Project Zomboid Firearm Guide | Build 41 2020

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oh shoot didn't see you there alrighty everyone welcome hello konichiwa name's clyde parker president vice president and ceo of the knob creek patriotic gun club due to recent events the use of firearms has become pretty important if you need to save your own hides so today the knob creek patriotic gun club trademark is gonna give back to the community as far as i know a lot of new survivors out there need a little help in hand when it comes to firearm usage in this world the last thing we need as a collective or a bunch of idiots that don't know how to use guns that are probably just gonna get themselves killed alright so as a figure in the community i'll be creating this hereby educational guide to help you numb skulls out i'll be covering the firearms a survivor is likely to come across and is her unnatural laugh i'm gonna be separating in each firearm into five different categories pistols revolvers shotguns hunting rifles and last and also certainly not least my favorite assault rifles now before we actually get into the meat and potatoes of this whole thing i want to preface this by showing y'all how loud guns can actually be so let's go head out into the field real quick just to give you guys a little bit of a signifier i'll also be drawing up a couple of little guys and stuff that might help you all out as well for your digital viewers out there hopefully it'll be out on vhs pretty soon but anyways in order to really get a scope of how loud things can be we're going to scope out all the way to the back of this here gun range it's going to be quite a distance it's a good thing we got our scoped rifle you see those two dead corpse walkers right over there for about from the distance from me to them is around 50 tiles so that's going to be the average amount for a pistol so keep that in mind and of course if you want 100 tiles you double this distance as well just i wanted to make sure y'all knew this because loud guns can get really dangerous really quick if you don't know what you're doing with okay anyways now that that's over with let's get started with the pistol category these bad boys are gonna be a little bit hard to pick up for a new firearm enthusiast but they can certainly pack a punch and certainly save your skin right here we got the amnon pistol m1911 and last but not least the deagle over here in this corner you really can't see it much but before you start going guns blazing you're probably gonna need a little bit of experience using these pocket crusaders i recommend a level of around two to three firearms scale before you actually get into these let's go pick up the m9 pistol and start off with this now this little thing right here is probably gonna be the gun you'll come across most in this apocalypse with it being a nine millimeter you're gonna be having ammo up the wazoo so prepared for that honestly with the time magazine quantity and upgradability this is a really solid pick especially if you have the extra rounds this is going to be the lowest hidden pistol out of the bunch even magnums included so be prepared to shoot a corpse walker one to three times before that thing goes down all right it has a range of around seven tiles one way that i like to measure out range is actually using this walk to command it's really useful but basically on you know trained you're probably only gonna be able to hit something seven tiles out of course for each level in marksman training you're gonna get a couple more tiles added with no debuffs you can also add in attachments if you really want it so the average i'd say range if you just pick this thing up with no prior experience is gonna be around seven tiles so one two three four five six seven about right there where those very conspicuous uh the blood stains are i'm not really too good at cleaning much alright anyways this m9 here is gonna have a shooting radius of around 50 tiles so about as far as you can look out fully zoomed out all right so it's gonna attract quite a few zombies but it's honestly the second most quiet gun out there so it's a really damn good pick for any survivor that doesn't want to attract the entire town to the locale now begins my favorite part of the testing cletus bring me some goddamn corpse walkers right now you lazy some [ __ ] i'm getting it i'm getting it alrighty so we got around a nice little group of three thanks to cletus over here anyways it's probably gonna take a couple shots to kill him but this thing does have a pretty high fire rate so if you like a lot of shots downrange this is going to be the ticket there we go now i have a really great uh level in the shooting so we made quick work of them honestly this is probably the best gun you're going to have right now just due to the size the availability of the ammo and how good you can actually get at shooting them of course since it's gonna be your first time probably shooting one of these things expect two to four shots actually to put them down all right i'm just a seasoned vet so i know exactly where to hit them on to the next one alrighty now we're going to be covering the the bigger cousin of the m9 the m19 11 pistol it's an absolute classic for any gun owner now this bad boy right here is going to have a max range of around 8 tiles so it's going to be a little bit more than the m9 but it's going to have a sound radius of around 70 so about in between a 50 and 100. it's also going to have a magazine capacity of around i'd say seven shots so this thing is gonna be really nice to have if you wanna kill these things with a little bit more of a punch because it does rock a little bit higher of a caliber four to five this time around not much else to say about it let's shoot a couple more corpse walkers god i love this country already we got around three of these little faster things it should take round one to shoot two shots to actually kill him yeah never stood a chance so as you've seen it takes a lot quicker of a time to actually put them down but of course you're exchanging 15 bullets for eight but this thing is definitely going to get the job done definitely a little bit more useful if you just need to kill them out right without you know having the chance of accidentally hitting them in the chest a couple of times man this place is getting messy already i'll have to have uh cletus clean this up in a little bit anyways last but not least we have the one the only desert eagle baby whoo mama this thing does pack a punch this is the kind of weapon where you want to shoot a burglar behind the refrigerator over at your neighbor's house all right this bad boy is gonna pack a lot of power behind every damn hit now of course that comes with drawbacks all right for one thing it has a sound radius of around 100 so it's about double of this entire range alright so expect some company if you start flashing it around all will it nilly now another cool thing about this hand cannon is that it's gonna have the highest range at around 10 tiles and that's unmodified of course you could always add in laser sights afterwards it has also around around eight shots in the mag as well so about the same as in 1911 ammo might be a little bit harder to come across this is a 44 caliber so it's gonna be you know quite the journey to find some ammo reserves but my god when you do find a box it's going to be fun anyways let's give this bad a field test okay we got three right out there we should be able to pop them pretty easy this thing is just gonna it's gonna put around a golf sized ball haul in their heads yeah never stood a chance so if you don't really care about the sound this is probably gonna be your best bet alrighty hello there had to take a little bit of a bathroom break anyways you know you got to go number two when the duty calls anyways we're going to be covering the counterpart to the pistol revolvers these are generally going to pack a higher punch and go further at the backdrop having a little less lead to pass out to your undead counterparts all right now another drawback is that they don't have any attachment options either so what you see is what you're gonna get all right this could change in the future i for one would love to put a rifle scope on my magnum revolver i feel like that adds quite a bit of character to him i feel like el diablo deserves it anyways they're also going to require a little bit more skill to aim compared to the pistols as well excluding one outlier and that outlier is actually right on my belt cause this thing is a real nice weapon to have here this m36 revolver is gonna be a ninja's best friend alright this little thing has a sound radius of around 30 tiles so even less so than the m9 you should be able to get away with shooting this thing quite a few times even in the most dense of parts alright of kentucky it has around the same damage as the m9 so the only things you're really sacrificing are capacity and range you're gonna this is more of a short range weapon compared to the m9 especially since you can't attach any attachments to it now this is actually pistols included the most accurate small arms so this is very beginner friendly with its size and its aimability anyways i'd say it's really damn hard to pass up this thing especially when [ __ ] hits a theoretical fan even for you melee boys out there alright keep notes keep notes alrighty we got another group of three and it seems like cletus had a little bit of fun before we actually deployed him he chucked an entire hand axe in that dude's back well we ought to start it off with him huh yeah no chances now as you see that one took two shots instead of the normal one even with as good as eamon as i have so this is definitely gonna hit a little less harder than usual but honestly really damn weapon really damn good weapon nonetheless am i right where am i right ladies and gentlemen the next one we have is gonna be a counterpart to the m1911 this is gonna be the m625 revolver it's actually rocking the same caliber so it's really up to you which one you want to take to the field next time given you got the ammo of course as always with revolvers you're only going to have six shots to work with sometimes even five maybe for lucky you'll get seven or eight right it also has a slightly higher damage ceiling than the m1911 though the main draw this thing is probably gonna be the extra range it's gonna be a solid nine dials compared to the seven that the m1911 usually has it's gonna have around a sound radius of 70 tiles again completely the same as m1911 counterpart let's go give this bad boy a little try now shall we we'll go set him out a little bit further than usual cletus all right they're sitting at a distance seems like we got a construction worker i feel bad for taking out one of the blue collar middle class workers because i highly respect that but right now you can't be soft in the apocalypse let's see how good of a shot we are it's been a while since i've shot one of these things and it seems like we still got it in the bag all right it's real hard for old clyde to lose what he's been aiming for all right it's like riding a bike as soon as you figure out how to aim these damn things you're gonna be hitting them nine times out of ten now that we covered the counterpart to the air 1911 it's only right that we cover the slightly bigger version of the desert eagle this right here is the 44 magnum revolver again if you want something dead as much as possible without sacrifice and size this is gonna be the ticket it's practically similar to the desert eagle other than a few things yeah it is it has a slightly higher damage range and sound radius if you thought 100 tiles was bad this son of a gun is going to pack a smooth 120 which is more than some raffles out there alright so you best be prepared if you start blasting this around because there's gonna be one hell of a party all right let's give this sucker a try let's give this sucker a try god damn it cletus how many damn times do i have to say get your sorry ass over here i'm trying to save the damn world one god at a time alrighty finally cletus got his damn [ __ ] together and we're gonna be able to shoot at a couple of zombies these ones are a little bit ways out but we should be able to take them out reliably with one shot let's see how fast we can take this small group out one two three they barely even knew what hit them revolvers they're definitely the funner of the counterparts in my opinion but of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion right god damn how many times do i have to tell you to wait outside now that i kind of freshened myself up a little bit we're moving down the chain of command they are an absolute classic the good old zombie stomper aka the shotgun baby now this is a real certified crowd controller if you need to clean out an area this is going to be their ticket if they call it a broomstick for a reason if you don't know what i mean shotguns are going to be the most beginner friendly of any fire in the area so if you don't know a damn thing about firearms this is a good way to get your toes in the water before you jump in right now there are pretty big drawback to these things before you get started and start shooting zombies left and right center if you decide to pop one off make sure you get the hell out of the area if you want to save your heart alright because the entire northern continent is going to know where your sorry ass is the good thing is is that if you are at that point the immunity area should be pretty clear of the undead for you to formulate a plan right they serve as a good distraction as well well if you want to clear the area of the corpse walkers just pop one of these off in the distance and watch the magic happen the first one we got here is a hunter's delight the good old double barrel shotgun this is going to be the most effective out of the bunch especially since it's going to have the most amount of bang for your buck alright the damage is higher than the rest and you actually get a lot of range out of it of around nine tiles or so so this is comparable to like some of the best pistols out there if you're really strapped for ammo and you don't want to waste any go for this shotgun for sure now as i mentioned before the average shotgun is gonna have a sound radius of around 200 damn tiles so that's around four times the amount you can even see on this map right now as we are zooming out so be prepared for a goddamn entire block of corpse walkers to make their way over towards you anyways let's stop talking about all the negatives and let's go have some good old-fashioned american fun it's gonna get a little messy for this one we got a real nice group of five pretty close by because i want to hit them all to shock and we only got two shots to work with here all right so we got to make them count i want to see if i can take them out and do this is going to be a real testament of my skill yeah i still got it in me god you gotta love this thing so much the brake action is just so damn satisfying definitely take this with you if you want a little bit of a surprise yet you don't want to start blasting around because honestly i prefer these sons of guns over the pump shotgun any day of the damn week alrighty next up we got here is a js 2000 shotgun this is an absolute classic that shouldn't be slept on all right the cannon right here is gonna hold around six shots so if you need to send a lot downrange say you're in a hallway maybe like a high school or something and zombies are coming down the hallway right you need something quick that you can just pump through keep on blasting all right now these shells are falling on the floor i'm gonna have to pick them up later and load them off camera but you get the deal all right the action is gonna be the fastest around here sadly we ain't got no semi auto shotgun so this is the best you're gonna have to deal with anyways this is gonna have a range of around seven tiles and a sound radius of around 200 again so expect a party as always with any shotgun you know what for the hell of it i am so confident in this shotgun that i'm going to head out into the field and take out a couple of them myself all right this thing honestly you're going to be able to start blasting them like crazy they never stood a goddamn chance if you want to feel like a real rambo hero you take one of these with you as you just saw i was able to kill 15 zombies in the matter of like six seconds alright let's see you do that mr axe man [ __ ] [ __ ] kyle looking ass guns are useful now this is technically the same gun that you're gonna get before just with a sawed-off barrel all right this is the same old js2000 this is actually going to be the easiest weapon to use currently and it it decreases the max range but you get a hell of a lot more spread so this is actually your indoor crowd clearer right now the only drawback is if you like 200 tiles is bad this bad boy is boasting a good 250 all right i'm actually not going to demonstrate it because it's literally the same as the js2000 just with the sawn off all right if you want something a little bit easier to use but something that's a little bit louder this is gonna be your ticket now let me tell you what this whole uh this whole god thing is really exhausting me so i'm just gonna have a little bit of liquid courage before we get started usually they say alcohol and guns don't really go along too well but i say [ __ ] them ain't that right cletus damn right that's what i like to hear he's my little little nephew good boy good boy hard worker alrighty now that we're done with the good old-fashioned boomstick we're gonna move over to the hunting rifles now these things are gonna only be real useful to the experienced shooter i highly recommend a level of four to six shooting before you even think of shooting these shooters because 9 out of 10 times you're probably not going to have a skill and you're just going to ring the dinner bell for the zombies to rip a couple chunks out of you all right the main benefit of these rifles are the range i'd say so if you like staying a good mile and a half away from the danger this is the gun for you now hunting rifles originally they're not going to have that much range they only have like 11 or 12 but the beautiful thing about them is if you look at my beaut right here her name's sally i put a nice old scope on there eight times so it's gonna increase the range to around 80 instead of the usual 11 or 10. these are really good at picking out corpse walkers from the crowds alright let's give you a little hypothetical here let's say uh there's a particular corpse walker that has a shotgun on their back but they're in the middle of a horde well with a hot rifle and scope you can pick them off from the crowd the noise from the gunshot should attract the horde to your original location which should give you enough time to sneak around all sneaky luck right around to steal whatever is on there it's actually how i got this real nice satchel bag here it's like grocery shopping with extra steps all right we're actually not going to start off with sally here we're going to be covering the msr 700 rifle all right this is going to be the lowest hitting rifle compared to the 788 though the benefit of 223 is that you can get a lot more balanced bullets sorry oh man that bourbon's been hitting a little bit too hard if you know what i mean anyways you're gonna get a lot more bullets from a single box around 40 shells or so so you're gonna have quite a bit of ammo to work with now with it being a hunting rifle you have the added benefits of adding scopes and attachments of course which can almost increase their max range by eight so i got a four time scope on this one so we're looking at around 40 tiles of range which is almost all the way to the back of that area over there so it's definitely long hitting rifle now you got to watch out though as hunting rifles have a sound radius of around 150 so it's a little bit less than a shotgun but it's still up there all right enough complaining let's start plinking a couple deadhead corpse walkers alrighty seems like they got a with me right now so let's try and take them out as they're slowly coming towards me we should have no problem taking them out at a distance as you see they actually stand no chance when they're coming at me now i think there's one more there he is as you see though if you got a pretty good skill in shooting these hunting rifles they're pretty decent but i definitely wouldn't take them to you know go for zombie hordes or anything other lock this is more of like a pvp type weapon you know blast a couple raiders in the knee camp let them get bleed out watch them die by the dead corpse walkers real nice to put money on the table as well which one you think will walk faster with the bullet in their leg that's enough about my pastime let's switch over to the big bertha all right my beautiful sally anyways like i said we're covering my personal favorite hunting rifle i bagged a many boar and a many deer with this one but the only real difference between the two is that this one's gonna have more damage and it uses a 308 top caliber bullet so it's not going to be the same as a 223 now this one here has an eight time scope so i'm going to be able to shoot just about any zombie i can fully see on the map fully zoomed out i get my draw of the pick alright so sadly there aren't any suppressors in the game to make this thing a real beaut let's go set up a couple targets and let's just have some good old-fashioned fun yeah these ones are quite the distance out i can barely see them on my own i think we might be able to get a collat right here ladies and gentlemen booyah yeah eat that you'll you'll coots alrighty now let's try and grab these other two they are right out of my awareness league so but as you see we got quite the distance here yeah no zombie is safe from my reach of hand as anyways this thing absolute beaut i probably wouldn't suggest horde clearing with it though that's gonna be it for the hunting rifles all rowdy now those are those three categories are probably or four sorry oh wow that bourbon has really hit hard but anyways these are gonna be the weapons you'll see from the day today now these new ones that i'm gonna show y'all are we a bit more experimental than the rest these are the assault rifles now we only have too far two so far but it's gonna be the classic m16 and m14 all right very popular and numb anyways if you want to go on a rampage and you actually got enough damn ammo these are going to be pretty damn nice to have around the m16 is probably going to be sitting at around 100 tiles and the m14 is going to be sitting at 90. of course these aren't really exactly fully baked in the oven yet if you catch my drift so things are bound to change i just want to showcase them for the hell of it okie dokie first things first we got the m14 rifle it has a range of 10 and it has a pretty bad damage value right about now i feel like when they get fully implemented they'll have a little bit better stats at least for the damage but anyways not much else to say about this thing is other than it holds a 30 round clip of 556 also before i get shooting these two things one cool little tidbit of 556 and 223 they're practically the same round it's just that the 556 is you know intended for military purposes so it has a slightly higher pressure than the 223 so you will actually be able to shoot 223s out of a 556 but it's not going to be the same vice versa unless you want to risk uh blowing your hands or face off you know i mean desperate times call for disparate measures let's go set out i'd say five targets for the m14 and we'll set out 20 for the m16 let's go have some damn fun clad corpse walker oh wow these guys are real feisty bunch let's try and take them out as fast as possible we want we don't want them getting too far god damn it screw these goddamn bars yeah they're starting to come in pretty fast now now as i told you this damage is a little bit worse than the rest oh jesus okay we're fine we're fine i'm okay 30 rounds baby 30 rounds we got them all lined up for uh for a nice little group picture definitely wasn't worried there now let me just get this straight forward don't tell any government officials that i have this thing i honestly shouldn't have the cm-16 assault rifle but i do all right it's just because i'm such a prominent figure in the community that i was able to get my hands on one of these things it was totally legal no arms deals or anything like that i'm a i'm a god-fearing american all right i'll never do anything that illegal anyways just about the same as the m14 but this thing's gonna pack a little bit more damage you can also get glass with this bad boy so if you line up your shots correctly it's gonna be pretty good this runs five five six all right just wanted to make sure y'all knew that let's go throw out a couple zombies on the range this one i'm gonna be a little bit more hands-on with i trust this thing with my damn life all right hey before i actually get uh cletus over here to drop off the zombies we got this thing in full auto mode so as fast as we can as fast as they come the quicker we can kill them all right so we're gonna go set up around 25 zombies for this one i'm gonna have to take a shower for sure oh you who yeah you know it's just like that oh wow yeah we got quite a few zombies over here let's just hold down the trigger button have a little bit of a good time baby oh yeah they're not gonna pass this line they are not gonna pass this line at all okay they're actually starting to pass the line we're gonna back up slowly oh jesus baby bit off a little bit more than i can chew but as you saw i just killed round 30 zombies just like that i don't think we had any more ammo on that one so it's a good thing we ended it when we did anyways that's gonna mark it for all the guns now if you guys follow me inside real quick we still aren't done with this manila no god just yet okay don't mind the two corpses on the floor uh sadly patrick and steve they uh they didn't really no no they got bit on their loot run so i'll have to have cletus clean that up later i i put them down real quick but we have all of the current attachments in game now i'm just going to be running quick through this sling decreases carry weight this is a choke tube right here for your shotguns it's going to decrease the rain actually increase the range but it's going to decrease the spread so if you want to hit a little bit of zombies further out rod that's your goal and right here we got a fiberglass stock decreases range and increases accuracy this recoil pad is going to increase fire rate laser sight accuracy all these sides here are going to increase accuracy now the thing is with the four times scoping up they're actually going to also increase the minimum range so you won't be hitting a lot of zombies real close with them all right so if you do put an eight-time scope on a rifle make sure they're out there bayonet this one is still a little bit in development but you know you can kind of guess what a bayonet is gonna do you're gonna stab stab some zombies arms anyways last but not least we have this bad boy which also increases the reload speed so it's gonna be real nice if you want to pull off a nice rainbow cosplay now that's gonna be it oh what the oh holy [ __ ] cletus cletus are you all right oh [ __ ] a doodle doo yeah i think they're coming in team oh no this ain't good uh yeah anyways like i was saying uh i really hope y'all have learned something from this oh jesus christ we didn't get the [ __ ] out of here oh [ __ ] ah okay okay anyways anyways this was a clyde president ceo of the knob creek gun club county trademark i don't [ __ ] know stay back damn it oh we need to get going where the hell is that truck please for the love of god cletus oh truck's still here yeah yeah we're gonna get the hell out of here anyways i hope you all learned something uh it was nice knowing y'all i gotta get i gotta get out of here come on baby yeah baby that's why i gotta love a ford we're out of here baby all righty you
Channel: Pr1vateLime
Views: 136,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pr1vate Lime, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid tips and tricks, project zomboid advanced tips, project zomboid build 41 tips, project zomboid for beginners, project zomboid guide 2020, project zomboid getting started, project zomboid gameplay 2020, project zomboid, zomboid, project zomboid tutorial, project zomboid guide, project zomboid guns, project zomboid gun guide, project zomboid build 41 guns, project zomboid build 41 gun guide
Id: 0G-wPnggiJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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