How To Make A Multi Vendor eCommerce Marketplace Website With Wordpress 2021 (Like Amazon)

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welcome back party people my name is daryl wilson and today in this video i'll be showing you all how to create a multi-vendor e-commerce website with wordpress so that's kind of a long title right so before we begin let me explain what a multi-vendor e-commerce website is how it all works and how you can let vendors sell products on your ecommerce website a multi-vendor e-commerce website allows other users to register as a vendor and sell products on your website when a vendor creates a product on your website and sells it you then receive a commission of the sale for that product sold your website can register vendors automatically and you can adjust the commission rates for each of your vendors for example if the vendor creates and lists a product and sells it for 100 and you have a 30 commission rate applied you would then receive thirty dollars and the vendor would receive seventy dollars it's pretty straightforward plus the whole signup process is really simple vendors can register directly on your website with the signup form you can then approve or disapprove the vendor after the vendor has been approved they can start listing products on your ecommerce website you may also moderate and review the products before they are published on your store after the vendors have made some sales they can then request a withdrawal at any time now once a vendor makes a withdrawal request you can review it pay your vendor and continue business as usual and i'll walk you through this whole process today step by step all right so here is the multi-vendor website that i'll be providing you guys a little bit later in this tutorial so i'll be giving you guys this layout for free to help you guys uh with your multi-vendor store now here we have a list of products right and these products are actually sold by different vendors and when those vendors sell a product you would then make a commission of that sale and then here is just the landing page you know we have some more featured products i added this really cool countdown timer here so these are more of like a flash sale and stuff like that and then as we scroll down we just have some more product categories so you can insert your product categories and then scrolling down here we have a section with more category so we have like emphasis on this phone and then we just have more uh products here and then we have our footer at the bottom so it's a pretty nice looking website and i'm gonna go ahead and show you guys the other pages now this is a layout that you guys will get for free later and this actually comes with four different shop pages and also two different product pages so for example just click on one here just to give you guys a quick example this would be like shop page one and here we have a list of different products and we added this sidebar in here to kind of upsell multiple products i just really like the layout design of this and then on the right side we have more testimonials where people can say oh my gosh this product was amazing you know stuff like that and then below that we just have some more uh upsells and stuff like that let's go ahead and go to shop page two and this is just another variation so it just depends on how you want to approach your multi-vendor store but this is more of a broader sense so we got rid of the sidebar we added this timer here and then we have a list of products so you guys will receive multiple shop pages as well now let's go and take a look at the product page so this is an example of a product page and we have a list of products we have you know the category people can share it to their favorite social networks and then we also have related products here and then also we can get more information about the vendor selling this product so here under vendor info they can see who's actually selling the product we have reviews and additional information about this product and we also have shipping details if you want to add in shipping details to your product they can always go ahead and click on product inquiry as well and get more information about this product from the vendor itself now let's talk about the actual vendor list so right here i'll click on store list all right so next you'll see a list of our stores so this says meet our vendors and we have three different vendors right we have jakey the smith store and the becca shop and these are your typical vendors now also your visitors can click on follow and they can follow these specific vendors and get notified when they upload new products but i'll go ahead and click on the becca shop right here so this is the becca shop and you guys can see it just looks really clean on the left side they can contact the vendor they can get support they can follow they can always email the vendor as well if they have questions relating their products and then they can follow you know they can share this as well and then below that is a list of various products so these are all the products that the becca store is selling and when someone purchases these products you guys would make a commission on your multi-vendor e-commerce website now here is the dashboard for your vendors so when people sign up to your website this is the dashboard they are given and from here they can go ahead and view a list of their products their reports their reviews and all this information so for example i'll just click on products here and then you'll see a list of the products that this vendor is selling they can delete these products they can change the price they can upload more products and we also have different type of products you know we have auction products booking products and subscription products however that's in the pro version and i'll be talking a little bit more about that later in the video but uh here you can see that the vendor has a lot of control over their products and if they want to add a product they can click on add a product right here and then simply go to the process of adding a new product to your store now you can also see that this product is pending review and that's because you as an admin will have to approve this product before it's published to your store so you do have a lot of control over what products are listed on your multivendor store on the left side you can see the vendors can create coupons as well they can also request withdrawals they can see lists of their followers and also announcements now i'll be very honest some of these features are only in the pro version but a lot of these are in the free version of this plugin so i'll cover more of that in the video but uh right here i'll click on dashboard so this is the vendors dashboard and from here they can see a list of their sales and also their earnings so this is the money that they are currently earning and the remaining of this balance is the money that you gain in profits and then below that we have some more statistics we have latest announcements and stuff like that on the left side the users can actually request a withdrawal at any time on your store so i'll click on withdrawal and here you can see that we have actually asked for a withdrawal so we asked a withdrawal of 50 and right now it's currently being reviewed by the admin now i can cancel this and just give you guys a an example here so this is a pending withdrawal but i'll go ahead and cancel and say you know what i want to withdraw 150 through paypal and then i'll submit the request all right so as of right now we are waiting for the admin to approve the withdrawal so let's take a look at what this looks like from the admin point of view all right so i'm back on the admin website and i'm going to go back over here to my dashboard and on the left side we're going to see doecon and here i'll just click on withdraw and then we can see a amount of 150 and they have requested to be paid and we can go ahead and approve this and pay them directly through paypal and that's it after you sent the money you guys can continue business as usual so these are the current vendors that are selling on your multivendor store and let's say for example you know you just want to get rid of a vendor or you want to restrict their selling right here i'll click on status and this vendor can no longer sell on your store now also remember that every product that they upload you'll have the option to moderate before it's published to your multi-vendor ecommerce store but uh right here let's click on the products under the becca shop and these are the current items that becca is selling on our multivendor store right here you can see this is pending so this is actually waiting for us to approve the product before it's published to our store and let's say for example you guys uh you know they upload a product but it's not up to par with your website you guys can actually edit their products at any time so for example i'll click on quick edit here and then we can change the price we can change the sale price we can change the description and we can pretty much change anything we want about the product so let's say for example your vendor just doesn't put enough description or they make some sort of typo i'll just go ahead and delete this and then leave it like that and then i can update this product now when i update this product this will reflect on our store so you guys can actually update and moderate the products that vendors list on your ecommerce website you also have your own personal dashboard where you can see how much money you have made how many vendors have signed up what products they have sold and you'll also be notified if you have pending vendors you can also see how much commission you've made and then also we have this graph and this will actually show you how much money you've made and also how much commission you owe to your vendors as well now we also do have a lot of add-ons we can add to our store for example if you want to enable follow store you can have that turned on or off if you want to let the customers know when delivery time will be expected you can turn that on also you can integrate this with rank math seo so you can display the products how you want in the google search results and then you just have a few more other options like stroll reviews table rate shipping this is for very advanced shipping and then subscriptions and stuff like that so you can turn these on or off just depending on your needs for your ecommerce website so this is the current website that i'll be providing you guys today in this video we'll also build a starter website together and this is an example of the starter website now this is using a free version of the astro theme and it's just a free theme that we're going to be using and we'll go ahead and practice with this first and then once you guys get comfortable we'll go ahead and import the starter template a little bit later in the video now multi-vendor ecommerce websites are very lucrative and it's a great way to make money and here are some examples of some successful multivendor stores and themeforest alone has nearly 1 billion dollars in sales so you can see multivendor stores are really profitable and to be honest guys making this multi-vendor ecommerce website is really simple we'll be using a free theme and also a free plugin called zocon now there is a pro version so first we'll show you guys how to make the website with the free version and then later if you guys decide to upgrade i'll be showing you how to use all of the pro features of the docon plugin the pro version of bacon does have some unique options like allowing your vendors to create bookable products where vendors can create booking appointments subscription products where your vendors can create subscription-based products on your website and even auction products where your vendors can allow your visitors to bid on products on your multi-vendor website vendors can set their expiration of the auction or even add a buy it now price now if you guys do decide to upgrade to the pro version we have a link and a discount code i think it's like 20 or something in the description below this video if you guys do use our link it does help us to continue to make these tutorials for you guys all for free and as a bonus we've also created a free charter template for all of you that you can use on your multi-vendor ecommerce website it looks really great and i'll show you guys that a little bit later in the video so with that said we're going to build your multi-vendor ecommerce website in five simple steps step one will get your domain and hosting and also show you how to install wordpress on your multi-vendor ecommerce website step 2 we will download a free theme and then start designing the website using a drag and drop page builder step 3 we will install the free plugin docon which will allow us to build our multi-vendor ecommerce website i'll show you how to add vendors set up tax and shipping and also add payment gateways on your multivendor website step 4 i'll show you how to use the pro version of dokon i'll explain what's included in the pro version and show all the features that come with it just in case you guys decide to upgrade and step five i'll show you how to import this beautiful freestarter template this is a free template that we created for you with various shop pages and product pages and you can import this on your website and we'll walk you through how to do that step by step so let's jump to step one and get web hosting now there is a link in the description of this video it'll take you to a page to purchase web hosting and welcome to now i've been recommending for years and people love it in fact this month alone we have had zero downtime with name hero so you will have a really reliable website and also our load time is under one second so we do test these servers to make sure that the websites are fast and uh reliable so you guys will have a really good deal with now once you guys get here go ahead and click on get started now now we have four different plans we have the starter cloud the plus cloud the turbo cloud and the business cloud now it really depends on your budgets but i recommend the turbo cloud because with this you can host unlimited websites you also do get access to the new nvme storage which just gives you a little bit more performance for your websites but go ahead and just select the package that works best for you obviously i'd probably go with the turbo cloud because you do get more performance but if you're on a budget you can always go with the starter cloud or the plus cloud as well and once you guys select the package you'll go ahead and scroll down and then you'll click on order now all right cool so next we're going to enter in our domain name so a domain name is the web address that you're using so for example name you can see here i was kind of messing around with this so we have a drones you could put anything that you want so this would be the name of your website for your ecommerce website for example i'll just do elementor e-commerce tutorials the z and search hopefully it's available there we go yeah so you guys also do get a free domain with name hero so that's pretty cool you guys save yourselves another i think it's like 14 bucks a year uh once you guys select the domain you know give it some thoughts i know it's you know it's personal it's your website so give it some thoughts and once you're here you'll click on continue all right next we need to select our billing cycle now personally i recommend one year one year you still get a large discount and this will also help you decide if this is for you or not so go ahead and select one year or a billing cycle that works best for you and we're going to scroll down here now there are some upsells and personally i don't think you really need any of these upsells a lot of these are available with free plugins and stuff like that so i wouldn't recommend any of them we do get a free ssl with name hero that's pretty cool and we do need that to accept credit card payments on our website so that's another pretty cool reason uh to sign up with name hero here i'll click on continue on the right side now this i do recommend i recommend getting the id protection and this will protect your personal information from spammers and companies trying to sell you all sorts of stuff trust me guys if you don't have that checked you're going to get emails for viagra from seo companies from all sorts of really crazy companies so i recommend the id protection once you select that you'll click on continue and for a year of hosting with name hero depending on your package you can see you're paying less than 100 for the entire year so you do get a really good value with and here you can see we have the hosting package we have our domain registration and you guys did save quite a bit of money using that link in the description of this video now once you guys are here we'll go ahead and scroll down and you'll need to create account so you'll put in your first name your last name your email your billing address all this good stuff i'm sure you guys have seen these screens many times on the internet now one thing i do want to mention uh try to write down your support pin this will actually help verify once you need like help or something they'll ask you for your pin so they'll verify that it's you who's making the phone call or messaging them on live chat and also keeps growing down here you can pay with credit card and paypal and coinbase ooh cryptocurrency and also uh credit card looks like they have it twice here but yeah it doesn't really matter so you'll go ahead and select a payment method that works best for you and also you'll go ahead and fill in these payment details and make sure to enter in your social security number i'm just joking it's a joke there's no social security needed and once you're done with that you will click on i have read yada yada yada and i'm sure you guys will read the terms of service right and once you're done with that you'll click on the checkouts and i will meet you in the customer portal alright and welcome to your new dashboard so this is your current dashboard as you guys can see i had many different packages many domains and i also have tickets with name hero and they really help me out with all of my problems so this is just your interface on the left side you can see your hosting packages these are your current domains you can always register a new domain also billing so if you want to see your payments or you want to add funds or you want to adjust your payment method you can do that here and also the support so if you guys run into something weird i know with websites things just kind of get weird sometimes you guys can always open a ticket here and they will help you out with all your problems and they are pretty fast i mean i think maybe under one hour they can help you guys with all your problems so once you guys are here let's go ahead and install wordpress onto our new domain you'll first click on my cloud now here we have hosting packages now you should probably only have one here so just go ahead and click on your hosting package and next we're going to see this login to cpanel go ahead and click on login to cpanel right cool so now we're going to go ahead and install wordpress onto our domain so up here we'll type in wordpress here we go we have wordpress manager by softaculous we'll click on this all right and from here we're going to install wordpress you guys can see i have many installations of wordpress already but right here you'll click on install and now we're going to look for the domain that we purchased so right here you have the choose domain section so you'll probably see your domain that you purchased i'll just go ahead and select this one but you're going to select the domain that you purchased and for the protocol make sure this is https which is the ssl now for in directory make sure nothing is here all right i don't know why that's there by default but oops whoops but uh make sure nothing is there because that will install your domain onto like something and you don't want that there yeah just don't have that there make sure that's make sure that's empty now for the admin username go ahead and give yourself an admin username and a password and this is what we are going to use to log into the website so whenever you want to build your website you're going to use these login credentials so make sure you write these down i'll just put admin never put past guys uh make sure this is something unique i'll just put paddywhack and your admin email make sure that this is an email that you have access to because when you forget your password they will send this information to your email so i'll put in my my gmail account here my famous pc order which i do get tons of spam and below that you can always select your language we can always adjust the language as well inside the wordpress dashboard and i'll show you how to do that in just a bit and we're going to keep scrolling down here to the bottom they have these other themes they want us to use but we're not going to use these and right here you'll click on install yeah they said three to four minutes that was not three to four minutes right now here we have installed wordpress and this is the administrative url administrative url so just go ahead and click on this link and this will log you in to your website all right awesome so now we have a wordpress installed and our website is now live on the internet and if you want to see what your website looks like right now on the internet at the top left right here you'll just click on visit sites and this is the current theme that they are giving us and it is really bland really boring ugly but not to worry we'll make it look really good so to go back to your dashboard go ahead up here and click on dashboard all right congratulations you guys have your website and it's now online so we're ready to rock and roll here so now let's go on to step two and start designing the website using the elementor page builder now we're gonna be using a free starter templates to build out our ecommerce websites and then you guys can design it and customize it the way you want so with that said let's go ahead and come back to the video now that we have our website online now let's go ahead and adjust some of these general settings the first thing we want to do is go to users and click on a profile now in the future if you guys ever lose your password or you want to change the color scheme this is where you're going to do it i think for this video we're going to use midnight i just like midnight it's really easy to see these other ones are just really really tacky i mean this that's way too much you know so yeah i think we're going to go with midnight i just like that it's a lot easier to see and we're going to scroll down here now you can always adjust your email so you can always change your email and remember this is important because if you get your password the password will be sent to that specific email so you can always adjust that at any time and below that we have a new password this is where you're going to uh change your password so for wordpress if you ever want to change your password this is where you're going to do it and once you've made all the changes that you want you'll go ahead and click on update profile now let's say for example you guys speak a different language on the left side right here we have settings we'll click on general now here you can enter your email or you can update it at any time so if you get a new email address and you want to update it you would do that right there and below that we have the site language now if you change this this will actually apply to the backend so you can put any language that you speak so if you speak spanish portuguese arabic hindi whatever you can adjust the language for your backend options and below that we'll go ahead and click on save changes the next thing that we need to do is we need to adjust our permalinks on the left side you're going to see permalinks now here we have a few options but you want to select this as post name and the reason why we do this is because when you go to a website you see like you know shop right not like all this you know numbers and it just looks really cluttered and ugly and the post name option is the best for seo purposes so once you select the post name you'll scroll down and click on save changes all right now let's say for example you guys want to log in and lock out of your websites maybe you're at a friend's house and you want to you know mess around with wordpress first what i'll do is i'll log out so right here i'll go ahead and click on log out so right now i'm logged out of my website and there's no way for me to enter it so whenever you want to log into your website and make changes you'll go to your address bar and type in dash wp-admin and press enter from here you guys can enter in your login credentials that you guys used to install wordpress so i believe mine was admin and it was paddy wack right paddy wack we can always take a look here remember me and login so that's how you guys can log in and log out of your wordpress website so you can pretty much work on your website from any location all right so now that we know how to adjust the general settings and stuff and you guys are getting more comfortable let's now make the site look a little better by installing a wordpress theme so on the left side we'll go to appearance and click on themes and then we'll click on add new these are like default themes now essentially guys how themes work is themes are kind of like the structure of your website so when you have like a shop page or a blog page or something like that generally the theme controls that however for the actual page itself the page builder is doing most of the work so when you see these demos uh most of this is done with the same page builder so it's not really a good representation of the theme but the theme that we're going to be using for this video is called astra it's this one right here it is the most popular one in case you guys cannot find it for whatever reason you guys can just type in astra and here we go so this is the theme that we're going to use we'll click on details in preview and uh it'll change a little bit you're a site but at the top right here you'll just click on install after you install it we'll click on activate all right so after you guys install it it'll tell you about their starter templates so you guys can go ahead and click on get started if this does not pop up for you for whatever reason you guys can always access the starter templates in the astra options on the left side and then click on install importer plug-in it's the same thing you know it's the same exact thing just different locations alright so we're going to select a page builder we're going to be using elementor for this video because it has some really good integrations with the uh the multi-vendor plug-in so let's click on elementor all right and they do have tons of starter templates but to organize this let's go to uh all up here and we'll go to e-commerce and if you guys want to see the free ones we'll click on free so these are all of the free starter templates that you guys can use and they have some really nice demos and all you need to do here is you just need to go ahead and click on a template and then import it now we're going to remake this template right here now essentially what i did here was i just used one of the starter templates but i replaced the images and i just kind of added my own images and colors and fonts and it looks like a completely different website so you can see that this just looks like you know something that's not on the list but it actually is i just kind of you know i use my imagination and i just recreated this layout using one of the astro starter pre-made templates now if you guys do want to upgrade to the pro uh i have a discount and a link in the description if you guys do want to have access to any of these pro templates uh these are just more um e-commerce uh templates you guys can use uh for your multivendor website but you don't need to do to do that right now so let's just go to free and the demo that we're going to use is this one right here called custom printing so once you click on this click on import complete site and it's going to ask you a few questions it's going to say like you know who are you i'm just gonna say i'm a you know intermediate i'm building a website for myself and i'll click on next and here you can choose to sign up for their you know their emails and their promotions if you don't want to you can just click on skip here at the bottom all right now it's going to import all the plugins and the demo content onto your new website so just give it like one or two minutes all right awesome so once the demo content has been imported just click on view sites all right and this is your new wordpress website so if you kind of scroll down here uh you'll see that all the demo content has been imported correctly all right so you can just go ahead and take a look also you can check out the other pages like the about us page you know make sure everything uh looks good also if you go to all products uh astro has imported some demo content for us so these are just demo products but you can easily just replace these with your own products but it creates everything for you so the shop and everything else so before we go on any further let me just give you guys the quick basics of elementor and wordpress so let's say for example you want to design your website you'll click on edit with elementor here at the top okay now on the left side you're gonna see widgets and you can drag and drop these widgets onto your wordpress website so you see how there's this little blue line you can just kind of you know drag and drop these elements like a button here and an icon and uh wait wait wait there there we go and then there's always three tabs right there's the content the style and the advanced so the content actually changed the contents and the positioning of the actual uh elements the style will change the color topography text shadow and everything else and then advanced gives you like the margin and the padding options and you can also do things like um add in effects you know like there's like motion effects and little like animations you can have for your specific elements so that's kind of like what these are all referring to so you'll see here how it says fade in down fade in right and you can change like the animation and stuff like that so that's what the advanced tab refers to but i want to delete these so to delete an element just right click and delete right click and delete and right click and delete now let's say for example you want to add in like a new section here so maybe you want to add a new section in between these so i'll just click on this little plus hit this little column and then you can select how many columns you want so i'll just select three you know why not and then i'll go to the elements tab and then we can just drag and drop elements in here now you can see here on the left side there's these pro elements and these are exclusive to elementor pro um you guys don't need to get elementor pro for this video but if you guys do decide to upgrade to the con pro they do have some elements that work with the docon pro and elementor pro so i'll leave a link below to elementor pro if you guys just had to buy it out later but you guys don't need to buy it now and you can just go ahead and just drag and drop these element boxes and you know this is a demo and then here you can change the icon to whatever icon that you'd want so they just they do have tons of elements you guys can kind of go through and mess around with and you know you can get some beer and just you know dragging elements all day you know here we go so right here you can upload your own image and stuff like that now one thing i do want to point out really quick is how to added spacing in between the top and the bottom here so let's click on these six dots and go to the advanced tab for the padding i want to uncheck this and all you need to do here is just add in padding which is space to the top and also to the bottom like that looks good all right so that's just a quick little overview of how to use this page builder now i'm not going to go through all the basics with you guys because i already have a full another video dedicated on elementor it's about an hour and a half long and to speed this video up as much as possible i just don't want to sit there and talk about every elements because we can easily sit here for another uh one hour you know like this is how we do it guys you know it's like it's like uh it's very simple you just mess around with it but um that's how like you would use the page builder in a nutshell now whenever you want to make changes just click on update here at the bottom all right now one thing i do want to talk about quickly is just how to add pages and add them to the menu once we do that we will then talk about how to customize this page and make it look like something like this it's pretty simple right but i'll walk you through that in just a bit but to add pages to your website just go to plus new and go to page and this would be like the services page right services right services page and then up here i'll click on publish and publish and then i can view this page or we can edit with elementor so just like we actually use the page builder on the other pages we can keep using the page builder to design the rest of the website so here we go this is this would be like your services page and you know you guys can just go ahead and drag in elements here you know we can add in a heading like this would be like the you know the services page right here we go services page and then i'll center it and then under the advanced tab you guys can tell i'm a pro at the stuff right because like you know i i know what to do but this is like you know here we go services page and then maybe we can add in like a background color or something like that so uh you'll just have to kind of go through this on your own time and just kind of learn how to just drag in elements it's pretty simple you know you guys can see just by looking at this it's really simple to use and learn but um that's how you guys can use the page builder on other pages now let's say for example you wanted to add this page to the menu right so we have this menu up here let's go ahead and quickly add the services page to the menu so i'll go to exit the dashboard all right then we'll click on this little wordpress logo up here and then we'll go to appearance and go to menus now right here we have select a menu to edit i want to select the main menu right because this is the main main primary menu of the website and on the left side you're going to see a list of all of our pages here i'll click on view all and we'll just find the services page right so services add to menu and then you'll see a list of all the pages and we can kind of drag and drop these pages wherever we want on the website once you drag in the page to the place you want at the bottom right you'll click on save menu all right cool let's take a look here at what we've done all right so now we have the services right here so we have the product services about contact and if we click on the services it'll you'll see that it was that page that we were working on so it's really simple to add pages and use this builder and also add them to the menu now let's go ahead and quickly talk about how you guys can design and customize this page really quickly so i want to turn it in something like this right here so i'll just give you guys a quick crash course on how to add in background images adjust this text i also do have demo images for all of you guys in the description below of this video so this will help you guys follow along in this ecommerce tutorial so the top right here is click on edit with elementor and let's just go ahead and just design this homepage and then we'll jump into the multivendor aspect of this tutorial now if you guys do already know how to use elementor there is timestamps in the description where you guys can skip this small section but if you guys are brand new to wordpress and you have no idea how to use this builder let me just go ahead and show you how to design and customize parts of the website now i already showed you guys how to drag in elements on this page right but let's say for example you guys want to change this background at the top right here we have these six dots so i'm going to click on edit section and then go to the style tab and then for the background i want to select a classic but here we have image right so i want to select a background image here so i'll click on image and i want to upload files now really quickly astra does have a pixabay integration where you can use uh images from pixabay and you can just import these as your background so if you want to type in like a sunset or something like that they have tons of images where you guys can use uh courtesy of pixabay so yeah if this applies to you you guys can go ahead and knock yourself out there's some really nice images i mean they really do like look at this like i don't even know how they get these images you know they're really nice but um what i'm gonna do here is go to upload files and this is how you would upload your own files to your multi-vendor website so right here click on select files and here is a list of all of the demo images that i have created for you guys so you guys can go ahead and just select all these images here and then you guys can just upload these to your wordpress website so i'll click on all these images and then i'll click on open and then just give it about like a minute or two to upload all these images and remember these images are in the description of this video and they are for free you can use them on any website you want all right so i uploaded those images now the image i want to select for my background is this one right here i'll click on insert media so this allows us to change the background now you guys might also notice that this girl is here and that the image is kind of skewed not to worry i'll first click on this girl and i'll delete this then i want to actually make this full width so let's go back and click on those dots and go to layout and now for the height we can select the height to either fit to the full screen or we can give it like a custom height you know something like that something like that there we go now also you might notice that this image is kind of like it's kind of cut off so we can force the image to cover the whole section so if we go back to the style tab for the actual size we can do cover or contain but i think cover works best and i don't want repeat so let's do no repeats and then we can go ahead and position this to where we want this to go so for example i'll just do custom and then kind of put the image where i want it to be right something like that minus 800 pixels and if i want to see what this looks like full width i'll just close that and now you can see how that looks a lot better but i might want to actually move that uh here's click on the dots again i might want to just you know move this back just a little bit here let's just do 600. now the next thing i did here is i just changed the text to a solid black so what i can do here is change this text color to black and i can do the same thing for this text you know i can just adjust the background color right and also for this button you guys might notice here how i have this black button but i also have this other gradient button over here so this is actually a gradient button because i just didn't want it full black so to change the two-way gradients i'll click on this pencil go to the style button and for the color for the actual background color we can select gradient so i think i put a black background and kind of like a small a small white right here so here i'll do black right and then we just did this really faint faint gray or something like that and then i just changed the location a little bit so you can see how we can adjust the location but i'll just angle this a little differently so i put the white more on the end yeah like something like that just a little fade on the tip right there so that's how i basically made that you know landing landing page in a matter of seconds you know it was really simple and then of course i just change the logo and also this divider we can just change that as well to something like black so for the style we'll just change that to black and then i'll just click on update now we'll talk more about the logo and also the menu a little bit later in the video when we talk about theme customizer but you can see how quickly you can adjust the website and change it just by changing the colors and the background and the images to make it look like a completely different website so now that you guys have a good understanding of how to use the elementor page builder let's go ahead and move on to the next section where we are now going to activate the plugin to kind of turn this website into a multi-vendor ecommerce websites so to log out of this builder we'll click on this hamburger menu and click on view page now as of right now if we go to all products this is an e-commerce website so people as of right now can come to this website and purchase these products and they can check out and they can use their credit card we will get into uh creating products and everything in the next section but i'm just letting you guys know that this is a fully functional ecommerce website now we need to add the multi-vendor functionality to this website so let's do that all right cool so at this point you guys have a fully functional ecommerce website and we're all ready to go let's go ahead and move on to the next step and let's install the free plugin that allows us to turn our ecommerce website into a multi-vendor ecommerce website so after we solve this free plug-in vendors can sign up on your website and they can create and list products and then you guys can kind of split up commissions so you guys ready let's get started let's go to my blog and go to dashboard now let's go down to plugins and click on add new for the search plugins we're going to type in dokon dokon is a plugin that gives this this ecommerce website ecommerce functionalities so let's click on install now this is the plugin here and click on install i'm going to close this tab and then i'll click on activate all right cool now it is prompting us for a setup wizard so let's just go through the setup wizard really quick let's click on let's go so this is the store url this would be the actual name of like the the store slash vendor so you can change that url but i just want to leave that standard and we can adjust all these later in the general settings but this is like the who pays the shipping who pays the tax and again we can adjust this a little later so you don't have to make your decision on that now let's go ahead and click on continue and then here you can select either you if you want a flat rate or a percentage so for example if someone sells a product for 100 and your commission is 10 you will then receive ten percent of the sale so you make ten dollars from 100 bucks make sense you can also do a flat fee and a flat fee is just like a dollar a month so for example uh three dollars so every product that sells on your vendor's e-commerce store you'll make three dollars off every purchase or every sale but i think percentage is more practical i'm gonna select this to 15. so our let's do 20. our commission rate is 20 and i'll click on continue here you have withdrawal methods so we can select paypal or a bank transfer uh we will talk more about these options again a little bit later when we um you know go through withdrawal and stuff like that but i'm going to turn on bank transfer for now now here we have minimum withdrawal limits so what is the minimum amount of sales they need to make in order to withdraw so if you put like 25 then they must have 25 dollars in sales to then ask for a withdrawal so that's what the minimum withdrawal limit is referring to once you select that we'll click on continue next we have some plugins now these are just additional plugins that you can have on your store i'm not really going to be covering these too much these are like email marketing sms notifications and also a tracking however woocommerce already does have tracking so i'm going to uncheck these and click on continue all right so now it's saying your marketplace is ready click on visit docon dashboard alright so this is the actual dashboard for docon now really quickly just in case you're brand new to wordpress in order to use docon you will need to have the woocommerce plugin installed woocommerce is a plug-in that gives your website the functionality so decon is more of an add-on okay so i just want to make that very clear we make products with woocommerce endocon is an add-on that allows to turn these products into a multi-vendor website if you did not follow the demo and you do not have woocommerce installed you can go to plugins and click on add new and then for the search plugins just type in woocommerce it's a free plugin it doesn't cost you anything at all and all you need to do is just install this plugin now this is what turns your plugin into an e-commerce website dokon is what turns your website into a multi-vendor ecommerce website makes sense right you guys got that hope i didn't lose you all right but woocommerce was automatically installed when we imported the demo website so we don't need to install it it has already been installed for us so let's go to the docon dashboard now the first thing i want to do is i want to show you how to manually create vendors and products so vendors can actually register for free on your website automatically however let's say for instance you just want to know well how do i add my own vendors let's do that under the vendors tab you'll see you have a list of vendors so whenever people sign up on your site they will all be displayed right here but let's first create our own vendor so this is the vendor's picture right so let's click on vendor picture and here you can upload a picture of your vendor so i'll just select this girl right and then we can crop it show a little bit of stomach maybe maybe that'll make more sales who knows or no that's it all right we can't crop it that's all she gets right now we can also upload a banner so the banner is the image that will be displayed on the back of the shop for example i'll go over here to my store list and just give you a visual so these are actual people who've registered on my demo website guys so i'm sorry but i'll just go to the last page and you'll see that we have these background uh banners so that's where the background banner is being uh displayed so i'm going to select this one here it's just this it's just this girl pointing you know it's just friendly you know i'll select the image and then you can crop it to your liking and then click on crop image at the bottom right all right so we have the uh i guess the background image now what is the name of this vendor i'm going to put rebecca new smith what's her store name i'm going to put becca's that's her store name it's becca here she can put her phone number and then also her email and also she can create her own username so this is like the becca store you can also generate a password for her now when you create a vendor this email will be sent to them automatically notifying them that they created a new account so for example we'll just put paddy or paddywhack so here we have send the vendor an email about their account so from here they can go ahead and log in to their account and then they can start adding products so once you set that you'll click on next now they can enter in their street address and um their country and states now this is optional it's not required but if you go over here you'll see that we have their uh you know this is where the information would be displayed you don't have to set this information it's optional so that's strictly up to you but i'll click on next and then we have payment options they can go ahead and enter in their account name their bank name their routing number and their bank address and all this stuff and this is only available for you to see so this will not be available for the you know for your users i'm sorry it will not be displayed on your store they can also enter in their paypal email and you can click on enable selling this will allow them to start selling on your websites here you have published product directly this will basically say that they don't need your approval so it'll just go ahead and you know they'll just be able to publish their products without pending and then this is make featured which you can see here we have this feature tab so that's what that's referring to but i'm going to go ahead and just leave all those unchecked except for this one and then click on create vendor sorry for that text as being a little weird up there sometimes sometimes weird stuff happens but there we go so now we have our vendor and we we now have a live vendor on our website and right here we have the status now if you uncheck this status that means you disable them from selling on your websites so at the bottom right it says this vendor has been disabled if you want to enable them you'll check that and this will allow this user to continue to sell on your website so that's how you can create vendors on your website next let's create a product so right here we have products right and i'll click on add new and i will go back to our demo websites just to give you some examples of where this is just in case you're not sure of how these products are displayed so we have this 3d printing pen okay so this is the name of the product so i'll just do like uh the cool headphones right cool headphones i'm gonna go ahead and close all these banners here these are getting really annoying they're a little aggressive with these banners it's kind of it's kind of too much what do you guys think you know write them an email be like hey i was watching girls video and your ads are way too much but uh these are cool headphones now this is the long tail description so this description will be displayed at the bottom right here okay so you can put like you know made in china made in india you can talk about the materials whatever here we have price i'll put a hundred dollars and we do have these other options like inventory shipping link products and stuff now to be quite honest guys i have a full another video on woocommerce so this is the woocommerce tutorial it's about two hours long and i go through pretty much every single option that woocommerce has to offer however i'm not going to go through everything because i've already made a full another video on that and again this video is more for the multi-vendor aspect but you guys can learn all this just by simply watching so we have the price of the product right and you know you can go ahead and select inventory like a sku number in stock also you can put the shipping dimensions of the length the width the height and also the weight now before we go any further we need to create a category for this product so this is going to be electronics right on the right side you'll click on add a new category now categories are actually required for this video because uh for vendors to post products they will need to put products into categories we will talk about the vendor making products a little bit later but right now we are like making our own so electric electronics and we'll click on add a category so just remember you must have product categories in order for vendors to create products we'll scroll down now here we'll just put in some short description so the short description is this description right here it's actually the most important description this is where you're going to talk about the product and where you're going to try to make sales right but uh i'm just going to put in some demo content for now just you know just to put something in and then i also want to set a product image so the product image is the actual image they're going to see when you post the product so i put cool headphones right so let's put the image and we can also set the product gallery so these are the images that are displayed actually we don't have any on this one but uh tell you what we'll see what they are right now uh we'll grab that one add this to the gallery essentially product galleries they show more images of the actual products so we've actually created this product right now let's just click on publish but i'm going to leave this window open because i want to explain something after i make this product so i'm going to right click and open this in a new tab all right so there is the product right we have the short description we have the product itself and then we have the product gallery which just shows more uh variations of the products and we have the category as well and when someone clicks on this category it will then display all the products that are in that specific category now we created this product by ourself right but maybe maybe becca had a problem and you know we want to make this product for becca right we can assign this product to becca if we choose to do that on the bottom right here you'll see vendor we can have becca as the actual vendor so now this product will be displayed in becca's store and benda will be the person credited by creating this product so let's go ahead and click on update all right so we have cool headphones and now we have a vendor information so now basically becca is the vendor and if i click on becca right here it will then take us to becca's store so this is becca's store people can contact becca directly they can um you know send her an email we have her information and we also have a list of all the products that becca has created now we can customize this page with the pro version of docon and i'll talk more about that a little bit later but uh you guys can see that this is a general store where we can just see what she's doing we can see your information and all the products that becca has listed they will be displayed here so now that we've created this product and we have vendors now we need to actually add the store list to the menu you can see that we don't really have a store list now this is optional you don't have to do this but i just want to show you that you can add a store list to your menu very similar to our demo websites we have the store list and this will display a list of all of your vendors these are my lovely subscribers who just put in random stuff just because they want to test it out you guys can also test this out by yourself you know you can just see how this all looks by checking out the demo websites but let's go back to our website here and let's go to our dashboard so the next thing we're going to do is now we are going to add the store list to our menu let's go down to appearance and click on menus now i want to select the menu so for the menu i'm going to select a main menu and click on select now astra already created the menu for us so usually you'd have to create your own menu however this is our current menu and we can add stuff to this menu so on the left side you'll see view all let's click on view all and we're going to find the my accounts and we're also going to grab the store list and then i'll click on add to menu it looks like the my account was already there i didn't even see that that's weird but uh i'll just do this i'll just go ahead and remove this remove this and then i'll take the cart and put that under my accounts now you can rearrange this to your liking you can also change the text so let's say for example you don't want this to say store list you can type in vendors right vendors makes a little bit more sense once you're done with that on the bottom right you'll see save menu click on save menu and now let's take a look at our websites okay so we have the home we have all products the abouts the contacts we have the my account and then we have vendors now we will adjust the color of this menu a little bit later in the theme customizer section so don't worry if you if you like want to change this we can adjust it but let's click on vendors alright cool and we'll scroll down and we will then see becca so now people can actually go directly to becca's store and they can see what becca is selling so they can have full access to your vendors all right so now that we've actually shown you how to create vendors let's quickly go back to the general settings and then i'll show you how you can accept vendors on your website automatically without having to actually create your own vendors so over here we have docon and we have the settings tab alright so the first option is the admin access so that basically doesn't allow vendors to come in the back end like this so if they do log in they don't have access to the backend and stuff like that and this is actually checked by default uh here you have the vendor setup wizard logo so when users actually sign up on your website like we signed up earlier which logo do you want displayed maybe you don't want the docon logo right so you can white label that so for example i can put in my logo right i use this one here i think right and this is the logo that's going to display in the setup wizard remember how we first installed dokon and there was that logo we can adjust it to our logo to make it look cooler here you have the welcome wizard so you can actually disable the wizard if you choose to do that but i think that's actually really helpful and i do want to keep that here you'll see the terms and conditions so you can create your own terms and conditions page and then you can have that checked so users must select the terms and conditions uh here you have the store products per page so once you select those you'll then click on save changes now to make a terms and conditions page that's really simple you'll just go over here back to your site go to plus new and page i'll close this little pop-up and this would just be like your terms and conditions and then you would type in your terms and conditions here now there's also a website where you can get a free terms and conditions for your multi-vendor website you guys can use this website it's called terms and you simply input your information you talk about uh you know what you want to put like cookies um whatever and you can adjust this i guess you want to say contract or whatever to your liking you will obviously have to modify it and adjust it but you can have something to work with but what i'll do here is i'll just go ahead and copy this go back to our sites and then just paste it and then publish it so this can be your terms and conditions so that means when they sign up they must agree to your terms and conditions because uh yeah terms and conditions actually are very important because you're dealing with a lot of money and with other people's money so they might want to you know you might want to protect yourself and have a terms and conditions page so i'll go ahead and suck that box and then click on save changes next we have the selling options so let's click on selling options and here you can adjust the commission as well so just like before the wizard you can set the commission you can allow newly registered vendors to add products now when vendors actually create products on your store it will be put in a pending state that means you must approve the products that they create if you don't want to review the product you can say you know it's okay i trust the vendors i'll go ahead and allow uploads so just remember that if you have that checked they do not need your approval to post products so that's a very important setting just remember they will need you know they will need your permission to post products but if you have that checked they do not need your permission all right allow vendor to update status order this allows them to just change it to like processing to completed not a big not a big deal uh vendor switching allow vendors to switch to a vendor accounts i'm not really sure about that but i think this is the most important one that you need to have checked or checked or unchecked but i'm going to leave this unchecked and then click on save changes next we have the withdrawal options this again will allow you to send payments like paypal and bank transfer to your your vendors page settings these are the pages where your pages that docon creates are propagated so for example the dashboards on the dashboard the my orders is the my orders i would just leave this here however we now have a terms and conditions page so i want to go ahead and select the terms and conditions page and select save changes all right pretty simple right you guys with me let's go to appearance so these store header templates is the actual templates of the actual uh vendor store so if you want to adjust this you can change it so for example if you want the picture of the girl over there in the background we'll select that and uh yeah we can adjust to say do you want to hide the email do you want to hide the phone number so maybe some vendors you don't need to display their phone number or the address you can always hide that information if you choose to do that and then you'll click on save changes you'll then see that this has all changed so now the picture of the girl is down here and we have this background image like that so that's how you can adjust your header templates and then here you have the privacy policy you can always create a privacy policy just like we created the terms and conditions i'm not going to go through that but you might want to create your own privacy policy and then select the page like for example um you know this right here is the you know the privacy policy page and then click on save changes and they will need to check this box when they sign up for your store alright so the next thing i want to talk about is how to allow vendors to register on your website now i'm going to open this in a incognito window so a new private window i'm going to paste this and i'm just going to going to pretend that i am a random person coming to the website and i want to register as a vendor so here you'll see that we have my account now you can change the my account to something like register or something like that and here you'll see we have login and register so you can register as a vendor or they can register as a customer but i want to register as a as a vendor here so i'll go ahead and put in my you know an email address and outputs i am a vendor and then here they'll put in their information so i'll put in daryl wilson wilsonator my shop name right so they can just you know sign up on your website directly and this will be in a pending state so don't worry but i'll put you know this is my number 1702 the las vegas zip code man there we go nevada i'm a nevadan resident you know so i feel good once you actually once they go through that process they will then click on register all right so once the vendors have registered they will then be brought to the setup wizard and here is a logo i should probably got rid of the background but uh you guys get the point right so there's the logo so you'd want to put your logo in the docon options from here let's click on let's go and they can input their store information so they can put the products per page the streets the city all the stuff that applies to them they can also skip this step if they don't want to input their information uh right here i'll just click on skip this step here they can put in their paypal information also their bank name their bank number the name of their bank i'll just go ahead and put in the paypal address leave it like that and click on continue and then from here they can access their store so let's click on go to store dashboard all right so this is the actual dashboard for your vendors here they can see the sales the earnings the page views and they have all the analytics they need to create products and everything else on the left side you'll see products now when they create products this will display a list of their products here is orders the orders will display if they have sold the product if they were canceled if they were funded and here we have the withdrawal tab from here they can go ahead and ask for withdrawals however there is no money made so it says you do not have a sufficient balance and then we also have the settings tab where they can you know adjust their banner upload their photo and they can always design the store just like becca store was you know design and everything they can also go to edit accounts and they can go through their account options like change their password they can log out and also they can click on visit store so now that we've created a vendor we now need to approve this vendor to sell on our store because remember we give them the ability to sell in our store but they are not automatically approved so let's jump back to our other store all right so here is my dashboard now i'm going to go to vendors now you will also get an email notifying you of a new vendor signup so be sure to check your email and docon will actually send you an email that people are registered on your site so now you see that we have the new vendor wilsonator but we need to approve him so let's go to the status and then we'll click on status so now we give the vendor the ability to sell products on our store so now i'm back at the vendor store and i'm going to refresh this page and this this little notice should disappear because now we have the ability to create products by ourself so let's add a new product now this is from the vendor's point of view so these are the this is like the process of people signing up this is the experience they'll have when creating a new product so here they'll go ahead and enter in an image right of their product they don't have access to your media library so they will need to bring their own images and this will be like a you know portable speaker and the price is a hundred dollars and here we have categories now you notice here how we have the categories so we need to have a category in order for them to list products so this is the electronics and then from here they can just paste some demo content so this is some demo content and uh they can create the product so let's click on create product all right so now you'll see that this is pending review so you will need to go ahead and manually approve the product once they create it so let's jump back to our other website so here we go we are back in the admin websites and if we go to products right here and click on all products you will then see that we have the portable speaker but it's pending so we need to approve this product so uh if i click on quick edit right here i can actually prove it that way by just going to published but if you actually want to click on the product itself here let's just uh let's get out of the quick edit i'll click on the product and we can actually update what they've done to the product so if you feel like there's not enough description or if you feel there's something they need to add we can click on the product and then we can add more to it right here so say hey you know what's uh they put this is some demo content but uh you know maybe maybe we can add something for them or whatever you want to do and then here you have the vendor so the vendor is wilsonator and all you need to do is just click on publish all right so congrats so now the vendor has actually listed the product on your website successfully and you can double check this by simply just going to visit sites and just taking a look yourself you know like is this product available well let's just click on all products and we should see the portable speaker there it is and if we click on it it will then say the vendor information as wilsonator and this will display in wilsonator store so they can go ahead and see all the products that will senator has created so that's pretty simple right and also remember guys to check your email now every time there is a vendor signing up on your website every time a new product has been created you will be automatically notified by woocommerce so they will say hey this person made a product go check it out you can see that this is independent status and we can adjust that option again in the general settings so if you don't want to manually approve it you can go into general settings and just say hey anyone can publish a product if they choose to do that all right so that's pretty much the basics guys of the multi-vendor part i've showed you guys how to accept vendors and also how to approve products let's jump into the next section where we will talk about the woocommerce settings where we will talk about shipping tax and also how to add payment gateways on your website so you can start accepting credit cards alright so let's go ahead and walk you through on how to set all this up now before we go any further i just want to let you guys know about some merchants that you guys can use you guys can use you can sign up for free that does not cost you anything there's no credit check and you can use this to accept payments and also for google pay as well you guys can also use paypal paypal is a very popular worldwide payment merchant also a lot of my users are from south america you guys can use the mercado pago payments for woocommerce this is a plug-in and i will be making a separate video on how to add this to your ecommerce websites but in this video i'll be showing you how to integrate your website with both paypal and with stripe to accept credit cards so let's first go to our dashboard and we're going to go to woocommerce and go to settings now the first thing we're going to do is we need to set up shipping and also tax but before we do that we need to enter in our store information so if you want to put in your store you can go ahead and put it in here i'll just put the item from las vegas so las vegas wait is that city i don't know nevada nevada there it is and there is my zip code now this part's pretty important this next part so here we have the selling locations now if you want to sell to all countries you can leave that checked let's say for example you want to sell to specific countries or you can even exclude countries so let's say for example i'm in the united states and i only want to sell to canada mexico and united states because they are the closest for me here i'll select sell to specific countries and then you can enter the countries that you want to sell to so if you want to do business with only specific countries you can just go ahead and put them there so put usa canada and mexico and here we also have shell to i'm sorry ship to specific countries so if you sell to specific countries you might also want to ship to those same specific countries and this will help you out just in case someone buys your product from really really far away and you don't know the tax rates and stuff like that so i'll just do the same here i'll do all right we're going to do canada mexico and the united states and then we want to make sure that taxes are enabled because taxes will give us the ability to add a tax rate and then we want to enable the use of coupon codes here you can adjust your currency so if you want to change the currency to the dollar or to any of these other currencies you can go ahead and do that i'm going to leave mine as dollar and then click on save changes all right so now that we've actually applied the tax you will now see that the tax tab has been created so let's add a tax rate now in most of my other videos if you are united states i do recommend having automated taxes however for a multi-vendor website i got to be honest i'm just not sure on how that works so i just want to select a standard rate of tax so let's click on standard rates and here we have country code so let's say for example you are in a specific country you can click on country code and you can enter the tax rate for that specific country for example we will see uh you know uh austria the country code is at for austria for bulgaria it's bg for canada it's ca so whatever country that you're in and you want to apply a specific tax rate to that country you will then just enter into the country code but for my for my demo i'm just going to put united states so here i'll click on insert row the us country code i believe is united airs u.s right for united states right united states is u.s so i will just put in u.s right u.s and then i just want to enter in a tax rate so for me i'm in a specific state with i think it's like i think nevada has zero zero tax or personal tax but i think they do have a tax of i don't know let's just put five percent so basically if people purchase the products in the united states they will be charged a five percent tax all right and then i will just click on save changes now let's say for example they also buy this product in mexico or something or if you want to set a tax rate for a different country i believe mexico is mx right so mexico is mx and then i'll just say the standard tax rate for mexico is eight percent uh these are just for demo purposes only guys i do not know the tax rates of these countries so don't copy what i put but this is just how you can enter your own tax rate and then i'll click on save changes all right so if someone buys our products from mexico they'll be charged eight percent tax if they buy it from united states they'll be charged a 5 tax rate so that's pretty simple now let's set up shipping let's click on the shipping tab now the first thing we need to do is add a shipping zone so let's click on add a shipping zone so this is for the united states right and this region is for united states so what is the actual flat rates for shipping for the united states well let's add a shipping method here i'll select a flat rate right and i'm going to click on edit here so we can change this method title if you want but we'll just put shipping right shipping shipping rates is this taxable or no i'm gonna put no and the shipping rate is five dollars so basically shipping costs five dollars in the united states and i'll click on save changes now we also have shipping in the other countries right in mexico and also canada so let's set another shipping zone for mexico so i'll click on shipping zones and here i'm going to add a new shipping zone and this will be for mexico and i'll click add a shipping method and for this flat rates i'll just say mexico is also seven dollars because um it's a little bit farther from us so we might have to pay more in shipping fees so let's click on edit i'll put seven dollars not taxable and then i'll just leave that as flat rate or you can just change this to shipping shipping tax or whatever you want to put shipping rate or whatever so there we go so now mexico is being charged seven dollars and united states is being charged five dollars now let's say for example canada buys our product right but we don't have a shipping zone for canada so let's just say for example that someone bought something from your store that's not in the country that you expected you can you can have a fallback rate so that means let's say someone buys it from columbia or from brazil and somehow they got it you know they purchased our product we can select a shipping rate for countries that are not on our list so let's click on add a shipping rate and i'll click on edit here i'll put not taxable and this is a 10 tax or a 10 shipping fee so what that means is if someone buys our products from somewhere that's not on our shipping zone this is a fallback rate so this is this is what will be charged by default if they are not from mexico or the united states now there is one thing i do want to talk about as well let's say for example i'm in the united states and someone buys something right in next to my city right i am in nevada i am in las vegas nevada and i don't want to charge them the standard rate because there's probably the shipping rate is probably very small so we can add free shipping let's click on add shipping zone and this will be nevada and here i will type in nevada right and add a shipping zone now instead of selecting a flat rate we have free shipping and i'll add a shipping method now you can assign free shipping to any country or any place that you would like you don't even have to have a specific region so we can you know charge mexico or we can give mexico free shipping if we choose to do that but uh right here click on edit free shipping requires what free shipping requires a minimum order amounts a coupon or both i'm going to say a minimum order amount of 20 so what this means is people must spend 20 on our store and then they will qualify for free shipping all right so that's what free shipping means and i'll click on save changes you guys with me you guys got that all right cool so let's just uh let's just step back here and just see what we've done so um people united states will be charged five dollars people in mexico will be charged i think it's eight dollars however people in nevada will get free shipping because uh we are located in nevada so shipping is cheaper and then we forgot about canada but that's okay because canada will be charged the locations not covered by our other zones so even though we didn't list canada they will still be allowed to purchase products because we have put this on the locations not covered hopefully that makes sense guys do you guys have any questions about that let me know in the comments below so now that we set up tax and shipping we can now go ahead and accept payment credit cards on our site but before we jump into the payments really quick i just want to step back here and just show you a dokon option about your vendors so let's go to the dashboard and go to settings so here we have selling options now just to be clear or it is the i think it's the general right oh no yeah selling options so right here you have shipping fee recipients so who will be receiving the shaping fees who will be receiving the tax fees now i'm not an accountant guys so it just depends on who wants to receive the tax and who wants to receive the shipping fees you can give it to your vendors or you can give it to your store it just depends on how you run your store but this is a very important setting that you need to take in consideration when you guys are doing your shipping and your tax so just you know just be mindful about that that's what that option's referring to and it it is a big deal you know so just just uh think about that so now let's go ahead and talk about payment gateways let's go to woocommerce and go to settings i'm gonna go ahead and close this window and let's click on payments now i know specific countries do like bank transfers and cash payments so you can enable bank transfers and cash payments however just remember they will allow to be purchasing products on your store and then they pay you later right so that's what uh cash on delivery and bank transfers mean but here i'll just click on save changes and turn on cash on delivery however we need to integrate stripe and we also need to integrate the paypal plugin for your store uh we have stripe payments right here but i want to show you how to find it just in case they delete this little like notice or whatever we'll go to plugins and we'll go to add new and then for search plugins we will type in stripe now the plugin that we're going to use is called the woocommerce payment gateway so this is the one right here once you see it you'll click on install now and then we'll click on activate alright now we'll go back to woocommerce settings and then we'll go to payments and now we're going to turn on the stripe credit card so we're going to turn on the credit card and then we'll click on setup all right so now that we've actually had this all ready we just need to go ahead and copy and paste some codes so let's go back to stripe now you guys will need to sign up and make a free account so just go through the process sign up it's free doesn't cost you anything you will need a bank account and this serves all of the united states all of europe mexico i believe brazil as well and parts of europe so you might want to check the country codes of where they operate but they're pretty global and if they don't serve a country that you're from don't worry we'll fall back with paypal so this is like the general dashboard of your store where you can see your payments and everything now this is live payments and if you want to test this first we will click on test mode so remember test mode is basically just seeing if it's connected on our store let's go ahead and connect this to our store really quick so let's go to developers right here and then we'll click on api keys here we have the publishable key let's copy this and let's paste this on our store now we are in test mode so make sure enable test mode is checked and i want to paste that there right and i'll go back and then i'm going to go ahead and paste the secret key let's go back here then we will paste the secret key next we have this webhook endpoints so i'm going to go ahead and copy this right copy this go back to our little store and then we're going to click on webhooks on the left side and we're going to add an endpoint just copy and paste that endpoint tell stripe why you're using this so we are accepting payments and then right here you have select events click on select events we're going to select charge and charge captured so all i'm saying here is that i just want to use this to accept credit cards on the website we'll click on add events and then add an endpoint so once you've done all that you just need to go ahead and reveal the signing secrets and this is the signing secret and we'll copy that and we will paste that right there all right cool now you might want to say who you are so this is the multivendor website and this will be put on the user's credit card statements so you want to make sure that you put a statement descriptor also make sure to leave this checked you want to capture this right away here you can select if you want apple pay and google pay that's really up to you but you can check out these other options like they have a new payment experience or a faster experience or whatever there are some options you can mess around with but uh we're pretty much done so let's click on save changes and that's it your website is now connected with stripe and you can now start accepting credit card payments now just to be clear you guys will need an ssl on your websites uh when you sign up for hostinger or name hero they do give you a free ssl so you want to make sure your ssl is enabled so just make sure you have a valid ssl because you will need that to accept credit card payments now let's go ahead and run a quick test transaction just to see if this is working all right let's go ahead and buy some products all products i'll click on this one here and i get who who is this is this becca who is this becca all right let's buy becca's product so now we're buying becca's products i'll view the cart and you can see here we have the tax of five dollars now we've also been charged five dollars for shipping so we know that's working and then he will click on proceed to checkout your users will then have to fill out their information so here we go now once the user fills out all their information they'll click on credit card and here they can enter in their credit card information so this is the demo credit card that i'm using i will save this now remember this is in test mode so for test mode just use the four two four two four two and then we'll click on place order all right so we have now received the order now you will also get a confirmation email notifying you that this person has purchased a product the vendor will also get an email notifying them they have uh sold a product on your store so now that we've actually uh you know sold the product let's go ahead and check our stripe account here just to make sure that everything went through correctly let's go to payments and we should see a transaction of 110 and there it is so we have the transaction for 110 we have the customer and also the time so now we know that stripe is integrated and we know that we can start accepting credit card payments on our site now let's say for example you want to accept live payments on your website it's really simple let's just go back to our dashboard here woocommerce settings and then under the payments tab we'll click on stripe so stripe manage now here we have test mode enabled so if you want to accept real payments on your website just go ahead and disable this and then go through the same exact process as you did before so let's go back over here to stripe make sure you turn off test data and then go to the same exact process so you'll click on developers api keys and then just do the same exact thing so just copy and paste this i'll just walk you through it really quick copy and paste guys please don't buy anything on this store people actually watch my videos and then they actually go back and they um you know they buy stuff and i said guys like this is for test purposes only you know and i i don't know if they're just trolling me they just want to have fun but i get like people are like hey man they bought something you know but i have to refund them you know so i'm like well you know don't do that you know uh accept payments right select endpoints charge charge captured add events add endpoint so all i'm doing here is i'm doing the same exact thing we did before but it's just for live payments so here paste that let's do an inline credit card that actually makes a little it makes a pop-up it's pretty cool but once i hit save changes at this point this website can now start accepting real people's credit cards so anyone can come to this website with their bank card and they can then go ahead and use their credit card on my sites and then we will you know get their credit card money or whatever their we'll make money you know so that's how we can integrate stripe onto our website so now that i showed you guys how to use stripe now let's talk about paypal now recently woocommerce did some really weird integrations with paypal and their default plugin isn't really working well and i know that because i checked out the reviews and they were terrible so go over here to plugins and go to add new and we're not going to use the default plugin with woocommerce anymore because i've had too many users complain saying that it doesn't work and even myself i've used it and it doesn't work this is the plugin that they want us to use and you guys can see it just has really really bad reviews and i myself just couldn't get it to work so i want you guys to use this one right here it is called the paypal express checkouts it is created by web toffee this one worked really well and all you need to do is copy and paste the api and it's really simple so go ahead and click on install now and activate all right now we need to go to paypal now one thing to note guys is paypal does require a business account so before you can use a personal account but uh now you cannot the only drawback to this is that a business account does have a monthly fee of i believe it's 35 so i need to go through the process and create a business account it's really simple i have a business accounts and i've been using paypal for years but once you guys create a business accounts i'll then show you how you can connect it really quick so i'm going to go ahead and log into paypal with my account all right so this is my paypal accounts i got some cash in here and uh yeah we're ready to roll so let's go back to our website here and i want to now integrate this so uh let's go first find i believe it is the paypal express plugin and i want to click on settings this time here i want to enable this right so i want to enable the paypal payment gateway i'll scroll to the bottom and here we have the environments so i want to make sure this is a live mode right so a live mode this will allow us to accept real credit card payments on our website but uh before i do that let's just click on save really quick at the bottom because i enabled the paypal and i just want to refresh it and let them know that i want to enable now also right here we have payment button i want you guys to select express checkout this is actually a much faster alternative for your users to check out and it's really really easy so make sure you select enabled and then express checkouts we'll scroll to the bottom and then for the environment i want to change this to live mode now right here this says obtain your live api credentials from paypal accounts so click on this little live link right here and this is going to open up a new browser and it should log you into your paypal accounts alright so once you guys have clicked that link it will then take you to the area where you need to copy and paste the api so it's really simple guys just go ahead and click on show you're just going to copy this and you're just going to paste in the username the password and the signature right there from these three credentials all right so i went ahead and i put in my api information so all i need to do now is scroll to the bottom and click on save changes and that's it we are now synced up with paypal and now we can start using paypal on our multivendor website pretty simple so now let's go ahead and buy something really quick i'm gonna go to my vendors and we're gonna go to becca now the last thing that i wanna show you all is let's say for example users purchase enough products on this store to request a payout how do we do payouts well let's just go ahead and just quickly do that here i will go to proceed to checkouts we have the paypal buttons now pretty cool you can turn these on or off at the options but now you'll see that we have paypal as an option so we have paypal we have a stripe and we also have cash on delivery now for this example i'm just going to use cash on delivery because this cap actually counts as real live money so we can actually request the payments uh with cash on delivery so i'm gonna click on place order okay so we have now purchased enough money so becca can now ask for a withdrawal so let's go ahead and go to the vendor part for becca so we logged into becca's dashboard and you'll notice that we have 220 in sales however if we go to withdrawal you're going to see that they still cannot make a withdrawal now the reason why she cannot withdraw the money is because as the admin you need to approve the sales first and then they'll be allowed to accept a withdrawal so let's jump back to the admin website alright so i'm on the admin website now remember you have been notified by emails about these sales so don't think that like you're just clueless or something so all you have to do to approve the orders is go to woocommerce and go to orders so here are the actual orders and you can click on the order and see all the information about the seller you can you know take a look at everything make sure everything looks good but once you want to go ahead and approve the order you'll go to status and go to where is it status what did i just pass it completed there we go ah there it is and then just click on update after you select completed you can also do this a lot faster by clicking on orders on the left side clicking on the actual order and then just going to completed and apply all right so once this has been done now rebecca can request a payment so let's jump back to becca's website all right we're back at becca's website sorry guys if i'm jumping back and forth but this is the best way to show you all so this is becca's websites and now you'll see that we have earnings right so let's go to withdrawal remember she has 220 in earnings or sales but we took a commission rate so uh right here i want to say you know what's i want 150 bucks and we can do paypal or they can do bank transfer because remember when they signed up they have the option to put their bank information you can always go that route if you want but i'm just going to put paypal and then go to submit request so now you'll see that this is in a pending review so right now we are waiting for the admin which is the you know you right to go ahead and finally approve the payment so here is the withdrawal requests and you can see that she asked for paypal now if you're not sure about her paypal account you can just go ahead and click on her name and she should have her email that she used to sign up with so you're saying okay this is her paypal email i'm going to go ahead and send her the 150 right now right using paypal and once you send her the money through your paypal accounts you'll then leave a notes or you can go ahead and approve the request all right and at this point she has been notified that you have successfully paid her now in case you guys have absolutely no idea on how to send payments guys it's really easy i'll just go ahead and show you uh you can just click on pay and get paid and click on send money and then all you would need to do here is just enter in the email for your vendor so her email was uh daryl porto you will simply enter their email and then you will send it to them once you click on their email paypal will say well how much you'll just put the amount 150 dollars and then continue and then send it so after that you would then send rebecca the 150 dollars and then everything is good so you have now successfully uh paid her request she has received her money the money that you received will be either in the paypal account or your stripe accounts and then you guys can continue business as usual so hopefully this section helped you guys out if you guys have any questions for me feel free to let me know in the comments below also if you guys like what you've been seeing so far make sure to give this video a big thumbs up and also leave me a comment about what i can do to improve but now that we talked about the free version and we talked about the basics of everything let's move on to the next section and talk about the pro version of docon and everything that it has to offer all right cool so at this point you guys have a fully functional multi-vendor ecommerce website it's pretty simple right now in this next section i'll be showing you how to use the con pro version now the nikon pro version does give yourself a lot more control over your store it also gives the admins i'm sorry the vendors a lot more capabilities like bookable products auction products and stuff like that so in this part of the video i'll be covering all of the decon pro features and everything it has to offer you guys ready let's get started alright guys welcome to the docona pro section of this video in this part of the video i'll be showing you all of the pro features that come with dokon now earlier in the video we use the free version however if you guys do decide to upgrade we'll be giving you a walkthrough of all of the pro features now if you guys do decide to upgrade we do have a link and a coupon code in the description of this video if you guys do use our link it does help us to continue to make these videos for you guys for free so let's go ahead and take a look at the pricing plans so docon offers four different plans right because this is the free plan now at the time of recording this video i'm in like the winter time right now season so there's a lot of promotions and sales going on so at the time of recording this video these are only promotional prices and these are their base prices however our coupon code will give you guys a discount that almost matches that so not to worry now there's four different plans and we purchased the business plan the reason why is because um the business plan offers the most features and we're going to go ahead and walk you through all of the features to help you decide which plan works best for your multi-vendor website i also do want to let you guys know that this company does give you a 14-day money-back guarantee for any reason so if you guys do purchase one of these plans and you feel like it just doesn't work out for you you guys can always get your money back guaranteed with a 14 day money back guarantee all right so in this part of the video guys i'll be showing you the difference between the free versions and also the pro versions now recently we used the free version in the video and in this part of the video i'll be showing you the pro version now i went ahead and i purchased the business plan the business plan offers the most features however you might want to pick a plan that works just you know works good for you and your multi-vendor website now what i'm going to do here is i'm going to give you a visual of what's different on this multivendor website i'll also show you the different products that you can create like a booking product a subscription product product add-ons and also a auction product where users can auction um you know products on your website or you can have like an auction website like ebay on your multi-vendor website so what i'm going to do here is just go through these and just kind of show you what changes now the advanced features applies to the starter professional and business hey guys real quick before we talk about the next section where we talk about the products that you can create there was a large update that though khan created during the creation of this video so what i had to do here was edit the video and include this section because there were some notable features that are actually pretty important that i do want to go over to kind of talk about what changed in the new updates of the docon pro version now the first thing is um when you go to your dokon and your settings you'll see a lot more tabs you know and you can go ahead and search for store supports live search they do have a lot more options here if you want to check these out but a lot of these might not apply to you but some of them might like you can now add delivery time you can adjust the shipping status the vendor subscription so there's just some general more options here that you guys can go through in the decon pro version so be sure to go ahead and check those out now one notable feature is the fact that they now have the coupon support so let's say for example you have vendors right but maybe they have coupons that you want to restrict or you want to have a little bit more control over your website with the coupons we can do that with this new feature so right here i'll go ahead and click on create a coupon and you'll see this new tab right here that says vendor limits now this was uh created during the update so right here you can go ahead and kind of adjust you know what you want on your site with vendors you can display coupon codes for specific products or you can exclude products so this kind of gives you a little bit more control over your vendors because before you didn't have any authority over what they would put on for sale and now you do so this is a really cool feature i really do like that next we have the table rate shipping now this is a very important update and i'm gonna go ahead and log in on becca's website to give you guys an example of what happened okay so this is becca's dashboard and i'm gonna go over here to settings and i'm gonna scroll down and click on shipping and then we'll scroll down and now you're gonna see your zone areas now if nothing appears here that's because you need to first create a shipping zone but i'll go ahead and click on other areas now this can be anything like united states or mexico or whatever it is that you want to ship and then you'll see an option for table rates so i'm going to click on edit here and then you'll see that you have this option for table rate shipping now what table rate shipping is essentially is you can basically uh ship based off of weights off of dimensions off of quantity it's a very advanced method of shipping so you can see you can ship based off of the price the weight and also the item count as well now table rate shipping can be a little bit more complicated but i have created a full tutorial on the table rate shipping plugin if you decide to add it to your website so this is the video right here it's called the table rate shipping plugin it's about 40 minutes and i gave you three different examples of how to apply advanced shipping to your store so if you guys do want to go ahead and check out this video i will leave this in the description below of this video all right let's go and take a look at the next feature which is the rank math integration now rankbath is a very popular seo plugin in fact i do have a video on it which is quite popular that people really like so with this update you guys can go ahead and add specific seo titles to your products for your multi-vendor store let me just go ahead and give you an example here so i'll go over here to my products and i'll click on all products and then i'll just click on any product and then we'll scroll down and now you'll see this option right here that says rank math seo now this is if you have the rank math plugin installed and you have the the docon pro plugin installed as well and then here you can edit the snippet so you can basically change how you want this to look like in the search engine so for example we can adjust it to just say title you know or you know put the site title or whatever and then here you can kind of change the description now what this does that this will help seo so this will actually help the product get kind of indexed better and it just gives the users that are searching a better idea of what the product is in the search results because usually it'll just pull up random information from the product and you don't really have a lot of control over it but with this update you can now kind of display the products the way you want it to be displayed in the search results and they have some other options here like the schema markup which is actually pretty cool uh social where it tells you like what it looks like in the search results now i believe the schema is for the pro version i do have another video on the pro version as well if you guys decide to go that route you don't have to buy the pro version to be honest you guys can get away with just the free version but this is just an option that they added in their new updates next we have the product bulk edit feature for vendors this just allows vendors to bulk edit products all at the same time i'll just give you guys a quick example here so if we go back to our uh our vendor our becca's website let me click on products we can now go ahead and you know do something with like a bulk right so we can edit in bulk delete in bulk and even publish products in bulk so it's a small feature you know but it's also nice to have because maybe they're you know creating hundreds of products and they can go ahead and bulk uh select products or publish products and stuff like that and the last feature is called the vendor verification now what this will do is this will actually verify your vendors and show vendors on your website that they have been verified they'll have to go through a process of setting up and connecting their social media profiles now it's a little it's a little time consuming to be honest so i will just go ahead and leave this article in the description below this video if you guys decide to go that route but essentially here you can see that um i'm going to scroll down here that your vendors can submit information and then you can approve or reject the vendors you know just based off of what they have submitted or you know whatever it is that you want to approve or your rules for your multivendor website so again i'll go ahead and leave this article in the description below of this video but these were the major changes that happened while i was recording this video but uh these other changes here they're just minor tweaks and updates you know they've they've updated some stuff and they fix some stuff like bugs and stuff like that but uh yeah this just was a large update and i just wanted to cover uh these features that were created during the creation of this video so with that said let's go ahead and jump back to the pro features of this plugin now this is for your vendors only so your vendors will have like a much more premium way of controlling their store let me go and give you an example here so this is the vendors dashboard and right away you guys might notice that they do have a lot more tabs so in the free version they only have like maybe like five or six tabs but in the pro version they have a lot more options so they can have subscriptions they can now create coupon codes and have discounts for their products they can select delivery times and also they get a better uh interface as far as reports go so this would be like their like report section where they can see their sales by day their top selling products their top earning products which i think that's the same thing right and then also their statements so now they can go ahead and download statements and they can export those you know for their accounting purposes or whatever it is but overall this is a really big improvement from like the default free version also now users can see the reviews and i think they can participate in like when people leave a review they can see what's going on you know if they left a review we have return requests and also staff now this is actually really useful because uh creating products can be very tedious but now with the staff option your vendors can now create staff so they can upload products for them so they can create new uh new staff and then they can help them upload products and stuff like that because you know creating products is pretty tedious you know it takes a long time now this is a really unique option is the followers now if you go to your store list you will then see that your um your visitors of the websites can now follow vendors and this is good because if they have products they can notify the followers and they can come and they can purchase those products and remember if your vendors make money you make money right so you know that's actually good that they can start marketing towards your own customers right that's pretty helpful also we have the booking integration and also the subscription integration we'll talk more about that in the next section those are products here you have analytics and also your vendors can now have announcements on their store as well to give users announcements and stuff like that so overall you know the vendor does get a large upgrade with flexibility control over their dashboard and you can always design and customize this page guys using the page builder you know you can add like a banner here you can take out the dashboard just click on edit with elementor and you can edit this page so but yeah this is all available in the uh the starter professional business and the enterprise plan all right now let's go ahead and keep scrolling down here all right so that is the uh vendors uh you know the vendors interface now this is where things get really different between the plans so i purchased the business plan and the purchase plan does give you a lot more options like the product subscriptions and also i believe it is the uh all these options down here like the product inquiry geo locate live chat and stuff like that but um what i'll do first is i'll just go ahead and just give you guys an example of the subscription so the subscription allows you to have subscription-based products on your website this means your vendors can sell subscriptions on your websites and they can have a lot of options and control over these products so for example they can go ahead and you know offer a subscription price for 50 every month every day every year they can have a free trial they can have a sign up fee and then they can also have this taxable stuff like that so they can create their own subscription-based products on your websites if you want to do that and you know i don't really know a lot of sites that do that but it is a very lucrative industry to have subscriptions because then you're getting paid you know every month or every year or every 30 days or something like that now also we have the docon paypal marketplace now this is for like splitting payments and stuff like that now you also get the option to split up payments between sellers so you can get very dynamic you can split up payments between two vendors and yourself so maybe you guys can have like a three-way three-way three-way purchase plan right or whatever you know so it just gives you a lot more flexibility and control for your multi-vendor store also you have product subscription again that's only in the business plan product add-ons is actually really useful so product add-ons is having the ability to add add-ons on your product like um you know if you want to add something for five dollars more or something now here you can see that we have gift wrap for five dollars or silk wrap or something like that so you can add upsells you know and that's kind of what they are or add-ons like for example for five dollars more you can get this for ten dollars more you can get that and you can create as many add-ons as you would like and i'll just give you a quick little example of this so you'll see that we now have the is it the add-ons right here or add-ons yeah right here so we have gift wrapped and you can create as many add-ons as you want and here you'll see you can have check boxes you can have text people can upload files like for example if they uh if you're selling shirts and you want to you know see a visual of the shirt they want or they have a file for their shirt they can upload it and they do have a lot of options so they can you know they can have all these options on your sites and that's pretty useful so that is an example of the product add-ons so let me just go ahead and show you the last two products which was the booking product so this will allow people to book on your website now i know my buttons look a little weird and that's because i am i was kind of messing around with it earlier but from here users can actually click on the dates and they can have a booking you can select the booking per you know per day they can have a schedule um and yeah so the booking plugin is very dynamic there's a lot you can do with it and they can click on a book now they can also book based off time as well so the booking plugin is a little dynamic now i do have another video on the woocommerce bookings plug-in it's right here so the plug-in itself i gotta be honest guys it is a little advanced if you're brand new to wordpress so i have this video it's 30 minutes long and this will kind of help you guys understand how to use the woocommerce booking plugin on your ecommerce website and lastly i do want to show you guys the last product which is the auction product i did tell you guys i would show you guys a little bit later but this is the auction product and if we click on it we can now see that we can see there's a starting bid now there is a lot of options for the auction products so let me go ahead and scroll down here just to give an example you can set the starting price of the actual product and then you can have a bid increment this means when someone bids they have to bid at least thirty dollars so let's say for example five you know so that means if somebody bids the minimum bid increase would be five you also have the reserve price this means um you don't want to sell the price lower than this so regardless of what happens in the auction you do not want to sell the price for less than 150 and if it does not meet 150 the price i'm sorry the product will not sell so uh the reserve price is like a safety net basically you can also have a buy it now price and this is basically saying look if you want to just skip the auction and if you want to just buy the product right now you can go ahead and do that as well so uh yeah this is the auction products and you can have this available on your ecommerce store but i do want to go ahead and mention a few things about these products really quick so in order to have the auctions on your website you will have to go ahead and purchase the plugin that gives you the ability to have auctions now remember dokon is an integration so it adds the integration for these plugins it doesn't come included and i just want to be very transparent and tell you guys that before you buy the pro and saying oh you didn't tell us that you have to actually purchase another plugin to get that feature and the simple answer is yes so you will have to purchase the simple auctions plugin to get the ability to have auctions on your store so you'll go ahead and install this plugin onto your sites and then you will purchase the pro and then this option will be available to have auctions on your your multi-vendor websites now the same thing also applies for the subscriptions so you can have subscriptions on your website however you will need to purchase the woocommerce subscriptions uh plugin in order to add it to your website so you'll see here under the plugins tab if i click on install docon does um integrate with these plugins i know that's kind of a bummer but uh yeah i mean i'm just the i'm just the messenger guys you know i'm just the messenger so uh here is the woocommerce bookings and then we also have the woocommerce product add-ons and also the simple auction as well so you will need to purchase those uh plugins first and then you can uh add in docon pro and then they will integrate together so that means your vendors can then offer bookings your vendors can offer subscriptions and your vendors can then offer auctions on your website so i just want to make that very clear for everyone just so you guys know what you're you know what to you know what you're buying and stuff like that but we'll go ahead and scroll down here so people can leave you know vendor reviews store support seller verification stripe connect now stripe connect is for again splitting payments with stripe as i showed you earlier we can accept payments with stripe but if you want to be able to split it up and stuff like that you have that option then we have some other ones like following store request vendor staff manager product inquiry so this allows customers to actually message the user about a product so for example if we go to the store list and then i'll go ahead and click on one of the vendors we can now see that they can get supports and you can change this to like get inquiry or you know whatever but they can go ahead and ask questions about the actual product to the vendor themselves so they can kind of be like your own support team so you know that kind of actually that might help with like support requests and stuff but uh let's keep going down here uh we have the option for a wholesale now wholesale will allow your vendors to create special prices uh for individuals like for example they can go ahead and sell they can sell like a hundred of these phones for a lot cheaper so they'll have the option to kind of have like a like the aliexpress style website where they can have like a back end wholesale price that's exclusive for specific uh buyers and then below that we have the elementor edition so with this uh feature you can actually create your own stores you can build your own vendor stores now this right here was created with the elementor theme builder so let me just give you a quick example of this just to give you um you know just to give you an example of what you can do so this is available in the in the theme builder only so if you go to the templates we'll go to theme builder and now you'll see that we have an option for a single store now remember you must have elementor pro and also the pro version of docon in order to get this feature so here i'll click on start now and just give you an example of what this does all right for single store i'll click on plus now before we go on any further i do want to let you guys know i have a full another video on the elementor theme builder so this teaches you the ins and outs of the theme builder it basically allows you to have a custom header and a footer and a bunch of different custom shot pages and stuff like that so if you guys do need help with the elementor theme builder i will leave this tutorial in the description below of this video for you guys to check it out later but uh let's go ahead and go back over here now i can actually build a custom store from scratch using the elementor theme builder for example i'll just click on inserts and i'll just use one of their pre-made templates just to kind of speed this part up all right so now you'll see that we have the store name and we have the uh you know the vendor and we have their products and stuff like that now what we can do here on the left side we now have store elements so just like we kind of built the pages from scratch now we have the docon options or the elementor modules that we can use specifically for stores so you can have a store follow button you can add in a live chat right so a store live chat button this will allow them to like live chats with your store here you have store content tabs and maybe a profile picture right you can put a profile picture and remember this dynamically updates so whatever profile picture the user has it will display here automatically now i know this looks a little messy and stuff maybe i should maybe i should clean it up you know maybe there we go you know let's let's let's clean the store up a little bit you know we'll okay we have too many buttons here we'll delete this one you know but but you guys get the point right you know you guys understand what i'm talking about here so you can custom build the store list from scratch using the elementor pro and the docon pro so just remember you will have to purchase the professional plan in order to get this feature or the business and the enterprise plan all right but once you guys do that you can go ahead and publish your changes and you know save it so i'll click on publish i'll add a condition and i want this to be applied to single stores so basically i want to override the current defaults and i want to have the single store available on all of the um you know on the templates so i'll go ahead and click on save and close and there you go so now we have our new custom store that we created from scratch you'll notice here how this dynamically updated so we have this image and that dynamically updated to the vendor and if i go to another store it will also dynamically update between all of the vendors so it applies to your entire website so that's pretty cool but that's an example of what the docon pro professional and business plan does you can have a custom store using the theme builder and also for priority supports if you guys need a lot of help and some of you might you guys can use the enterprise plan and remember my coupon code works for all plans so if you feel like that might fit your budgets go for it we'll leave a link below and a coupon to help you guys out with your multivendor website i hope you guys enjoyed this part of the video if you guys have any questions for me about any of these things that i talked about feel free to let me know in the comments below also make sure to like this video and uh if you guys have any feedback for me let me know in the comments below and now that you guys have saved this long let's move on to the next section and give you a free layout that i created for you guys for your multi-vendor website well guys congrats on making it to the end and as a bonus we have created a free layout for all of you that you can use on your multivendor store now parts of this layout are with the free version of elementor however the like the shop pages and the product pages those are for elementor pro only so if you guys do decide to upgrade elementor pro we do have a link as well in the description but uh let's go ahead and show you guys how to import this layout on your multibender website all right well now it's time to give you guys something special which we're going to give you a free layout for your multi-vendor websites now we have two layouts actually we have this layout here which is ideal for a multi-vendor website and we also have a layout called findlay now i've already created another video on this but you guys can actually use this on your ecommerce website now what makes this unique is we offer four different custom product pages i'm sorry shop pages and we also offer two different product pages along with a custom my accounts cart and checkout page so we realize everyone out there has like their own preference and style of you know of how you want to see your shop so this is an example of like shop page one you guys can kind of like and of course you guys can adjust this to your liking you know you don't have to use everything 100 you can download it you can add in your own images maybe even change the color scheme but overall we like this structure you know it's like really nice you can see we have this uh the style we have this countdown timer and you know it just looks really clean and ideal and i think this is a great booster for your multi-vendor website so you can check out all the shop pages and we also do have two other product pages so um yeah this is one of them and then also we created the second one and it'll look something like that as well uh we just kind of took away the uh that little top header section and stuff like that so yeah you guys can go ahead and download this for free on my website so let me go and show you guys how to import this layouts first thing that you're going to do is you're going to go to my website and you guys can download this layout for free now this is in the description of this video as well i have other videos where people said hey darryl we can't find the layout and guys it's in the description it's going to be under my products now if you can if you still cannot find it let me just step back here and uh hold on oh that was weird uh it's right here under my uh my template so it's called the extronic elementor e-commerce layouts and all you have to do here is go to add to cart and then just you know just buy it like you're buying something else except this is free it doesn't cost you anything uh proceed to checkout and then you'll get a zip folder so go ahead and place the order all right and there you go so now we have the extronic layouts so just click on the actual layout and then you will download a zip file all you need to do after that is open the zip file and then you can import and drag and drop these onto your website so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to drag and drop them on this website so this is the demo website that we made in the video but i don't really need it you know it's just for total purposes now also guys i do want to let you know that parts of this layouts are using elementor pro not all of the but most of it in fact if you guys do want to use the the header and the footer that will require elementor pro and we made these because a lot of users tend to upgrade to elementor pro so we wanted to kind of extend it you know all the way across right so the first thing that you're going to have to do is you're going to have to upload this to your website so there's several ways to do that you know you can do it from your library or you can even use it while you're using the page builder so right here i'll click on edit with elementor all right and i just want to delete everything you know i'm just going to delete this entire website here so i don't really need any of this let's go ahead and delete it all right and now we're basically starting with a blank page right so i'll just click on this template section and click on upload i'll select the file now you first need to double click and open the actual file once you do that you will then see that there there is a folder and it'll be called xtronic like this go ahead and double click on this here you'll see a list of the available pages so you'll see the home the about the shop pages and we have name them all for you guys so you guys won't get confused so i want to import the home page right so the home page is right here i'll click on open and now it's importing this layout onto my website okay so there is the home page now i'll click on insert and click on yes all right and there it is so we can see our layouts everything looks good now there's anything that you guys want to change uh just feel free to make your own modifications but we have successfully imported this entire layout so that's how you can import the pages so if you'll do the same thing for like the home page the about us page the contact also the my account and the checkouts and the cart page now in order to modify those specific pages you'll just need to go ahead and go to like for example like the you know the cart page and then you'll click on edit page so it's a little bit different for the cart checkouts and the my account you have to click on edit page first and then you'll click on edit with elementor in the back end now that only applies for the cart my account and the checkout the other pages it's like just as normal so for example this is the you know this is the actual cart page but i want to do is i'm just going to delete it and then i'll import the cart page that i created here i'll click on select file and the cart page and open next i'll click on insert and there you go so now we have the cart and then we have the icons here and then we also have the icons here at the bottom that we created for you guys if you want to change the color of this this will you'll have to go through the theme customizer and edit it and also if you want to make this bigger you know you can just click on it and just make it full width and then stretch it across right so stretch section you know so you can fully modify this to your liking but once you're done you'll click on update so you'll go through the process of doing that for your pages now the header and the footer the shop and the product pages you will need to have the elementor pro because that requires the theme builder so let's do that really quick let's go to our dashboard if you guys do need help with the elementor theme builder i do have a full another video on that and i'll put that in the description below of this video but it allows you to have like custom pages custom headers and footers and all sorts of cool stuff so you'll go to templates and go to theme builder now this is after you purchase and install the elementor pro version you guys can install any plan they do have a 100 plan right here looks like they're kind of they're kind of hiding it you know but uh you'll just go ahead and purchase elementor pro and then upload the plugin to your website i think most people watching this already have the pro version now let's say for example you want to add in the header you can click on add a new header they also do have this new visual editor and i want to use this instead i actually like this a lot better than the alright so i'm going to click on header and i want to import the header now so click on select files and then we'll find the header page right or json there it is header and we'll import this layout i will insert the elementor header and then i'll click on publish and i want this to display on the entire website and click on save and close all right now we can go ahead and take a look at our website so i'll exit to the dashboard i will visit the site and there it is so now you see that we have our header and all you need to do here is just adjust the menu change the colors and you're on your way to having the same exact website now let's say for example you want to add a custom shop page and also a custom product page now i'm not going to go through every single one but i'll just touch base on how to do it really quick so templates theme builder and then right here i'll do i'll click on try it now and now we have the product archive i'll click on plus for the product archive and then i will import the layouts select the files and this will be like shop page one or something so i'm going to insert this and say yes and click on yes alright cool so this is my new shop page and yeah everything looks good and if you want to change anything or add something you can just go ahead and insert it now all you need to do here is click on publish add a condition and i want to put this for the shop page and then i'll click on save and close now if you guys do need help with the elementor theme builder again i do have a full another video on the theme builder from the ins and then outs where we create a custom product page custom shop page a custom product category page i mean we really get in the nitty gritty and we really create all types of pages so i'll leave that video in the description of this video so now that we've created a custom shop page you can also create custom product pages and it's the same thing so let's click on theme builder and now we're going to create a custom product page like this and there's two different layouts so you guys can choose between both of them and uh yeah it's pretty simple so i'll just walk you through it really quick here i'll click on try it now and this time we'll click on single products and click on the plus icon and from here i will click on the arrow icon select file and i will import uh we have product page to a single product one and click on open now i will insert the single product page all right so i have imported the single product page it might look like this and that's just because these are using the woocommerce elements but when your product uploads it will dynamically update and everything will display where it should so let's click on publish here and just test it out so i'll click on publish add a condition and this will be products right these will be all my products i'll click on save and close at the bottom right all right so this layout you guys can use on as many websites as you guys would like i hope you guys like it just go ahead and adjust the colors you know you can just switch things around adjust the fonts and everything to fit your liking but i think once you um you know once you have a multi-vendor website it just looks really practical it looks really good and i think this is a great start for a multi-vendor website so yeah you guys can use this for free also be sure to check out the other layouts you guys can also use this for free as well you don't have to use the same exact images and color that we used obviously you can just kind of steal the structure you know just like take the structure change the image the color and it'll look like a completely different website so i truly hope you guys do enjoy this layout i hope you guys also enjoyed this video we spent a long time making these layouts for you guys and hopefully that we explained everything step by step i really wish you guys the best for your multi-vendor ecommerce websites and congrats on building your website well guys thank you guys for watching this video and i really hope this helped you guys out creating your multi-vendor website you know off the script and everything i work so hard on these videos guys you know i create the outline we create the demo website we create the structure to make sure it's perfect for all of you so i really do hope you guys enjoy this video and if you guys have any questions for me about i don't know what kind of theme to use forticon or any questions about this let me know in the comments below and i will do my best to answer all of the questions so guys my name is darrell wilson and i will see all of you party people in the next video take care
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 22,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: multi vendor marketplace, how to create a multivendor ecommerce website, multi vendor website, multi vendor ecommerce website, multi vendor ecommerce theme, elementor multi vendor, wordpress multi vendor marketplace ecommerce website, how to make multi vendor website, how to make multivendor ecommerce website, ecommerce website, dokan multi vendor marketplace plugin, how to make marketplace website, how to make marketplace website in wordpress
Id: p9jXInqP5j0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 41sec (7601 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.