Stream Highlight - Don't Give Up On Bad Pixel Art!

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and all of a sudden it's a tiger it was never not a tiger come on guys [Music] hey pals welcome to a new video this one's going to be a little bit different i thought i would take the opportunity to hear in post give you a bit of a heads up that this one's going to be more about what happens when things go wrong it's not a tutorial it's just documentation of yeah what what do i do when i'm stuck mostly because i did get stuck doing this second character following our elephant last week uh i was working on a tiger and i jumped straight in and things just weren't moving forward so for your viewing pleasure here is me getting stuck for 20 minutes and then resolving it into a sprite that i actually really liked in the end it's a nice record of what happens when you jump in too early and don't have enough direction that's includes references and you know design notes that kind of thing so enjoy the video and i'll see you at the end so the next thing would be another sprite that looked like it's in the same world as this sprite immediately because we're in this like asian environment i would go okay what about a tiger who's like a dps character a character who's gonna fight by this guy's side who's like a tiger what are the defining characteristics of this game's style i think the proportions being a little more chibi i'll take that and run with it so slightly bigger heads more emphasis on simple shapes simple blocked in shapes so let's go for a tiger now and we could give this tiger like maybe a like a dagger or something i want them to have weapons some of them and tigers are usually what they're more like hunters right so we'll give him also a similarly like forward leaning pose and maybe there's some opportunity here to have him a bit more compressed and tigers tend to have just sort of playing with shapes at the moment um this is very hunched i probably wouldn't do this unless it was going to be really really clear so maybe instead of this we go something more like tiger could be like the proud i still am still want him reaching forward give him his tail oh i like that actually not quite as pivoted maybe he's got like a like a spear so let's place this guy take you get you out of here you've been a great help thank you very much and then we'll take you bring you over and you're going to be a lot smaller than the elephant so tigers uh there's a lot of uh direction towards the front that i can see just in the posturing there's like a regal aspect of it there's a there's a front sort of like muzzle and then there's the bits coming off so we're gonna have to show that you know what let's do it sideways so we can see it a bit better that way we can keep working on this process that we've got going where the silhouette tells us something about about the animal so it's a bit harder because it's not as big but we'll get there i might flip this tail no not enough space for it all right let's go do another shade so we can get some some of that those actual target features in there no it's not quite right is it because the pose itself was more it was always designed to be facing this way we'll see what we can do with this side the ears or the tiger they're more out aren't they than up i'm going to be cutting a lot of this a lot of what i'm doing right now is going to get cut from this video as i'm finding the the space don't like it as much i think i think i'll skip it i think we'll start again from scratch i think the premise was bad i like tiger i want to stick with tiger but i want to try something a little different let's start with the features let's start with tail does the tiger's tail have a oh it goes into a short and it actually comes down let's look at some more pictures of tigers i wanna i wanna get this right i wanna i wanna find a pose that makes sense i know what i want no see i really don't know what i want me and post again i think what i've done here is i'm trying to rely on my intuition to stumble into a series of shapes that get me closer to something that i like but because my intuition isn't aware of what i'm trying to do like i haven't made that decision of whether i want this to be a stealthy tiger or a proud tiger like is he noble is he villainous who knows um so in that sense i'm just making a bunch of big changes just until i find something that i like it's not a very efficient process and um it it probably could use some direction sooner i know what i want i'm having a hard time getting there okay i think i'm there slowly slowly i still like the idea of giving him kind of like a staff or a stick or something i don't know why i'm sort of attached to that or it could be twin daggers yeah like wolverine that's what i'm thinking but i want to get there's some there's certain things that i want to get right which is there's that hunch oh i think i got it i just want to avoid wolf if i can avoid wolf then i'm good i would really like to try having the tail come through the legs but i don't know if that's gonna work you'd have to always keep this separate so now they're at this point i'm going to bring in the second color and the third color we're not quite yet at the point where we're going to give him stripes and stuff but we're going to get there it took us a while to get to this shape but i think it was really important to get it looking feline at least and like some sort of big cat before we even move forward because again that silhouette is so important that's the thing that i wanted to really hammer home before we go any further so obviously like it's it's going to look like any generic big cat until we add the stripes and the placement of the eye i think relative to the and the nose there's certain elements that make it tiger specifically i mean obviously it's going to look like a panther now because it's so flat the coloring but we'll definitely get to where we want to go once we start working in those extra elements and there are things that i think if we get them right tigers have big paws but they also have these kind of like uh elbow bits maybe this isn't quite so much like this but more like oh i like that t'challa definitely evoking a marvelous capcom wolverine for sure but i kind of like that i think we're going to get stuck unless we start bringing in extra shades i think we're just about where we're gonna get to with just these two colors i'm gonna give him a weapon or it her okay so let's get some eyes in here that's looking pretty good right yeah i was thinking about the torso i was like what what does a tiger's torso look like but they're so solid it's not bad i think what i might do is bring this up and bring all of this forward keep this as a straight line it's close something's a little off about the shading yeah i think the head is a little bit too tilted towards us i might rotate it out it's mostly a question of the ear actually and then just removing all of this i think the shoulder looks better there than there i think it definitely looks more like a tiger now let's start getting the colors in let's go one lower it's gonna be hard i'm gonna have to be really careful about picking the right colors here but i'll see what i can do because there's a lot of gradient so like for example this tail it's actually more like this [Music] and it's actually it's that's going to be really hard because the belly being white contrasts the fact that the dark that the belly should be it's darker right because it's underneath so there's a bit of uh gotta be really careful there like it's lighter in tone because of the color of the belly of the fur but it's darker because it's in there's less light available so you're going to be really careful with that it'll confuse the whole thing if you don't get it right those really next to each other damn those colors don't work at all it is it's all over it isn't it okay let's try a different strategy here let's go grab all of this i'm going to grab everything that i want to change and i'm going to bulk change all of it but it's not finished yet it's not finished yet just got to try to resolve this scenario with the colors we're not in danger of losing it it's just a question of getting it right it's a lot of colors clashing and the stripes are gonna do a lot as well the stripes are gonna make it really they're gonna be a real challenge but we'll see what we can do how does it transition it's really just a hard change isn't it it's not really anything i don't have a more iconic orange the closest thing i've got is this one you've always got to work with what you've got you've got to work with what you've got that's the challenge you can you can cheat but if that's your palette that's your palette so i kind of want to work in the scenario where you know that you might be in where you've only got so much you know to work with man i'm really nervous about coloring this it's just so it's just so unintuitive to do big black stripes all over it i want to take a look at just the face first how am i going to make this work no we don't need more pixels we've got all the pixels we need right here pixels we have at home let's use this guy he's fun the crazy thing is they have such different patterning all of the tigers have different patterns look at this one it's only got like four stripes so it's eyes and then around the face let's just keep it at that okay we've got eyes i'm gonna do one stripe and all of a sudden it's a tiger it was never not a tiger come on guys no faith everyone's like oh maybe make it not a tiger maybe make it a monkey maybe it's a panther come on guys have i ever steered you wrong hey guys me and post again i just wanted to take a second to mention like how much more easy this part of the process is once the actual pose has been found using references to get a little bit more guidance on these details like the stripes which make up the whole thing really without them i don't know if i would have been able to just wing it right and so it's worth being humble and actually you know knowing and accepting when you don't have clear guidance on something and when you do need to look at something or take a little step back but where do the stripes end do they go all the way under or do they just sort of looks like they kind of just fade away and they're all over the legs we haven't even considered giving this guy clothes or anything yet i mean jesus it's just been such a just getting it to look like a tiger although now i think it does look a lot like a tiger has been a mission okay so we drew a tiger let's give it some features that uh actually give it some character rather than just having it be this tiger on the battlefield i think it looks good it's clearly a tiger and i think it i think it really feels like it's from the same game as this guy maybe not with the eyes yet but it will no it does oh man i actually love him exactly as he is it feels bad well let's give it a class right so it was going to be like a class maybe it has a sword maybe a dagger more than a sword something curved maybe like a scimitar because it's like a claw like a what are they called not tibeto uh karambit warrior i think i got it where are these guys from anywhere where there's tigers malay there's tigers in malaysia boom well done that's my excuse anytime i do something that's not historically accurate i just remind everyone that it's fantasy doesn't matter it's fantasy inspired by you know it's inspired by malaysian columbia warrior it's not necessarily one i think he's gonna fit right alongside the elephant how is it for you to not make a game with them right away they look fantastic i don't know i just think uh i've made enough games which is one to know that games take so much more work than just making a cool sprite so there's a lot there's a lot more we could do here to make this you know perfect but i think it's in a really good spot now the way that this melds into that that's really damaging for the overall uh overall silhouette the fact that your eye can't really tell the difference so what you want to do instead is probably change this if i was really going to do a good job with it i probably would rotate the hand so that i could get away with something that was more like this there's a little bit here i'm not happy with uh mostly just the way that the where these sweep in doesn't really look even but yeah also just trying to like this is probably the hardest thing i could have picked to draw because of how complex the shading is but outside of that yeah i'm really happy with it how complex the details are not shading and little things here and there like see this stripe coming up against the uh the shorts so i think we're in a good spot now uh for funsies we can outline these guys if we want to make it nice and clear yeah really happy with how these turned out hey pal thanks for watching and thanks most especially to the patrons and twitch subs who support this channel and my gamedev project insignia to find out more click the links in the description below and uh if you like this video tell youtube by clicking the like button and then youtube will tell me and then i'll make more videos that's nice
Channel: AdamCYounis
Views: 35,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game development, pixel art, game dev, game, video game, indie games, stream
Id: 3OxGEO445fY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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