Professor Brian Cox On Teleportation | CONAN on TBS

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[Music] this hron am I pronouncing it correctly hron yeah hadron hadron yeah tomato tomato it smashes things together okay I guess none of it really matters I'm not even going to call it the higs particle anymore uh but uh I'm curious this thing that simulates the big bang I read an article and I don't know if it's true that you guys when you turn this thing on and rammed these protons into each other yeah you weren't quite certain what was going to happen and that there was a small possibility that something could go very wrong true or not true the in the technical language that's Bullocks bollocks is what the English person would say it's non how dare you ABS how dare you it's non how dare you say bollocks to me on my show it was it was it was as far as I can tell made up by the Press what it did was make CERN famous okay because I remember reading about it that you guys had built this giant thing you were going to ram some particles together and there was a bit of a chance that the a black hole would form would all get sucked into it but you were like ah let's see what happens it was it was worth it wasn't it yeah it was worth it okay so you're saying that's not true worth a risk uh life out there in the galaxy yes or no what do you think I think there is but probably simple life and and I think there's a good chance we may find it on Mars within the next decade or so all the signs now suggesting there's water below the surface of Mars the Curiosity Rover has been found in the geology should be right so the next missions that will go there have a good chance of simple life meaning single cell microbes yeah not what we've always been hoping for I don't know why they always say when we find life it'll be much simpler than us but our fantasies have all been life that's oh you pitiful earthlings you know our robots can destroy you you know they're they're always billions of years ahead of us and they have weird heads and but no you say it's going to be simple yeah I we we've not seen any evidence of any alien civilizations anywhere in the galaxy and we've looked we we've put in aside the stories about abductions Etc you uh In Our Lifetime what's more likely teleportation or time travel we can are both are they possible we can do both we've already done teleportation on a very small teleportation yeah done you missed it didn't you see was distracted cuz the the twinkie coming back and the Royal couple's having a baby no uh that's the kind of crap we're obsessed with in our stupid culture you said there's been a teleportation we we've teleported it's been a prediction of quantum theory for decades and we've done it with small particles so single particles so the question is can it can you do it with bigger things don't know is the answer but it's been done with the smallest particles is it possible that in my lifetime instead of driving home for a long time on the freeways of Los Angeles and really losing my temper several times and stopping the car in heavy traffic and getting out with a broom handle and hitting another car that I will get into a cube and be [Music] like nothing will happen I'm just doing this no and then I will be teleported into to my home I don't think you're going to have to do that today but no no I want to I like this it's been done for all we know it's been done with single particles we don't know time travel it's been done in the sense that you can travel into the future as as fast as you like but what about the past where we get to warn Abraham Lincoln travel into the past what would you warn him what would I warn him what would you want don't go to the theater what there's only one thing there's one thing you warn Lincoln about not like e the Beard's not working no you're what are you going to going to warn I'm not to go to the theater I'm going to say let's stay home we'll play cards 21st century you're not going to look right with that beard yeah uh you know what I first of all this has been I hope you'll come back because I love talking to you it also fascinates you used to play keyboards in a rock band yeah and I'm just curious like that's a lot of people's dream of the coolest thing you could possibly do but in a way aren't you cooler now it science has becoming cool isn't that true what do you think yeah you know answer
Channel: Team Coco
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Keywords: Celebrity Interviews, Conan, Conan (TV Series), Conan O'Brien, Late night show, Professor Brian Cox, TBS (TV Channel), Team Coco, andy richter, best moments of conan, coco, comedy, conan best, conan best moments, conan brien, conan classic, conan funniest, conan funniest moments, conan funny interviews, conan o'brian, conan obrien podcast, conan on tbs, conan remotes, funny, funny moments on conan, sketch, stand-up comedy, talk show, talk show hosts, teamcoco, top 10 conan
Id: QFy87tFTZwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 35sec (275 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2013
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