The Final Proof that Minecraft ISN'T FLAT! | The SCIENCE of... Minecraft

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Gonna go ahead and post this ahead of time here, since it's something I am aware I screwed up a bit: the exact model I have here doesn't work because the Pizza Planet (I'm v mad I didn't come up with this idea) is in constant daylight. This happened because originally I had a vision in my head of the planet always facing the same direction in relation to itself and the sun, so that rotating around the sun would cause the day/night cycle. I then realized, after seeing it edited, that this was impossible, because gravity would start to shift to the point where, at one point, gravity would actually be opposing the surface you're standing on.

There's a way to fix this that's still impossible (because flat planets aren't really possible) that I'll be putting in my next vid as a P.S. with new numbers (spoiler: it still gonna snap), but I wanted to let y'all know that I'm aware of the disconnect, and it was something that I became aware of too soon into the editing process to really fix.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AustinHourigan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Had alot of fun overthinking it and drawing a crude diagram about it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CompassRoseGaming πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Don't tell Austin, but I think the Minecraft Earth is flat.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Wefee11 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
  1. Gravity pretty obviously doesn't work the same in Minecraft as in real life.

  2. It makes no sense to assume the Minecraft sun is a literal star; by your own gravity rules, that sun would have to be a sphere, but it isn't.

  3. Titanium might be the strongest material humans have been able to produce so far, but that doesn't mean it's the strongest material possible, and Minecraft has materials that are much stronger, plus literal magic that can make stuff even stronger.

All this analysis really proves is that today's humans couldn't build a replica of the flat world, which we kind of already knew.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nulono πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Well... there's a giant flaw in this argument. Rotation is not necessary for gravity. A planet's gravity is just the result of its mass. It has no bearing on the shape of the planet in question. The reason artificial gravity requires rotation is because there isn't enough mass for it to have enough gravity of its own. But I understand that a flat, thin planet would get wonky on the edges under most circumstances when it comes to the directional pull of gravity. But fear not, I have the solution.

My personal theory given what we've seen in game:

The flat Minecraft world is orbiting really quickly around a black hole with the "surface" pointing away from it... of course that only becomes a problem once it gets close enough to be affected by the tidal gravity, but that is less pronounced with supermassives, but it doesn't HAVE to be super close to the black hole. This accounts for a lot of things:

1) The existence of a dark void at the bottom of the minecraft world. Even if still a good distance away, its pull of light would just create a dark void anyway, or the stars are obscured by other debris swirling around the black hole.

2) Why the gravity is constant no matter where you are on the flat minecraft planet. The planet is far enough away from the black hole, or the black hole is large enough that its gravitational pull is distributed more or less evenly across the surface.

3) How it could have twice the gravity of earth despite only 60 meters of depth (even if the surface area is massive).

4) How the change in gravity could have affected the tides for all of those underwater temples in MatPat's videos a month ago on the drowned.

5) Why the original builders were trying to find a way to get out of there with portals. They knew it was just a matter of time before either the star would get so close that the black hole could pull the gasses from it, frying the planet, or the planet would get so close that it broke apart, or both.

The orbit of the star to create the short day/night cycle is just a matter of the size and mass of the black hole vs the mass of the star and how fast it would have to be traveling to orbit it that quickly. Perhaps the minecraft planet is orbiting the black hole in the opposite direction of the star? This in itself would significantly reduce the speed required to get the same effect and could also be applied to the moon. They could both be orbiting the black hole and not the minecraft planet itself. The fastest moving star ever seen (so far) orbits a black hole at 1.2 million mph (2 million kph). In addition, the fastest orbiting binary stars are two white dwarf stars that make an orbit around each other about every 7 minutes. The smallest black hole currently known to science has a mass 3.8 times our sun's mass but a diameter of only 15 miles (24km). As long as the orbit wasn't inside the Schwarzchild Radius... it should be "fairly" stable...

Sorry if I make Austin lose it with this :P

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JesterNR πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
dear Mojang but yeah you know what this is not even about Mojang this is about you guys yes you right now watching this video I mean okay not all of you but I am fed up you hear me every time I do a video on Minecraft that at any point has to deal with the planetary properties of its world whether it's about how fast it spins or the properties of the nether as a separate planet I get the same tremendously irritating comments but didn't you know Austin minecraft is flat oh really really minecraft is flat that's how it's gonna be a video from map proving minecraft isn't flat using the properties of gravity isn't enough what about a video from me calculating that it would take a fuel tank to size of two Neptune's filled with rocket fuel in order to accelerate a flat planet enough to experience gravity according to Einstein's principle of equivalence for only one year and when you ran out of rocket fuel you would end up floating into space because you know no change in velocity no more gravity the end but no fine two videos proving it isn't enough because there's always another way for Minecraft flat-earthers to rationalize the existence of a flat Minecraft world unless you rule out every possibility they'll just keep going don't we've been going and going [Music] okay my therapist just informed me that this actually isn't that important because minecraft is just a video game and isn't real and like I think she has a point I mean I just kind of wish she said something before I spent New Year's Eve double-fisting like claws and rage mapping for different full spreadsheets of data in order to prove conclusively that a fictional video game world is round and not flat but I mean like I already have the numbers right I mean it would be a shame to waste them otherwise they just sit there unused for all of time so like any youtuber I'm going to ignore my therapist's advice let's do this is it even remotely possible that the world of Minecraft can possibly be flat let's find out matt ruled out cuboid planets years ago and while Einstein's principle of equivalence states that there's literally no difference between an object accelerating when it comes to the forces applied to it and the forces caused by large masses making gravity I already ruled out the possibility that someone strapped a large rockets to the bottom of every Minecraft planet because that would be absurd there's one more way just one that our minecraft planet could be flat and produce a gravity like effect on its surface and it's something that I have talked about on this channel before centrifugal force I talked about how this works in great detail before in my episode on halo rings and in a sort of backwards way on my video about Minecraft stay night cycle but here is a tldr say you're in a box with no windows or anything and your friend is in another box it looks identical but their box has Rockets on the bottom of it accelerating it through space at 9.8 meters per second per second according to Albert Einstein there is no way to experimentally determine a difference between the Box on earth in the Box in space Walt will fall the same way light travels the same way this is the principle of equivalence the problem is that this setup requires a ton of energy to produce so clever Mathi people were like if there is a way to produce a constant change in velocity without the pesky problem of needing an infinite fuel source and bada-bing bada-boom they came up with the spinning ring you see a ring spinning around and around doesn't need that much energy to maintain and it does produce a constant change of velocity you see if you're standing on a rotating ring at any moment say stop there the body touching the ring isn't actually rotating it's traveling this direction this is called the tangential vector it's basically the direction you'd end up flying if you are tied to a rope and someone let go while swinging you around it's at 90 degrees to the center of rotation but since you're standing on the surface of a ring you don't go flying off into space instead you are constantly bumping into the ring as it spins and it changes your velocity over and over again the net result of all these forces adding up is the sensation of gravity pulling you away from the center of rotation which is pretty similar to gravity the thing is you don't actually need a ring to produce as effect just happens to be one of the more efficient shapes to easily balance around a rotating Center you don't even need fancy technology all you need is a bucket your arm water and a very nervous spouse if you rotate your arm fast enough you can create a force strong enough to keep that water in the bucket even if it's upside-down no halo rings required so this is the last possible bastion for a flat Minecraft world someone spinning it unceremoniously like a bucket in space eat your heart out Russell's teapot there's a new philosophical space themed thought experiment gang in town the Minecraft bucket and while the idea of swinging a giant slab of Earth around in a circle may seem utterly ridiculous and that is because it is the mathematics of this solution does hold up making it vaguely possible kinda sorta not really but sort of but let's dig into it chef Lee here [Music] we already know some of our limitations right off the bat interestingly several constants in the Minecraft world viably survived this bucket in space scenario providing you had rigid enough sides you could hold in an atmosphere no problem this also explains that weirdly consistent sky no matter where you fly at night and the seemingly random biome since the entire surface is supposedly flat you don't really get a new viewing angle to the rest of space the way you do when you're living on a sphere so the sky being pretty much the same everywhere makes a lot of sense and the random displacement of environments is kind of plausible we have a lot of unknowns but there's a lot of stuff working in our favor for instance we know the rotation rate for a fact since a Minecraft day is 20 minutes long presuming the light source is somewhere near the center of rotation this actually limits us by quite a bit it's a light source because well if it's a star things get awfully complicated really quickly we'll get there eventually okay so we have a big fat slab of Minecraft in space tied to some kind of space rope swinging around and since the day/night cycle is 20 minutes long we know that it must be making one complete revolution every 20 minutes next we have to measure the gravity of a Minecraft world by falling to death from a specific height and timing how long it takes us to get there using this handy formula which gets us a sweet gravitational pull of 30 2.4 meters per second squared of gravitational acceleration over 3 G's and with this we actually have all the information that we need because the sensation of gravity you feel from a rotating body is created by centrifugal force caused by your changing tangential velocity and its direction and speed meaning the longer your radius or the more frequently you spin around the more gravity you feel since our spin rate is fixed at 20 minutes 1200 seconds and we know our gravity our radius that is our distance away from the center of rotation must be a fixed predictable distance using this formula and plugging in our numbers we can figure out that our Minecraft's planet must be swinging from a rope 1.2 million meters long in order to create 3.3 G's of gravity okay case closed it's possible pack it up we're going up not even close I am just getting started I mentioned a light source before and this light source ruins everything musique minecraft isn't just a barren Rock it has life on it grass trees lily pads cows and sheep to eat the grass and lions to eat them I mean you've seen the movie and the circle of life all starts with one thing energy from the Sun this is the case on our planet and it's definitely the case on the Minecraft planet light is an incredibly important mechanic in Minecraft without proper lighting plants won't grow grass which will ordinarily spread to any dirt block nearby at a regular rate won't spread at all sheep cows and pigs won't spawn because they require grass blocks to spawn so no light no life and this creates a problem a big one actually the light emitted by our Sun is truly immense in a way that I can't easily encapsulate in word stars are basically the only things that are powerful enough to emit enough energy to sustain life on a planet-wide scale a super powerful heat lamp that's only on for 13 minutes a day in order to match the 1368 watts per square meter of power reaching us from the Sun and covering all 3.6 quadrillion square meters of Minecraft planet would need to be pumping out 4.9 exo lots of power which for context in 24 real life hours this lamp would require 53% of the total energy output created by every single power plant on earth in an entire year just for one real-world day of power so in short we need a star but no big deal right just strapped our flat planet to a rotating Center above and below the Sun so they don't burn up place our 1.1 million meters away give her a good slap to get her running at six thousand one hundred ninety three meters per second and we're good to go right absolutely freaking not problem one the properties of the Sun by all my calculations a Sun that could sustain a planet within a habitable zone in an orbit of 1.1 million meters is impossible at least if we're using light with that luminosity it's too big to be a neutron star far too small to be a white dwarf which suggests sand it would probably be at risk of collapsing into a black hole it's hard to say without calculating the pressures but honestly it doesn't matter because we have an even bigger problem gravity and in this case it's not the gravity caused by our fake rotation it's the gravity from the star itself stars even small ones are massive and very massive objects create large distortions in space-time in Newtonian terms this means they create a large gravitational force okay so orbits an orbit was first postulated at least in detail by Sir Isaac Newton any notes right here let's give our boy Newton some more credit than he usually gets in classrooms across the world because the story goes that humans are really stupid and Newton was the first non stupid person that realized that objects fall down because he saw an Apple fall from a tree and bam like that the dude invents physics but I mean like obviously humans knew about gravity before Isaac Newton the story is actually way more awesome than that and it really betrays the actual genius that was this guy what actually happened was the guy was sitting and saw an Apple fall that part is true the part that's often left out though is that he saw an Apple fall on a windy day what he noticed was that the Apple picked up sideways speed as it fell which caused it to not only follow a longer arced path but take a longer time to reach the ground from this he was like hey like in theory could you give something enough sideways speed that not only would it take a longer time to fall down and follow a curved path but it would be going sideways so quickly that would just miss the ground over and over and then just keep falling forever and boom orbits from nothing but falling apples and wind that's all in orbit is in Newtonian terms any object falling toward another object can fall forever in a circle around it if it's going sideways fast enough this sideways speed is called the orbital velocity and has some interesting but easy to understand quirks the closer you are to an object you're orbiting the stronger its gravitational pull is therefore you have to have a faster sideways speed in order to avoid hitting it there are four objects in higher orbits while they have more potential energy in them because they're higher up are moving in slower speeds in relation to the object they're orbiting around TLDR the closer you are to an object with high gravity the faster you have to move to overpower that gravitational pull and get into an orbit that makes sense no well I'm moving on anyway normal speed of an object that's only 1.1 million meters away from a star with the luminosity of 5.1 times 10 to the negative 11 solar luminosities is twelve point six million meters per second or four point two two percent the speed of light more importantly this is dramatically slower than our tangential velocity of six thousand ish meters per second needed to create gravity from centrifugal force meaning in this scenario since everything that's on the surface is the Minecraft planet is moving slower than the orbital speed everything that's not glued down is going to lift off the surface and fall into the Sun good news is that they would suffocate long before that actually happened this is our conundrum we need a light source it's powerful enough to sustain life on our Minecraft slab a slab that must rotate once every 20 minutes must be within the habitable zone of its star and it has to rotate fast enough to counteract the gravitational pull of the star it's orbiting around if it moves too fast the gravity will be either too strong or we will surpass our 20-minute speed limit too slow and gravity will be too weak or even worse be in the negative so at 20 minutes per rotation we have to definitely be moving faster than our orbital speed meaning we'll have to be further away meaning our star has to be bigger right it's an impossible balancing act involving this huge spreadsheet to figure out oh and there's also this fun problem that if you go too high up you're tangential velocity you've exceeds the speed of light so that's a no-go and thankfully I found the sweet spot thirty-two point four meters per second squared gravity and only eighty percent the speed of light and just forty six point three billion meters away from the Sun about a third of our distance away from our Sun at this spot you can get enough sunlight check tix the 20 minute rotation rate and avoid breaking the laws of relativity mostly so we're good now right hashtag flat planet confirmed possible no what are you stupid this is totally impossible the more energy you put into an orbit the higher up the orbit wants to be which is you know how things work if you put more energy into an object in orbit it won't just kindly stay in its orbital height and add a gravitational force that anybody's standing on it I mean look this is me in space and Kerbal space program flying at 65,000 meters per second in a circle around the Sun is my Kerbal sticking to my ship like it's experiencing centrifugal force no that's because the orbit is stable there's no change to its state in order for centrifugal force to exist there needs to be a change in tangential velocity so while in orbit and a spinning ring look the same because they're both spinning circles they behave very differently that means we need a rope tied to something in order to keep our Minecraft planet from kicking up into a higher orbit at these speeds and this is the ultimate doom of this stupid stupid idea taking into account the average sea level on minecraft the height of the atmosphere and the relative densities of both at an area of 3.6 quadrillion square meters we're looking at a mass of around 611 quintillion kilograms you would need a rope of titanium alloy a material with the highest known tensile strength aside from the very difficult to mass produce graphene a rope capable of holding forces caused by 611 quintillion kilograms accelerating at thirty two point four meters per second squared would have to be ninety one thousand nine hundred and twenty three metres thick and surround the entire edge of the Minecraft planet okay so fine make a big thick rope and you're good now right we did it now no no we didn't because aside from the fact that titanium is freakin opaque and would block the vital sunlight a rope or a corridor pillar this thick would weigh four point three the big number lots of zeros kilograms almost as much as our Sun our real one way more than Jupiter it point-blank would break under the forces applied to it its massive the mass with more than exceed the tensile limits of the material period no matter how thick you made it I just started adding zeroes to my numbers to see if it could work and it couldn't together it's frickin impossible because we know it's impossible flat planets can't exist period it's stupid to even assume it or try it am I crazy here like we're gonna go through the mental gymnastics in order to justify a flat planet it's easier to just assume it's a normal round planet floating in space it makes way more sense Occam's razor you silly person have you heard of it I'm gonna go call my therapist and I swear to God if you suggest minecraft is flat ever again bye all Frank and low that sincerely Austin [Music] hey fun fact you should know while you're considering subscribing to the channel the very thing that got Matt and I talking to begin with was that we both did videos on minecraft and flat earthers on the exact same day within hours of each other we got to talking and Here I am now so stuff that in your Wikipedia page [Music]
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 3,215,636
Rating: 4.8609409 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft theory, minecraft world, the science of minecraft, endermen, enderman, piglins, minecraft creeper, creeper aw man, earth, minecraft the drowned, minecraft science, the science of, science of minecraft, the science, game theorists, game theory, matpat, game theroy minecraft
Id: stBW9byJQY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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