Anime Tree Bark Shader in Blender - Comfee Tutorial

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forests in anime can be both beautiful and haunting and after seeing how much detail and thought out brush work goes into each piece of scenery no matter what anime it's from it seemed rather daunting trying to figure out how to recreate that same painterly tree bark look in blender by only using nodes but despite my initial fears it turns out it's pretty easy to do and I'm going to show you how but first welcome to the comfy mug Channel my name is Christian and I spend countless hours learning how to make anime stuff and blender so that you don't have to so if you want to learn how to make your own anime Textures in 3D like And subscribe so you don't miss out and also check out my patreon the first tier is only $2 a month and you get custom anime assets made by me at the start of each month it helps a lot to support this channel so thank you guys so much I I really appreciate it but without further Ado let's get into the video uh first things first let's head to our render settings and enable Bloom for better lighting and change the view transform in our color management tab from AG X to standard to see the exact colors of our textures we'll also want to enable node Wrangler if you haven't already to navigate the Shader editor a whole lot easier once that's saved we'll head down to the viewport and add a cylinder with a depth of 10 ft or about 3.48 M if you're using the metric system for your units tabbing into edit mode will make a few Loop Cuts sliding the two outer cuts to the edges of our cylinder and place the middle one just a little bit above the Bottom now we'll turn on proportional editing and start moving a few points from the base outward to give the tree trunk an illusion of having Roots this is pretty easy to do from top down oh almost forgot about this part adding a subdivision modifier will round out the edges and make the tree look a lot smoother not mandatory but anyways we'll then tab back out of edit mode and change the viewport to rendered mode and press shift d to add a sun changing the strength to three and the angle to whatever you want and once you have that set up we can take a step back and admire our work for 2 seconds now there are three simple parts to this anime tree bark Shader the texture color and Shader output and as the texture is the driver for both the color and Shader output we'll start with that first so when we open up the Shader editor we'll delete the principal bsdf and add four noise textures three color ramps two mixed colors a combine XYZ and an object info note we'll set the right hand mix color to linear light with the factor at 0.1 and change the other mix color to 0.2 connect each group of nodes in the way you see on screen changing the top right noise scale to 20 the bottom right noise to seven with its roughness at one and then change the bottom left noises scale to seven as well we'll also want to select our top left noise texture and press contrl T to add a mapping and texture coordinate node changing the vector input to object and connect the vector output to the bottom left and top right noise textures as well but for the bottom right texture we'll add another mapping and texture coordinate node with the object input connected and connect the object info node's location output to the corresponding location inputs of both mapping nodes this just makes the textures change based on the location of the object pair that with the object Vector output and this texture gains an infinite amount of variation now here's where it starts to get interesting by pressing shift control left click on our linear light we'll see the mix between our first couple textures is pretty muddy without much contrast and since we'll eventually plug this into the bump map for our Shader output we want to lower the value of our top right color ramps white stop to make the secondary texture shine through a bit more by doing this the textures will have much more contrast than they did before but the result doesn't look very much like a tree yet we want to stretch these textures out and distort them a bit to make it look like the bark has grown up with the direction of the tree so instead of just changing the z-axis scale of our textures mapping node we'll plug the combin XYZ that's plugged into our other noise textures into the scale input of our mapping node and change the zv value to 0.1 now the tree bark look is really coming together you can change the factor of our mix color to distort the texture even more giving it a more gnarled look and adjust the leftmost mapping nodes Z axis scaling to anywhere between 1 and 0.6 though the adjustments aren't super visible right now they'll be very prominent when the texture is plugged into our Shader outputs bump map and after selecting all the nodes and pressing shift p we'll rename our frame to texture with the F2 key at the top of your keyboard and set this texture section off to the side to make room for our color section now getting into the color we'll need four color ramps three of which will have their white stops crunched and the fourth with its black stop turned up to the middle we'll also need an HSV node a noise texture with the scale set to 20 and a voronoy set to distance to edge with its scale at 15 detail at five and roughness at 0.68 I know super specific we'll also want to add a mapping and texture coordinate node for each texture switch both to object and add an object info node with its location connected after that we'll add a mixed color node set to linear light with a factor at one and connect these nodes to see what we're doing now we have these really detailed fractures that we'll want to both Squish and stretch by changing the X and Y AIS scaling of our voro to 1.6 each and the x axis to 0.15 we can adjust the noises color ramp a little if needed but once we're done with this section let's head back up to add four more mixed color nodes one of which will change to Lion keeping its Factor at 0.5 and another changed to Overlay with its Factor at 0.2 once these are all set up connect the nodes as you see on screen taking the result of the texture section and plugging it into the color of our HSV node whose value will increase to two and will connect the result of our color's linear light to the B input of the overlay the last thing we need to do for this section is change both both mixes A and B input colors for the top one we'll select a mid Tan in the a and a dark tan in the B and for the lower mix the a input will be fully black and the B will make a desaturated yellow green color with the value at one this will act as some small Moss spots on our tree that we can increase or decrease the opacity of by adjusting the lightens factor oh and if you're wondering all of the hex codes for the colors I'm using in this tutorial will be in the description for your convenience but getting back to it we won't want to change the factor of our overlay too much since the black value will really start to come through if we increase it but we want the factor at just the right amount to allow for the bark detail to come through that being said we can select this section's nodes place them all in a frame and rename it to color and move on to the final and easiest section for this Shader now for our Shader output we'll only only need seven nodes total so we'll start by adding a bump map two diffuse bsdfs two Shader to rgbs a color ramp and a mix color set to multiply with its Factor at 0.85 connect the nodes as you see on screen making sure to connect the color sections result to the color input of our top diffuse and the result of our texture section to the height of the bump map setting the distance to two after doing this you'll notice that the tree doesn't look like anime but that's because we got to change the color ramp a little normally to achieve the anime look I gravitate towards turning the color ramp to constant but I actually want some softer areas in the shadows to get a more cohesive look so what we'll do is change the black stop to just a bit lighter gray crunch the color stops a bit and then add two color stops in between making them both the same gray color as each other and push them both close to the edges of the other color stop enough to give the Shadows a stylized look while still having some soft edges after that you can change the settings of various textures and nodes to adjust the look of your trees and once you find a look you like most you will have made your own 3D anime bark texture but a tree is never complete without its leaves so check out my tutorial on making fully 3D anime trees I mean if you want to I guess you don't have to that's fine but let me know what kinds of projects you guys are working working on in the comment section below remember to like And subscribe and check out my patreon if you want custom anime inspired assets made by me I want to take a moment to thank all of my patrons for being so dedicated and supporting me so that I can make these videos in the first place you guys have given me the ability to be creative and figure out how to make all of these anime shaders so that I can teach you all so from my heart to yours thank you guys so much you truly mean a lot and thank you so much for watching the video I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll see you here next time at the comfy mug
Channel: Comfee Mug
Views: 8,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime blender, blender anime beginner, blender beginner, blender anime shader, 3d anime shader, easy anime shader, anime texture painting in blender, blender anime texture painting, procedural textures blender, anime tree bark shader, anime blender tutorial, 3d anime tutorial, blender anime style, blender painterly style, comfy mug, comfy tutorial, anime tree, 3d anime tree, how to make an anime style tree in blender
Id: -xzGLRtEmZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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