How I Beat The Hardest Gen 4 Nuzlocke

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ah oh yes renegade platinum what a fantastic rom hack getting to experience my favorite childhood game with creatures who are edited with the intention to beat my ass this game has many cool features like custom boss fights an eevee trainer fairy types and so much more i did this romack in the past with what i called hardcore plus rules essentially banning evs set up moves and adding extra level caps for non-gym leaders but this time as a better player i wanted to return to the game with an even harder challenge to prove everyone that well i'm not sure what i'm trying to prove here but it was a random idea that popped in my head one day so basically this time around i'd still be playing with the hardcore plus rules meaning i can only get one pokemon per met location i cannot over level the next boss fight which includes rival fights galactic bosses the air and fight all gym leaders etc set mode has to be on at all times no items in battle absolutely no gaining evs and banning all stat boosting moves as well as encore and substitute but there was one rule that was bigger than them all i had to beat the entire game without losing a single pokemon in other words it was the deathless nuzlocke this was the first time anyone tried doing a deathless hardcore nuzlocke which actually started to become a trend but this was before the days of emerald kaizo studying docs and knowing exactly what the ai will do in every scenario so there was a big challenge in front of me now one great thing about renegade platinum is that it gives you a plethora of encounters to work with so i was confident that i would always have some options for fights as long as i played optimally as long as i played optimally what could go wrong well my first eight attempts died swiftly but we don't have time to mourn over petty losses so let's skip to attempt eight where i smashed rourke never lost to him in this challenge quick flex i know i misclicked against gardenia [Music] but then bodied the rest of her team with monferno matang and others easily beat jupiter with don fan and milotic brick breaked mira's porygon 2 to oblivion with my adaptability lucario then it was time for aaron my plan was to lead monferno and fake out [Applause] i mean set up rocks and kill a few mons then use my lucario to definitely win against the plus four attack scope blend sniper drapeon of course he does plus four [Music] don't end the run don't end the run please don't end the run here please yes oh my gosh then fantina was next now i developed a pretty complex plan for fantina that a lot of people use nowadays but basically if you have a male umbreon and spammed captivate against the lead drift blind the driftling will love you so much that it will kindly pass all the minus special attack debuffs into miss maggie's rendering it to almost completely useless then after that toe kiss beats spirit zoom rest sleep talk mod beats banana and dust cops the only thing left to find is an answer for gengar then we get to a very hard gym leader meline which requires some complex strategies especially against her lucario but her whole team is full of threats now you know me master nuzlocke drew i went into the lab and cooked up a strat to pb stall half her team and used the only possible safe strat against lucario focus fake galco's combat infernape so all i need to do is edge my mons to the level cap and it will be gg from the get-go yes [Music] attempt 11 was pretty solid i had a lucario and a snorlax and some other good stuff this time for aaron i bulldozed the drapion with gravelers so my lucario without speed oh boy [Music] come on yes okay okay [Music] come on please yes i had a very good team for fantina opting to use for alligator instead of umbreon for my captivate lead time for our first may lean fight i pivoted between umbreon and gengar until mehdi champ died then pb stalled the glade with the same pivot and set up rocks with my glass score i killed it with tokyo so i would bathe in toscrew and kill that was psychic then beat the lucario with my focus sash fake out infinite then i toxic stalled them a champ and used choice scarf milotic to kill infernape oh hurts me i could be dead [Music] yes furthest attempts next was a tough berry fight i countered this to raptor use golem to beat arcanine use venusaur for braylon kill snorlax with golem and lucario walled heracross with toe kiss and finally beat napoleon with person barry for alligator to play around swagger now it was our first time against wake just want to hit it which i don't want to do i want to solve this so maybe it'll be toxic and then we go into my lipstick so okay please i spin please i think please ice thing okay defense drop is detrimental right here [Music] oh my god oh my god okay i was about to say this thing had like hyper cutter or something do ai count grits and attacks no okay he crunched me i'm dead great here [Music] someone what after that loss there was a lot of struggles don't trust you [Music] broken out [Music] i ran into this girl in a while all right i'm clicking metronome oh i got scratch ew all right i'm doing it one more time oh we got one hammer one more time zoom [Music] all right oh god there's crit i was dead crit got it i should though now i think is a great time to talk about a cool game-breaking strategy i developed repelments basically if you repel with a certain level pokemon in the front of your party you can guarantee some broken encounters like 50 50 growleth on 202 sneeze on 216 gliger on 206 and blissey on 209 as long as you already have a starly like this cocktail we got it we got the chansey boys there we go [Music] i finally got back to wake on my 19th attempt i led with my focus sash braylon put the quagsire to sleep click sunny day that bullet seed then gyarados came out i went to my polywrath clicked toxic against the gyarados then spammed haze to negate the dragon dance next looted kolo came in and walled it with blissy then polywrath came in and it couldn't touch my myelotic the sharpedo came out i moonblasted that and then floatzel came out which i beat with my meganium next was a pretty hard rival fight before celestic town i set up rocks on the alakazam with my blissy and then i randomly switch into gramble oh my gosh what my crowbar was able to beat the gramble after going into it on a crunch my gyarados b licky licky my infernae beat mama swine i pb stalled the vaporeon and killed it with my infernape and i got my glass score in on the torterra next was derock who was an added trainer to the game [Music] all right zam comes in 100 right if sam doesn't come in here it's over [Music] let's see it beautiful banded right okay i think we're just fine here just punch well thank you so much oh yeah because they're reckless oh no oh wait he returned [Laughter] sex damage it directs down easy clap then we get to cantaloupe city and have another rival fight yo subscribe this is why you choose umbreon every single time is your evolution guys every single time shoes umbreon deleted 31 to charm perfect starlight answer super deadly grip hopefully [Music] all right gotta love this set it's a big princess oh gosh thank goodness bgc meganium said oh man oh look at that damage whoa buddy okay what was this ai this is the dumbest i've ever played against oh my gosh is so dumb just wait just wait just wait you know that brilliantly swapped out right you know how that really stopped out all right the dark knight's dead oh no barely swapped out now it's gonna come in it's grass type against water type oh no oh no oh geez i'm gonna kill you from [ __ ] i switch in with me i'm on a stone edge i'm dead i'm dead to crit oh my gosh i might be a random move range this don't kill me oh no oh no rail's gonna come out oh no oh here it is oh here it is instead of stealth rocks [Music] next we have another really hard fight added to this game riley [Music] this is always dead this should always be i jump kick it's not i jump kick it's very bad beautiful that's fine okay instead of no earth string should come in that should do 62 to 74 i think [Music] all right that's why i run oh wow that's a lot yeah because it's naughty nature beautiful [Music] okay now now his power is gone so i don't even have to click protect or uh click recover with milo working for you but okay who comes in next if it's metagross it could be scary the agilities if the agilities it's uh it's a little scary also the eq is a little scary here we go measure that explosion that would suck please just meter mesh okay there's agility here [Music] we gotta take one [Music] if he if he crits me could be really bad [Music] [Music] you all know it sucks eq did 47 to 51 too literally hyrule [ __ ] dude okay you also want the doof dupe so [Music] no no no no any crime [Music] oh i hit myself again look at that and i hit myself three times oh he cripped me don't miss um thank you attack right above sarfberry range i mean it wouldn't have mattered anyways that was scary [Music] it's unburdened but then finally things started to get back on track [Music] okay i'm gonna get rocks up first yeah like buzz please okay toxic so we're gonna have to take another one yeah i'm not using this for the rest of the fight okay hopefully it protects here okay nice get a layer up nice another lawyer up that does all that was a crit that's fine all right now we got crowbat kill this [Music] beautiful is dead venomous dead drapey comes in go to this oh sorcense he can't [ __ ] me i always look uh hit there he's dead scissor comes in go arcanine and [Music] it's free what can i say all right moment of truth we got magna pull magazine in the lead please [Music] yes yes oh my gosh and then finally on attempt 30 we got back to riley no no please please miss craig crick crick now we ai jump kicks no but i never gave up i knew that this challenge was possible so on the very next attempt i played my heart out please oh oh my god [Music] give me lucario come on yes oh my gosh that's so good goodbye [Music] absolutely we're doing it so this is completely random move which is fine [Music] the only thing that's bad here is agility into the headbutt clinch we're fine we are totally fine 100 on the dot so nice [Music] all right calc don't fill me now don't fill me now calc yes [Music] oh my gosh goodbye i'd rather be in with gliscor okay and there it is [Music] after byron and a few galactic bosses it was time for the seventh gem i i forgot the name of this gym leader so if you know the name of this gym leader please uh tell me in the comments below thanks but i'm doing it power item lets us get the rain up should it be woodhammer nice no crit beautiful we got dodge crit just kidding we have magnerise [Music] second turn to magnerize no that's very very weird so that's three turns of magnet rise i preferably not kill this okay we got the hyrule so he still has potion okay we about make sense cool this is very good might i say because this is what he's gonna do he's gonna crunch he might swords dance too which is totally fine beautiful beautiful absolutely beautiful okay how many people can we kill here it's one if it's glacion we get a kill if it's mama swine i got a cow kid but i'm pretty sure we kill if it's wall rain we don't if it's frost last we don't all right go into the calculator close it's so good it's so good it's so good [Music] yeah it doesn't heal here if it does it i'm throwing [Music] okay yeah we're fine i'm sash sketch not sketch hope it doesn't happen [Music] yes ladies and gentlemen seven gems down on one death equals reset hardcore plus nuzlocke of renegade platinum let's go seven gyms down after defeating a couple bosses in the galactic hq it was time for the hardest fight in the game the dialga and palkia fight as well as the distortion world cyrus fight [Music] [Music] here we go god oh my gosh cnd super on screen so scary okay we're gonna have rocks up yeah it's wrong on the dock or on my dock but we're gonna have rocks up protect hopefully that says over 50 okay should be earth powers oh my god oh my god no oh shoot okay hydro pump right okay oh god wait oh shoot okay okay i did over 50 at least this is my only play [Music] come on double earth power please please okay don't grip me please don't do it oh my god yes okay okay we're in this we're in this we're in this we're in this we're in this okay this is the problem though because this is not infinite range yet and okay so i think i need to get a hidden with this magnus [Music] don't hit miss magnus [Music] don't hit miss magnus [Music] oh that could be big okay here miss magnus oh that's really bad that's really bad oh that's really bad okay double random move okay come on all right just give me an sphere give me another sphere come on please okay that's fine that's fine that's fine we're fine we're fine we're fine [Music] oh my oh my god [Music] oh that was so close [Music] okay okay okay okay choice bank robot [Music] okay i need to rest here please don't get rock climb okay nice [Music] shoot don't die don't die don't die don't die don't die don't die don't die don't die okay okay just wake up just wake up please wake up [Music] please wake up okay okay we're good we're good we're good [Music] don't burn [Music] okay it's a little annoying [Music] it's a little annoying i think i'd use the technically more [Music] nice [Music] then the crit come on [Music] come on we gotta take this we gotta take this we gotta take this come on come on oh my god yes oh oh my god oh i thought that was a crit oh oh my god okay okay we're sash [Music] and we always outspeed crow is simping cyrus you wish you were me [Music] oh my gosh and with that cyrus is defeated [Music] zero deaths on one death equals reset hardcore plus renegade platinum zero deaths past distortion world cyrus [Music] okay eq is not going to kill here but with hail he'll be in ice shard range [Music] i'm hoping that rotom heat comes in if it's raichu that's fine i just need to dodge a spider drop on my exeggutor if it's luxury it's kind of scary okay [Music] that's fine that's fine [Music] bad but i feel like luxury's gonna come out on me okay um i'm scarf but i don't out speed just don't crew me please [Music] okay okay this is good this is very likely for him to fire thing then [Music] oh no [Music] oh gosh this really sucks because i need health for uh for raichu taking so much damage here [Music] i might have to risk kurt against raichu as well [Music] freeze doesn't really matter here [Music] um [Music] okay um is there a chance this grass knots [Music] okay paralyze is so bad please okay don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it oh my god no okay [Music] okay we gotta attack now i think break through come on okay [Music] dead crit now it's a three ko on this okay don't care of me [Music] that's nice good roll okay i think i just got a oh my god no okay i need dodge here [Music] okay oh my god okay that's fine that's fine actually very okay okay [Music] okay oh this is the one thing that can mess us up don't freeze [Music] okay 68 to 80 percent from [Music] okay he does have a potion okay come on just one please don't do it yes okay that's bad oh my gosh don't t-bolts oh my god no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it yes yes [Music] we are almost at the end of the game but we had victory road next you see in renegade platinum victory road is not normal there's an extra marley fight and there's an extra rival fight we have to get through as well as the victory road trainers are extremely tough after getting past marley and all the victory road trainers we had to fight our rival again i led with my survivor and sucker punched the zam then switched in miss maggies on a banded eq and killed with moon blast i went to my porygon z on the torterra and killed that with ice beam next was the gramble that got beamed by my focus lucario like a tongue got completely walled by miss maggias and polywrath beat the vaporeon now the only thing standing before the elite four was barry i led with pre-damaged magazine debate choice scarf close combat into miss magus swab lucario in on a flash cannon from napoleon and killed with close combat used on endure focus gly score to get arcanine into eq range after flare blitz focus sash star raptor killed haircross my priest slept crowbat with sleep talk and we attack beat breilum and finally snorlax couldn't touch miss maggias in renegade platinum each elite four member as well as the champion have one of four teams making team building especially tough for deathless but by now i accumulated a great number of pokemon so i had a lot of options i came up with a team of typhlosion which was the main iron sweeper it also had adaptability and eruption gliscor who was the main defensive tank had a ground immunity and was important for bertha and flint's mantine who was the main speedf tank who was important for flint and lucian it was also a toxic staller pelipper who was our drizzle rain support very important for getting rid of sand on bertha and sun on flint love disc who was a special sweeper and paired well with caliper it was also a fairy type of this game with a 125 based special attack and lastly metagross who was mainly here to swap in on rock and psychic moves also had great matchup against specific pokemon lead four trainer number one let's go cyther [Music] nice okay scyther let it rub baby let it erupt baby let's go what's the percent chance soco 68 percent let it burn baby let it burn [Music] out here goodbye [Music] shoulda won exp sure granny is next boys birth the time boys this is a little tougher okay hit that on hip-hop hop out on please hip out on police [Music] oh my gosh yes okay this is really good this is really good okay no rocks for you the only question i'm gonna have is does love disc kill torterra other than that it should be a clean sweep question is what comes out here pseudo wudo okay this is head smash or wood hammer we go into this head smash is gonna hurt or what hammer okay it's gonna hurt a little bit not too bad though okay then it should be sucker punch if it's torterra that comes out i think i might be able to kill it [Music] i forgot i forgot i forgot i forgot don't hurt me don't kill me don't hurt me [Music] okay it should be torture that comes out okay nice this should die should be ryperior here we got a calc there's no other play beautiful oh gosh we got hit an aqua tail [Music] oh okay oh god oh oh my god oh my god dude aqua tail's so clutch boys we're going to flint oh that was so scary holy crap oh my goodness [Music] excuse me rapidash okay hmm hopefully it's not hypnosis though oh he's solar beamed all right if we can get the range here that would be amazing why did he solar beam he had a sun boosted overheat oh we got the range okay nice so now we can see what team it is okay meg cargo okay this is the mad cargo team it should earth power because i put aqua berry on this break the sash oh it's arcanine only you hit me with is crunchy speed charizard comes out makes sense what what droughts droughts hey drought you there okay so i protect you then i fly yeah okay or it's still charging okay yeah this is just dead and if if it doesn't he's just gonna solar beam anyways okay all right just sloppy [Music] actually dead to crit there i might be dead at like high real quick though okay this kills that's really good oh maybe i need to make another pla did not kill me with grit yeah yeah okay good old calcs lucian time baby oh boy i'm i'm honestly surprised we made it this far preferably hypno please hypno come on please [Music] oh what's good about this sleet is we're not gonna get paralyzed on this and we could solve the screens almost oh reflect perfect it's gonna be slow bro i'm scarf typhlosion actually i think he went now i still gotta get through gardevoir i talked again here yeah okay nice should be gardevoir thunderbolt i believe okay so my question is does it have a chance to go for anything else because aic's damage is sperry i feel like it might moon blast so we pivot this into metagross [Music] don't crit don't pera glade amazing okay that's so good don't kill me oh we outsped wait what oh it's not perfect iv that's why oh that's so good so as long as we don't get frozen here okay yeah i saw a kill with blizzard so it'd obviously go for that hit the cycle boost calc said 91 to 107. wait so if i pivot typhlosion based psychoboost back into metagross that needs to have minus two right you can go manti but then i'm always dead to psychoboost grid okay i gotta hit this come on oh my gosh yes oh my gosh that's really good this should kill iron fist boost wait i'm not arthas he pedal danced i'm not iron fist i forgot don't crit okay this is dead to crit this is dead to crit this thing can't touch obviously this is dead to petal dance this thing can't do anything i just got seen oh my god oh my god oh oh so good all right crap we're actually doing it welp okay okay hello i don't think i'm dead to quit psychic right i didn't calc this okay just barely we get a u-turn off here maybe that was bad did like 70. let's hope it doesn't matter boys we're throwing we're totally fine never punish boys never punished [Music] oh my gosh i really want milotic i really really really want milotic kiss okay okay reflect crit can i create chronic kind of crit kind of crit he tailwind okay we're not gonna speed lucario i don't think spirit two must be this though okay that's one turn to tailwind i think i'm fine if i switch into glove disc that's two turns tailwind and then a kill that's three turns i think we're okay as long as spirit comes in perfect okay this should be it should be dark pulse i don't know if he call minds it's not too bad because we resist and i think we could still kill okay there's a calm mind i don't know if this kills or not i don't think it will but i don't think dark pulse does too much [Music] oh my god hey hey any throwers yo hey hey yo check go open chat go open two down tails should go out i think reflect is still up though glaceon there i think there's like a maybe like 25 chancey blizzards here earth power please yes struggle damage unlucky okay it's lucario this will stone edge so i pivot metagross on stone edge and then i go glide score on i jump kick and then i go typhlosion on meteor mash this should be meteor mesh if he crits me i might be in e speed range yes erupts let's go two left now here's the scary part if i'm not in range of eq he might swords dance and if he swords dances i really hope i'm not in stone edge range but i think i only have one play eq eq he's stone edged i he did okay that was a kill that was a kill he could have saw okay stoner should not kill it should be dragon claw or swordsance yes [Music] yes it's happening it's happening get that kill yes milotic my little sick you better have thunderbolt on this you better have some hp electric dies the poison and we get crowned the king of renegade platinum baby it's over it's over zero deaths hardcore plus renegade platinum oh oops zero deaths zero deaths the entire game zero deaths hardcore plus rules one death eagles reset hardcore plus renegade platinum is over it's over be prepared to enter a world stranger than you have ever imagined great
Channel: Drxx
Views: 181,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore+ nuzlocke, can i beat pokemon, pokemon volt white 2, pokemon blaze black, pokemon challenges, pokemon challenges hardcore nuzlocke, Hardest Nuzlocke Rules, Hardcore Pokemon, emerald kaizo, ironmon, Adrive, ludwig nuzlocke, renegade platinum, platinum kaizo, drayano, hardcore nuzlocke twitch, smallant, renegade platinum hardcore, monotype hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon vintage white, deathless nuzlocke, flygonHG nuzlocke, redlocke
Id: QJsRctexK2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 1sec (2881 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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