Prominent Americans You Assumed Were White

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hello everyone welcome to my channel if you have viewed some of my previous videos welcome back this video should really raise an eyebrow it did for me when i was conducting the research okay so this video as you can see is titled prominent americans you assumed were white how many times when recording or listening to someone speak about history do we assume that that person that they are speaking about is white just based on their title or position often times we including myself in the past tense usually assume that the individual is white this is not a coincidence in my opinion this is due to the fact that we as americans have been conditioned to believe only white people for the most part have accomplished anything of importance how often do we pay attention to historical figures appearance i know that while doing research for my videos there were many books articles and newspapers that totally skipped over what the person looked like in my opinion this means you don't get a complete description of the person another factor and this is a glaring issue does the painting photo or etching even resemble the written description now i've also come across many books articles and newspapers that do have a physical description of the person but for some reason these pieces of literature don't make it onto the high school or college course reading list although on the occasions when they do appear on the reading list and the subject has a shallow or light tawny brown olive dark swarthy complexion the darker complexion gets explained away as the person only having dark hair or eye color or both which of course totally negates the meaning and definition of complexion this false definition of complexion has been acceptable by academia for a very long time however now that the internet is available to the masses it allows one to search thousands of keywords in seconds you should soon come to realize or at least some people realize that there is something majorly wrong with how history has been portrayed again as i always do in my videos i will give you the definition of the word complexion there are three basic categories when most people are described in history complexion hair color and eye color although in modern times we can change our complexion take michael jackson for example he kept his same hair color however he has had various complexions he went from a dark complexion to a pale complexion he is a perfect example of the extreme differences and complexions he went from black to white this is my theory after conducting years of research black europeans of the colonial era and after did not consider themselves negroes or what you and i would consider the typical black person today there were several reasons for this and i don't want to delve into it too heavily i can do that in another video but briefly black europeans obviously were of a different culture they spoke european languages they had distinct accents the elites considered themselves educated and intellectual some also had slight variations in eye color and hair texture and this was due to hundreds of years of isolation and in many cases mixtures of people although after looking at evidence of black european sculptures books journals etchings jewelry and religious paintings etc it's clear that many black europeans resemble the typical african american we see walking around today with all their variations and complexions eye color and hair texture as far as the term negro and who the europeans called negro they were referring to the aboriginal people of america the aka indians okay i can hear people now oh sure now the american indians were black people too this is exactly what i'm saying there's a huge amount of evidence for this assertion but i am not going to cover that now there are researchers who have hours and hours of research backing up this theory i will do a video on that topic and link all the researchers to that video due to the obvious white supremacist tilt on what is provided to the public via our educational system especially since the woodrow wilson administration pointing out complexion is one of the only ways that the reader can determine the ethnicity of the subject or in modern terms is the person black or white i mentioned woodrow wilson because it was during his administration that much of the common historical knowledge was omitted destroyed and rewritten to be replaced by woodrow wilson's historical point of view which was based on the lost cause narrative the lost cause narratives typically portray the confederacy as a noble just and heroic group so with wilson's presidential power and academic influence and also having been the former president of princeton university the majority of the nation stopped using the common history books of that era and started using the historical books literally written by woodrow wilson a 10 volume set of history books that in my estimation changed a nation and just as a side note the board of trustees of princeton university on june 22nd 2020 released a statement that read board of trustees concludes that wilson's racist views and policies make him an inappropriate namesake for the school of public and international affairs and residential college the current president christopher eisgruber i may have pronounced that wrong in a statement when explaining why the board made its decision said wilson's racism was significant and consequential even by the standards of his own time he segregated the federal civil service after it had been racially integrated for decades thereby taking america backward in its pursuit of justice he not only acquiesced in but added to the persistent practice of racism in this country a practice that continues to do harm today he went on further to say and i am paraphrasing princeton is part of an america that has too often disregarded ignored or excused racism allowing the persistence of systems that discriminate against black people and yet another leading cause of misinformation regarding european and american history was due to the direct and indirect influence of the daughters of the confederacy a great video to watch regarding the impact they had on american history was created by vox vox on youtube and it's titled how southern socialites rewrote civil war history okay so now let me show you more evidence as to why i believe that there were thousands of black europeans that immigrated to america from europe okay so now let me show you more evidence as to why i believe that there were thousands of black europeans that immigrated to america from europe all right so i'm going to start off with the great daniel webster and so for many of you you're wondering who the heck is daniel webster well danny webster was born in salisbury new hampshire january 18 1782. his parents were ebernesa webster and abigail webster ebenezer was a tavern owner farmer politician and finally a judge the websters were of english and scottish extraction in daniel's early life he was educated at the phillips exeter academy and then he went on to dartmouth college daniel was a lawyer and a statesman who represented new hampshire and massachusetts and the u.s congress he also served as secretary of state under presidents harrison tyler and fillmore he argued over 200 cases before the u.s supreme court and was a member of the federalist party and the national republican party and then the whig party okay so my first piece of evidence is from the 53rd congress third session senate document proceedings in congress upon the acceptance of the statutes of john stark and daniel webster presented by the state of new hampshire in 1895. as you can see on page 84 i quote captain ebenezer webster father of the godlike daniel the great constitution expounder whose statue stands alongside that of stark in yonder hall and whose name is writ with his high on the scroll of fame how little these men could have thought that this sublime portion awaiting them when daniel a young lawyer at portsmouth on his way to the courts in concord and stark living in the retirement of his farm met at the old hotel in hooksett and the hero of bennington spoke from the sale of himself at one time for 40 pounds and was ready to believe daniel was the son of captain webster because of the same deep swarthy color of his face only blacker again pay attention not only is he saying daniel's father was the same deep swarthy complexion he says daniel's face is even blacker he doesn't mention his hair or eye color he specifically mentions his face again let me bring to your attention where this document comes from it's from the 53rd congress third session senate document which is an excellent primary source okay so let's look at my next piece of evidence and this comes from the website encyclopedia of world biography under notable biographies we have daniel webster okay so you can see under the childhood section for daniel webster first paragraph it states while a child daniel earned the nickname black dan from his dark skin and black hair and eyes again as i have repeatedly said complexion means the color of skin on someone's face which is why they had to further describe his hair and eye color because complexion is a separate category of description okay so my next piece of evidence was a book titled life of daniel webster given to harvard library in 1938 written by george tychnor curtis in 1870 as you can see on page seven chapter titled family complexion it goes on to read this grandmother his father's mother was susanna bockelder a descendant of the reverend stephen buckelder in the county of rockingham she had black hair and black eyes and was a woman of uncommon strength of character her son mr webster's father inherited from her the back elder complexion her other sons had the webster characteristics the same division of parental traits took place in mr webster's own generation he himself has said that of his four brothers only one was dark like himself the other three ran off into the general characteristics blind to the name in fact however i have understood that his own brother ezekiel who was represented as a model of manly beauty although his complexion was not so dark as daniel's had black hair okay so let's break this down just a little bit so first the author acknowledges that daniel's grandmother his father's mother had the back elder complexion which he inherited from his father via his grandmother the author further writes that even daniel stated that of his four brothers only one was dark like himself the other three resembled the webster family characteristics and it goes on further to say that daniel's brother ezekiel had a dark complexion but not as dark as daniel's and i'd like to bring this to your attention again no one's describing daniel his father or his brother as having a shallow or yellow light brown or brown complexions they're consistently saying dark complexions alluding to the fact that these back elders were very dark skinned people all right so let's move on in the same book to page eight and it's we're going to be a little more than halfway down the page and we'll pick up where it states he has a complexion as general stark said of him which burnt gunpowder will not change in a heart as his great son has said of him which he seemed to have borrowed from a lion okay so you see where general stark stated that gunpowder could not change his complexion burnt gunpowder is extremely black so stark's statement meant daniel's complexion was so dark black that you couldn't tell the difference between his skin and burnt gunpowder alright so my next piece of evidence comes from a newspaper clipping from the salem gazette dated february 18 1834 and the clipping goes on to say the richmond inquirer says the course of mr webster is anticipated with great interest he is at this time one of the most prominent men on the chess chessboard but we confess that we look to his movements with fear and suspicion he is a man of gigantic powers but they originally received a wrong direction it is related by the white travelers in africa that the ebony natives imagine the fair complexion of their visitors to be the effect of disease and consider white as hideous for the human skin the judgment of the richmond inquirer as to the direction of mr webster's powers resembles that of the africans about complexion so basically the richmond inquirer is stating that his complexion resembles that of an african alright so moving on to an additional piece of evidence we can see page three of the book daniel webster the order copy written in 1903 by albert e pillsbury also located at the harvard library the quote goes on to state speaking about daniel he was a delicate child with a large head cold black hair great black eyes which none who saw them ever forgot and a complexion so swarthy that they called him little black dane alright so again daniel's complexion is referred to as black which is where his nickname came from it didn't come from his hair color or eye color because that would make no sense okay so let me ask you how many of you know a white person with pale fair or fresh skin complexions that also have black hair and dark eyes and have a nickname with the adjective black in it that wouldn't make any sense like daniel people with nicknames that have black in them probably 99 of the time means or meant that that person had dark skin or complexion okay so my next piece of evidence comes from the book the true daniel webster written by sydney george fisher published in 1911. right so on page 21 you can see it states on his father's side he was descended from the back elders or the bat shielders a dark complexion dark-haired family from whom the poet whittier was supposed to be descended okay so moving down to the bottom of the page their last paragraph it says his two descendants webster and whittier who are said to have resembled him and somewhat each other in striking appearance would seem to indicate a pre-potency to genius in the strain poetic and romantic sentiment filled the lives of both of them and was the foundation of webster's oratory webster had the dark eyes hair and complexion of the bock elders okay we're moving on to page 22 now okay and continue to quote an excessive degree okay so i keep giving you evidence of daniel and his family's complexion now the author mentions whittier as in a famous poet john greenleaf whittier as being descended from the same dark complexion family uh oh spoiler alert how far down the rabbit hole are we willing to uncover the truth i say all the way okay so we'll get to the poet john whittier a little bit later in the video alright so still looking at daniel webster on page 51 of the same book it states ezekiel 2 joined the new england aristocracy of education he was of dark hair and complexion like the father and daniel very handsome and famous all his life in new hampshire for his good looks his ability was of the solid conservative order equal as some supposed to daniels and he became a prominent citizen of new hampshire an important man in politics a member for many years of one or the other branch of the legislature and a much-sought legal advisor but he had it seems none of the brilliance or quickness of apprehension of his distinguished brother and died suddenly while speaking in the courtroom at concord at the age of 49. so according to this dark complexion ezekiel was also of the new england aristocracy education funny thing i grew up and was educated in new england and not a peep about the famous webster family being black okay so moving on to page 69 of the same book i'm going to start off with a quote that states his brothers and sisters had none of his marvelous power he stood alone among them in the animal kingdom naturalists used to give to such sudden development in a species the name sport and in modern times the darwinians call it a mutation it is impossible to account for such appearances as it is impossible to account for mr webster's contemporary genius napoleon the most extraordinary mutation in human intellect and physical endurance that has ever been known perhaps the cross of the blonde slender webster type of outdoor farming people with a dark complexion heavy-built indoors intellectual learn bachelor strain was a lucky outcross what the animal breeders call a nick such a combination of opposites will sometimes give us a hunting dog or a horse unmatched for courage breath and speed s or walter scott would say but even in this profound explanation is merely another way of saying i don't know so basically as i interpret this i believe the author was baffled by how the dark complexion daniel could have stood out virtually alone amongst all of his family with his genius and skill not to be duplicated by any of them even though many of them had the white webster family complexions i definitely feel a hint of racism coming from the author remember he was writing this book in the early 1900s more than 50 years after daniel's death and white supremacy was really ramping up making the way for the woodrow wilson era so before i end this video i want to show you images of daniel webster that i found online now as you can see these are three typical images of daniel that you find when conducting research online does anything immediately jump out at you yeah well the most glaring thing is that daniel was not shown as being dark complexion let alone swarthy or black remember his childhood nickname was little black dan and according to his descriptions he's supposed to have really dark skin this is obviously not the case based on the images that i was able to find of him as i mentioned before whoever owns the media that's like newspapers libraries historical societies photos panties etc or can provide access to them controls what the public sees therefore we get images that don't match the description of these people that i'm showing you please keep that in mind while you're watching my videos look i just have to truly confess that i'm fascinated by this research i hope this video has been interesting so far or at least informative okay so i was going to include the dark complexion colonel ebenezer webster daniel's father as one of my prominent americans however we have covered him and his family quite extensively already i do want to conclude this segment regarding daniel and his family by reminding you that the bock elders are of english and scottish extraction or genealogy furthering my point that many of the europeans that came to america were black people however as i mentioned earlier in the video these black europeans didn't consider themselves negroes or aka black people they were considered white crazy i know but i will show you direct documented evidence of this assertion in my next video all right so let's move on to another prominent american that we all were taught was a white person and that would be supreme court chief justice john marshall now i realize that we were all taught that thoroughgood marshall was the first black supreme court justice well we were all fooled again and when i say all i mean most of us of course this information is available but you have to know what keywords to pay attention to which is why i always focus in on the word complexion because that is one of the only indicators that you will get when researching a lot of this material so who was chief justice john marshall this is what google and many books say he looks like however as i am revealing to you that is not what is written okay so let me tell you about who john marshall was and i'm getting this description from wikipedia john marshall was born september 24th 1755 and he died in on july 6 1835. he was an american politician and lawyer who served as the fourth chief justice of the united states from 1801 to 1835. marshall remains the longest serving chief justice and the fourth longest serving chief justice in supreme court history and he is widely regarded as one of the most influential justices to ever sit on the supreme court prior to joining the supreme court marshall served as the united states secretary of state under president john adams marshall was born in fort queer county virginia in 1755 after the outbreak of the american revolutionary war he joined the continental army serving in numerous battles during the later stages of the war he was admitted to the state bar in one election to the virginia house of delegates marshall favored the ratification of the united states constitution and he played a major role in virginia's ratification of that document at the request of president adams marshall traveled to france in 1795 to help bring an end to the attacks on american shipping in what became known as the xyz affair the governor of france refused to open negotiations unless the united states agreed to pay bribes after returning to the united states marshall won election to the united states house of representatives and emerged as a leader in the federalist party in congress he was appointed to secretary of state in 1800 after a cabinet shakeup becoming an important figure in the adams administration okay so we all know john marshall's role in american history now here are three different images of him from google okay so let's get to some of the evidence that i have to show you that john marshall was a black man so my first piece of evidence is from the book by u.s circuit court judge horace h lorton in 1901 by the way this book was gifted to harvard library in 1906. as you can see on page 23 of this book i quote from william wert by the way mr wert was the attorney general for the united states under president james monroe the quote goes on to say the chief justice of the united states is in his person tall meager emaciated his muscles so relaxed as not only to disqualify apparently for any vigorous exertion of the body but to destroy everything like harmony in his air and movements indeed in his whole appearance and demeanor dress attitudes gesture sitting standing or walking he is as far removed from the idolized graces of lord chesterfield as any other gentleman on earth his head and face are small in comparison with his height his complexion swarthy the muscles of his face being relaxed make him appear to be 50 years of age nor can he be much younger his countenance has a faithful expression of great good humor and hilarity while his black eyes that unerringly index possess an irradiating spirit which proclaims the imperial powers of the mind that sits enthroned within okay so let me reiterate what i just read john marshall had a swarthy complexion okay not a light brown not a dark brown swarthy and the word swarthy means black okay just wanted to re-emphasize that the quote also mentions that he had black eyes also worth mentioning again was the fact that this quote was written in a book from a u.s circuit court judge that knew justice marshall and the actual person saying the quote was mr wurt who was the u.s attorney general under president monroe both extremely credible people with firsthand knowledge okay so moving on to my next piece of evidence and this is from a book entitled an eulogy of the life and character of john marshall chief justice of the supreme court of the united states by horus benny 1835 also located in the harvard library all right on page 22 you can see there down at the bottom i quote he was about six feet high straight and rather slender of a dark complexion and we're moving on to page 23 there at the top and it continues on to say showing little if any rosy red yet good health the outline of the face nearly a circle and within that eyes dark to blackness strong and penetrating beaming with intelligence and good nature and upright forehead rather low was terminated in the horizontal line by a mass of raven black hair of unusual thickness and strength the features of the face were in harmony with this outline and the temples fully developed the result of this combination was interesting and very agreeable the body and limbs indicated agility rather than strength in which however he was by no means deficient he wore a purple or pale blue hunting shirt and trousers of the same material fringed with white a round black hat mounted with buck's tail for a cockade crown the figure and the man okay so what i just read was justice marshall had a dark complexion eyes dark to blackness and a mass of raven black hair of unusual thickness that sure doesn't come across in the images given to us in modern times does it alright so the next piece of evidence is by his biographer from the charlotte observer newspaper dated october 3rd 1909. as you can see it states when a youth of 19 marshall joined the continental army here is how he looked according to his biographer he was about six feet straight and slender of dark complexion with eyes as blackness strong and penetrating beaming with intelligence and good nature an upright forehead rather low was terminated in a horizontal line by a mass of raven black hair of unusual thickness and strength again you can see his biographer is saying that he had a dark complexion eyes as dark as blackness and raven black hair alright so here is another newspaper clipping from the rhode island american dated february 24th 1834 all right you can see the newspaper clipping which states along the tribunal covered with green cloth you see chief justice marshall take a seat in the center you think of him as the author of the voluminous authentic and valuable but not elaborate the polished life of washington sooner than as chief justice of the united states he is now apparently at the age of about 60 without any marks of infirmity in his person he is a large thick set and athletic man with a grave substantial countenance of a dark complexion and with no prominent features his hair is of an iron gray cut short before and tied in a club behind i have hardly heard him speak except in interlocutory business and probably in an undertone of voice in his movements he appears to manifest much of the virginia stateliness and dignity of manners his external appearance indicates him to be what he is in fact a solid and substantial man without any extraordinary share of genius taste or elegance okay so as you can see justice marshall is referred to as having a dark complexion his hair is iron gray he is a reverenced and highly respected virginian so what happened to turn the tide against people with dark skin in this country well i will get to that in a future video for now i just want you to ponder this video in other videos that i've made available or provided links to all right so this next newspaper clipping is from a different newspaper this one is from the vermont sentinel published as the northern sentinel dated march 12 1834 and this newspaper apparently carried the same news report okay so there are definitely more sources that i can provide unfortunately if i did that i wouldn't be able to get to the other prominent black americans that i have rediscovered and before i move on i just want to bring your attention again that none of these sources that i'm quoting are saying hey this is highly unusual to have a man of a dark complexion a black complexion a black man in charge of these very important american institutions i just don't want you to lose sight of that as i'm going over all these important prominent individuals all right so in this section i'm going to detour for a few minutes to discuss a very relevant topic to my research and that topic is what does it mean to be white in america before 1900 all right so as you can see on the screen i'm going to be referencing a newspaper article from the state newspaper dated march 1914. this paper was located in columbia south carolina the paper was covering the contest in the 1895 south carolina state constitutional convention regarding the topic of the standard of white person and prohibition of interbreeding with negroes again you can see the article on the screen i'm referring to and right off the bat you can see the main title states for needed reforms in south carolina which in my mind means some south carolinians have been dealing with something for a while that they feel needs to be changed they are discussing how to amend the south carolina state constitution i'm going to read the first few paragraphs which kind of sets the tone for the article as you can see there in the first paragraph it starts it is instructed to review the contest in the constitutional convention of 1895 over the standard of white person and the prohibition of interbreeding with negroes some of us have forgotten and some have never known that this was recognized as a problem and was a subject of grave consideration and debate 18 years ago to many the whole question seems new and the facts when presented are surprising unfortunately men take little forethought for the morrow thus evil tendencies make great headway before the body of the people can be aroused to perceive them and combat them only acute ills move the masses the prophet who would have saved his people can never get a hearing until actual suffering comes to prove the truth of his warnings nevertheless statesmanship requires a studious search for the basic truths and present conditions and the calculation of the consequences even to the far future and likewise requires patient intelligent effort to discover the remedies to remove the causes of evil now and to come without vision the people must perish future good is at the price of present self-denial the highest duty demands of the highest intelligence every personal sacrifice to safeguard mankind now and beginning and to be born okay so basically the speaker is bringing attention back to the issue of who white people are and how important it is to keep negroes from procreating and from having white privilege the author goes on to say and alludes to the issue that few men think about how these issues will affect white people not only presently but in the future this is evident when he says and likewise requires patient intelligent effort to discover the remedies to remove the causes of evil now and to come he's also saying and i'm paraphrasing be careful white people take action now so we can safeguard mankind now in being and to be born aka future generations all right so next um they move on to the topic of miscegenation miscegenation means the interbreeding of people to be of different racial types keep in mind race has been determined to be a social construct since the 1950s however we are currently talking about 1895. all right so i'm going to move on to that next quote under miscegenation and it goes on to say ef taylor of chesterfield proposed the following as a section of the new constitution the intermarriage of white persons with negroes mulattos or persons of mixed blood descended from a negro is prohibited in this state this legislature shall enforce this section by appropriate legislation and then it goes on to o r loman of orangeburg offering the same provision with the additional words before the verb or they're living together as man and wife and then they're under a section uh looks like 34 or 84. looks like a 34 i think the marriage of a white person with a negro mulatto or person who shall have one eighth or more of negro blood shall be unlawful and void so here the committee rejected the aforementioned proposals and brought forward a proposal that used a one-eighth or more negro blood rule all right then the article further goes on to say this report being under consideration george johnstone of newberry moved to amend by striking out one eighth or more of and inserting the any which was agreed to all right so just recapping that session george johnstone proposed striking out one eighth and adding any negro blood all right so just below that we can see it says disqualify miscegenator and here robert smalls of buford a ginger cake negro the author is describing the color of this legislature's complexion so again realize that there are some black legislators in this convention discussing these life-changing issues and they have prior to this convention than considered white men alright so smalls goes on to say and i quote and that any white person who lives and cohabitates with a negro or mulatto or person who shall have one eighth or more of negro blood shall be disqualified from holding any office of emolument or trust in the state and the offspring of such living or cohabitating shall bear the name of the father and shall be entitled to inherit and acquire property the same as if they were legitimate okay so i want to point out here that in my opinion smalls is assuming that he will continue to have the status of white that he previously had however he does mention that any offspring of this illegal union shall bear the name of the father and be entitled to inherit and acquire property the same as if they were legitimate that in my opinion shows that he wants a loophole knowing that his children or his family members or others in this sort of situation should that section be added and made into law he and other black men that were considered white would still be able to retain some wealth alright so further down the page it goes on to say m.r cooper then renewed his amendment after debate with robert smalls b.r tillman george e prince of anderson r d lee and those e miller of buford canary colored a motion to lay the cooper amendment on the table was defeated and pending further debate the convention adjourned smalls having the floor you can see another legislator theos e miller of buford referred to as canary colored i'm going to assume his complexion is of a lighter complexion aka black person keep in mind all these legislators whether they are darker or lighter complexion were wealthy men okay so now i'm going to be moving on to the section called white standard the first speaker is d s henderson of aiken and he moved to add the following nothing in the section contained shall be construed to invalidate any such marriage heretofore legally entered into or affect the offspring of thereof or the future marriage of any such offspring with white persons he is basically saying if you were labeled as white before and are presently legally married to a fair or dark complexion person you and your offspring are exempt from any of the future laws that will be enacted in regards to who is considered a white person the article goes on further to say that eventually the br tillman amendment was adopted and the section as amended was adopted that meant that the word any as in any negro blood okay so moving on to the last section called white status it goes on the read the convention having adjourned october 4th to october 15th the article of the constitution on the legislative department was again under consideration on the 16th of october and wd evans moved to reconsider section 34 which was agreed to he then moved and added the following provided that this section shall not be so construed as to disqualify for marriage with white persons any person or his or her issue who shall have had at or before the adoption of the constitution the status of white persons okay so again we see another legislator say and i'm paraphrasing that this section of the law should not disqualify for marriage with white persons any person or his or her issue who shall have at or before the adoption of the constitution the status of white persons in my opinion he is clearly trying to protect the white status of those dark complexion wealthy european families that have had the status of being considered white the entire time since 1619. then we can see that tv frazier senior of sumter offers a substitute for the evans amendment which says provided that the status of no person who has heretofore been recognized as legally white shall be in any way affected by the provisions of this section all right so frazier's amendment is still advocating for the preservation of white status for dark complexion people of wealth alright so let's move down to the heading that says pure white loses and from there we'll go down to the paragraph that starts robert smalls then renewed his amendment omitting this time the clause which provided that the colored illegitimates should share in the inheritance of property and he goes on further to say and any white person who lives and cohabitates with a negro mulatto or person who shall have one eighth or more of negro blood shall be disqualified from holding any office of emolument or trust in the state and the offspring of any such living or cohabitating shall bear the name of the father well his amendment failed i'm just going to read this last part that says the suffrage article of this constitution includes miscegenation as one of the crimes upon conviction of which a person shall be disqualified from voting and therefore from holding office but there are practically no persecutions this crime is defined by the legislature as attempted intermarriage between a white person and any mulatto half breed indian negro or mestizo so these wealthy mostly fair complexion men were determined to disenfranchise anyone who wanted to marry cohabitate or procreate with anyone they now considered non-white and this time they met non-fair complexion people aka all people with dark complexions all those persons that maybe had lighter skin in conjunction with typical maybe black facial features or hair texture anyway this really shows the power of politics and how it can be corrupted fair complexion politicians had the majority and easily took away people with dark complexions and their descendants wealth suffrage and humanity because they were greedy jealous envious and power hungry not wanting to compete for resources man-to-man as had been the case for 200 plus years regardless of complexion but rather remove any way for a person of color to advance themselves and their families what you can clearly see is that miscegenation had been going on before 1895. that means there are plenty of aka white people descended from black great great great grandfathers and grandmothers who have no idea about their lineage because before the late 1800s being white was a status not a skin color you can also clearly see that the status of being white was bestowed on people of darker complexions as well as people with very light complexions aka white people as i mentioned previously a dark complexion person from europe was considered white even if they were as dark in complexion as daniel webster aka black dan okay so maybe it's just my perception but you should clearly be able to see through this article that being considered white was a status and had nothing to do with skin color i will also show you in a future video how this white status continued to be bestowed on just about anyone who immigrated to the united states well into the present times as long as they didn't come from a perceived black country all right so moving on to my next prominent american and you may be familiar with this gentleman john greenleaf whittier that's right i said john greenleaf whittier now some may not be familiar with this gentleman so let me tell you a little bit about him the reason i chose him is because he was a poet that i read about in grade school and no one alluded to the obvious fact that he was a black man i guess my english teachers just glanced over the fact that he had a dark swarthy complexion it's sort of like reading about a town that has a purple polar bear but all the pictures you are shown contain a white one but then no one questions the major discrepancy anyway i digress all right so john greenleaf whittier he was born on december 17th 1807 died september 7th uh 1892. he was an american quaker poet and advocate of the abolition of slavery in the united states frequently listed as one of the fireside poets he was influenced by the scottish poet robert burns whittier is remembered particularly for his anti-slavery writings as well as his book snowbound all right so mr whittier was born to john and abigail at their rural homestead in haverhill massachusetts on december 17th 1807. his middle name was thought to mean fuivert after his huguenot forebearers he grew up on a farm in a household with his parents a brother and two sisters a maternal aunt and a paternal uncle from 1838 to 1840 he was the editor of the pennsylvania freeman in philadelphia one of the leading anti-slavery papers in the north formerly known as the national enquirer in may 1838 the publication moved its offices to the newly opened pennsylvania hall on north sixth street which was shortly after burned by a pro-slavery mob whittier also continued to write poetry and nearly all of his poems then dealt with the problem of slavery whittier's first two published books were legends of new england 1831 and the poem molly pitcher 1832 in 1833 he published the song of the vermonters 1779 which he had anonymously inserted into the new england magazine alright so i got that information from all right so first if you recall i mentioned reading about whittier when going over daniel webster in the book by sydney george fisher life of daniel webster page two the author states that webster and whittier were both descended from the back elder family he also wrote that they were said to have resembled each other in appearance it's quite obvious to me that he is referring to their similar complexions which would make sense if the back elders were known for their dark complexions all right so my first piece of evidence for uh mr widow here is from frederica bremmer and frederica bremmer was born august 1801 died december 31st 1865 and she was a swedish writer and feminist reformer her sketches of everyday life were wildly popular in britain and the united states during the 1840s and 1850s and she is regarded as the swedish jane austen bringing the realest novel to prominence in swedish literature so in her sketches of american homes she gives an outlined portrait of whittier as he appeared when 40 years of age and she goes on to say i quote he has a good exterior a figure slender and tall a beautiful head with refined features black eyes full of fire dark complexion a fine smile and lively but very nervous manner both soul and spirit have over strained the nervous cords and wasted the body he belongs to those natures who would advance the firmness and joy to martyrdom in a good cause and yet who are never comfortable in society and who looks as if they would run out the door every moment he lives with his mother and sister in a country house to which i have promised to go i feel that i should enjoy myself with whittier and could make him feel at ease with me i know from my own experience what this nervous bashfulness caused by the over exertion of the brain requires and how persons who suffer there from ought to be met and treated okay so she tells us a lot about whittier but what i'm going to emphasize is her description of him having a dark complexion all right so let's move on to our next piece of evidence and that is from the dictionary of american biography and this description was published under the auspices of the american council of learned societies archive dot org all right so it goes on to say whittier was a tall man with piercing dark eyes and a swarthy complexion and was somewhat vain with respect to his appearance although a genial person he would occasionally flash out in anger when people did not agree with him he resented the reputation he had of being a saint that he was of a heroic spirit is beyond question for he sacrificed much endured abuse and faced physical perils in his devotion to the cause which he espoused and he continues to say he had a fine sense of humor and was adept at telling amusing tales toward other people's beliefs he was in general tolerant and he sympathized keenly with those who were persecuted on account of their race color and creed hmm i wonder why was it maybe that he had the status of being considered a white man because of his european heritage even though he was a black man in his outward appearance so just to sum up some of this information i just read whittier is described by bremer as having a dark complexion and by the american council of learned societies as having a swarthy complexion and as you can see i have two photos and one drawing of whittier the two photos are obviously not showing a dark complexion or a swarthy man the drawing on the other hand may be a little closer to what he may have looked like especially noticing his woolly curly hair texture versus the other two that have straight hair although even in the drawing he has not shown with a dark complexion all right so that's what i found on uh john greenleaf whittier all right so let's move on to a big one abraham lincoln yes i said abraham lincoln i don't think i have to introduce this man because if you were educated in the united states you were taught just about everything about him except for the fact that he had a self-prescribed dark complexion now isn't it funny that his complexion never gets any attention hmm okay so i'm gonna give you the bare minimum on mr lincoln and uh then i'll move on to the evidence i have for him all right so abraham lincoln was born february 12 1809 and he died april 15 1865. he was an american statesman and lawyer who served as the 16th president of the united states from 1861 to 1865. lincoln led the nation through its greatest moral constitutional and political crisis the american civil war he succeeded in preserving the union abolishing slavery bolstering the federal government and modernizing the us economy lincoln was born into poverty in a log cabin and was raised on the frontier primarily in indiana he was self-educated and became a lawyer whig party leader illinois state legislator and u.s congressman for illinois in 1849 he returned to his law practice but became very vexed by the opening of additional lands to slavery as a result of the kansas-nebraska act he re-entered politics in 1854 becoming a leader in the new republican party and he reached a national audience in the 1858 debates against stephen douglas lincoln ran for president in 1860 sweeping the north in victory pro-slavery elements in the south equated his success with the north's rejection of their right to practice slavery and the southern states began seceding from the union to secure its independence the new confederate states fired on fort sumter a u.s fort in the south and lincoln called upon forces to suppress the rebellion and restore the union all right so that whole description was from all right so that was just a little bit about our 16th president of the united states let's look at some of the evidence that shows he was a black man alright so from the u.s national park service website we can read that lincoln wrote three autobiographies in his second autobiography dated december 20th 1859 he described himself saying quote if any personal description of me is thought desirable it may be said i am in height six feet four inches nearly lean and flesh weighing on average 180 pounds dark complexion with coarse black hair and gray eyes no other marks or brands recollected alright so the giveaways in his own description are dark complexion and coarse black hair now remember as i explained and showed you via the 1895 south carolina convention discussions abraham lincoln having the appearance of a black man was considered white because he could trace his lineage back to europe now again this is my theory but that is why i'm explaining to you how i came to this conclusion okay so my next source is from the u.s congressional record dated february 12th 1927 located on pages 3610 and 3611. these pages contain the same lincoln autobiographical quote from lincoln's own book as you can see on the screen where he states that he has a dark complexion i'm showing you this reference because i want you to realize that everyone in congress knew that he had a dark complexion and no one disputed it in fact i'm going to go further there were quite a few congressional members that had dark complexions however as i mentioned the term white man or male was a status so someone referring to this statement today as a white man and not knowing this information that i shared with you today would jump to the wrong conclusion okay so on to my next piece of evidence and this is from and it's titled lincoln the homely written by harold holzer holzer has a quote on page seven that states nathaniel hawthorne first hand in 1862 quote his hair was black still unmixed with gray stiff somewhat bushy and had apparently been acquainted with neither brush nor comb his complexion is dark and shallow be tokening i fear an insalubrious atmosphere around the white house he has thick black eyebrows and an impending brow his nose is large and the lines about his mouth are strongly defined just as a side note i'm sure you're wondering what insalubrious means and i did so i looked it up and according to google's dictionary online it means like unpleasant or unsavory so i guess they're saying that the atmosphere around the white house at that time was unpleasant okay so going back to the description i just read from nathaniel hawthorne uh who is actually an eyewitness stating that lincoln had a dark and shallow uh complexion and shallow according to webster's 1828 dictionary means having a yellowish color of a pale sickly color tends with a dark yellow as in a shallow skin hawthorne also mentions that lincoln's hair is stiff and somewhat bushy along with a large nose all right so then holster also writes that journalists vented endlessly about whether he was in fact too ugly to serve as president castigating him as a length-sided yankee of the unloveliest and of the dirtiest complexion the charleston mercury assailed him as a horrid looking wretch and scoundrely in aspect a cross between the nutmeg dealer the horse swapper and the night man a creature fit evidently for petty treasons small stratagems and all sorts of spoils also further writes it is fair to say that no one has ever before or since looked quite like abraham lincoln certainly not his own children who resemble their mother's family not their fathers we have no pictures of lincoln's own mother who is said to be large boned tough skinned like her son but who died long before photography became commonplace the future president's father supposedly sat for a lone photograph late in his life but historians remain uncertain that it really shows thomas lincoln it was as if the face sprang uniquely from the kentucky soil from the indiana prairie and from what nathaniel hawthorne called the village experience you know in my opinion it's interesting that there are no paintings or etchings of the president's own mother or are they just not being shown to us if abraham lincoln resembled his mother then i'm assuming she also had a dark complexion and maybe some typical black facial features hmm also i'm not sure what hawthorne meant by the village experience all right so another piece of evidence comes from a book called a self-made man the political life of abraham lincoln 1809-1849 by sidney blumenthal in the book the author reveals that lincoln admitted that he had been an indentured servant a slave rented out by his father to neighbors in rural indiana the author has a quote from herdin that states if he was angry with his father he also knew that his father had been reduced to a dirt farmer and compelled to flee kentucky to escape from slavery slave states are places for poor white people to remove from not to remove two lincoln said in 1854 in his opposition to douglas's nebraska act i want you to again remember that just because he considers himself a white man that is not what his description revealed this book also mentions lincoln's self-prescribed description of himself although this author points out that at the end of lincoln's description he uses the words no other marks or brands recollected this is the same terminology used by slave masters that had newspaper ads looking for their slaves in my opinion lincoln was acknowledging his former status as a fugitive and his understanding of the evils of slavery all right so my next piece of evidence regarding president lincoln is from the book life of lincoln written by clifton m nichols published in 1896 and we're going to page 12 and 13. as you can see at the bottom of page 12 the author is writing about thomas lincoln abraham's father it goes on to read a most remarkable and almost inexplicable fact is that to thomas lincoln was reserved the honor of an illustrious paternity thomas was about 5 feet 10 inches in height weighed about 200 pounds had dark brown eyes dark skin and black hair okay so no ambiguous terms there the author directly writes that thomas lincoln had dark skin obviously this makes sense because abe had dark skin and naturally you obtain your complexion from one or both of your parents okay so my last piece of evidence for president lincoln is from the book called the lincoln encyclopedia the spoken and written words of abraham lincoln all right i'm going to reiterate these are abraham lincoln's own words and they were compiled and edited by archer h shaw with introduction by david c mirrens assistant librarian library of congress 1950 and we're going to go to page 190 and it says lincoln abraham personal description of and the quote says perhaps you have forgotten me don't you remember a long black fellow who rode on horseback with you from tremont to springfield nearly 10 years ago swimming our horses over the mackinaw on the trip well i am the same old fellow yet to joseph hewitt february 13 1848. all right so you can see in his own quote he calls himself a long black fellow who rode on horseback okay you don't have to be a rocket scientist okay a long black fellow hello that's screaming black guy at least where i'm from i'm going to give you a for instance here pretend someone just flags down the police and says hey someone just stole something from me and the police say well what do you look like well he looked like a long black fellow he was riding on horseback guess what folks they're not going to be looking for a white guy all right so unfortunately i'm not going to be able to share all the prime sources of evidence i have for abraham lincoln because i wouldn't be able to get to anyone else however i do want to give you a link to an outstanding researcher named caramiu awa he has an extremely informative youtube channel i love his research because he backs everything up with sources so you can check them out for yourself anyway he did a great video on abraham lincoln called the truth about abraham lincoln runaway indentured servant colored man i highly recommend it i will leave a link to it in the information section of this video alright so this brings me to another point as i continue to show you this research regarding these prominent dark complexion americans sometimes it's easy to forget that they come from dark complexion parents and thus dark complexioned extended families i showed you that when i was explaining daniel webster's mother's family the back shelters i bring this up because sometimes we can lose sight of the entirety of what i am revealing to you in other words there were thousands of these black europeans immigrating to america for hundreds of years what changed with the laws in the power brokers in america what also changed was how we were educated no longer teaching the truth but a white supremacist based history and agenda this in my opinion started in the latter half of the 1800s several years after the civil war and went into high gear when woodrow wilson became president he along with all the lost cause revisionists across the country we can see how this came to fruition just by looking at the united states current trump administration currently we have some congressmen senators and administration staffers who will do the president's bidding regardless of the moral and ethical implications they will purport his lies with no guilt whatsoever trump has used his executive power to reverse and institute hundreds of policies this is what i believe happened during the wilson administration except he had two terms to accomplish his agenda two of the most glaring policy changes occurred when wilson re-segregated the entire federal government and also ordered the firing of many black employees nationwide the second glaring policy change was the introduction into the american educational system of his version of history contained in a seven volume series that was eventually instituted nationwide in some form or fashion what this also says to me is that wilson had control of the national archives the smithsonian the library of congress the national park service etc this means he controlled a vast majority of our historical documents books paintings photos scientific finds etc i hope you are beginning to see where i'm going with this this is why i believe the paintings photos etc don't match the written words anyway i will try to tackle these areas in future videos alright so from here forward i'm going to speed up because i know this is turning into a very long video the issue is there's just so much to show or should i say reveal all right so here's a quote from a famous american poet walt whitman and this is a source from a book called walt whitman a biography by milton meltzer published in 1915. all right so we're going to go on to page 92 and it goes on to say on his way to washington to be inaugurated lincoln stopped in new york to stay overnight at the astor house opposite city hall park he stepped out of the horse-drawn carriage to stretch his arms and legs as he looked out over the huge crowd of thirty to forty thousand people there was an unbroken silence waltz said he had a great view of mr lincoln his perfect composure and coolness his unusual and uncouth height his dress of complete black stove pipe hat pushed back on the head dark brown complexion seamed and wrinkled yet uncanny looking face black bushy head of hair disproportionately long neck and his hands held behind him as he stood observing the people he looked with curiosity upon the immense sea of faces and the sea of faces returned the look with similar curiosity all right so that same quote from walt whitman appears in another book by leon beslaget and i probably pronounced that wrong anyway the book is called walt whitman the man and his work and we're going to page 197 of that book as you can see walt whitman describes lincoln as having a dark brown complexion with a black curly head of hair okay wait a minute lincoln's dark complexion is obviously common knowledge at this time in history and generally we hear that his hair is black but rarely do we hear about the texture of his hair being curly do you see the discrepancy here take a look at the pictures i have here of lincoln what hair texture does he obviously have in these photos uh it's definitely not bushy it's definitely not curly however it is black but that's the only thing so walt whitman being a poet in my mind would mean that he would be very observant and descriptive in order to write and express himself right i don't think he's someone that would misperceive the president's hair texture or his complexion for that matter in his quote about lincoln it says he studied and noted lincoln describing him in great detail all right so next i have vice president hannibal hamlin and he missed being president by five weeks most history students know that abraham lincoln's vice president was andrew johnson who became president when lincoln was assassinated but few know that johnson was vice president for only five weeks the vice president during the four years of lincoln's first term was hannibal hamlin one of the first members of the republican party hamlin was dropped from the ticket in 1864 in favor of johnson who would bring more votes to the difficult reelection campaign all right so hannibal hamlin was born in paris hill maine on august 27 1809 his father cyrus hamlin was a physician who had graduated from harvard hannibal grew up in prosperous surroundings and had a good education always active physically he was athletic as well as being an avid reader after local public schools he attended hebron academy that information i just gave you was from the website so uh here's another excerpt from that same website and it goes on to read the campaign was not all parades and parties while southerners proclaimed lincoln and hamlin to be radical abolitionists robert barnwell rhett editor of the charleston south carolina mercury wrote that hamlin is what we call a mulatto he has black blood in him hamlet did have a dark complexion but no one outside of the south took the charge seriously all right so let's look at that last statement they made there saying but no one outside the south took the charge seriously in my mind a dark complexion means he could possibly be black i don't know call me crazy of course this is all they mention about him being a black man on his website this is so typical when you don't want to go into depth on a subject because it doesn't fit the accepted national narrative how do you glance over a black vice president to lincoln let me ask you did your teachers mention vice president hamlin and the fact that he was black or had a dark complexion my guess would be that they did not alright so let's move on to another source and this is from a book called hannibal hamlin of maine lincoln's first vice president by draper hunt published 1969. and it goes on to say hamlin sire of 17 children by two doubtlessly weary wives lived in barnstable massachusetts geographically an ancient world interest mingled to produce sons named asia africa europe and america and twin sons cirrus and hannibal cyrus hannibal a physician and his wife anna livermore settled in paris mill where the doctor did some farming and served as sheriff of oxford county hannibal named after his paternal uncle nearly died during his first winter tradition has an indian princess and healer nade molly ocket traveled through driving snow to save the baby with ointments healing herbs and a diet of cow's milk and dr hamlin was a pediatrician young hand grew up surrounded by forests streams and mountains and came to know them well he grew up tall and muscular with black hair and eyes and extremely swarthy complexion okay so the first thing i noticed was the names given by hannibal's father to his children okay those names are names that a black man would give his kids i'm not trying to be stereotypical but come on asia africa europe and america those are not names given by white fathers to their kids i'm just saying not to mention the name hannibal who was also a black man in history all right the second thing and the most obvious was hannibal's description of having an extremely swarthy complexion okay again you don't have to be a rocket scientist to interpret that adjective all right so i was also thinking how could so many american people when hamlin was vice president not know what he looked like in 1861. well i believe it was due to the fact that it was 1861. what i mean is that traveling was by horse buggy boat etc the first transcontinental railway was not completed until 1869 and i'm sure it wasn't the safest mode of travel at that point so what i'm trying to say is if hamlin didn't travel to the majority of the us people would have to rely on what newspapers reported also the civil war was started in 1861 so that's why you can see all the uproar in southern newspapers about his dark complexion and hannibal being called black or anger right so let's look at some sources of evidence and the first one is going to be from the website and it goes on to read during the campaign both lincoln and hamlin considered it prudent to make no speeches however hamlin assured lincoln while i have been silent i have never been so busy through the press and by personal effort endeavoring to strengthen the weak points all along the line after maine republicans swept the september elections hamlin traveled to boston in october to march in a torchlight parade accompanied by maine lumberjacks penobscot indians and party stalwarts one of the favorite signs combined the ticket into a single name abra hamlin khan on a less friendly note southerners denounced lincoln and hamlin as radical abolitionists going even further robert barnwell rhett at her daughter charleston mercury wrote that hamlin is what we call a mulatto he has black blood in him an amused new yorker george templeton strong observed that hamlin seemed a vigorous specimen of the pure yankee type his complexion is so swarthy that i cannot wonder at the demented south for believing him a mulatto so basically what he's saying is that he doesn't blame the southerners for thinking that hamlin was black because he was so dark-skinned and again let me point out that this information is on the website okay and it's talking about hamlin being black so why don't we have this information as common knowledge in our schools at the least it should be discussed all right so my next piece of evidence is from a newspaper clipping from the wichita daily eagle dated july 15 1891. and as you can see there it says the name of hannibal hamlin recalls those medals issued during the campaign of 1860. they contained ambrotype portraits of the candidates on most of them mr hamlin was given such a swathi complexion that perhaps these very medals confirmed the belief in the lie industriously circulated in the south that one of his parents was a mulatto and that he was named in honor of the great carthaginian to blaze in his african descent before the world at all events thousands of people in the south actually believed that lincoln and a were the republican candidates okay so here's my thing if these medals or these little ambro type portraits of the candidates were being given out during the campaign of 1860 and hamlin's complexion was very swarthy the reason being is that his complexion actually was swarthy so it makes sense and you can see that through the evidence that i've given you and will give you in the next few minutes what it does tell me is that there was a lot of misinformation going around back then and this was right around the civil war so that's understandable what's funny and ironic is that this misinformation uh is what i'm talking about with this whole subject okay and this misinformation that i'm talking about has been going on for uh a long time which is why i blame uh the wilson administration for all this misinformation we're dealing with trying to decipher today all right so let's move on to another source and this is an excellent source this one is from indiana university oakleaf lincoln collection lilly library and what we're looking at right now is a compilation of essays compiled by william cagle for the library in 1992. all right so first from page 40 it goes on to read and i quote both men freely expressed their views on slavery and other sensitive issues both men were considered radicals they were opposed in the election of 1860 by three other sets of candidates together these candidates received over 1 million more votes than lincoln and hamlet together but their opponents votes were divided between three sets of candidates a history of the presidential elections page 180. during the election a rumor was spread that hamlin had african blood due in part to his swirly complexion the dictionary of american biography page 197 given the times that may have had an adverse effect on hamlin's candidacy all right so let's go to the second reference and that's from page 53 and it says looking again at lincoln's coffin hamlet could have remembered how he felt about slavery when he was vice president it was a stand against the extension of slavery that made him resign from the senate and leave the democratic party weisenberg 36. hamlin told a crowd in boston there is in this struggle but a single issue liberty against slavery it is no longer of abolition in the south but it is whether slavery shall not be extended over the whole north weisenberg 36 hamlin felt his position on slavery was important i was urging him hamlet recalled he was holding back i desired to arm the blacks and to issue the emancipation population but lincoln refused to budge weisenberg 41. hamlet would have also remembered the cruel mudslinging during the campaign southerners called him a mulatto barker96 an editor from south carolina accused hannibal hamlin publicly of being a man with colored blood barsmen105 it was true that hamlin had a dark complexion but he was not black it goes on further to say that it was said that the reason no one killed president lincoln was because they were afraid of hamlin becoming president barzmann however others felt that hamlin was better fit to be president than lincoln barsman104 all right so i'm going to take issue with that section that says it was true that hamlin had a dark complexion but he was not black all right so we've read that not only did he have a dark complexion he was extremely swarthy in complexion so it's not a reach that the man was black i don't know what people are thinking except to say that it really highlights that white supremacist viewpoint to think that a person with dark skin couldn't be black i mean we had barack obama as president already and he wasn't a very dark-skinned black man he was actually a light-skinned black man but he was still a black man so i don't get it but as i mentioned these authors i'm quoting did not see black men and women of european heritage as black people so i hope you're starting to understand what i'm trying to tell you and what is clear at least in my mind okay so from the same collection of essays let's look at another reference let's go to page 68 and i'll show you here and it says lincoln and hamlin were similar in many ways they both had dark complexions and were men of impressive physique also their ideas about slavery were similar but hamlin's ideas were much more radical both were honest hard-working men though lincoln and hamlin were both popular before their election they had never met before they met soon after the election and it was obvious that this would be one of the few president vice president relationships that was also a friendship even from the beginning lincoln put forth trust in hamlin and a fair amount of power too as lincoln got to know hamlin he saw hamlin's wisdom and took his advice in great heed during the time between their election and their inauguration they got to know each other and they also got to see what they would have to overcome as head of our fading country lincoln and hamlin were not liked by many southerners so every decision they made would be crucial if they were to prevent war prevention of war was nearly impossible but careful decision making was still necessary no matter what they did they were always scorned by many they were often misrepresented and rumors about them were vile and rampant they were called black republicans worshipers and fanatics lincoln was called man ape and southern renegade hamlin was called mulatto and democratic trader hamlin had a swarthy complexion but was called a mulatto in the belief that he had black blood in him because of his change of parties some of the democratic political leaders promoted these rumors even though they knew them to be false to get even with hamlin okay first of all they mentioned that both lincoln and hamlin had similar dark complexions can anyone watching tell me of anyone that you know that has a dark complexion and they are considered white i've been living a long time and i have never seen a black white person however i have seen dark black and brown people that had the status of being white and that would be people from india until the 1970s they were categorized as white even though they were being discriminated against in the u.s for looking black there is actually a good article explaining how the u.s federal government addressed the situation back in the 1970s the results were the people from india are now classified as asian indians so this really brings home my point the same thing occurred earlier in american history it just happened with black europeans unfortunately as i mentioned white supremacy has hidden and omitted this information from 99 of the u.s population and it has been propagated around the world okay so just a few more quotes from the essay collection as you can see here on page 76 and 77 it says in 1836 the town of hampton sent him to the state legislature for five years three of them spent a speaker of the lower house hamlin acquired his nickname carthaginian of maine from a debate during his first term in the state legislature an opponent made a comment about hamlin's unusually dark complexion whenced hamlin proceeded to give the veteran speaker a good tongue lashing in the twilight of his career hamlin was known as the old carthaginian all right so let's move on to page 159 and it says first hannibal hamlin was a radical republican born and raised in maine he grew up with strong abolitionist sentiments he had won elections in the past partly on his strong anti-slavery stand however in the national arena his flexibility on the issue of slavery appealed to southern states southern newspaper editors attacked him sometimes on the basis of his racial background hamlin had a rather dark complexion one editor from south carolina remarked bitterly the black republicans have put a renegade sotheron on one side of the president and they put a man of colored blood on the other side of the ticket for vice president of the united states barsmen105 the reference to lincoln as a renegade suthran of course refers to his birth in kentucky all right so moving on to page 166 and 167 and it goes on to read senator hamlin was a tall comely figure with black piercing eyes and such a dark complexion that it was rumored he had negro blood which accounted for his radical reputation in the senate when it came to slavery sandberg 3 155. in the tiny village of paris and maine 1809 he was born hamlin as lincoln did grew up a lover of books his father was a leading man in the community and made sure that hamlin received an excellent education hamlin studied at the hebron academy and he became a prominent man of law in his area by the age of 24. okay so most of those quotes speak for themselves all right so let's get one more source and that will be from a publication created by the us senate historical office printed and authenticated by the government printing office edited by wendy wolf in 1997. it's called the vice president of the united states 1789 to 1993. all right so there are two references that interest me the first one is from page 129 and it's referencing vice president richard johnson and he was the vice president to van buren and it goes on to say kendall wrote with such consternation that johnson's companion a young delilah of about the complexion of shakespeare's suarez othello was said to be his third wife his second which he sold for her infidelity having been the sister of the present lady although one of the most fashionable in kentucky johnson's resort also formed a source of considerable embarrassment for the administration all right so the only thing i'm pointing out there is that johnson had a wife apparently that was the complexion of shakespeare's sworthy othello and if you look up othello he's considered to be a dark-skinned african man all right so moving on to the second quote from the senate historical offices publication and this quote concerns vice president hamlin on page 206 and it goes on to read on a less friendly note southerners denounced lincoln and hamlin as a radical abolitionists going even further robert barnwell rhett editor of the charleston south carolina mercury wrote that hanlon is what we call a mulatto one of the reasons i bring up these two quotes is that this document was created in 1997 in the u.s senate historical office so they're mentioning these two people that were black or mulatto people and yet again we don't talk about it but of course that information is there and people know it they just don't want to have to explain it what is also weird is that of all the hundreds of newspapers throughout the country in the 1860s i can only find maybe 15 references to vice president hamlin's appearance via online multiple archival newspaper websites and the same can be said for abraham lincoln's appearance there were just a few references to him being accused of being black hmm interesting you should be asking yourselves why isn't this information discussed frequently today why is barack obama considered the first black president why is kamala harris considered the first black person nominated for vice president for a major political party all right your mental juices should be flowing by now all right so we're on to my next prominent black american and that would be robert louis stevenson robert lewis stevenson was born on the 13th of november 1850 and he died on december 3rd 1894. he was a scottish novelist poet travel writer most noted for treasury island the book kidnapped strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde and a child's garden of verses he was born and educated in edinburgh stevenson suffered from serious bronchial trouble from much of his life but continued to write prolifically and travel widely in defiance of his poor health as a young man he mixed in london literary circles receiving encouragement from andrew lang edmund goose leslie steven and w.e henley the last of whom he may have provided the model for long john silver and treasure island in 1890 settled in samoa where he died in 1894 a celebrity in his lifetime stevenson's critical reputation has fluctuated since his death though today his works are held in general acclaim he is currently ranked as the 26th most translated author in the world as i mentioned before stevenson was born in edinburgh scotland to thomas stevenson a leading lighthouse engineer and his wife margaret isabelle born balfour he was christened robert lewis balfour stevenson at the age of 18 he changed the spelling of louis l-e-w-i-s to lewis l-o-u-i-s and dropped the balfour in 1873. all right so i've given you some background on robert louis stevenson uh now i'd like to talk a bit a little bit about uh some of the references i'd like to bring your attention to and why i believe that he is a black man all right so this reference comes from the invisible heroes manuscript written by roy h williams and is a collection of more than 100 biographical stories all right so i'm going to go to the number 36 story and that is the biography of sam longhorn clemens aka mark twain and what it says here is clemens is introducing his daughter to robert louis stevenson and it goes on to say one of the high points in sam's life came when he was introduced to robert lewis stephenson the celebrity author of treasure island in a letter home to young susie papa sam described him thusly he was mostly scantly furnished with flesh his clothes seemed to fall into hollows as if there might be nothing inside but the frame for a sculptor's statue has long face and length hair and dark complexion and musing and melancholy expression seem to fit these details just and harmoniously and altogether if it seemed especially planned to gather the rays of your observation and focalize them upon stevenson's special distinction and commanding feature his splendid eyes they burned with a smouldering rich fire on the penthouse of his eyebrows and they made him beautiful alright so as we can all see mr clemens aka mark twain described stevenson as having a dark complexion alright so my next reference from a book called robert louis stevenson in california by katherine d osborne written in 1911 and we're going to go to pages 36 and 37. all right so you can see there on page 36 at the bottom it says he was tall and thin naturally and emaciated by illness his hair was light all right moving on to page 37 it continues brown and down on his neck his complexion olive but rich tinted for he never lost his color even in sickness and his lips were full red his manners and gestures were like those of latin people alright so she describes his complexion as being olive but rich tinted i don't know if you guys seen have seen olive but i've seen them and they're brown and black and of course if a person has a brown complexion they're not going to lose their color even if they're sick all right so i want you to take a look at a picture that google has for mr stevenson does he remotely have a dark or olive complexion uh i think not and yes i know you can hear the sarcasm in my voice as this video goes on but it's really frustrating to read one thing and see another the other thing that is very frustrating for me and that i've alluded to is that you have all these this collection of uh historically important people that many of us have learned about in school but no mention of their appearance as it pertains to their complexion i mean this is like a big deal to me i don't see how it's just glanced over and not talked about you know and i've told you why i believe that is the case all right so uh getting back to uh robert lewis stevenson and uh my last reference for him is from the project gutenberg e-book of the life of mrs robert louis stevenson by nelly vandegrift sanchez 1920 alright so going on to page 13 of that ebook it says my hair was braided in front and my everyday gingham sun bonnet sewn to my hair this was done in the vain hope of keeping off sunburn for i was dark like my mother and my complexion was the despair of her life beauty of the fair blonde type was in vogue then so that i was quite out of fashion it was thought that if one was dark one had a wicked temper in reality fannie with a clear olive skin her bright black eyes her perfectly regular features and mass of half curling dark hair was the prettiest in the family but the dictates of fashion are imperious so her mother put lotions on her face and her grandmother washed it with strong soap saying she is that color by nature god made her ugly the little girl asked rather pathetically if they would not change her name to lily to which her mother replied you are a tiger lily in years after in her many gardens in different parts of the world there were always tiger lilies growing she was a high-spirited daring creature a little flashing firefly of a child eagerly seeking for adventure that might have brought up her frequent punishment were it not that her parents had exceedingly liberal views in such matters all right so there are several takeaways from this quote by mrs stevenson the first one is that robert louis stevenson was not only a black man but he married a black woman which makes total sense number two fannie describes her own complexion as dark like her mother's and then the author describes her complexion or her skin color as clear olive let's look at a picture of the typical olives that we consume i have a photo of three colors of olives here you can see and we all know that the color green is not a human complexion obviously so that leaves the colors brown and almost black all right so take away number three her mother being ashamed of both her own and her daughter's skin color is very sad but i understand because white supremacy can make you feel like you don't belong and you have no worth her mother put lotions on her face and her grandmother washed her with strong soaps hoping to lighten her skin you know self-loathing is very common in communities of darker complexion people and it is it's truly sad all right so the fourth takeaway in the end she married a famous black author so i guess her life wasn't too bad all right so these next references were from a book called the portrait and biographical record of randolph jackson perry and monroe counties of illinois it contains sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the counties together with biographies and portraits of all the presidents of the united states and the governors of the state of illinois and this was published in 1894. all right so this reference i'm going to give you right now is just as a comparison to the other ones that i'm going to give you so on page 28 we're going to be talking about thomas jefferson and it starts off in person mr jefferson was tall and thin rather above six feet in height but well formed his eyes were light his hair originally red and afterlife became white and silvery his complexion was fair his forehead broad and his whole countenance intelligent and thoughtful okay so like i said i read that description of mr jefferson just as a comparison of the ones i'm going to read you and mr jefferson obviously according to this has a fair complexion all right so this next reference i'm going to review is about shadrick bond and in 1818 mr bond was elected the first governor of the state of illinois all right so moving on to page 114 right there at the bottom you can see it says mr bond was of a benevolent and convivial disposition a man of shrewd observation and clear appreciation of events his person was erect standing six feet in height and after middle life became portly weighing 200 pounds his features were strongly masculine complexion dark hair jet and eyes hazel was a favorite with the ladies he died on april 11 1830 in peace and contentment right so you can see that mr bond is described as having a dark complexion with jet hair now jet if you look that up that means black all right so let's move on to the next reference and that would be joseph duncan all right so he was governor of illinois from 1834 through 1838 and moving on to page 132 it says governor duncan was a man of rather limited education but with naturally fine abilities he profited greatly by his various public services and gathered a store of knowledge regarding public affairs which served him a ready purpose he possessed a clear judgment decision confidence in himself and moral courage to carry out his convictions of right in his deportment he was well adapted to gain the admiration of the people his intercourse with them was both affable and dignified his portrait of the governor's mansion from which the accompanying was made represents him as having a swarthy complexion high cheekbones broad forehead piercing black eyes and straight black hair now here i've included a picture from the book of governor duncan and i definitely don't see a swarthy complexion and i guarantee you if i went to the governor's mansion or wherever they have this portrait today he's definitely not going to have a swarthy complexion and again what's that old saying something is rotten in the state of denmark all right so moving on to the next governor of illinois and that would be thomas ford and he was the governor of illinois from 1842 to 1846 and we're moving on to page 140 and it says mr ford had not the brass of the ordinary politician nor that impetuosity which characterizes a political leader he cared little for money and hardly enough for a decent support in person he was of a small stature slender of a dark complexion with black hair sharp features deep set eyes a pointed aqualine nose having a decent twist to one side and a small mouth alright so you can see the picture i have here of mr ford that they have in the book and again no dark complexion and that's why i contrasted thomas jefferson in the same book and as you can see a picture of him and of course he has a fair complexion so where is the actual contrast in complexion anyway let's move on to my next reference and that would be william m bissell and he was governor of illinois from 1857 to 1860 and as you can see here on page 151 all right so it says in stature he was somewhat tall and slender and with a straight military bearing he presented a distinguished appearance his complexion was dark his head well poised though not large his address pleasant and manner winning he was exemplary in his habits a devoted husband and kind parent he was twice married the first time to miss james moving on to page 152 and it continues of monroe county by whom he had two children both daughters she died soon after the year 1840 and mr b married for his second wife a daughter of elias k kane previously a united states senator from this state she survived him but a short time and died without issue all right so before i move on to my next governor i'm going to put a picture up here of william m bissell and uh i don't think he has a dark complexion what do you think okay so moving on to my next governor is going to be joseph w pfeiffer and he was elected governor of illinois on november 6 1888 and we're moving on to page 184 okay so it says mr pfeiffer was married in 1870 to gertie daughter of william j lewis of bloomington mr pfeiffer is six feet in height and is spare weighing only 150 pounds he has a swarthy complexion keen black eyes quick movement and possesses a frank and sympathetic nature all right so here's a picture of joseph w pfeiffer and again i don't see a swarthy complexion all right so my next reference in this book is going to be general john logan and of course he's not a governor but let's move on to page 203 all right so it says general john a logan was born in franklin county illinois in 1824. he entered military service as captain in the mexican war and served for two years at the beginning of the civil war he espoused the cause of the union and entered the voluntary service in 1861 when he raised and commanded the 31st illinois infantry at the battle of belmont missouri he led his men into the fight with great gallantry though they were raw troops and had never stood fire yet they fought on this occasion under the lead of colonel logan with a bravery seldom surpassed by veteran soldiers all right so gonna move on to page 204 and we're still referencing general logan and it says at the close of the civil war general logan resigned his position and retired to civic life though from that time until his death december 26 1886 he was closely associated with the history of illinois and the united states as well in person he was a remarkable man resembling no other general his complexion was dark his eyes and hair very black in the stature he was low and heavy he wore his hair and mustache long which increased his resemblance to the indian chiefs of the western wilds alright so you can see a picture here of general logan and i don't see a dark complexion and the other interesting note about him is that they said he resembled no other general i wonder why all right so that was some very interesting insight into the state of illinois and who was in charge and running things in that state at least in the early 1800s and according to history that we've been taught all the black people were enslaved picking picking cotton so interesting anyway trust me i don't think the state of illinois is alone in this i think many more states had black governors and legislators the problem is that information has been hidden and destroyed okay so there are hundreds more prominent americans that you thought were white or had fair complexions however if i covered them all this video would go on forever what i'm going to do is list many more individuals that are written about as having dark or swarthy complexions if you feel so inclined please research them on your own remember the key to rediscovering who is black brown or shallow is to search in the text for their complexion countenance hue or skin color when i search for those keywords i just mentioned i type them into the google search bar or if i have a pdf document i press ctrl f and i search for those terms complexion countenance hue or skin color or skin all right so i just wanted to add this into the mix as further proof as to what i'm saying all right so the title of this newspaper clipping is a white man sold into slavery it was published in the vermont phoenix newspaper on april 4th 1857 and it goes on to read a white man sold into slavery the buffalo express learns that a young man named barnhart the son of an early immigrant to linden cataragus county from the mohawk dutch settlements has been sold as a slave by a company of strolling play actors with whom he engaged to travel in december last young barnhart is an excellent player on the violin and accompanied the actors into maryland and virginia in the capacity of a musician he was of rather dark complexion and his companions representing him to be a negro sold him to some virginia slave denier the evidence of this was doubted at first but is now believed to be true and barnhart's father was making preparations to seek for and rescue his enslaved son alright so when i first read this clipping i immediately thought about the movie 12 years a slave however the main discrepancy with that movie is that in this instance the kidnapped son is considered white that movie didn't mention that individual being white or considered white now i realized this was not the only kidnapping of a black musician back then but it does help prove what i'm saying which is black people with proven european heritage were perceived as white this father and son were from a mohawk dutch settlement in upstate new york furthermore the musicians that sold him passed barnhart off as a negro which meant ta-da he looked like a negro also the editor of the paper never mentioned that it was weird that barnhart could be passed off as a negro even though he was considered white which in my opinion means this was normal during that era anyway i thought you'd find this interesting okay so i want to give you a small list of additional americans we were all taught were of a fair complexion or aka white this is not an exhaustive list by any means there are so many more but if i listed them all this video would be 100 hours long anyway starting off the list as you can see we have president warren g harding senator thomas corwin president thomas jefferson referred to as a half n-word then we have secretary of the treasury alexander hamilton we have senator samuel chase i have governor bardum of mississippi poet edgar allan poe virginia statesman william branch giles businessman william randolph hearst senator of indiana general john tipton the borden girls as in lizzie borden and her sister privateer john paul jones senator william k sebastian george vanderbilt son of the famed vanderbilt family congressman benjamin huntington president of congress president andrew jackson and his wife rachel preacher benjamin trumbull president rutherford b hayes's wife lucy webb which was a maiden name senator and judge ira harris michael devitt famous irish leader patsy o'leary boxer indian fighter daniel boone sam fran ounce as in black sam he was a famous tavern owner senator w.c reeves postmaster general john h regan secretary of the treasury george m bib as in bibb and as i said before unfortunately i'm not going to be able to list all the prominent americans that were black although i hope i've inspired you to look into it on your own or at least stay tuned until i release my next video down the rabbit hole we go alright so i'd like to conclude this video with a few words and some observations so first off due to the control of information in the united states much of the obvious literature that i'm looking for has been destroyed omitted republished under new volumes or hidden by private historical societies and libraries etc of course this is my opinion however it is based off of all the information i've researched and as you can see i'm not making this stuff up what i can tell you is that much of the information that is left is coded language meaning as i told you before you have to look for key words to determine someone's ethnicity what i've also realized through my research is when i read the word white referring to people's complexions prior to the 1940s they could be talking about people with dark or fair complexions the term was ambiguous i hope i've shown that to you via all the people that i have covered and will cover in this video along with the others i have featured in my other videos the individuals i covered uh obviously are just a very small sample as i said before another conclusion we as modern day american citizens have been lied to by the government academia family and relatives that were alive and participated in this contrive charade i truly believe that the majority of this deceit and deception occurred during woodrow wilson's two terms in office or at least he started it off i want to read you this quote again from the current president of princeton university christopher eisgruber and it goes on to read wilson's racism was significant and consequential even by the standards of his own time he segregated the federal civil service after it had been racially integrated for decades thereby taking america backward in its pursuit of justice he not only acquiesced in but added to the persistent practice of racism in this country a practice that continues to do harm today all right in the second quote from president eyes grouper goes on to say i quote princeton is part of an america that is too often disregarded ignored or excused racism allowing the presence of systems that discriminate against black people alright so what i want you to pay attention to are some of the words that eisguber used in his quote and those are wilson's racism was significant and consequential even by the standards of his own time okay what that means to me is that wilson went above and beyond to try to suppress and inflict harm on the black community all right so the second part of ice groover's statement that i want you to listen to is i quote allowing the persistence of systems that discriminate against black people and again to me those systems are still in place today you know honestly it's clear to me how this wholesale deceit to cover up and hide black people's history in the united states could occur on a mass scale but you may be asking yourself you know i'm still not convinced well let me show you by simply explaining what president trump is doing today he's on a personal mission to eradicate anything president obama did during his eight years in office trump has removed almost all of obama's executive orders cabinet level decisions congressional review acts and trump is also actively trying to totally remove the affordable care act here is a washington times article from january 20th 2018. i'm not going to read it but i want you to go ahead and take a look at it because it's a very interesting read and it kind of goes over trump's obsession with getting rid of anything obama ever did so that is my example of a president that can change history destroy history lie about history i mean trump has lied over 20 000 times and that's not me saying that that's me quoting the fact checkers on the news so i definitely think it's possible especially during the 1920s that you know without cameras and people really watching and on the news and social media that a president with his power could get rid of or change that information i mean as i told you before wilson instituted his own series of history books throughout the united states the man was clearly on a mission to institute his vision of history and how it should look you know another sad fact is the majority of the countries around the world are holding up and espousing this perverse lie acquiescing and perpetrating it for the sake of holding on to power via white supremacist views and falsehoods you know i guess you can hear how disturbed i am to learn all this information i hope you folks are listening and can understand the gravity of this information our society has used it for leverage and power since the late 1800s what makes it even more disturbing is that most of this information is in libraries that history professors have access to and knowledge of but again if they were to reveal this information people would demand change and then god forbid everyone would have to compete equally for jobs and other resources reparations for the wrong doings done would have to be paid the historical record will be righted and fair complexion people will have to admit their false sense of who they are in history not being able to lay claim to all the dark complexion people throughout history as being aka white people not an easy pill to swallow but absolutely the right thing to do well i hope you find this information enlightening fascinating and life-changing if you are enjoying these videos please like and subscribe to my channel
Channel: Straight UP
Views: 2,216,386
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Keywords: black history, history, europe, European, black europe, black european, black america, America
Id: 2m9RMBhGTFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 22sec (7102 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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