Problems With WordPress And How To Fix Them.

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hello everyone and welcome thank you very much for joining me i know this is a very short notice and uh i just decided to do this a few hours ago because i realized that there's a lot of deals going on out there black friday cyber monday and so on and there's a lot of things that we can buy you know from all these offers so i want to talk about the problems that come with wordpress and how we can overcome them because sometimes when we buy all these products it may seem like okay i've just bought this product and i'm pretty much good to go so i want to just talk about all those problems so it can uh relieve your stress and and frustrations because yes wordpress can become very very frustrating all right so i can see quite a lot of you are joining me here uh michael thank you very much for joining me i know i see you pretty much everywhere you mean you're in the community you're helping a lot so it's also great to uh to see you as well uh thank you very much and steve steve from scotland good to see you and thanks for your message as well i'm glad that um my tutorials and the courses are all helping you that's super super awesome okay so um i'm uh live streaming this both on facebook and also on youtube so at any point if you have any questions please let me know in the comments box so i can respond to those questions all right so let's dive in let's talk about the problems of wordpress and how we can overcome them all right so first of all when we take a look at uh wordpress wordpress is very complex because first of all if you're a new if you're a beginner wordpress itself has a learning curve and it can be quite frustrating because there's a lot of updates that wordpress pushes out just to make it work with uh i mean just to add more features now here's the thing wordpress on its own has its own page builder right it's called gutenberg but it's very uh what can i say it doesn't have a lot of features and this is where page builders come in so most of you of course you know i use divi there's elementor there's breezy all these are page builders that have come to fill in that gap because gutenberg editor for wordpress is not that intuitive okay so that's an introduction of another problem now you have to learn the page builder itself and these page builders are very complex you know because they have a ton of features in fact if you look at divi it has theme builders it has libraries there is so much going on in there so you need time to learn the page builder itself so let's say okay you've learnt the page builder the next problem now becomes okay do you have the design skills to make everything look really nice so this is where now you need some basic graphic design skills on how to use color how to use fonts how to uh how to layout everything correctly how to use images on your websites so that again is another area that you have to learn right and just when you think okay you know what i'm done now here comes another problem and this time the problem is your website may be slow and you really want your website to work really really fast so that's another problem that's been introduced as well and let's say you want to design a specific type of website so let's say you want to sell online courses so now we're introducing learndash on top of wordpress divi we're putting learndash on top of that and you may be thinking okay i have a website that sells courses but how do i integrate the email now you have to think about email integration right and then along the way you may be thinking oh you know what i need to increase my sales here by using sales funnels now you're adding cut flows on top of that and then you say okay you know what i need a very good payment system for my website and now you're introducing woocommerce all these products come with a learning curve and at some point you're going to get updates from these programs so cut flows may have an update this update can break a certain functionality in on your website and things will stop it will stop working so all these are problems that come with using wordpress but i know it sounds like this is terrible and it's all bad news not at all i'm one of those people that used teachable for example i've done a video where i i at one point i was fed up of wordpress and i said to myself you know what i'm just gonna go to teachable and just use that platform for creating my courses i was there for about a day and i was super frustrated i mean i was back to wordpress and i had to ask the community to give me some time to regroup and make sure that everything was working okay and since then to be honest i really love wordpress because of the high customizable customizations that you can do you can pretty much have any type of website you want so why am i bringing all these problems and how can we solve these well there is a specific way you have to think about wordpress when you start using wordpress so for example you have to work from the ground up right so the first thing is your hosting now when i was running my web design agency one of the problems that i used to have and this is what really led me to just forgetting about the design agency it was the hosting i had about uh almost 200 customers and i was using hostgator at the time very very cheap and i thought you know what i'm going to save some money i'm going to take i'm going to go with this hosting it's going to make things easy for me well that was a massive mistake because sometimes cheap can be very expensive so the price i paid was uh hostgator did not provide a lot of security or any security for that matter so all my websites were open to vulnerabilities of course i had to go in and make sure that each website had word friends running all the plugins were up to date but you can imagine if you're trying to manage uh say 200 websites and you're going in one by one one by one making sure everything's updated it can be a massive massive massive maze of time time drain so this is where i really struggled with that and when i started having problems my websites were being hacked this is where i just felt like you know what i am done with websites and then on top of that you also have to deal with customer service that is where i just say to myself you know what enough is enough so this is where i changed my model to now having courses and doing tutorials so i'd rather help people design their own website than design their websites for them but i am really rethinking this i am actually thinking of setting up a design agency and then sharing with you the process in case uh some of you guys want to set up design agencies as well so you can see how i'm doing it and you can follow those footsteps but all this information will be in the membership okay so it's not gonna be like uh free information it's gonna be in the membership anyway so the hosting is the most important part so if you nail the hosting this is i would say 70 of your problems gone because you need a hosting that provides uh support great support number two the hosting has to also take care of the the security number three you also need to have backups now when i was working with on my agency in my agency i did not have any backups so in certain cases i had to redesign that website quickly to get it back up and running so a hosting company has to have automatic backups every single day so in case something happens you may perhaps update your website if things break you can always go back to the previous working version and boom just like that in a few minutes you'll be back up and running super fast all right guys do you have any questions so far perhaps maybe you have these experiences that i'm talking about here um phoebe says i'm a newbie just enrolled fantastic awesome uh that is great um i can't is this uh russian i can't pronounce the name in fact i can't even read it but anyway it's a good message uh thank you very much yes i'm in good health and uh yes i'm back everything is really cool um these are the comments on face on youtube let's have a look here on facebook and see as well if we have any questions okay nothing so far anyway all good so i'm gonna continue and uh discuss uh these issues here okay so if you have those things in place basically your headache is pretty much gone so you set up your website inside ground in fact i highly recommend siteground and cloudways now let me talk about this too by the way because it's also very important for you to know why some of these hosting companies are the way they are the reason why i recommend siteground is because siteground is highly optimized to work with divi divi right now is a very very fast theme so i know a lot of people have been saying oh my website is slow or divvy is slow chances are you haven't optimized your website correctly i'm also going to cover that today right so siteground is optimized to work well with divi now siteground is ideal if you're running you know low traffic websites or you're just getting started this is fantastic but if you're running a website which has high traffic maybe it's an e-commerce website you're selling courses and you have a lot of students on your website this is where it can get a bit tricky now you need to have a separate type of server because this is a shared server okay so you need a dedicated server and cloudways is really really good in fact my website now uh has moved on to cloudways because i have a ton of um students on the website on so this is why i've moved cloud ways it doesn't mean that um siteground is not good it's just good for maybe your initial steps but of course as you start getting a lot of traffic to your website you do need to get to a dedicated server so cloudways is what i'm recommending in fact i'm going to do a full tutorial tomorrow covering cloud ways and how to get everything all set up correctly okay so that's your hosting now when we move on to the page builders now the page builders have a ton of features being added you know pretty much on a regular basis so it may be very difficult to keep up with all these updates and later on trying to uh fit in all these things together like your your understanding the the page builder itself and incorporating your graphic design skills and then finally having the perfect website you're looking for i'm pretty sure some of you guys have um have had this where you're online you see beautiful websites you look at it and then you wonder why is this website working the reason why it's working is because they have nailed the design aspect of it the colors are working well the fonts are working well there's a lot of white space there's uh the images also great they're all cropped in the right way so these are the sort of things that make your website look professional without those your websites it's just gonna look like a mediocre website okay so that's your page builder so the page builders are fantastic they give us so many tools it makes it easier for us to work with color fonts and so on so let's say now you've got all that the next step now is and i'm sure you've heard me talk about this so many times you have your website what is the website doing for you and that's a that's a very very important question because a lot of people out there uh hopefully not one of those don't just go in and just design websites for the sake of just designing them you want to make sure you design a website that brings you results and these results are either leads or sales this is where you start to uh to have your website really work for you it's very very important you start to think along those lines and i know it can be a challenge because then you're going to start to think about okay i need to connect my websites make them work well together and this is where you start incorporating all these things off over here on the side you want to bring learn dash in you want to bring woocommerce you want to blink bring fluent crm and cut flows and all these come with their learning curve as well now the great news is i've i use all these plugins i pretty much live in these plugins i'm always trying out new things i'm learning uh i'm incorporating all their features their beta versions and i constantly speak to some of these developers for example when fluent support was released in fact if you haven't seen that video you need to check it out because if you run an online business you're going to need a support an online support tool that helps you communicate with your customers anyway i digress fluent support when it was released it had an option where if you go in and submit a ticket you have your own portal which is great but let's say you go away you want to come back log in and take a look at your portal there's a login form so this form when you log in it's a normal wordpress login when you log in it pretty much takes you into the website and this was a problem because it was conflicting with uh wishlist member which is my membership plugin so that was really giving me headaches because i'm thinking okay this login form is not working but of course the developers cannot design uh for every single plugin out there so i got in touch with um jewel from uh wp managed ninja the makers of uh fluent support and i said look why don't you just add a feature where if someone has submitted a ticket and they want to log in they log in they log in using your form and then they get redirected to that actual um page where um that dashboard is where the support is not anywhere else on the website and you know what within minutes that was done so these are the sort of things that uh you may find uh frustrating as you're working with these different plugins but like i said i've worked with these plugins and i know how to integrate them in fact these plugins are running my online business right now so now when i talk about websites that provide either leads or sales this is where you start to transform your uh your online business and when you start making money this is where it all starts to make sense because i used to design websites for fun just like painting you know i'll just paint and that was really cool i'll get a buzz from uh completing a painting and that could be the same with web design as well you could say oh i've just designed my website and you feel good about it but ideally you really want to take this to the next level and start designing websites that really bring results so now here's the stage where you'll be thinking okay so how do i get the customers that's another challenge and before we even talk about the customers the website itself has to convert which means you have to learn copywriting you need to know how to use the right words and um and measure how people are responding to the text that you have on your website so that's again another skill that you have to master and you also have to learn video because video is the second uh in fact is the most viewed content on the internet video is just you know crazy so again that's something else that you have to learn but i know i'm speaking about all these things as if there are massive problems and you can't really go in and um and start learning these things the reason why i'm mentioning this is for you to be successful you have to think about all these because remember you're spending so much money buying all these licenses you really want to put them to work so i came up with a solution and this is why i in fact this came about i was thinking to myself okay i'm constantly recommending all these tools i'm showing people how to use them but dip down i know everyone has different ways of using all these plugins so why not create a platform or a membership where we're discussing these specific plugins which if you want you can you know you can just branch out and choose whatever way you want to make money online for example in my membership now i have quite a lot of tutorials i do live q and a's i i show you how to build specific websites like for example here i have uh live workshops where we were doing this for uh for over seven weeks actually so this was the latest one here ask me anything um and this one here make more money with sales funnels and this one here is uh make money with your website your website this was episode one uh design your website from scratch and so on so you can see all these are very close this is september the 2nd the 17th 27th october november november 15th so all these are quite now why these help is when you're working on something you get stuck you can easily you know ask questions and uh you know i can respond to them and because i use all these plugins it just makes it easier for me to just give you you know the support just like that because i use these plugins so where i'm getting uh where i'm getting at with this is in fact you know what uh let's check and see if there are any uh questions here right t-town t-shirts i have a backlog i um i'm aware that quite a lot of you have bought the lifetime membership so i am going to uh catch up with uh with all the support and make sure that uh everything is going to be working for all you guys so please just bear with me just give me a few hours today i'll be sleeping late because i'm going to be going through all this to make sure that everyone gets access uh everyone that has bought the lifetime deal gets the access um uh joe i know you're kind of pissed off i uh i'm really sorry about that now what happened recently is i moved my support system from intercom to fluent support because with intercom uh i was missing quite a f quite a lot of messages so now i've moved everything on to support so everything is my dashboard so i have a bit of a backlog so i'm going through all of that to make sure i answer every single question so uh i'm really sorry about that um i am catching up with all the support um right uh let's have a look here do we have any more questions uh the best way i mean to uh uh moving forward for support is to uh click on the support button uh that support button will take you to a page where you can just submit your ticket that way i can just get everything all in my dashboard because you know with email i have three emails and sometimes the emails go to different email boxes and i have a lot of spam as well so all these emails sometimes i could miss them so this is the challenge and this is one of those frustrations that i had uh when it came to support and it used to give me a lot of anxiety uh until now i've moved to fluent support so i'm just catching up with my support so i am going to be there very very soon please just bear with me okay um i'm just checking here to see if we have any questions here on facebook okay nothing yet okay great right so these are great questions um san crit uh is saying here how to change a hosting server the best way to change your hosting server is if you register your domain name with a separate company all right so what i normally do is i use a service called so they registered i mean i use them to register my domain name and then when it comes to the hosting i just use the hosting service as a hosting service so if you want to move your your website in fact you know what this is a great question i may even do an extent an extensive uh tutorial on how to move a website from a single hosting i mean from one specific hosting company to the next in fact let me do a tutorial i'll explain in a moment um how to do it okay so what you need to do is to use a plugin called duplicator uh there's quite a few plugins there which you can use which will uh copy your website from your from your existing hosting company and uh move them over to the new uh hosting company so how it works is you go to your existing hosting company you install the plugin right you create um a uh copy of your website you go on to the new hosting company install wordpress and then install the exact same plugin like duplicator for example so when you install it in there basically that file that you would have created from the initial hosting company you download it right and then you upload it onto the new hosting company it will just bring all your files your whole website from one uh hosting company to the next just like that it is super super easy but i will do a tutorial i know sometimes explaining it this way does not do this justice but i am going to do a tutorial on how to move a website from one host to the next okay t-town t-shirts um yes you can add a background color to to uh to the drop down i know exactly what you're talking about i will address this and i'll show you and show you how uh how it can be done to uh to fix that uh phoebe says how long does it take uh basically when i go to the facebook group i just go in and uh approve but normally in a day but sometimes again i can be uh behind because i'm trying to create a lot of tutorials a lot of uh a lot of videos so sometimes i could be behind but as soon as i see um any um anyone that wants to join the the group i usually just accept them but today i am going to uh accept pretty much anyone who uh wants to join the group right a lot of questions are coming through now uh what to do what you have to do with divi to get learndash installed and working uh rory uh what you what you can do is uh when you install a learn dash uh pretty much it works um without any problems but what you may need to do extra is to make sure you create templates to just make your website look really nice across the board because uh if you just use learn dash out of the box it has a sidebar you know the fonts are not custom you know it won't match the rest of your website but i have a um i have a course in uh in the library in in um on funnels to income which shows you how to uh build this all together but i mean of course i'm going to be talking about these courses and how i need to update them as well to uh to the latest versions yes all-in-one migration uh is fantastic so first rule digital marketing thank you for that i actually did a tutorial about all-in-one migration very very good tool it makes it very easy for you to uh to basically move your website from one hosting company to another but i am going to do an updated version uh debbie says i purchased the ultimate dvd template uh where do i unpack it okay so uh there is a tutorial debbie uh that shows you step by step how to do it but i will explain quickly just in case you want to go ahead and start using it so the ultimate template how it works is you uh it's a zip file so you unzip it right you i mean you unzip the file uh in fact i may even show you uh right now how uh how to use it but anyway you unzip the file and then you go into the theme builder so let me show you quickly where you need to go so i'm just going to switch over here now so what you need to do is to come all the way down here to divi click on theme builder and this is now the theme builder area so you click on these two arrows called portability click on this tab which says import and then you want to click over here so this will open up uh will open up this you find uh where you uh downloaded it okay and then you import the json file and then click on import uh dvd theme templates and basically your templates will populate over here click on save changes and basically you are up and running so that is how you do it okay let's take a look here uh concrete yes make a backup i always make a backup when you are doing these big moves so you do need to make a backup first uh before changing the hosting awesome okay um okay great um just i'm just taking a look here to see if there's any questions that i may have missed okay so now with all these problems that i spoke about i decided you know what wouldn't it be good if i could create a membership where people can just log in and access these courses about these different types of website that where you can create [Music] money from and also learn how to use the plugins at the same time so this is uh pretty much solving the problem of how dv works how card flows works how uh learn dash works and all these plugins and how to put them all together to make sure everything is working okay because you will get some conflict sometimes if you do use the wrong plugins and the wrong setups so the idea now with the funnels to income membership is to have everything all in one place and for this membership you also get live q and a's regular live q and a's where you can ask me questions and so on and also access all the courses all the templates and anything that you need in order for you to set up all your websites so i know debbie here is asking me about the template now what these templates do is they help you set up your website super fast so instead of spending so much time designing your headers your footers and so on i have templates where you just install it just like that and you have your header footer 404 pages search results page blog pages all of that set up for you ready to go so within five minutes you're going to have pretty much uh 70 of your website pretty much almost done all you have to do after setting up the template is to then add all your pages add your all your images your text and so on and to take this even a step further i also have what is known as a style guide now this style guide has pre-designed head i mean pre-designed buttons and all your modules basically are all pre-designed for you and this is also something that makes your website super fast so these are the sort of things and the sort of tools that you need in order for you to be a complete designer so i'm going to be adding a lot of uh tutorials in the membership where as soon as new features are added in all these plugins i'm going to be adding them into uh into these videos into the membership so that you guys are up to date with the latest features and how you can apply them onto your website now i'm not saying this to brag but funnels to income now has started making money which is something i struggled with in fact i've been in the web design business for a very long time i mean i'm talking about over uh 10 years probably 12 years now and it's it's been very difficult for me to make money online i know a lot of you have joined my youtube channel for very long time and i did address this about two years ago where i wasn't even making money on my website but i started learning a lot and how to implement certain systems on the website and now i'm i'm glad to say i am starting to get uh some money uh through funnels to income on my website and what makes me really excited is the fact that the whole system is working and this is the most difficult part having the whole system to work like your emails your support your uh your designs your your videos everything is working or in uh in one system and this is something i always struggled with sometimes someone would buy a course and then for some reason the system doesn't allow them to get access to the course and then i have to go to paypal to check i have to go to stripe so this was all like all over the place i mean right now it's still happening but in most cases it's because with paypal if you purchase using let's say your one email and then you sign up onto the website with a different email this can be a problem because the system has to have the same email to recognize i mean who you are so if you use a different email with paypal and a different email to log in that's going to be a problem so this is something that i'm currently going in and trying to do this manually and this is why i guess some of you guys are having this problem but it's you know something i can deal with um and hopefully maybe paypal is going to fix this issue where they can just match these emails so it becomes seamless because ideally you want that when someone buys a course automatically they get an email to say here's a username password you can log in here okay so that's the ideal situation with stripes it works really well it's seamless there's no problems there you purchase something with your debit or credit card it just goes through it's only paypal that's the problem okay but anyway i digress my main thing here is i think i've cracked the code of creating a website that really really works and this is what i want to teach uh pretty much everyone out there who is interested to make websites that generate leads and also sales currently my websites right now i have uh 6 000 yes 6 000 leads and slowly slowly is growing and i want to share how i'm doing it i want to share how i'm deciding my websites my my downfalls what you need to be aware of all in funnels to income membership in fact let me show you what i have here on the membership so over here on the membership um as i mentioned this is the membership for creative creatives who wants to create websites that generate income and leads that's the main focus okay so even if you want to become a freelance designer if you're designing websites that generate leads this is what small businesses want to see right and also if you're designing websites that generate income this could be a website for yourself again this is super super powerful this is really really good for for yourself you're not just having websites that look pretty you're having websites that have a purpose okay so what's going to be in this membership well i know some of you are already in the membership so i'm just have to go through this again so what's in the membership uh is all i mean these courses there's going to be live workshops q as uh templates uh design templates to get you up and running really fast mini courses so this membership is going to be a one membership that makes you access everything okay now i was trying to sell these um uh courses uh you know like on a uh one by one yes it's good but it's a lot of headache you know because why not just buy a lifetime license that way so i'm going to be experimenting with that just in case you know some people may want to just buy a single course and that's it but anyways so over here the lifetime membership is going to be 5.99 because i think you can appreciate that a lot of work is going to be going in here i am going to be um behind the scene behind the scenes learning these plugins learning these systems testing them out and once they're good to go i'll be making courses for them so it's a lot of work behind the scenes but it's going to be uh um worth your while so this is the price 5.99 but at the moment it's 50 off so i'm gonna try and get uh quite a few people you know to sign up uh at this discounted uh price after a few days after cyber monday this is going to go so i'm going to get rid of the 50 discount uh and then move over now to the yearly access okay so that's the plan i need to move over here to the yearly access so this is going to go completely after a few days and then i'm just going to stick with the yearly access that way at least i have recurring revenue every single year as people are signing up okay so what you get so as i mentioned if you break down these courses into single courses you can see here this web design masterclass this is a complete course that teaches you how to design professional websites from scratch and remember those things i spoke about learning how to use color how to use fonts how to use images everything is covered in this course marketing automation very good if you want to make money with your website so they all these courses all together they cost about three thousand one hundred and twenty so if you wanted to buy these one by one this will be the cost okay and here are the courses so we have this one here so these pretty much other courses some of you are members as i mentioned uh you already have access to all of this now here's the thing i have upcoming courses too i'm not sure why this is not showing here this is weird i'm going to refresh this right there we go this was just about to embarrass me right these are upcoming courses uh divi jumpstart i may change the name to dv mastery i'm not sure this is going to be a quick course which gets you up and running with divi because i realize that just pushing everyone into the deep end where you're learning the whole system on how to set up websites can be quite overwhelming so this is going to be a course that just introduces you to uh how divi works and how to find your way around divi uh perhaps maybe about 10 15 lessons so this is a course coming up very very soon funnel crafter this again is going to be a course that teaches you how to put all your sales funnels together um whether you're running a uh online course website or even a um even a service based business and then we have email automation so all these i mean in fact these two work hand in hand they are very very important you want to make sure that everything is working okay your emails are working you have automated emails your customers are seeing all your emails so this is uh something that uh is going to be super crucial for running an online business so all these things here are all going to be included in the in the membership now when you sign up for this lifetime membership you are going to uh pretty much get access to all the current courses and upcoming courses so it's very very important that you uh you you understand this current courses and upcoming courses so you have access pretty much to everything now a lot of you have bought the lifetime membership so i thought to myself you know what why not just uh you know talk about it uh a few more times uh just to get uh people to understand uh the vision behind the funnels to income membership and why this is important so pretty much this is uh what i have in funnels to income membership so it's going to have a ton of content i mean there are a lot of plugins there which are improving cut flows is improving the uh the way of uh setting up your sales funnels i am going to be teaching that divi is coming up with a lot of uh updates uh pretty much all these plugins so you're going to have the latest information the latest ways of uh integrating all these tools together to make them work without crazy conflicts okay and if you do have any problems with these plugins i mean pretty much you can always come to me because i use these programs anyway if there's something i cannot answer i can always go to the developers and ask and the idea is to get you up to date and up and running super fast all right guys i'm just going to take a look here at uh your questions one more time so if you want to purchase this this is going to expire in a in a few days and this is the 50 off and then it's going to go to 5.99 and then um the next year i'm pretty much going to keep everything on um on the yearly access okay so i'm going to take a look now at some of the questions and see right so right uh debbie says are the style guides included with the ultimate template no these are two separate programs the style guide and the ultimate template are separate the reason why i separated them is because sometimes some some some of you may have created your own style guide and you may not need you know one or the other so that is why i separated them so they are two separate um products oh thank you phoebe for for joining the lifetime membership that is awesome excellent right so i pretty much think i covered everything so this uh pretty much gives you an idea of uh how uh wordpress can be very frustrating and how uh i've brought this solution with uh funnels to income membership so anyone who signs up now pretty much okay to be uh you're the the initial uh sort of um members because this is going to grow as a start adding even more tutorials and more courses and and so on the membership is going to increase in price definitely there is no way i will be keeping it at uh that price this is an initial uh introductory price i am going to be increasing the price for sure so i'm glad that you've bought this lifetime membership it's going to run away very soon so make sure you go ahead and sign up for this um and take advantage of this deal for black friday and uh cyber monday all right guys uh thank you very much for tuning in if you still have any questions please let me know in the video comments i am going to be taking a look at the comments and i'll respond in there if you have any queries uh please please please go to uh in fact let me show you quickly here how to get support because this is a brand new system so if you want support the easiest way is to uh come over here and click on support okay if i click on it right now it won't work because i am already logged in but this is where you want to come in you click here on support and you submit a ticket and i will get all the tickets in fact uh let me see because uh oh in fact you know what i may have people's emails there it's private information that may not be good okay but anyway like i said this is uh the new way of uh learning wordpress it is very very beneficial if you know how to put everything together so i am going to be using this platform as a way to show you guys how to set up all these different types of websites using specific software which are tried and tested all right guys thank you very much for tuning in i really appreciate your time for those of you i haven't responded to i am going to be doing that tonight and tomorrow as well so please please please bear with me i am going to respond to your messages alright guys thank you very much for watching and i'll see you again
Channel: MAK
Views: 848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9Ptl0aMcpJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 32sec (2732 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.