How to Build your own DRIFTA drawers - Ultimate DIY drawer build

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hey going guys steve here from australian 4x4 adventures and another how-to i guess i'm doing a lot of these lately so it's still an iso in victoria but i'm going to utilize this time to try and re-jig the back of my car so when i first got it i was just i tried to keep it cheap because at the time you really want to go spending money on expensive drawers so i didn't know what i wanted then so i just spent some money on some kings one like 400 bucks at the time it was next to nothing it was cool chugging me down and it actually lasted a while and there's still nothing wrong with them to be honest with you it's just i want something different because i've got a different setup now with tobes hanging around um being a cabinet maker obviously it's quite easy for me to uh build my own i am gonna do them drift to style i did reach out the drifter for a little bit of guidance and help on how to do it um not having a dig at them whatsoever but they weren't willing to help guide me towards any particular product for slides or anything else they said it was um a unique product just for them they're not they're not willing to sell it so i source my own um whether it be the same or not i don't know but i've got some teflon slides actual teflon um we'll see how that goes if they're any good or not but it's that style of drawer that i'm going to be building overall first off though got to get all this crap out [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] here [Music] [Music] no [Music] so [Music] okay so drawers are old drills are all out now and it's time to just try and start deciding what you're after that you want out of the drawers so that's pretty much what you have to ask yourself what do you want to fit in there for me it's fridge a table a couple of drawers for all my my uh bags that i like to store stuff in i need the house the battery i don't need a house a uh the battery chargers anymore i'm gonna charge the lithium straight off of the alternator and and have it in that way so i don't need to make room for that anymore which is fantastic i can utilize that room back in the drawer space that's pretty much it i've got to make some provision for the travel buddy but i'm thinking about making that removable now so it's not in there permanently um undecidable on that one i don't have to worry about housing the compressor anymore either because i'm actually putting the bracket inside the quarter panel or the carbs the 200s and do so i'm just about tearing off the uh all the trimmings and stuff that now to get that in that's gonna be cool accents housing that way i'm happy about that one um and then i can start making the [Applause] drills a big little plastic [Music] all right so my stage one for this is to cut the base first so you can see it's not not fitting it's fair enough what i wanted to do though is the way i'm going to mount it is there's some bolts off to the side on the front there and a bracket back here i'm going to utilize to fix it down um i also want to extend the sides outside this battery on the side as well so it's still sitting on a solid surface it gives you something slightly better to fix it down to so i've just cut a square the size that i want the overall thing to be done a meter 50 deep overall could have gone slightly deeper but i want to say what's that my runners are a meter 16 meter 50 is more than enough for the master it gives me a little little extra room at the front there to the usb points and stuff so i don't get caught on the tailgate um cut big slab i'm just going to mark out roughly where the wheel arches are jigs all them out and that gives me my basic template of the ground and everything's going to work off of that [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so you're gonna wanna [Music] so [Music] [Music] always pretty people always say to me how do the professionals make it so good and it just lasts longer and it just works better like every time i make it never never comes out that well it's because we always overdo the hell out of things you can probably say oh [Applause] why are you glue nailing and screwing everything it's over the top you can never go over the top of these things [Applause] always do more than what you think you need to do setting up the divider for the fridge so i'm going to make it 550 ml from inside edge to inside edge so just pretty much just mark that up and give you a guide where you're going with it here's my little trick to get the center dividers in the right spot a couple of clicks that hold it up cut some extra ones to help hold it in the right spot all the way through [Music] works an absolute treat yeah so now that's set it's time to go around finish nailing it off put a whole bunch of screws in at the same time that's the box almost done now i've just got to start organizing dividers drawers slides carpet paint all the 12-volt stuff so when otherwise we know when they're finished [Music] okay so uh top part's done bottom part's done it's not fixed together still still just floating there but i just wanted a quick quick uh test fit before i start painting and doing some other funny stuff without doing some rebates and all this cool stuff um so things to look out for when you're doing test fit one specifically to the 200 but this is going to apply all the cars make sure you've got room in there for your your drawer runner tabs make sure they're not going to hit them back there that all looks pretty good for me especially when you're doing drawers is high make sure that it shuts and it doesn't hit on there give yourself at least 10 mil clearance there's going to be a little bit of flex and movement just in in the car itself so you don't want to hard up against it just in case the rubber the other thing to test is the seat position of the drawers behind the drawers so the seat position of the seats behind the drawers jesus um for me this is just a lucky coincidence so it actually lines up perfectly flat with the top of the seat i love that that's cool um the seats are all the way back um there's no more movement obviously i can tilt them back further but they've slid all the way back so that's that's what i wanted to try and achieve being the heart up against the back of the drawers as well means that that also acts as a subsequential bracing for the drawers at the same time so just a little bit of extra support to hold them in place [Music] all right it's just because i live in victoria not because i'm painting all right so that's all painted there because it doesn't have to be 100 coverage because 90 of this isn't going to get seen anyway it's purely just supposing color in there just make it not look yellow and ply-like all right so a couple of you're gonna be wondering about runners and how they work so i managed to find some actual teflon slides this stuff's pretty hard to find um for actual teflon you can get the the plastic version of it which is a fpp v something plastic not teflon but who knows i did approach drifter to find out what slides they're using they're willing to sell me some i got an abrupt no they wouldn't man just no so i found my own um so this is actual teflon it cost a bomb this just these eight lens it's like 180 bucks it's not cheap stuff or for a real teflon whether it works i have no freaking idea um i've got the white it doesn't really matter it comes in black so my theory is obviously one on one on the base of the drawer repaired into there this into the butt into the actual drawer itself and that slide along that's pretty smooth as is that's pretty good what i'm going to do though i'm going to actually rip these in half less surface area less friction better sliding which is why i think i think it's purely surmising don't hold me to it 50 don't sue me um why drift to have like only a 12 mil section of of uh teflon under their drawers less friction less easier to slide um the other things that i'm going to do out of that is because obviously my eight links are going to turn into 16 lengths and do something slightly different the drifter as well because i i've always found that their drills twist ever so slightly in the in the actual housing i'm going to stand up on the side and screw and fix it to the side there and create like a little l shape out of the teflon to give it a guide on the side as well it also it's twofold affect for me one that means i can space the draw away from from the edge of the side ever so slightly enough for me to carpet down the side of it so it looks a bit nicer when you open it i just think it's neat first one [Music] oh [Music] a good bit all the drawers here so bases are obviously pre-pre-routed so obviously that goes that way so it's got the slide on on the bottom side there um i put this apply always has a bit of curve too so i'll put the curve up on this one so that way when it just sort of helps conform it and make it nicer it's just easier to to fix down rather than trying to sort of fix it into a middle and everything else just the way it works knock some drawers [Music] together [Music] make sure when you're doing this one you actually put the uh the slides to the outside no point having a rebate inside [Music] yes yes well you shouldn't give it a load of yourself are you wearing the merchandise hit me up in the comments if you wanna jump up that's going to help [Music] i've just been silicon in siliconing in the teflon slide so i've still gonna then set them on down to that one silk and these ones down i'm just sort of centering them to the uh the track i'm gonna do with the side ones i'm gonna silicon them uh stick them up against the side the best i can um and then put the drawing and let it dry like that and hopefully if the any any sort of wobble or discrepancy this can sort of be packed out a little bit using the silicon and minimize any any left to right [Music] clinking [Music] all right so with the drawers in um because the drawers are full height they're creating a bit of a vacuum as they go in and out which is making a little bit stiffer for the drawer than what it should be um so i'm going to cut out a bit of a square in the back there um two reasons obviously one to stop that vacuum and compression of air and a tiny tiny bit of weight reduction maybe all right it's also going to help me if i ever need to get get in to do anything at the back here to to block it out do anything at all it's sort of a little access hole to sort of get in there so it's jammed i don't know you can push it from the back it's just random stuff you never know um and because of ocd reasons if that battle lines up there and that's the same size hole down there just because you know i can't have on odd shaped holes in size just know [Music] hey all right let's see if my uh whole idea works [Music] ah all right so my idea to try and stop the draw from bouncing around the back of the drawer same teflon slide i've ripped it down to four four and a half mil it's a five mil gap there um i've put a little chamfer if you can see that or not on that edge there so that's going to go that way so when the drawer comes up from underneath it's got clearance and then it gets tighter as it comes in so essentially it's going to push the drawer down towards the base that stop it from having any any up and down movement that's a good treat [Music] all right so the biggest thing that most people don't know how to do is carpet i'm no expert i do know how to contact though so contact adhesive you don't want to dry you don't want to wait it's not tacky so it's just like your fingers are just just sticking to it on both sides so for me i'm just going to start at don't need this doesn't help this carpet all over the place it's been folded up for pages it's going to roughly put down the one face you have to apply pressure to it it's not just a hand pressure so we're gonna really work it in work from the center out and really add some pressure to the sucker to get it to stick [Music] that's stuck already that's awesome coming around corners same with the roller work it around the corner work like 30 degrees and go 45 degrees a bit more a bit more it says that's the shape it starts to get there same thing roll it in the guts get that stick [Music] roll along the edge working away so you're pushing bubbles away from the corners so they're not gonna bunch up and cause drama straight down the track as you can see pushing away from the edge of corners one perfectly carpeted box you can see in that corner there as well it's nice and tight there's no no great big gaps anywhere [Music] so that's going to be my battery map [Applause] [Music] all right so i'm just doing a test fit of the fridge here um i'll go through in a second how it made the how i made the slide and how that works essentially it needs some adjusting it's a little grinding still this this is mounted a little bit too low and it's just touching on the runner essentially that is exactly how i want it to fit it's beautiful and tight obviously locks out when it's when it's there and then there should be another table that comes out third one but i haven't got those runners yet so i can't do it though um that [Music] doors are out i always leave my jar started how good are the seals on the my corn fridges too well that's i'm gonna give them a knock to get in and they're obviously locked um there's enough room behind there actually come come here come with me so i've done that cut out there so it gets around my battery box that i've done down the back it's probably really hard to see with all the light in there but essentially it means that the battery can fit right in this spot here and not interrupt with the fridge which is fantastic going there boom i'm happy with this ever the fridge side itself i've made it like a t-bar handle so that i can maximize how much room i've got for the fridge you sit on i've got five mill clearance either side basically down the dropper at the at the point where we need for the width and it gives me the most amount of room to put the fridge on there without having to bring this on the inside of the of the runner and between them losing an extra 90 ml per runner so i can maintain that space by doing it this way and obviously the advantage is this is where i'm going to be mounting the other set of runners to the other way and then that can slide out from that point too this slides all the way out then the next one slides out with it so because everything's so tight though i'm playing it so i'm actually going to utilize the screw the feet in the bottom of the fridge so my cordman comes with i think my old angle can have it as well maybe wait goes over so i've drilled the holes where i need to for that and i can just bolt the fridge straight down to the uh to the fridge slide rather than have to worry worry about straps front and back which are going to take up more room front and back which means i wouldn't be able to fit my battery there if i if i needed an extra 60 mil or so of strap space that's my plan carpet time i'm going to start this by saying i'm not a professional carpet layer person upholsterous and this is probably under the third time i've ever done in my life so don't probably don't follow this video too much anyway but i'll show you how i do it anyway so i want to do the entire thing in one go so up side across the top down the back or down the side and the back all in one piece to minimize how many edges you've got and how they can peel up and it saves me having to do any sort of angle on the edge here i do want to do a bit of like uh stainless steel or something on the front maybe on the back edge depending on how it looks probably probably not on the side down the front here i want to have like a little stainless steel frame so as i'm loading stuff in and out it doesn't damage or peel the carpet from there that's my plan anyway so i've done a couple of rough cuts across the back so just basically lay the whole sheet up and then i've cut out the triangle in between to give me it's obviously it's still a bit big at the moment once that's on there i'll be able to press one in trim it off press the other one in trim that off and then should give me a nice clean clean finish on the end there but as i said not a professional car player upholsterers whatever you want to call i don't know let's see what happens i could use my big spray gun let's do all this but i wanted to show you guys that you can do it with just the spray cans i've already done the other two sides i've already done the carpet as well take a while essentially you want to try and get 100 coverage on all the corners so you almost go over it twice for every external edge because you want them to hold the best and then 80 coverage for all the rest of it so you try and overlap a little bit you miss a tiny tiny bit it's not really going to matter it's the middle of the carpet a little bit of flex in it isn't going to kill it eventually that's all you do nice big sweeping even motions try and keep it the same distance away the whole way the whole time so actually putting the carpet down is a lot like laminating so for me that's pretty familiar i've done a lot of it my time as a cabinet so it's it's fray wet but this would be fine so essentially as soon as contact and content come together they stick like cool i can't square on here they stick really good and it's really hard to get them off again so you want to try and minimize the contact from the get-go so essentially you just lay a whole bunch of sticks out because this stuff not contact by itself isn't that easy contact contact is very adhesive so essentially lay all these out whatever sits on this and then you can pull these out as need be the parts that are touching freaking sticky whatever you want just i have the right tool so i'm gonna use it [Music] and see how it just it goes down and it doesn't come back up it's perfect once it's holding i've left the last one in there so next step so this front edge here um it's going to copy beating because the roof's only going to be a far above it stuff's going to get dragged pushing up and coming down over this put too much pressure on this this as good as contacted as can be it'll eventually come up and look already in horrible no just know when down to bunnings um he stuff is like 27 bucks a length for three minute lengths that's enough to do the entire front edge it's just hot tile each so what you'd normally do if you're tiling a floor or something and put this on the ground tile up to it that's your tile edge exact same that well that's what it is so i'm going to basically put that on the front edge there so that's going to help protect anything that goes on and off looks nice and neat gets rid of this bloody timber on the front edge as well which i'm not a huge fan of i'm going to miter all these in and then i'm just going to seal them up clamp clamp them up overnight and that's it for for this stage here it's really hard whenever these blacker isn't it so that's just left some there's some silicon on the edge but those miters are pretty good overall that one just needs a little bit of a trim up in the corner [Music] gives it a nice clean look though it's fantastic that oh that's overhanging by maybe a mil or so which doesn't matter because i've got that 6mm clearance on the side of the drawers because of my teflon today all built in that's phenomenal love it so [Music] oh yeah that's awesome almost looks like a drifter drill all right so just for the purpose of repurposing some stuff that same angle tile edge that i used on the side of the carcass here i've just cut some shorter lengths of it and i'm going to use that as the catcher for the for the latch so essentially just gets screwed up flat goes under and gets caught underneath it um made the hole slightly bigger than what the screw screws are so i can move it back and forward over slightly if i need to adjust it more i can always slot the screws to sort of adjust how tight the drawer closes and stays shut done since the latch is done carpet done so it's like there's no movement in the handle at least nice and tight pulls out nice and easy sit there how about you nice clean just look and just try it like there's no movement in the drawer itself that is bloody awesome all right time to move on to the the draw below the fridge now um so before i screw the the rest of the fridge runner off so that way all the screws are in the actual runners so there's no need for this thing's so hard to do one hand you just can't do it let me open it up let's open it up that's easy there i fixed the cable chain off to the back of the drawer now so that that's a permanent it's it's going to work the entire time that goes in and out with it which is nice nice and easy never have to worry about pinching a cable for the fridge that is mint now it's just time to put that extra extra drawer underneath and almost done for the actual structure [Music] [Music] just because i want to test it [Music] all right so this has got to be my new favorite mod i reckon this is i'm happy about this all right so i want to get to the fridge cool oh let's pull the picture yeah go ah damn it's more bent space okay i'm happy with that that's awesome obviously i know this isn't the first time someone's ever done this now but for me it's the first time i've done it in this type of joinery so it works really nicely so that's a nice beautiful laminate vents up there these winds that's once that's fixed and it's a little bit stronger probably still gonna need a leg um if i'm using it for more than sort of a coffee break but that's in that's an easy fix i'll do that a little bit later that's beautiful fridge spot there workspace there battery's gonna back drawers here [Music] we're almost there people hang on we're almost there for the carpet i want to put on on the face here as well just to sort of neaten up a bit and just make it look a little bit nicer from the outside [Music] you have to try and figure out how to get this in there by myself [Music] that should be fun not too bad good thing about it not being too heavy now i put a pencil mark on the trim here when i first set out the base back at the start of the video um so now i know exactly where to put it bolt hole should line straight up everything going well [Music] that should work [Music] that's a good idea it's a little bit taller than what what the drop side was going to be because i've got drop side came right in the bottom so i've got that extra 60 80 mil table on top that is an awesome high dissolve just just yes just yes people all right boltering is it all a teflon like that's can you get much better [Music] i think not all right so these are the brackets so it's just an l bracket from bunnings it was like four bucks each and uh it was bent it up to make it work mounted into the factory seat bolt and then i've done two t-nuts up above there to mount that on both sides the back that's gonna be more than enough to stop it from coming up the back there [Music] there's one in all right guys i'm gonna finish this video there because it's gone way too long already and um yeah so thanks for watching this far uh i have finished the drawers but i'm gonna make a whole separate video there for a run through on one of these so this one's more just the how it's built what you do and just a couple of ideas on on on how to build them gonna be a whole separate video on the finished product so stay tuned for that one see you next week don't forget like and subscribe as always see you next week
Channel: Australian 4x4 Adventures
Views: 295,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4x4, 4wd, drifta, how to build your own drifta drawers, drifta drawers, drifta drawers review, drifta drawers installation, ultimate diy drawer build, how to build drawers, how to make drawers, drifta drawer build, drifta style drawes, drifta style, build your own drifta drawers, drifta drawer, diy drawer build, diy drawer, drawer build, drifta style drawers building, camp drawers, 4x4 drawers, drawer system, drifta 4wd, homemade drifta style drawers, custom drifta drawers
Id: oYdUmi24aWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 25sec (2125 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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