How To Improve Your Website - REPLAY

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hello everyone and welcome i'm really excited to do this live q a i'm sure you have a lot of questions to ask me uh of course regarding web design so um i hope you've made a little note of what you need to ask me and i'll do my very best to respond to all these questions throughout this live stream and you also need to pay attention until the end because i have some great offers one-time offers on this live q a so my first question here goes by i want to create an online course for children this means i'd like to integrate as many games quizzes as possible matching games eg audio to a word flash cards memory games learn new vocabulary which lms do you suggest learn learn dash or twitter lms my website is based on wordpress plus elementor okay great question so when it comes to the lms's tutor lms is very strong very powerful i highly recommend it in fact it is very difficult to find the difference between in features between learn dash and tutor lms so in my opinion i would go with um twitter lms because there's more customizations there but at the same time if you take a look at learndash it is very solid right there's no bugs and it's used in large institutions like universities and so on so i would uh to be on the safe side i would go with learndash but if it's something you want to expand where you have greater design options or implementation i would go with twitter lms so it's a difficult one you know i can't say this over the other because both of them are super super powerful and they have great integrations but i would say it doesn't really matter if you use elementor because they both have integrations which work really well but the most important thing is when you use learndash or twitter lms they integrate very well with the page builders which makes it easier for you to build your pages so if you were to just ask me which one i just i should just suggest i would say just go with learndash okay hope that helps right uh miguel if it's freezing please refresh your browser and it should be okay right uh here's another question and the question goes along the lines of hi mac do you drive enough business consistently uh in a month to uh make a great living um out of web design i've been in the business for a long time and it has plagued for many years any suggestions right this is a very very good question and i'm glad you've asked this question uh roger because things are a bit different now when i had my design agency it was easier for me to rank uh based on my local area like for example i mean i'm in birmingham so it was quite birmingham uk it was very easy to get some keywords so when people search for web design services in birmingham they would find me easier right but it's become very very competitive so the only way you can really make a living out of this is by creating a lot of content and this content has to be on youtube so i highly recommend using video because video ranks better than your normal articles because i mean the the the youtube and no sorry the the google is overcrowded now so to really rank for keywords it's going to be very difficult so i would do a lot of uh content and that content will drive traffic so to answer your question do i make a living yes absolutely but bear in mind i also do a lot of marketing i do a lot of videos and a lot of people find these videos especially when they search for say for example woocommerce how to design a woocommerce website they come across my webs my videos and that comes in as leads which then i can decide if i need to work with the client or not but mostly i do not really do websites but i do get a lot of requests i mean if i had the chance i would really set up a design agency again and have a team that i can work with that designs my website for me but the key to this is really the marketing so you can have is very good skills in web design and you master dv you master web design seo and all of that but the key now is the marketing you really need to get people to see your work and that's where you need to really do a lot of creating content and also if you want to promote yourself locally i would highly suggest you go to the chamber of commerce here in the uk we have the institute of directors i mean going to these events trying to get speaking opportunities where you can talk about how websites can benefit small businesses this will be a great move so i would highly recommend that but if you're just relying on uh traffic on the internet that wouldn't work you really have to go out there uh and uh meet with um at the chamber of commerce or institute of directors these are the sort of areas where you wanna go meet people if you have the opportunity to speak speak so that people can see uh your services what you do and so on so roger i hope that answers your question right um any more questions please uh add your questions in the comments box dave says uh hi mac how are you i'm good i'm good thank you thank you for asking right so let's move on to the next question and this question is from steph integrating a divi with convertkit okay so let me show you how to do this this is going to be a demo so the first thing you want to do okay let's head over here so the first thing you want to do if you want to integrate uh divi is you want to come over here to your convertkit account so right now i'm in my dashboard ignore these signs please i mean i don't really use this because i use fluent crm and in fact you can see i only have 294 subscribers so this is not my main email provider i use fluentcrm okay so what you want to do to integrate is to come over here to your name right here in the top click on that go to settings okay now the next step is to scroll all the way down over here to advanced because this is where you have your api key this is the api key we need i'm going to click here so here we have the api key please don't use this guys so you need your api key you want to copy that and then you want to go to um your wordpress website in this case it's uh divi so over here now you want to create a page so i'm going to come over here to pages click on add new so this is where we're going to get the module and do the connection so i'm just going to say contact okay i'm going to use the dv builder now this is going to be a bit slow because this is live so uh the internet here might be a bit slow for me so just bear with me okay so it looks like it's loading up now so um i'm going to start from scratch and just create a single contact so i want to show you something very important here so if i come over here to contact form so this contact form here versus uh versus your email opt-in i'll show you the difference so on this contact form this does basic uh basic uh email so if i were to come over here to email this is where you need to add your email so in this case let's say it's mac at right you can redirect there's also spam protection over here with your basic capture so this form here does not do the integration with convertkit so this is very important um we uh we uh [Music] we we understand this the basic form in divi does not do that however you can do that using the email opt-in so i know this may not be something you are interested in but with the email opt-in here this is where you would scroll down you go to email account and then over here on the services you can click on this drop-down and choose convertkit and then this is where if you click on add you add your api key which is what i've just copied and then you need your api secret and the secret is you find it here when you click on show which is which uh which i won't do right now okay so that's how this works so you you if you really want to add all your subscribers here onto onto your mailing list ideally you want to use the email opt-in so there is also another solution here and the solution is you can also use fluent forms so fluent forms has that integration so i'm going to come over here and let me show you how to use fluent forms i'm going to go back over here to the dashboard i know this is a bit long-winded because my answer is supposed to be just no but i want to try and give you the solutions to this question that you've asked me so here on fluent forms they have a free option and also a paid option so if i come over here to a new form right you can create your form here quickly by just adding all your fields so all your fields are over here so i'll say first name last name and email address great and then over here on settings and integrations if i need to save this first there we go okay so over here on settings and integrations so this is where we can add our new integration here so this will integrate automatically with fluent crm if you want to use fluid crm but on the paid version this is where you would uh integrate with convertkit and you can see here i've just clicked on integration modules if you scroll here i'm pretty sure there is convertkit i've seen it somewhere there we go so for this one here you have to upgrade to pro if you wanted to do that so that's the only thing now to also give you some advice usually on the contact form people are not really asking to be added onto the mailing list it's just something to uh quickly send you a message uh perhaps it could be say something to do with uh support so you may not necessarily mean that these people want to be on your mailing list so i would not recommend you add this uh integration on a contact form rather let them opt in on something that you're giving away for free okay it's very important to do that because you're going to have a lot of complaints and there's also gdpr you're going to have a lot of problems there so i would specifically do uh the integration for with convertkit if only i am giving them something away for free as an opt-in but if they're just contacting me for something uh i'll give an example let's say you want to ask me a quick question adding that name or that user to my mailing list and then to do my marketing emails would not convert really well in fact you'll have a lot of people signing out okay right let's move on to the next one let's have a look right uh i have a very interesting question here in fact let me scroll up because i might be missing a few questions here there we go so i'd like to drive enough business consistently in a month okay um okay so this question is for imran and the question is i have a question related to divi i use divi for almost all websites but when i compare the performance of gutenberg build and divvy it's night and day uh what's the future of divi in terms of performance imran i can tell you right now that divi in terms of performance it's pretty much at par with um gutenberg the the issue now is how we use divi i think uh in my course uh web design masterclass i did a specific section where i talk about optimizing your website so the question now becomes why would you want to use gutenberg and why you want to use divi so divi gives you a lot of flexibility when it comes to design so when you use gutenberg you'll find that it doesn't have all the bells and whistles and all the tools so with divi now if you wanted to perform fast or as good as gutenberg in fact there's a page where elegant themes compares wordpress i mean gutenberg versus divi and you'll find that it's very very similar in performance very very similar even though divi has a lot of bells and whistles and features to make to help you design your websites much better so what i would highly recommend is you need to follow the optimization steps that i talk about in the course in the web design masterclass these are very important in fact i'll just go through them right now first thing you want to make sure you're using presets okay i have a preset on my site which i sell for 49. that preset has all your button presets all your headers footers colors images so if you're designing your website and you're not using presets number one your website is going to be slow because it is going to be loading a lot of css right so if you have five different uh buttons on your page i'm exaggerating here let's say you have five different buttons different designs and everything with some with animations and so on what is happening is for that page to show the browser is loading up all that css right for all the buttons to show so what you need to do now is to create your your your buttons like a specific button or maybe two or three types and just use those throughout that page so what happens is even though there are three buttons when the when the browser loads up it just brings up the css for just one button so that's just a quick example i can just give you about using presets i've done some videos on my youtube channel which talk about presets as well and like i said i have the dv ultimate presets on my site i will add a link to that in the video description below so you need to use presets that's the first one secondly you need to optimize your images you need to make sure that you put them in through some let's say for example photoshop and reduce the file size no matter what browser or page builder you use if you don't optimize your images your website is going to be slow guaranteed so it's very very important that you optimize your images the third thing is javascript javascript is also a problem because it's a lot of code that's loading up as the browser opens up your page for example if you have google analytics that's going to slow down your website so you need to really weigh out where you want to use javascript on your website do you really want speed or do you really need the functionality so it's a balance so in my case what i do is um i use javascript when when necessary really but everything else i try to keep my website as simple and as basic as possible now let me move on to the fourth thing and the fourth thing here is very very important is the hosting a lot of hosting companies out there are not very good so i can tell you right now siteground was uh i mean has a an integration or it's highly optimized to work with divi so siteground is very very good i'll highly recommend siteground cloudways i've actually moved my site now to cloud ways now the reason why i moved that is not because uh siteground is bad no it's just that my website has grown and i have a lot of people uh coming onto my site and using the site at the same time so this is uh this improves or reduces my performance of my website so i had to make it a dedicated server but for general sites i would highly recommend that you use siteground it's highly optimized and that's what i would recommend there's also other options like pressable and uh i'm forgetting the other one but i know for a fact siteground is optimized to work with dv so these are the sort of areas you want to look at so it's not really dv being slow when you compare it with gutenberg i hope i've explained that in detail thanks right let's move on right this is from kathleen very good question so kathleen says i have watched your video on how to create a post template but can't seem to recreate it because i don't have gutenberg is there another way around it um actually that's not true kathleen if you're using wordpress you definitely have gutenberg by default so let me show you how this works so hopefully i can recreate this so uh right imran here has responded saying uh thank you mack i use line node server with lightspeed web server i also optimize all images using tiny png and use fantastic so imran do you also use presets and does your website have javascript uh please respond here so uh so we can discuss this further all right so let me just do the post uh template here because i think this is very very important that we uh we understand how this works so what i'm going to do here is i'm just going to switch over to my website here so here i have hello world let's take a quick look here and see what this looks like so if i take a look here in a new tab we see that this this is just a basic layout you see that nothing has been added to this this is pure basic right so what you need to do is you need to in fact i'm going to do this in a new tab we're going to come over here to the theme builder i'm just going to quickly create a template here for our blog post so what i'll do here is i'll click here on add new template and this template needs to be for all my posts so i'm going to select that and create a template so now i can decide how this template looks so i'm going to come over here to the body and click on build custom body all right so i'm going to start here by adding my featured image so i'm going to say image and then in here i'm just going to click in fact you know what i need to go in and delete this and then click on this little uh it's called dynamic right dynamic i'll add my featured image here i'm just going to do this quickly because i just want to show you how the template works okay so that's my featured image save that i'm going to come down here i'm also going to add more information here so for this i'm going to add a text module and what i'm going to do again i'm going to come over here and add my post title okay so let's set our post title here to heading one so i'm gonna come over here and go to our text in fact you know what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna do this quickly let's add uh poppins here like that we're gonna make this bold and we're gonna increase the size let's go up to about uh 28 increase the line height a little bit okay so let's set it to about 1.3 and i'm pretty happy with that i'm going to save now over here to the right i'm going to add my uh posts my post uh content so this is where the blog post content is going to be so i'm just going to go in and just make a few notable changes here let's change our font here to poppins we are also going to change the color and in fact let's do this okay that's going to be our color and let's increase the size a little bit let's go with 16 and increase the line height there we go excellent so i've just done a quick uh design here i know it doesn't look great this is just for demo purposes and for my column structure here let me just change this to because 50 50 is not working let's go with one third two thirds and then finally what i'm going to do is i'm just going to go in and give this a background color so you can see a bit of the design i'm trying to do here all right so let's go again in here and let's give this some spacing so i'm going to add padding to left and right let's give this two percent okay and we're also going to do this to the left and the right there we go great in fact you know what maybe this might need to be gray so let's go with something like this okay there we go all right so let's say this is my design i'm gonna save this i mean i could go further and design the comments area but you know what for the sake of this let's just uh end our design here so what i've done here is i've created a template so this is what is going to determine how my content looks when i go to my blog post so take a look here so if i come back oops so let me just save this first close out of here and save changes so here is my template so now if i come over here to uh this blog post which looks like this and i refresh take a look at what happens now now we have a large image here and then on the bottom here that's our gray color that we added here is our title and here is our text so this is going to look consistent throughout my whole website okay now the question is what happens if you want to add a new blog post okay so here's what happens if i click on add new so let's call this new post and then when it comes to adding the content onto this post you need to come over here to use default editor because we've already gone ahead and what created the template for it so we don't need to use the div builder here so this is where my text would go so let me just say my text goes here okay and i also need to add an image so i'm going to come over here to post featured image set featured image hopefully i have some images in my library and yes i do so i'm going to add what should i add in here all right let's go with this one here what size is this okay let's go with that i'm going to set my featured image you know what we might need a bit more text here so let me just go and grab some lorem text okay so i'm just going to grab a bunch of text from here like that okay so back over here now i'm just going to go in and paste my text i can even decide to say you know what i just want to have a heading here so i'm going to cut that and let's say click here on this plus button we're going to add a heading there we go paste my heading in here now notice that it's taking the color of my template okay so let's say this is my text i've got my featured image here and then i hit publish and publish one more time right so now let's view the post look at that so now my post looks like this this is the layout that i created in the template so this is the template here that is controlling all my data here i mean all my layouts so i could even go further here and add social media icons i could add the [Music] the comments area i could do all that kind of stuff so you do have gutenberg as long as you're using wordpress right uh let's take a look here right so i've watched a video on how to create okay i've answered that right so this question here is from reggie reggie says how can a wordpress form be pre-populated at least uh some of the fields for example i suppose i had three services service pages that include a button a to a form each using the same form one page causes option one to be selected and another page option two etc i suppose this will involve querying but i don't know how to consume them in wordpress thanks right pre-populating this i would use um i would use this plugin which i showed a few moments ago so let's just go back let me just do a quick demo here right so i would use fluent forms for that so i'm going to come over here to forms hopefully i'll be able to um pre-populate them so i'm going to come over here to this contact form click on edit right so you see here this email right if i go in i can actually um go in and okay i think i don't think this is a good example let me find this message here okay so do you see now here where it says your message what i could do here i could go in and type in whatever i need in here so i could just say start typing a message here like that so this is already telling people what they need to do when they get to this part so you can go in and really pre-populate your text that you need to add in here for example even here with this email address so for this it's called placeholder text so over here it says email address i would even go as far as saying enter your email address like that same same applies with the name and so on now when it comes to um divi the dv contact form i'm not sure if we can do that i haven't tried that because i i tend to use this form here because it has more features and more integrations especially the fact that it integrates uh easily with fluent crm okay so reggie i hope that answers your question all right so moving on right so how do you create an adaptive drop down a menu that is a drop down on a on a computer screen is a slide that takes all screen on tablets on the phone an example would be the slider revolution right okay so uh johan the quick answer to that is we cannot do that at the moment with um with divi i mean that's pretty quite advanced uh to have it work that way so yeah so we can't really do that at the moment right so let's move on uh please a question how much will it be right so uh my men says how much will fluent uh crm i think fluency ems lifetime be on black friday i'm not sure 100 sure how much it's going to be but one thing i can tell you is uh there's going to be a deal i'm not sure if they're going to do a lifetime but i will try and speak to uh the ceo of fluency rm is a very good friend of mine now uh we we talk a lot and uh i will try and uh see if he can do anything for uh for all you guys because uh all you guys are my subscribers you know you follow me and you support my channel so i will talk to him and i'll have something very special so you need to make sure you're on the mailing list because that's the only way i can do it if he decides not to have a lifetime deal so usually when the lifetime deals are gone they're gone for good so it is a valuable product so i can understand why a lot of people would like to be on the lifetime in fact i get so many people asking me mac how can i get i missed a lifetime deal how can i get back on it and to be honest i can't do anything about that so let's see what happens on black friday i will try and persuade him to do a special deal for for all uh my subscribers and all you followers and see how that goes alright so uh monique uh monique says i'm redesigning a website for a private school wow that's great uh the theme that they used is out of date uh from the security standpoint uh that is not good so would you start with a site map uh first to clear out the redundant outdated uh content thank you so what i'll do in this situation here is i've had a situation which is similar because believe it or not on funnels to income i used to run this website on elementor because there are certain features that i couldn't uh uh use on divi because i use a lot of plugins to really automate my systems with um with uh with my online courses and so on so at the time elementor had the integration but divi didn't so i was using elementor so it came to a time now where i really had to move everything from elementor to divi so the best way to do that is number one recreate all those pages right just add all the content to all the pages once you've added i mean this is from the old site to the new site so i would create a site separately on a local machine or even on a on a hosted account because ideally what you want to do is to get all the information from one website to the other so i would copy and paste let's say the about page copy all the contents add it onto the new site copy the cont all the contents add them onto the new site copy the posts but with the post now the problem is if you start adding them they're going to have the latest date so i would export all that content of the blog post if they do have a blog post and then import it onto your site now once you've done that just create templates simple so all you need to do now is to create a template which will uh have all your fonts it will control all your blog posts you have your header and footer i mean to be honest you'll be done in a day that's how i managed to do my website it's fully running divi and uh that's how i managed to do it okay so once now you have all your content on the on the separate site what you need to do is to use a plugin like i think it's called duplicator so basically it just takes a copy of your site locally and then you install the plugin on the new on the site which is live and then if you just bring everything onto the site and you're up and running okay so hope that helps all right let's move on uh so roger says mac do you like rank math or yoast or seo right when it comes to these seo plugins i use rank math that's what i use now i use the paid version because it has a few more features but the free version is very good it has pretty much everything you need i used to use yoast seo but uh it's dated now it doesn't have all the features that's uh relevant you know today so i would go with rank rank math without a doubt okay right so this question is from roger as well um roger says i've been working with sam cart for selling courses the price is only 350 per year it seems really reasonable have you tried that um no the quick answer to that is no reason being when it comes to selling courses online i think i spoke about this before you really need to do upsells down cells and control that whole process so sim card i know is a very good product it's fantastic but i don't like using third-party applications to then link them back to my website to give access to my site i rather use plugins on my site that really integrate very well for example i use wishlist member learn dash card flows and fluent crm all these four work well together so if someone buys the course they get a tag added to them as soon as they buy in um influence crm and then that tag automatically allows them to get access to the course and then once they get access to the course it also gives them access to the actual course and they become a member of that course itself so if someone buys let's say dv jumpstart okay that's a new course that i'll be uh covering they will only get access to that and what controls that is wishlist member if that person asks for it for for a refund again the system is automated they'll get a refund they'll stop getting access to um to the course and then it continues like that so that's how i like uh using um these services on my actual website but i can see why because simcard also has a very good interface uh it works really well but for me now it's just extra work i mean i've tried all these services before i've also used thrive cart i've used uh teachable uh i've done a quite popular video where i thought i was going to go to teachable and i was going to be very happy and excited there but it turned out that i didn't have all the features that i need so this is how i prefer to run it so i do know of sim card it's a very good product but in my case i'd rather have all my services together 350 a year for me would be quite a lot of money i usually like to go for these lifetime deals so when i go for these lifetime deals uh basically i know i don't have to pay anymore after that because it may not seem like a lot of money but when it comes to the time to pay all these so you will find that you're going to pay your hosting you're going to pay for some cards you're going to pay for other things it all adds up and before you know it you're paying close to a thousand dollars it come when it's time to renew it okay css portal says uh do you have a plug-in that helps you create privacy policies and terms and conditions no customize let's have a look let me see if i can find it sometimes i don't delete it you know it should be here oh no i think i've deleted it yeah when you first install wordpress uh it comes with a privacy oh there we go uh privacy policy so if you go in here in the preview in fact let's go into the edit so this gives you pretty much the body of the content you need so you can see here all you need to do is to go in and tweak a few things so here this is where your website was going to be and then if you read through here mostly all this information here is uh is relevant and is what goes into the privacy policy so you can see here you can go in update that link and so on okay so i would use this and then modify it a little bit or you can go to a few websites out there uh take a look at some of that content and see what's relevant to you and then just adopt it to your own website in fact it's something that i still also need to do but i've been lazy okay um right um wow there's a lot of questions here how to uh create a login system with fluent forms um i don't know why would you want to use fluent forms for your login system uh i wouldn't highly recommend that um because fluent forms you want to use it as your contact form support you know that kind of stuff but for logging in um someone just wants to log in i'll give you an example let's say you've bought a course on my website and you want to log in to [Music] to uh to start learning that form should just give you access to to logging in and being redirected to the course but not for just having uh a form like a contact form to do that feature no i wouldn't use that for that okay so i'll use the basic wordpress login form but if you use something like wishlist member you can customize it to make it look much better in fact let me see if i can go to my website here okay so on my website here if i were to go to login you can see i customized my login form here this is not fluent crm this is why i'm saying you don't need to use fluorine crm for this this is um just for logging in and being redirected okay let's have a look here okay so manuel says on fluent forms pro can you explain how to get a result in a new page after a client responds to a query i believe you can do it um by pass data field via query string but do not know how to implement it right uh manuel what i need to do is i need to make a note of this this is going to take me a bit long to recreate so i will make a dedicated video for this okay so let me make a note of this okay i've made a note for that okay so here's a very interesting question and this is from ob and ob says google docs and learn dash which is better for online course without a doubt learn dash without a doubt learn dash is much much better because you can highly customize the type of contents you want to have on your courses you can add quizzes you can add videos and it integrates with so many other services like woocommerce wishlist member fluent crm so you can have a highly automated system with google docs you're very limited i would really switch to using um learn dash in fact i have a page on my site i have discounts on there so i would highly recommend you uh go on to that let me see if i can find you the link it's called success tools yes so there's quite a few discounts here um in fact i need to add more right i'll need to add more links here in fact i'm trying to create a table here which which will have all my discounts so keep an eye on this i will uh add all my services here and um yeah i can share this with you but if you go to my youtube i have a link where you can get a discount okay so uh let's have a look imran says i do not use presets because i rarely add any custom font sizes or colors but if divi adds the feature to define global font sizes and global color palettes uh how other themes eg astro cadence are doing uh it would be great um we do have global colors in divi uh imran let me show you where that is i'm just gonna go to a page here in divi uh which page can i use all right let's just go to this about us page edit with divi so let's say i go in here oops i'm going to go in here and just show you where the global colors are so if you want to add global colors you can go to any element and here we go right there right in the middle you see where it says global boom so if you go in there these are the global colors so you can use global colors and as you're designing as well you can make certain certain designs on your sites global items as well so let's say let's go for this button here so if i go in here where is that feature let's have a look okay so did you see what i did there i went in and i can add this to the library and also make this a global item if you wanted to so divi does have all those features that you were referring to okay right i have a one-page website so this question here okay so the question is i have a one page website i added all my content in one page but when my content is too much what's uh when it's too much that divvy takes too slow it slows down the uh working progress how do i solve this okay good question and again i think i've um i've covered this a little bit presets if you have so many design elements on that single page a lot of code is being loaded okay so that's the challenge so let's say you have paragraph text which um which have different styles throughout that whole page or you have different buttons or you have different things on that page it will slow down if you don't have uh presets so you do need to have presets so if you are using presets and it's still slow please comment uh comment here so i can take a look at that all right how can i create subdomains in wordpress subdomains are created in your web hosting account that is where you create your subdomains and that was ob ob again says does fluency automatically come with fluent forms or is it purchased separately it is purchased separately so fluent forms deals with the emails and then sorry fluency rm deals with the emails fluent forms deals with the uh forms themselves but these two integrate very well together okay so ben here says mac i have a membership web membership based websites and i have to restrict access to free membership and full access to vip membership i have a lot of cons content design for three main tabs that i can click on i use divi and member press i need to know how to limit access to the primary information for the free memberships i only want free memberships to see only the recent post for each section okay you can go into each specific item and apply a membership level to it now i don't have [Music] member press installed here i could have shown you quickly so um but you need to go to the specific article that you want to give access to and then give access to that free membership but make sure that another way of course you could do this is i would create a category so this is the easiest way all right i would create a category for the free for the free subscribers and then protect that category because if you do it on one by one basis that's too much time okay so have a category for uh the free members and have another category for paid members so you only give access to the free but for the paid you give them access to both the paid information and the free okay uh if you're still having any issues with that ben uh just drop me a message here on my site and i will be able to do a tutorial about that it's quite it's quite straightforward to do so just drop me a message and i'll be able to do that all right uh right so imran he's asking for a quick review all right so let's do a quick review here all right so that loaded pretty quick uh pretty fast i mean you see that that's really fast i don't see any loading here i'm refreshing the page that is really fast and if this is running divi that's impressive so uh i'm not sure if it was you imran that was saying that the website is quite uh slow but this is really fast uh and i hope you're also using a caching plugin because that's something else you want to do and also a cdn all right so let's take a look at this i like this uh web mobile ecommerce we do all the hard work right so the copy here uh there's a video in the course where i talk about uh the um the value proposition here you really need to specify what the website does how it benefits people and what they should do next so the call to action here is great but here it's not very clear what it is we do all the hard work what hard work so then it's web mobile e-commerce but what are these is this consultancy is this web design is this support what is it it needs to be very clear here this is how you get converting websites the graphic here is okay it's kind of like goes with what you're trying to do over here so i'll say that's fine and then over here building scalable okay that's pretty cool i like the fact that it's nice and clean and it is um very easy to navigate i really like that always ahead of competition that's great and i like the fact that you also have consistency here with your images so the style of the images here is great because i can see here as i'm scrolling through it is pretty much the same and the colors here are matching i mean for the colors you did a very good job i like that um this is also very clean i like the way you've laid things out here very easy to navigate very easy to uh to follow um i would make the icon slightly smaller here but again that's just me being a bit too picky right for the blog post straight away definitely you want to have images here it looks nicer with the images make this text a bit smaller because this is just your uh your blog post so just make sure you get your featured images here to uh to show up that would look even better okay but apart from that this is very good i like this i like this i like it i like it okay let's have a look here web design development yep again you have all your consistency there your websites is great you have a slider here i like this yep mm-hmm very good very good this is a very good example of um websites that communicate what it is that the uh the the company does this is really good i like this and again we also have this bright color here it's part of the uh the branding so i can see this is the main color fantastic i like that great i think you've done a very good job here let me have a look at the blog right you know you know what i want to say here this is terrible um it's very hard to read a lot when when the text is way too long across the screen like that you definitely need a template for this for the blog page create a template for it and let's have a look here and see if there's anything on the blog template okay the blog template is okay it's not too bad yep okay i like the fact that you've done this [Music] feature here where when you scroll it'll stop right there and it's still in your face i like that brilliant okay so what i will say is fix that blog page this doesn't look great you need to fix this uh apart from that i think you've done a very good job um guys what do you guys think let me know in the comments box uh let's give uh imran here some feedback what do you guys think about this video so just add your comments in there uh if there's something that you may have picked up let's discuss it and help each other out all right so moving on erin says is the divi ultimate templates uh free for vip users i don't see any information in my account yes it is free uh erin if you don't have access to that okay we had the problem with my paypal email was not the same as my site account you changed it but i don't see any payments or downloads all right so uh i will uh take a look at this irwin please drop me an email mac funnels to income dot com and i will give you access to it because if we try to resolve this you will have access to the template so uh drop me an email okay so the question here why did we don't have youtube video add to hero section background feature right um that feature is there but uh it's not really a youtube one you're absolutely right i don't recommend that because uh that's gonna slow down your the load of your page so even me if you see on my uh website it's something that looks really cool but it will slow down your website and i wouldn't highly recommend that to be honest even images i would minimize using images on my site um what do you use for webinars and evergreen webinars thanks mack ob right i use cloudcast but sometimes it can be a bit it can be a bit funny because you know uh i think you've noticed that um there are a few cases where i've stopped using um cloudcast and then went to youtube because sometimes it doesn't work because it's browser-based ob no i'm not from nigeria frequency of blog posts this is a question from monique uh frequency of blog posts i would go as maybe once a week one a week consistently and it has to be a blog post which has keyword research uh which is which makes it easier to find in google and you also do you also need to do the competitive analysis because if you just have a blog post for the sake of having a blog post you'll find that it's very hard to rank it so you need to use tools like kw finder just to see how difficult it is to rank for that keyword okay i will be touching on seo in the web design masterclass course so uh keep an eye on that right so i can see here imran you also have comments about the site being loading fast great and this is a very good example about divi because i hear a lot of people say dv is slow it's not that fast but here's a good example of someone using divi and it's really fast okay um so i'm gonna go back now and see if i missed any okay so tim here also wants a review okay let's do a quick review here for tim oops here we go so tim your website it did not load that fast um i would think it's because of uh the image that you have here is it optimized and also the animations animations you need to use them very very subtle because those tend to slow down the website as well okay so when i look at this uh leader in window tint backed by lifetime warranty okay great uh set up an appointment right so this set up an appointment here is a call to action this should not be up there it should be on a button here okay so you need to decide get a quote or set up an appointment or have two buttons one to uh get a free quote or the other one to set up an appointment uh here leader in window tint that's great but this text here is way too small it's quite small to read and the way you have things here on your page is quite difficult to read why don't you center it it's much easier to center it i would use um [Music] the the header option uh in divi where you can have everything all centered the image here is great but i'm not sure why it is like that here on the sides it's a bit distracting i would just have an image that is just consistent throughout you may also need to add a bit of padding here to make this car look uh full and complete on on all devices so you can do that in fact you can also go in and add specific sizes for mobile devices ipads and so on so that's what you want to do because appearance is is great here you've gotten rid of the the wheels the wheels need to show we need to see the full car okay and we also need to see the tint so it's important here we see the tint as well now right now the the style that you have here on the image we can't really see the tint in fact if i scroll here there's no tint there i can see the back seat so if there was a tint here we wouldn't really see that so when you describe a product or a service it needs to show on the actual item that you are talking about or promoting because seeing that product uh alongside the text that goes with it it goes a very long way all right so moving on i can see right away you're not using a template so you have this font here it's different here it's different to that that looks like poppins i know that this one here is different if i scroll down here let's see if you have another different one um okay so you don't you're not using a template ideally you want to use a template use one font or maximum two fonts one for the headings and the next for the text or if you're gonna use one font like in my case i use poppins and it's just different sizes and it's also different font weights that is very important you wanna you wanna make sure you do that okay so you need to use a template uh if you're a member of funnels to income it comes with a free um presets so that could be a starting point you can really add that preset throughout your whole website and that should improve things on your site now over here you don't have padding here and margins everything is way too close together here it makes it very hard to read i'm sure you can see here my mouse this is what i'm pointing to um here i would separate this this contact form out this this email here i would have it on the actual contact page and then i would have this information here perhaps on this other side i love the google ratings yeah this looks great but there's too much information here to read i'm sure guys you can agree with me here that my eye is really looking everywhere for information it needs to be simple clean uh easy to find information okay here we have a gallery again you're using the default one uh i would highly recommend you use i mean you style it a little bit and have some sort of a branding going on here but the idea is good it just needs to be customized and branded in a way that is easier to uh to go through this information i like what you're doing here with the facebook reviews but what i would probably do here is perhaps have facebook reviews on one side and then have google reviews on the other side next to each other so you want to make sure the content is next to each other it needs to balance itself out okay because here the reviews with the cars over here it's not really working well together if you know what i mean so i would really um put this side by side uh moving on your logo here is very very very very very uh distracting what i would do is i would have town tints right is that so yeah town tins i would have town tints here uh as a solid color like black and even the car black on a white background that would look better because i know what you're trying to do here you're trying to show the tints here that's not how logos uh work let me just show you quickly um popular logos i'm just going to say logos and i'm pretty sure we can get quite a lot here if i come to images right look at these logos i mean we can we can just pick any here right if you look at these logos you'll notice that they're very very simple they're either two colors or one color the reason why they're simple here is because they are versatile again i have a chapter in my web design masterclass course where i talk about logos in detail and why you need to make them very very simple and easy to identify what you've done here see like here again you see look at this big look at braun nintendo these all these logos are very very clean very very um easy to look at and very easy to identify so if i come over here to you to your logo you notice that you have an outline so you really need to simplify this so town tents the logo itself the car and fountains is good but you just need to make sure it's solid right it needs to work on a dark background it needs to work on a light background um the footer here is fine but again you know the logo is too big don't make the logo the focus and i'm sure you can see you're struggling over here you can't really see the logo the reason why you can't see it here when you make it smaller is because it is very complicated so you want to make sure this is very simple very clean and when you make it smaller it works look at the apple logo it works in a very tiny situation it works in a very large situation that is how you want to have your logos okay um so i would highly recommend you do that now over here um let's have a look at some of the inside pages um right look at that this needs to be improved you have no line height again you're using different texts i mean different fonts you need to use a presets to really dial in your fonts for your normal text your headings and so on again i cover a lot of this in my web design masterclass course so it's very very important to go through this it's very uh easy to identify and fix okay again here you're using a different font this these are the sort of things that make your website slow okay let's go to the about and see what is happening here so definitely you're not using a template because if i go to this page here it's different to the the layout of the about you have drop shadows here you don't really need drop shadows here so i would really go in and fix that as well ohio tint laws you see how long it's taking to load compared to imran's [Music] page again here you're using pop-ins that's a new font you're using so it needs to be consistent okay so over here this is the quote okay that's not too bad but have it on a single page remove the sidebar because as you can see here the sidebar is not really doing much so that's what i would do so um there is a bit of work to do it's a quick fix you are you're able to fix these problems but you just need to make sure that um you uh you do uh those things that i suggested uh it's a great start but if you tweak these things it will really make your website much much better uh this is becoming a review now uh okay i'll do one more and then i can do a special session where you guys can send me your videos so we can do a review okay okay so again here's another example of a site that is taking long you see that you see that you still haven't loaded and straight away i think we all know what uh why that is it's because there's a video so guys when i talk about adding videos in the background it looks cool design wise it's fantastic but the question is when you balance things out um do you want something that looks cool or do you want something that is uh fast where people can just you know see all the information as they go through the site okay so uh so speed wise it's struggling there and i have really fast internet okay so let's take a look here there is a lot going on on this page so what i'm looking for here is consistency throughout okay i don't know what is happening the side looks like it's a bit laggy or like something is going on in the background can you see that if i just scroll a little bit you see that i'm just going to scroll a little bit and let go watch guys something's wrong with the scrolling here i'm not sure what it is okay so let's do the review so design wise yes it looks uh it looks very fancy but it's starting to look very busy because there's so many styles going on on the side right and i'll tell you why so when i scroll here there's a lot of animation you can see i can't really stop at the specific point so whatever you're doing in terms of your effects you're having here um i'm not a great fan of that because i think that's putting a lot of load on your website so the text here let's see if this text is consistent already i can see it's not because this heading here and this font here i think they're different i may be wrong look at the a okay it's the same font okay that's fine sorry uh so these two are fine the paragraph text is okay so let's carry on and see if we have consistency here right this is very difficult to read okay so these these logos here okay they're fine only if you're going to keep this style throughout the whole website i'm sure it was imran i think uh he had these images which looked pretty much like they're from the same team but in this case now if we take a look here at what we have here and i go down notice that now we have something different here and these logos here are way too big by the way and now we have another style here where you have the text on a lot of white in the background is very difficult to read by the way so you need to make sure you have great contrast it's very very important you have great contrast so make the images a bit darker so we can read them easier okay so as i'm going through here you notice now we have a different style okay so we have all those futuristic uh pictures and now we have a different style here of image you see what i mean you have this style here and this and then you have those icons that look um a bit uh abstract and then you also have those icons again here on on this area here let me show you this so we have three different styles going on and now it's starting to look busy okay so it's very very important that you you really look at the style because the style i'm seeing here is this futuristic look which is brilliant but you have to keep it consistent throughout don't add these other cartoony looking stuff on there as well okay so as i'm going through this i can see the image there you have a different font here okay too many animations i mean the animations are just way too many way too many this is going to be even a problem on a mobile device i wonder what this is going to look like on a mobile device okay okay so this one is fine a lot of information to read if i were to go in on this website and read um this will take me a long time and a lot of people to be honest i'm not very patient there's a lot of information here but i think you can really uh laid out in such a way that it's easier to consume you see like over here you have this slanting why it's a stylistic thing i know but for usability it doesn't really work i can see it happening here as well and you can see some of the text has been cut out that doesn't really work well and again here you can see the style you have the cartoon there is back and then for the team members you also have another different style i would go with just normal images here i wouldn't really try to go for the style you're going on here because now there's at least four different styles social reviews that that's looking really nice it's neat it's clean you can see here it's very very clean i like that uh let's go on yeah this form is way too busy way too busy so i'll again i'll have this form here on a contact page that would work really well and the footer here it has a lot of information that's great that's fine now let me take a look here at some of the other pages and see how things look so you can see there's a lot of information i'm still scrolling by the way a lot of information and this just this is just on the main page so uh i would really try to condense this right so the title here soviet technologies enabling infinite possibilities innovations we we provide spelling mistake there we provide uh it's meant to be we provide software product and service to perfection we we relentlessly focus on actions that drive business forward creating structures processes and communications to enable suits right this is not very specific so it needs to be very very specific on what you what your company does [Music] the benefits that it brings to the customer and the call to action so here you're missing a call to action and let's have a look here you see how slow it is loading so i'm pretty sure you have this style on the inside pages as well so this design is meant to be nice and clean you've added all these curves here on the bottom that is unnecessary this would look better without this it's actually more of a distraction and even this animated text you don't really need that okay um software development yep a lot of animations you can see that it was struggling loading up and i have high internet speed here so this will not perform very well and again your text here has changed it's way too wide you know people will find it very very hard to read along that i don't have the specific but i think it's 40 words but it should not be more than 40 words going across the screen like that it's very difficult it's very straining for the eye to read so you'll find that most people will not read this if you take a look at your google analytics i'm pretty sure you'll see a lot of [Music] the bounce rate is going to be very high let's go to another page right i've just clicked on testimonials you can see how long it's taking again and then it opens i can see you're using a template here that's great but there's something that is really making your website slow here so what i would do is i would really go in and simplify the content itself and just make it easier for people to uh find information like the main page has so much content and i'm not sure if all that content is very um relevant unless maybe your target audience really want to read all that information but i would um i would assume that most people they just want to know what your website is about and then take an action because if they come to your website they see what you do okay testimonials okay boom these testimonials um what's the call to action okay fine do i need to call the person or send an email or send a support ticket so websites are really meant to get you through the door and then you complete the sale or you know talk to the lead after they've landed on your website so this is too much information and you can see here you've also added a lot of animations and styles it's making your website very slow and that could cause a lot of people to be put off and not really want to read this and like i said there's also something on your website where if i just try to scroll the website is not really stable it's just going all over the place so it's very hard for me to stop and read something so you may want to fix that as well i'm not sure what that is okay um okay so erwin here i remember this uh website let's have a look so this will be the last review this was fast just clicked on it and it just came on look at that super fast right i like this i mean of course i do not understand the language but i mean it is clean look at the logo beautiful i love that this logo is beautiful it's simple it can be used on its own it can be used as a background element i like that i like the fact that we have this image here that goes with the text the colors the color palette is very subtle you know it's it's a pastel color palette but you can read the contrast is very good and i can also see here the fonts very good okay let's carry on here yep these are blog posts again very nice i like that um yeah brilliant and here you can see i'm scrolling no problems i like you know i like this very simple yeah i like what's going on here brilliant the only thing is the contact i'll just have it on the contact page but a part oh i love the footer look at that the logo now works on a dark background and it works on a light background this is what i was talking about when it comes to logos you need to make sure your logo is easy to uh it's versatile it needs to be able to be used on a dark background light background you know both ways i love this fantastic brilliant okay let's drop down looks nice as well let's have a look here okay this i mean this took a bit of a split second to load but that's not a big deal that's just me being crazy now but that looks nice uh over here i'm sure you can see where my mouse is this little icon here the home is way too close to the edge give it a bit of padding give it a bit of breathing room uh bring it inside a little bit but apart from that that's good drop shadows look your website started off without drop shadows keep that going remove the drop shadow this will work fine okay remove the drop shadow but apart from that this is nice i like it it's simple easy to read easy on the eye um what happened here i saw an animation going on here i would remove the animation to be honest it doesn't really bring any benefit to this remove the animation should be fine um this is okay brilliant yep i like this that animation needs to go it doesn't we don't really need animation uh this here is a bit too big bring it down a little bit make it smaller but apart from that you know it's very good yep i like that even the way you've created this very easy on the eye very easy to read i like that i like that a lot uh this image here is way too big make it smaller if you can find uh another review and put them side by side just to balance it right now it's just way too big it's looking pixelated okay but again apart from that nice let's look for another page uh let's see if you're using a template yeah i think you're using a template because i can see this is consistent yep okay good nice i like this very easy to read um nice wow great design i like that simplicity yeah i love that the only other thing about the logo here make it slightly smaller it's a bit too big make it slightly smaller but uh yeah the website is fast as well so these images you may need to compress them a little bit but apart from that yeah you see how you have the home and contact here right starting at the right place that's what you need to do because on the other pages it's starting way too too close to the edge here which page was that let me go back there we go see it's way too close to the edge just make sure everything is in line but apart from that it's very good i see here you're using whatsapp and messenger brilliant nice nice nice yep very good i like this i like the simplicity uh that's what web design is about it's about communication and simplicity so it was very easy for me to go through this as i was going through this so erin good job let's have a look here ob says what plugin do you use to protect your website from hackers very good question when it comes to uh protecting my site from hackers you want to use hosting services that do that for you because these hackers they're so crazy sometimes you could try to protect using word friends but they always have ways around but they're quick things that you can do to make sure your website is up to standard and that is making sure your plugins are up to date making sure all your uh [Music] your plugins your themes are all up to date and also use a hosting service which is fantastic when it comes to making sure that your site um when it comes to the hacking it's well taken care of okay so that's what i would do i don't really use a plug-in on my site to be honest um sophian is using smooth scrolling plug-in please don't use the smooth scrolling plug-in not very good right i i know these reviews guys it may seem like i was being a bit too harsh um i'm not being uh being too harsh for the safe for the sake of being too harsh it's constructive criticism i really want you guys to uh make those quick changes and you'll find that your websites are going to look great okay uh i think we've just gone over how uh an hour and a half wow right so um this is a question from ob i'd like to build a pipeline for my wordpress website to sell product services online courses collect payments deal with refunds client applications is there one robust system to handle this kajabi uh any close i would use fluent crm in fact uh i've done a tutorial which automates uh the whole system from when someone buying refunding them and having them as your uh in your customer base uh i will do another you know extensive video to show you how that works as well right so uh i think we've done uh quite a lot here i'm pretty sure you'd love to have another one of these what we can do is we can have uh we can arrange that but before we uh finalize uh here i'd like to show you the deal that i wanted to talk to you about and that is the funnel to income [Music] membership i am having a lifetime deal here and uh this membership is mainly covering uh information on how to create websites that generate income and leads okay that's my main focus for this membership so what i've decided to do is i realized that the monthly thing is very difficult to manage and quite a lot of you would like to just have a lifetime membership and that's it so i've created a lifetime membership it's a one membership to access everything this includes all courses live workshops all templates mini courses uh everything really you get it a hundred percent once you get the lifetime membership so it goes into detail here uh and you can also go through this to see if this lifetime membership is for you but uh i'm pretty sure this will highly benefit you a lot so here it is so this is uh the pricing but i have a very good discount for you guys it's for the lifetime access okay so if i come over here um to become a member in fact if you want you can click on a lot more other information here i also have upcoming courses so these are the current courses uh in the library and the upcoming courses are divi jumpstart okay this is a beginner's course for anyone who wants to learn divi super fast because as you know divi is a massive massive uh software which allows you to do so many designs so it can be a bit overwhelming for uh some people so this jumpy divi jumpstart course is going to help you design uh your websites and make you familiarize with divi a lot more but it's a beginners course we also have funnel crafter i'll be teaching you how to create sales funnels so if you run any business any online business offline business this is a course for you it's going to be using card flows you also have email automation this is the other course this email automation course is also brilliant if you want to set up emails for your business so these are upcoming courses they're going to be available very soon so if you become a lifetime member you're going to have access to all this upcoming courses new courses everything okay so this is 5.99 but when you come over here to become a member this now has a discount which is live 80. i'm giving away an 80 discount okay so all you have to do on the live on the checkout just add coupon code live 80 okay you hit apply this is now going to cost you 119 and this is lifetime lifetime covers pretty much all the current courses all the future courses that i'll ever do on funnels to income you will have access to that only for 119 guys this is a massive massive offer i will not do this ever again okay this is just going to be pretty much a one time uh because you guys have come on to my live stream and also because you are members of my um on my mailing list so that's why i'm giving this offer one-time offer now the second one is the divi jumpstart so again this course is going to cost uh 97 i mean 99 but i'm giving away a 50 discount so all you need to do is to use jump 50 and you can get this for 49 now this course is not available yet it's going to come out very very soon so i will add these two links in here the one for the divi jumpstart which is this one right here okay and the other one for the lifetime is where is the lifetime oh here we go so this one here is for the lifetime membership i am no and i'm pretty sure this is uh really going to benefit you guys so even on black friday these prices won't be as low as this so this is the one time i'm going to have this um this offer it's it's a flash sale and i will not um have this at uh 80 off so it's going to be available today i'm also going to send an email out uh promoting this but after this i will not bring it down to 80 ever again but as you can see guys i'm trying to do my best to uh to help you become better designers everything that i learn i will be applying onto the platform on the uh membership so uh keep an eye on what's upcoming so like i said this lifetime deal is very very limited in fact i might not even have it tomorrow because at the end of the day i wouldn't want to have like everyone become a member uh lifetime member ideally of course uh those that don't get the offer that i'm giving out there will have to pay the full price for it and it's going to be 5.99 on black friday it's going to be a 50 off so i'll tell you right away it's going to be 50 off it will not be 80 off so get it today and you will have saved quite a lot of money all right so uh sofiane says uh what is a discount uh coupon code okay so for the lifetime membership the coupon code is live80 so let me just type in here uh coupon code is life 80. so this is for the lifetime uh tim you are asking what do you get for the for the lifetime basically you get everything right you get everything uh so you're getting all the courses that are uh that are on uh on the website you have access to all courses all live workshops all templates current ones and future ones all mini courses and uh you also have access to upcoming courses like i said a moment ago this is going to be 5.99 this is going to be the price for the lifetime access and yearly access is going to be 3.99 so there's also going to be upcoming courses you can see the value of all these courses if you were to add them all together there will be a total of 3120 and i'm giving it away for 119 you know and over here these are the courses and the prices and like i said a moment ago as well i'm going to have upcoming courses dvd jumpstart uh funnel crafter email automation so these are updated courses for um divi cut flows and fluid crm i will also be adding more to this library of courses and i would like also to uh have all you guys suggest what sort of courses uh you want uh because sometimes i can just go on a wild goose and uh and start designing all these crazy courses which don't benefit you guys so i'd like a lot of input from you guys to create so that i can create more courses for this but this is what's going to be in the actual membership okay but if you want to buy single courses like for example the uh the divi jumpstart the coupon code for that is jump 50. so this is for the divi um the divi jumpstart course so if you're already a lifetime member of course this doesn't apply to you because uh you are a lifetime member but for those of you who are not members i highly recommend you go for this okay so for the divi jumpstart uh the coupon code is jump50 so let me just add it here jump 50. here we go so that's for the dv jumpstart course but please guys the dv jumpstart course is for beginners okay so coupon code let me just add it here there we go uh tim uh erin says uh i have it bought it already awesome awesome yeah erwin i remember you yes uh you're live you're a long-time member now you know so yeah i remember i remember your uh uh your name as well as your your website as well cool okay so that's the offer i was talking about uh make sure you uh sign up for that guys it is uh going to be available today so i will not have this pretty much ongoing because you can see the price here is really a giveaway 119 for access to all these courses the live shows and all future courses that's that's the steal so that's just going to be available today after this the next offer i'm going to have is on black friday it's going to be 50 off so make sure you get this guys please if you're going to be sending me emails after saying mac please gonna have the 80 off it's gonna be gone so make sure you go for this so if you want to go for the divi course the divi jump start if you're struggling with divi and you still want to go back to the basics that's the course for you the dvd jumpstart course the link to that is in the description jump 50 is the 50 discount life 80 is the discount for the lifetime membership so make sure you sign up for it and uh yeah uh reggie says i'm not sure of my current membership how can i determine what kind of membership i have uh reggie can you uh send me an email on and i can take a look at that and let you know what membership you have okay so even if you're on a recurring vip i mean if you sign up for the lifetime that's going to be a great uh a great uh bargain as well all right guys uh we've covered quite a lot if you if you'd like to have this uh live q a one more time uh let me know in the comments box so i can plan ahead of time we can do this next week as well uh i will be sending an email uh out to uh you know to let you guys know what is happening i will be producing a lot of content right now i'm preparing for breakfast black friday so if you see uh that there's uh not a lot of content going on it's because of black friday but trust me guys there's gonna be a lot of content coming out on our on funnels to income dot com helping you guys create websites that generate leads and sales okay so i can see here uh ed says got it thanks fantastic thanks ed appreciate that um uh erwin yes send me an email and uh and uh we'll uh we'll take a look at that uh tim says just picking it up fantastic tim thank you appreciate it all right guys thank you very much for your support really appreciate it and i will have dedicated pages of the deals you can also get if you haven't bought some of this software so you need to make sure you keep an eye on my on my channel youtube and uh also on the website i will be having some deals don't buy any software yet until i've announced it because i'm gonna have access to uh great discounts and also my own bonuses so for example if you haven't bought divi if you buy divi using my affiliate link i will give you access to uh the jumpstart course for example so that when you buy divi you don't struggle to try and work out how it works you have a course that works alongside it so these are the bonuses i'll be giving away um uh david says great stuff mac david from boston excellent thank you so much appreciate it um do you need to say is you missed out uh what did you miss out on junita uh i will add this video as well uh this uh live stream on the facebook no sorry on the facebook and also on the youtube page okay excellent excellent excellent sofiane you're asking for lifetime bonuses is that for funnels to income the coupon code is live80 in case you're asking for the lifetime uh bonus uh that i'm promoting today it's life80 excellent all right guys um thank you very much for joining me i know these uh live workshops can be along sometimes but anyway thank you very much for joining me uh i will be having another live stream again next week so uh keep an eye on your emails i will be sending out a lot of great information uh and uh discounts from all the softwares that we use all right guys thank you very much for uh joining me see you again next time take care okay sophian it's live 50 okay let me just type it here live 50 is the uh the coupon code and i'll just send you the link now and there is the link so sophia and there's the link and i've also sent you the uh the coupon code all right guys thank you irwin good evening to you too take care
Channel: MAK
Views: 800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Augustine mak, divi 4.0 templates, Divi 4.0 template, Carflows divi, wordpress funnels, Cartflows tutorial, Mak, tutorLMS, tutor lms, online courses, create online courses, online course business, fluencrm, fluent crm
Id: GwriB-izIzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 15sec (6015 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2021
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