Project Apollo - Making A Game From Scratch In 48 Hours !

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okay you ready so it's like I think I got it I think that's I think that's the game this is the deceptive thing about Ludum dare right you don't make a game in 48 hours you make a game in the time that you're awake and alert and not eating and not sleeping I know for a fact that we won't stick to this just so you guys know I know for a fact it's not gonna happen and then like what's happening like 11:00 p.m. I guess it's just oh yeah oh yeah sound I was like I noticed something I know there's something that I'm missing here Jesus Christ okay that makes way more sense now I think I did sound open like last time I did sound from like like 10:30 p.m. on Sunday night till like 3:00 a.m. that's what I was doing sound for I should check that I should have literally just check when I was doing this sound we should just go watch the vod's I think so this is work oh look it's me working on oh here we go okay how much time did I spend so it was about it was about two hours and if you ask me if I'm happy with what my what the music was like I'm not really so I think maybe I could do a bit better than that so maybe we do an extra hour of sound but is it right to do sound like right at the end like that this is kind of late to do it isn't it so realistically we actually only have twenty-five hours of development time in the whole 48 once you subtract sleep and meals and submission and wasted there's 25 actual hours like this hour actually isn't even part of Ludum dare you're saying crumpets saying we should just sleep after we submit basically while I'm telling you guys all this I expect for a lot of this sleep time to be eating into maybe we should write like some sort of document that tells us not to do certain things or to do certain things let's let's do a little thing lessons to learn don't make the game unapproachable huge mistake I made last time the game that I made last time was so hard that most players wouldn't have finished it to one mechanic yes one core mechanic not five number three show your strengths I know what I'm good at right why don't I make a game that represents that I grew with other commenters that the game looks great and getting and losing mechanics changing where you play it's cool what I did I was a glitch at the walls a few times so polish the game right but that's part of this right moments this is really cool this is something that I think I could do better so there was a moment in the game where you start falling gravity kicks in and that people like it made of an impact on some people but I think I can do better than that I think that's I think that's those are the biggest lessons let's think about how to avoid making them that's how you learn the lessons just identifying them is one thing but let's actually think about how we're gonna do it better this time difficulty should be optional so challenge areas or something if it's that kind of thing to have the game be finishable on the first day almost and when I say finishable it doesn't mean like everything in the game is there but it means that it means this right if you have a start and an end and the core mechanic you can stretch that out right as with as much time as you've got but if you are working chronologically where you have content content content right and then you're running out of time well now you've got a speed to the end to get your ending so let's get like yeah like an alpha in early right so that there's a version of the game that's like super duper simple with an ending in 12 hours and this thing that comes in first should be the moment I think the thing that is the nut is the moment so three show your strengths this is important how are we going to make sure that we show our strengths it's basically just dedicate time stick to schedule it's just something to be mindful of polish well that comes back to having the game finishable and five what was that one create a moment validate designs against this the key like running theme here is difficulty scheduling and design like all of this comes down to time management this is this is like design standards design methodology and then this is just player empathy so those are the things I have to work on this time I like the idea of having a deadline on the mechanics at 9:00 p.m. on Saturday that's pretty good like one of the important things about this is that it's like when I go to bed that's when the mechanics are done on Saturday and I don't add any more mechanics when I go to bed the next day the presentation values have done right like I do all of the levels before lunchtime on Sunday then after lunch I do art then after dinner I polish it in that sound the meals break up the content in a way that's definitive enough that I think I can stick to it unless [Laughter] oh we ready no I am say whether or not you are it's time for t6 welcome everybody to the start the beginning of Ludum dare 46 I'm excited I hope you're excited by starting in 15 minutes I slept very poorly last night two extra hours sleep would have would have would have gotten me there but I only got about five so that's life it is what it is I'll probably I'll probably just make up for it tonight by go any better bit earlier than I would have in the meantime I have my basic project set up with my boilerplate code I have documents open I have a timeline set I have the Ludum dare page open I'm so scared holy somewhere in the world the guy who runs this Twitter page has his finger over the submit button on a tweet that has the theme that we're going to be making a game on for the next two days Oh keep it alive whoa whoa did not anticipate that this is a hard theme right this this some let's let's go straight into it it okay keep it alive okay obvious thing is like health and time right most games there's a sense of risk death is a big risk so lots of games have death in them we don't want to just go you know don't die so there's like obvious stuff there but then there's like the medic keep it alive so maybe there's like the idea of keeping something that's not you alive like protection what about if it's destructive like keeping a fire alive we could think about alive it could be like live like live streaming life is in like actual biotic life or like a reaction like fire or like like a like a phenomenon right like like a Mexican wave keep it alive oh it's like the hills are alive keep a combo sequence going you losing your combos I guess I can I can tell you the games that I wanted to make and then we can see if we can appropriate so one of the games I really really wanted to make was a game where you have a bow and arrow right and it's basically jump King with a bow and arrow so you fire the bow and whether our Lance you sort of like get tethered to the arrow so you land there the idea of keeping something alive implies that there's tension in the fear that it might go out right otherwise you're not keeping it alive it's just being alive so if it's a flame right and you're trying to make the flame grow I think we need to think about what a fail state would be there or what you're afraid of happening right to the fire one interesting thing would be what I think what would be cool is if let's just say you control the fire right and you're like moving around and you like jump here whatever and you die right maybe there's like a trail behind you of your history that's still on fire that you can like move your spirit to so it's either a mouse only game or we have to find some interesting keyboard shortcut to traverse the fire right like is it just the bearer of different objectives is it just that like you have to get to this burn this house and this house and that house kind of thing is this the kind of game you want it to make no but I'm experimenting with it just because that's the nature of the room yet so this is kind of like what it feels like we're making I guess the question is do we do we like this do we want to do this it's kind of derivative Oh cryptid eh that's actually Connie that's really interesting I'm not gonna throw that one out I like that relationship that's a really good one oh do you know what's really interesting about this one the whole thing I was thinking about with continuity and like time decisions right like um like fifth dimension like this idea of you make choices and you see the you see the choices play out and you get to make other choices that's kind of interesting you need to basically fail it's kind of like Groundhog Day actually it's Groundhog Day except Tom Hanks his last save state exists in this world too it's Tom Hanks right that's the guy right Bill Murray Wow it's Bill Murray it's Berenstein bears right this Tom Hanks right that movie okay yeah yeah Bill Murray it's Bill Murray and every time but how would we do it in a way that's not braid I don't want to just a pit I want to do it differently yeah braid also has the same theme right where it's a relationship it's just braid I'm just making braid but I like the idea of of it going I like the idea of it becoming more true maybe like revealing something about the level or the game or whatever it is something about the space that explains something that didn't have an explanation before like trying to remember something there was a game like oh there was a game like this - it was some call of Juarez gunslinger I think that's the one is it Call of Juarez Oh nuggets of truth we can't historical truths behind his tales yeah I think this is the game he's an unreliable narrator okay so so let's ring it back how do we make a game about an unruly bible narrator do you remember wedding day oh yeah we did this and we did this let me do this did we wait are we sure we did this let's go back for a second and the big moment is the reveal when of room changes you know what we could do the arrow thing as the mechanic for this where you're shooting it a thought so like this could be like a memory of someone like with the legs crossed or whatever but that is the platform's like you have to jump on this part and then on this part and then like on the table you know you're just like moving through the memory visually by scanning over it yeah I like this idea of maybe you're like firing neurons okay each level has different little sparks right and you fire neurons to hit and make the connection and once you've like joined them all I'm so sold on this this is I'm done let's do it basically we're going to create a character here the script can be called our chat whether or not the characters call it Archer it doesn't really matter so the way this is gonna work is it's like you fling you like pull back right from a point and then it it's sort of like Angry Birds right you're just doing the Angry Birds thing you pull back all right and then you let go in it flings so Archer did we give it a rigidbody again yeah sure Richard buddy 2d works fine and we're gonna say one mouse drag oh that's so easy unless up oh my goodness unity I love you then we give us a Collider this is gonna be like a horizontal phone game you know like it should be able to be something we can put on the App Store after I guess that's right hang on this is some collapse that's why yeah if I move the guy and then go to the game and click him I should get minus one zero perfect let's see what that does what's great about this is so simple we can just test it and then see what happens we should have a max distance right max pool it's gotta be like diminishing returns so it's got to be like how do you do does anybody know who what what a if you wanted to do a graph that look like this what do you do but hang on a second when we evaluate the normalized I mean there's so much math going on here that doesn't need to be here the normalized pool then multiplies by max pool so it's more like starting from zero going to one you know fall off like this I think I got it I think I got it I think I got it I think I got it I think that's right yes thank you and then the gradient just can't ascend past the past this that's all it is that's all it was that's exactly where I started and exactly where I'm finishing oh thank god look at that now we go to bow with tension that was like an hour on just getting that to do that so now on Mouse up body dot velocity equals let's give it a max velocity public low max speed so the opposite direction that you've been pulling in times normalized pull times max speed okay max speed in this case gonna be one just to see what happens let's make a five why not you ready perfect ship it we could just say negative direction couldn't we hey hey again it's red again [Music] hey we did it okay two things I want to change cuz they're annoying me one is the rotation needs to stop to this sprite can be a little bigger it's gonna have a fair bit of heart hey what happened there did we just not hit it hard enough nice oooh oh man I'd so it's so jump King hey did you see I passed through two levels and landed at the spawn point that's ridiculous so that means mechanics have to be finished at 9:00 p.m. which means we have six hours to finish the myth all of the mechanics of the game which means we've got a lot of a lot a lot to do all this stuff about level design needs to finish now unless I'm doing it you should develop the mechanic because I've got time for level design later for three hours tomorrow in the morning so we've got a game here okay I guess we should just fill all of the fragments with some text for now text engine you know we could tell the whole story in the notes like we could just have it be the whole story you have to go node to node to read each line of dialogue you know what's cool I could do a simple animation for this simple animation text for video oh is that right okay so from that to length maybe this will work now wow that's pretty quick is this gonna work now it surprises me how little code you can get away with there you go look we've got text right you would in proc ten because it's a 48-hour game challenge and I don't want prop jenny-may I don't want random I don't want RNG in my game where everyone who's playing it is getting a first impression and then moving on every time you collect one of these the scene that the screen you're looking at brightens up I would like it to be regional so that you get like a round where you are is like lit up maybe it's just a light all right what is that quite there it is what does it see what does your elf I see okay cool the next thing we want to do is scale this properly well I'm gonna put my own shader on this in a second anyway so that's fine let's open up shader graph so the way this works is you just make it black and then we're gonna convert the black into transparency we could just take the Alpha and put it in the Alpha in the Alpha Channel is that not what that is it writers take this away now I don't know what I'm looking at anymore this needs to be transparent and two-sided and then I save it and that's it that's literally all we have to do now we can see the lights on their own so the next interesting thing that we're going to do though is start quantizing this okay so now we can go back to making this shader black so it should be all dark except for the green that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about this looks like some submarine game right now it looks like I'm flying over looks like I'm launching missiles or something over like an island 0.1 that's a thing the foot material looks right oh hey we're in oh it's a little sputtering this is some weird guys what have I made okay especially you know what it is it's the way it's got that inky quality to it I don't hate it it's weird though it's the way that they increase as they go it's kind of like the idea was for it to be sort of like a searchlight it kind of looks more like a liquid though I'm very excited about it it plays exactly how I want it to play for the polluted air man when I make my jump King version of this game it's going to be brutal it's going to be exactly as hard as I want it to be so that's really good great job got me there are some things visual mock-ups oh man I would love to do that right now did I really want to do that now though or should that be like after I do the content you know what let's do the mock-ups now I think that's okay we can we can spin in a little while so this was like gonna be the aesthetic for a different game and now those games have become begun to merge which is kind of interesting so I can kind of use this art style I think all right you know I kind of like this idea of like sort of like squiggly something with a canoe clea sin the middle and then like little bits of something maybe there's like multiple things that are overlapping and it's sort of like like phasing in and out of each other so the size of these pickups is somewhere around that size that's actually whoa that's so close to being exactly how big they are lucky lucky I mean it's supposed to be kind of wobbly but you know they're going you know what I'm gonna undo everything I just did and do it right I know how I'm supposed to do this I kind of wanted to have like I basically want the depression to be something that loops around it so the the lowest part the closest part to the nucleus should like this pot should cycle around in the egg frames okay and now we have three well okay so I'm thinking maybe we have like an arrow it's got to be like an exact I want it to be like an exaggerated Archer that's what I'm thinking of so he's got like a point and then maybe like a little bit of a thing here hey foreplay and then maybe like a little bow okay and then he's got his little and then maybe we give it here so this is more like that I guess still want to be able to see his face though it's kind of tough isn't it how'd I do it here they're very very very small partner to be soon I don't think so I think that's I think that's temporary because of Ludum dare not that I don't appreciate it littered is awesome and just trying to think up some rules for how to draw him so actually like this situation it's more gonna be him carrying the bow around and carrying the arrow around when he's like flying through the air and stuff but we we don't really need to show it I think it's fine like this I wonder if we can give him just just two pixels here alright guys I'm gonna go it's been fun I'm excited let's do it we'll get it tomorrow yeah we've got I'm gonna be sleep eight hours then I'm gonna come back and we're gonna stream for another sixteen or something so it's Sunday morning I'm excited to be here this is gonna be a big day this is gonna be this is gonna be the decider I think as to whether or not this is going to be a decent game or not so let's do it okay so you play as a hunter polo Fletch the story revolves around our time remembering so he's either he's either old or has memory loss I want there to be some sort of loss so I'm just gonna spoil it for you guys cuz like I can't not I can't make this game without spoiling it so basically this stag lives that the protagonist kills a loved one or kills someone with a missed shot starting at the end and then working back through the memories to relive it back to the present is is good because it puts a question in the players mind at the beginning if it's a question you might in the beginning and it answers it by the end it's got to be something that could be true or that he lied about himself so he's a hunter he hunts deer he's been hunting deer for a while he's in my mind I think he's he's been like hell-bent on getting this one deer and his wife doesn't think he should do it his wife doesn't think he should try to take out that one because it's kind of like too big or something like that because he always goes on about it and he's - he's too focused on it you know he rather than going for the sick or dying or the young you know he wants to bring home this big feast it would be cool if it if it was fully circular so he just starts back at the beginning again but that's kind of that's exactly what my last cave was so maybe the the structure should be sort of more like this so it's one two three four they'll do like optional side rooms 23 I think 23 is 20 cool thanks Becky you know it wasn't supposed to be like I when I put it in the game we were like yuck that's going away and then the end of last night I was like I was like well we did this crazy thing and I put it in and then I was like well that's not so bad and now I like it it's sort of grown on me or skipping over them Oh let's do some art with 20 minutes late I have a feeling you might be able to understand any of this stuff when it's in motion I'm gonna map these into a list set up those velocities we're gonna have a sprite array the sprites are in the list right the list goes from like 0 to n we're gonna start at like falling here and rising or the other way around I think I've got it rising first here and that's just corresponding to your Y velocity that's it that's all it is so muddy dot velocity dot y that's it so you have two extra things we need to do plug the sprite into the archer and then plug the sprites for the air animation also into into it hey lucky jumps that's like literally this is something like optimal like one line of code to pick from all of the sprites depending on which angle he's pointing in one line of code the one thing that I didn't do with these was like one of them to inherit the velocity of the character rather than just be placed but I guess now it's more like smoke but still it would be nice if they moved all right guys really really really got to do backgrounds I won't forget this one out it's the guy here okay I should do that right I should point out the character I want this to kind of be like over his shoulder whatever that's a shot we're gonna do just a general sort of follow under this with similar colors and stuff it's just gonna be used for the levels after between the here and the tower here in the forest edge alright I gotta test this in the game just to see how distracting they are because they might be very distracting much better but I want to sort of foreshadow the forest do I think I'm on track for 19 hours left yeah kind of actually well I might be hitting my groove here guys it's a good more like a forest well that's good if it was looking less like a forest I would quit now in our reference I'm just sort of doing it it's my time up I must be cybernetic come on most people are most artists on Twitch could do this okay so then I go to my levels do they have backgrounds no it's it's level sprite so I guess I could rename that level sprite and it would be a lot easier save it it's gonna be really noisy okay the opacity of this needs to be dark armed which I think it's just part of the shader but did I make that alpha or I'm subtracting so I can make it darker but I think it they should be more muted either way the colors are just two contrasting with everything else it even looks like it's got this sort of 3d shadow to it here you see that the way like this is darker and this it's like a light is being shown on the thing and the fog is sort of obscuring the light that's so I got so lucky with that that was not intentional it totally looks like fog clearing right let's do some more backgrounds you know he just crashes oh good is an insignia reference here thank you [Music] I'm doing my best it's I get mixed feedback sometimes mess stuff but I'm glad somebody enjoys it there's one more thing I need to do yeah in this story a monkey appears and then that's he's the protagonist from then on saved [Music] so this is where we are now that came across really nicely okay so we want to see his head here what's my motivation for participating in Ludum dare what a question um to be honest I think it is an experience to help push me into new territory as far as like I work normally I work on one project all the time this is like a chance to break out of the sort of headspace that I'm in most days and do something a little bit different also I started gamedev with Ludum dare so there's kind of like a sentimental aspect to it finally I really want to win like the idea of doing well in it is really cool supposed to probably look at a picture of a deer at some point it looks like I do but the deer front on his head who's that Pokemon deer go they're all pretty similar oh there it is man once you put shadows in everything suddenly works suddenly everything's like oh that's what that is that just looks so much more grounded in the space now I think I can do this with a graphic with a with a gif I don't need to do it here I'll just give it a little something oh that's cool I'm gonna put a particle system a couple of them just like along here now it's got like a respawn that feels okay because if you go to like God knows where all right and then you end up somewhere random at least it'll put you back where you were I actually have to like keep track I'm losing discipline it's really bad the scripts not finished I've got to start sound in an hour and 15 minutes so whatever is not looking good right now I needs to be looking good very soon and then after sound I'm supposed to be finished it's not finished I've still got art to do yeah just working on tutorial I'm hoping I can change that by having this quick like that and then stay clicked so it's like down drag and then I'm gonna show you it releasing I think that's pretty self-explanatory all right that's a shot color me impressed staying hydrated I've run out of water so I'm just gonna starve to death Stav thirst to death you know the drinking has like some of the fewest amount of words associated with it for something that we do a lot of you would think it would be like you know up there on the list of like verbs that have heaps of words associated with them if you feed someone and then you give them drink what's that called I drank them no I watered them that's dumb why didn't we make up a word for that why is it a word for that drowned I fed him and drowned him i hydrated i that's kind of the closest one i irrigated them quench i quenched them i mean i guess that's right yeah you know like it's not that's not like wrong it's just that nobody would say that all right mm-hmm so really simple yeah all right now we grooving [Music] and just add like a shit-ton Arabia bow to this so like what like what's the what's the play here this wind is too hard okay ready that's the set not again I don't want to do it a third time Oh God oh no don't make me I'm I'm my luck is gonna run out soon I'm back whole computer locked up the entire key couldn't even couldn't even do a shutdown literally couldn't do a thing all right what did we lose anything oh it's corrupted are you joking oh Jesus dart project was not fixed and that means starting from scratch [Music] I wanted to have a sprite of the deer running away as you sort of enter the scene that's pretty good right okay this work Oh what is that well beers code is it's a deep ocean I think it's called erosion or something like that okay so it's got an actual ending and it's finishable and it's finishable in the intended way yeah it should be a lot better I hate this stuff and they gotta be up for seven more hours and then I can go to bed I'm not gonna die in seven hours I'm like a zombie I feel like a zombie yeah I am I am still going right up until they tell me I have to stop [Music] [Music] do you know what I think I'll actually save the theme for the ending for right here get you ready so it's like [Music] I think I got it I think that's I think that's the game so the test is can we link it to a node that's in a different scene that's what we're trying to do here oops oh we didn't perfect look at that okay I finished my game there it is [Music] [Music] alright guys this was so fun oh right now nothing that I did is in my memory Oh somebody paid $7 for it already thank you to hard day's well-spent hey pal thanks for watching and thanks most especially to the patrons and twitch subs who support this channel in my game dev project insignia to find out more click the links in the description below and if you liked this video tell youtube by clicking the like button and then YouTube will tell me and then I'll make more videos that's nice
Channel: AdamCYounis
Views: 62,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game development, pixel art, game dev, game, video game, indie games, stream
Id: Em57fw15w68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 37sec (3037 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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