Proximity Conference 2020 Jan Markell

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[Music] oh my goodness I've already met some of you up here and various states you've come from some faraway east coast I met somebody here I believe from Virginia so pastor Barry you've got an outreach here and that's what's so wonderful about what we're doing online on air radio various ways that we're getting the message out now here's kind of where I want to go and let me just get my thoughts together here I was here a year ago and presented kind of at that time and we met last year right at the 1st of January I think was the fifth and so I kind of looked back at the previous year and what I'd like to do this year is perhaps a little bit of looking back but more than that let's project here into the new year and for that matter some years ahead because I want to look at probably perhaps what might be considered 10 top stories to keep our eyes on the problem is we could do a hundred and ten we could have do we could do a thousand and ten and I've been here two and a half weeks and everything's checked now we got a virus threatening the whole world I mean that's how fast things change so what we'll look at what I consider to be at least ten of the top again many many many stories and a lot of these that we're going to talk about they they really are tribulation events but if they're casting a shadow now if they're really we can see them clearly foreshadowing things now then we know that in fact the church age is about to end so what I'd like to do I just lost everything up here got it back thank you so what I'd at technology hang on here what I'd like to do before I get started is invite you since I've got three of my speakers here today understanding the times 2020 we do an event like this and I know events like this are frowned on in the church because you know might not grow the church and it's divisive and people won't show up and I'll show you a picture here of mine and Justin but I'm only I've got a couple of my speakers three this fall will be a mere Safari pastor Jacobs pastor berry Joel Rosenberg and Michele Bachmann and that's September twenty six twenty seventh tickets will go on sale next summer about June 1st just save the dates for now if you don't mind save the dates and okay so let's just here's just a little image here of what our event looks like and in 2016 we had so many people in seventeen they the church literally forced the ticketing of the event which is why we're doing that because we our venue holds forty three hundred and sixteen and seventeen we had sixty three hundred and believe me everything was it well pleasantly overcrowded but you know when you're when you're a fire hazard you literally have to do something so let's move into and again it's just if you just check my website for ticket details for further information you can already sign up for hotels that's this fall right outside Minneapolis Minnesota it's live streamed at no cost if you can't make it which I realize most can't but I've already met folks who've either been there or are planning to come this fall now let's move into what I'd like to share by way of and interesting enough I kind of feel this is part two of pastor Barry Stegner's message or at least we're playing off of each other let's put it that way we're really going to be sharing some things that are similar similar theme because I think and these aren't in any particular order but of the ten issues I think we should keep our eyes on not necessarily the primary one but huge is that this spirit of Antichrist in the world is just it is so so prominent today and we'll look at just some some headlines here that I think will spell it out we have as we speak probably 25 30 cities we can see some of them I will show you a few of the cities right as we speak where there's absolute there's anarchy there's lawlessness there's rioting there is destruction and I in some cases there are freedom fighters and I don't want to be critical of those in the Hong Kong who are trying to hold off the Chinese and and and other places as well where they're literally Iran trying to fight free of the mullahs but in other places it's just literally Anarchy that's going on and it actually came to my home town it came to many up I'm in the heartland I'm in the Twin Cities by the way I bring you greetings from the frozen Chosin back you wonder why I'm here in January and not July and I promise if you come in September it's no snow on the ground yet so we won't we won't freeze you out if you come in September to our conference but back in in October President Trump came to Minneapolis the Heartland and who would have thought complete can't we have I didn't know the Twin Cities had had an tyfa but sure enough they were there and part of our Twin Cities a section of it was completely at home torn apart by people just wanting to come and sort of celebrate the country and meet the president and and you know just do some patriotic thing well anyway we were met with I believe what I believe is the spirit of Antichrist and all I'm saying is he's alive and well right now and again there's this lawlessness going on civil unrest spreads across the world well what is behind that what's behind that is in fact the spirit of the Antichrist so we know this is going to ramp up as the tribulation gets closer and closer and closer and I believe that I believe the tribulation is on the horizon I believe if we could we could hear the hoofbeats of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse of course the church is gone when that happens but so how much closer in fact is our home going now there's one more thing just by way of this spirit of Antichrist because we've literally got something on Netflix right now and I don't know how many of you have seen it and Millay the trailers in just another few minutes here I'm gonna play the trailer just because I slip it in here because we're talking about how this Antichrist lawlessness spirit is so prominent right now we've even got a TV program on Netflix I believe its heralding the Antichrist and I'll say more about that when we get into a different segment of the message here so number two number two and I'm gonna be playing some clips this morning and some of them will be a little bit shocking but when it comes to god rejection when it comes to the fact that I'm not just America but really the whole world is rejecting God and now I think America is the last bastion that's been holding on to God and obviously there's a remnant still holding on to God but what happens is what's assured in is strong delusion the Romans 1 depravity and then the hatred of God now are we seeing any of that let me just give you a few illustrations and I want to give some scripture as well to back this up just as Robert night says there's collective shrugs over drag-queen store and that demonstrates our decay and he says not long ago a sexually confused man in women's clothing peddling homosexual propaganda to children would have prompted calls to the police today it's celebrated Greg Queens story Aras celebrated should we be surprised in light of what the Bible predicted the whole Romans 1 let me just read a couple verses and they did not see fit to acknowledge God that's what these people are doing any longer God gave them over to a depraved mind to do those things which are not proper being filled with all unrighteousness wickedness greed evil full of envy murder strife deceit malice they are gossips slanderers haters of god insolent arrogant boastful could go on and on last verse and although they know the ordinance of God that those who practice such things are worthy of death they not only do the same but they give a hearty approval to those who practice them and I think that's the change I see is there is now the overwhelming approval for these kinds of things for instance here Elizabeth Warren applauds transgender nine-year-old suggests this child could help her choose her education secretary the child there is a girl but it's a boy okay you know what I'm trying to say but here's the look at the mother look how proud that mother is she not only approves of this she celebrates the fact that that child wants to be transgender again hearty approval to those who practice them again tony perkins puts puts this out six foot five inch male wins girls event named woman of the week okay here's my point when you abandon God the strong delusion comes the depravity comes this is strong delusion because again this is celebrated this is celebrated this is the woman of the week at six foot five inch male do you think they did this during the days of Noah well maybe they didn't have the technology and the science skills to do but do you think the mentality was the same yes let me tell isn't that to happen that they'll very last days yes okay I'm going to play a clip here it'll be a little bit shocking it's an ad [Music] Oh be afraid [Music] okay this is the new normal this is what happens when you reject god this is what happens when you throw God out of a country out of anything this is what replaces it is the depravity that's my only point we get the Romans 1 we get the strong delusion we get a 6 foot 5 male being celebrated as woman of the week this is this delusion that if they'd have the technology and Noah's day this is exactly what's going on all those days are to come back so now we've got sprite here celebrating again the homosexual lifestyle so just some more illustrations of this let's go back one again strong delusion 43% of it of Americans now say that socialism is okay now I might hear from folks in Venezuela and I assure you it's not okay I assure you that a socialism you know if we're one election away from this you know that one election away from being Venezuela and eating our pets I don't mean to be gross here I don't mean to be I'm being honest we're one election away and again more strong delusion Bernie Sanders says let's take money away from Israel and give it to terrorists again strong delusion and I want to show one more clip here in this category this category is the strong delusion this category is hating God this category is throwing God out this category is embracing all things aberrant this category is just plain the rejection of God which almost every nation on earth has done except America and now we think it's kind of cool to do it as well this is one more little clip to illustrate remove God the majority party in the House of Representatives has deleted God from as many official congressional proceedings as possible including swearing in witnesses do you swear affirm under penalty of perjury that the testimony you're about to give is true and correct to the best of your knowledge information and belief that's the record show the witness parliamentary inquiry yes mr. Johnson I think we left out the phrase so help me God we did did we have the witnesses do it again for the record yeah they want to do it but some of them don't want to do it not only isn't necessary now I'd like to preserve my will over other people well it goes back to her founding history it's been part of our tradition for more than two centuries and I don't know that we should abandon it now could I ask the witnesses if they would if they would choose to use the phrase mr. chairman if any witness objects should not be asked to identify himself we do not have religious tests for office or for anything else and we should let it go with that we just deleted god no big deal no big deal there are consequences to deleting God believe me there are huge consequences we start seeing the sprite head-on on our media when we start deleting God okay I'm moving on to category number three again these are 10 things let's keep our eyes on we're in a new year and I am seeing the rise of the new world religion now first of all there's the world religion talked about in Revelation heavily revelation 17 and and we all we know about the woman riding the beast and I think we have to keep our eyes and certain that I want to talk about them just for an extra minute here so I think the issue that has come to the forefront in my mind is and somebody's asking this question could environmentalism become a global religion it sure and it is already which doesn't mean that we shouldn't be be being careful for the environment and please don't ever hear somebody like myself suggest we should be reckless with no way but but the the hyper environmental movement I am concerned about I really am and I'm partly concerned about it because of the verse many but this is the primary verse Romans 1:25 and here it warns of this they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and they worshipped and served the creation rather than the Creator and that is exactly what is going on now is worshiping the creation to the degree we're at a university in New York they're praying and confessing their sins to plants for beads eggs now this again this goes back to strong delusion this goes back to strong delusion these these seminary students are serious you can see them that's why I put a picture here yeah I can show you what I'm talking about they're confessing their sins to plant again we're back to strong delusion but but in the context here that I think there's coming a religion in the environmental movement that's going to tie to the one-world religion of Revelation I really do I'm just a little bit more evidence of that here as we move along and others are asking the same is environmentalism or religion sure why not here she is pastor berry talked about it I want to know why out of seven billion people that's billion with a be Greta tune Berg is TIME's Person of the Year why not a president a prime minister a mover and a shaker well in a sense she is she's moving and shaking the entire globe on the well on the issue of again climate change but again this crowd is worshipping the creation hardly the Creator so Greta and she's again the elite machine behind Greta tunberg there is a machine behind her I believe it's the globalist agenda and we can't get into that if you'd really like to learn more I have a whole DVD the New World Order in Bible prophecy hidden in plain view because all these folks are hidden in plain view but the one worlders need a crisis to bring about their global paradise and they think this environmental issue will bring about you and I know it's the rapture okay the rapture brings about the one world system but the globalists don't know that so the globalists have picked on climate change global warming I'm president of Minnesotans for global warming okay I we hope it's true we hope it's true and we hope the global warming beam just focuses on Minnesota like a laser beam it's why I come here in January quite often because that when I left the windchill was 30 below the windchill okay so we'd love it to be true but what does the Bible say is we heard this morning Michael says they folks God's in charge of the weather okay God has promised us seed time and harvest he's totally in control of the weather but all I'm saying is this is the cause that I believe the globalists is part of the globalist agenda that's going to help launch the globalist agenda this woman is so popular that she is called the successor to Jesus Christ in in Sweden she's from Sweden she's the successor to this is how important this movement is to some people and I'm telling you is part of the endtime agenda that you know it doesn't mean that if we're going out and taken care of nature we shouldn't be doing that we should but again when you go to this extreme and you get this mindset this delusional mindset and you've got somebody who's this apparent head of it I'm cover of Time magazine and she's a successor that we've got a problem okay we got a very very serious problem we also have a pope who is going along with this he's the Pope of climate change he's also been called the Pope of the New World Order the Vicar of the New World Order they call him so he believes we can no longer remain silent before one of the greatest environmental crises in history he also says here rabbi comments the rabbi rabbi Daniel s or the Pope wants to unify all religions and all governments under one world order what is the big surprise he's not hiding anything just listen to what he says and who he who he is and his plans are right there for all the see that is so true Pope Francis doesn't hide a thing anything comes out of his mouth obviously much of it is inappropriate but I clearly then this is his cause one of them anyway this is one of them I want to play one more clip it's real short this is part this is a little clip of a world religions gathering this is very recently and I want you to see now the original clip don't worry - only a minute but the original is nine minutes because it's calling up one religion after another after another after another to celebrate the unity and the uniting of all religions and again I've cut a town to a minute but can you imagine nine minutes of just one faith after another here let's plan world peace we the youth believe can only be achieved when all aspects when all people come together as one and in the past three days you have seen that the youth we have done a weekend within our capacity but we are looking upon the leaders right now the leaders of the international community the politicians the lawmakers and the religious leaders to help us to focus coal signing this agreement it may not bring peace immediately ladies and gentlemen but what I'd like to say is that it is a step in the right direction and the youth need your help so now we will receipt with the signing ceremony of the unity of religion agreements the unity of religion agreement is a groundbreaking promise of religions to unite condition unconditionally and without discrimination through achieve true peace I would like to call upon the following religious leaders to come up to the stage and join us for the signing of the ceremony of the unity of religions agreement first Archbishop Martin DeJesus but all now to please come up to the stage also representative of holiness Shalu Quixote mandated hariyama be a strong Swati Sri pitaka to come to the stage also from the Islam share faith elderly Muhammad Hassan al-amin to come to the stage from the Hinduism faith his holiness Swami Chidananda Saraswathi ji Maharaj the guru of India from the faith of Buddhism representative dr. as she young asana founder of the citta who were directly Hara would you please make your way to the stage isn't the Bible accurate didn't it predict this but did you think the thinking was this far along and I still I believe I firmly believe that this religion of environmentalism plays into its just a little you know segment of this coming one world religion so I believe that it's a second here i we I think we need to keep our eyes on it and I think the thing that seals the deal for me is again when this Greta tunberg became the most prominent person in the world per Time magazine not for you and me but for the secular world and the cause the most prominent cause urgent issue on the planet climate change global warming whatever you want to call it even though and by the way I mean then we we haven't talked about the green new deal and listen during the tribulation that becomes the brown new deal which is I mean that's when they really need the green new deals during the tribulation if they want to see climate change just wait just wait they get it during the tribulation big time big time during the tribulation okay let's move ahead here to the next point we'll move quickly I'm only spending extra time on a few categories the rise of wickedness and I wish I didn't even have to talk about that Jeremiah 17 says the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked but why not like the 21st century I'm gonna give you just a few illustrations I want to play that little trailer I referenced as well but again if in fact we are coming into the days of Noah repeated we know that the days of Noah were characterized by aberration by wickedness can you imagine that the Bible says they only thought about wickedness how often once a week continuously but aren't we getting there are we getting there I think we are the days of Noah and you psalm 52 3 you love evil more than good falsehood more than speaking what is right jesus says men love the darkness more than the light for their deeds were evil but not like today because now we have all the technologies that allow us to further this agenda the rise of wickedness so I want to just what I'm going to do is I'm going to play this trailer now it's a trailer of the Messiah is it's introducing a Messiah I promise you it's not our Messiah as a matter of fact it appears to be an Islamic Antichrist that right away is problematic there's no way the Antichrist is going to be a Muslim but that's not the point the point is Hollywood and other entertainment outlets seem to be wanting to prepare us to receive someone who can solve all the problems however I believe in this case they are truly introducing the Antichrist here again primetime entertainment on net Netflix it's this place a real short little trailer and see if you don't pick up the same thing I pick up he's come out of nowhere and we don't know who he is what do we know about it he's leading desperate people so this is the cult we don't know who he's associated with he could be creating an army or he could be leading them to their death [Applause] message for lost preemie just disappears no one just disappeared we all witnessed the students very first long as you can you didn't just like his knees ended up here and what he's that work what do you think yeah he didn't see what I saw then if I did would I be calling him the second coming and what you can he's about his father's business he's doing miracles he's not Jesus Christ he doesn't even pretend to be so Oh is he representative of the Antichrist now on prime-time entertainment again this is the rise of this wickedness that I am very very troubled by if you want to go to a lot of retail outlets you're gonna just you're gonna have you do dolls for sale checkout aisle what is this doing to children I mean my goodness they're just being indoctrinated initiated things they can't even handle and yet it's handed to them and and they've got to make a decision is this something that's good for can we have this as a toy how many you know witches have been doing this forever putting hexes on people and they're doing it now I think once a month and they're putting out trying to put a hex on Donald Trump and all of his supporters that's some of us and this is nothing new but what's new is it's now in headlines what's new is that these are lead stories on cable news what's new is the Cable News hosts are hosting these witches and interrogating them and saying well tell us all about your craft and then celebrating it so this is new then I believe it's because of this rise of wickedness it's one of the things that we have to keep what does it say in second Timothy 3:13 in the last days evil will wax worse and worse nobody here denies were in the last days and I think the thing that's may be debatable are we in the very last of the last maybe in the last seconds of the last day probably and if so all of this should be expected you know Adrian Rogers once made a saying not everybody will understand this and we have to be careful with it and I think everyone here will understand it Adrian Rogers used to say the world is growing gloriously because then the Lord returns then Jesus returns in the rapture because I believe what's happening is God is looking at some of this that we're looking at and saying he's going to say any day any second enough enough I'm removing my church out of this the church doesn't need to look at this and that is the good news that is the good news okay just some more illustrations here some of you remember Avon it's a kind of a Cologne and jewelry Avon goes to the devil with befoe meant catalog cover before Matt is the symbol of Satan and here Avon is literally embracing befoe met again you wouldn't have seen this she used to come to your front door you think she'd come to the front door huggin before Matt well nobody would get it so she might the world's largest Ouija board this was celebrated in 2019 in Salem Massachusetts it was about the size of a football field and they thought that this was so clever see they don't know a secular mind can't wrap their brain around the fact that playing with evil is dangerous and beyond anything else it's eternally dangerous and that's why we need to be warning and when people are messing around with this stuff we truly need to be warning we need to be sounding the warning for it 20:19 this book came out the children's book of demons playful guide teaches kids how to conjure demons and it goes on to say the book makes quote summoning demons have never been so much fun do you have any idea the consequences of this and particularly in eternity what does the Bible say if you're gonna harm a little child you might as well drop you in the deepest part of the ocean you can't do that according to God and yet this is now being celebrated so again I'm just trying to I believe this is one of the 10 things to keep our eyes on this rise of wickedness again all predicted the last days evil will wax worse and worse and just a couple more illustrations and we'll move on again this whole drag queen story our we learned is rooted in the occult so again it's gloriously dark when you see these kinds of things the believer has to take heart and comfort in the fact that Jesus is coming absolutely at any day all right let's move on number 605 rather the mocking and the scoffing no all of you had been scoffed because you your ear the fact that you're here is an aberration if your church probably again my church of the church we we rent in the Twin Cities you know packs them out for an event like this and they come from 45 46 states can they all the Canadian provinces foreign countries but it is the remnant that is coming to events like this it's not the First Lutheran Church down the street they're not going to have much I'm not picking on Lutheran's I'm not picking on Baptists I'm not picking on anybody saying the church is indifferent the church thinks that this won't grow the church the topic of eschatology and and yet when I drove up this morning that cannon I can't drive up this morning you folks were lined up you were lying you were lined up almost to the next city [Applause] they were you have to see it to believe it I know you're at all being wounded and all that but the point is you could hardly you I didn't think you're gonna get in here on time there's over it went around and around and around and around and around but you folks aren't growing the church don't you know that you're a detriment to church growth well just ignore that okay b-but the mocking is out there the mocking the scoffing this is what they call my conference Jan mark a myriad you know a Mary you are you are causing hysteria you really are I believe it I have to it's Jewish guilt okay I'm putting my Jewish guilt on him that's cold so this is what and this is coming from the Christian world this is an endtime hysteria conference let's see here I'm not sure okay let me get caught up here yeah Chuck Todd Chuck Todd says show me a person who believes in Noah's Ark and I'll show you a trump footer oh you dummies out there can't it's the mocking it's the scarf a secular world Christian world doesn't matter and here's the entertainment industry poor Mike Pence he's going to get it now this is Joy Behar and she's accusing Mike Pence of having mental illness because he believes in Jesus this just is all part of the scenario folks for the last days one thing to talk to Jesus it's another thing when Jesus talks to you exactly [Applause] Halil miss if I'm not correct my question is can they talk to Mary Magdalene without his wife in the room it's another thing when Jesus talks to you that's called mental illness that was Joy Behar yesterday on the view they were responding to a clip from amorosa where she was talking about her time at the White House and she said that Mike Pence said Jesus tells him to say things and that's what precipitated that conversation okay all I'm saying I'm just giving you some illustrations what a second Peter 3 says say it says that there will be mockers and scoffers where is the promise of his coming but I believe it's just an overall mocking scoffing about for what we believe in and I get the emails on a not daily basis not an hourly basis from people who have at my conference I brought someone up on the platform this is last September and she lives in the I'm not going to say what area cuz I'll be blitzed with emails so that they'll want to be in touch with her and actually did that in September she came up on the plaques she did not have one person in her major town to talk to about some of the issues that all of us are interested in she didn't have one person it was a big city big city she had a church she had a church but she couldn't talk about things that were important with anybody so and so I all I'm saying is is the mocking the scoffing the putting of putting down when when most of the world is focused on Prince Harry and Meg and Mark all that is that what they want to talk about how do we fit into that we don't really we want to talk about hey the king is coming any day oh you know you'll I know they look at you like you have two heads I get that I get that I get all the emails come in non-stop it's predicted is that any comfort to you that all this is predicted and it's predicted for a last generation I hope that's a double comfort that means the end is truly near of the Lord's return is truly near let's move on here to point number six opposition to Jews and Christians again these are 10 things again I could do 100 to 10 210 but I just tried to pick out 10 things that I think we should watch as we've left that old year we're in new year opposition to Jews and Christians and I happen to pick this I'm not quite sure why we're not showing the did we lose my powerpoint I sure hope not can we get it reconnected because I'll be with I'll be dead in the water without it well I left a bunch of cats behind am I gonna have to give cats stories for the rest of the hour oh yeah okay I got any bring pictures if I'm going to show cats okay great opposition to Jews and Christians so this is completely I put this picture in it's University of Minnesota it's 20 minutes from my office and just notice the pro-palestinian u.s. college students call for slaughter of Jews look the passion against the Jews as as Amir knows never been so bad particularly on campuses but not just there I'm gonna show just a clip or two to illustrate this and even in the corner you've got a Jewish woman Jews against Zionism so she's against she's a part of calling for the slaughter of all Jews as a Jewish one you talk about strong delusion people are losing their minds and it's because they've rejected God so he's letting them lose their minds because they won't turn to him this is really really really tragic again this anti-semitic sentiment just rampant I'm defending our nation against Jews and since the Poway synagogue shooter this is now epidemic it's only going to get worse we need to be praying against it and it's open season on Jews in New York says assault on young mother and latest anti-semitic attack and then I came across I believe it's gatestone here says the end of a Jewish presence in Europe question mark this is a haunting article right here a haunting headline the end of Jewish presence in Europe now in one way that's a good thing God wants them to go back to Israel and many many many are the tragedy is that the attacks on them are sending them back to Israel I mean I'm gonna show a clip here it's Laurie Cardozo Maura's ministry and she's fighting anti-semitism 24/7 this is just a short one-minute clip and you can see this is the this is it's a little disturbing but it's reality and if it isn't in your neighborhood it's coming to your neighborhood if you've got a significant Jewish population what you do here you do in the Twin Cities you do many many larger communities has a significant Jewish population and right now it's been focusing on New York and then the Powell way was California but I think you're going to see this mushroom and grow and grow and grow just short little one-minute clip here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what does Jesus say in Matthew 1022 he says you will be hated for my name's sake and I believe he's referring to both Jews he's talking to Jews but I believe he's referring to Christians as well you're gonna be hated by the whole world because of my name's sake the Jews are certainly being now what's really tragic you just saw the world now you're gonna see Christian persecution Christian anti-semitism here now I've been trying to expose this Rick Wiles for years he's an Internet broadcaster he calls himself an evangelical Christian I don't know where his heart is how God he hates Jews how does he love the Jewish Savior I don't know how out of God to choose the Jews but not so odd as those who choose the Jewish God but spurn the Jews so let me just show you a real quick clip of Rick Wiles this represents Christian anti-semitism which is growing growing growing growing in the church and the root is what you tell me replacement theology the church is the new Israel therefore we don't these Jews are just an inconvenience again this is one of the top things to keep your eyes on here in the new year that's the way the Jews work there's there's they are deceivers they plot they lie they do whatever they have to do to accomplish their political agenda this impeach Trump movement is a Jew coup and the American people better wake up to it really fast because this thing is moving now towards a vote in the house and then a trial in the Senate we could have a trial fight before Christmas this country could be in civil war at Christmastime that's right members of the US military are going to have to take a stand just like they did in the 1860s with the Civil War they're gonna have to decide are you fighting for the north or the south members of the government are going to have to take aside it north-south is going to be left or right people are going to be forced possibly by this Christmas to take a stand because of this Jew coup in the United States we have weeks to stop it that's why I'm speaking out that's why I'm putting everything on the line say this is a coup led by Jews to overthrow the constitutionally elected president of the United States and it's beyond removing Donald Trump it's removing you and me that's what's at the heart of it that's right you have been taken over by a Jewish cabal a Bolshevik Revolution and I'm going to tell you the Church of Jesus Christ you're next get it through your head okay that's ruder than replacement theology that's that's what's driving him other than to problem you know I don't know in his head what's but in his heart and theologically he's driven by replacement theology Christians too many to count the global persecution of Christians I've got to move here and then it says let's see here persecution watch group American Church inoculated by entertainment while the Worldwide Church is being murdered and it does not help to have Pope Francis call us a scourge when he represents over a billion people he calls fundamentalist evangelicals people like believe as we do a scourge on our time so let's move on to the next point to be Middle East shake-up I don't want to go into great detail here but let me just say when it comes to the Iranian conflict they are waiting for their Mahdi the 12th Imam and the the 12th Imam wants to come when there's complete chaos so some chaos and the Middle East is fine with them that it's a picture of the Mahdi that you're seeing there and who's following humbly behind him the Lord Jesus Christ so that's going to be reversed someday the Mahdi is going to bow at the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ as he faces King of Kings and the Lord of lords he will be in for a terrible shock the Mahdi if he in fact even exists again Donald Trump there is Putin the new king of the Middle East these are just some headlines that I found that I think are stunning and they represent a shake-up in the Middle East is Putin the new king of the Middle East and I'm just moving along quickly here after Trump abandons the Kurds Israel knows that it can't rely on anyone well good God wants them to rely on no one and here Israel's military chief we're going it alone in the war against Iran you're right that's right out of the Bible Ezekiel 38 says the nations of the world starting with Saudi Arabia they just look at this GOG Magog invasion and they say hey guys what are you doing and I supposed to do this but they don't get involved so they are going it alone and Israel bracing for direct cruise missile or drone attack by Iran it's good you could wake up to that headline tomorrow I don't Amir is the one who should address this but again if this happens the world will be destabilized in a heartbeat in a nanosecond and this is really good news and that is Israel's energy dilemma more natural gas than it can use or export do you think this is the spoil yes the spoil that it's going to bring these countries down absolutely one of them anyway they've got other things but this is one of the major spoils wealth that these GOG Magog nations and it's all lining up it's all lining up just turn on the Fox and whatever you look at and you're gonna see story after story it's an exciting time number 8 global government efforts keep your eyes on the rush to the one world system it's happening and there are three people who are standing in the way and that is the the UK's Boris Johnson who wants out of the EU that's Donald Trump who wants nothing to do with globalism I think they have the same hairdresser they need a new one they can come to mind they'd be far better than what they're getting and Benjamin Netanyahu these are the three standing in the way of the globalist agenda again hang on here denouncing globalism at the UN Trump says the future belongs to Patriots and here Trump and Netanyahu take on the globalist cabal so these two gentlemen why do you think they're trying to throw these two out of office the globalists are saying though look we can't get our single one world system what as long as these two men are around we can't do it they're standing in the way now but Boris Johnson throw him in there too so we've got to get these folks out of office and here Archbishop Vigano Pope is subjecting Church to powerful forces that want world government well again the Pope is the champion of globalism and he is using as I said earlier the environmental movement is one of the things that the Pope is trying to do to bring about the one world system and moving toward a one-world government a one world economy in a one word religion the global elite have never been closer to their goal of united world thanks to a series of interlocking treaties etc they've never been closer but three men are standing in the way and God has put these three men in the way I believe to slow down the Train of globalism because it's not quite ready yet I believe first of all it takes the rapture first before that's even going to happen which as we all know I think it's a point number nine let's just spend an extra second or two on it and that is the apostasy there are more verses in the Bible talking about well two things Israel but then endtime apostasy than anything else again first Timothy four now the spirit speaks expressly then in the latter days shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons 2nd Timothy 3:13 but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived and again Paul says for I know after my departing Grievous wolves will enter among you not sparing the flock we have church leaders today absolutely not sparing the flock now I'm gonna get myself in trouble and I'll never be invited back here again because I'm just gonna reference briefly because my time is up is the New Apostolic Reformation it's the fastest-growing denomination on the planet and I'm going to show you a one-minute clip here of what they're engaged in and new Reformation that many don't realize they've joined there's great ignorance to this movement in it's a very dangerous one I believe the headquarters Bethel Church right in California and one of the main tenets is that they believe they can bring heaven to earth bill Johnson is introducing his new book bringing heaven to earth and let me just give you some quick bullet points as to what they believe they na are believes that there are new apostles today who can do what the apostles of old could do as back then they can do them today again that we should bring heaven to earth emphasis is on signs miracles healings wonders with less emphasis on the Word of God and certainly there's a coming Great Awakening well I believe that's in the tribulation probably not before the tribulation so again this is a dangerous movement I've done radio programs on it I've tried to expose the N AR for what it is but that's not the only thing that's out there that's a threat and there's the racial justice is what's going in California all of this footage comes from within beetle itself obviously as you can see there into spreading this drunkenness anointing just like the others we've look for years Bill's wife Benny Johnson has been the senior co-pastor of Bethel alongside her husband and this woman is into some truly weird new AG stuff reflexology and much more benny johnson herself put out this picture she's lying soaking on CS Lewis's grave these are students from Bethel school of ministry and they've been photographed around the world lying on the graves of dead Christian leaders there's a teaching in some of these circles that you could soak up the anointing by lying on their graves is Bill Johnson himself at the grave of the wife of Smith Wigglesworth the famous healing evangelists okay this is dangerous stuff all right this is this is bordering on just plain occultism and yet this is a one of the headquarters of this Nara New Apostolic Reformation I'm very concerned I'm not going to get into naming all the others who are part of it there are a ton of them and you just want to stay far away from it but you know the there's wolves are after the flock and this is scary stuff let's see where we are 'if reach has now dumped premillennialism you may say so what and we can't get into it but that's serious when the Evangelical Free Church of America says that their pastors don't have to be premillennial any longer we've got some other things going on we've got hang on here we've got social justice racing through our evangelical churches this is very very concerning and we've got Christianity today which should be called Christianity astray magazine because they write at Christmastime they came out denouncing Donald Trump and a lot of evangelicals spoke up and said you know he may not be perfect but his policies are blessing the church and therefore they're pro-life etcetera and then we've got critical race theory which we can't get into that but again this is coming out of the Southern Baptist Church basically saying Southern Baptist Church saying that all of us are are racists and our white supremacists and this is being kind of an obsession now of southern better so all I'm saying is in the last year and going forth here into this new year there's terrible lurch to the left with the apostasy all predicted and then lastly the last sign that we'll look at as our top 10 signs would be this rise of the surveillance society and you're being tracked everywhere you go you're being tracked everything you do is being tracked all the ways you're being tracked that you don't even realize again Google knows everywhere you go and China surveillance they're trying to export Chinese surveillance around the world and that's the worst is what China is doing and I'm gonna try to skip this last little clip in the interest of time I'd try it no here's what I want to do and I like to close with this little image and let me explain let me explain why because there you see this is the Lion of Judah okay you see a little newborn cub and he says I thought about get this little guy can hardly walk he says I thought about quitting and then I noticed who was watching the Lion of Judah is watching him and the Lion of Judah is watching you as well and I don't want you to quit either and I and I talked in he get emails and hear from people and I've been here for almost three weeks ministering in churches and I every one of them I hear how discouraged you are and we just looked at ten categories that are a herald of his coming and I hope that that is encouraging even though the signs themselves can be dark they are a herald of his coming and and and and I hear from some I want to I don't want to I don't want to talk about this anymore I'm just laughed at I'm just I don't I'm I'm marked I don't want to go there anymore I hope you'll look at yourself and see yourself in this image maybe you're that little cub there and you thought about quitting the Lion of Jew looking at you you can't quit you can't quit I want to close with this verse that we all love because it's why we're here today 1st Thessalonians 4 just a couple of verses this is why this is this is our hope this is our blessed hope for the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a loud command with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet call of God and the dead in Christ will rise first those you love who've gone on before you they go first we grab onto them as they go on up and then we go on up after that we who are alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we be with the Lord forever and ever and ever and ever and ever never ever I'm not stupid so drag-queen story our you're left behind yep we're gonna leave it all behind we're gonna leave the dark things behind therefore encourage or comfort one another with these words if we if you remember nothing else go forth and encourage and comfort go and occupy until he comes enjoy the crown you will receive for being one who longs for his appearing look creation is groaning the whole world is groaning it is time for the Lord Jesus come Lord Jesus perhaps today [Applause] today works for me amen
Channel: Calvary Chapel East Anaheim
Views: 29,370
Rating: 4.7878194 out of 5
Keywords: Calvary Chapel East Anaheim, Pastor Bob Kopeny, Calvary Chapel,, Jan Markell, proximity conference
Id: RhGv5BWSa3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 11sec (3851 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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