ProductX Plugin Review and Step by Step Tutorial

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in this video we're going to review the product x and see how it works hi my name is stratos and i'm constantly producing video tutorials about wordpress please subscribe to my channel for more videos like this also take a moment and give me a thumbs up and help grow my channel so the name of the plugin as i've said is the product x and this is basically a good work plugin and it will add some blocks so we can add products and categories along with other things in our pages uh it also can do much more things and we're going to see it later on so this is the website it's in and i will put the link in description below keep in mind that this link is not an affiliate link if you go there you will see that they are creating two plugins the post x and the product x so here you can download the free version and we're going to see the free version and of course we're going to see the pro version as well and here you will also see a live demo for the pro version let's go here and you will see that you can create some grid cards that has features like quick view with list product filter up on top compare image flip add to cart buttons and they have a query builder also you can save templates and those templates can be used later on and no coding required it has many features that you can style we will see it in the free and the pro version as well and you can create also wishlist pages there are some things that i would like to be improved in here you can create quick view cards and you can view the details of a product without the need of going into the single product page and add the product from there to the cart i mean easy to compare so it adds compare pages again there are things that i would like to see here that are missing they have ready starter packs so they have ready layouts basically most of those are for the pro version and here even though we are in the product x we are viewing the post x plugin i don't know why okay let's go and continue we have here it says why to use the product x it's basically a very big page very long page and you will see that it has already made layouts advanced query builder save template and this means that you have the feature to create something a template that you can use with a short code and put it inside your builder so if you're using elementor or visual composer oxygen builder dv or anything else you can create the template that you want and you can add the short code in the front end and have it right there then we have the product grid style product list style as you can see product filter product navigation image flip the roadmap we will see it a core feature like sales status feature tags this display stock you can see they have a list of features they have amazing stuff here so they have yearly and lifetime deals and they have three package for each one the yearly they have a personal and professional unlimited and all of those are for one year of support and updates if you go to lifetime you will see that they have three thirty percent off at this moment and this is only for the unlimited and fifteen percent for the personal and the professional the professionals were five sites and the unlimited of course is unlimited and they offered 14 days of money back guarantee no questions asked if you go down here you will see the free and the pro version comparison and let's go to the change log now the initial release was uh last year in 22 of april 2020 after that they have frequently updated the product i roughly every two months they update and give us something new and if we go to the roadmap we will see that the multi-site network support is released the shortcode support is released and they are working on some other things like search blocks with ix technology gt matrix pass that will improve the speed of the product now uh this product will not slow down your website in the front end but in the back end we will see something weird and we're going to see it later on we have a single page builder and a taxonomy page builder so with these two features you will able you will be able to create your single product page and your category product page inside your gunerberg editor you can do these things with your pro builder if you're using elementor pro db pro oxygen or a different pro version of a builder but with this plugin you will be able to do that in good work which will be faster we have cart page editor we have equal height all cards and this should be on top i think which is crucial check out page editor quick of canvas card height on different devices and product variation colors so these are the features that we're going to have in the future they don't say when they are going to release it but it will be hopefully soon enough and here i want to show you the system requirements because i use this uh plugin in a different server and i had some problems so please be sure to have it in a website that is handled by a server with a php version of 7.4 minimum and the mysql version should be 5.6 or greater or mariadb version should be 10.1 or greater if you have something different be sure to check it out memory limits should be 254 megabytes or higher so some things are not working correctly if you go to previous versions also they don't support the internet explorer and should you you should know that i'm guessing that it's not something that you should care about in exploring its way to all technology okay so let's go to the theme this is the theme that we're going to use this is the website that we're going to use this is an astra theme that i have imported an astra ready template and i use the astra because it has the more uh custom and more advanced templates for woocommerce and i had something that i could choose and i liked so i have something like this and this is the featured products that i have in the home page now i tried to find a pro a plugin that would let me create something like a carousel or a product grid and that would give me the functionality to style it how i wanted i searched and the only plugin that satisfied my needs was the product x even in the free version the product x is way too good uh comparison with other plugins now if you want only the overview of the product the my opinion about the product you can go into the site stamps and you will see there and you can jump into the end of the video and you will just see what is my opinion about the product but if you want to follow along just keep watching so uh we're going to see why was there a problem with every other thing that i tried and we're going to then install the product x3 and then the pro version okay so let's go back let's go to the edit page and here is the products that we're going to see this is the shortcode that is fetching the products as you can see product limit 8 columns 4 visibility featured this this is the only setting so with that i cannot change of course anything from the style i cannot change the colors the buttons the prices the titles i cannot change anything so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click add here and i'm going to browse all at the bottom of the page we will find here that we have the woocommerce blogs this is something that you have inside your gutenberg straight when you install woocommerce it's automatically installed so i'm going to use all products it's no difference no matter what you choose here and once you add it here i'm going to click here and it says columns which is three and i'm going to change that in four i have rows which is three i'm going to change that in two and then i have align last block and i have content settings which will show sorting drop down which is this one and order product by and this is the default sorting method and this is all the settings that i have for this block i cannot do anything else i cannot change anything else so let's remove that let's save that and let's go to the plugins and i have here the cadence blocks pro and the cadence blocks free so i'm going to install both of those i don't like when the products when the plugins jump when you activate it in another page so let's go back to install plugins activate that again okay and now that it's activated i'm going to refresh the page and i'm going to use something from the cadence blog i have also tried other blogs for the woocommerce products but they couldn't support what i wanted to do so let's click here let's click here browse all and i'm going to select the product carousel this is the product carousel i'm going to click it and here is the settings that i can have so select products by standard or on sale or anything else we have four settings here five settings menu order i have something that i can change here for the order by i have number of items this is six at this moment i can filter by category and i select the category that i want and then i have the carzel settings which is the carousel autoplay the speed of the autoplay and the transition speed i can have it to slide to scroll one or all the slides i can select the arrow style between four different things or none at all i can select the dot style between four different things or none at all i cannot change colors or anything else i have the columns and i can change the columns let's say to four i can select the column gap and here i have also advanced and i can select the advanced css class okay this is from guterberg okay so that was all the styling that i can do i cannot change anything else as you can see here i cannot change the color of the title the font size or anything else now let's remove that and let's go here click plus and click browse all and i'm going to select the a post carousel instead of the product this will give me a little bit more control but not quite enough so here instead of post i'm going to go for products for the query i can select query or individual if you want to select some specific products i'm going for query newest with this number of items are six okay i can go for eight maybe and then we have the offset starting post is zero okay select taxonomy i'm going to select product categories and here for all i'm going to select cactus and plants after that i'm going here that says layout settings and i'm going to select carousel and then i'm going down here that says columns and i'm going to select four okay now that we have something like that i can select of course the slide scrolls again the arrow style i have four options or none and the dot styles four options or none nothing specific to there but if i go to the post container i can select that to be in the middle so the alignment in the is in the middle now i have background color for the content i have border color i have a header settings that i can select the background and the padding and the margin and if i go to the title settings i can select the title color to be something like a red so i can change the title and then i can select that to be h4 and 20 pixels 20 pixels and then i can select the line height if i want to change that let's go to the padding here and put a little bit of more padding to give it a little bit of space 20 on top 20 on the bottom okay and then i can go into the below title meta to disable the post on january that says here which is the post date so date so author disabled all of those and then let's go to expert and remove this so expert so this is the best that i can do i cannot edit anything else so this is what i was using before the post x plugin so if i go and update the product you will see in the front end that now i have a little bit better styling than what i had before where was that let's update again and let's go into the homepage again and this is the one it's pretty close to this one and that's why i was confused okay so this is how it looks now we're going into the plugins and we're going to install a new plugin add new and we're going to install the post x post sorry product x not postx product x install now it has over 1000 active installation and 4.5 stars for the reviews let's activate that and once it's activated immediately it jumps into the settings which i don't like i don't like the plugins that do that but i cannot do anything with that so css add via its header or file system if you want to add as a file independently i'm going to leave it as header after that we have the container width which you can change from the the settings here and this is basically because they have a container element inside the products inside the elements for the gutenberg editor and here you can put of course your own what your theme is giving you in most cases you will find that in the customizer here in the customizer you will have to go into your own settings for your theme but here in the astra it's in global and container here we have 1200 pixels this is the width from the beginning of the logo until the last item in the menu this is the container width okay so we have this number i'm going to grab it let's close the customizer and let's go here and paste that number here sorry one okay then we have the editor container it can go as thin default or full width i'm going to leave it as theme default and i'm going to save changes i don't want to hide the import button okay then we have some features like the compare flip image quick view with list and change log these are can be disabled from the add-ons as you can see here we have compare flip image quick view save templates and wishlist and i will enable this one okay and now that i have i have the save templates here so if you don't want to have the wishlist of the compare you can just disabled it from here let's go back to the settings and here we're going to edit all of those so the compare page is created automatically once you activate the product uh it's automatically created if you want you can change the product to a different one the to the page is a different one and you can create your own and just go and paste this short code inside the compart page the compare page the button text basically it's the link text not the button text because it's not a button it says compare and you can change that whatever you want and browser text says add it once you added that after that we have some text that should be uh hide from here i don't know why the product x team has left this lorem ipsum inside here i don't know why go and remove that please enable disable if you want to disable that from the single page we have the position after or before the card we have action added to compare or pop-up compare this is a pro feature so i cannot enable that and we have the action after added pop-up or redirect to a page if you go and redirect your page immediately when you add something in the comparison page you will be redirected to that but keep in mind that if you do it with one product because you have select first one product you will jump straight to the comparison page then i think that it's something that you don't want to do then we have the flip image and we cannot select this one because the pro feature we have the quick view and here we have only the disable quick view on mobile enable product link and change the text everything else is in pro we have the wish list and we can select if we want a page for the wish list keep in mind that the wishlist page is not automatically created so you have to create it yourself so i'm going to do that later on and i can go and select to change the text if i want something different i can enable the wist list in a single page before or after card and pop up or redirect page so let's grab the shortcode here and i'm going pages and add new pages keep in mind that in other tests that i have created i was getting an error probably because of my mariadb version of sorry by my sql version i hadn't maria's db in that server so i'm going for a wishlist page with list hopefully i haven't misspelled that and here i'm going for a short code short code okay let's publish that before adding the short code just to see if it's going to put an error so update that and everything is good if you see an error here it means that something is not working correctly and you will not be able to work the wish list and the product page so now that i have here the page i can go here and refresh the page and now select the wishlist page here and save changes okay after that i can go and see the change log if i want which is basically the same in the website as with this so let's go now and see some products i'm going into the products all products and i'm going to select and open some of those let's open five or six of those view view view view view and view okay so we have this product and as you can see this is the compare and the add to wiz list because this is in line uh the button is not in full width so this compare is in line with the button i have seen that in other themes as well it's not looking great and you should go if you have this problem and put that on top or content the support of the product x to give you a solution with custom css if you cannot do it yourself so i'm going for the compare and i'm going to do it before card save changes and then go into wishlist and going into before card and save changes let's go back to the product and refresh and i will see that those two are now on top let's wait for that to be refreshed okay it's taking some time now this is the problem of my uh website not the plugin itself but basically the server because it's using too many websites for tests okay let's stop and refresh again okay now it's good so you have compare here and add to which list these colors are grabbed from the theme and if i go and click here compare you can see when i hover over the link the pointer becomes become changes into a hand and this means that the visitor can click it once i click the compare it will change into and add it and still the pointer is a hand and this is a bad ux for me it should change to a pointer and this shouldn't be linkable you cannot do anything if you click it nothing will happen but the moment the visitor will see that as a link he will click it for sure he will not see anything else in here so you have to go and create a comparison page something around here compare or something but for the free version you cannot do anything else you just have to uh have the page somewhere separated you don't you cannot do anything else so please product x team change that to a non link setting or change that with a custom css to not be changed as a a hand okay now let's go and add something different let's add that compare as well let's add that to compare i'm going for five or six different things so this is the comparison and let's go back to the settings let's go to the pages all pages and now i'm going to view the comparison the compare page let's view that and here is the comparison as you can see i can see the product i can see the image the title uh it says rated here i can see the price the availability sku and the action is just to click the x now i would like here to have also the add to cart i would like here to have more settings like the category like something different and of course i need here to have also the attributes of the products that are the main features that i want to compare if i have a website that has cpu computer parts i have a cpu which will have an attribute of speed an attribute of memory and attribute of bandwidth and those attributes should be viewable here just for the comparison i don't need the comparison of the availability i don't need the comparison of the sku i don't want those to see i i don't think that the visitor needs to compare the sku they need to see the attributes here they need to see the add to cart button so they don't need they don't need to go into the single product again to add that to card so those things are missing also if i was uh going to add some custom custom post types inside my products i should be able to add those inside the comparison table as well these are some things that are missing from the comparison table so we're going to leave it as this no let's try in the mobile view first and if i go now and change that to a mobile view you will see now that i have something like that and now you can change that and scroll here but i would like this column to be stacked in here and always be visible whenever i scroll and change that i would be able to see this column so i would know that this is the availability this is the price of course now that i only have some rows i know that there are only four rows here so i know why they are right here but i would like this list to this column to be stackable here okay uh that was all with my uh products here i'm going to remove that if i want using the x here or i can leave it as well here now let's go to the wishlist page and first let's go to the products and add those as a wishlist so i'm going to add it to a wishlist and you can see it here i'm going to close that then add that to a wishlist again close that add to a wish list close that and add to a wishlist and here we have something like that so let's close that and see how it looks from the page let's go to the whistles page and let's view that and this is how it looks so again there are some things that i would like to see so i would like to see if something there is out of stock because it's a wishlist and it's something that you may need to add in a wishlist and when's it in stock i would like to get a reminder that it's now in stock so i would like to get an email that says your product that you have added in the wist list is now available this is something that i would like to have but i don't have this option i only have those four columns as you can see here with the next button here uh it's good that we have the add to cart instead of the comparison we have now the possibility to add that but i would like to add more things inside here as well where is the category so i can know which category i'm at where is the the short description or if i want to add another field i don't have any of these options okay so i would like to have those options also there are other wishlist plugins that will ask me if they want to save the wish list into the account or into the cookie of the browser this is also something that i would like to see in this plugin i would like to have the option for the visitor if he comes into my website and he wants to add something in the wish list he will add the wish list and immediately he will be asked to sign into the website and not be able to use the wishlist unless he's signed in and this is something that i would like to have the option for okay enough with this and let's close all of those close this close this and this and this of course okay this as well and here we are back into the homepage and let's go here now i'm going to refresh the page because i have added a new plugin and we're going to first add a category so let's go here and underneath that i'm going to click here and i'm going to add let's browse all and we're going to see here the uh product x block so we have the wrapper and this is why i uh told you about the content with we have a heading in image and here we have two product categories product category number two and product category number one when you have a rover you can see how it looks so i'm going to click this one okay so i have something like that now the image cannot be seen here because i don't have any image inside my category so if you don't see it it's not the default of the product you have to go into the product categories and then go into the those two categories cactus and plants for me and go back here in the thumbnail and upload here is the media library and select something for the cactus like this and then update and also here is the plant so upload and select something for the plant as well okay use that and update okay now that we are ready to go let's close that and refresh the page here and now i will see that i have the images on the back of my categories as you can see here click here okay and once i click i can now change some things so i have the ability to sty to change the design as you can see here i can import this this or this and this is something that it will change the card so if i select to import that it will change to this one as you can see here or if i want i can change that and here and it will probably add a title here and maybe a background color no it doesn't have any background color okay so you can do something like that i'm going to import that because it has bigger images okay something like that let's go into the settings and here you can style pretty much not everything but way more features than what we have before so we can have a slide view or a grid view here i'm going to put grid view because two categories are not enough for a slide columns it's four let's go to two columns gap i'm going to leave it as it is row gap read more if you want to have a read more text then we have the dots let's add the dots and we have the headings of course the dots cannot be seen here i hope uh sorry the dots are not uh visible because we have not a carousel we have a grid so no dots here okay we have the description if we want or the count if i want to count the product so i have the number of the products that i have inside then we have the alignment so we're going for the middle keep in mind that this is the style it's not uh in the same align as the image it's a little bit more modern style and this is how it looks okay then we have the query and we have a regular child of parent or custom i'm going to leave it as it is heading this is the heading of this whole category the whole blog so it says browse or our categories and you can remove it if you want and use a heading from the good work editor that you have we have the alignment and heading url we have the heading tag style if you want to change the style of the heading let's go for something like that and here has a white color but we can change that later on here in the color we can put a red or something border color border size spacing subheading if you want something beneath that and then we have the content style and you can change the background color of the content and put it something like this you can see that it has way too many features comparing the others so we have something for the images and you can change the animation on hover zoom in zoom out rotate left let's go for a zoom in so when you hover you have something like that and then it also has settings for the hover so you can grayscale it when you hover it and put in an overlay and we have settings for the title this is the title so i can hover and put a little bit of blue something like that as you can see and then i can change for the typography if i want to change the text here it is then i can select the count and i can change the typographer the account the color for the count the read more as you can see i can change the text for the read more and i can change everything else is here whatever you choose to have inside here it will add those elements inside there now this is for the free version if we add here the pro version you will see that we will have way too many too many options way more features inside here so let's update that and i will go now into the product so let's go and browse all and we're going for a product grid and let's see what we're going to take we're going to take something i don't know let's go for something like that okay so i'm going to click it and now i can select the layout as you can see i cannot select any other layouts i can only have this one because this is for the free version i have here for the wishlist and this works normally in the front end and of course the back end it will it's no point on working that and here i have the design so i can change that to something different as you can see i have those two here if you add a different grid you will have different designs here after that let's go to the settings and here we have the grid view or i can select the slide view if i want to create the carousel column gap 10 slides to show four i'm going to leave it as this dots i have the dots and i'm going to style it later on i have the arrows the side speed is that one so card if you want this element is only showing card when i hover over and this is how it looks in the design you can change that in a different design because it's not looking too good but you can change that with a different design probably and then we have these are gray out so you cannot edit those these are for the pro version we have this so out of stock if you want to hide it and so sail this is the green here and i can hide that if i don't want that let's leave it here so price show review title social description category heading and image everything that you don't want you can just hide it and after that you can select if you want the filters to be here of course there are no point adding filters in the carousel you have the pagination and lan alignment for the cards after that i can select the query and change to something different i have top rated most rated most sales for the 24 hours last seven days most sales for the last month more sales for the three months also most sales all time and most viewable times and if you don't want anything of that you can select leave it as it is and just have them ordered by date or newest to oldest something like that after that you can select the product status if you want featured or on sale only you can select the number of posts this is eight exclude out of stock products and category you can select the categories that you want and have only those then i can select to include product by id or exclude product by id if you don't know how to find your id of your products go to all products and hover over one product and you will see the id in here id 87 id 86 id 85 so you can type the products that you want to include or exclude we have offset product it means that it will start from the second or the third and in whatever you put in here the number of you put so skip the first products arrow so i can style the arrows here the color is white so i can go and put the red then the background color is gray so i can go and put a black but take the transparency and put it in zero so i can have something like that and when i hover i need to have a white with a red background which is great okay and as you can see it's working fine i can change the hover radius and i can put whatever i want i can put a box shadow and what else i want to put then i can go and change the size if i want to put to pull to go and give it a little bigger size or less the width uh to make it a little less of the circle here the height the vertical position horizontal position to go and put it outside or inside of those elements you can do whatever you want as you can see you have way too many features for the free version then we have the dots and i can go here and i can select that the dots here the background color of the dots should be something different so it can be viewable all the time because i have a gray background here then i can select different background for the active and the background color here is black and i can go for a red so the active is red now i can change they have a radius i can change the width the horizontal position and everything else that we saw in the arrows i have the overlay meta elements which are around down here and i can change them i have the price and i can change the color of the price now this i would like to have also the sale price uh because i have the price and the sale price in one box and i would like to have a different color maybe for the sale but if i put here red you will see that both of those prices are in red the original and the sale price i would like to have those separated but i do not the review if you have a review this is the stars and you have the empty and the fill color short description and sales and whatever you see here is the box that says sales and you can go ahead and put here a different one and grab here a pink okay something like that and then we have the card which is not viewable because it's right down here we have the image the heading title category and for the title of course i can go ahead and select to be h5 select that color to be blue select for the cover color to be something like red when i hover i don't know do whatever you want select the typography and put that to be 20 and for the category as well you can change everything and as you can see it has more features than anything else and last we have the advanced which will have something that you can add for the id and have a custom css added zintex margin padding and then we have the background color and for the responsive it's a pro feature in here so i'm going to update that and this is what you can do with that plugin now what i'm going to do is i'm going to pause the video and i'm going to add the pro version of the plugin now i have added the pro version and as you can see the pro version is just an add-on for the free one and it unlocks all the features that are not available in the free version and if you go now to the product and license you can see the license code which is not good if i go and create a website and then give it to my client and create an administrator account for him because he wants the website for himself and he doesn't need support or anything else he wants to do whatever you he needs to do so he's it's his website at this moment so i'm handling the website to him and he can go in the product x going to license and he can see my license code this should be encrypted okay it's a basic please product x team go and hide the license key okay then if you go to the settings we will see now that we will have all the features available so in the compare we have the the pop-up compare it's available now that i can do that so i can select this and save changes if i go to flip image i can select the extra feature image section if i go to quick view i can select whatever i want to disable whatever you select is the ones that you want to hide and of course i can also select all of those things that i couldn't before then i have the wishlist again i have the added to wishlist or pop-up with list i'm going to put that added with list instead of pop-up and if i go now to let's go to the products again let's go and open those products and see if they are here okay compare and now that i'm adding the compare i thought i was going to have a pop-up but i'm not getting one and no i'm not getting now a pop-up even that i have convert and pop-up maybe i have to also redirect to the page i don't know i i thought that it was going to work straight out of the box let's go and see for another product compare it's going into here it's not going for the pop-up okay i'm not going to search why it's not doing that it's not this video for what's about so let's go back to the page let's close this let's close this and this and here let's go and refresh the page and now that i will have the pro version i will see way more features than i had in the free once i click here you will see that i now have in the settings okay these are the same features but if i go for the product grid uh wait a moment okay uh product as you can see when i click the product read i can see the product the product category this is a product category but once i click the product grid it doesn't change i i i did some tests and it takes some time to load i don't know why it's doing that if i click to another block you will see that it takes this edit the settings but if i click here you will see that it's not changing it will take some time about 20 or 30 seconds and then it will load into the settings normally in the front end i don't have any problems the the moment i refresh the page i will get here the product carousel normally as you can see here it doesn't slow down the front end but for some reason the back end is not working out of the box immediately okay let's click elsewhere and let's click again here product category again okay as you can see this is something that i would like to be improved maybe this is the speed that they were talking about in the road map in the uh gt matrix pass i don't know it's not a good looking good still not able to check it and i cannot even okay now i'm okay maybe you shouldn't check this you should check you should click outside the box let's see yeah the moment i check outside the box i get this uh settings but the moment if i click here i will not and this is something that is also a bug let's refresh and see if i was mistaken let's say first and refresh the page and see if it was my mistake and i should not click on top of the product but in the blog itself and let's go and click here yeah so that was my mistake i shouldn't click in the card i should click in the uh in the blog but this is something like a bug and it should be fixed when you click here you should always have uh this uh settings if i click into the product here i will get the product category if i click here i will not get the uh product the product grid that i have put here so this is something that it should be fixed now since i have the provision i have the other layouts so basically those are other cards options so if i click here i will have now when i have a rover here the settings for the comparison in the front end or i can have it right in the bottom or i can have it right here as you can see here and i can also change those let's update that and see in the front end now that i will have all those of those features as you can see here and this means that it's already added i think and this is a compare so i'm going to click that and i'm going straight in the comparison because i have leave it as it is in the settings so let's go back and let's also try to change something in this setting so in the settings you will see that i have far more features as you can see here this is all the settings that i have and if i go and change that to a grid view let's go here you see now that i have the show card we have the show with list we have the so compare out of stock so sale so hot uh so deal so prices okay image image flip filter pagination and whatever i want to change are always available everything are available now in the pro version there's no point now going into every single one of those but i also have in the advanced now the responsive feature available for me to hide it in whatever this desktop or tablet view i don't want to okay so that was the uh product and the last one is the add-ons let's go to the add-ons and let's click the save template so now i have the save templates here and i can go into the same tapes templates i can create a new template and now it will go and access the gutenberg editor i can name the template as i want grid basically grid or something grid product grid whatever you want to do that publish that publish again and then go and add a product category and choose whatever you want to do do everything that you need to do and then go back to the pages and here we have the grid and this is the short code that you are going to use with your favorite builder and that was all with the uh tutorial of the product now let's go for the review let's go back to the product page and we're going back for the prices now for me if you're building websites for your clients i think that this is an amazing deal this is a bargain because later on they will soon increase the prices because you can create something different with that you can create it single product pages and you can will you will be able to create single product pages and category product pages and also you have some other abilities as well but only uh but if you only need the product layouts it's still a bargain it's still something that you can create amazing layouts you cannot do anything like that with other products and i have tried it i think about 10 products at this moment and you cannot do anything uh close to that with anything else so uh it's good for the layout now for the comparison and the wishlist pages i have seen better it's not the best version it's not the best pages there are missing features like the add to cart for the comparison like the fixing column for the left column that it should be fixed whenever you scroll in a mobile version uh it should handle custom post types it should have attributes this is something that it should be really inside there attributes is a must you should compare always attributes inside here and of course the auto cart button is missing for the wishlist again they should have options like inform your client with an email once the out of stock product is available for order and you should always have the ability to select the cookies to be saved as cookies the wishlist or into the account of the client now maybe there is a problem with an api and some themes will not support it i don't know about that but i have tried some products that can do that and i like it better but this is an all-in-one solution and this is something that i would like to see better for the comparison and the wish list so that is my opinion of your of the product x buy it if you are building websites for your clients if it's only for your uh website i i think the la the lifetime deal at this moment 150 bucks is way too uh pricey i think it's a lot of money to pay for one website but this is a bargain okay so thanks for watching guys please give me a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for more videos like this and i will see you all in the next video bye
Channel: Stratos Tutorials
Views: 456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ProductX review, ProductX tutorial, ProductX plugin, Add products slider in wordpress, add product slider in woocommerce, product slider, woocommerce product slider, product carousel, product grid, woocommerce product grid, woocommerce product carousel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 34sec (2794 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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