How to do a Walking Animation in Procreate Dreams Starting Tips

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[Music] hi I am Mar welcome to my channel and today I will be talking about walking Cycles I'm going to give you some tips and some information about walking Cycles in general and also we're going to pass these to procreate dreams and try to see how this character will look like you have this exact image for free in the link below just for you as to use as reference but please uh listen to the tips today um so you can make your own characters okay okay so let's start well first I'm going to say that walking Cycles are not easy okay and no matter if you do it in by hand completely frame by frame or in like I like to use more after effects no matter what what you use they're not easy because you need to convey what your character is doing so I'm going to share with you very good videos uh also in YouTube this is not a sponsor I really love these videos and I totally recommend to that you watch them okay they are in the links below both first bear with me these um tips okay and we're going to pass this to procreate dreams and this in intention to pass it to procreate dreams was actually kind of like a learning process for for me because uh procr dreams well is a new software and it's not the software I'm using right now fully for animation because I work with after effects that being said I wanted to create this from the beginning it is challenging and I love challenges and also I got the question like if I could do a a walking cycle and I was in the process but to be honest it took me some time because between uh you know jobs and uh project plus the time that it takes to create an animation yes it has been long the waiting but here we are so the basics of a walking cycle that you have to be careful with are first draw your floor where you want your character to be in this this picture you're seeing I have a chibi character that means that my character oh sorry that that means that my character has the same the same side for the body as it has for the head so this type of character is called two-headed uh GB character you have also three-headed that means that you have the head then the same size for the body then the same size for the for the legs and so on and you can see when you're in the street how many heads people have actually you can measure your head and let me know know in the comments how many heads is your body compounds you measure your head and then you repeat that measure along your body and you will know how many heads do you have do you have five six five and a half let me know in the comments I will be very interesting to know so that being said don't doesn't matter how many heads your character has today I will be talking about walking and walking it is important to notice the legs and the arms so what you want to have to have a natural moving character is that the leg in the back that in this case I represented with a pink here and the arm in the back they have to be completely opposite so if you have your back leg in the front then you have your back arm on the back to the to the side right so they have to go all the time changing position okay that's what you want for a normal and another another important thing to notice is that as you can see here when people is walking they bend their knees because we're no robots and we Bend our knees therefore our body goes down and then go up again then can go even even higher to exaggerate maybe this in this case this is very much aerated and you will see later how this looks in procreate dreams CU it looks like it's jumping a little bit so you can change the way the your character is working by changing the height of the head and by changing also the Tilt actually here in contact I like sometimes to tilt my character uh body a little bit to the right like it's going front because you can also make the character going back and you can tilt back and you can move the legs backwards okay so this is only the basic and our character right now is very straight but you can play also with the um angle of the Torso of your character I recommend first to start understanding legs and arms and heads and position of heads and body and then understanding the angles okay that's uh one of my tips then and how to know how low and how high well I decided to help myself with another line over here and I will follow this along my um all my characters here and the that's the reason I use actually procreate instead of directly going to procreate dreams because I'm I'm here we can create these straight lines and guide ourself and then you can export all your layers as appr procreate file here share export as appr procreate you save it in your computer in your sorry in your iPad and then you open this in procreate dreams okay I will show you uh soon how is that done okay so the basics positions here in the walking cycle will be contact then we have passing that is when we pass our leg to the other side and then we have cont contct again okay with contact with the other leg you can see he's passing this leg to the front the right leg to the front and then finally place it and our head is doing this curve okay you can you can see the curve a little bit better with this uh yellow lines following the ear for example or the bottom of the body as well to help you see the the line and let me turn that off uh let's turn all these off so you are able to see a more okay so our main positions will be contact passing and again contact in these positions normally the head is at the same level let me um again put this is at the same Lev on the top but then you have the low in the middle and you have high goes up so when you pass this to an animation there are many ways of animating this in the sense of how fast you want the character to go if you want a character to go very fast then you space uh these poses and like you increase the space in between the poses if you want the character to work slow then you put them together little bit I will show that soon so let me show you these lines I have here and here these numbers that are up here are traditionally the frames that you can place for a normal Pace walking cycle that's why I say walking Cycles are complex because you don't walk always in the same you walk you run you you go for um for a walk a fast fast walk as well you can make your character do anything you want so these numbers are not like the rule but is like the basic of walking so these numbers means the frames you want to put them in okay and this is like the first frame four seven every three frames there is a small difference between um the Western type of walks in animation the Japanese way of animating walk cycles and for that I will leave the explanation to another YouTuber here very that he does a very good job explaining this so I leave you the link below that being said now we understand now that low means it goes down and high means it goes up and our leg is passing so in the contact position we have our legs in this position right open completely open and in passing is more like a straight line right then we have the low position when the character bends the knee and high when to stretch the knee and if you want the character to March that looks like it's marging then you can put this like even up upper over here okay then you repeat again the passing with the other leg and have the final contact so at the end here it should have another contact like this I didn't put it because I wanted to repeat this in procreate dreams so let's pass this to procreate dreams so first you go here as I said share procreate and then you save it to your files I already have it in my files so I Will Not Duplicate that and I will go directly to procreate dreams so when you are in procreate dreams here I already have it import it but for the purpose of um the video and to teach you a little bit how to do it I will import it again doesn't matter you go here to plus files and you find your file here reasons I have it in reasons and you have here the walkin cycle I will reopen it for you to see and after you open the procreate file you have to touch here and says convert layers to tracks and after that you have a big groups of all the all the uh tracks you have here basically each layer in our um to create a file it is a track now so you can turn off the layers you're not using okay and so on so right now I'm going to turn it off because I already had it and what I did here is that I move my character around by moving these um these characters here in layer by layer and group them so I'm going to do that with you to repeat this process I have here but first let me show you how it looks right now it is we double click we can can see that we have frame one and two actually this is my this is says frame one and frame two but I'm calling this pair like my frame one in the animation then this my frame two but it's not real because as I told you this should be one this should be three and so on and that means that we need some work to do here like we can reduce here this is one two three and then we reduce here and then we have to draw our character in between these two okay I will not do that right now because I want to show you first what you have to do with your with your file so after you have this file here and you have all the poses you wanted for your character this is a guide of course this is not your final character but it's a guide then you can draw on top of this your character okay so let's take these letters out and um we have the lines I don't want these lines should be this one and oh not that one this one is I'm not using that either okay these ones okay there you are now we're going to use this as our base and like oh it's really hard to see in this position sometimes in vertical um is better but let's try to do it in this so what you want to do this is a 12 uh this are 10 seconds animation and we're going to touch here here and grab and grab all of our sorry and grab all of our layers here all there and then we're going to reduce them because we don't want the same oh there we go it is a bit sensitive here okay we want this to be to the left so we're touching the Border okay now we can can get closer and we have all our characters in three seconds I believe let's put it in one second here so each pose is in one second so our first character is here and then we're going to move turn off here we're going to move this front up we're going to move this front to is not ah let's try again I Center there we go then we moove all the characters one after the other one you can see how they they are not appearing here I don't have a space here so I'm going to take this delete track delete track and we continue to passess I will speed up this part and almost there we don't need this okay so now we have this funny jumping print you can see that looks like it's jumping because actually some of them are not touching the floor so we're going to move them a little bit down this one as well let's make it touch the line let's see again I can R here let's touch the floor here great it still looks like it's jumping right but with this shapes you have then your first walking cycle now we can create we want this we have this second right and we have one frame per second in this moment at this moment so he's going to walk very fast this is only 8 seconds let's see how it looks with 8 seconds he's running he's running all the way here and it's because the space the space where making him jump from here to here there is a lot of things that can go on in between this guy so he can go fast right in this 8 seconds let's see what happens if we move him a little bit to the a little bit closer to the previous position so let's take drawing here and you can see the onion skins the one before and one after that is the basic fire we have but we can also move these guys so I will turn off this touch and then move to the left and now again I turn this on to see the onion screen sadly we still don't have we still don't have the the how you say the selection tool to move it while looking at the onion screen I really am looking for for that upgrade but for now you can turn off and turn on to see where your character is and then maybe move it closer there so now we have to move this guy because now this guy is far away let's see how that looks doesn't look too natural actually you can see like you lose the movement over here so let's move this other guy here and now you see the move are closer so it's not like he's jumping it's not like it's running but more like jumping so let's get closer here and see the the onion skins here this is not totally uh let's say right you can still create more poses in between where if you want to practice how the difference between distance work then you can do this EX exercise and then we have to keep moving our character to the left then we have these okay let's bring everyone here and then let's start fixing them a little bit here touch let's see more or less here now he's not going far now let's see how it looks so he's running fast in this spot only instead 8 seconds it took him to go here before but now 8 seconds is taking him to go here so it move a little bit slower than the one before now you can still create new layers in between so let me show you something here we're going to select all of these layers and we're going to uh group it and then we're going to duplicate this group to the right and now this group instead of starting it here this group we're going to start it in front so I'm going to make him faster after this um after this point so we go here touch I'm sorry touch here and move him more or less where I want him to to jump I want him to jump to this side and now we're going to reverse what we did before so I'm going to grab this guy to here this guy here let's see more or less here actually maybe we don't need this guy go over here we want to move to move it faster so let's see around here here I think this one is not touching there oh this one is not touching okay around here let's see one more and one more here yeah this character I want him to go faster so I think we need to move it even more as the one before let's see it takes time to play your character and I recommend you to uh do the sketches of uh your character before actually drawing your character because to give you the idea of where it is going to go in the animation so I think we're not going to see these three guys because this one is going out of the screen so let's see how this looks like now start from here and you can see he goes slow and then he goes fast and the nice thing is that when you do this you can actually place in between some layers as I told you before in this other option we have here let's turn this off and let's see this other guy I have here where is my other guy I think is here yeah so this is my other guy and he was going slow as well let me show you the onions skins of these ones and you can see the on skins of this one are very very close so you can get as many details as you want and we can do what I explained before like one here one here and I start drawing in here the character you want in the middle let's take a onion skin here normally just to see one frame before and one frame forward what not zero one one should be one frame here and one frame here we're not seeing it right we should be able to see okay we need to see two frames after I need to actually see forwards two frames two frames so we can see this guy in is in Orange and our backwards is in uh purple but we are not see it because okay now we're seeing our ti so now we have here our previous and our after this these uh positions are too close to each other so I will prefer to move this one a little bit to the right so we can actually draw something in between let's see now you can draw something in between and follow the structure of what is happening with this leg this leg then is touching and the other leg is up you can put as many dets as you want in the middle of this okay but if you're a beginner then I recommend you to keep with this poses and try first also like different movement of the tilt of your character okay that being said you don't have to create a character with a head or in the beginning to be honest you can create as I said a potato you can make your character stay in the middle and move the background I will show you one short animation I have here about that and I have this well this is not a potato but um is a square front we have here and if I turn off the trees you will see our movement is in the same position our guy is moving moving in the same position here but when I turn on the trees it looks like the guy is moving in some scenary and the way I move the trees the trees are also sketch and the way I move the trees is let me go to drawing so you can see here the skins and how it's moving I didn't do it by by hand I used uh this because it's not a character is a they are only in the background they don't move too much except for wind if you want to put the wind but this was just a basic idea what I do is I created a set of trees in a line with the floor well with the garden here and then we create uh here touching move move and scale and I put it here and then I go at the end of my animation here and just translate this to the left and that's it so this one is moving along this one is moving along while we are doing frame by frame animation in our character so I let you here to practice different poses of your character as well as trying as I said for before the inclination of the body and please check the links below there are um many resources I leave you there there are many good videos on YouTube and I already um make a list for you to watch and I hope this is helpful if you have any other questions or comments just leave it in the comments and I will love to read them and hopefully answer you as soon as possible so thank you today and see you next time bye
Channel: byMariZen
Views: 1,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: illustration, procreate, drawing, digital drawing, procreate drawing, procreate tutorial, procreate art, procreate brushes, procreate for beginners, procreate 101, procreate principiantes, procreate para principiantes, aprende procreate, como usar procreate, how to use procreate, how to draw with procreate, como dibujar en procreate, pinceles gratis para procreate, free brushes for procreate, tutorial de procreate, how to brush, how to procreate, make brsuhes
Id: NA1hdkBmqFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 22sec (1642 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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