Proof the Legend of Zelda is Earth's Future! | The SCIENCE of... Zelda

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2020 đź—«︎ replies
dear Nintendo hi it's me Austin I'm depressed let's do this you know I get it a lot of what I do is you know fun goofy but it's nonsense who cares if Mario can realistically punch through bricks if the Yoshi jump is impossible if minecraft day/night cycle is impossible although that does remind me I have to issue a correction to that episode which is not today but will be soon do these questions as fun as they are to ask in solve actually make your experience of the game any better do you learn anything interesting about the world no don't well that ends today today we're doing something that will objectively entirely 100% make playing The Legend of Zelda more awesome all of them from the very first one to Ocarina of Time to breath of the wild this is a comprehensive complete for realsies theory about the entire Legend of Zelda franchise and I will prove it with the power of science and that theory that theory is that the entire Zelda timeline from Skyward Sword all the way up to breath of the wild takes place here on our home planet earth and how do I intend to prove it with stars and this isn't some wackadoo hysterical oh it's just Austin being crazy again with the string connecting errant screenshots from random games together on a corkboard stuff like usual although I'm sure won't get to that point no this is legitimate solid and based on rock iron observations in games across the entire franchise so enough dawdling let's get into it this is a theory I've had for a while floating around my head and it actually started with breath little wild which has no recognizable constellations in it well maybe kind of we'll get there but no this actually starts with the moon look at it look at the moon it's our moon it's got all the little craters and stuff that ours has shines the exact same color and everything but Austin you may be thinking that's not enough there's moons and all sorts of games and they all look like our moon I mean Dark Souls has our moon for crying out loud and you know you would be right that's not nearly enough and that on surface didn't convince me of anything of course game designers are gonna model a moon after you know the moon they've seen for their entire lives it doesn't take a genius to figure out that this is just how game designers make something familiar and understandable it's not a hidden lore secret but it did plant a seed in my brain a seed that was just waiting for the perfect conditions to bloom into a flower cracking out of my skull while I cling to a tree branch starving to death while it sucks out my vital nutrients making a tasty snack for a passing bird and the water for that seed came two years ago when I was working on a video for a game that had plenty of water in it The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker if you remember that video I mentioned that winwaker has constellations in it real constellations now in that video I now realize I actually got something wrong I used are some minor The Little Dipper to figure out what the latitude of Hyrule is the problem with this and I really honestly hate to admit this is that it is an Ursa Minor I assumed it was because the Little Dipper is actually an incredibly important constellation when it comes to navigating oceans in the northern hemisphere because the star at the tip right here is Polaris the North Star which is a star that's about 300 to 400 light years away from us directly over our northern Pole which means almost entirely stays still and to the north making it invaluable to finding your way in the dark but this constellation isn't a little Dipper unfortunately it is the Big Dipper and I'll be honest I've always always been garbage at identifying constellations I really don't know why ever since I was a little kid me studying him in school I was trash at it but after staring for a long time at this darn thing III see where I messed up the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper are very similar in shape they even have the same number of stars the key to telling them apart at a glance aside from size and location in relation to one another is this sharper angle the handle takes here that's exclusive to the Big Dipper fun fact because we can see the Big Dipper and not the Little Dipper we can determine that Hyrule is 100% in the southern hemisphere of the planet but it goes further than that because not only is the Big Dipper and winwaker Orion is in the night sky right over there and the wiki tells me that Cassiopeia is also in the sky although I can't seem to find it again I remind you I am terrible at finding constellations and if you can find it shoot me a screenshot on Twitter but even if it's not in the night sky five star Isles is very intentionally arranged in the shape of Cassiopeia and these constellations are not a fluke they show up in Majora's Mask and ocarina of time unlike the moon which is likely just modelled that way because it's our only reference this is very intentional it's much easier to just throw up randomly distributed lights in the sky to fill out your nighttime look these were put here on purpose but okay this alone at a glance doesn't prove anything they're just patterns in the night sky who cares I cares because while astrology is a completely bunk practice and star shapes have no impact on your personality whatsoever the presence of very specific star patterns is not meaningless in order to understand why you have to understand exactly what constellations are how they're formed and how what a chrisley improbable having identical constellations on two different planets and different solar systems actually is [Music] let's take the Big Dipper first the Big Dipper is composed of seven stars arranged in this pattern in our night sky they look pretty close together however this could not be any further from the truth this star here Mazhar is the closest one to us at 78 light-years the next closest to us is Marik at only 79 light-years away and there right across from one another on the constellation so they've got to be pretty close right absolutely not using some very rough back of the napkin math involving my bud Pythagoras we can determine that these two stars the ones that are closest to us are in actuality at least seventeen and a half light-years away from each other they are four times further from one another than our closest celestial neighbor Alpha Centauri if you send a ship with a newborn baby flying from Merrick to Mizar at the speed of light ignoring relativity it'd be ready to graduate high school by the time it arrived you see what we see as constellations are actually just bright unrelated stars there's sometimes further away from each other than they actually are from us their light leaves their stars travels towards us and hits our eyes like a like a movie projector all at once giving the appearance of a discernible pattern our viewing angle in relation to these stars is key to how they appear in the sky and honestly I cannot come up with a better way to show you this in this image from Encyclopedia Britannica this is just absolutely perfect this means that why you can see say Alkaid meas our alley off Megrez dubba dubba merrick secta Bellatrix Misa Betelgeuse Mintaka Alnilam Alnitak Rigel and safe from lots of locations in our galaxy it's only right here right on our planet and just as importantly right now that you can see them arrange themselves into the Big Dipper and Orion look look here these are the constellations right now as we see them on earth and this is how they look from our nearest neighbor Alpha Centauri which is just a near four light-years away totally unrecognizable Orion gets a bit more survivability because the stars are further away from us but they still don't survive the shift completely unchanged this means that in order to see these constellations in game the events of the Zelda franchise have to have to have to take place in the exact same location in the galaxies our solar system or somehow the four thousand stars of the night sky arrange themselves just perfectly to two constellations that are unique to our planet which is about a one to two point three one seven times ten to the four thousand seven hundred and fourth power likelihood what exactly does this mean well since the last time I checked we have not unearthed goron fossils anywhere and this means that legend of zelda has to take place in the future which actually makes a lot of sense if you think about it for one in almost every single game there's evidence of a much more technologically advanced pass than the one that we play in each game is essentially a post-apocalypse I mean tell me honestly that fee isn't a hologram AI store on what is essentially a weaponized USB stick that you literally have to plug into a slot at the end of Skyward Sword she's basically Cortana she's even blue I think I'm colorblind maybe she's purple still Skyward Sword is the earliest game in a timeline and it establishes that thousands of years prior to the game there was some massive calamity that rose from beneath the earth to mess everything up which is why everyone's living in a crappy world filled with radioactive I mean evil monsters furthermore there's plenty of references to our real world in the Zelda series sure things like Mario Peach Bowser and Luigi's portraits in Ocarina are most likely just Easter eggs but Link's Awakening has a telephone a real-deal telephone and a reference to Madonna Elvis is in Majora's Mask and Skyward Sword references Titanic even I think the most reasonable assumption is that the Legend of Zelda takes place in the distant future when humans have split off into many different races through a long process of evolution the stars actually back me up on this for one the stars don't perfectly match our constellations if you overlap them they've shifted slightly this is because as time goes on our solar system continues to orbit the galactic center ever so slightly shifting our viewing angle in relation to the stars that make up constellations this is happening right now on our planet for real in fact here's an article that shows what our constellations may look like in the next 50 thousand years at our society make it long enough to actually see that happen and this is also why it's nearly impossible to find constellations and breath of the wild there's one that kinda looks like Orion Oh a little bit but overall I can't find anything the birth of the wild takes place at a bare minimum ten thousand years after the events of winwaker although it's likely that it's much longer than that and winwaker already takes place many thousands of years after the events of the ancient battle described in Skyward Sword meaning that our planet has already shifted a lot there are some constellations and the Kia rube trying to look at and maybe these could be like Antilia Fornax pictre taurus with maybe andromeda if you squint it's really hard to say but it's ultimately irrelevant because by a time human history reaches this point are comforting homegrown constellations that we've had for our entire species culture will be all but gone a lot of the things in zelda that looks like magic could very easily be technology the game actually isn't shy about suggesting that almost all the games incorporate a mechanical and technological setec laying right into the hands of arthur c clarke third law that any sufficiently advanced technology will be indistinguishable from magic imagine trying to explain a modern smartphone to someone in the 1700s that is what we're dealing with in the legend of zelda and honestly i think that's pretty cool thinking of the legend of zelda breath of the wild is like fallout studio ghibli Edition and Wind Waker is water world but make it chibi makes the games more awesome to me sometime in the past humanity developed a technology to advance evolution either through gene therapy or something else and accidentally I don't know made a giant monster out of technology that tried to kill everyone and in every game you're just scrambling through the wreckages of a more advanced society trying to piece together your place in the world and make things better for your descendants and that I think is a game worth playing sincerely Austin this means while you may be able to see Alkaid Nizar Elliott Ali oath oh boy Alkaid me czar Ali off Ali Osman rez dub hey dub dubby dubby Deborah Deborah dubba dubba dubba [Music]
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 1,217,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: legend of zelda, link, zelda, breath of the wild, breath of the wild 2, legend of zelda breath of the wild, breath of the wild sequel, legend of zelda breath of the wild sequel, breath of the wild 2 trailer, how strong is link, legend of zelda trailer, link's awakening, zelda breath of the wild sequel, cadence of hyrule, links awakening, legend of zelda switch, nintendo direct, the legend of zelda, zelda botw2, botw2, the science, the science of, the science of zelda
Id: AbyRSql4n9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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