Is Darth Vader REALLY That STRONG?! | The SCIENCE of... Star Wars

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

I have noticed a lot of drool on my chin when I hear mouse clicks

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/IPunchedASandwich 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

This video doesn’t even take into account the fact that this is a fluid he’s holding back, not a solid. It doesn’t add much to how powerful he is, but the level of concentration it would take to hold every drop of water back as well makes this much more impressive. He isn’t just holding back all of that weight, it’s applied evenly to the entire surface of the water flooding in. He isn’t just incredibly strong, he’s also insanely talented at manipulating the Force to exactly his needs.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Calixus_ 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Baby Yoda is scared for life now at what it saw.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/TheNoahHaley 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

I was ccx wondering what's thew name of that water song used in that video?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

I mean the game really makes a point on how insanely strong Darth Vader is, first by shitsmacking the protagonist over and over again, and them by holding back a flow the size of a small house.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Matalya1 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

I would have no fucking clue as to what this is if it was only the thumbnail

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mlggamer346 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

What was the song they used on that video? I've been looking but I can't find it anywhere.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Galactic-Weirdo 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

So what was the song that was playing in the end

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Nannobot12 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey this video has spoilers for Jedi fallen order like literally stuff that happens in the last five minutes of the game this is your warning so important that I put it before the mouse click okay anyway you can click now dear wait should it be respawn or LucasArts I mean LucasArts plastered their logo everywhere and how am I still doing this same intro contrivance for years years I mean this intro part here where I click the Google Drive thing Google Drive doesn't even look like that anymore Google Docs is its own freaking thing this is what it looks like now even worse this is literally literally the exact same video file I used back when I started this series when it was in 720p this is upscaled what's this typing effect it doesn't even look right you know there's an actual typewriter effect in After Effects now I mean this is what Matt's intro looks like why am I still doing this garbage with the deer whatever and the click and the but but by now it should be like BAM Bokke Kapow avatar the epic score rises in the background the tear forms your eyes the hairs on your skin prickle up and you realize that it's time to do some [Applause] but honestly at this point I've been running an extended Pavlovian experiment on you conditioning you to watch my videos when you hear the sound of the mouse click so what are you gonna do I love fallen order in particular I like how they kinda sidestep the power creep problem that was always kind of a problem in Star Wars video games instead of playing an opt n'ajjer capable of tearing down star destroyers and fallen order you play as Cal Custis a Padawan who survived order 66 and you are not a god although by the end of the game you may have learned some fancy tricks a wall run that respawn is legally obligated to put into their games and have made making stormtroopers pee their suits a normal day-to-day operation except except for this guy what legendary last words after defeating my Hot Topic goth girlfriend in a one-on-one duel you come face-to-face with Darth Vader who really mails home how much of an amateur you are Vader is on another level not only is he the literal actual chosen one he's been honing his skills against Jedi rogue inquisitors and hot groupies for years while Cal's been working on a junkyard planet listening to Mongolian rock music and going through puberty surrounded by nothing but rust and aliens you have no chance Vader wrecks your stuff and gives no midi-chlorians about wasting time with parries and carefully dodged swipes in fact I learned while writing this episode and trying to get some extra footage that the dude will just pop off and snap your neck like it's nothing if you lollygag too long dude has absolutely zero chill about hunting Jedi your only recourse is to run away because you know that's what you do when you're a boy who's hoping to seal the deal with a Dathomiri which in the sequel so she can restart the Nightsisters clan with strong stock and you're being chased by a giant monster wielding of vasectomy Lance you get away but not really because of course you didn't and it's all drama climax blah blah blah and then Cal has the bright idea to break the walls of the hallway that you're in letting water Russian and allowing him to escape and you're only able to escape because behind you Darth Vader is holding back the water rushing in with the force like a mother effing badass sure it's not as spectacular as like a ton of other displays of force powers but the more you start to think about all the things that are happening the more you realize that this may actually be the most impressive cannon display of the force we have seen performed by any character anywhere point-blank except for maybe hologram Luke's ability to ignore the limitations of the speed of light and the transmission of information but honestly Star Wars is pretty much no respect for Albert Einstein as a general rule so let's back up because I can already hear you saying pushing back water Austin really that's what your video is about and to that I say hell yes because with this we can accurately measure the brute strength of Vader and suss out the limitations of his powers just like Tarkin onch and ours folly oh yeah that's right on that kind of Star Wars nerd but let's go over why this scene is so impressive to me and why I think it's not only illuminating but a fascinating math puzzle this scene takes place on fortress inquisitorial the headquarters of Emperor Palpatine Jedi hunting experts the inquisitors fortress inquisitorial is huge and built on the water moon near near nur yeah whatever most of it is underwater deep underwater how deep will get there holding back this water takes all of Vader's concentration which is why kal and seer are able to escape so we can reasonably assume that pushing back this torrential flood of water is somewhere near the upper limit of Vader's capabilities especially since he's been shown to have trouble holding back water on Mon Cala this is hard to do for him and honestly probably very few others could even pull anything close to it off but why is it so difficult simple water is very very heavy we don't usually think of water as being that big of a deal but considering water is what makes up most of mass and as anybody who's ever been tasked with carrying jugs of water upstairs could attest it is not light under normal gravity water weighs almost exactly a kilogram per liter and that can add up really really quickly what's worse is that the fluids under gravity exert pressure due to being pulled down by you know the the the gravity at sea level our atmosphere exerts 101.3 kiloPascals of pressure on our bodies because the weight of the entire atmosphere in a single column leading all the way up to the exosphere is pressing down on us we are all little atlases carrying the sky on our shoulders all the time thankfully air isn't very dense and even a 10,000 kilometer column of the stuff really isn't that heavy meanwhile you know how deep into the ocean you have to go in order to experience an increase of one atmosphere of pressure 10 meters that's it just one ten thousandth of a percent of the depth of the entire atmosphere into water and the pressure rises a bunch this is the power of water look at how deep the freaking fortress and quiz' Toria says look at it and Vader's just dead lifting his water like it's nothing now this is the formula we need in order to figure out water pressure it's delightfully simple compared to some other monsters we've used on this show P equals H Rho G where P is pressure H s height or depth Rho is density and G is gravity this will work for most fluids now first things first before we can even start plugging numbers in we need a ruler because we have some measurements to make you all know the drill pixel measurements are the cornerstone that hold this entire You Tube channel together and in order to do pixel measurements you need a reliable ruler and usually I have trouble finding one what we have an easy one this time BAM Vader himself he's right there and he has a cannon height 2.02 meters daddy anyway using Vader's height we can reverse engineer cows height using this panel here and the BDSM torture dungeon for reference we can determine Cal's model height to be about 1.7 7 meters now that we know his height we can find our first number gravity sure we can assume the standard 9.8 we have on earth but where's the fun in that this is a space opera this is a different planet let's measure it and figuring that these laser prison things are 3.75 meters tall and knowing that Cal makes this 11 point zero two five meter fall in point eight five seconds this gives us a wickedly strong gravity of thirty point five meters per second squared three times Earth's gravity okay let's pop that number into place density is an easy one it's just the density of water 997 kilograms per cubic meter now depth this one this one was tricky and we'll circle back to it because we have one more thing to figure out you see this formula will give us pressure which is fine good very helpful but our pressure result will be in kilograms per square meter that is a force over an area and with an area this gives us next to no insight into how much weight Bader is actually pushing back we need to figure out the area of the front part of the water that he's shoving aside and this is actually doable it's this cross-section of the tunnel here filled with water we're gonna simplify it just a little bit but using these boxes as a reference and assuming that this thing is two isosceles trapezoid with bases of lengths three point six seven nine meters across the top plus seven point five seven six meters across the bottom and a height one of four point four meters up to the top and a height to of one meter down to the bottom section we can calculate their areas using the trapezoid area formula of one-half the sums of the bases times the height and adding them together BAM we have twenty four point seven eight square meters this is useful because we can actually use this tunnel to figure out how deep we are using cheat engine we can enable the debug camera and he thank you so much for the work on that Sun beam you are an actual lifesaver using the tunnel height I can calculate how fast the camera moves straight up in debug mode ten point five six eight meters per second then it's a simple issue of writing this camera from the tunnel here all the way up to the top of the water which is okay this is wrong because this angle is showing the fortress all the way underwater but the cinematic shows a good chunk of it poking out above the water so let's just assume that it's a developer shortcut since they never expected anybody to see this up close and just measure to that spot and it took us thirteen point nine six seconds to reach this spot exactly giving us a depth of over 80 fathoms or 147 meters you know what's really impressive about this the deepest scuba dive on earth was over 300 meters by a mod gaber and he experienced three hundred and twenty four thousand three hundred and eighty-three kilograms per square meter of pressure but it turns out the gravity makes a huge freakin difference under the thirty point five meters per second squared of gravity on nearer at a depth of 147 meters the pressure is more like 4.5 million kilograms per square meter and it's here where we get to finally plug this magic number into our calculator hit enter and hope that the world does not explode [Music] you need [Music] Peter is pushing 130 6.5 million kilograms away using the force you know what that equates to the Titanic fully loaded with people and food and stuff actually he won't even break a sweat lifting a Titanic V Turk a deadlift a Titanic Big Ben the Washington Monument 11 elephants 50 grand pianos 5 International Space Station's and 10 fully fueled Antonov 255 s at the same time and still have enough force strength left over to drink a cup of tea with the forest Vader is a freaking beast do or do not there is no try size means nothing freakin Yoda nearly had a heart attack lifting an x-wing out of a swamp meanwhile I'm reasonably certain Vader's over here making Starkiller looks like an outclassed baby for struggling to just like barely push an imperial star destroyer a little bit this dude is strong in the force in a legitimately terrifying way do not mess with Vader and do not underestimate the power of water ever again sincerely Austin also subscribe to the channel you know it's not battle isolate directly from Michael Swain he's a good boy anyways subscribe the channel [Applause] no sabemos
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 2,098,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, star wars fallen order, fallen order, star wars trailer, star wars episode 9, the rise of skywalker, star wars the rise of skywalker, star wars science, the science of star wars, the science of the force, jedi, sith, rey, luke skywalker, leia, darth vader, palpatine, obi wan kenobi, the mandalorian, star wars fallen order gameplay, the science, the science of, game theorists, game theory, matpat, game theory star wars, baby yoda
Id: vc0V4uLZxqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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