Making Of - Eagle scene - Procreate Dreams & Procreate

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hello everybody I wanted to show you how I made this animation uh the eagle flying through the canyon so this is a procreate dreams animation uh and also a procreate painting so it's uh for me always the the couple now the procreate plus procreate dreams uh and it's it's also performing I will show you how I did everything from from scratch here so let's let's start with the painting part let's jump into procreate first so here we have the scene in procreate I'm going to start just um the time lapse so you can see um initially I I wasn't sure if I was going to have it um 16 by9 or scope like the so I I kept both frames in there just to just to see that I could use both of those framings and then I usually start out with like a rough a rough uh just like a pencil sketch um and then I fill in solids um so these are in separate layers or I took them apart so that uh what you see is solid now that's on one separate layer as a sketch and then I fill that in uh by selecting the negative automatic selection then inverting the selection just to get these solids and they're of course on different layers so they can be animated separately uh also the River separate layer so this is sort of the the canyon like once I'm happy with the the black and white sketch then I jump into color so so often I will paint in overlay layer but with this one I just painted straight in cuz there's there's no detail in there at the moment anyway I wanted to build it up uh with the color uh painting it in in this way um and I I kept it fairly small on the screen while painting it kind of thumbnailing it and using mainly one brush like the grit gritr brush one of my favorite brushes um that has a lot of texture and also some color Dynamics to it so for each time I I draw with it it's a slightly different Hue brightness um saturation so it gives a a more playful and Vivid uh color palette Al together and also here you see I'm I'm playing around like with a with a with a light with the sun there I also have several layers on for example ad mode or screen I'm trying out different things like how to get that exact sort of sunlight the the beam of it the way I want it so playing around with different blend modes there so the the painting of this whole environment didn't take that long uh less than two hours I think I spent on it cuz it's I wouldn't say there's much detail at all it's all pretty sketch uh sketchy at this point um or throughout the process I didn't put in much detail but I didn't think it needed it either it's kind of nice with that playful part and with the clouds here you see I'm I'm just painting on a new layer I'm just painting with the same grit roll brush here you also see the color Dynamics you see it's a a few different variations in there um and I'm also erasing with the same brush so I'm and then I'm also smudging with the same brush I'm going to show you that live later it makes it's a super nice way to make clouds um and you don't have to use that exact brush but painting out some parts and then smudging is really really powerful yeah so here I'm on to the bird but we'll get back to that one but uh environment wise this is pretty much it um so let me just show you how I did one of these uh and here's the the glow that I also put in at the end so this is in the dreams file that we will jump into this one is on top here um also in add mode uh blend mode so to make a cloud um just make a new layer and the brush that I talked about this one one of my custom ones um so you know just painting a bit like this and then grabbing the smudge same brush doesn't need to be and then just tapping and smudging out a bit so that's that's pretty much how I how I make these clouds uh and then you can of course always Alpha lock them and then give them like a different Hue or you can paint in you can adjust it with curves if you want to make it brighter or you know push it in a uh Direction color-wise so that's how I did the the clouds um and let's jump into dreams now because this is pretty much it in procreate so here we are in dreams at the moment the bird Eagle is just flapping in in one place we will perform him later let me just show you the the setup here so I got the bird on one track marked it red um you can set highlights like this it's really nice like when you only have a few tracks like this it's easy to keep an overview but when you have a bunch like this you see the color code is really helping um so the oranges those are like the mountains the solid parts the yellows are light every everything to do with the sun and the sun rays and stuff the white uh or gray uh they are clouds and the blue is the water the river so it's really easy to find them zoomed out and you know you can zoom out to this level and then it's really easy to like okay here's the water for example so uh the animation of the environment here let me just turn off the Eagle it's really simple uh it's only scale everything is just scaling in different tempos so you have um or in the same the stuff that's closest to us is scaling more scaling up more than the stuff further into the scene that's the whole secret um or not the whole Secret this is also the very important one the vanishing point so when you want to feel like stuff is coming towards you you need to scale uh that thing up uh in size but when you have many elements of one scene here that needs to scale from the same vanishing point so let's start with the the cloud is sort of the the top one uh um so if I tap the little three dotted menu on the side of an element and say edit anchor you you see it's exactly where that vanishing point is and so is all the rest of these elements they're also vanishing point in the same place which means if I scale now it's going to scale to or away from that point so that's that's the whole animation it's really just coming towards us like this um and you see the stuff that moves further that's the stuff that's closest to us so that's how simple that setup is and it's kind of magic just how how effective it feels um it's just scaling towards us and it gives that nice 3D feeling uh and still having that painterly look on it and you see like you know the lack of detail I didn't push the painting far here but even that rough you can still make it come to life uh like this and the sunflare this is also set in that ad mode uh this one is rotating slightly and I felt that was a nice little when I play it back it's it's not easy to see that it's rotating but it gives that little more movement than just just moving you know just matching up with a with a background and if I go a bit down here to to the background this one that consists of several parts the sky the the mountains further away the more Haze so that stuff moves so little uh with with the movement here so that all this part could just move be animated as one right and then from the river onwards that's where I do the the specific scalings so onto the eagle so that was the environment scaling from the same vanishing point that's that's the quick way of saying it so onto the eagle let me just turn off the environment for that so the eagle is a is a frame by frame animated Loop but you see it's it's not just that basic Loop it has a couple of um flap that are a bit more soaring you know like two three flaps and then a couple of less ones just to give it a bit more life you know so it's not so robotic the exact same flap each time and I think that helps a lot um and if I go into the the eagle part you see so these are the sections that are repeated several times so the loop Loop is sort of starting here several flaps that are similar so that you could say that's three flaps three Loops in that way and then it's a bit more soaring here and then it's goes into the three La flaps again and then the two soaring and that's what's repeated so it's all just four bigger loops and then of course for each for each drawing here you have yep the same so here you have the onion skins so I animated this on six frames per second first um and then I did the inets and set it to 12 frames per second so each frame lasts for two frames so you see that it has this um uh the whole the setup here is 24 frames per second and then each drawing lasts for two frames so that's 12 frames per second which is usually what I do with characters and stuff like that and then environments it's nice to have 24 because then you get smoother motion on the camera movements and stuff like that and let me show you a little trick here I don't think many knows about this yet or have found this but you know you have the the multi select here you can multi select several drawings and then grab one side set one finger down and then you can scale up and down all of these at the same time so you know if you had a bunch of drawings that were you know one frame each and you're like H I need to make all of these become two less two frames right and you can always like drag them out like this um but if you just multi select these and then you I use the apple pencil to like just grab one side and then I put my thumb down from the other hand down on the screen and then I can just snap them all out at in one go so the multi select has some hidden power there okay so that's the that's the flapping the the loops and these Loops are put into one group so that's the that's the eagle the full eagle so how I did the animation or the perform the first thing I did was to set two key frames for scale so I I start with being on on on frame one setting a move key move and scale so this one you see that the vanishing point or the Anchor Point is there and I felt that that was a good place to have it because the um when the the bird is is rotating I kind of felt it felt more natural that it's kind of rotating from that Anchor Point so that it's not you know the maybe the more kind of like the first thing you think is maybe this is the right place but it it feels more like a airplane then I feel when I'm rotating it it doesn't feel right so vanishing point uh this is a is a good place for it um so one one scale key here and and from the beginning I wanted it to be pretty big so it's kind of like flying almost coming from right behind us and flying past us in a way and then uh at the end here just scaled it down and I can move it now of course so it's so I can see it I kind of want it to end up way in there so now it has scale and also transform keys but we will do our own transform with the with the perform but I it's more natural if because by default you usually have the ease in ease out so it's going to start flying in one place and then it's going to start also the scaling and then it's going to do the whole movement and then slow down again which doesn't really make sense for for this scene so for us I'm going to open up these so for us it makes more sense um that it moves faster in the beginning it's kind of flying past us past the camera fast and the further into the scene it goes the more it's going to kind of slow down not not the speed of the eagle but that's always how it is when when something is passing you fast it moves really much when you think about the 2D part of the of of your camera so to say and the further away it goes to the the more movement it makes on the canvas so we want to have uh let me collapse this again so I'm going to I long hold on the on the animation track set all easing to ease out so you see now it's moving faster in the beginning then further into the scene here it it scales less here so more is happening here and then less here and that makes sense so that's the only thing I I start out with um it's nice to have the scale and I'll I'll show you why now so now I want to perform the first I will perform the transform like where the bird is and then I'll do the rotation afterwards because you can that's also a nice thing about the perform you can divide it up like that so I press the perform button and I want the filtering to be pretty high hair so not like 100% but maybe maybe around 60 50 something like that let's try it out so as soon as I touch the canvas now with the apple pencil or the finger uh it will start to play your animation uh and record the movement of the thing you're performing so a little into the right and then over to the left little higher up and then down to the right again okay so you see all the key frames that popped up there I'm going to turn off perform for now just going to look at that if it's looks okay if it's not too janky the cool thing is it's it's a natural Mo move movement you know it's you're doing it with your hand so you get all these flaws as well but because the motion filtering were high you don't get all that jittering like if your hand is a bit shaky or so you you filtered that out so you see if I if I zoom down to each to each frame you know you see where the Red Dot this above there on the ruler you see it's still like a good gap between uh each key frame and if I open up this one now expand you see that sometimes it says an sets an X um key and sometimes a y so Y is up and down movement and then X is sideways so it's and you can delete these you can move them around so you can still edit these I'm going to collapse this again going to go to start and we're going to do the banking and with the with transform you need to follow the bird right you you're making the movement so you need to with your apple pencil you need to be where that movement is going but with rotation you don't need to do that you can kind of rotate in the spot so I'm staying here with the rotation uh even though the bird is flying into the scene uh which is really nice it makes it much easier to do the perform on the rotation so I'm going to keep the same filtering and just rotate it to one side and then it's going to even out and then rotate it more to the other side and then even it out again so that's it let's expand this again so now you see the rotation Keys here let's have a look at the [Music] animation maybe could have banked a little earlier there but it's it's nice I like it yep going to keep that it's basically to show you how this was done so you can still have like a nice Loop and and it can you know you don't have to uh do the whole Movement Like This frame by frame or you know the perform is really nice so let me just collapse the moving scale so the last thing I also did is because this this bird is flying away from us and the further away it goes the more I want it to be hazed out right like the the mountains the further away they are the more the dark parts are brighter right it's more Haze between us so I'm going to add another track above our eagle and I'm going to go into paint mode and I'm going to pick one of my favorite dreams brushes it's very simple it's this one just a big Square uh and I'm going to pick like for our bird when it's when it gets further away maybe the darkest Point can be something like what we see here so I'll just pick that color and I'm going to just tap so this is our uh big block of that color just going to extend it fill duration pull it to the left just to make it last our whole time the timeline can go out of paint mode now so uh I want this to cover the whole bird so basically I'm just scaling it out like this you know to cover the whole canvas and then I want to clip mask this to the bird so long hold mask and then clip mask then it clip masks to whatever is right underneath in the timeline here so you see now the bird is you know faded faded out so we need to animate we want it to be 100% here so I'm going to just set a a filter um key frame on opacity but the closer it is to us maybe around here we don't really need any more of that Hast maybe maybe here maybe something like this so now you see it fades in um from this point on maybe a little further in like that and we can set this to set easing I think linear is fine for that one let's just have a look at it so here is nice and dark from this point on the The Hazing is fading in feels more natural then so cool cool that's it that's how I did the the animation and with the cool sound from and music from down Howell um it looks like [Music] this see you soon bye bye
Channel: Nikolai Lockertsen
Views: 48,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #procreate, #procreatedreams
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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