Pro Logo Designer VS Fiverr Designers ๐Ÿค”

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what happens when a professional logo designer designs the same logo as Fiverr sellers to find out I paid three Logo designers on Fiverr to design the same logo as me a decade-long professional logo designer the logo we're designing is for inspiro a fictional fully customizable mood boarding app that allows you to organize all your Inspirations take notes and media in a neat tiny way they need a logo type and an icon for the app that will stand out from the competition so pause here and read the brief I've not seen any of their work yet so we're going to be reacting to it together and at the end I'm going to be showing you what I've done the first one is go go there are a team of designers they're 90 and they're from America First Impressions it looks I want to say phallic can I say phallic absolutely not that could just be my dirty mind but I'm always on the lookout for sounds bad but I'm always on the lookout for that okay seriously First Impressions is that it looks very similar in a concept to what I have done however the execution is slightly different they have chosen a pastel color that's the first thing I realized the problem with that is that the brief specifically States not to use pastel colors now the reason why the brief says not to use pastel colors is because it's not a very brandable color it's kind of boring and we need things to stand out and the rest of the designs within the app may be pastel in nature like the ux and the way that the user interface works the logo needs to stand out differently so if I was then I would have chosen a more brighter color not this skin tone one so the color of it seems like a granny type of color it's not something that I would personally use it is feminine which is good that's probably the target market now the app icon itself I understand it as a paper clip so that's the paper clip n but I do like the concept the concept is the the thought behind it I think execution is the most difficult part here to get right as well as that I can tell that the type is fully customized because of the inconsistencies normally inconsistencies are good in good logo type design that's what makes it kind of unique however here with the S it kind of looks like it's from a different type family there seems to be a lot of icons within the type itself when we zoom out if I was zoom out it becomes very difficult to read because each character is kind of got a different width to it the O's are slightly wider than the n and the S so it makes it look kind of hit and miss the icon itself I think is the best part of this one so that was concept number one from Google we're going to look at the second one now this is their second one Inspira and this is again a custom logo type design again I can definitely see it's custom however there's a few again a few inconsistencies here that are making it a bit too customizable and a bit too vintage overall this is a lot more in line as to what I was expecting to have a nice type that is readable the problem with this one is not too readable because there's a few rules that have been broken if I was these guys I would have just copy and pasted this I all the way through that s looks really good I like it it's very vintage however the P kind of looks like it's been image traced over so you've drawn it and then you've used image Trace in illustrator there's been no pen tools there because of all the inconsistent lines the counter of the P looks different to the counter of the O the stem of the N this one here looks really good but this one here kind of looks different and the connectors which are these parts that are connecting the type kind of don't look the same all the way through so it makes it look a bit too jumbled however I do prefer this one though because this I think is more in line typographically with what they were after it's not too modern it's got a bit of that feminine home Vibe going on the icon I wouldn't put ins in the icon I would have preferred to have seen something visual like you did last time with the paper clips that's a really cool way of making a visual from an organizing and planning app and bringing it into an icon and a whole brand planning organizing it kind of makes sense it's a quite a clever connection to make and to bring it into a brand identity so both of these ninety dollars you know it's not something that I would personally choose there's a few mistakes you know that I can see but for ninety dollars I'm not complaining the next one is Thomas from AG visualization in the UK he was 235 let's see how he did okay concept number one we seem to have a few different concepts here so we've got a presentation this is a very in-depth presentation oh my goodness I just want to see the logo though let's see the full thing so here is the logo I'm going to say for the first concept First Impressions it looks like you're taking type or that the type has been edited so it's got a customizable feel however it doesn't look very professional at the moment I like the end here that's definitely taken from a typeface but then the S has got these rounded Corners here and I I would have personally stayed away the main visual icon of this is the inp yeah there's a pencil which I kind of get when planning on organizing you're going to get a pencil and it is kind of clever bringing it into the P but there seems to be a lot going on within the logo type it's like two logos in one if you just have to have the pencil that would work really well and you could have used the pencil at the start I think as the main eye instead of bringing it in here let's see the process I like it how you've shown the whole process though this is cool so you've chosen the letter structure okay you created this here ah so you you structure your lettering a lot different to me that's interesting you've done it in these grids okay you've even got the overshoots there okay I kind of get what you mean you must say the lettering Arrangement that's cool you've shown that apart from the end here that doesn't need to know that needs to be rounded I like the markups that you've shown here mock-ups are huge for logo design showing how it could work even if there is no mock-up for the thing that you're designing try and create some something this is the this is what I'm looking at the pencil is a good visual although you run the risk of having the drawing app let's look at his second concept aha okay this one is ten times better in my opinion First Impressions yes it looks like it's for the British Heart Foundation I don't mind that the way that it looks the form of it is just a lot nicer it's a lot cleaner the one thing about the icon is that it looks like a w I want to see how he came up with this so a heart shape represents passion and interest so the problem that I have with this is that passion and interests the words that we use with Brands wasn't in the brief actually the words that we used were organized prepared aesthetic Home Health organized inspired Wellness calm goals Improvement peaceful so that's kind of different in when you look at it visually you wouldn't think of a heart for that the logo type here I can tell it's customized again there's a couple of issues with the S but I'm not going to hold them to it and with the kerning I like what I did with the other that's a cool like customizable feature this app definitely looks a lot better I like the way that you've shown kind of like a Pinterest board here of what it could look like if I were you though the line artwork on the icon needs to be really thicker because it's not as thick as the logo type when we try to do line artwork A really I wouldn't call it a hack but a really good way of making it look cohesive to the type is generating it to the same thickness as the tape or as close as possible so it looks consistent because right now when you look at it down here on this app python it looks way too thin and it looks like the letter W but this one is like 10 times better than the last one okay the next one is Olivia 85. they were 560 dollars they're from Sri Lanka and they're a husband and wife Duo I'm excited for this one you guys have three concepts for me this is great oh this presentation is already a lot better oh well I like it how you've actually presented this right I like let's go to the logo straight away I I do like the working out oh wow okay okay now this icon is a lot better than the other ones personally this one seems a lot more professional in fact if I may it seems a bit too professional in my opinion but this is just my take I do like the way that you've really thought about the brief it's kind of like a mood but you know that it's very modular and you've added that into the logo itself here if I was you there this icon here would have been amazing this one that looks like a modular grid that that is clever and I like that I already chose number six oh and you've got loads of fonts explored personally again I would have chosen this guy here as the typeface for that it just seems a lot more friendly because remember this one isn't a really super professional app it's kind of like the Pinterest for organization I do like the colors that you've chosen there it's in very bright and puffy I think it does because of the navy blue in the background it does have that more professional look to it I really love the way that you presented it this is how people should present their work in my opinion I like you showing the images that these nice images of the sketching really shows you're thinking about it look at all this you've got like loads of images as well going on here that's so cool you've even done stationary mock-ups that's cool I think that icon works but I would have chosen one of the more friendly typefaces with this personally I do like the look of it you've got lots of mock-ups here this is really what you pay for as you go further up the ladders on Fiverr you'll start to notice that things start to get a lot better and more professional they've even got my name there the founder we will do our best to put these in the description for you to have a look at it they've got two more Concepts so let's look at concept number two okay this oh my goodness this is cool I see the logo oh wow okay personally this one looks great as well it looks more artistic the color green I never really thought of the color green with this but it kind of works first impressions yet I do prefer it to the last one they keep getting better it's strange the type I really think should have been less professional but the logo here because it's got the rounded corners and you've got all these etched things inside it works pretty well it works like a more friendly thing I do like the colors that you've chosen here bright green it's kind of hopeful makes you feel calm and relaxed keep your imagination alive look this is cool you've seen this like these markups are really what sells it and it's surprising because it's kind of similar to the last one that comes at number one but completely different in a lot of ways it gives you a different feeling and they've given across that feeling really well okay concept number three this I'm not showing you all the work they've done either I'm showing you the main presentations here so they've done a lot more than just what you're seeing so this one is a bit more museumy this typeface I prefer but the icon I don't I'll be honest the icon seems a bit out of place to me I would definitely go for concert number two with you but I like the way that the icon sort of sits there I would have made it a bit bigger so it matches with photos and things but that's just me all the designers in this video are from Fiverr fiver is an online platform for all kinds of Freelancers from logo design to voiceovers to illustrations there's so many gigs to try out if you're a designer you can sign up with a link in the description to start selling upload your portfolio set your prices set your time frames and you're away so thank you to Fiverr for sponsoring today's video and making it happen now on to me I am well nervous I am very nervous about showing you at my work here because I'm already self-conscious about it sometimes and it's a designer's worst nightmare to put themselves in front of you guys sometimes especially me when there's a lot of pressure going on all the other designers have had a week to do this and so have I so here it is in Spyro so I designed this logo based upon the brief now this is the final version of the logo you can see here in front of me uh this is the kind of app advert that we've made it shows you all the images in the background and the kind of app that we wanted to develop for it or like the the screen and this is in figma right now but let me share with you the story of how I actually got to this point because there are many other iterations of this design that you wouldn't have thought about so I knew from the brief that I needed to keep it kind of fun and playful but there's a balance this is kind of fine balance between professional and playful and it needed to be in that sweet spot that's very difficult to do so first first of all I went out sketching all my ideas out is something that I do very at the very start because I've got these ideas in my head that I think will work and just to get them out of there and to stop them resurfacing that I just sketch them all down then I look into more of the research aspect I look at the other companies that are associated with it so I kind of like looked at Pinterest Milano to Walling all these other competitors this really helps work out and highlight the differences between inspiro and these other people to try and segment them to make it stand on its own but there's a problem you are joking not another one because it's a logo type we needed to also get the idea of planning an organization in there obviously this app is main USP is to help organize your Inspirations how do we do that so through researching and ideating in a mind map I worked out very quick that when you type in like planning an organization all things you'll see a lot of stationary items and the paper clip was one of them and that inspired me to create logo types based on a paper clip so at first I started out a bit more professional I wanted to see what we could do so I drew out this Inspire logo in an app called glyphs now this is where I create fonts but it gives me more control and because I'm working with type it helps me keep things a bit more consistent than Adobe Illustrator I had the idea of maybe using a paper clip in the N the same as the first dude but I just took a type that I liked which is called fig tree and I just came in and edited it like so this was the end result with the kind of like dot at the top I like that Coral orange dot the problem with this you're joking not another one is that it's way too professional so then I moved on to a bit more of just a logo type just to see what would happen and this is what I came up with here this is one of the logo types that I enjoy doing it's very blocky it's got that professional feeling because it has these flat ends to them at the top see this flat is not like rounded that you would normally have in a script typeface but to keep it a bit more professional and looking good at a small screen level you know and Tiny smartphones I wanted to keep it quite straight and narrow I didn't like that version so I added a capital I and I was like yes that is good throughout all of this this is completely lettered by myself there was no fonts used with either of these to here or even the main one but there was still a problem with these two logo types you're joking not another one yes they looked okay and they would be good as like a you know a nice little logo type there isn't any icons for them and this is where I started to struggle I was like well do I create an icon with it just to go head to head kind of like Instagram and then Instagram has this icon like two separate things but I thought that wasn't going to work very well I wanted to try and get the icon to work well inside of the logo type so this is where inspiro this version came from where I tried to create a more of a playful drawn Vibe of a paperclip because I knew that if I could get that paper clip in the eye it could be put on the app icon and it will look like it's organizing sheets of paper so again I drew out the logo type in glyphs like so and if you want to learn more about logo type design subscribe to the channel we've got some exciting news coming soon about how you can learn about all of this this was the actual like drawing that I did of it and after some time I finalized it because it looked good here and to finalize the logo I had to print it off make sure that I flipped it upside down and I went through with a pen and pencil that is a screwdriver you print it off make sure that it looks good and make the adjustment so it looks good when it's printed and voila that is how you get this logo type obviously I've had a bit of an unfair Advantage here because I am not critiquing myself but I'm just showing you what I've done that is the job of you to kind of critique the work that I've done to me this logo is more playful more homely designed to be a bit more friendly than more corporate it's kind of a sweet irony that it's not really clean and minimal because that's what the app is but I think that's a nice juxtaposition with the brand to make it look like someone's journaling instead of someone's typing now the app icon is a huge part of this and it's really important for them to stand out and I didn't want to go minimal I wanted it to look like a journal or something that people physically use to plan and organize and collect inspiration so I created this icon here you can see this is part of the paper clip the eye at the top and it's very abstract and very subtle it works pretty well as small scale scales too as you can see in the figma so reusing just that part of the eye which is supposed to be a paper clip it's a small wink as to what the company does or what the purpose of the app is all in all I'm not trying to design a logo just to make it look good I'm trying to get across an idea what does this app do for you well it organizes you like your journaling essentially oh no this one the final one that I've created here is the best one that I created I could have chosen the more corporate one but again the brief states that it isn't a corporate identity they wanted something a bit more fun for like wedding planning yeah organizing your journals in your life taking it inspiration so here are all the logos that we've reviewed today I'd love to know your thoughts on which ones you like the most which ones you didn't thanks for all the designers who take part in these it is nerve-wracking so everyone be nice the link to all the designers are down in the description so go and check them out as well I hope you enjoyed this video if you did here's another one that I can almost guarantee that you will enjoy so go a look it's right there right there I don't know what to do at the end bits but there you go there's the video oh yeah you
Channel: Will Paterson
Views: 249,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: design, vlog, graphic, art, photoshop, illustrator, adobe, pro vs noob, fiverr logo design, i paid fiverr to monetize my youtube channel, design trends 2022, adobe photoshop, fiverr vs designer, graphic designer vs fiverr, design challenge, graphic design challenge, will paterson logo design, adobe firefly, day in the life of a graphic designer, graphic design portfolio, graphic design beginner, logo design
Id: TKdsKBd7Eo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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