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[Music] so [Music] don't worry [Music] now [Music] okay all right ladies and gents it's gold now come on so we're a bit excited yeah this is epic this is more than epic this is the swiss army kitchen fridge table second table don't forget this one at the end draw did this keep how cool is that stay tuned guys first we'll look at is the storage i know you want to see the kitchen it's coming very soon we'll quickly dive through this so next to the kitchen this is kind of two separate units although it looks like one unit there is a split here the storage unit behind the bottom drawer it's accommodating for a 150 amp hour lithium battery so to make room for that or space for that this drawer you can see is a bit shorter in this drawer is just utensils coffee tea coffee machine in fact as well you got everything in there mate in the top drawer it's basically chris's food dry food kind of storage area enough room for a crash pot or two gas cans all that uh you'll also note that on these drawers there's only one latch now you've seen a lot of drawer systems there are two latches and then you've got to pull it when you've got like wet hands from when you're cooking sometimes you don't have enough strength to pull the drawer out when there's a lot of stuff in it so therefore opt it for one latch and you pull it out there is a runner on the other side though so it's fine that way right on top here there's extra storage here's some lighting gear cups and pots and bowls now you'll note here the perfect size for a wolf pack or a crash pot actually so twist out bring it out now if i stand to be corrected maybe i do maybe i don't these are your tools yeah chris yep okay so you haven't changed this all right so basically just all chris's tools for anything that goes wrong on the road and as you can see it's super easy to get out it's right there in episode one we put the k on rack on top and when we did this whole kitchen build we thought that actually we're making this useless what's the point of having it that said however there are some thin objects in photography and videography you can fit on here like fleckies but maybe like for the everyday person could fit a towel or something still under here now on top he'll put chris will put his light stands and fishing rod he said yeah let's move on to the whole kitchen [Music] here we are guys the kitchen what you want to see all right so don't go too far okay go out to the first point yep so as you can see first point is you've got a table so you can just do lunches here right but to get to the fridge we go stage two stage two the fridge drops down this is absolutely ingenious someone did ask a question the other day on social media do you have to do this to get to the fridge well yeah you do yeah but it's easy man yeah it's just comes out you just saw it and then what you can do is pull the beer out waiting for that and some salami we prepared earlier might as well get the dip out as well something we kind of missed while we're out there so we'll just cut back to the studio here and that is how the gas struts work with this fridge so it's weighted to the fridge because i know people are going to ask about it so we pull the fruit fridge and table out in one hit there we go so the struts are weighted for the fridge if there's no fridge on here or no weight on here you're fighting it to pull it out and it'll once you pull it back in you're trying to stop a freight train from going anywhere but with the weight on it with a fridge on it it's fine and that's how you're going to have it anyway i was what are you doing with the kitchen no fridge this is the arb zero fridge probably mentioned that too it is a 44 litre fridge two tiers now this section here you can put up or down so if you've got milk cartons you can fit more in and this is the lower part right there with ice cold beers in it i might have one chris so that is possibly the biggest fridge we could fit into the prado kitchen with this particular fridge here the arb zero i recommend that you run it at around zero in summer and funny that is a zero fridge or about two to three in winter and that seems to be about the right setting to set this on check out the cnc cabling in here that keeps the wires from being pinched and getting stuck anywhere so that's just right there pretty cool huh easy out easy in i love this thing makes me want a prado i didn't say that you don't but where's where's the stove where is the stove oh my god where's the stove big question it feels like we're selling something here doesn't it it's just so cool all right let's uh yeah you can do it what's that beer yeah what's that beer but um now this is what we nicknamed the bar oh oh this yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna get out of your way so you can start cooking so as you can see this is stage three now we've got the table out we got the bar out there is another table under here right right right there now you're probably thinking what i'm thinking what's the point of having a table under a table well the whole point of that is we can store stuff underneath and we've been doing that quite a bit we had a rubbish bag on here we had some cameras we had a couple of beers because we're food prepping up here we're actually having a meal off here the other day while we put our stuff underneath here these table tops you got made by a fella called frank frank yeah he's awesome um i just wanted to add a bit of sort of warmth to the kitchen and i reckon they look amazing look he's done an awesome tip top yeah we should probably mention that this kitchen is actually designed and made by quick pitch australia we did have a little bit of influence in it but it's mainly yucky to come up with this crazy idea it's so good when i first actually saw this done i was like this is incredible he's done an amazing job he's got an amazing brain that guy i don't know how he does it around here we have so i pulled this one out already i had to that's cool it's like a swiss army knife like you said totally like you can close that and pull that you could almost put another table top here if you wanted to but so that's this is where you keep your spices and i want to put a i want to put a cutlery sort of section in here i haven't quite finished in there looks as you can see it looks like everything you need foam yeah yeah that's what you're thinking right yeah that's the next i've got a few little things to tweak but yeah you get the idea i should tell us about that cooker because that's this is the um primus kinjia they're really hard to get at the moment actually um so don't try and get one because i think they're out of stock in australia but they are really expensive but and i was a bit hesitant to buy something so expensive the reason why i had to get it is because they're quite flat and apparently one of the only stoves that fits inside this uh kitchen i'm so glad i did because it's actually really efficient on gas it's a pretty efficient cooker i've got to say as well when you told me the price of a two i was like why would you pay that much for a car i don't know i gotta say this has been a good cooker yeah they're awesome i don't know it's just the way they're built but all the you know all the fixings on and stuff just really well made it does have something to do what it's running on as old this is like a mix of propane and butane yeah it they just seem to cook better to make you angry i guess people want to know how yeah does actually make me pretty hungry i can already start here i guess people want to know how heavy this is as well so we got to find out so empty what this whole kitchen weighs i think you'll be surprised it probably doesn't weigh as much as what most people would think it does it's aluminium yeah but still aluminium aluminium aluminum aluminum it'll still weigh a bit but i don't think it'll weigh as much as what what a lot of people think but it'll be on your screen right now so i could be standing here like a total dork right now saying it doesn't weigh much and in fact it's heavy the lighting you want to talk about that um it's touch sensitive so you can change how bright it is you can change the color of it as well it goes amber and also goes white i shouldn't be eating while i'm talking the camera up here we've got another light but i reckon you seriously need a light here yeah just to point down on looking down yeah yeah cause when i'm standing here i'm actually blocking it a little bit so like i said there's probably a few little tweaks that need to happen but i think we're you know it's not as is amazing has this changed the way you can oh crazy man i mean as far as you know leaving home and going camping it was pretty much just jump in the car everything was you know in place so i didn't have to usually the old hilux remember i used to have boxes on it yeah boxes it was a nightmare you know even trying to find stuff so when you're out camping we've all been in a situation where you you kind of go where's the you know where's the lighter light the stove or whatever everything's got its place and it's just it's really easy right so yeah it makes camping just i don't know easy this this is by far the easiest kitchen to to use and and the most useful areas of our space is all because as you're pulling stuff out you're actually at the same time gaining more space so you're always looking for somewhere to put stuff yeah you don't have to pull a table out from somewhere else this package that we've put together for this vehicle it's just it just works really well and i've got so many tables we've got a table there table there um table here table in the back i mean still a lot of tables for tables tables yeah and on that note i was trying to think of something cool to say but i don't have anything so drink your beer drip my beer and just shut up yeah we'll move to the next thing it's now time to talk about the big awning on the on this vehicle now behind me is the 79 so don't look at that but you know that i prefer short awnings for dual cabs just because it looks nicer but for a wagon you really got to use all the space you can i'm going to hang over to chris now about this big wraparound awning it's the weather shade by quick pitch it's a new design so i'll hand it over to chris he can tell you about his experience with it because this is my first experience with it these last couple of days out here and so far so good but i'll let chris spit a man to tell you about this awning i've had this quick pitch awning for about six weeks now uh recently we went to margaret river i had about 35 kilometer winds on the beach and i managed to sort of use the straps and tie it down also had this pole and it it worked really well super strong which is cool you can see all the main frame here is really solid where it joins as well so i was really impressed with that the straps actually actually fit inside the tubing so it's a cool little feature so you can pull that down the 270 is great because it wraps all the way around the back of the prado and i think even the kitchen that i've got here at full extension the swiss army kitchen at full extension it covers a whole lot so it creates a really good space and you're pretty much always in the shade which is cool are you right there ronnie and it also makes a really good spot to dry your towel a couple of additions i've added to the awning i've i've put the rock 20 lights these were um actually on the roof rack but obviously when the awning went on they wouldn't fit so i had to put them on to the onto the awning and they worked really well they just missed the door in the middle here as you can see so that's pretty cool i've also got the national lunar light up here this is a night light um it goes a yellow color obviously to keep the insects away and it's also if you hold it in it it's got a white sort of light as well so um yeah just a couple of handy additions that i've put on the awning heiner if you listen he was wondering whether or not this light would actually work well it does work well it's not too bright but it's not too dim you probably wouldn't want to cook a meal under it but i've got the kitchen at the back for that so good job [Music] we're going to talk about water storage on a prado now there is a 30 litre k on tank underneath here now to give you an indication of how long 30 liters has lasted so there's been two people using this water jacob and chris three days three nights conservative use but it's been their main source of drinking water a couple of dishes been done with it and some coffees so 30 liters over three days for two people so you could probably cut that in half roughly for one person so it's not too bad you will need to carry additional water for a longer trip but for a weekender that's ample amount of water we've decided not to put a pump on it because well there are a couple of reasons reason number one a pump pushes out too much water so if you just go to wash your hands which this has been used as as well you don't need a pump just pushing out max like mass water because you're going to be wasting too much water if you do that also if the pump should fail because it's quite exposed underneath at the back here with all the electrical wiring and hoses and all that well then you could potentially not be able to get your water out but being on a gravity feed it's pretty easy to get the water out and in fact right now it's dry so that's it no more water so be using my tank now i do also believe that chris has got some 10 liter water bladders coming for his prado as well so he'll be putting those to use as well you can refill those and that is pretty much the water solution he did install this himself only took him about 30-40 minutes and it's a pretty easy unit to install it's stainless steel so you don't get a weird plastic taste or anything out of it and if you do have a water tank like this on your vehicle it's recommended that you never leave it empty so if you're driving around town you're not going to use it for a while just leave it half full because then the water will slosh around and there's less chance of bacteria and stuff growing in there and if you do go to refill these drain it all out refill it again so never use the water that's been sitting in there for a while and that's about all we can talk about when it comes to water holden rolling so what's next for prado that's pretty much done i mean the produce the build's finished just a little bit of refinement i think is what's needed i definitely wouldn't put him more weight on it no we need to go over a weigh-bridge just when you do we do and a lot of people have been asking about that yes so shakedown is coming up for prado yes or no we have done a few trips already and stuff but we need to proper shake down put it through its paces for sure yeah i wouldn't mind driving it for a day that's a good one you drive for a day yeah and then we sort of we should really talk through it and see how we use it we know that the kitchen is fantastic yeah it's so good so that is so good but everything else on it we want to potentially put in a situation where we might use the winch that's what we want to do so that's what's coming up guys also talking 4x4 answering your questions about the prado build get those questions down there right now ask any questions that can give me direct questions to anyone who's worked on the vehicle for example heiner a lot of people um sean a quick pitch guys at pcs even the guys at auto home whatever right you've got a rhino hide if you want to ask any questions put them down below and we'll endeavor to answer those questions in talking 4x4 dedicated to what uh the shopping trolley let's try this shopping trolley exactly right there's shopping charlie on that note guys chris needs to go to cole's i need to go home cheers and that's the end of that cool that's all right they're federer yeah then you can't think we didn't leave you call it a shopping trolley i don't know yourself i know oh you did it so i can do it
Channel: Ronny Dahl
Views: 71,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off-road, tracks, 4wheeling, adventure, 4x4-off-road, camp kitchen, camp cooking, modified 4wd, 150 prado, ronny dahl prado 150, ronny dahl prado build, project prado ronny dahl, ronny dahl modified prado, toyota prado 150 off road, toyota prado 150 modified, toyota prado 150 review, Overland kitchen, 4wd kitchen, travel kitchen, land cruiser prado 2021, land cruiser prado 2022, land cruiser prado, prado mods, toyota prado mods, 150 prado mods, 150 prado build
Id: oZbwuTqHHxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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