in the four year getting snockered so that was beautiful to see um so one of the things that uh i want everybody we're getting ready talked about small groups and then we're gonna give our certificates and uh as as we prepare ourselves for what god wants to do in the season i really just just pray pray that your hunger just jumps another level and we're stepping into a new year make it make it count make it matter make it significant especially if you're a ministry leader look what we're giving opportunity to like infuse in ministries uh people that are really hungry that are gonna push you i mean i have a whole group of them they're like ferocious they want more they want more and i'm like i don't have anything to give and then more just comes out because god wants to give more you know all you have to do is be a vessel all you got to do is say yes so if you say yes if you say i'm hungry if you say god i want more then guess what god will open that door for you so i so encourage you guys and our small groups are open to the whole church i'm looking to start a small group in the southern parts i'm looking to start one in the northern parts so if you're watching online we have quite a few members that travel an hour to come to church i also would like a one out west one out west like out 270. we have a lot of members coming from that area a lot of members coming from top side of baltimore and then a lot of people coming from down in southern maryland now alan zaruba's house church is up in baltimore so i'm going to have mj just share more but i want to say guys this is a huge opportunity if you're already a ministry leader then it's going to be a natural fit for you we want you to develop and grow and build and we're looking to grow and develop future leaders from the church from the school in those homes so without further ado before i take all of somebody else's words get up here mj thank you well so just a quick update um who's excited about knowing people how about being known how about that yeah um this is really on my heart because you know at big church we get to know people from a distance right we get to know all the people that we usually see come up here and speak and that's you know that's wonderful for um those of us who are up here speaking a lot a lot of people come up and act like they know us but really um what small groups is about is jesus style you know jesus's model for the church you know and it's more than just a building right each of us are the temple of the holy spirit so um yeah you guys hear me talk about all this stuff every time i come up here but really like mama tracy's like she said it was all about the heart all of this is about the heart you know and god wants our hearts and he wants us to want to know one another right and it can be scary sometimes letting someone into your life but it's also it's a beautiful thing and this is why it's god's way he wants us to do the work of building relationships because he knows that in this world we will have trials and we'll have tribulations and we're going to have struggles and he wants us to be able to be involved in each other's lives to such a point where we actually know you know what each other's kids are struggling with you know if your marriage is having a hard time if you're your pet's about to die or they died i mean you know we just want to be able to know each other at a level where we're actually doing life together well helping each other not just in the bad times but in the celebratory times you know how many times does something really go right and you're like oh i wish we could just have a party or i wish you know i had people to celebrate with or it's my birthday and it's just like people on facebook are the only ones who know it's my birthday you know i mean it's life you know we just it can avoid some of these unnecessary feelings of rejection and loneliness and hopelessness it's like there are people in my life who know me even if it's two or three people especially for introverts like that's enough um so we're hoping this will you know this is going to fill you know that need for intimacy and building relationships so i'm excited about that and i hope you all are excited about that too enough to um open your home as a host um there are leaders and people who are willing to facilitate or co-facilitate who just need a place to meet you know or they need somebody to be like hey um i'm willing to help co-facilitate but let's get together and find out where we can meet you know at a nearby coffee shop so one of the things i really want to reiterate what pastor david said we're trying to set up groups in different parts of our um in different communities you know in our area because we have people come to this church from a lot of different places i know a lot of you you know come from um a little ways away and it's not a matter of oh do eight people live in my neighborhood it's like no maybe there's only two or three of you but you can gather together and you can get to know each other in your community in your neighborhood and that's what we want to do so i really just want people not to be afraid to sign up to facilitate because we do need as many you know different locations as possible and so the email that just went out yesterday if you have not filled out the survey or maybe you said you just want to attend if you would go back or do it for the first time just click the link for the survey and let us know that you're willing to host or co-facilitate because we want each group to have at least two co-facilitators okay so you're sharing you know the work of planning of hosting or where we're gonna do it but really like the curriculums provided the c4 discipleship curriculum is available we have a link that you can get everything for free pdf it's all digital for the leading you know the facilitating and for those who are attending your group so that's easy um the books are available if you're a hands-on person you can order that so it's really easy and mainly we really just want to give you something to start with you know to say hey everybody read this chapter and we're all going to come over and discuss it it's not oh i'm the facilitator and i'm the teacher so i'm going to read it all and y'all come here and i'm just going to spoon feed you that's what we get here at church right so what we want to do is just read and then everyone discuss pray say this came up in my real life last week you know have open discussion about it basically so i just want to make it seem as simple as it really is you don't have to be a teacher you have to be a licensed minister to open and facilitate a group okay and it's going to be at least two or three of you that we want um to be sharing the load of facilitating so in uh chad's first email after our launch zoom a couple weeks ago he did include the link and then in yesterday's i think we just referred to it so if you wanted to be a facilitator to just reply to that and he'll send it to you yeah and we're allowed to use it basically just um for our groups you know as long as we're not sharing it it's available yeah don't share the link with everybody on facebook or anything all right okay so yeah it's basically available for our use we have a license for just our church to use it so we can send that to you if you are not receiving emails about the small groups especially students we want you guys to be able to find your partner in facilitating and co-facilitating if you're year two or an intern and just go ahead and get it get it started and then what we're going to do for students is we will put out actually it's going to be for everyone the student-led groups are going to be open for everyone as well but if you're a year one student and we'll reiterate this at school we want you to at least attend but anyone can facilitate as well so just want to mention those things anything else okay any questions so um the easiest way to let us know what level you want to participate is again to do the survey the survey asks where you are what kind of group you want to open um it asks if you would be hosting it in your home or if you'd be more interested in doing it off-site in like a cafe rotating between home you know so it kind of it gathers information from you okay did you get chad's email yesterday okay so there is if you read through i know it's kind of a lot of information we just we don't want to spam you with a lot of emails so we try to put all the information in one but there was a line in there that said if you haven't done the survey yet click this link so do that any new responses are coming to me and rachelle so we will see it and if you have a question that's not answered put it in the notes and we'll see it there say please contact me i have this question okay if something changed like say you know you accept my invitation to try being a facilitator or co-facilitator and that is different than what you said like say you said i want to attend only in the first survey yeah send do another one okay and if you didn't see in the email yesterday your group on the roster of the attachment um definitely reach out to myself or rachelle okay okay you're on there okay yeah so interns and second year students we want to have at least a combination between an intern and second year students of two or three working together to co-lead and then you're never going to become a leader by yourself you're always co because things happen there's going to be vacations or you can't show up or you're not feeling good you know we always want to make sure the group stays open whether it's two times a month once a week so you're you're in it with others always as a leader does that answer your question okay we can we could talk after if you want more clarification okay yes uh the locations luana's asking if we're gonna separate it okay so if someone wants to move around the globe so you can yeah i mean it sounds like luana's just asking about being able to choose your group based on different things whether it's a topic a location and if you want to move around yeah i feel like it's okay to move around just keep in mind the heart of this is to really not necessarily smorgasbord yeah find the group that's the right fit for you as soon as possible so you can start building relationships and people feel safe knowing the same people are coming you're getting to know each other location and topic and everything is on the spreadsheet yeah we are going to be adding it to the website yes yep eventually so right now we're just doing oh and we have handouts if you guys didn't receive it last night for where the open groups are now and if yours isn't on there contact us asap yes so because we started our group last night and i was talking to sophia earlier and she wanted to come and she said as an intern she needs to you know to start a group and have you know a cold cold um whatever it is anyway um yeah co-lead yeah so i told her i said well i know pastor david was telling me once we got to 10 we need to be thinking about somebody else to start the group so if she was the one that we had start the group from my group yes okay good question so for instance anne's group is has been going for a while and clark and she already has eight to ten ladies who regularly come and a couple of them are students yes not just ladies i mean it's open right it's open and it will say on there if it who it's open to on the list um yeah so what the idea is to let your group stay around six or eight people right so everyone has a chance to speak it's not like going for four hours to let that happen and then um you want to always be thinking about yeah definitely if you have students or if you have people who are interested in in co-facilitating they can break off and start another group and all you really need is two and two or three and three you know and maybe that person's driving a long ways and you find out two or three people are from that area it's like okay start your own group over there you know and you'll feel comfortable as you come a couple times and see how easy it is yes anna online yeah so we already have one group that's going to be online she's doing a zoom format she is a student i'm not sure if it's open to coed do you remember if josie's group is men or women she's doing a dutch sheets yeah she's doing a dutch sheets um study so i mean he's a guy i think that it is i think it's mixed i mean some people will just want to minister to women or men so that should be on here if it's not we will update the spreadsheet we're actually going to be sending out another email because this was a pdf our goal is to have a google doc that's actually being updated regularly so you can like go back to that email flag it and see you know has it been updated are there more groups open um so yeah we are going to have some online groups that's a really good question because some people are still comfortable or they can't they're so far away that they just can't travel so how i started my group over the summer was i basically just sent out text messages to some folks that i thought would be interested i started out with 14 or 15 people and i really only got five people who wanted to do it and so you know that's kind of a process that you go through and so some folks will be too busy and it won't fit in on tuesday nights and and as far as i know we don't have to do it on tuesday nights right i mean we can actually have it on a different night so so a certain group of people can say we don't want tuesday we want wednesday or thursday and you can do that and so my group we just started out with a couple burning questions that some folks had and we started wrestling through some of that and then we decided we had a movie that that was really cool that mj gave us that answered some more stuff and and so and we just have discussion and we pray and at one point we all just about got slain in the spirit one night around the dining room table so you know it's it's very alive and very flexible and now my group wants to do it every tuesday i kind of don't because i'm teaching and so i've turned them loose to go ahead and do their own thing at another person's house on those extra tuesday nights so we're actually splitting into two groups now my group is growing into two groups and it's only been three months two three months so good so good um well guys uh you know anybody that lives on outskirts of the church we really really want to encourage you um to be able to plant something out there that can really uh grow and develop so if you're if you're further out it would be you you're like a lifeline of building relationship and that's really what this is about building relationship and extending our community uh in depth we want depth of relationship so thanks for that mj can you guys give a big hand to her and rachelle now the moment you've all been waiting for all right we're gonna we're gonna welcome some sons and daughters now i got something we're gonna do a little different tonight we are gonna do everything the same but if you have a word after we've prayed for those people i would like to encourage you uh to just share uh with the person that uh if you if if while they're being prayed for the lord really put something on your heart we're actually trying to grow leaders here so i felt like encouraged by the lord to ask you to come up and share that word with that person individually so if the lord puts something on your heart on one of the people that are getting their certificate we're going to all believe god that the oil is going to flow into their life and that there's going to be radical transformation and upgrades across the board so this isn't just a formality guys this is something we believe is going to transform life say man yay what's better these white squares yeah yeah we can get rid of the white okay getting better every time okay so we're gonna call everybody up first and then pray over them yeah okay so we'll go ahead and if um yeah let me know if somebody that i call you guys know is not here peter sinish come on up son of the house [Applause] y'all i type up all these mission statements and these spiritual gifts oh my gosh i get wrecked just typing this stuff up this is amazing y'all are awesome is cindy tuller here cindy oh okay we love you cindy if you're watching online roman i don't want to butcher your last name but i'm pretty sure you're the only roman in the room and you own it there you go all right roman nina lorenzo come on up daughter of the house yay nina son of the house del arnold come on down gone okay roxanne roloff roxanne are you here yay okay there you are my dear yay anthony dimartino jr anthony are you here oh i was hoping anthony would be here okay all right nancy marcus come on up yay nancy dawn you can come too you are a unit don marcus and nancy they're awesome you want to get to know your new family members everyone up here is so precious precious people should know precious other people thank you lord betty ann contract hey betty anne yeah yeah yay william mccarty and anna mccarty another awesome power couple come on up guys yay shawn oh hurley did i say that right yay sean there you go brother is holly reed here yay oh there's holly i know you don't live close by girl thank you for coming yay okay masha rona sharona moore i know she's here there you are girl unjung did you make it okay i know she usually watches online i have a certificate for you maxine morgan and her lovely daughter susan come on up that's it okay all right well thank you guys can you just raise your hands this way and uh we thank you lord for all that you're going to do as you just release impartation and bless these sons and daughters god we thank you it's not just a ritual it's not just a habitual thing we do for new people but god we want it to be meaningful we want it to be transformative god we thank you that it's by we we submit this whole time to you because it's a time when we say god look at the commitment look at the desire look at the heart god and because of that lord the lifeline of heaven is extended we thank you god for just releasing greater peace joy love and all gifts from the holy spirit are accessible by him and through him we thank you father for the graces of this house to be extended and the graces from their house to be reciprocated god we thank you for this blessing and we ask lord your riches uh the reality of heaven be just so apparent here in jesus name amen so let's read maxine's first this is my dancing partner everybody let's dance is it 93 now did you use turn 93 right did you know you have the same birthday as my mom now this is how this is how crazy god is right i'm talking to my mom on on my birthday on her birthday and i'm telling my mom about this because my mom was talking about being older and she's like she's 73. so you got her by 20 years so i say mom i got a dancing partner at church that's got you by a long shot okay she's my dancing partner maxine here and she loves dancing i mean if i start talking about dancing she's gonna start bopping that's just how it works and maxine here has got my mom by 20 years and then i get to church and she's at sons and daughters telling me it's her birthday and for her birthday she's going through sons and daughters and it's the same birthday by 20 years than my mom so i said isn't god so awesome like that there's a whole generation my mom's got to live amen so it was encouraging i always get amazed how accidentally prophetic i am and uh you know i get dumbfounded by uh by that reality so let's read yours she's in my class she's in your class and she's gonna have her own name tag amen that's beautiful yes this is also she actually joined the supernatural school with her daughter so so good would you like to read it or you want me to read it okay it says maxine morgan her mission in life is to study prepare and teach the youth through discipleship and teaching wow a double teacher calling is tied for the prophetic evangelistic and teaching e-s-t-j and e-s-f-j these are the uncompromising manager and the friendly neighbor so the love languages are words of affirmation and quality time spiritual gifts hospitality teaching leadership evangelism and prophecy amen you have a lot of a lot of gifts there so right there this whole block you can look at it and pray over it and ask god to just release it come on over mama i'm old because tracy a lot of things i've done well there's more to come amen so lord i just thank you for the season for mama maxine i thank you for everything that you've done god and so much more that you're going to do in her life papa i thank you for the example that she is to so many that just watch her in the family here and we just fill her up right now in jesus name with your presence papa more more more lord jesus hallelujah thank you lord like the eagles yes amen just keep going you guys pray because we have a tremendous long line but if you guys have words i'm going to rotate between all of you guys and if you guys have words we want you to share with them please so susan morgan tell us about yourself uh i said my mission in life is to heal motivate and empower generations through education and worship calling apostolic prophetic personality istj the disciplined soldier love language acts of service and quality time spiritual gifts miracles tongues healing giving and craftsmanship wow that's super unique wow praise the lord can i have all you guys step up one step just so there's more room behind you thank you lord well we just bless you lord just unlock those giftings the calling personality got everything about her lori thank you and we invite her that she's been a part of the family for a long time we just pray you stir those gifts lord people are just gonna be so aware of the gift of god that she brings and we just thank you lord as you just release your kingdom god release fresh oil in the mighty name of jesus fresh oil thank you lord for acceptance lord thank you god thank you god in the name of jesus so we charge everybody in this church that he hears you say things that you want to do we charge every leader in this room that hears susan say things she wants to do or she knows that god's telling her to do that this is the now time it is a now season for you and there's no more talking about it it's a year to open your mouth in the church in the name of jesus so all your sisters and brothers are going to keep you in order no more talking about it it's time to do woman of god okay my mission in life is to connect serve and encourage the hurting through travel prayer and giving my calling is pastoral evangelistic teaching personality esfj the compassionate friend love language acts of service and quality time spiritual gifts service exhortation faith and healing wow that's amazing that's amazing so thank you lord good miss stan you go over there peter i wish y'all lord jesus lord bring it bring out her gifts bring out her gifts lord make them obvious to her cause her to walk in the things that you for ordained for her to have lord develop her paths develop her paths give her give her inspiration open her eyes to see her paths lord open her eyes thank you lord set apart she's set apart set apart to walk specifically paths we release your mouth to speak lord fill her mouth with your wisdom fill her mouth with your wisdom thank you lord thank you lord strengthen her thank you lord strengthen her amen okay my name is peter signers you're doing great thanks my mission in life is to activate encourage and love the nations through hospitality in the prophetic exodus my colleague is prophetic and apostolic my love language is touching quality time personality is enfj [Music] compassionate supporter spiritual gifting is miracles exhortation craftsmanship discernment and healing [Laughter] peter peter is like you're like our drunken sailor this isn't this isn't like the world is drunk this is like the book of acts when they came out of that upper room and they were anointed with those tongues of fire and i i declare in jesus name that you are going to be a flame you are a flame in this church you're a flame in the church that's going to light and ignite people's hearts in ways that they didn't think could be ignited and i just see that those sparks flying off of those flames just touching lives all over in ways that you would never even imagine in ways that you never even thought in ways that you didn't even consider but the lord's going to do it the lord is doing it and he's doing it through you and in you in jesus name amen amen amen fresh oil yeah fresh oil fresh oil lord all right come on tell us what's going on here my name is roman von sov um my mission in life is to encourage receive and restore the broken through healing and music my calling is prophetic and evangelistic amen my love language is quality time personality is esfj the compassionate friend and my spiritual giftings are hospitality service craftsmanship wisdom and discernment wow that's amazing amen thank you lord jesus thank you lord for roman lord i thank you lord jesus that i just i just see you romans stepping out even as you step forward a step stepping out of your past into god's desired future and what satan intended for evil god's going to use for good so that even in the coming days you're going to look in the mirror and i really really believe this is from god that you're not going to recognize yourself because you're going to see christ in you the hope of glory and that i just see even right now that we just put a demand upon the spirit of christ in you the hope of glory and every day i just see you seeing yourself seated with christ in heavenly places and every day you're just going to see that's who roman is from this moment on that you are seated with christ in heavenly places that's the real you and just continually ask the lord lord i'm seated with you what is it you're doing on earth and what do you want me to do today and i just see a a even through music even evangelistically even even just as you worship the lord i just see the lord just resting upon you and just filling you with his presence as you just spend time with him and i even believe in the coming days you're going to have encounters of the lord just as you're just you're still you're not even really worshiping or playing music you're just still and you're just waiting on the lord and saying lord it's now my life it's your life and i just see a just a greater boldness and a hunger in you that god's even imparting unto you now a greater hunger for the presence and the things of god that you'll literally i think in coming days and months you're going to be beside yourself almost looking at who am i but you're going to see christ in you in jesus name so powerful amen if you guys got a word for roman come on release them this way this way my mission in life my name is nina lorenzo my mission in life is to study persuade and invite the laws through mentoring and deliverance wow my calling evangelistic apostolic language touch and quality time personality est j e s fj the uncompromising manager and the compassionate friend spiritual gifting teaching evangelism uh faith miracle and healing wow thank you come on lord whoa what uh what whoa what a number i thank you lord you pull out all those callings and gifts on her lord i thank you lord i thank you lord for leading the loss to you lord i thank you lord for the deliverance lord on my voice and i thank you lord for the healing lord your daughter nina thank you lord for your daughter nina that she is she is walking in your uh footsteps lord fill her up lord fill her up lord filler holy spirit come and fill her up she said thank you jesus thank you lord for those gifts thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord i just see you i just see you stepping out stepping out stepping out the lord wants you to step out he wants you to step out more you have so many callings on you it's time it is time to start stepping out and to use those callings in jesus name in jesus name [Music] called to prophesy come on proclaim you're called to declare you're called to proclaim and you're called to declare in jesus name through the throne room of the heart of the father that reveals to your heart in jesus name the speaking gifts are very strong in you from the holy spirit and the speaking gifts will open you into the other gifts so the the power gifts surrender to what you speak when you speak in authority it's going to happen thank all right next my friend mr arnold so my name is dell c arnold and my mission in life is to encourage empower and build the church with love love and evangelism amen amen i would also like to add another word understanding because i think understanding people is very important so yeah the calling is evangelistic in teaching i don't agree with the pastoral love language is quality time personality is e-s-t-j-e-s-f-j the uncombined uncom manager and the compassionate friend spiritual gifting is missionary evangelism and faith amen amen well amen go ahead and put your hands together lord we thank you for our fresh anointing thank you for his pursuit and i believe this is a season where god really wants you to step out in faith lord we just thank you lord for just calling him up lord he is already here saying here am i send me god we thank you lord that the neighborhoods the nations will never be the same father anoint his words god anoint his vocabulary but most of all anoint him as a man of god to follow you all of your days release the kingdom now now in jesus name be filled we command you to be filled with faith with just zeal for the lord all that god has put in you we stir up that gift of god that's on the inside of you and we declare god those gifts are without repentance and they've been calling you for a long time and the lord is calling you forth to step one foot in front of the other to begin to take territory to begin to take ground and not sit back and let the enemy stay captive in places that you're called to overturn god i just thank you lord for just the language of heaven the courts of heaven be released the language to overturn territory be released in his prayer life god i thank you for the event the gift of an evangelist that he that he so agrees with in heaven and it's in his statement god we just bless him lord the anointing of the evangelist lord let it come upon him stronger than ever yes lord let us let his words be effective cut to the heart of man and change lives in jesus name in jesus name amen amen thank you lord love you bro hallelujah come on over here all right oh you moved them down there i see what you're doing there they're all uh relocating thank you for starting the soul train all right my name is nancy marcus my mission in life is to help give and love women through feeding and comforting my calling is pastoral and evangelistic my love language is quality time acts of service words and touch my personality esfp the social butterfly my spiritual giftings are hospitality giving craftsmanship mercy and exhortation hallelujah do you want to have her husband and then they can pray them together just anointing that's all this is so i just thank you father what i hear the lord saying is you're not finished i'm not finished with you yet your [Music] your former days were amazing but the what god has ahead of you will far exceed anything that you could hope for or imagine i see you um i just see the lord just uh accelerating in you so things that you thought like maybe um i'm not there yet i haven't arrived i don't have the the knowledge understanding for that lord even though it's on my heart the lord says it's okay it's not up to you it's the call that i have on your life it's who i've called you to be it's who i've created you to be and in that it's already in you he has already placed everything in you that you need and it is in and through him anyways so everything that you need he brings into you and it pours out through you so the calling that god has for you to minister to women i see just lots of ministry to women of healing of the broken hearts of of bringing the walking alongside them and and bringing them into the understanding of who they are in their identity and you are going to be a mother a grandmother a sister a friend and they need you god has established and ordained you to be in their lives so your calling is high and it is important so do not delay any longer step forward into who he's called you to be and so i just bless you with that in the name of jesus i just thank you father for an increase increase and i call her forward and i decree and declare today is a day of new beginnings and i just thank you lord for who you've created her to be and just an outpouring of more lord more lord i just thank you for everything you've placed in in her all the um i just i just hear the faithfulness that you've already walked in the obedience that you've already been doing in your life and there is just such favor the lord is so pleased with you he just calls you a precious daughter your precious daughter he's so in love with you he's so in love with the time he has with you he just just pouring out just like this big teddy bear thank you i just see like he's just presenting you with just like this big teddy bear that you can just representative of his love for you and hugging and snuggling with you and and just um healing hugs hugs yeah you have healing hugs [Laughter] we just bless you with that in jesus name thank you wow thank you lord if anybody has a word for her please share do tell all right you sir don tell us yes um i'm so thankful that the lord placed me here it's like the perfect church and i feel it i know i belong here this this i've had visions of this church doing great and mighty things for the lord wow thank you amen okay my mission in life is to guide help and influence men through pastoring and supporting calling of my calling the prophetic i encourage build up and guide my love language quality time words physical touch and receiving guess personally um i'm an encourager i'm not born of a natural barnabas but i have a peter personality so so i'm uncompromising a manager's spirit gifted exhortation giving faith thongs and administration all right wow come on henry speak nice and loud for him thank you lord father we thank you lord for bother dawn lord and i'm hearing evangelists for you i just speak god now that you will begin to unlock him god gives his encouragement god and lord reveal purpose and destiny god i thank you lord he will have dreams he will have encounters with you in this season god i thank you lord your ears i command them to be open now i command them to be unstopped in jesus name you will hear clearly all the plans of the enemy and we cancel them now in jesus name you will go forth in holy boldness you will go forth in this season in a fire a fire that cannot be quenched in this season i speak also redemption redemption of time god redemption of everything that the enemy has taken god i thank you lord god for a fresh anointing fresh anointing right now in jesus name you have the gift of faith we command that faith to arise to go forward in the name of jesus yes the peter mantle you have that mantle we thank you lord he will do miracles through you god he will do signs and wonders will flow through him we thank you for holy boldness i thank you lord for answers of intercession and prayer in his life i call them forth now in the name of jesus i speak to your prayer life and command it to arise i just see like water being refreshed over you all desert places are being refreshed right now in the name of jesus every gift stir it up every gift we call it forth now in the name of jesus go forward go forward don't look back go forward forget the things that are behind you reach to the things that are ahead and press and press and press and as you press the door is coming open even right now the door is being pushed down and there's light now in jesus name press press press press press in jesus name thank you lord thank you i believe wow thank you lord amen amen what a man of god praise god for you wow wow wow all right here we go some more mighty warriors all right here we are my name is sharona moore my mission in life is to heal activate and play music with entertainers through worship and planning my calling is pastoral and prophetic personality is esfj the compassionate friend my love language is quality time and words of affirmation my spiritual gifts are discernment faith administration knowledge and teaching are you ready you've been waiting for this thank you lord i'm hearing that right now as you learn as you spend time in the word and you spend time in the spirit the lord is going to to lift you up to a higher place he's going to raise you up i actually heard that for everybody here that we're praying people up we're praying them up into a higher position than they've ever been before and so there's going to be a lot of newness and expect that and enjoy it it's exciting it's exhilarating and you're going to enter into that newness and you're going to experience things and the healing power of god where's your hand yeah the healing power of god is flowing through you and as you speak it will be released in your hands as you speak it will be released in your hands in the name of jesus be filled now be filled now it's his power it's his power his super on you his super is coming on you you have a ministry to walk in thank you lord thank you lord yes and what you need is what you're going to receive and that's what you're going to minister yes thank you lord [Music] and divine favor encompasses you like a shield divine favor expect favor expect upgrades if you get on a plane you're going first class expect prosperity expect promotion thank you jesus thank you jesus you hearing anything come on just keep ministering if you guys got a word for her thank you jesus are you ready holly all right all right so okay so my name is holly my mission in life is to heal help and serve the lost and broken through teaching and healing my calling is pastoral and teaching personalities isfj the loyal servant love languages quality time and physical touch and spiel spiritual gifts is mercy giving help service and teaching wow that's so amazing thank you jesus let me hold that was as we pray for you guys i'm going to pray for you thank you lord wow jesus what a fireball this is a example of a hungry woman of god said we bless you and have mj pray for you yay god oh thank you lord for holly thank you father her mission in life is to heal help and serve the lost and broken through teaching and healing that is powerful this is a woman who knows who she is in christ she's a merciful giving powerful woman of service to you jesus i thank you for the servant of god i thank you for this joyful servant of god and we just release god everything that is in her put your hand on your belly yeah lord we just release the joy we release these gifts now father god thank you jesus i thank you for bringing women into her life where she can release the gifts she can release the fruit that you have been producing inside of holly thank you lord oh jesus yeah there's so many gifts inside of you it's no wonder holly is is a christmas word [Laughter] and god has placed within you a plethora of gifts he's placed him in you and he's about to bring some to you yeah thank you father thank you for the gifts being released out of my sister and for those you're bringing to her father i thank you this month will be a month of fatness a month of prosperity and a month of you coming through with promises and with prayers answered breakthrough in jesus name breakthrough is here prayers that you've forgotten god is going to remind you with the answer suddenly suddenly thank you lord it's going to overwhelm you it's going to overtake you overwhelm you and overtake you thank you father thank you for the love thank you lord an abundance of love thank you jesus [Music] come on jesus thank you lord yeah just keep receiving all right sean come here man to god i think about chris but uh you guys go so far back i feel i'm feeling chad chad come on over here you're gonna pray for sean because you already got one relationship god's gonna give you many okay social butterfly all right yeah i'm a special butterfly i didn't know they were gonna put that on here someone let everybody know but it's okay it's it's better to be a social butterfly than an unsociable caterpillar so it's okay it's all right it's okay so so it's a manly butterfly okay i thought of that while i was standing up here family butterfly thank you lord yes um spread your wings okay okay all right okay okay my mission in life is to love and encourage the addicted through prayer worship and the word my calling is pastoral and prophetic and my love language is touch quality time oh isn't this sweet quality time words of acts words and acts of service i am esfp which is the social butterfly and my spiritual gifting teaching faith mercy shepherding and exhortation hallelujah that's amazing thank you lord so sean so it's interesting you pinpointed the butterfly because i saw a video today that talked about the caterpillar and the butterfly that some uh had proposed that they are actually two different species in one form and we talk about transformation a lot i like to talk about it pastor david likes to talk about it a lot too it's one of the themes of the church and it's it's that idea that in christ we are metamorphosized we are transformed into his image and so i i'm just going to declare over you that in jesus name that the the species you were is not the species you're becoming is not who you are going to be and that the the former things have been left behind and the new things will be newer and newer and newer glory to glory to glory and i declare over you that i declare for you that the the past may have been hard the past may have been something that you want to forget but that past is always something that forms who we are in the present and always remember that christ died for our sin to wipe it clean and he died so that we can be like him and that we are empowered to be like him we are empowered to be and the spirit will convict us to be righteous we are righteous in him in jesus name and i just declare that over you today amen amen thank you lord thank you lord okay praise god look at you come on up here one more step forward i'll get you all the way up front there we go [Laughter] you got supporters that's i like that all right okay um i'm betty ann conrad okay my mission in life is to redeem heal and encourage the lost through soul winning and deliverance in the name of jesus calling is prophetic and evangelistic personality isfj the loyal servant love language quality time touch and words of affirmation spiritual gifts craftsmanship healing evangelism and exhortation betty anne betty ann when i hear you from when i hear from the lord i see that the lord has given you a mouthpiece to speak to anyone and bring and win souls for him that because of who you are and because of the gifts in you and the love that you have that no one should perish that you are willing he's just protected you that when you just open up your mouth he will feel it and people will want to follow you and i know this sounds funny but like the pied piper because there's something in you that they want that comes from the lord so lord i just pray right now lord that you will just even fill her up more lord and lord that she will come along the evangelists of the house and lord that you would give her a fresh fire lord that people may have evangelized to people but as soon as she comes and speak that she'll be drawn men to her and so lord we just thank you lord yes pastor from heart to heart from glory to glory lord and lord i just thank you lord the words that the lord give you lord will be like golden be like golden and there will be life to people but it's not just the words it's because of the anointing that god has upon your life and lord right now i just pray a breaker anointing over you that anything that the enemy tries to come in and interfere to delay or distract he cannot because all shackles bondages yolks and every chain is melting away and being broken and you are walking i want you to walk one step into your new anointing into great favor with the lord the lord has favor and the lord said favors like a shield and so it says the lord has all the shields so you have nothing to worry about or nothing to fear because the lord is definitely on your side in jesus name amen i bless you amen all right the last two mohicans here all right so my name is adam mccarty my mission in life is to love redeem and free the abuse through counsel and love calling is pastoral and evangelistic personality is isfj loyal servant love languages acts of service and quality times spiritual gifts discernment faith prophecy wisdom and teaching wow thank you lord so good so good so good so good thank you lord thank you jesus i'm gonna have megan come up because i heard about the pastor there's just so much care in your uh profile i just want uh one of uh this incredible heart that you have god is going to continue to nurture restore and we just believe in god for your best days are right ahead of you and you don't even have to look far down the road they're right here they're right here right now that's really good thank you father i thank you lord thank you father for the heart of love that you've placed inside of me i thank you lord that you've placed a piece of your heart inside her lord that she sees those who others look over that she sees the ones that others want to pass by and don't even notice that they're there father i thank you that you've given her prophetic eyes to see and to discern and to call forth the golden people father i thank you that you've given her the the ability to um to see those things that are not as though they are and i just speak that over her and i call that forth even more and i just thank you lord that you're going to bring increase that you're going to set those around her for her to minister to lord that you would place those god divine appointments in her pathway i just think you bring increase lord increase to her her counsel her wisdom we just i just call forth all that you've placed inside her i just see like all of this um these shelves full of of words of books of wisdom of um of these beautiful paintings and all these knickknacks that have meanings these like a bookshelf full of all these things that are actually these things inside of you and things that you haven't even discovered yet and things that are yet to be brought forth and things that you thought you understood about yourself but lord has more there's layers to it that there's more layers to who he says that you are because there's more and that this is the times for that to be brought forth and the time for an unlocking and that the things that have held you back will not do that any longer we just say that in the name of jesus the things that have the words that have been spoken over you to say that you are opposite of who you are we just break those words off in the name of jesus and i just see those things falling i see like this lock that was locking you in place in certain areas that lock is broken in jesus name the lord is calling you forward and that lock will not hold you there any longer and you will come into a plumb line i just saw a plumb line fall that plumb line you are coming into alignment with the truth of your identity in him you are coming into alignment with knowing who you are and all that god has created you to be and there will be any false words are falling off that will not hold you back any longer that is not who you are and god is saying this is who you are you are my daughter you are the queen you are the counselor you are wisdom you are truth you will walk in peace i just speak peace over you in the name of jesus that you will walk in truth and that anything that is contrary to who you are will not bother you any longer that just will come off of you like water off a duck's back in jesus name we just thank you father for the new beginning this is a time a year of the mouth and so anna listen this is super important this is the year of the mouth what you say you will have you will have your words are so important that is not only because of that is the year that we are in and that is the meaning of the of the um the bet the decade but it it's also in in line with god what god is doing in your life right now so those things that you are declaring so be careful and guard your words even those things that maybe are frustrating yeah i know i do this sometimes too frustrated with our kids or whatever you know you get frustrated so i just say the lord is saying you have what you say and he has given you such an anointing for that as well and he's going to teach you and train you up in more of that amen if anybody else has words i know there's a lot of anointing right there come on william happy prayer william wow it's a little longer oh won't you stand just a little bit longer william mccarty my mission in life is to minister to the homeless and addicted through preaching and soul winning my calling is pastoral and evangelistic love language physical touch words of affirmation a personality is e-s-t-j the uncompromising manager my spiritual gifts is hospitality prophecy craftsmanship exhortation and evangelism amen we fit right together hallelujah heavenly father in the name of jesus i just feel like the lord that this is a critical foundational stone that is being established in your life and your marriage that it's a sure foundation so it's something on which god can build and uh no longer any cracks in the foundation in the name of jesus thank you jesus thank you god hallelujah hallelujah we believe it we just believe it god you've begun a good work you're going to perform it you're going to complete it until the day of jesus christ thank you lord i just keep hearing ashore a sure foundation a sure foundation i thank you father for relationships lord in his life i thank you father god in the name of jesus hallelujah nothing nothing hidden nothing concealed but lord just so uh one with the brothers and sisters in christ in the name of jesus thank you lord he's in a family thank you father thank you lord and everything will grow everything will flourish in the house it will flourish in the house of god in the courts of his god in the name of jesus thank you god thank you lord amen go ahead and pray the evangelist thank you lord jesus i just i see william that that you're going to just the lord's filling your even tonight and into the recent days with love and compassion so much that you're going to be i just hear that it's almost like you're a house on fire that as the scripture says there's fire in your bones and you got to let it out and i feel you're just going to be compelled to just go up to people that you you don't even want to go up to and the lord's going to say you have to go up and talk to him and you're not even going to know what she's going to say until you just get up to him and as you open your mouth god's going to fill it and i just believe that you're going to be blown away by what comes out of your mouth because the lord's going to give you words that are just it's going to be like a power evangelistic prophetic word that god's gonna use you to speak into people's lives like never before and it's being activated tonight and i just heard as i came over to you originally i heard the lord say death and life is in the power of the tongue and you're going to speak life into dead situations and people that literally going to be dead are going to be raised from the dead spiritually and even physically and you're going to have the faith that others don't have that you're just going to say i don't know why i just believe because all things are possible to him who believes and you're going to believe in miracles and you're going to see them performed by the lord because it's christ in you the hope of glory you're going to speak life to dead situations life and it's going to be like fire in your bones you won't even be able to say no you'll just say get out of the way excuse me you're just going to run up to people and you're going to start prophesying life into dead situations come on can everybody stand in the room and give praise to god thank you for those watching online we bless you we're going to release a blessing over this house thank you father for those that are here lord we come in the name of jesus with one purpose to bring glory to your name lord i thank you for the grace to fulfill that assignment the grace lord for every person to grow in depth of relationship that with you and horizontally with one another god we thank you lord for just leveling the playing field in christ jesus we have everything we need pertaining to life and godliness lord i thank you lord for a new year lord let it be filled with such grace such reality that when people see us lord they see heaven they see the kingdom they see jesus come on lord we just ask for this year to be a year without compromise lord that we would step into the reality of no more excuses god we pray you'd break off of yes break off of us all of yesterday as we enter into fully what you have for us in this day in this era god we bless the people of god to walk in fullness in every area god we pray the blessings of the lord would add to you and and bring no sorrow but you'd be filled with life that would shine and showcase god's reality in each of your life god we thank you for those that have come on board and said i want this to be my home god but most of all we say god fan the flames lord let them rise up let them shine we need decree and declare over their lives god there is so much more god we don't want to sit back idly expecting you to put things in our hands that you've called us to apprehend and take by by force god so we thank you lord we step in to the uh even the gates of hell shall not prevail against us god teach us how to pray teach us how to apprehend teach us how to press in to the things that you have for us through the rest and the reality of jesus christ because it is finished amen in jesus name we bless you people of god and we thank you amen love you guys
Channel: Redemption House Life Center
Views: 101
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: VJn-mvCsOQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 36sec (7656 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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